Dr. Deborah L. Swensen - Hawthorn Academy · 2013-10-03 · Dr. Deborah L. Swensen Principal Please...


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Hawthorn Eagles Newsletter

Volume 3, Issue 3 Hope Newsletter October, 2013

Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone who attended Student – Led Conferences!

Thank you to everyone who supported the book fair!

Dr. Deborah L. Swensen Principal

Please join us for these

Important Dates:

Our next Town Hall meetings are as


Thursday, Oct. 23

rd 6 – 7:30 p.m.

International Baccalaureate – focus

on PYP Primary Years Program

(PYP – grades K-5)

and Middle School Years

(MYP - grades 6 – 9)

Transdisciplinary instruction.

Thursday Nov. 15

th 6 – 7:30 p.m.

Anti-bullying and

International Baccalaureate Traits.

OCTOBER DATES! Red Ribbon Week

October 7th


Regional Cross Country

October 8th

Last Day of 1st Quarter

October 16th

First Day of 2nd


October 22nd

Friday, October 25th

Box Top Dress Down Day

Halloween Parade

Middle School Dance

Be sure to print off our monthly

Calendar to keep track of the



FUNDRAISER SUCCESS! We are so excited to announce that Mr. Alm, Mrs. Moreno and Mrs. Haslam have won

our All For Books contest and will be participating in our very first Egyptian Chariot

Race! They are great supporters of our book fair and have agreed to dress up as

one of our Ancient Egyptian characters and race to the finish!!

Thank you everyone that donated their change to support the Scholastic Book Fair.

We brought in almost $90.00 and they will match it all! Woo Hoo!

We also want to thank Porter Birchum for his donation to the carnival! He alone

has helped raise over $200 for Hawthorn with just his few hours of time and his

very yummy Italian Ice. Thank your friends for helping and making our carnival

more successful for Hawthorn.

We want to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who came to the Fall Carnival. It

was a huge success and we appreciate everyone so much! With the back to school

donations and the income from the carnival, we are able to give the school a check

for $10,000!! We wouldn't be this successful without all the generous and caring

parents! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at


A special shout out as well to the Carnival Committee! Great Job!

Hawthorn Eagles Newsletter

HOPE (Hawthorn Organization of Parents and Education)

Hey Parents,

I wanted to introduce myself to you; I am Sheri Sorensen, the HOPE

president this year! I have four kids ranging from 2nd-9th grade! I am

excited to be here and excited for this year at Hawthorn Academy!

We have made it through the first few weeks of school! I can't thank

everyone who has helped in any way through Back to School Night,

Patriots Day, pizza Friday, Family Carnival, our Silent Auction, class room

help, the book fair, sports and any other thing! This school wouldn't be

what it is without all of our volunteers! I love being at the school and

always seeing you there! It makes a difference to our kids and they see

it! Already, with just a few fundraisers, we are a third of the way to our

fundraising goal for this year! Isn't that exciting!

Please continue to log your hours! It truly is important!

*This next month we have Red Ribbon Week and our Halloween parties.*

If you can help in anyway please send me a quick message and I can put

you in contact with the right people!

As always please like HOPE on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hawthorn-Academy/107577582632975

and check out our new website! www.hopehappenings.org. These two

places you will find the latest info, last minute needed help along with

some other fun stuff!

If I can help you with anything please feel free to contact me!

♡Sheri Sorensen ♡


President: Sheri Sorensen scaryelf@yahoo.com President Elect: Robin Walker robin@sandywalkers.com Treasurer: Taralee Clarke taraleeclarke@gmail.com Secretary: Brigitte Todd toddfamilia@yahoo.com Middle School Coordinator: Lori Holt byranholt@msn.com Newsletter Chair: Amara Gulsby amara.gulsby@gmail.com Website Chair: Cherideth Starr


Our next HOPE Meeting is: October 11th at 8:30 a.m. EVERYONE is invited to join us!



Climbers Dorota Misztela Mindy Hillman Megan Pettit



Climbers Taralee Clarke

Laura Holt Kelli Vorwaller

Be sure to login your volunteer time so you can get credit! You can also

email your hours to Taralee Clarke (email above) or Stephanie Rendon at

stephanierendon@wnco.com with your hours if you forgot to enter them or

if you put in any volunteer time from home.


The board in the lobby is to help motivate each family to get their 30 volunteer hours in. Each Hawthorn

family will be listed on the board and for every 5 hours, they'll earn a

sticker!!!..Then when that family reaches their “gold star” at 30 hours they

will be invited to our quarterly lunches to thank them for their time! Our

school year goal for volunteer hours is 13,000 so we need as much help as

we can get to reach that goal and make Hawthorn a success!!

Hawthorn Eagles Newsletter

We are looking forward to another strong year.


If you want to have your child learn to love books you can do the following:

Read aloud regularly to your child (10 – 15 minutes a day)

Listen to your child read Take turns choosing books

Have fun with the stories. Try using different books to make the characters come alive.

Remember that no matter the age of a student, strong language skills can help he/she be a better reader and all around student.

Hearing new words or unfamiliar words in conversation will help students understand words in their books/texts

Encourage your student to expand on answers to questions: “Why do you think so?”, “What else happened?” This will help your student learn to talk about events and give his opinion.

Writing is so important for students to master. Let him practice at home.

Write what he/she remembers about the school day. Start with a couple of sentences.

Write about his opinion on something that is happening in school, the community, the family.

We are so excited to have the opportunity to participate

in the Road to Success reading program.

The goal of the program is to encourage improvement in

literacy which will help develop daily and lifelong reading

habits, specifically by READING EVERY DAY to improve

vocabulary, proficiency, and communication skills. This is

an incentive based program for our kindergarten through

6th grades. When the student completes their class

assigned reading minutes for 5 days they earn one

ticket, if they read for 7 days they earn a 2nd ticket.

These tickets are then entered into the drawing where

the winner gets to choose a fantastic prize like an iPod

shuffle or a Scooter or a bike. This drawing will take

place approximately every 8 weeks, so there are lots of

chances to win. In addition, each classroom sets its own

reading goal and every class that reaches the classroom

goal will earn smaller prizes from our Treasure Box each

month as well as a chance to win the infamous reading

trophy for their classroom.

New this year all reading tracking is completed online by

the student or his/her parent/guardian. You should

receive account information from your student’s teacher

soon. It is simple to logon and begin tracking. If you

have any questions please contact your students teacher,

Kimberlee Telford at ktelford@hawthornacademy.org or

Debbie Wright at sdwright@xmission.com

HELP WANTED: Looking for ways to volunteer?

Room Parents, Assistants and Helpers Needed Teachers can always use help in the classroom! Contact Mindy Hillman for your Teachers Information!


Wellness Committee Needs YOU! Wellness Committee Needs You!

The HOPE Wellness Committee is planning many fun activities for the school year to help teach our

students and families about healthy lifestyles. This committee will be meeting monthly starting in

October. The actual date and time of the meeting is TBA. They are also starting to plan the 5th Annual

Family Fun Run and Healthy Living Festival for the Spring of 2014. If you want to be a part of this, then

please contact Stephanie at stephdykstra@live.com. You can also check out the blog at


Hawthorn Eagles Newsletter


Like us on Facebook!

Pizza Fridays We will be taking Pizza orders on Thursdays. Elementary

Orders will be taken in class. Middle School orders will be placed during lunch time.

We cannot accept late orders! Pizza will be served on Fridays as usual.

Can you believe it's October already? The ghosts and goblins will be haunting doorsteps looking for candy in no time! While you are busy making decorations and costumes for Halloween you might also want to use those creative juices to get your projects going for Inspirations! The theme is "My Best Day Ever", so get going and draw, paint, sculpt, photograph, dance, play music, or whatever suits your fancy. Go wild and be creative! Also, Hawthorn will be the school hosting the Regional Awards Night this year

so let's show the other schools just how awesome our students are!

Hawthorn Academy SCIENCE FAIR!

The 2013 Hawthorn Academy Science Fair is coming soon. This fair is a required

assignment for all 9th grade students and all 6th grade Science Honor students. It is

optional for all other 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. This is a great opportunity and a

fun event to put your science skills to work. Our Science Fair is on December 9th. It is

time to get started! More information will be available from your student’s science


Red Ribbon week is October 7-11. The theme is

“A Healthy Me is Drug Free!”

Please check the website for what will be going on around the school that


For help with talking to your kids about drugs and alcohol visit:

www.parentsempowered.org and www.drugfreeworld.org.

We could use more volunteers to help make this week a success. Please

contact Shannon Keller at kskeller49ers@yahoo.com or 801-755-6098 to


Hawthorn Eagles Newsletter

Look at our new website!


at Hawthorn


Basketball Open gyms started on September 3rd 3:30-4:30. Boys and Girls will alternate the weeks.

Boys open gym dates will be: 10/1, 10/15, 10/29

Girls open gym dates will be: 10/8, 10/22, 11/5


We are in danger of losing our Cross Country course due to many parents using the Pumpkin Patch lot

for carpool pick-up. Please do not monopolize their lot during carpool. The feeling is that we are

deterring their customers and jamming up their flow of traffic. Being conscientious that they are

running a business would help athletics maintain an amicable relationship for cross country.

Thank you Susan Jones- Athletic Director

Hawthorn Eagles Newsletter

News and Tidbits JUST for Middle School! Hi Middle School students, teachers and parents!

We are very excited to be appointed as the new HOPE Middle School Coordinators! We are here to help organize parent volunteers, improve communication, and mainly to help the Middle School

feel like they are a valued part of Hawthorn Academy. We are planning to help them create many new opportunities for service projects and fun activities that are more applicable to teenagers! Feel free to contact us at any time with suggestions or ideas! We are looking forward to a great year!

Laura Holt byranholt@msn.com

Middle School Fundraiser:

Beginning September 11th, middle school students will be selling trash bags, yes

trash bags!! Please help the Athletics Department get a scoreboard, the Music

Department get to Anaheim, and everyone enhance our middle school camaraderie

this year!

Hawthorn Eagles Newsletter


Hawthorn Eagles Newsletter

Last year Smith's donated $2,400 to Hawthorn Academy! through the Earn and Learn Program. Thanks to everyone who enrolled! Each fall you need to re-enroll using your Smith's Rewards card. The next time you shop at Smith's have the cashier scan the barcode below, then scan your rewards card and Smith's will donate money to Hawthorn each time you use your rewards card. You only need to have the barcode scanned once. Then give it to the person behind you in line at Smith's!

In Addition, Target's Take Charge of Education, will donate up to 1% of your purchases each time

you use your Target Red Card. Sign up for a Red Card at Target or Target.com and link it to Hawthorn Academy. When you use your Red Card you will receive 5% off of your purchases, free shipping from Target.com and earn money for Hawthorn Academy! See attached flyer for more


Hawthorn Eagles Newsletter

Hawthorn Eagles Newsletter

Hawthorn Eagles Newsletter

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4




6 7 Red Ribbon Week!

8 Red Ribbon Week! Regional Cross Country

9 Red Ribbon Week!

10 Red Ribbon Week!

11 Red Ribbon Week! Hope Meeting




13 14

15 16

Last Day of First Quarter!






20 21



First Day of Second Quarter!


Monthly Town Hall Meeting

6:00-7:30 P.M.

24 25 Halloween Parties

Middle School Dance Box Top Dress Down




27 28 29 30 31

Monthly Town Hall Meetings – All parents are invited! Mark the dates on your calendar! : Thursday October 23rd – International Baccalaureate (IB) and Primary Years Program (PYP)/November 21st – Anti Bullying and IB





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