请安静,默祷 LCCC.pdf2018/04/01  ·...


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Please silence your phone請將你的手機設定為靜音

请安静,默祷Keep Quiet and Pray

建立基督的身體,作神百般恩賜的好管家Build up the body of Christ, be good stewards 

serving others according to the spiritual gifts received

服事教会Be a good steward by serving in the church

在十架At the Cross

在十架,在十架,我一见主恩光,At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,

我心中罪孽重担皆脱落,And the burden of my heart rolled away,

在我主十架,我因信眼明亮,I was there by faith, I received my sight,

令我心常欢喜快乐!And now I am happy all the day!


在十架At the Cross

可叹我主流出宝血,Alas! and did my Savior bleed

甘愿为我舍身?And did my Sovereign die?

忍受痛苦历尽艰辛Would He devote that sacred head

救我卑微罪人?For such a worm as I?

在十架At the Cross

在十架,在十架,我一见主恩光,At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,

我心中罪孽重担皆脱落,And the burden of my heart rolled away,

在我主十架,我因信眼明亮,I was there by faith, I received my sight,

令我心常欢喜快乐!And now I am happy all the day!

在十架At the Cross

我主受苦在十字架,Was it for crimes that I had done

为我所犯罪愆?He groaned upon the tree?

何等慈悲,无量恩典,Amazing pity! grace unknown!

主爱广大无边。And love beyond degree!

在十架At the Cross

在十架,在十架,我一见主恩光,At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,

我心中罪孽重担皆脱落,And the burden of my heart rolled away,

在我主十架,我因信眼明亮,I was there by faith, I received my sight,

令我心常欢喜快乐!And now I am happy all the day!

在十架At the Cross

正当基督造物的主,Well might the sun in darkness hide

为人罪过身亡,And shut his glories in,

辉煌红日也被隐藏,When Christ, the mighty Maker died,

天地黑暗无光。For man the creature’s sin.

在十架At the Cross

在十架,在十架,我一见主恩光,At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,

我心中罪孽重担皆脱落,And the burden of my heart rolled away,

在我主十架,我因信眼明亮,I was there by faith, I received my sight,

令我心常欢喜快乐!And now I am happy all the day!

主在十架At the Cross

我主为何流出宝血,Alas! and did my Savior bleed

愿意忍受死亡,And did my Sov’reign die?

甘愿代替卑微的我,Would He devote that sacred head

遍歷痛苦悲怆?For such a worm as I?

在十架At the Cross

在十架,在十架,我一见主恩光,At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,

我心中罪孽重担皆脱落,And the burden of my heart rolled away,

在我主十架,我因信眼明亮,I was there by faith, I received my sight,

令我心常欢喜快乐!And now I am happy all the day!


In Christ Alone

唯有基督,是我盼望In Christ alone my hope is found是我亮光,力量,詩歌

He is my light, my strength, my song是房角石,穩固根基

This cornerstone, this solid ground乾旱,風暴,無可畏懼

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

哦,愛何高!平安何深What heights of love, what depths of peace

懼怕消除,爭競平息When fears are stilled, when strivings cease

是我安慰,是我一切My comforter, my all in all基督愛裡,我今站立

Here in the love of Christ I stand

在基督裡,榮耀的神In Christ alone – who took on flesh

道成肉身,降卑為人Fullness of God in helpless babe

忍受罪人,辱罵頂撞This gift of love and righteousness

十字架上,捨命流血Scorned by the ones

He came to save

滿足父神,公義要求Till on that cross, as Jesus died

眾人罪孽,都歸祂身The wrath of God was satisfied蒙愛,稱義,白白恩典For every sin on Him was laid

因基督死,我今活著Here by the death of Christ I live

在墳墓裡,我主靜臥There in the ground His body lay

黑暗掩藏,世人之光Light of the world by darkness slain

榮耀大日,光芒四射Then bursting forth in glorious day

從墳墓裡,我主起來Up from the grave He rose again

祂已復活,全然得勝And as He stands in victory罪惡咒詛,失去權勢

Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me寶血重價,贖我歸祂

For I am His and He is mine基督屬我,我今屬祂

Bought with the precious bloodof Christ

基督能力,我身彰顯No guilt in life, no fear in death

不再定罪,死亡失勢This is the power of Christ in me

生命氣息,從祂而得From life’s first cry to final breath

從生到死,在祂手中Jesus commands my destiny

哦,何穩妥!地獄權勢No power of hell, no scheme of man

世人惡謀,無能加害Can ever pluck me from His hand

直至祂來,歡見主面Till He returns or calls me home

祂權能裡,我今穩立Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand

哦,何穩妥!地獄權勢No power of hell, no scheme of man

世人惡謀,無能加害Can ever pluck me from His hand

直至祂來,歡見主面Till He returns or calls me home

祂權能裡,我今穩立Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand

我的救贖者活著 <1/4> My Redeemer Lives

我的救贖者活著 <2/4> My Redeemer Lives

我的救贖著活著 <3/4> My Redeemer Lives

我的救贖者活著 <4/4> My Redeemer Lives

我的救贖者活著 <1/4> My Redeemer Lives

我的救贖者活著 <2/4> My Redeemer Lives

我的救贖著活著 <3/4> My Redeemer Lives

我的救贖者活著 <2/4> My Redeemer Lives

我的救贖者活著 <4/4> My Redeemer Lives

我的救贖者活著 <4/4> My Redeemer Lives


这王是谁 Who is this King Joseph Martin, Llyod Larson

这王是谁,舍弃荣耀冠冕?Who is this King, that lays aside His crown?

这王是谁,祂温和谦卑?Who is the King, that gently kneels down?

亲近温柔,使弱者刚强Who is the King, that comes to the meek

这位君王,究竟是谁Strengthens the weak? Who is the King?

这王是谁 Who is this King

这王是谁, 降世为人仆?Who is the King, this servant of man?

这王是谁,做木工师傅?Who is the King, with carpenter’s hands

接纳罪人,为救赎受死,Who is the King, that holds the unclean?

这位君王,究竟是谁Dies to redeem? Who is the King?

这王是谁 Who is this King

从充满赞美灿烂的宝座,From heaven's bright throne, and courts filled with praise

耶稣谦卑降临,成恩典仆人。King Jesus came humbly, a servant of grace

以祂的荣耀换恐惧阴影,Trading His glory for shadows and fears

世人的脚祂用泪水,来洁净He washes the feet of the world, with His tears

这王是谁 Who is this King Joseph Martin, Llyod Larson

这王是谁,舍弃荣耀冠冕?Who is this King, that lays aside His crown?

这王是谁,祂温和谦卑?Who is the King, that gently kneels down?

亲近温柔,使弱者刚强Who is the King, that comes to the meek

这位君王,究竟是谁Strengthens the weak? Who is the King?


God Loves a Cheerful Giver


Matthew 28:1-20

Scripture Reading

1過了安息日,在禮拜日天亮的時候,抹大拉的馬利亞和另一個馬利亞來看墳墓。 2忽然,地震得很

厲害;主的使者從天上下來,把石頭輥開,坐在上面。 3他的樣子好像閃電,衣服潔白如雪。 4看守的人因為害怕他,就渾身戰抖,好像死了一樣。

1After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. 2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

5那使者對婦女們說:「你們不要怕,我知道你們在找被釘十字架的耶穌。 6他不在這裡,已經照他所說的復活了。你們來看安放他的地方吧。 7快去


5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”

8她們立刻離開墳墓,又害怕,又十分歡喜,跑去告訴耶穌的門徒。 9忽然,耶穌向她們迎面而來,

說:「你們好。」她們就上前,抱住他的腳拜他。 10耶穌對她們說:「不要怕,去告訴我的弟兄,叫他們到加利利去,他們在那裡必看見我。」

8 So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.9 Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”

11她們去的時候,有些衛兵進了城,把一切所發生的事向祭司長報告。 12祭司長就和長老聚集在一起商量,然後拿許多錢給士兵, 13說:「你們要這樣說:『他的門徒晚上來了,趁我們睡著的時候,把他偷走了。』 14如果總督知道了這件事,我們會說服他,不會牽連你們。」15士兵收了錢,就照著祭司長和長老的指使去作。這種說法直到今日還流傳在猶太人當中。11 While the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened. 12 When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, 13 telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ 14 If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.” 15 So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.

16十一個門徒往加利利去,到了耶穌指定的山上。 17他們看見耶穌就拜他,但仍然有些人懷疑。 18耶穌上前來,對他們說:「天上地上一切權柄都賜給我了。19所以,你們要去使萬民作我的門徒,奉父子聖靈的

名,給他們施洗(「奉父子聖靈的名,給他們施洗」, 20我吩咐你們的一切,都要教導他們遵守。這樣,我就常常與你們同在,直到這世代的終結。」16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age ”




Drifter once upon a time - 1/6

Drifter once upon a time - 2/6

Drifter once upon a time - 3/6

Drifter once upon a time - 4/6

Drifter once upon a time - 5/6

Drifter once upon a time - 6/6

Drifter once upon a time - 6/6

4‐1‐2018 洗禮牧師: 黃興豐牧師

姓名Name 屬靈導師Mentor

1. 沈德光 Deguang Sheng  (點水禮) 許靖琛 Jane Xu

2. 沈玉芳 YuFang Shen(點水禮) 劉金戈 Jinge Liu

3. 余澤嵐 Zelan Yu(點水禮) 許靖琛 Jane Xu

4. 黄 萌 Meng Huang(點水禮) 鄧玉華 Eva Deng

5. 楊雅麗YaLi Yang 許靖琛 Jane Xu

6. 邵寶玲 Baoling Shao 姚美珍 Meg Yao

7. 李 伟 Wei Li 龐秉遠 BingYuan Pang

8. 常明光 Mingguang Chang 熊高風Gaofeng Xiong, 鄧玉華Eva Deng

9. 马 飞 Fei Ma 鄧玉華Eva Deng

10. 闻 超 Chao Wen 李慶文ChingWen Li



沈德光 Deguang Sheng (點水禮)

Mentor :許靖琛 Jane Xu


快樂日,快樂日,救主洗淨我的罪孽.Happy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.He taught me how to watch and pray,

and live rejoicing every dayHappy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.

S484 快樂日 O Happy Day 1/4


沈玉芳 YuFang Shen(點水禮)

Mentor :劉金戈 Jinge Liu


快樂日,快樂日,救主洗淨我的罪孽.Happy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.He taught me how to watch and pray,

and live rejoicing every dayHappy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.

S484 快樂日 O Happy Day 1/4


余澤嵐 Zelan Yu(點水禮)

Mentor :許靖琛 Jane Xu


快樂日,快樂日,救主洗淨我的罪孽.Happy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.He taught me how to watch and pray,

and live rejoicing every dayHappy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.

S484 快樂日 O Happy Day 1/4


黄 萌 Meng Huang(點水禮)

Mentor :鄧玉華 Eva Deng


快樂日,快樂日,救主洗淨我的罪孽.Happy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.He taught me how to watch and pray,

and live rejoicing every dayHappy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.

S484 快樂日 O Happy Day 1/4


楊雅麗YaLi Yang

Mentor :許靖琛 Jane Xu


快樂日,快樂日,救主洗淨我的罪孽.Happy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.He taught me how to watch and pray,

and live rejoicing every dayHappy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.

S484 快樂日 O Happy Day 1/4


邵寶玲 Baoling Shao

Mentor :姚美珍 Meg Yao


快樂日,快樂日,救主洗淨我的罪孽.Happy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.He taught me how to watch and pray,

and live rejoicing every dayHappy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.

S484 快樂日 O Happy Day 1/4


李 伟 Wei Li

Mentor :龐秉遠 BingYuan Pang


快樂日,快樂日,救主洗淨我的罪孽.Happy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.He taught me how to watch and pray,

and live rejoicing every dayHappy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.

S484 快樂日 O Happy Day 1/4


常明光 Mingguang Chang

Mentor :熊高風Gaofeng Xiong,鄧玉華Eva Deng


快樂日,快樂日,救主洗淨我的罪孽.Happy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.He taught me how to watch and pray,

and live rejoicing every dayHappy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.

S484 快樂日 O Happy Day 1/4


马 飞 Fei Ma

Mentor :鄧玉華Eva Deng


快樂日,快樂日,救主洗淨我的罪孽.Happy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.He taught me how to watch and pray,

and live rejoicing every dayHappy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.

S484 快樂日 O Happy Day 1/4


闻 超 Chao Wen

Mentor :李慶文ChingWen Li


快樂日,快樂日,救主洗淨我的罪孽.Happy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.He taught me how to watch and pray,

and live rejoicing every dayHappy day, happy day,

when Jesus washed my sins away.

S484 快樂日 O Happy Day 1/4

Holy Communion


我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。 愿你的国降临,愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。 我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们。免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。 不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶,因为国度,权柄,荣耀,全是你的,直到永远,阿们.马太福音 6:9-13

主祷文 Lord's Prayer 

欢迎新朋友Welcome to LCCC

新朋友, 请介绍你自己

Please introduce yourself if you are new

4月1日報告事項 April 1 Announcement

1. 今天沈德光, 沈玉芳, 余澤嵐, 黃萌, 楊雅麗, 邵寶玲, 李偉, 常明光, 馬飛, 聞超十位弟兄姊妹接受洗禮, 歡迎他們加入神的大家庭, 為他們信主的道路禱告。

2. 今天有長青組聚會, 下午1點15分。歡迎參加!1. Today Deguang Sheng, Yufang Shen, Zelan Yu, MengHuang, Yali Yang, Baoling Shao, Wei Li, MingguangChang, Fei Ma, and Chao Wen will be baptized. Welcome them into God’s big family and pray for their faith to follow Jesus.2. This after noon at 1:15, there will be Evergreen group meeting.

4月1日報告事項 April 1 Announcement

3. 從3月份開始, 第四個主日崇拜結束後, 在大堂設立半小時的宣教禱告。欢迎对宣教事工有负担的弟兄姐妹参加。

4. 二月份同工会决定尝试逐渐实现无纸化。从下星期开始,周日传单只印30份,主要是给年长者。希望兄弟姐妹们支持,多注意教会各种微信群信息。也请兄弟姐妹们注意如何有效正确地使用教会各种微信群

3. From March, after every 4th Sunday service, there will be half hour prayer meeting for Mission. Welcome all to attend. t4. The February GB meeting decided to try paperless, gradually. There will be 30 copies of bulletin and announcement from next week and they are for seniors. We encourage brothers and sisters support this move by learning how to use different kinds of church WeChat groups in communications.

4月1日報告事項 April 1 Announcement

5. 路城华人教会将于4/20‐22开设特约讲座”基督徒的社会责任与宣道使命”,讲员为张乃千牧师。有意参加者请联系林红姐妹

6. 教會有需要建兒童戶外運動遊戲區, 請會眾為這一事項代禱。

5. Louisville Chinese Church will have special workshop, Christian’s responsibility and Mission, on April 20‐22. Speaker is Pastor Zhang.6. LCCC would like to propose a playground project for LCCC kids. Please pray for this project.

4月1日報告事項 April 1 Announcement7. 教会专门设立了宣教基金,用于支持宣教士及宣教机构,请大家为宣教基金祷告,在支票奉献时注明。8. 新堂房贷已于2月26日全部还完,感谢弟兄姐妹的忠心奉献,感谢神的丰富供应!教会的建堂基金仍然保留,为将来的需要和发展做预备。7. Church set up a mission fund for supporting missionaries and organizations. Please pray for it and if you would like to support, please write the check and notes for mission fund. 8. The mortgage was paid off on Monday 2/26/18. Thank brothers and sisters for offerings and thank God for his abundant provision. The Building Fund will continue for future facility needs and projects.

下周同工 Next Week (4/8/2018)

司會 Presider 张雄

司琴 Pianist 張孟軒

領詩 Song Leader 程秀榮

敬拜團 Praise Team 朱琳,陈海峰,李庆文

講員 Speaker Dr. Hamilton翻譯 Interpreter 李珊珊

招待 Ushers 亢文淳, Jim Orr問安長老 Greeter 王惠珍长老

清理 Clean Up 李敏,于永香,樊圣华

愛筵Love Feast 迦南一组(黄明勇)耳机/鮮花Earphone/Flower 陳耀存/欧光文

教會鎖門Lock door 吴革非

投影/音響 Slide/Audio 朱仕鋒/刘得玉

巴士 driver 欧光文
