Due diligence services brochure green shoots




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Green Shoots SquareDue Diligence Services for Investors

All growth depends upon activity. There

is no development

physically or intellectually without effort,

and effort means work.

Calvin Coolidge

Wedare to be


Green Shoots Capital Square (‘GSC2’) is an operational due-diligence consultancy serving the single-manager investor community.

GSC2’s DD prowess and operational-risk focus relies on the hands-on prior experience of its team with leading alternative asset managers and fund service providers, including inter alia the set-up and operation of the Man Investments Trader Hotel, a seeding and incubation platform for early-stage hedge funds.

Excellence in Alternatives

GSC2views operational due diligence as comprising the discovery and ‘flagging’ of obvious or hidden operational risks, the provision of clear pertinent notification(s) or the confirmation of appropriateness and suitability, as the case may be, and the highlighting of potentially problematic areas and issues that require closer attention and examination – whether these apply to a hedge-fund start-up or to a multi-billion-dollar fund.

GSC2 services single-manager investors either via holistic, ‘360-degree’ operational due diligence, or via a modular approach which focuses only on highlighted areas of concern which are not already covered by the investor’s in-house capabilities.

Price List

Complete Manager Due Diligence Package CHF 30.000

An independent third-party assessment and quantitative analysis of the investment strategy and investment risk management strategy.

A holistic approach covering all operational risk areas of the Fund and an on-site visit to validate findings from document requests, phone interviews and email correspondence. On completion, the service includes a full report with a scorecard summary, risk red flags, risk highlights and advice on reducing risks where applicable. Depending on the Fund and Manager structure this service can evidence up to 60 documents in the due diligence process.

Five Stage process:

Document RequestEnquiry Question list ADrill-down Question list BSite Visit with Key StaffAnalysis & Report Write up

All above are subject to Swiss VAT if applicable, plus expenses

Price List

Operational Manager Due Diligence Package CHF 23.000

A holistic approach covering all operational risk areas of the Fund and an on-site visit to validate findings from document requests, phone interviews and email correspondence. On completion, the service includes a full report with a scorecard summary, risk red flags, risk highlights and advice on reducing risks where applicable. Depending on the Fund and Manager structure this service can evidence up to 60 documents in the due diligence process.

Five Stage process:

Document RequestEnquiry Question list ADrill-down Question list BSite Visit with Key StaffAnalysis & Report Write up

All above are subject to Swiss VAT if applicable, plus expenses

Price List

Investment Strategy & Risk Package CHF 8.000

An independent third-party assessment and quantitative analysis of the investment strategy and investment risk management strategy.

All above are subject to Swiss VAT if applicable, plus expenses

Price List

Modules CHF 3.200 each

I: Fund Legal Structure and PPM Summary of terms relevant to investors

II: Fund Manager Background, Ownership, Legal Structure, Staff Bios and Organisation

III: Applications , Technology and Business Continuity

IV: Investor Servicing, Trading , Operations, Accounting

V: Fund Governance & Oversight: Regulation, Compliance, Insurance & Audit

VI: Operational Risks, Credit Risk Exposure and Investment Risk Measures

VII: Valuation and NAV; assessment of level 1 , 2 and 3 instruments exposure and questionable pricing methods

VIII: Fee Analysis (front load , management , performance, anti-dilution, investor subscription & redemption terms, lockup , hidden costs etc )

IX: Fund forced closure implications and AUM Investor Breakdown

X: Asset Custody, Asset Verification, Asset Transfers & Trading Relationships; Collateral Management, Liquidity & Leverage

XI: Site visit , write up and score-card

XII: Book a team member for a day of training, review or business development guidance

All modules include an appropriate report with comments and recommendations; normally not exceeding 5 pages. New module risk areas can be defined by the client and a price quoted accordingly.

All above are subject to Swiss VAT if applicable, plus expenses

Green Shoots Capital LLC | Grundstrasse 11    

6343 Rotkreuz, Zug | Switzerland

Tel.: +41 41 500 6466 | Fax: +41 41 500 6467  

 email: info@greenshoots.ch | www.greenshoots.ch
