Dreams & Money: Match 2013 Issue 3



Dreams & Money: Match 2013 Issue 3

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Tax Time Tips 2 2

Real Estate Trends 2 3




The Conference Board of Canada's latest report says the Canada has retained its "B" grade and improved its ranking from 11th since its last report card in pre-recession 2008. How? Because of the weakness of other countries and tough times of some European countries

The board says with the exception of inflation and employment growth, Canada ranks far below the highest-ranked countries on other economic indicators such as productivity and attracting global investment.

* In




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Toronto andGlobal Market


Despite its economic challenges, the United States ranks fourth, two places ahead of Canada with slightly better productivity and a higher standard of living. Norway and Australia are the top economic performers with both countries scoring "A" grades.

Norway was the top performer with income per capita, which is gross domestic product divided by popula-tion, of about US$48,000. Canada had income per capita of US$36,138, which earned it a "C" grade, the report said.

Canada got a "D" grade on attracting foreign investment while Belgium was the "runaway" leader on this kind of investment, the report said.

Canada got a "C" for the country's firms investing globally but lagged far behind the top performers, Belgium and Switzerland, the report said.

Canada Moves Up its Economic Ranking but …


Dream Issue3 11

A Statistics Canada pensions.report Friday calculates the Earlier this month, the average household owed a Bank of Canada signalled record $164.97 in market it was not as worried about debt for every $100 of debt as it had been, judging d isposable , a f te r- tax that with a “more construc-income they earned in the tive evolution of imbal-fourth quarter of 2012 — ances in the household slightly more than the sector, residential invest-previous high of $164.7 in ment is expected to decline the prior three months. further from historically

That is only a few high levels.”percentage points shy of Household borrowing where U.S. household debt levels in consumer credit, loans and mortgages reached before the country's real estate totalled $14.7 billion in the fourth market collapsed, and was a key reason quarter, led by $11 billion in mortgage why Finance Minister Jim Flaherty borrowing.tightened mortgage rules last July. By the end of the quarter, mortgage

The fourth-quarter increase in the debt hit $1.1 trillion, consumer credit debt ratio was the smallest in a year, debt stood at $477 billion and the level while household net worth actually of debt was up 5.5 per cent on an annual increased by 1.4 per cent, thanks to basis.gains in the value of stock holdings and (Source: Reuters)

5PAGESNews & ViewsDigest

Household Debt Hits Another New Record

“We will continue to see Forecasts by those modest GDP growth in economists who attended Canada . The g rowth Friday's news conference projections are slightly ranged from a low of 1.5% lower in the near term . . . this year and a high of 2.5% mainly in 2013-2014,” Jim in 2014.Flaherty told reporters after “The factors involved meeting in Ottawa with private-sector there are the continuing issues [and] economists, who provided their latest challenges in Europe and the United estimates for economic growth. States.”

Canada's real estate bonanza of the weaker prices, but not a permanent past decade has come to end and the shock and not a sharp correction."long-term trend as one of the most The bank said tighter rules for profitable places to invest is also not borrowers and lenders are only part of encouraging, a new research paper from the reason to expect prices to moderate. the TD Bank argues. Other contributing factors include the

The "special report" from one of aging population, modest growth in Canada's largest banks makes the case both the population and the economy that gains in housing prices have been and, eventually, higher interest rates.exceptionally strong over the last 10 The bank thinks the market could years, even when accounting for a sharp correct by as much as eight per cent over drop during the 2008-09 recession. But now is the time for a bit of a payback.

The report does not predict a collapse in house prices as some analysts have suggested. In fact, it sees prices rebounding after a few years of a correction to as high as eight per cent.

the next three years, but Alexander said However, the longer term trend is for it is possible that prices won't fall as home price gains to average about two much as that.per cent over the next 10 years — flat

Some forecasters, including Capital once inflation is taken into account, says Economists, have predicted a bigger TD chief economist Craig Alexander.correction is in the offing, arguing that "I do not think we have a housing houses in Canada may be overpriced by bubble in Canada," said Alexander. "We as much as 25 per cent.have had abnormal strength in the

But Alexander says that exaggerates market during a period of low interest the problem, believing the overvalu-rates and when rates go up over the next ation is closer to 10 per cent.three years, you will get a cooling and

Canada will have modest – Jim Flaherty GDP Growth

"The Canadian economy may only be growing at two per cent now, but people in Europe would love to have two per cent growth."

(Source: The Canadian Press)

House Prices to remain Flat over 10 years: TD


18 MARCH 2013MONEYDREAMS & Insure your dreams

Ÿ Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) T-slip after you have filed your return, encourages you to file electronically. don’t file another return. Just make T1 They have stopped mailing out person- Adjustment.alized tax return forms. Still if you Ÿ If you do your tax return yourself, prefer to file your paper return, you can better to use tax preparation software.pick the T1 up at Canada Post or

Ÿ Filing as a family may get better Services Canada or call for one at 1- deductions. So, if you are not a single, 800-959-8281 . file as a family.

Ÿ Last year, over 11 million Ÿ Understand tax credits and deduc-

Canadians used EFILE, an automated tions to save money on taxes. Use all service used by those who prepare and applicable tax credits and deductions. file taxes; over 5.3 million used We have a “you declare and ask for NETFILE, an electronic program for available credits” system of taxation. If Canadians that file their own taxes; over you do not know, what to declare or 300,000 used TELEFILE, a phone what to ask as credit, probably you option that has been discontinued by the could end of overpaying taxes. If you Canada Revenue Agency. discover it within the given time limit,

Ÿ But more than 10 million file T1-Adjustment and get the refund.Canadians still filed their returns on

Ÿ Ensure that your return is audit paper forms. proof tax return. It means that you have

Ÿ A resident of Canada is taxable on to keep ready all hard copies and his or her worldwide income, regardless receipts, CRA may want to see for six of where it is earned. A non-resident is years.subject to Canadian Income tax if he or

Ÿ If you have a balance owing to CRA she is employed in Canada, carries on and if you want to pay by cheque or business in the country or disposes of money order at your financial institu-taxable Canadian property. Part-year tion, better to call CRA for a pre-printed residents are also subject to tax on their form. Personalised remittance voucher, worldwide income, but only resident in completed correctly, enables CRA to Canada. Canada has tax treaties with apply your payment to the right account many countries and such tax treaties or period. Remittance vouchers are help avoid double taxation. printed using specialized ink so they can

Ÿ File your return on time ( for most be read and read processed using of the people deadline is April 30). CRA automated equipment. Photocopiers do will charge interest starting May 1, if no use this specialized ink. So you have a balance due as copies are not acceptable. CRA of April 30. contact numbers for business

Ÿ Everyone gets a basic related forms 1-800-959-personal amount of 5525; for individual income $11,038 in 2013 tax 1-800-959-8281

Ÿ When you receive a

Age Amount –

Pension Income Amount – Disability amount –

Pension income splitting – Public Transit Amount –

Registered retirement Savings Plan Medical expenses –(RRSP) –

Registered disability savings plan – Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) –

Child Disability Benefit –Goods and Services Tax /

Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) credit –

Universal child care benefit (UCCB) –

Working income tax benefit (WITB) –

You can claim this low income may be able to claim this amount if you were 65 years of age or refundable tax credit. The WITB older on December 31, 2012, and your includes a supplement for individuals net income is less than $78,684. The who qualify for the disability amount. maximum amount you can claim is Eligible individuals and families may $6,720. also apply for advance payments.

You may If you have a be able to claim up to $2,000 if you severe and prolonged impairment in reported eligible pension, superannua- physical or mental functions, and meet tion, or annuity payments on your certain conditions, you may be eligible return. to claim the disability amount.

If you’re You can receiving a pension, you may be eligible claim the cost of public transit passes, to split up to 50% of your eligible such as a monthly or annual pass, for pension income with your spouse or travel within Canada on public transit in common-law partner. 2012.

You may be Deductible RRSP contribu- able to claim a non-refundable tax credit

tions can reduce your tax bill. You have based on the cost of previously until December 31 of the year you turn unclaimed medical expenses for any 12-71 to contribute to your RRSP. month period ending in 2012.

A registered disability savings plan If you are the primary caregiver for a (RDSP) is a savings plan to help child under the age of 18, the CCTB families save for the financial security may help you with the costs of raising of a person who is eligible for the the child.disability tax credit. You may

be eligible for this tax-free benefit if you cared for a child under the age of 18 who

You may be eligible for the is eligible for the disability amount.GST/HST credit, a tax-free quarterly payment that helps individuals and If you are the primary caregiver for a families with modest incomes offset all child under the age of 6, you may be or part of the GST or HST that they pay. eligible to receive the UCCB when you

apply for the CCTB.Working individuals and families with (Source: CRA)

Ÿ G o t o r e g i s t e r t o d a y a t www.cra.gc.ca/getready to www.cra.gc.ca/ myaccount. read about some of the ways You can use this service later you can reduce your taxes to track your refund status.this year. Ÿ To file online, you need

Ÿ Gather all your infor- to complete your return mation slips and receipts as using certified software or a well as a copy of last year’s Web application. The CRA return to use as a guide for this year. But provides a list of options - some that can don't send those receipts in with your be purchased and some that are com-return! If we need to see them, we will p l e t e l y f r e e t o u s e - a t let you know. www.netfile.gc.ca/ software.

Ÿ Have you recently moved? Did Ÿ Have your social insurance number your banking information change? and date of birth on hand. That's the only Make sure the CRA has your updated information you'll need to safely and address and direct deposit information securely transfer your return to the CRA before you file. The fastest way to using NETFILE.update both is by using My Account, so

Net worth and wealth: Household SectorHousehold net worth advanced 1.4% in the fourth quarter,

led by gains in the values of equity holdings (including mutual funds) and pension assets. However, these assets grew at a slower pace than in the previous quarter, largely reflecting weaker Canadian stock markets. The Standard and Poor's / Toronto Stock Exchange composite index rose 0.9% in the quarter, compared with a 6.2% increase the previous quarter. The value of household real estate increased by 0.9% in the fourth quarter, reflecting continued investment in

housing. On a per capita basis, household net worth rose to $199,700 in the fourth quarter, from $197,400 in the previous quarter.

Funds raised by households (consumer credit, loans and mortgages) were $14.7 billion in the fourth quarter. Mortgage borrowing led the demand for funds, at $11 billion in the quarter. Mortgage debt reached $1.1 trillion and consumer credit debt stood at $477 billion by quarter-end.

Leverage was largely unchanged in the quarter. Owner's equity as a percentage of real estate remained just under 69%, and household credit market debt to disposable income remained at almost 165% in the fourth quarter. On an annual basis, the level of debt increased by 5.5% in 2012.

Weekly Statistics Canada News

Tax Time Tips ARE YOU 65 OR OLDER?Claim Your Benefits And Credits

The Top Five Steps For Preparing To File Online



REAL ESTATE TRENDS both edged lower, the national sales-to-new listings ratio was little changed at

This post is about round-up of latest 50.2 per cent in February compared to real estate news. 50.7 per cent in January. This reading

has held fairly steady around this level First CREA's news highlightsfor the past seven months. Based on a Ÿ National home sales declined 2.1% sales-to-new listings ratio of between 40 from January to February.to 60 per cent, about 60 per cent of all

Ÿ Actual (not seasonally adjusted) local markets were in balanced market

activity came in 15.8% below levels in territory in February.

February 2012.The number of months of inventory

Ÿ The number of newly listed homes is another important measure of balance

fell 1.2% from January to February.between housing supply and demand. It

Ÿ The Canadian housing market remains firmly in balanced territory.

Ÿ The national average sale price was down 1% on a year-over-year basis in February.

Ÿ The MLS® HPI rose 2.7% in February, the smallest gain since March 2011.

The number of newly listed homes fell 1.2 per cent month-over-month in February, leaving them at their lowest represents the number of months it level since November 2010. New would take to completely liquidate listings have been trending down in current inventories at the current rate of tandem with a slowdown in demand. sales activity, and it too was little This has kept the housing market in changed in February.balanced territory and held the overall Nationally, there were 6.8 months of number of homes for sale in check. inventory at the end of February 2013,

New listings were down in about 60 up from 6.6 months reported at the end per cent of local markets in February, of January.with the largest declines reported in The actual (not seasonally adjusted) Greater Toronto, Montreal, Greater national average price for homes sold in Vancouver, and Saskatoon. February 2013 was $368,895, repre-

With sales and new listings having

senting a one per cent decline from the same month last year. There were fewer sales compared to year ago levels in relatively pricey Greater Vancouver, which continues to exert a strong gravitational pull on the national average sale price. Excluding Greater Vancouver – which currently accounts for less than six per cent of national activity – from the national average price calculation yields a year-over-year increase of 1.3 per cent.

Unlike average price, the MLS® Home Price Index (MLS® HPI) is not affected by changes in the mix of sales, so it provides the best gauge of Canadian home price trends.

The Aggregate Composite MLS® HPI rose 2.7 per cent on a year-over-year basis in February. This marks the tenth time in as many months that the year-over-year gain shrank and the slowest rate of increase since March 2011.

I know, like me, you are more interested to know about Greater Toronto Area figures. That's our second news.

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) REALTORS® reported 5,759 sales through the TorontoMLS system in February 2013 – a decline of 15 per cent in comparison to February 2012

The average selling price for February 2013 was $510,580 – up two per cent in comparison to

Dreams and Money takes care to present all the information as accurately and efficiently as possible. Any advice or recommendation appearing in the paper is also part of information only. They should not be construed as an expert opinion. Please note that no representation or warranty with respect to the accuracy or the completeness of the information is given. Information always keeps changing. Hence all the information, including advice and recommendations are to be treated as of general nature only. For your specific circumstances, you are always advised to consult an expert before acting on any information.


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Review Of Global Markets

Review Of Indian Markets

Market outlook – week begins from 18 March 2013

edly fell in January as the suspension of an oil platform in the North Sea lowered Global markets traded volatile oil and gas output. European political during the past week. European and US chiefs paved the way for finance market ended negative and Asian ministers to wrangle a rescue for Cyprus markets ended with mixed trend. Asian as the euro area seeks progress toward a shares rebounded trade on improved bailout that's been batted about for nine appetite for risk assets after US jobs data months. suggested a steady recovery in the

world's largest economy.

Stronger-than-expected US retail sales data for February, upbeat US job data and investors' embracement about latest confirmation of an expanding economy supported the market trend. Chinese data that gave off some weaker economic signals, while a downgrade for Italy at the end of last week weighed on peripheral markets.

US jobless claims fell by 10,000 last week to 332,000 the second lowest level in five years and below forecasts centered on a result near 350,000. US Indian Market slides during the week producer prices rose by 0.7% in as investors turn cautious ahead of RBI's February after lifting by 0.2% in policy review. The market declined last January. But excluding food and energy week on fears that the Reserve Bank of prices rose by 0.2% in February, the India may not cut interest rates at its same as January and in line with mid-quarter review of Monetary Policy forecasts. 2012-13 on 19 March 2013, amid rising

China's industrial production and retail inflation. Weakness in global retail sales rose less than forecast in the markets also dented sentiments. Market first two months of the Calendar year fell in four out of five trading sessions. 2013; factory output increased 9.9% Sensex fell 1.30% to 19,427.56 and from a year earlier. Retail sales jumped Nifty fell 1.23% to 5,872.60 in the week 12.3% and fixed-asset investment ended 15 March 2013. Consumer price excluding rural households rose 20.7%, inflation edged up further in February Consumer prices rose a more-than- 2013. Non-food manufacturing estimated 3.2% in February. inflation or core inflation eased to three-

year low of 3.8% in February 2013 from Japan's machinery orders plunged 4.1% in January 201313% in January, the biggest decline in

eight months. Australian employers boosted payrolls in February by the most in almost 13 years. The Bank of Market may follow the decision to be Korea kept its key rate on hold at 2.75% taken in RBI review meeting in the forth for a fifth consecutive month, as coming week. The Reserve Bank of inflation remained below the South India's (RBI) decision on key policy rate Korean central bank's target range. at mid-quarter monetary policy review German exports rose more than econo- on Tuesday, 19 March 2013, will set the mists forecast in January, adding to trend for the market next week. signs that Europe's largest economy is

Ahead of the data, RBI Governor D. gathering momentum after a contraction

Subbarao said that inflation above 6% in the fourth quarter.

demands a tightening of monetary UK industrial production unexpect- policy, taking a hawkish line on infla-

market over the next few months.

On the global front, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) holds a two-day meeting on the interest rates in

tion. The RBI has to ensure that inflation the United States on 19 and 20 March is brought down to the threshold level 2013. Questions remain about the and is maintained there, Subbarao said potential impact of US budget negotia-at a speech at the London School of tions or the Federal Reserve's plans in Economics. He said the threshold continuing its massive monetary inflation level for India above which stimulus. inflation hurts growth prospects is 4% to Even though markets trade with 6%. volatility, fundamentally strong

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Global Indian Market and Weekly Review - Week Ended 15 March 2013

The Toronto Stock Exchange's S&P/TSX composite index (.GSPTSE) closed at 12, 830.03 (previous week: 12, 835.61) . Thus for the week, the TSX slipped 0.04 percent due to a steep 1 percent slide on Wednesday, while U.S. markets made gains over the five-day period. Five of the TSX's 10 subgroups ended the weekly session higher. Notable among them are financials and energy sectors. Oil and natural gas prices and touched its highest level since early November. Analysts said the group is showing signs of breaking out of the range it has been stuck in. Among declining groups, consumer staples fell 0.31 percent, as food retailers took modest losses.

Economic data on Friday was mixed, as U.S. industrial production data was stronger than expected, while Canadian figures showed slower housing activity and Canadian consumer indebtedness holding at record levels.

The Canadian dollar was at 98.11 (previous week 97.17) cents US.

The Dow Jones industrials closed at 14,514.11 ( last week 14,397.07), the Nasdaq at 3,244.37 (last week 3,244.37) and the S&P 500 index was at 1560.70 (last week 1,551.18).

Source : Yahoo Finance

Tsx Trading RangeIs InTSX Trend From Mar.11, 2013 to Mar.16, 2013

TSX Trend From Mar.16, 2012 to Mar.15, 2013

Real Esate Trends The sale of high-end homes has slowed considerably since last fall. And From Pg.3listings have been down significantly February 2012.across the GTA since 2009. In some

The MLS® HPI Composi te high-demand areas, such as the Junction Benchmark price covering all major Triangle, house listings are now half of home types eliminates fluctuations in what they were four years ago, accord-price growth due to changes in sales ing to the Toronto Real Estate Board mix. The Composite Benchmark price (TREB).was up by more than three per cent on a

Why? Possible reasons: Baby year-over-year basis in February.boomers are staying put, opting to

The real news of the week is sale of a renovate rather than move or downsize. house in west end of Toronto. It sold for TREB blames the tightening of mort-almost $200,000 over asking price gage lending rules last July, as well as thanks to a frenzy of activity that saw 40 Toronto's double land transfer tax which people register bids on the detached makes it costlier to move.home.

Many buyers and sellers may well be According to the news reports, seven spooked by all the recent talk of a

potential buyers pulled out at the last housing bubble and don't want to risk minute Monday night before the listing taking on bigger mortgages.agent took the pile of bids for the owners

"There are still bidding wars in to review — some with deposit cheques pockets of the city, but buyers are very of $100,000.well-informed about the market value.


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