Drug and Alcohol Presentation 2014 GenMclane · Marijuana candy is made with highly concentrated...


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Attorney General !  Chief law enforcement official of the

Commonwealth. !  Protects citizens by prosecuting criminal

offenses that are multi-jurisdiction as well enforcing regulations relating to consumer protection issues.

!  Represents the Commonwealth against all law suits.

EDUCATION & OUTREACH PROGRAMS !  “Truth & Choices” – Shane’s Story: addresses drug/

alcohol abuse !  “Consequences”-addresses prescription drug use

among teens. !  “Operation Safe Surf”

–  addresses dangers of internet predators !  “Faux Paw - theTechno Cat”

–  In a partnership with Internet Keep Safe Coalition addresses internet safety for young children.

!  “Sticks & Stones” –  addresses cyber bullying.

!  “Senior Crime Prevention University” – educate senior citizens about identity theft and scams that target seniors.

Q/A ! How many of you believe your child

has been exposed to drugs/alcohol? ! How many of you know someone

who has overdosed? ! How many of you know a drug

dealer? ! How many of you consider

prescription drugs to be dangerous?

Why is this important? !  Addiction is a disease, not a weakness,

Addiction has no bias –  Don’t think “not my child”

!  Law Enforcement Outlook PAST PRESENT

Addict/Junkie Disorder

Criminal Misguided

Arrest Recovery/Treatment

Schedule of Controlled Substances

!  Schedule I – high potential for abuse with no accepted medicinal use in U.S. –  (heroin, LSD, Ecstasy, marijuana)

!  Schedule II – high potential for abuse which may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. Limited medicinal use with severe restrictions. –  (cocaine, meth, oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl)

!  Schedule III – potential for abuse which may lead to moderate physical and high psychological dependence.

!  Schedule IV – low potential for abuse with limited physical and psychological dependence.

!  Schedule V – low potential for abuse and limited physical dependence.

“STAPLE” ILLICIT DRUGS !  Marijuana !  Cocaine - powder/”crack” !  Heroin – morphine based !  Methamphetamine – “crank” !  Club/party drugs – “ecstasy” !  Special “K” - ketamine !  Steroids !  GHB – “date rape drug” !  PCP – “wet” !  LSD

THC: !  The main ingredient in marijuana responsible

for its psychoactive, or mood altering, effects is a cannabinoid called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or "THC" for short.

!  In combination with other cannabinoids, the amount of THC in marijuana determines the strength of the effect of the drug.

!  Increased THC levels are directly attributed to more sophisticated cultivation methods utilized by high tech grow labs to genetically alter marijuana.

Street Names: ! Cannabis, marijuana, pot, reefer,

buds, grass, weed, dope, ganja, herb, boom, gangster, Mary Jane, joint, hash, hash oil, blow, blunt, green, Thai sticks; Roach

Route of Administration: !  Marijuana is usually smoked as a

cigarette (‘joint’) or in a pipe or bong. !  Hollowed out cigars packed with

marijuana are also common and are called joints and blunts are often laced with adulterants including PCP or crack cocaine. Joints can also be dipped in liquid PCP or in codeine cough syrup.

!  Marijuana is also orally ingested.

Marijuana Options: !  Marijuana infused products, commonly

referred to as ‘edibles’. !  Edibles come in many different varieties,

including tinctures (alcohol and glycerin based extractions), cooking oils, premade desserts, drinks, snack foods, candies, and even chewing gum.

Marijuana Candy: PRODUCTION OF MARIJUANA CANDY: !  Marijuana candy is made with highly

concentrated marijuana oil or extract. !  The hard candies are made like any

other candy using corn syrup, water, sugar, coloring and flavoring.

!  Marijuana oil or extract containing concentrated THC is added to the mixture. The oil is made by grinding marijuana into a fine powder, heating it in vegetable oil.

Production of chocolate: !  Even though the marijuana candy may

not appear suspicious, it still gives off a distinct marijuana odor when the packaging is opened.

!  It may be branded and wrapped in commercial packaging, which closely resembles other known popular brands.

!  It may also be wrapped in bags or wrappers appearing to be homemade.

Marijuana Chocolate:

SEIZURES IN NEIGHBORING STATES: !  In October, 2013, West Chester

University Police seized over 40 pounds of THC-laced candy from an apartment at the university.

!  The candy was in various shapes, sizes and, colors.

!  Considering the time of year of the seizure, police were concerned that the candy could wind up in Halloween bags.

Marijuana Wax: !  Also known as "ear wax," or simply

"wax," this marijuana concentrate is more powerful.

!  Far more powerful. Because it allegedly leads to a quicker, stronger high, wax is said to be the strongest form of marijuana on the market.

Marijuana Wax:

Marijuana and Butane: !  Marijuana wax is more than 80% pure

THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. Compare that with the average marijuana leaf with 20% to 30% TCH, according to reports.

!  These kitchen chemists who make wax use long tubes packed full of marijuana leaves. They then shoot compressed butane through the tube. Butane leeches THC producing wax substance.

Synthetic Marijuana !  Legally sold in “head” shops and over internet

as herbal incense. Also called ‘Spice”. !  Synthetic cannabinoids are 4 to 5 times more

potent than THC in conventional marijuana. !  Over 700 calls for adverse reactions were

reported to poison control centers across U.S. !  Increased heart rate, confusion and

hallucinations have been reported.

Names Of Synthetic Marijuana !  Caution, Rasta Masta, Grim Reaper,

Platinum, Deadly Cobra, Nightmare Revisited, Sexy, Red Black Blue Venom, Super Kush, Down to Earth Climax, XXX, Green Giant, MG, Diablo, Mr. Big Shot, Mr. Happy, WTF, Kush, Darkness, Tiger Shark, Devil’s Wrath, Mr. Sticky, Super Stank, Gold Caution, Cloud 9, Flame, White Rhino, Yum Yum, Barely Legal, Kracum, Liberty Bell Red or Blue or Yellow

Unwanted Side Effects: !  Problems with memory and learning !  Distorted perception !  Difficulty with thinking and problem

solving !  Loss of coordination !  Increased heart rate !  Anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks

What is a Bath Salt? !  The synthetic cathinone products

marketed as “bath salts” to evade detection by authorities should not be confused with products such as Epsom salts that are sold to improve the experience of bathing.

!  Bath salts typically take the form of a white or brown crystalline powder and are sold in small plastic or foil packages labeled “not for human consumption.”

Bath Salts: Sold under such names: "  Ivory Wave, Bliss, White Lightning,

Hurricane Charlie, Ivory Wave, Red Dove, Vanilla Sky and Scarface.

"  Flakka Unwanted Side Effects: •  Chemicals can cause hallucinations,

paranoia, rapid heart rates and suicidal thoughts.

•  Can lead to a heart attack or stroke

Flakka !  DEA (April 14, 2015): Flakka is a

tweaked version of bath salts (synthetic compound). –  causes heart palpitations and aggressive,

violent behavior –  use of the drug can affect the kidneys,

leading to kidney failure or death !  Closest thing to crack cocaine since 1995

–  adverse reactions, inexpensive, availability

Heroin comes from: China, Mexico, the mountains

around the borders of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan

How do we get Heroin: !  Heroin is an illegal, highly addictive drug

processed from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties of poppy plants.

!  It is typically sold as a white or brownish powder that is “cut” with sugars, starch, powdered milk, or quinine.

Heroin in PA: !  A report released fall of 2014 by Center for

Rural Pennsylvania estimated 34,000 people aged 12 to 17 try heroin annually in Pennsylvania.

!  Officials have said heroin has become cheaper and easier to get than beer or wine, selling for $10 per bag or less.

!  Among (Cumberland) county prison inmates, the number who arrive needing drug detox has grown by nearly 75 percent during the past two years.

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Heroin: Trafficking (Western PA) !  Dealers preying on smaller communities

in Western & Central PA !  Purity of heroin is high at a low price

–  Stamp bags: $8-$20 –  Bundles: $70-$150 –  Bricks: $300-$500

!  Bags “stamped” with logos to identify specific drug trafficking organizations or geographic areas.

Heroin stamp bags: Trafficking (Erie County) !  Opposed to heroin making its way into

Erie in stamp bags, heroin hit the streets here in bulk form. –  Sold in chunk form, appearing brown, gray,

or white in color !  At some point, the heroin is generally cut

and repackaged for distribution. –  Packaged in common items consisting of

paper pieces, magazine pieces, plastic bag pieces ($200 for a gram quantity)

Fentanyl-laced trend (U.S.) !  A potent synthetic opioid introduced into

the medical practice as an intravenous anesthetic.

!  Intense euphoric effects, reports indicate 0.10mg of pure fentanyl can be deadly. Visibly, that amount is about the size of a pinhead or a few grains of table salt.

Fentanyl Abuse: !  Use of multiple patches. !  Chewing of patches. !  Boiling of patches. !  Chewing on patch while injecting heroin.

!  Addiction is severe and withdrawal symptoms are debilitating.

!  March 18, 2015: DEA nationwide alert –  significant threat to public health and safety

Routes of Administration: !  Highly pure heroin can be snorted or

smoked and may be more appealing to new users because it eliminates the stigma associated with injection drug use.

!  It can also be injected with a needle. !  It can also be smoked: users will call this

process “Chasing the Dragon”.

Unwanted Side Effects : !  Nausea /Vomiting !  Shallow and slowed breathing !  Slowed pulse rate !  Constipation !  Itching !  Dry mouth !  Slurred and slow speech !  Reduced coordination !  Insomnia !  Coma (from overdose) !  Respiratory failure (from overdose) !  Death (from overdose) !  Tetanus (from sharing needles) !  Hepatitis B and C (from sharing needles) !  HIV (from sharing needles)

ALCOHOL ABUSE: !  Legal drinking age is still “21”. !  Abuse among middle school aged

children is often a precursor to drug abuse.

!  Like prescription drugs alcohol is easily accessible to those underage.

!  Millions of dollars are spent on catchy ads and commercials that glorify alcohol consumption.

“Boozy Bears" or “Drunken Gummies“: !  Alcohol-laden candies that kids as

young as middle-school-aged may be eating right under their teachers' noses.

!  Kids soaking gummies in alcohol and bringing them to school in clear plastic bags.

!  Put gummies in a flat cake pan and fill with alcohol. It absorbs within 24 hours, expanding the little bears to twice their size.

Vodka Gummies:

Vodka Soaked Tampons: !  Tampons are first soaked in vodka, and

then used. !  Because they are completely saturated,

the alcohol is absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

!  Guys will also use it and they'll insert it into their rectums.

Smarties Candy: !  Cuts — if the Smarties have not been

finely crushed, pieces may act like razor blades cutting the tissue with which they come in contact.

!  Infection — sugar residue may remain in the nasal cavity, sinuses and/or lungs. This residue may lead to infections, cough, wheezing, and possible respiratory arrest.

Smarties: !  Scarring of the nasal cavity — anything snorted can lead to scarring of the nasal passages. Also if a piece of the Smartie becomes lodged in the nasal cavity it may need to be removed by a specialist.

!  Irritation of the lungs — smoking or snorting Smarties can lead to a smoker’s cough which can cause laryngospasms causing the voice box to spasm or close.

Lip Balm: !  The new trend is called ‘Beezin’, where

students put a thin layer of Burt’s Bees on their eyelids.

!  Students claim it increases their sensation of getting high or drunk.

!  causes a burning sensation.

Warning: !  Doctors are issuing a warning; it’s very

dangerous. !  They say the tingling sensation is

caused by the peppermint oil in the Chapstick.

!  They say the trend could cause symptoms that mimic Pink eye, and your eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of your body.

Rx Drug Classifications: ! Opioids – analgesics

prescribed to treat pain. ! CNS Depressants – prescribed

to treat anxiety disorders. ! Stimulants – prescribed to treat


Pennsylvania Rx Drug Problem !  In 1999 PA drug induced mortality rate was 8.1 per

100,000. Since 1999, PA drug induced mortality rates increased by 89% to 15.3 per 100,000 in 2010.

!  PA ranks in as the 14th state with the highest drug overdose mortality rate and exceeds the national rate of 12.8 per 100,000.

!  In 2009, the number of people who died from drug overdoses was 1,983; this exceeds the number of people who died from motor vehicle crashes 1,378.

!  It has also exceeded the number of deaths caused by firearms (1,349).

Source: Pennsylvania Drug Control Update http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/state_profile_-_pennsylvania.pdf

Prescription Drug Diversion: ! Doctor shopping ! Illegal internet pharmacies ! Drug theft ! Prescription forgery ! Illicit prescribing by physicians ! Unlike illegal drugs, people can obtain them through legal channels ! Illusion of safety

Opiates: ! Pain is a natural response to a stimuli to protect the body from further damage ! Pain message is sent from nerve cell to nerve cell via neurotransmitter ! Opioid medications work by limiting release of neurotransmitters

OxyContin Abuse: !  Schedule II controlled substance. !  Synthetic opiate designed to treat

moderate pain over (12) hour period. !  When abused it is usually crushed/

snorted or liquefied/injected to produce heroin-like high.

!  Rate on illicit market usually $1/mg.

Fentanyl: !  Schedule II controlled substance. !  Extremely potent synthetic opiate.

–  Duragesic - transdermal patch applied to skin. –  Actiq - lozenge on a stick dissolves orally. –  Sublimaze – injectable used in operating rooms. –  Fentora – pill designed to dissolve in mouth. –  Methylfentanyl- produced in clandestine labs

and mixed with street heroin. First appeared in 1980’s as “China White” and resurfaced in April 2006 causing hundreds of overdose deaths.

Methadone Abuse: !  Schedule II controlled substance. !  Poisoning deaths have increased 390%

Highest among all opiate based analgesics.

!  Historically used to treat heroin addiction but prescribing for pain management has increased dramatically within medical community over the past few years.

Demerol Abuse: !  Schedule II narcotic prescribed to treat

post surgical pain. !  Clear liquid in vials or pill form. !  Medical staff is most at risk for abuse

due to accessibility and stressful work environment.

!  Liquid removed from vials and replaced with saline solution.

Hydrocodone Abuse: !  Commonly known as Vicodin. !  Schedule II controlled substance is now

tracked by schedule II reporting system. Must canvass pharmacies to obtain accurate measure of addiction.

!  Abuse is popular among doctors, nurses and pharmacists.

!  Addiction is gradual but can escalate quickly due to increase in tolerance level.

!  Abuse can also lead to liver failure due to complications from acetaminophen toxicity.

!  ER visits rose 123%.

Parents Beware! !  “Pharming” parties – kids raid

parents’ prescription drugs then combine them in a bowl and ingest them randomly.

!  (64%) of young abusers obtained their supply of Rx drugs from family and friends.

!  Pharming Parties are also being called “FRUIT SALAD” or “SKITTLES” parties by students.

!  Due to the color of the pills that are in the bowl.

!  Also to not gain the attend of teachers/parents.

Resources !  www.attorneygeneral.gov !  Anonymous Tips

–  Text 847411 –  PADRUGS or PAKIDS + Your tip

!  Drug Suspicion Hotline –  1-800-442-8006

!  Addiction Hotline (www.recovery.org) –  1-888-249-7292

Specialist Jack Ogden 4801 Atlantic Avenue

Erie, PA 16506 (814) 836-4355: office

(814) 490-1470: cell jogden@attorneygeneral.gov

SSSA Janene Holter
