Educational Events€¦ · plant of Parle Products Pvt Ltd at Bhuj. Parle is one of the leading...


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DIET e-Newsletter, January 2020

Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology 1

Educational Events

Workshop on Introduction to Arduino

Department of Electrical Engineering organized a Two Days Workshop on Introduction toArduino on 9-10 Jan., 2020 for students of BE Sem. 6 at the Department. The workshop coveredtopics like introduction to Arduino and MEGA 2560 board, its programming environment alongwith hands-on activity covering 15+ projects involving interfacing and programming of differentperipherals like DC motor, servo motor, humidity, temperature, ultrasonic and other types ofsensors, keyboards, display unit, etc. The workshop was organized as a part of various skilldevelopment activities under SSIP nodal center at the Institute.

Workshop on Practical Aspect of Water Resource Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering organized a workshop on Practical Aspects of Water ResourceEngineering on 28 – 29 Jan., 2020 for students of BE Sem. 6 at the Department. Mr. M. Khan,Research Officer, GERI–Vadodara, Dr. N. J. Shrimali, Associate Professor, MS University–Vadodaraand Mr. J. B. Kagathra, Former Special City Engineer, RMC-Rajkot were the invited experts.Various topics like introduction to physical model based techniques for complex flow problems,different types of hydraulic structures, design of irrigation canals, design of sewage and watertreatment plants, etc., were covered during the workshop. It also included field visit to sewagetreatment plant at Raiya Dhar, Rajkot.

Workshop on Revit Architecture

Department of Civil Engineering in collaboration withKhodiyar CADD Centre, Rajkot organized One DayWorkshop on Revit Architecture on 4 Jan., 2020. Theworkshop included demonstrations of 3D modellingand planning in the field of architectural drawings. Theworkshop was aimed to expose students to one of thecareer options as Planner.

DIET e-Newsletter, January 2020

Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology 2

Educational Events

Workshops on AutoCAD and Introduction to Robotics

Department of Electrical Engineering organized a skill development workshop on AutoCAD forfinal year students at the Department on 4 Jan., 2020. Mr. Jintendra Kochale, Autodesk CertifiedTrainer from Khodiyar CAD Center Pvt. Ltd. was the invited expert. During the workshop heexplained importance and application of CAD in the field of Electrical Engineering. Varioussessions covered introduction and overview of software, various tools to prepare electricaldrawings, and hands-on sessions for students to practice different types of electrical drawings.The workshop was organized as a part of various skill development activities under SSIP nodalcenter at the Institute.

Another workshop was organized by the Department on Introduction to Robotics for thestudents of BE Sem. 4 on 23 Jan., 2020. The workshop was aimed to introduce concepts ofprogrammable systems and hardware-software interfacing through interesting learningplatform of robotics. The activity was part of different activities at e-Yantra Robotics Laboratoryat the Institute which is set-up in association with IIT-Bombay. Students performed varioushands-on activities on beginners robots like Spark V and Qu-bots.

Workshop on Energy Audit and Measuring Instruments

Department of Electrical Engineering organized one dayworkshop on Energy Audit and Measuring Instrumentsfor students of BE Sem. 6 at the Department on 1 Jan.,2020. The program included live demonstration ofvarious measuring instruments like Power Analyser, DataLogger, Harmonic Analyzer, Fuel gas Analyzer, ThermalImager, Tachometer, Stroboscope, IR gun typethermometer, Manometer, Anemometer, UltrasonicFlowmeter, Earth Tester, Insulation Resistance Tester,Lux Meter etc. Details of various activities carried out byEnergy Management Cell at the Department were alsohighlighted. The procedure of energy audit was alsoexplained for better understanding.

Similar program was also conducted for students ofDepartment of Electrical Engineering of DE Sem. 4 and 6on 22 Jan. 2020.

DIET e-Newsletter, January 2020

Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology 3

Educational Events

Expert Talk on Structural Practices in Construction

Department of Civil Engineering in collaboration withRotary Club of Rajkot Greater organized an expert talk onStructural Practices in Civil Engineering on 8 Jan., 2020for their students of BE Sem. 6. The talk was delivered byMr. Dilip Ladani, Founder, Ladani Associates. During thetalk the expert explained various innovative techniquesthat are practiced of planning to improve usability ofvarious building services.

Seminar on GATE Examination

Department of Electrical Engineering organized a seminaron Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATEexamination) for their students of BE Sem. 4 on 10 Jan.,2020. Mr. Govind Solanki from ICE academy was the invitedspeaker. During the seminar different topics like multipleobjectives of GATE examination, its syllabus, pattern ofexamination and preparation strategies were discussed.Mock exam session was also arranged in the concludingpart of the seminar to give students idea about GATE.

Industrial Visit at Sardar Sarovar Nigam Limited and Parle Products Pvt. Ltd.

Department of Mechanical Engineering at Institute of Diploma Studies organized an industrialvisit of Sardar Sarovar Nigam Limited (SSNL) and Parle Products Pvt Ltd on 10-11 Jan., 2020 fortheir students of DE sem. 6. The Sardar Sarovar Project is one of the largest water resourcesproject of India covering four major states namely Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat andRajasthan. Narmada Main Canal is a contour canal and is the biggest lined irrigation canal in theworld. It also has large electric power generation facility. During the visit student were able tounderstand details of a large scale engineering project. Along with this students also visitedplant of Parle Products Pvt Ltd at Bhuj. Parle is one of the leading manufacturers of biscuits andconfectionery in India. During the visit students were able to observe the overall productionsystem and also the 5- S safety system followed at the plant.

DIET e-Newsletter, January 2020

Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology 4

Educational Events

Industrial Visit of Radiant Energy Solutions, R V Beverages and Feris Spintex

Students of DE Sem. 4 and Sem. 6 of Department ofElectrical Engineering visited Radiant Energy Solutions Pvt.Ltd. on 3 Jan., 2020. The firm is associated withmanufacturing of the line insulator, pin insulator,suspension insulators from silicon rubber compound andfiber glass rod. The company also manufactures digitalenergy meters used by different distribution companies inGujarat.

Students also visited R V Beverages (Avier Water) and FerisSpintex Pvt. Ltd on 9 Jan., 2020. R V Beverages aremanufacturers of packaged drinking water with a fullyautomatic plant. Students were able to see conveyor drivenassembly line mechanism. Feris Spintex Pvt. Ltd aremanufactures of fabric products from cotton. The industry isequipped with high-grade machines for different processeslike spinning, knitting and weaving. Students were able tostudy distributed and well maintained electric network withcentral monitoring and control.

Industrial Visit at Amul Industries Pvt. Ltd. and Impetus Prolific Pvt. Ltd.

Student of DE Sem. 4 at Department ofMechanical Engineering visited AmulIndustries Pvt Ltd and Impetus Prolific Pvt Ltdat Aji GIDC, Rajkot-Bhavnagar Highway, Rajkoton 11 Jan., 2020. The basic objective of thevisit was to give practical exposure to variousindustrial manufacturing processes therebyrelating academic and field concepts. Studentduring the visit also interacted with companypersonnel to learning about industrial workingsystem.

Industrial Visit at Adani Port, Mundra

Students of DE Sem. 6 visited Adani Port, Mundraon 9 Jan., 2020. The visit was planned as a part ofacademic activity particularly related to thesubject of Railway, Harbour and TunnelEngineering being studied currently. During thevisit students were able to study different units ofport and their functioning.

DIET e-Newsletter, January 2020

Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology 5

Educational Events

Field Survey on Axle Load Measurement in collaboration with RMC

Students of BE Sem. 6 of Department of Civil Engineering conducted a field survey on Axle LoadMeasurement at 80 ft. Punit Nagar Main Road, Rajkot during 9-10 Jan., 2020. It was a continuous48 hour survey and was sanctioned by Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC). The data collectedfrom the survey are helpful in determining Axle Load spectrum which is one of the main inputparameters for design of pavements.

Industrial visit to Perth Ceramics Pvt. Ltd.

Students of BE Sem. 4 and 6 at Department of ElectricalEngineering visited Perth Ceramics Pvt. Ltd., Morbi, on 24 Jan.,2020 as part of regular academic activities. Ceramic industriesare large manufacturing units with large variety of electricalequipment and automation systems. Perth Ceramics Pvt. Ltd. isone of the leading industries in the region using advancetechnologies in manufacturing ceramic products. Students wereable to study complete electric network at factory premisesalong with motors and drives of different types and capacitiesand automation systems. Students were able to appreciateapplication of various concepts that they study in subjects.

Clean Campus Campaign Under Swachh Bharat Mission

As a part of Swachh Bharat Mission, Clean Campus Campaign was celebrated at the Institute on 4Jan., 2020. Around 110+ faculties of Degree and Diploma Institute along with with NCC cadetsparticipated in the event. The program began with a light exercise directed by NCC cadets whichwas followed by cleaning of campus by team of faculties and cadets. The program was to inspireand strengthen one’s commitment towards cleanliness and Swachh Bharat Mission.

Extra-Curricular Activities

DIET e-Newsletter, January 2020

Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology 6

Republic Day Celebration - 2020

71st Republic day was celebrated with pride and patriotism at the Institute on 26 Jan., 2020.Students and faculties gathered at the campus to honor the day. The celebration started withNCC band and a parade performed by NCC cadets in their uniforms which reverberated the placewith feelings of patriotism. This was followed by flag hoisting by Hon. Principal Dr. R. G.Dhamsaniya. The program also included soulful presentations in form of speech, poems, songsand dance by students. NCC cadets also presented number of breath taking acrobatics includinghuman pyramid.

Kite Festival

Kite festival was celebrated at the Institute on 13 Jan., 2020 on the occasion of Makarshankranti.Students and faculties participated in the same with great enthusiasm and enjoyed kites, chikki,jinjara, sheradi and music.

Extra-Curricular Activities

DIET e-Newsletter, January 2020

Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology 7

Student Achievements

GTU Toppers

Following students of Degree and Diploma Institute obtained top rank at GTU in Winter 2019examination with SPI score of 10 out of 10.

Paper Published

Following students form DE Sem. 6 Department of Civil Engineering published paper inInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 7 Issue 11.

Parsaniya ShwetaBE CE, Sem-7

Kansara Pratik DE CE, Sem-5

Khared Ishita DE CE, Sem-5

Patel VatsalDE CE, Sem-5

Soni SahilDE CI, Sem-5

Bhalsod HarshadDE CI, Sem-5

Attended STTP

Prof. Kartikraj Dhamsaniya and Prof. Daxa Jani, Department ofHumanities & Science, attended Short Term Training Program(STTP) on Numerical Methods and it’s Applications in Engineeringduring 6-10 Jan., 2020 at LDRP-ITR Engineering college,Gandhinagar.

Staff Achievements

Name of Students Topic

Darshan Solanki, Jignesh Vala Jatin Sodha

Design of Eco: Friendly Permeable Concrete

Rajan Tank, Nimesh Badiyani, Meet Tank and Dhruv Thakrar

Ceramic Waste: Effective Replacement of Fine Aggregate

DIET e-Newsletter, January 2020

Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology 8

Creative CornerPainting

Piece of Art by Parmar Dhruv (BE Sem. 2, CE)


Upcoming Event...

Grand Alumni Meet 2020

Date: 29/02/2020

DIET e-Newsletter, January 2020

Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology 9

Placement News

Top Recruitment of this Month

Following students of BE are placed during January 2020 in various companies. We congratulateall of them and wish for better future.


Magotteaux Industries CTC: ` 1,80,000


Ncrypted Technology CTC: ` 3,00,000


Magotteaux Industries CTC: ` 1,80,000


Magotteaux Industries CTC: ` 1,80,000


Froyo TechnologiesCTC: ` 1,44,000


ElluminatiCTC: ` 1,44,000

Employability Training Program

An Employability Training Program was held at the Institute on 8 Jan., 2020 in association withCADD Centre, Rajkot. The program aimed to cover different topics like skill set required forindustries, digital presence in job site, resume preparation, preparation about a particularorganization, role of communication skills, common interview questions and how to faceInterview, etc. Final year students of different departments took part in the program. Theprogram was arranged as a part of different placement activities at the Institute.
