EL00547 II~ IIII ~IIII - International Foundation for ... · LAW ON THE ELECTION OF THE PRESIDENT...


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F Clifton White Resource Cellter Iniemational Founc:., .. "1 fer Election Systems


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GENcnAL PRQV 1 S I or~s

A ticle I. PU"po~e of 'th~ L~I~

lh~ purpose of the pTesen~ Law shall be to regulate rela­tions portainin9 to the preparation for snd holding of the ~]~ction5 of the Presid~nt of Mongolia.

Article 2. Legislation on presidential elections

The legislation on presidential electIons shall consist of the Constitution of Mongolia_ the present Law ~nd other legis­lative acts issued in accordance with them.

Article 3. Basic election principles

1. Presidential "elections") shall be Article 31. pal"sgTaph

elections (hereinafter conducted in two stages. 1 of the Constitution.

referred to as as provid('d . by

J 2. At the primary stage of the elections Mongolian

citizens eligible to vote shall participate in electing Presi-' dent on the basis of universal, ·free and direct suffrage by "",,,ret ballot.

3. The primary elections shall be universal. Mongolian citizens who, on the day. of .the electio'n, , .are residing in the country and have reached the 'age ·of.Hi 'years';-:"'shall .. have the' right to vote, ·i rrespeCti va "f·"the'i.r, ethnic.' Or igi n; lSnguage. race. sex. social origin~ahd statusi"'income,"c;ccupation; post,' reiigion, opinion, educ~tion;··Thos';· who have been certified in­sane by medi.cal conclusion and who are "ndei' d"tention shall not be eligible to p~rticipat~ in el~ctioris.

4, The primary elections shall be direct. An elector shall vote in person for the Pt·esident.

5. An elector shall cast his/her vote by s~cret bAllot. No voter shall be b .. rred to freely ma.ke his/her choice.


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f... At th~ :,,~(~c.(lnd r-.t.Clge t.hC" s, ... ate Gr(I.\~. Khuf.31 shDll AC.-

"nt)wJ"::d!](.~ ;,:,:.;; Prc:;idCtrlt-l~lect tIll.! candid'lt.1'! Wh0 h"$ (.bt . .,jnC"d II 'm"jority of th(.: vot.!.!'; cr't:-;t. in ttw pril!l('lry (~IC'(lion:; lllld pa~.s ~l

law rccQgnIzing I,j~/her full pOW~TG .

Article 4. NominCJtioll of c:lndidate for Prl';'3iri~l1t

1. Th~ politicEd p;lrties which hav'1 soats in the St-ote Great Khural shall individually "r jointly nominate .. candidate for President in l1ccordance with Article 31, paragraph 2 of the constitution of Mongolia.

2. A person ~hall not be renominated for the same elec­tions.

Article 5. Administration of the elections

1. Elections shall be administered by election committee~ at the levels of state administrative and torritori~l units as well as towns, villages and districts therein .

sist mity

2. State central ~nd loc~l bodies in the preparail"n for and holding with applicable laws.


and officinls shall 'ss­e,f e}octi~ns i1) Gonfor-

'<~}:.:."-. ..... ..'-' '··.·k ··,;····ArtiCle6. Tran~j:>;'r..,ncYin the preparation for

and holding of elect.ions

1. The preparation for and IVJlding'of elections $1'1..111 bE'. conducted publicly. This provision shall not apply to ~ecre~ ballot~

2. ·It. :::-.n-:.lIl bf' the ouly of r:::t..,t.t·· PT'f:-$S and illfnlm;Jtion agencie'3 t-o p"omptly inform th~ publ ic I)f the- proce~-'~ of th~ preparation for' Clnd holding of c::lE.:ctions, as wtd 1 as their. out­COllie.



3. Thn TlI')WS distributcc1 hy (\th~lr central i'Hld Joc..~,l press c'nd inform.otLjon .~genci(:G £h~ll b,:" (;I.. .... rrect dnd objl··c.ti',JI..~.

Article 7. Furld Tequirl!lf'Ip.ot.$ fOT election cBlnpaign

1, Th~ fo}Jowinl) election (tdminl~tTC'ltion (,j(p/!ns:.'.Ei sbFlll b~ ftllhl ... ,j f,·f)," ::;lHtr:t bud?et!

1) (·xpell .... s for prj'ntinp and prc-p-3Ting th~ c.urriculuhI vitAe of tho cd~didates. the c~rtificatcs of th~ candidates. p~,·ty election campaign officers and of observ~rs. as well as ballot papers. ~lector movement cards, election returns and report forms. and election committee· seals and stamps:

2) expenses plies, postage, tl" i ps ~

related· to election committees' office sup­communic~tion. transportation and official

3) other expenses authorized by the State Great·Khural.

2. The Rmount of exp~n5es to·be fund~d from state bud9~t zh~11 be determined by the state Gre~t Khural.

3. F:cmum'::l'ation for th,,:: work of .. ~l~~ctjon COIIHllittt3'=' mernb~rs sh~ll be pai,j by their rezpeetiv~ employer agenci~s ·t~kin9 into i1t:COlint. their dver.99c.fnonthly salaries or w3ges. sJ'sll 8 p~n:'" sioner {)r unenlployed person be employed as an ~.lection com­mi ttce msmbor. he.lshe shall be' remUTleret -eod from· loeB 1 budget upon the rccorfllUcndation of the election committee concerned and taking into' account the work performe.d by him/her.

4. :Polling stations shall. be provided to election com­mittees free of charge by natio,ial and local budget units and state run organizations as well as by private business entities on the basi·s I)f their mutual arrangemen~.

GOVflfnOfS· of adnd,rdstrativB and territor"'jar units con-· cer ned shall be responsible for providi ng elect ion commi ttees . with polling stations, tran~portatlon, communication·and other necessary facilitios.










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~. 1h0 nomjnt.~t.in'J f.'ftrt.y chull 1.·.;l~d;'lli'Sh ,·1 •. '<'1, it.,. CI71";Piljor,

~"nd:..' ... :ithi.fl fivl!,< d;)y'3 .:tftt-;-r t.h.~ rt:'.:..:d::;t.rali')11 of j!s rH',millet:. r:~'('ro ;: t.)nk uccount. for 11'''~ f'Jlld~ oDd j nfnrm '.hf" ('!(·,Ir·l'"l [J(~,­I i,," COfl,mil.!",.'.'.!' slid til ... p-;bJlc tl'(·I',;'of. C"nlltrjbutior:s of lh .. ~ (;,ndidut~. llorninatillU ~'lrt:,.·· D.~ woll ,,"is of !.lJPPOl'linry p1;lrtj~,~, organizations ~nd indivIduals shall be deposited with and be ueed ~hrough tho account.

COII!rjbtlt.jon~ of ~:II:)pnrt.in~ p~rl·ic,,;,:. t)l~:')lii;·<.J~i("I:'::: Cllld ill" divldl).:tl~ t.c·~le(.tioll c.'-,lfrlp-3i9n ~hilll bo nl • .l.:h.· in t;:.a:..=:h anI.,..· "pd t·., deposited wi.th t.he b8nk accounL so d'?:;'·igJl(".I;F·U.

NO contributions to eloction campaign ~hall be receiv~d, .. made or used oth.er than through the bank accc.unl so designated_

No contributions shall be accepted during the PI"eparation for and holding of elections (from the calling until the end of th~ elections) ".from state budget or mixed. public property 01"-9a~i2aiions (affecting any part of public pl"ope,·ty), foreign organiz~tion3 (from foreign participants of joint entities) and from foreign nationals and stateless P01·S0ns.

j No part of aid resources shall be sold and used for elec­tjo,-1 calnpaign purposes.

ThG tJ.,tal t,rr.OU1,t of ~lt=<ction

supporf;~J parties, organizations exccecl t~~ millie" tugrigE.

cC)mp<Jign cOlltr ibtJtions and individuals shall

br TH)t

~. El.ection campaign funds shall be utilized to cover ex­penses related In ~dvertising of ~h~ candidates, their meetings with electors, the O~9a"izatjon of ·Pllblic meetings ~nd gather­ings. as well as offic~ supplies, ~ostagef transportation. com­muni'cation and business tr.ips of .tho·candidates and party .>lec­tio~ c~mpalgri bodi~s dnd officers ~nd other expenses authorized by the regulatio~s of th~ General EI~~tion Co~mittee.

The proc';dures for the··establishment of· election campaign funds~nd th~ir utilizati~n ~nd r~~~~ting shall be approved by the General Election Committee in con~~lJlt.3t.ion wit.h thE- Mini!-.­tr)" of Finance.

7. The bank· account trunsactionn of tho c~rldidate's elec­tion campaign funds shall bo frozen for the candidAte with ti,e end of the voting doy of the primary elections .


l 8. lhe r~PDrtD on the usa of election C8mp~lg~ funds shd\~ ~e ~ubmitted to .the General Election Committee by,the nominat­ing pnrty and oro~ni2atlon representing' the parties which jointlY I put forward thp. candldatO'. within a month after the fleeze of th~ bank account so desjgnal~d. The General Election Committe~ 5h~JI consider t'1e reports Bnd publisll its conclu­eions in the slate central press wi,thin tnr~e month5 after the" end of the elections.

9. The furid balance jff the election campaign account f6r the candidAte shall be collected for state revenue. Election C;'Irr,paign funds use-d for lInauthorized purposes and not through ti,e account shall b~ reilnbu(sod.

Article ~. Legel guarantees for election rights

1. It. shall tion bodj~s dnd organiz;JtjQII:~ th-=

be prohibited foj· candidates and party offjc~rs to partlcjpate in reviewing by impl~mentatlon of e1B~.tions law~.


? s.h(JIJld B violation of eJ~ct.lorl }.:u .. n::; be ql.'~) 1 if jed as a ,she 1 ! be imposed cr imi n.31 off ... ~llse. the person concerned

·penalties und~r the Criminal Code .. . .. : ::" : :.~.;. '. o". /

3.· A fine of ·500-10 060·tU9ri9S·~hail be: levied ·by court ;;"':;~' on persons, who can· not be imposed a cr imi nsl 'charge fClT t.helr '.' ' vII'olation Off electi?n law"hby the acts to bar the, enjoyment .b):, . . ;}.'L e ectors ··0 electIon rig ts.or,the ·performanCe by en electIon: c'ommittee and its officers of their duties. to' mIsuse electors' religious belief. to vote on :others' behalf~: to solicitate vote" and to deliberately obstruct vote casting and counting. E! t..: •

4 .. A fine of 200-2000 tugrigs shDll be.levied by court on officials. who can not be imposed di"ciplinary charge fa~ their failure to perform their' dutIes specified in Article 5, paragraph 2 ~nd Article 16. p~ragraphs 4. 5 of tllis law.





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5. A fine of 500-10 ono lugrigs shall be levied by CDurt on candidates. officials and party el~ctjon officers fdr their faillJTf!: to c(lmply IIJit.h thr.:- election c(llI1mittec demDnds thllt th~y stop violating the provi:dons specified in Article ::!8 f

~jragraph 2 of this L~w.

6. A fine of 1000-SOOO tugrigB by court shall be levi~d on gov~rnors ~nd sar,io," offici~ls of governlnenl agencies, who cin not tie impos~cJ disci~ljnatory charge for tlleir f~ilu e to per-· form t!~,'-:il" dutif.:'S specified in '~rticle 7. poJragraph 4 ana A,'­f ~cJ") 17 poragri'lph 3 ilrld Article 29, paragrbPh 2 and Articlt: 3D. p~ragroph 2 of this Law.

7. A fine of 3000-50 000 tugrigs shall be levied by court on press and information agenci~s whicl, I,ave violated the provisioll~ of Arl·.ic].;~ 2$, ,:·J)Tagraphs 2.3 of" this Law.

13 " ::, f i n"~ (IT; pcf':;(JIIS I :"J:'H)

viot·)tion cf tilt) 4 of this Law.

... ~ 500-10 OeD tugl"i9S shall be lE'vi<,d by court ".;;111 no.t be irnposed 'crir;lln;') chor9~ for th~ir

i· .. ovi~don!'3 specified ion Article 27, 'para,graph

9. A fine of 1000-5000 tugrigs sh~ll be leviid by·court on election comrnittee officers ," who h'lvo- violOlted the prOVISions c.f Ar·ticle 11. paragraph 3 and Article 35,. paragraph 2 of. this Law. '

lO'. ,~ fine of 1000-5000 tugrigs shall b~ levit:!d by COUTt

on citizcn'3 (-rnployed in eloction committees but have failed to perform or havo not duly perfor-mod· their d.utjes_

11. Organizations. the provisions of this dga i nst court doecisions

offi~ials andciti~ens. charged under Article. may appeal or make complaints· 1n accordance with t.ho- laws concerned.


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Article 9. Calling an ~lection

TIle St~t~ Great Khural shall call ~n election not IDler th~n 75 days before the polling day,

Arti.:.le 10. CQnSlil.uE.~nc:l(:~ ;JlIrJ tt,~.ii·

oBtabl i!.=d"Hflt.'!I:!.

1. For the purpos".:~ of vote c~stiTlg ,;:I:.J < .. ')unting. thr,: KhuTal Presidiuu,'of Rf'!presl9nt_ativoS"s of ::;;f)ums .. "d districLo:;l citizens shall establish constituencies 70 days before the polling day' and shall announce the. name, place and headquarters of constituencies: In exceptional cases. such £'!s movement to and settlement' of a'large number of. ci tizens in other place I a constituency. can be established or· moved 5 days before the poll i ng daY,

2. A constll'.lcncy may consist of up to 2000 ~l€-ctor$~ but· not more thD~.6000 electors.in the capital .:~nd Qt;.h~r citil~!';.

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Article 11. Election committees

1., lh~ following organizations ~ha!l be responsible for tile prep~l·~tiori for 8nd holding of elections:

1). GcncrlJl Cr:-·mmittee of the stilte Great tjcn (Lho: Go-"ncr81 Election Committee);

Khural on ele:c-

2) local committeo on electIon (local election committee);

3) divisi .... n C:Qmmlt.t.~€:' on c-:iecli,)11 (di .... i:;-:il)n ~lect;on (:c .. rnrn it. tel: );


2. A local cl9ction committee shall establish committees in its soums or.comparabl.·administrative r i to'T ia1 un! ts.

subsidiary, ". ,. and· ter-.... ,"

", .. ;: .'.

3. The chairman; secretary and officers of an election. committee shall not campaign foi a c~ndidate.

Article 12. The' General Elect.i('n CommitLee of th~ St~t~ Gre~t Khural and its funclic)ns

1. The Gen"ral Election Comroitte.e' of" the State Great I:hural . (h"r",in"fter referred to as "The General Election. Committee") shall independently carry Ollt its activities, and its functions. ct)nIPos:ition, requirements imposed thereon, term of it.s esti'lbJ ishm€:nt shall "be detennined in at::cordanc.e" wfth- .. "'tr"­ticl~ 11 ·of ttle Law on ~lection of thA stat~ Great Khural of t10ngol i.:} .


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~ ... ":;':.'., ". :;:,,: ., .. , , : .. , Article' 1'3.". Local.·eJection committees

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..l' . ;'" ?I"'.>, . . . -' .

thei r:' funct ions' . and ... •••• -,-:;. ~ •• ~(~. '~. :):' 4'

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. I . :. : .. ~ .-.'.:::: '. : .. : :.;~:

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I, The G~ncrel Election Co~mitl~e. in order to pr~pare for . anrl hold .,lection:! In ol,.olJ~ And c.,pltel cltr districts, "nd to

I!nllt"ct I'Ind ,..,,-porl'tho Toturns, shall estclLllsh local electIon committees with tho composition of a chairman. s~cretary .,and: members 65 deys before the polling day. taking into ·account·the .recommendations of the Khurel Presidium of Representatives of. citi2ens of aimags and capital city districts, and inform.' the " .. " .I·.,c·"

:publlc thc~eof, ..

Th~ number. of local cl"ctJon c(,rrlmittee determi n"d by tho General Election committee load and party .representation therein,


~embers sha~l be giv~n. the work

.: ..

2, lo'cal election commi ttees s:',all pel'form follow! ng func-. lions with!n their constituencies:,:··,.

1) to plan and arrange for the preparation an~ holding of ,elections:

2)' to' exam!n .. the implementation of elec.tion laws ",nd en-

. .


:3urc their uniform observance,. and to -. provide an integrated ; guidance for. the. act ivi ti es' of',subsidiary .and division e~ection.\: ' .. . ~:J/ " .' .. :: .. :., commi t \e,e~;:(;';;.r(':~ ;':!;U~H~i:;~~:,'Y~;::/:n~i;';'~·.>·· ,;: :', •.... " ' ... ":,:.: ':':\\::"':~;l};:;{?5;r:~g:

'. ':'., ... .-:: 3),·to,' .c(;ordInate~:;':~lectlori+.act1vities :of .. T:elevarit:;l.o.ca1:>':;:':"~~:.'i;,"':·'~.:'~;"':; :';,t \~~~.t ~, ,b~~ I e~~;~.?:!? ';·;:;\~O!~~:;}}k~':'.f:~~~:~:F ~::?\:? i;: '::':',c<:::(> .. -~:' :i} ;~::?2;' ?tm'}~~t1~ ~:~?) .

. . 4 )'to liear:':reports 'on 'election actlviti'es ··submitted:·· by,'::/'\':>,;;::?/:<': subsidi~ry and:' divlsio~ election committees as well as by' the' \:',

.: heads of relevant l~~al" state .~odies ' ... and ul)dertake nece1>sarji..: .. ·m.~asur6S .. ' .

5) to examine and rectify petitions agair,st d'>cisions of ··.subsidiarY·committees and'other disputes'and complaints. havli'lg'

to do'with the. violation of el~ction.laws;··

6) to sum UP and 'submit to t.he General Election Committee. the elec~lon returns,collected' from .:subsidiary:and . di~lsion·,~. 'Edection committees; -: . .

" .

7) to <,j-re~ge for "nd· hold r"-;'lections;

8) to perfo.,. other--functions provided by ,'"I,want laws. and 'carry out directives of thp.: "General Election Comndttee.· .

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,":.,', . Article is;' Division election co';'mlttees and:.:::',·

their .functions··.···! :: .. \; ," .... ,'. "', '" . '" . . ~. '. ~ .

, .' ",.' . '.: .. :-'

1, ~ .. locBI eltction '~om~itteeC~hall e.iablish divisi~n committees' with the composition' .of :echairman ;",'. secretary and


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members' 55 days before th';· polling' day, ·,taki.ng· into"account ·the ". .' . recommendations .:·o,f":·.the< Presidium' .of ··:·the·· PeoplE!',s Kh.ur.al':of·.::i·~,:.;>:,_ .... , ,

. ~";;~~~~~f~~~\~~~~~~!1~11r~~\~"it~i1~~~f~fl~~~~!v~(~E;pI~I~f,\ft[~¥;\ .\,7 .determl ne<!,"';' bw::t,H.kloca 1;' election~.comini t tee"9.i ven,: the! nUinber;,pf; ;,."',.::,,'. .' :L"\S.' elect'brs;} .. or k".'loaill;·8 nd::·plirt:y',~r.e'pieseTidtioh:·: thei:e[ n ,:,; ... ;:.; . .":.,.?:,::.:,.,:::r,; . :.':. .. '" . ;::;}r:"::J/y:i,~"::;:;\\;'~;:~j:"N~;':H::::t!;:;>,,;~'i~)N~~>t:'~~,,::'{');:":':~:'~ :>::,".c ;.,;< ;: ....... ".: .. :'" .. r .. '

.. '2, A' di "isio;f election: committee ::shall p<irfofiri':"followiIl9, f u nc t Ions: .. S~ :>i>::~?~j·~:i.:··:··.~· ">:'.":;'~}.::\~~'/.;.~;:::~~~;~~ ~ .. ~. '." :.;; .::. ::> .. : '.~ :' .. t.:.'· ': .~.i ,.,: ..... '. ." ';: .':

, 1) to'n~~ify"electors Of::~'~~'i:~dress 'a~~ 'tim6table ,8S' well- ..

as ~o,P i n9 .. ~~Y,.:,~~~hiOU~~;"i:/~;~;::,"'/:.::,·\:O';·~~,.:;:.:',:: .. :' .' '.' .'> :2) to: foll~w':a nd' r e.gist.';r e IE,,::"t:cS~s •. , nio"eme~t L\, .. '.::, "", . '.: :':: .:':' ..... ,: ..... :.: ... :.::; .. :.: .. : " .. ':"': ..... ,.<. '. ·:·.:>~:~""~I ::<"~.,:.,,,:: ;"~';: .:: .. :',: ,;:.<.:.,: ~'~'.:.-, .. ,. '.'

:3)".to· prepare'andver,l.fr the,. pst'of:'i:di,visicin"electors;' ",':

, 4 )top;~par~'a POllirig~;·a£i.'::b'~llot'pap~rs<~nd b(,xcs· .,nJ"ri:';nge·.for. polls: . " .'.


5) to ~um ~p' eltictionr"tlJr·n~·.arid submit' iL,.tci .... the' local;' .. ::;lIbsldlary commiLtee concern"d;·:. ~~ .... ,... ."

.~ .',:'.,,: .:.:'. . ... , . . ii . ..... ,


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, '.' .\~:-<:', ", :~.' .' . "';' ':; " . " ',:'" •• ~- .• ; •. -, • '.' ". I. '.-, ::/:./: ••.• :~\.>:: .. :.~.:. -:' :.' I \"'~' · .. ·f ":'!~~:' .. <. , ... ,. ~ .. :.~_'~, •. !:. -'., .' . . I··.· ..... ,

~ •• ! : , .:. ~ i . . . , . - .... : ...... '.::: ,}.~ :>; '-";., .; "~:.:.>

" .'

" .:-.i' _ • .~ .'

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.' . '. \ ..... . . ; .... ~ :'. t the l~~al t~lIb:~~iar~u~o:!.~~;!;:n ~~~~~;~~~~ .... ~~~ .'~~r.n o~e~.\~;em\:\i;>}r'·

'. ".7) to rectify end·submIt···.:aut·horities .. concern"d·· disputes."::-·: .. : and complaints having to do wlthithe. preparation for:andhold-,' I ng of elections,.. ~ .:' ,: .... " .. '''.... .; .. ':'.:".' ,'. ':: .. ~ .'. :":":-'- ."

8) to perform dIrectives of, ~ l';cai elec'ti~';' cc,mmIti.~~ and .... . . , , .. ,'

other functions as provided ·by: .. y'elevsnt laws,'. ;i~.· ... :_>;:· ", .:.~'j: . . '.;, . .':: .. \--:..' ... ~.


::. . .' "J.,' ',.'·ri··~::'.;:;> F~\:':; .">:,;>.:),,;J:.: c' \-iX:;t.,,:: :(:~;:\:.t-;\'. :;.; .. Art 1 cl e" U,,:· Oroa nlzation of :·el ect I on comml t tee. '. ,I c'!·:::';' ;.:'J .' ..

:- . " ':! ".:,:: r':;:' :-t:~~~~~.~;~\·;:-t~~·::~· ':i~ :'(';~;~::~~:: .. , . . : ... '.::~:: :~;::. ~~1~:~'};: :.:::~~:~: '; 1. Election commit·t~~sii~h~ll···co·nside~:,';a\·'-.·their me~ting~ ,: .... <.

Issues relating to their functIons 'and take decisions and··adopt resolutions thereon by 8 majority vote' of its members. Not ·less : .. ,. than two t.hirds of rT'!embers.·shall·,nake· a quoru~. ,j .'

Cholrmen of.' the Generai. Election Committ.ee and local .. and subsidiary election committees' shall Issue: directives' on ad:-minlstra~lon matters. ~~.

' .. '

2. Local and subsidiarY"election committees, as well as division committees'may, given theit-·~·work~requirements and ex~. _. _. pense 'extent;. employ. committ.ee.membElI1':s··t~mpor-arily.suspending,.:/.·;.:-!;::.;:- -

. them .. from ,the I ~" •• br-~~: ~:~ :!{~fiMr;W'\')~.,;t~~l~~:;:S!~~~~~~iM;:;:::; ... :;.-J):·:~;l:· · .. ·:·~:.W;.::~;lYi~i~ .. :;.,' : .' .. _ . . 3. :'. Compiai nts·· may 'be' submitted .~ to:'·local .... :election.,; .. com"':''':'· ;::;., ./.:"~-' ' . .-

· mi ttees, ,,: if they 'concor n'de';Isions of~ s~bsidr;'-ry' anddivision.:.'·::\// elect ion cc>mml ttees and .. to·.:.t;l1e:. General Electio'n Comml t,tee " I L<: .. ·.· ,;;,f.: they concer Ii ded s ions .. ·".of'" loea 1 '. al 'action .. comml t tee''-:' unless·. :''.'.'''.::. :',.; other ... ise sliplilaU;d' by ':l;;w :" compiai nts 'shi;ll~b-e~onside;'adond" ;.";':' '.

· recti Hed wi thi n 10 wor ki Og ·day·s;:after. they, were"'recei ved .~.: :':" : '::-.;~.:' '. · . .. . '.: . ~ ";: . ''-.: :-;-.~:. > .. : .... ,-;' ~': ::~" ~:-~::.i.:;;:\-~:?:" :. :~':::"":'.:.: ::;~.;: :,~'.'~.~~: .:=.f": ... ;' ...... ::. .~ .' :. :: - :' .. :. ~-.-:' '.';-(', ~: -. .:;.- :,' . ,

- . -. ; ~. ;,' '\:,.' .. : .. ': ,': 4 .. Ele~.t lonconl~ltt-..esa(e '~riti tlecl:t.,<inake·l egilimate-:· .....

requests .'to par tie's ; : public,'organlzations . and i ndi vlduaiS; in:::,,,;'.>.'· con~ctio':' with the. preparll'tionfor"and ,: holdl ng.·:ot'· elections ,:\> '."~ ,'.

"and . theorganlz.sUons·and indl\llduals:conc-6rned shall'respond:,: . 'to the requests within 5 working" cays:_' after' "they were ',.sub:-.' ".,:' mltted. "'."., . '..'., ".:-:- . :.:;.:,:. ,.' -';.: . ":'.:.::.' ... :. '," ..... '- ......

. , . '.' . : • f' ,:~.: . '. . ; .. '.

5. st at.e .. pc)rty '8nd " J,,)~"~~~Jver ~OI~nt'~l or .Sl.an! iat ions' '~~d:' of-': ficil.lis' ,flre oblig~d t.o Implem~nt election corrunittee .,.deci.sions t,akon' in aC90rd~n~e .wi~h th~it pow~r~~.... ".,

' . . . 12 .......

..... , :.'

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~ :.

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CHflP1ER FOUR ", .. . ~ .... -I, : . ". !,', ,.

' .. , ,

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.. • :'I'

ELEC10R LrST , \

I I ... '

' .. .... '

2,' An elector list ~hall contain the full namp, ~go. r~zidence address. passport and register nun.bers of all ~lec­tors re~;iding p~Tlndnently or l~rnporarily in the- con$til~II'ncy concerned ot tile time of the list compilation. Each elccto;~~~n pnly appear,'on one elector. list.

.'. '3. Governors of souans, distrIcts, !"c'9hS and I\horoos shall compfle in duplicate lists of electorc, residing' 1n th'ir TE'spective l1dminist'T'stive a'nd terr1torlal units, in',accordance ~:' .

. .... c, with address. refer.ence·;<:a·nd:·.iri ··the:·forms approved .. : by' the":. ':: .. '~: <., ;/c.:;.'jt,'·:.·General· Elect1on· Committee, end shall submit them to 'division'. ;'.'

;')~lt~t~~i~t:,~~~c;~~:::~::::~:'?::f::e::~:~b::;: :'e ~~:~::::: ;:.,d::~~ ,. '~~~L~ . ~ nd':' ...•. ::::.' ;·::-:·f.:;,,~"··:::~:·:-."{r··s8na lor ia:: are· obI i ged to "provide i nformat ion necessary ,"for r • the

. ,: \._.-;..;.'····compll.;t.ioh· of electo~ list. .' '. .< '.:; .. .: ",':' ·r." . ...

. :,T-·:.<··.. 4; The' division elN,t ion comn,ilt" .. "I·.all compile .in ' .. ,>::: ... ; .. ';':'·dupl i cate the elector list" hot less thd'n 45· ddYS before tho ':." .· ...... {: ....... :: .. p'?lling day," in the,form'"p~rov"d by·the G"neral,Election Corro-'

' .. ,;' .... mlttee and make'publlc the lIst signod by the chaIrman' of the .. '.~'.:". .. :~';' division election,'comndttee not." less than 15 daY"3 •. or' in C~f;O: .. :.:...: :: .. ·:· .. ~·;of hospitals, rest houses· and sanat.oria 7 tJu)'3 be-foro ~he poll-'-:,~'" i n9 C;,y: . .

. ,:". " ..

,': .



i t·

Artic16 10. CompJair.ls concerning elector list

.1 , An ol(~ctor is entitled to lodge a complaint divi~inn clr:-clion committ(oc concerned if his/her name 1~~ister~d or was not dul~ registered.

to was

2. The -division election committee shall examine the com­pl~int within 3 working days after the receip( and make correc­tions in tho electors list, or decide to disre9~rd.the com­plaint and respond accordingly, If the elector concernod does. not agree with the decision helshe may. appeal to the court,

Article 19 .. Elector movement

1. In case"an.elector"moves to another· ~lection division before the polling day, helshe shall obtain a movement card, and hav~ his/her n.;arne removed .fr.om thE: old elector list J)nd bo registored with the elector.·liit of :the' new pla~e moved· to .



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Article'20.~~~rm of' no~inatio~~'

.. ..

. ~ .. .', .. ' ....

•• < ."

No •• i nation. she 11 . co;n""" • .:e, 7'. days.' :.: af ter·:· "the ': CB 1 fi rig election .,nd last; 'for is d,?:", .. : , ':::,: '::: . ,.

. I'· . "_"

. ," ' .. , ..... :.-. . .... : .. , .....

.,: ~.'::' . ""::'

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,." ~ l:

·.Artlcle· 21. Nomi"atic>n by irodividu,!! f'art)·

A central. "organ of the pal'lY (hereinafter referr .. ,j ·party.-,),. ·which has seats' In the. State Grest Khural nqminat-e ... candidate for .Pres'ident. 1\ .centr"l party organ

. be Pllrty congress, party conf,,:rtHu . .:o, and. plenum or 51mlloT bodies when the congress is not in· sess.ion .

. ~.

. , Article' 22. 'Joint nominatic>'; by parties ..

to as ~.h.d 1 shn 11 other'

• . .

. 1. When jointly n'omi~ati~g a ~"'ndidate, parties' shall , at the meeting of' their c·.·ntr·al'. organs, decide. and make.·an agree-

. m:o~~_.,;~:f.:~ei~:}~in\p~T~i~i~.~~(on in elections.' ..• .' .\ ... : • 2." 1h~ e'greement on::joint participation in electi'ons shall·

.·contain.provisions concerning· the reciprocal rights and conlmit-·· mants of the parties,. an organization to represent' the parties

'·'in' e le.c.t ions " . full name·s. and posts of the persons included in the': gover.ni n9' b~dy.· of the ··organizati on, ' . as weI i as the'· amount of·····the· contributi'ons to be 'made b-,' the pal:ties to the election campaign. fund and o.ther .. matters agreed upon .

. .' . .' '.. '.. . '.'. :.:: .. : .


,: ::'" .. ,: .... \h~··:·.aG;·eement "'st>ali' b'';: stamped and sign .. d by., . the';' leaders' ,

.... ,~~\.:~ ;';j,;:';:~';~;; ?~~~~;tt¥;~2;:'":;:,L:~' .. ' .. ,«::,~:; .•• , :, .• , .•••. . . -c:: ;:;',. President by.': tho" decision~of.. ·the'·organlzation. t.o. ·.represent· them

,h;:f:~J.j; -t~;0~t1~~,f:1n~':{ ;·;~<~'··V}:~~'~':~r;!,,!'p'~::i:·;r":'· ". ~ . . "., .' '. .' .' .~; .. ~ .. > ,.:·~.: ... ·.·4; :··A· party which:·made~:8n~·8·Qreement. on j,~int pal·ti~iptttion

·: .. :· ..... ~·~.~: .. in·:.".··electit,hs> shalf·· ··not·, individually· nomili03b:'! a cancidi't.19 fClr· . ;,:.:>.: Pr'esidiitit:'or';:,;stablish'a siip.~r·ate election cEimpeign f'.Ind .

. ·:,(~·:· .. {;.i:.· .. : .. - .:.~':~> ":';::.:::: ... ~,': .', .. ' ~~~:. ':':;"::~, ..... ~.\.'.: .. '.'.: .. : .. : .. ' '. .'. '. _ ........ .

. <';-':"";?'. 5:" Ti,e 'nam~ of: the candidate shall be' ,·eRlov."d., from' tho', ';'''.:: c. .. ndIdate'··· .. registry· by. the'. General Election Committee if th., <.: ·parties caric",!.. the agl'eement:on their. joint participation. ·in· . -:;:. el.ictioTls.· and ren~uncetheir· ... decision on. the. nomi nation of the · ..... candidate for· 'presIdent .':' ;',',. .,

: ~.... . .. ; .. ;: .:.

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:.' . ··lS.····


" : '.


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r ;'\l'liele

~ 23. C6ndidates and thoir ~egistr~tio~

I .. A person formally rC91stered with the General Electlol1 (onllldt.t(!£' Bnd acquir~d a ceJ"ti,fic:ate shall-be consid€tred a c.=.tn­:lidat.{- for President ..

2. The General Election Committee shall dld~to and issua a certi'icatefo~' him/h~~ 25' c,,111n9 of an electIon. .,.

'. , • :. '., J ••

r"'9ist.er the days .after


CDn~ .!­


3 .. The central party or9ah'or the organization represent-i nq the parU<,s joined for the elections shall attach to the ~ncislon on the nomin~tion ~f the 'candidate for Pr~sident fol­lowing documl"'nts: a written acceptance by the 'candidate of the nomination. the candidate's election platform developed in" ac­~ordance ",ith Presidential powers as provided by the constitu-· t.ion, curriculum vitae prepared in accordance "with the form .. provided by the the Gene,'al ElectIon Committea, 'birth certi,i·:" ... :. cate (or' any olhor document:cerdfying' that . :the' 'candidate is. :10n9011an.,ln..o' ··)inl' thebirth··certificat.e: is not:availabll'L a d(c.U;·I~nt is!:.,::'''.j bY'soum Q!. d~stti~t: Governo'rs' to .certifY:.l::hat .. ~h~ candiddte L(;$, at leas~·for.last 5 ycars·,·bee.n·continuously residing"i'n hiilheT country, and":'"medical ~onclusiQn •

. ' .. ". ~:' .

Wh~n lO"'gistcring' the 'candidate; 'ver"iffcationshall be made "hen,er ~ lhe presented""docuine~ts; are' genuine :and,complet.e.arid:'.' the nomi"nat. ioh Pl'Qcess' has: .. been··~proceeded;'~"~i n:':" ·acc·ordance···· with':;.:',

r e,I evant~ aws. . '.: .. ;'.:.~;·~,);~::;;~t;~:;;~J,!~.~H.€: ":~ ";\"'<:;. ...' "0" TIi .. Gen~raI.'·.Election Commlttee'shall :.make. publ1c,·the .c, .....

rp.g istl'atiori' of the. carididates'.withih 3 workiris days' after' the' ~e9ist~ati.on.::· ........ ~.. . '.'~''':' : ..... '.~"';:"::'::-'<~~ . .f:~.'.::-' ....... ; ......... ' ..... '. :'~'"

';, .. ,

.... , '-' ..

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Anicle 24.



Cn nGel j ng Ih)n.i 0 ... 1 t i 01' d(·(.l S i on", and recoilln~ thG candidato . .

1. A candidate Is entit ted to withdraw '"om the election::"': process. or party or parties joined for·the elections may. als~ call back and replace [helr cindldat~" ,

Party or parties' joined for' the elec.tIons 'sh,llil im­mediately notify the General Election Committee of their re-·. placement· decision. r/>e General Election Committee shall make·:-·:·c ····· '.

public its decision to ~onsider the nomination invalid, as wali .~~::' J)S th~ candidate's withdrs1..lal or recalling' by the party ,or' P6rties joined for the elections.,

'... .' .- . ,', 2.' 'Party or parties joiped for the elections shall not .b


·.:'-.: ... : .... ·.: .. >· "'. permitted. to replace their cal;ldidate'if they faH to'lnform', days prior to the polling day' the General Election Committee of" their decision to recall the candidate.

Article 25. Replacing the candidate ,,',' . . -,' . :-.

• . . . ..• '!, ... ,":"

.... ' .•. The. parfy concerned or the parties 'joined for ,thi> elec,·:.,' »:.<:."." lions·niaY nominate a new candidate. and have him/h"'r"·registe;-~d··,_.< :.<',

'with .'. th,,'General Election CommHtee '18 days before the polling."'::':: . .> day'"in'case ·th'l. previous candidate' has .. died or" a party··.:.or::.:":·'j·,:,::" parties joined' .for . the . elections:: . recalled ,. thei ~ cendidate",:::':>:::;-;-;":' before'tlie term specit:ied.in ArtIcle 24 of. the' present Law;~i/·'·'·i,:{:gr:·.~ "-.",,:. .. .. :. --'". '". :-,,". ",'- . ", ':'~''''''':::~;:~.'':'.: . ..:'!'~.<::

... ,". : ; . . . . , .. ' ':-: ".<./. ~... . ~ .. : . . ' .. ,.. ..:.,~" ~;,~.':~.Z·~;.<;~:· . ;";", . ", . '.": ,"<:": :,'

,"-. Articl';26. ·Assisti.ng the ·c .. ndidate· .. ': .. ~ .

,,' :

:,. ··f: . The nomini'lting 'party (the representing organization 1n':' case. of the parties which jointly nClminHed a candjdate) shall' ... ' establish' a party election body respo'nsible for .' th·, or9·,niza-:>. t.ion· of the candidate's election' "r&P[.raUon and c.ampai~n·ad-. "'.'

.1.. ,~

.ve.·tisements and' notify the Gene'r,91'Elec~ion CClmmittee of ·.its '.' o!-stablishment:. . . . . ." . ..

. ",:

"':'., . . .... . . ~

2. The G6n~TBl ElectiDn Committoe shn!l rC91~ter and issue a ·cEo,·tiflcat" fo,-· the ·chi.ef and offi'ce,'s of the party .:.loc':,ion· ...

.. t.ody ~..' .

" . 17

, • " .: .

. . ~ . :-.

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.. :

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I l

Articlo 27. GlIl)rl'tnt~"3 for the C}lnc!f.1/lt~·s cdmpaf9n Dctivitiee


l .Th~· (blldldale "hall enjoy the. ri,,~.l to c.pc.'Hld hls/h"r 111.,~·.tj"11 plA::fdrtll, freelY o:.:prc>~:::; his/hp.r 'Jil.·W'3, .n •. -\k~ ·;ldv":I-t i.·t:'t~nlf,.~n1.s l.h(J)uo)h pr(;-c:; lliid i lJ~onl)iJl iOIl (.u, .1;1!" •. :H .. ·: :.0 (,~bU1 i 1~ I in ..,cc."rd~II":"t~ l-Jith rclcvdnt pl·c·.·.'='du'·,!'~, np.Gf:$.;.lry dal . .J ;In.'; C"Ithc·y rC!fc~re-",c(", matorial~; frorn the- J,.~anizali"ll:; cC:li".r.rned. . . ,

2. The candIdate shall be taken und~r pr,)tection wl,en 1'0-

quirE-d. E)(pf."ns~s for the protection shull I:-e cov~r(;d from f.ttlt.C· t..Ud~:h·.:" •

3. It sh,',ll b~ ~TohHdl(rd. wlth·:.ut t:"v:- p~rr.d::.:-:ion r;f tho G,;-n,::-1".ll Clt'.-r..tInn C,':'mmittec, t:f' !7.11~.jP.Ct the- '::-lnc1jdo!'t~ trJ

::ri!':'d:-;.:tl liability. c.rr(:~·tt suspend or d .. ~~,.!dn (Hn~~:-.~ h(''-:roh,,;, \.;:.);.;-; -:'\I'rest("d while committing a crime or b·,:.ing .'j~", the pI.JCof"J

l"ith clear evidence of a Crinh!). imj:Jose by CvllTt dist:iplinilr)' c.hilro~. zeal"ch hjm/her '01' his/het' r€'":::idcIlCC: .Jnd 'Jf~i(f:'.· iJlhJ to dizlili~s from his/hor work at an adminjstrDt:cf' i ~I;l!"tiv(-..

4. It ~.h .. lll be pr.ohibitnd ti) :.;;13jld0~' !,h:- ",';',,~!d,"I~~1 C'~:'Ii~·).r:: ~,i:~J!-,(·r r~putF"tion, ,j'!9nity and the: c.O:lfidr.::.!.j:.!.if.:· (·f !,ir;.'!i";·,· ;:.r .!\l')~.;? 1 i fo;: alld cu)"rcspondence ..

5. Thr;; !';:'PJ(;)'in~i ~d:'!linistration ·z.h£lll· rol i::-··:t. ~ht'.: ':·an-·· did'lto Tl· ... "H-n his/heT work clnd render eve!")' .J''!>:.iztarK .• ~ .in his/"h~.I··· €'l~·(..t~.on campaign In' accord.once t"ith Ti!levi;ilt .. }.;w::. •

. ... .:... ' ..

6. Tho PrEl~idon'l ot":· Mongol i~·~· ': if norni nated' for olec.tivn.· ''Shall contint.:e to'::"'carr>" ~;Jt··" hl=,/hcr c!'..Itie!:·. hlJ/:.,,:n., ~.)fl iii):.:. jn$tT'.i!"~t .ciny:~uthi)rity or o·fflci"J .-..nd.lo!' dc(.i~:.ir.'J::-.. tok€:11 .inOt: ... ;nn.::cf.ion ':'lith ~rczid(;~f,ti . .;l. !,lL:cti();) ters. ':1

'. < .....

:, .. ,

0.· •.

. : .'

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f.rllci" 213. EI(oJt1on campaign

,1. Meetings, gatherings or agitation centres may be or-9,\niz6d by 'the ca"didllte to introduce hi,,/h.,r election plat­form, freely Bxprpss hlg/hel'" views. an~/Qr by a pDrty or p~·,rt ie:s ,j..;.: r.-,·J for the c16clion5 to advertise thel," candidate.. i'

r j .

2. Et.,,'t!on campaign shall end 24 houTs.before the polling day. It shall be prohibited to make any advertisement-from this period untll the end of the polls. and to conduct opinion poll." or publish its results during a week prior to the polliryday.

3. Fro,~ and equal access shall bE' provid~d fer eac.h can­didate il) 3t~te fDdio and television. or slale-controled n~~£pap~r and I)Ol"iodicals for his/her ele~tion advertisement.

4.'TherD shall be a charge for any of candidat~ advertise­ments made for the lime other than allocated by the General Election Committee in state radio and ,television. or" state-controled n~wspaper' and periodicals. "

:'c, .


Article 29. Meetings of, the candidate. with electors,

• "1 .

1. 'The candidate may meet his/her electors', in the',: period ",',

• I

up to. 24 houfs before' the poll i ng., ' .. '" ": ' : " .. ,',,;';:': ,,: .. , , " '.' . -' '~":,,, .. ::',::,;',".:':,':::~"'"

: .' .. .' .' ..•.. ;.: ':' :: . Governors of ,'re'levant administ~8tiv'" a'nd' territorial," :,:':",

, units shall 'render every possioie 'assistance to' the' candIdate' when the latter meets his/her electors. ': ..

.: ..... .. :. ", .

. ; ~ : , .... : ...... :

• -, • ',1 •

.... . ... " ..

: i',. :

· ':. -. " "" ': .

. I:.> ... ··

: -: ::., ~ ",\ '.' .. · ',"; :' .


· .: .:' .. . ~ :" .


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PO~.LS. PRIMARY 'ELECTION .OUTCOI1E . . . ; '. ': ". .... ." . . : ..

.... to· ; •• ' : .. ~ .. ;.

... j'

: .. , "; .


. ... :: .

'1. Polls shall be:conduchc(at the polling st~tion betwecn 07 ".m. and]O p.m. on the polling day: A divi:;ion election con,mi·.tee shall keep· the public informed of th'" place and tim., of lhe polls during the p6riod of 14 dey.: prior to t.h" polling ddY.

2. SOllm or distrlct:govcrnors ~hall be responsible to provIde' their constituencies with (ecilitles with votinG booth:!> and ballot boxes enough for electors to b&llot in secrel.

-... '. ":

, Arti~l'e 31.:IiGllo t pepers . .

1. eallot· :papers' shaU; be printed.in· ac~ordance .to lhT,. form "pproved by the .General·.Election Committee and be.trans­n,i lted' by .. the coinmitteo to local election 'cominltteesand f"om, the them to' 'division"election"::committees ·'.lhrouilh :subsidlary:

· comini lte.es .. ~~t,less· tha~':;; d~~!.f.b.~f~r.e .. ~~e. poll i ng day. . . ",~ oJ· ":".', . :'. ;.,

, 2. on': ~·the·.· bllll~t':· p~~e:<':~i,er'~'~ha ll.~ be: ~r i nted ,'. lhe · candidale·s· .. .fi.il1·, n<ime~ fol lowed·.by , in ·brllc.kets;:: the: name of lho"

noniihating pa'rtY·or:paT·t'ie~; joined for ·the:·elections. pTlntnr­der' of' candida!:.e.;': names' shall ,be': f rx"d by' the GI>nerai Et'cction Commi tt. ..... e·wlth" th"" nlln,,"", pIeced' i-li·"rot."t.ion ,,,,' tho pd nciple of .~Qualfty :and due ·c9risider8tio·n,~-~;iiv~n ... to ·c'cinstitue'oc·y-." size' and

· ~ l~~:l~r:n~:nber s>: :>: ::,\~' ~:'\'. U£\.l~:>\ i::' •.•. <~-': ..;' . . '.,' . 3, . Ballot'· p,apers:.:·;'hall:' be'" stamped . and:·. si9,;ed by the.

· ch .. l rn, .. n 'and·.s·ecretary.:. of ·adivision'elect.io·n· committee'. 'Sal lot 'papers without:;signalure·:.and·stamp shat'L not be'i'-sed for': polls.

. : .:" •...... ,',.-. "->'",:" ":"'(:-':"'::.( .• 'T"':'::O, ';'",:: - .. ,:'.;. . " ";'" ', ..

' .. ;

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A .. liel .. 32: Adminislr,'tion of poll:;; ".

1. On ~.hQ PQllln~ day, at 7 d.m. memh0rs f,f ~ division (dC"clion comlhitleo t.hall, In thr, prc-cer,ce of olc('l'.1ls· ,"e:pra­Sl"!nt.at i· .... ce , che-ck and scold .all !:nllot. boxes, dr,d give start to lhe polls. Par ly Obz(Jl"Vers' and i nformation b·g~·ney representa-tives may be prosont at the opening. t

~ L.

election An cb:?i-rvor

committeo just moni tor whf.-thcr of f:l;"ctlon rl:turr.::. t'ut h~/sht;o 6h(:l11 frot committeo.

has to be reglDtcrRd with 8 subsidiary and have a eer t; f iClllo. . rh<=!' obt:;arver may' vote c..'1st.ing c:.nd r.ounllng bnd !:umming up wrrc P"oc~~de~ ~~~o,·dlr'~ t~ ·~l~ctlon ldws, inlcrfer~ in th~ functious. of ~n election

Tho procodures for the particiPDtion of foreign observers" In eI<'.;ctions .,had be est"hllshed by the Gene,·"J ElecU.,n Corn-r •• i! tf~f':-.

3_ A" division election cOnlmitte~ ~"hBll c.h!·ck .)c;alnsl elcc­t.:>r· Ii!.:: th.!! P,)~"~:':-OTt 0" other c:;~r::.lric~tc.,s o)f t:'4ch elector. ;:.,,01 Pfovj"d('~ him.'herr with a .ballot· p.;.p·:~r.

EJec.tors mO\led dtJl"ing polls .sholl 1 be r~9istered with Sl'p­~!6:ml}nta~'Y elector" list and be' provided ",".i.th ballot papers a::ter their" passports,. or .. other .cer·tifitatos and movement cards .

. h .. ve. been ch",c ked. . . ". . .. . ' :

""4. Tho' fo:t:.t .'.~f ~lector's vote' casting shall bp. marked on .J .... :' ,

his/her pa<:sport and eloctor. list ..

Arlicl~ 33~ Vot~ cast·in;

. 1. An ci<'lctor shall corne to the polll n9 station and c~st his/her vole in person. Howevor, votes· of those olectors, .. who.

··CBn not C<.lme t",· the polling station due t.o illness or some ot.her· valid reasons shall be taken· with a SF.!"Io>d ballot box by not less than 2 division "p.lecli('')n comfnittc~ mt!mbers wllo' come to·' the~.at their reqUQDt. .

.. "

.21 ...

' ...




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3. In case an elector.·m8d~ a mi~i8ke and put e when'fliling In a ballot paper, he/she shall notify il lo the division ,election.committee before" putting b .. llot box and may .get a new ballot pap .. r. . .

,.' wrong ml'yk and return

I nto the

An keep th ..

election divia!on·committee shall make a record of bl,d ballot paper returned.

4. No person, except an elector t shall be preS,e-nl jll thE: voting bo~th. An elector,'who Is not able to:flll in the ballot pap,. ... r· j n pf:!rsan. may be assisted by his/her °truc.tce .. However I

dny p~rty ~lcction·officer; election committee member or ob­S:CTV('!'r can not be allowed to. assist·as a trustee.

... ", .. ".':." :', ... ~ .... '

~ :-.:; .. '

" .. ;.,

. . Article; .34 .•. Consiciel'i ng' ballol< paper. i hvalid

< •••• :) ::::·:..:::~rt;~~~~;~~il~![1jj~~1\;!0""S"~~)f"'~· •. :" 2) the b811ot·pape~ .. ::':di·dn··t::hav~';:th~·:·::~I~natui-·e:of th.)·

ehai rman and secretary:<and,:stanip·;of.· tli,,"'diiiision: election con,:... .

.' mi.tt~e ~onc .. :.~ed; ... :-\:;;{\:;?·~:'\::.~)·iO\~~;\\:' <':.,::.:' ...... . . . . 3) .': ~he" . b&Uot: paper" ·.,as' ncit"m,,'r ket ;.·,·and,roj'·· ria,;,~·.'~f· iril'~C' .... -th.)n ~nc ··can.didates, .... ~a.s:·;:.·m~i:ked·~.·:· o.r .. ~ 1i~~;-._ mar.ks;. oth~r ,"~han .•. ,=,ecified .10.. tt,lis. Law;; ... '.>-: .. ;,.:.:.·":,··:.' ...... '.";':'."';':' : "

4)' d 11 . car,did~tes'names :w.erefro~,sed .:;~t; .::' ;;

'". :::.

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Arlicle'3~. V~te counting

. 1. Vule counting sh~ll bit" ~roc.:h_loded In tr"n~pl'lrency. R~p" res'~rlt"'t.ivt!~ of Obsc'Tvers, ole-,turz. ';\,$ w(:lt _.1$ pr(:!;!.: and inf",r­Ind t ion .)U~:-It~ 1 P.'.~ ,.,Ay b" pr, SCIlt. I ttJl" 1 I) • .) \.'.:..lo C."'lu.l J ng.

2. A djvl~iQn ole-cti",·", committe*=, t:hall ar.notJnct' at 10 p.rn.' the beginging of vote cuuntlng and upon ballot boxes after unll~~d bill lot p.op€lor'S ",cre counted and sEl';rled. It shall be prohibited to opan ballot boxes b~fore the cou,.L tim6 or moke inl&YTuptior,s durint/ vote counting.

3. A divi~i~n election Go~mit~cp, on ~.he b~sis of an el~c­tor li~;t, ~;ho!fll COUT,t lhe tolal nUnlt.H:"r of it~'": c.o",sljt\J('Il~> .:-} :>-ctor.3, tht~ nlun!-)('r of p.l\'(".t(W3 9.:.t bDllol p."ipt,rs, .the num~t:.r (.r tot~! ;),. villld and invi:tolid bldlot. pYt-'crs tl.ken out of ballot btJ):e:3 and thS' numbe)' <,f votes cact for e~ch cDndid.3to.

4. A Ji\.'i::;~f .. TI .-' "'ction corn;nitLCr~, shClll conoidt':"r the E·IE":c" t~.,n re-turns. de-:idt<: .... ···00 .... nd ann.:,;...n.:o conclusions at its meet-jng ..1nd l:tloli:di::Jt.;!:" · .. ::brrdt th.::·m ·to t.hE: lccaj c"r sub~idiary .. -~lecti()n ~c.mmitt.e.;. ·:;..)nccrned.

~ : . ArticlEi ·36· •.. summin9·up and submJttin9 : election returns

1.· A ·:loc.!,}. ~lect ion comrni ttee. on tho. b3Sis of its .$ub-. sidlary and divi,;;ion c.,mmittee conclusions. sl",11 int"'9,·.,te·

: dF.lt(J. on th~· tot.)!- ro:,JQ11:.t;·r Clf· 1 ts consti tuenc),- e1 ectC:rs., . the flum­<ber of ehctors.·,;;ot ballot PllP-!O'·S •. tho number of valid and in­

valid b~110t:p.ap6TsJ and the numbor of votes cast fur (>~ch·can-d·idat'3., .

. 2. (.. local election co.omittee "hall pr<"p<'r.) and consider. within J ddYS ond throuoh its meeting. the. returns of·t.he ftlec­

.Uons h.:;ld within its constitueo.:y and notify the", to the Gener"l Electio;'.Com .. itt~e within 2 <ldY" .

. .


. ..


0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 8

I , I

~ I

1 ., , i 1.

~ " I . "1






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" , , ; :,:-;': i ,';. ". , " :

".,,: ., . . " '.- . ,,' .".; . . ~.".,~::'i" .. ;~~;,. ~. ' .•. , .. , ...... " . .... ''';''.,"';1 ,,~4 .. J ~i"l':' . ' ,;'", , ~".. ",' :,. ~ ',' .. ", :.,.~ :;-., .• "

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.i'·;>:':,·'·l·I ·J "The:·General Election' CommIttee shall prepare. on. the rJ. .1·. . . basIs ',01' .local election commIttee conclusions •.. total' primary election returns for each candIdate. . .;, :. .'\: ...... . . ... (. .r-

" :.: .. ~." . ·~·;·/·i·:{L.· ...... :' :.;> .... ' .. '.'.. . ;" :.2,' 1he total electlon"raturns shall be doteTlnlned·by' the'

total ballot pap.ers. taken out· 'of ballot boxes~' ' ...... ' .. .:} ...

, . :. '.' . ' ..

.:: .. C~APTER 'SEVEN . '" .'.: • .t. -." .: .:··· .. 1.·

'.' . .~. '.:;.


::.~:':' '::;:. ": '. f:::,::'F;'e;:[,·~::J~)~:"':·i:'i':;;:~~\r:;:~;' .' ...



I ; .... ,.: .. ::, ... ;.... ::: ""T~.lcl~~38."Consid.':ti;,9· invalld;a~d .. recondui::ting

.:·;;~V.j:~~Nl!;i{~;;~!~t~~g£~~"fM;if~~!~'!~}~~t~g:~~~~£:~~:~*~i!*~i:~:f~.r;~f;;·i~v~~. id:' .: ... ..- 9~V J.:slol"I .. .electlons,. when .. ....... _~'_ .. :/~ ....... " ...... ". t' -: •• • _.~ • ...- .... r_.~: _~. " O(~: '.' • .


:":~~?iJ~frji~r~1~;~~Yi$~'i~~~Wl~~~~i~1t~~~:i;lr~{it~~~i~=i~~;~;:~.·~~~·~· ~~~s i g~:~ .' , . ': . ,.:::;:!ia:f.ed·:~ n!=i 'a i>;,oun~'Eid ,.ani:l.ior.r#oiidticted~:'o~ :'a'.;day;.:o~I:,,;r;.·tf:i~ il, pre';' 1-' .. ', ' .. ..

', ... . >~::;~.\;~:... I: ~ :',:.i. ~, .. ' .hot.,· J ..

, ,

.... ,.;. ',-':', " ','" . ..;.' i -:. . ,. I :. ,

. ,':.': ,",'in;;/IIbel's,," and,;t.el ectors··-:··was: proved ··to have ·'1 Of itienced· el:ectors '.:; ':. ,.,

·.<:{5~r~ ~ ~j~i :~':~i:: !~:~0:~{~~j\:t~::~tt~~:f'fl~~~~:i::~{~~iii::':;;:~:~: '~'~~'::':;. . ...... 1. '. ;: ~::abus;"'::" of·' their:.dght!i-"ii·d'.·f.urict.ions·'bY electiorr.'ccimmittee inem'7'" ; ·>:}fb~rs·'~nd:O'ff Jc·l;;is·;.of:ol1iElr;:,;geride~ -,:'<~er lousl ~;':::affect<id': the' " . !

I , ! }: I . I;'

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..•... I.

'.::; '2. Polls shall be rIO-conducted within 7 days after .. 10-' cal el6ctlo~ commlttoe has consld~red the elections invalid. Decision to r~-conduct polls shall be made by a local election committee. The decision shall contain information on the place end day of the polls to be re-conducted .. I>olls can be re­conduc~ed on a ~orklng day. All the electors of a divlsIo~ election shall .be. involved in 'the polls if voting has been con-' cluded invalId throughout the division ..

.' .... :',

~. 3. The votes of those who could not come to the polls be-cause of the rCasons specifIed in Article 33, ~aragra~h' 1:' of the present Law, shall bo considered ·invalid if their ballot boxes were lost or ·opened before the time stipulated in:" the. Law. In this' case the voters wh~ cast their votes 'In those ~al- .. , lot boxes shall be ~equested to'participate In the polls to be ..... ~e-conducled~ .' ,

. .'

Art. Iefe' 39;' Re~co~ductin9P';lis i~ cas~': ~""~" <.~ . . . ....··none of the candidates:· ... ::.~':' '.,

. won major I ty of votes· .• ..... :.' ~- .. .,.' .-. . -:' . '.' .


::' . ,~'.:' ..,' .: .. , .. ;.... . -. .' .-"":.'. ;""::.'.~,.,~ ..... ~.:.,:./~. ':";P"',--\:'

" ~ .. :'.' .:...... 1 ~". The ··t;w" .candidates who. won the largest> number" o(:·e.1ec~.,.i:.:',"·:·~:' .. ' .. "';.: ...... ::~: ... tors.· .. vote!; .;. she 11' contest for: r e"elect i on' .. if .· .. "o~e: of. the;.: ca·ii~:.'::;",:,.:X::::"

. , .. ,':~;~ ... -:' . . '. " '.

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..•. . . ' .. • "

, ' . Article 40, Proposing 'to the State Great·

Khural '.to 'consider the elections invalid and to re-conduct elections

1, The General Eiection Committee shell, withIn 30 days after the end of the elections. propose to the State' Great Khural to consider the elections invalid and to r,e_~conduct a new election in cases/when:

" J. • .

1) 50' per cent of all. the electofs"registered in' ~lector lists didn't participate in the primary .. elections;




.. ~

. ::':~\;, ':e l~, c t.~l~:. ....... , .

I. ,' .

... , ,.~.: .. ::. " ',--... ;-" ,-, . ....... <.' ~;: ·:.c .• ,.'

.. :.,', ,'_",;:-'. :;'-:'2'.'--' .In' .:',.case ';': the·,;;'StalEi .. Great" khuT al"·consider.ed 'the: poll s, -'C,.',­, ' ,:<'>" i~vaiid;'h the' gr04nd:' of t.h.is,,';;ft.-i~is;,pa~aiirai>1) 1(i );1 t shai 1 ", ': /,',,;;: ,fniiounce the,'; rs':c:ondiicting'::of', polls':wlthi n:60 dliys'afte'i-: ta ki ng , ., "",<" such,a' decl'sion',''-' In' case:·the ',-S tat e 'Gre,it: Khurai, con'sidered the

''', .. polls inlialid,on::the'ground: of This)ii't:icle'; paragraph 1(2,). it' '" . shall' announc;':.a:,.re-eleciionwithin '7day;3 after 'taking such a

'decision.' If" 'the'Stat.;-Great, Khural"conside'red the polls .in~·

." .'

. 'valid .onth';' :ground of': this Artlel'ei:paragraph,l(3). ::it'shall >', ,.examine" themattej-:.-,:'in detail:'and decid.fto:'re:'coi1d~C:t, ';;itheY ': <,:,; . .-:

,:,'~:, polls or'.election ,i n "-ccordance;, wI th . t.his':- pai~"gr,aph z.< Local,' ,,: '-:' , , :: ,",.-- subs idla,'-y:': ,s nd ;: dl Ii is lon"," Eil ed,i,?ri :;comrni tt.ees ,shall.-o,e : e",tab":-.- ,',":",' -- -- " " .: . ',.- "lished anew.: 1 n 'case, of re,':voti ng ,'and', re':elei::tioh''-''',r-he '.r.';leva'nt . , . ,;,,','" 'provision~' "of' this 'Law. shall/be: appliedt.o' iiuch' acti\ii t!eeas:;:·

'. : ... ' the pl-ep8rst.lori for :and holding: of presidenti"i.',electlo;i; the ...... . " " nomination'of candidates" eloction campaign,' etc." .".: .. ,_:. .. ' . .'

• ,'.' ...' .:,' .'. ..,......., -:. c .' .', • ,,' .:.' •

. -." . ',' '" .....

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.,:.,. :.1'.. ' 3' ..

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t. • f' ,

Passing" law. recognizing , .. Presidential full powers

Article 41. :'.

~ . f

1, IJol.,ithE,lnnding the provisions of Article 40, parllgrllPh 1 of tl,ls Uaw, tho candidate, ,who secured' majority vote of th~ electors participot~d in the primary electionSi shall be considered President-elect in accordance with Article 31, paragraphs 4 and S of the Constitution, and the .Chairman of the' General ElectIon Committee shall. within 30 days' after the elections, propose to the State Great Khural to pass a law reCOgni21~gfull powp.rs of the President.

2. The state Great Khural shall consider the General Elec­tion Committee r~port on the final results of the primary elec­tions and a Const.itutional Court ·ju.dgment if there is any ..

t1embers of the tht> Cha! rmiln of the the Constituticnal r·


s,t.Jtc Great Khural 'may put. questions to Seneral Election Committee and Chairman of rt after the report and/cir Jud~ment were.


; 3. The members each of the following

. 'p(~~~ry:ele~ti6ns:,

of . the State,Great Khural sh~ll vote on poi nts .conc!i.r.ni.ng':thl' :,candl<1:ale:: '.and< the,. '.' . ' . ::~:·,:·::.~~:::S::,;> .. ~ .. <;,:~.~.:~~: .. ·,~,:,~",: :':'~,::: ,'. '::'.~'.'.:.' ':

, ,

" ':

. ., ... :" .... " ,: ,.

l).va!ldityof the priinaryelections'; " .". . . . ': '. ': , .. ::;.... i.··· ·r:; ~ .,' ~ ',' /"' . ,. .

2.'" absence of' i ncompatibi li ly .'reasons 'for·. £lie candidate to . be" elected as.President ('incompat!!)il'ltyreasons·.'Shall.mean .' failur" by' the candidate to'ineeltherequirements:specified .In· Articl" 30, pal'agraph' 2' of the constitution; ': an"offense.·com-. 'mitted by the candidate was proved bY"court after:: the. pri'mar)< ·elections. or If· the candidate has beeil"certified 'insane upon a . ",edical conclusion). . . . . '

'.' . 4 '.' The' candidate' shall be considered ·President.-elect and a '. ·.'law recognizing 'Pr('lsidential full powers shall be adopted in" 'case a major ity of tha' men,bers of .the Stale Great· Khural ··votea.

in the affi rmaUve for. each matter: 'specified' in '. this . A,:ticle, . pa'rilgraph 3.··· '. . ~.

'. ,: .: ..

. ' .. ~

.... . , "

27 ,. ,




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' ..

I 'f .1

5. An 'elucidation voting shall take place on each of the points spoclfled in Article 40, par8gr8ph 1 irt """e a m.,jority of th~ members of the State Great Khural didn't vote in the af­firmative on the points specified in th'is Article, . paragr8ph 3( I). The candidate shall be considered President-elect and a law recognizing the full powers of President shall be adopted 6S provided in this Article, 'paragraph 4 in case the members of the State Great Khural did not vote in the affirmative on the points specified In ArtIcle 4~, paragraph 1. The procedure specified in Article 40, paragraph 2 of this Law shall be ap­plied under other circumstances.

6'. The State Great Khural shall call and hold a re­election for President in the even~ of the death 'of' the can­didAte or the State Great Khural ~idn't consider the candidate President-elect and adopt a law recognizing the full power of the President 'on the gl'ound that the candidate failed to meet th~ requirements. specified in this Article,·paragraph.3 . ... :. .


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. CHAP'r.E~ ",'; N~NE., ... :.:,.'·'" <: .

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........ ;.. ~ :,; . ..... :.;::

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, I

. ~.' ..... CALLING AND HOLDING EU'CTION ., ...... ';:' .,.!

'. IN CASE PRESIDENTIAL' FULL. POWERS .... ".,', .' I ....... , ····::,}:·:~~~;~f~;o,~rI~~p?·,:~·?:'.··,·- ... , .•....... ';;.:. ".'

, SETTLEMENT' OF DISPUTES'RELATI'NG TO':·.< ·:(:.:i:', '. :",," ;

··"~'<i<;.;2~£g1~1"~]~~ft?,t'~t?{fr, •. .. .... .'! .. 0:::.'.:.:":" . '!ncase·Proislden!:.Jal:. full. powers',· '. ', .. ,

.'. .' .,.' ·,">f~d:,~ef,~,~~.:~er,~:,,»;.::~:<,;,:::. :', ...• / .... " 1.'TheState GreatKhurBI:sh~lFcall'and'-l:rold ";it'hiri'4"'" months'a new,Presidentialelection' iri. the event· of, tl10 '«,s1gn8,-'

'. tion,·.death· or voluntaryoffice·1eave'of'the president,':' .: .. , " .... '.::.... ":.:.': /';-.::'.:;':"::;' .~:;::-' ...... :.:. __ .~. :.", ",' . '<:'~. ,_r'

'2: . The provisio'ns of':' this Law shall be 'app!icabHiwhe" calling 'and holding a 'new presiqent1al election:. in.:.<.:"",e Presidential full.powers end before the terms.·.. ., .

. .'. .:. .-.






, • •

n,"ticle ~~. Settl~ment of Di~put~~ "cJdtlng to Presidenti~1 election

~rlY disPul~ r&lating to the PI'~sidcrlliD) clect,jrJn ~h~ll be s~ttJed by the Con~titutional Court, courts ~nd/0r General Elt:·ct.lor. Corrlmille£: within thE: jurisdiction and in ;;c.cordancF) ~ilh procedure, as prescribed by laws.

: ; ...... .

Article 44. Entry in~o force

ThIs Ld~ shall enter into force on let M~rch. :993.



1Sth.February, 1993

. :. .. : .

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