Elt Task 10 Assessment Summary Chart




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Bethany Vance

Western Governors University

ELT Task 10

May 18, 2013

Assessment Summary Chart

Directions: Mark each box that appropriately indicates what the assessment can be used for with an X. Mark I for individual, G for group, or I/G for both (if appropriate) in the column titled Individual or Group Assessment.

Assessment Tools




Individual or Group Assessment

Additional Explanation of Use





IRIs are used to judge individual reading ability and can help teachers in multiple areas of assessment. An IRI can be used to test progress when they are used several times throughout the year. After completing an IRI, the teacher can use this report to diagnose what the student needs to work on and focus on those things during individual practice time

IRIs should be performed with students individually because each student will have different results. The teacher cannot carefully listen to multiple students for specific errors at the same time.





Retelling helps the teacher to measure what a student was able to understand from reading a book. When a student retells what was read in a book, the student puts the information in their own words. This gives the teacher an idea of how a student organizes information as well as how much s/he understood from the reading. Doing multiple retelling assessments over the year will show how a student progresses.

Retelling should be done individually because if done in a group, the students will interrupt each other and the teacher would never know what each individual student understood from the book.

Running Record




Keeping a running record helps both students and teachers to see what progress has been made. It is an excellent tool to use for the teacher to see what types of reading strategies a student is using. Having students read orally gives the teacher a better look at how the student reads. After the passage has been read, the teacher will ask questions to find out how well the student comprehended the text. Once the teacher has completed this assessment, they can decide whether the student is reading books at the right level.

A running record should be done with individual students as each student will have a different outcome.





The teacher can use observations to figure out what a student might be struggling with. They are mainly used to find out what specifically the student is having problems with. This information can be recorded and referred to in the future to measure the progress the student has made throughout the year.

Either groups or individuals can be observed. Groups can be observed to see how well they are working together while individuals should be observed for personal performance.

Fluency Assessment




Assessing fluency should be done individually with students to see how well they can read. Having students read aloud helps the teacher to see what sort of sounds or words they are having trouble with. After diagnosing and working on problem areas, the students can show that they have made progress and met the goals for the year.

Fluency assessments must be done with individual students as each student will have difficulties with different words. Once the teacher has assessed each student, students with similar errors can be grouped together to work on those specific areas.

Phonics Test





Testing for phonics can be used to report progress, diagnose, and show that students have successfully met the goals. Using a list of sounds that students need to know by the end of the year, the teacher can keep track of the students progress, provide appropriate coaching when they have diagnosed a problem, and measure if the students have completed the requirements for that grade.

Phonics tests can be given to a group of students or individual students. If the test is an oral test, the students should be assessed individually. A written test, however, can be given to the entire class at the same time.

Reading Logs



The entire class can keep reading logs to see how they progress throughout the year. When a student keeps track of the books they read, they should write the number of pages as well as a short summary so they can remember what the book was about. That way, when they go back and look at all of the books they read, they can compare them to what they are reading now.

This can be used with the whole class or with individuals. For the books that are read aloud to the class, the teacher can keep a reading log and encourage students with the progress they have made as a class. In addition, the students should keep personal reading logs as well.

Phonemic Awareness Assessment



Phonemic awareness assessments will help teachers to find out what specifically is causing students to make mistakes when reading. Doing simple awareness activities, like comparing and relating a variety of words will show the teacher what sorts of things the students understand and the things they are misunderstanding.

Phonemic awareness can be to coach each student in a personal way when reading. These assessments can also be used to test group phonemic awareness as well.




Rubrics are usually used to grade writing assignments or larger projects. They will help students to clearly see what area they need to work on. A rubric should show the students that either they completed the task appropriately or diagnose specific areas that need more work.

Rubrics can be used to assess group or individual assignments. Group project rubrics may show that a specific student did not properly complete their part of the project.




With a portfolio, students can see all the work they have done and progress they have made in one place. All types of projects and assignments should be kept in a portfolio. Art assignments, math quizzes, writing assignments, and more can make up a students portfolio.

Each student should keep their own portfolio and they should be individually graded as well. A portfolio should be a compilation of each students best works from the entire year.
