Effectiveness of Advertisment in Lovely Professional University


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Effectiveness of Promotional Channels for Coke

in LPU campus

Coke is the major soft-drink provider in the LPU campus. It has a large market

present inside the campus. Each marketer tries having better communication with his

customers. For this, each marketer requires some communication channels. It may be single

or a multichannel communication. Inside the LPU campus, Coke have different channels

available, like Television in the Hostels, Hoardings and Displays, Internet etc.

In this project, as a researcher, I want to analyze the effectiveness of the

Communication Channels and to find that which one is the better way of Communication.


To study the effectiveness of Channels of Promotion for sales Coke in LPU campus.

To suggest a Channel of Promotion, that is better.


Jhon Helder and Ulrik Kragh:

Both writers have given a very good book on market Communication, “Senders and Givers”.

About market communication, first three topics give very good knowledge. However, the

area of the book is much broad, still, it helps providing the knowledge of different channels.

The chapters suggests that in such an organized market, where a brand is already established,

and recognized as a need of the customers, a marketer need not to make much efforts for




Coke needs no promotions inside the campus.


Promotion is required inside LPU to maintain the sales.


Television Promotion is does not work effectively inside the campus.


Television Promotion is an effective way of Communication inside the campus.


Hoardings and Displays are not effective Channel.


Hoardings and Banners are important for market communication.


Students do not pay much attention to Print Media Advertisement.


Print Media Promotions attracts the students


The sampling technique being used random sampling on the basis of purchase of soft-

drink from LPU campus students.

The sample size would be 30.



The primary source of data collection is by administering questionnaires to the



Secondary Data will be collected from the Vendors and sellers about the sales of Coke

and preference of people.


Coke is a major soft-drink available inside the University campus. It has covered the major

part of the potential market. With the study, we can realize the better way of Market

Communication for the potential market.


1. The respondent biasness may affect the research results.

2. Respondents (Students) are of different economical backgrounds and of different

habits. Thus, the sample may not reflect the population.


The process of Data collection will be done in three days. Set up of input in Computer,

testing applications and analysis will be done in two days. Two days will take to writing the

report. Thus, the Research project will take place in Seven days.


At least 40 set of Questionnaire will be required for the research. As we take Rs. 1 each, it

will cost 40 rupees. Given that the project is being done within the University, no travelling

charges will be applicable. One person will be working on this project, so no such wages will

be included in expenses. The printing of report will be done in Rs. 20 approximately. As a

miclanious expenses, we will take Rs. 40 rupees, which may be spent anywhere needed.

Thus, the project will be done in an estimated cost of Rs. 100.

Continued with Homework

no. 2

Questionnaire Used:-

Data Analyze:-

According to the designed method, the data has been collected from hostels of the university.

The data has been put on the software SPSS. The statistical tool applied on the data is

Descriptive Statistics and Chi Square test, to measure the degree of associated relationship

between the variables and thus, to justify the hypothesis. Second tool used for analysis is

Frequencies and percentage.

1. How many bottles of Coke do you consume per day?0 1-2 3-4 4-5 5+

2. Have you seen a Coke Advertisement in last 1 month?Yes No Sometime

3. Do you see television in the hostels?Daily Often Sometime Very Less Never

4. An advertisement in my newspaper attracts me for a Coke.1 2 3 4 5

5. Coke should display banners in various events in the university.1 2 3 4 5

6. I would love to see Coke on UMS.1 2 3 4 5

Name ___________________________.

Class ____________________________.

Hypothesis 1: Level of Consumption and Exposure to Advertisement

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

The level of

Consumption(Bottles) *

Exposure to Advertisement

31 100.0% 0 .0% 31 100.0%

The SPSS output Box shows that this case contains all 31 correct cases and no missing

response is there.

The level of Consumption(Bottles) * Exposure to Advertisement Cross tabulation

Exposure to Advertisement

Total1 2 3

The level of


0 Count 5 5 2 12

% of Total 16.1% 16.1% 6.5% 38.7%

1-2 Count 7 5 2 14

% of Total 22.6% 16.1% 6.5% 45.2%

3-4 Count 0 4 0 4

% of Total .0% 12.9% .0% 12.9%

5-6 Count 0 1 0 1

% of Total .0% 3.2% .0% 3.2%

Total Count 12 15 4 31

% of Total 38.7% 48.4% 12.9% 100.0%

Here in this box, we see that 38.7% people have no consumption on daily bases and rest of

the sample used to consume Coke. 48.4% people say that they have not seen the

advertisement of Coke in last 1 month, where 12.9% people have sometime seen the ads.

People, who consume 3.4 bottles, say that they haven’t seen the Coke Ad.

Chi-Square Tests

Value df

Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square 6.551a 6 .364

Likelihood Ratio 8.477 6 .205

N of Valid Cases 31

a. 9 cells (75.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum

expected count is .13.

Here we see that the significance value for Pearson Chi-Square is 0.364. The Value is higher

than 0.05. Under this condition, we accept our Null Hypothesis.

Our Null Hypothesis is, Coke needs no promotions inside the campus. This stands for the

statement that there is no significant relationship between advertisement inside campus and

Consumption of Coke. Thus, we see that our Pearson Chi-Square test says that there is no

significant relationship between these two variables. It means that Advertisement effects less

to the Consumption level and Coke need not to spend heavy on the advertisement.

Thus, Our Hypothesis No. 2 and 3 are of no use, that is: - “Television Promotion does

not work effectively inside the campus” & “Students do not pay much

attention to print Media Advertisement” remains of no further use. The

advertisement has no significant relation with sales of Coke than there is no significant

relation with Television advertisement and print Advertisement as well. Thus the Second

Hypothesis automatically got accepted, that these TV advertisement doesn’t work in the


Hoardings and Banners:

Hoardings inside Campus

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Strongly Agree 3 9.7 9.7 9.7

Agree 17 54.8 54.8 64.5

Nutural 4 12.9 12.9 77.4

Disagree 6 19.4 19.4 96.8

Disagree 1 3.2 3.2 100.0

Total 31 100.0 100.0

We see that more than 64% of the sample said that they would love to see Coke on UMS, the

Home website of Lovely Professional University, where 22.6% people said no for the same.

Thus, seeing the frequency, we are able to reject the Hypothesis no. 3 that is “Hoardings and

Displays are not effective Channel”. We can say that the hoardings and Banners are

attractive way for the Coke, which are yet not tried. Coke should try it once, leaving the

traditional way of Advertisement.

Advertisement on LPU home website

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Strongly Agree 5 16.1 16.1 16.1

Agree 9 29.0 29.0 45.2

Nutural 6 19.4 19.4 64.5

Disagree 2 6.5 6.5 71.0

Strongly Disagree 9 29.0 29.0 100.0

Total 31 100.0 100.0

45% of the respondents said that they would Love to see Coke on UMS, the home website of

Lovely Professional University, where 35.5% people rejected this Idea. 19.4% people stood

Neutral on this question. Thus, we can say that LPU home website can be an effective way of

Market communication with the consumers.


Thus, we see that consumption of Coke in LPU campus is free from effects of Advertisement.

Advertisement affects the sales least. Thus, there is requirement of advertisement inside

campus. Still, for the purpose of Public relationship or Customer Relationship Management,

some cheaper sources may be used inside LPU campus, being it the Hoardings and Banners,

or being promotional messages on UMS, the home website of LPU. These two Marketing

Communication Channels will decrease the expenditure of advertisement inside the campus.