EdTech Updates Sep 2013


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7/29/2019 EdTech Updates Sep 2013

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 As a classroom teacher, I was

regularly approached by my stu-

dents and their parents for re-

placement copies of assignments

and forms as well as reminders for

tasks, homework, and deadlines. I

used to participate in what I now 

call a “power struggle” because I

felt that my seventh graders

should be responsible enough to

keep track of their work and also

innovative enough to solve the

problems of misplaced items on

their own. I really thought that it

 wasn’t up to me to provide the

extras, and therefore did it be-


But, my hypocrisy struck me as I was going through the process of 

filling out my DMV registration

form—a form that had

“disappeared” from my desk at

home. Do I call the DMV? Do I

drive down and go ask to speak to

someone and tell them my sad

story? No! Thankfully, the DMV 

has a comprehensive, user-

friendly website that is just wait-

ing for needy people like myself.

Forms are easy to find and I was

able to take care of the whole

process electronically.

It was this experience that really 

helped me to see all students as

little versions of you and me—

people who might need the extra

reminder or replacement copy.

So, it is with this in mind that I

developed my classroom website.

My objective was simple: create a

 website that helped my students

and their families feel prepared

for the learning in my classroom.

Building Your Web Presence By Cate Tolnai

Tool of the Month for




Stay tuned for

Outlook support that focuses on

a variety of topics like: distribu-

tion list creation, Calendar crea-

tion and sharing, management of 

tasks and appointments, or-

ganization, cleaning, and mainte-

nance of your In Box, and more!


September 2013

Volume 1, Issue 2

EdTech Updates

Recommended Free

Classroom Website


There are several free options

for web hosting of classroom

sites. Check out which one is

 your “right fit!” 

◊ Edlio: the District web host

that offers a simple platform

to build informative webpages

◊ Weebly : an attractive drag-n-

drop webpage builder that is a

great next step for teachers

ready to add some media and

spunk to their page 

◊ Schoology : an interactive

option that offers advanced

features like a communication

platform between users and

teacher similar to a blog or

online bulletin board 

Ongoing Instructional Technology Support


Technology Trainings

 Join me from 3:00-4:00pm in

the District Training Center for

support on the following tools:

Teacher Web Pages: 9/25

Outlook Beyond Email: 10/16

 What that meant to me was

regularly updating my Home page

 with announcements and down-

loadable documents for quick and

easy access. Class syllabus and

expectations? Front and center! If 

I referred to it, it appeared on my 

Home page. It also meant that I

needed to be diligent about up-

dating the Homework and

Projects page of my site. Finally, it

meant that I showcased student

learning through video, photos,

and narrative explanations.

I challenge each of you to think 

about WHY you have a classroom

 website. In doing so, I think you

 will get closer to developing a webpresence that matches your voice,

the character of your learning

space, and your goals as the

professional in the classroom.

Introducing Our New Technology Support Team!

I’m thrilled to introduce our

technology support liaisons for

the 2013-2014 school year! These

individuals are willing to not only 

share their knowledge of 

technology and integration, but

also gain more knowledge

through professional

development, social networking,

and research. Join me in

recognizing and thanking them in

advance for the help they have (or

 will) provide to each of us.

HCP: Steve Harber, Patty Carter

Loomis: Susan McQueen

Franklin: Lori Jenkins

LBCS: Justin VonSpreckelsen

Penryn: Becky Connolly 

Ophir: Lisa Radoycis

Placer: Todd Wright

Look for them in their bright

blue shirts!

A Website Just for Us

www.LUSDeducators.org Check out our one-stop shop

for all things related to

technology and curriculum!

 Join our Facebook Family! Check out the great resources!

 www.facebook.com/groups/LUSDeducators/  www.LUSDeducators.org
