Emotional Recognition Questionnaire Version 7- 6/7/2012 3 to 11.2.pdf · Emotional Recognition...


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Emotional Recognition Questionnaire Version 7- 6/7/2012

Information for the researcher:

Place the 6 emoticon answer cards in front of the service user. Ask

the service user if they know what each one shows. For any that

the service user does not know, tell them what it is and ask if they

can tell you something that makes them feel that way. After you

have been through each of the emotions on the cards re-check

with the service user what each card represents by asking “which

one is ______ (e.g. worried)?”

If the service user does not get three out of five correct at this point

then you should not continue with the questionnaire.

Prior to starting the questionnaire provide the information outlined

below. Read each question out to the service user and ask them to

either say or point to the emotion that indicates how they would

feel in that situation. Only one answer can be chosen for each

question. Tick the answer the service user identifies and move

through the questionnaire in this way. If the service user does not

know the answer to a question tick the “I Don’t Know” box. If the

service user gives the wrong answer ask them why they would feel

that. If the reason is appropriate to the emotion identified award

Appendix 4- Emotional Recognition Questionnaire

them a point. For example, if they say they are sad when someone

bakes them a cake and you ask why, they may say, “I don’t like

cake” or “I am a diabetic so cannot eat cake”, both these answers

would be acceptable and justify the emotion selected so would be

given a point. If responses to the “why” question appear excessive,

vague, inappropriate or do not seem to justify the response do not

award the point. If you are unsure whether to award the point then

do not. Thank the service user when the questionnaire has been

completed. The scoring details are provided at the end of the


Information to give to the service user:

I am going to ask you how you feel about different things that can

happen to people. Some of the things I read out will be good things

and some of them are not good.

I want to know how YOU would feel IF these things happened to

you. There is no right or wrong answer, just tell me how YOU

would feel IF they happened to you.

You can do this by pointing to the picture of the emotion or by

telling me which you would feel. Please choose an emotion from

the cards and not something different.

1. If you won first prize in a competition, how would you feel?

2. If someone turns the television off while you are watching your

favourite programme, how would you feel?








Scared Angry

Do not know




Scared Angry

Do not know




3. Someone spills a cold drink over you. If they do not say sorry,

how would you feel?

4. If a car drives towards you very quickly, how would you feel?



Scared Angry

Do not know




Scared Angry

Do not know




5. If your carer becomes ill and needs to go into hospital, how

would you feel?

6. If your friend makes you a cake, how would you feel?



Scared Angry

Do not know




Scared Angry

Do not know






Scared Angry

Do not know




Scared Angry

Do not know


7. If a big dog runs towards you barking and growling, how would

you feel?

8. If your pet dies, how would you feel?



Scared Angry

Do not know




Scared Angry

Do not know




9. If you are late and think you will get in trouble, how would you


10. If you went to the funeral of a friend, how would you feel?



Scared Angry

Do not know




Scared Angry

Do not know




11. If you and a friend are going on a day trip, how would you


12. The car you are in skids on ice. If it is moving very fast

toward a wall, how would you feel?



Scared Angry

Do not know




Scared Angry

Do not know




13. You are watching a horror film. If the monster jumps out with

a big knife in their hand, how would you feel?

14. It is your birthday. If you have no cards or presents because

everyone has forgotten. How would you feel?



Scared Angry

Do not know




Scared Angry

Do not know




15. If you are queuing in the supermarket and someone pushes

in front of you, how would you feel?

16. You are lost. If the last bus home leaves in half an hour, how

would you feel?



Scared Angry

Do not know




Scared Angry

Do not know




17. If you have a job interview on Monday morning, how would

you feel before it?

18. You are blamed for taking somebody else’s cake. If you did

not do it, how would you feel?



Scared Angry

Do not know




Scared Angry

Do not know




19. If you are given a present you really like on your birthday,

how would you feel?

20. If you see children in Africa on the news; they have no food

or home. How would you feel?

Thank you



Scared Angry

Do not know




Scared Angry

Do not know




Scoring Do not know = 0

Score out of 4 for each emotion, 1 mark given for each correct

answer. If the service user did not get question right as listed

below but the marker feels the emotion picked is correct based on

the reason they have given why, score 1 mark and record at the

bottom of the list.

Happy- Questions 1, 6, 11, 19 =

Sad- Questions 8, 10, 14, 20 =

Worried- Questions 5, 9, 16, 17 =

Scared- Questions 4, 7, 12, 13 =

Angry- Questions 2, 3, 15, 18 =

Total score =




Appendix 5- Emotion Cards for Participants to Choose from.  






   Do  not  know  

Alexithymia Questionnaire for Children: LD edition

Please tick Q1- Do you get confused about the way you feel inside? No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q2- Do you find it difficult to say how you feel inside? No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q3- Do you feel things in your body that even doctors don’t understand? You may need to simplify this further to: Do you feel things inside that doctors don’t understand? No (not true) Sometimes true Often true










Appendix 6 - Adapted Alexithymia Questionnaire for Children and Protocol.

Q4- Can you easily say how you feel inside? Clarity: would you find it easy to tell staff how you felt inside? No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q5- Turn over scoring card and ask client to look at you. When you have a problem do you want to

a- (raise left hand) know where it comes from or b- (raise right had) just talk about it?

Repeat the options to the client and ask them to chose either a hand or say. If they pick a- know where it comes from-turn the score cared back over and ask them sometimes true or often true? If they respond b- just talk about it then tick “not true” No (not true) Sometimes true Often true







Q6- When you are upset do you not know if you are sad, scared or angry? If they say one emotion e.g. scared, ask them would they know if they were scared or sad? (or any other combination). Do you always know what you are feeling? If they feel they would know then it is not true If they don’t then again ask them sometimes or often No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q7- Are you puzzled by things you feel in your body? No (not true) Sometimes true Often true







Q8- Turn over scoring card and ask client to look at you. Would you rather

a- (raise left hand) wait and see what happens or b- (raise right had) think about why things happen?

Repeat the options to the client and ask them to chose either a hand or say. If the client picks a- wait and see- show them the score card and ask them sometimes or often. If the client picks b- think about why things happen- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q9- Is it true that you can’t find the words to say how you feel inside? True= ask sometimes or often true using score sheet Not true-= tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q10- Do you think it is important to understand how you feel inside? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true










Q11- Do you find it hard to say how you feel about other people? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q12- Do other people tell you that you should talk more about how you feel inside? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q13-Is it true that you don’t know what is going on inside of you? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true










Q14- Are there times that you feel angry but you do not know why? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true Simplify: Do you always know the cause/ why you feel angry, when you feel angry? No- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet Yes- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q15- - Turn over scoring card and ask client to look at you. Do you prefer:

a- (raise left hand) talking to people about everyday things for example, going out, seeing friends, activities, Or

b- (raise right had) talking to people about how they feel, for example talking to staff about how they are are?

Repeat the options without the examples to the client and ask them to chose either a hand or say. If the client picks a- everyday things- show them the score card and ask them sometimes or often. If the client picks b- how others feel- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true







Q16- Turn over scoring card and ask client to look at you. Do you prefer watching:

a- (raise left hand) funny tv programmes Or b- (raise right had) sad films about other peoples problems (e.g.

romances)? Repeat the options to the client and ask them to chose either a hand or say. If the client picks a- funny- show them the score card and ask them sometimes or often. If the client picks b- sad films- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q17- Do you find it difficult to say how you really feel, even to a best friend? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q-18- You know when you are sitting quietly with staff or family? Do you feel close or comfortable with them even if you are sitting still not saying anything? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true










Q19- Turn over scoring card and ask client to look at you. When you have a problem, is it helpful to:

a- (raise left hand) think about how you feel Or b- (raise right had) just get on with it?

Repeat the options to the client and ask them to chose either a hand or say. If the client picks a- think about feelings- show them the score card and ask them sometimes or often. If the client picks b- just get on- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Q20- When you have to concentrate on a film, really focus on it, to understand it, do you enjoy it less? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true No (not true) Sometimes true Often true Many thanks







Protocol for Administering the Alexithymia Questionnaire for Children

Some of the questions have been difficult for clients to answer, I have tried to make them easier by adapting them slightly. I explain at the beginning that sometimes I will ask them to use the AQC scoring sheet, other times I will turn it over and ask them to look at me. If clients appear unsure read the statement out again and ask them if they think it is true or false, if they say true ask them to pick sometimes or often on the scoring sheet. Please phrase the questions as follows: Q1- Do you get confused about the way you feel inside? Q2- Do you find it difficult to say how you feel inside? Q3- Do you feel things in your body that even doctors don’t understand? You may need to simplify this further to: Do you feel things inside that doctors don’t understand? Q4- Can you easily say how you feel inside? Clarity: would you find it easy to tell staff how you felt inside? Q5- Turn over scoring card and ask client to look at you. When you have a problem do you want to

c- (raise left hand) know where it comes from or d- (raise right had) just talk about it?

Repeat the options to the client and ask them to chose either a hand or say. If they pick a- know where it comes from-turn the score cared back over and ask them sometimes true or often true? If they respond b- just talk about it then tick “not true” Q6- When you are upset do you not know if you are sad, scared or angry? If they say one emotion e.g. scared, ask them would they know if they were scared or sad? (or any other combination). Do you always know what you are feeling? If they feel they would know then it is not true If they don’t then again ask them sometimes or often

Q7- Are you puzzled by things you feel in your body? Q8- Turn over scoring card and ask client to look at you. Would you rather

c- (raise left hand) wait and see what happens or d- (raise right had) think about why things happen?

Repeat the options to the client and ask them to chose either a hand or say. If the client picks a- wait and see- show them the score card and ask them sometimes or often. If the client picks b- think about why things happen- tick not true Q9- Is it true that you can’t find the words to say how you feel inside? True= ask sometimes or often true using score sheet Not true-= tick not true Q10- Do you think it is important to understand how you feel inside? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true Q11- Do you find it hard to say how you feel about other people? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true Q12- Do other people tell you that you should talk more about how you feel inside? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true Q13-Is it true that you don’t know what is going on inside of you? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true

Q14- Are there times that you feel angry but you do not know why? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true Simplify: Do you always know the cause/ why you feel angry, when you feel angry? No- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet Yes- tick not true Q15- - Turn over scoring card and ask client to look at you. Do you prefer:

c- (raise left hand) talking to people about everyday things for example, going out, seeing friends, activities, Or

d- (raise right had) talking to people about how they feel, for example talking to staff about how they are are?

Repeat the options without the examples to the client and ask them to chose either a hand or say. If the client picks a- everyday things- show them the score card and ask them sometimes or often. If the client picks b- how others feel- tick not true Q16- Turn over scoring card and ask client to look at you. Do you prefer watching:

c- (raise left hand) funny tv programmes Or d- (raise right had) sad films about other peoples problems (e.g.

romances)? Repeat the options to the client and ask them to chose either a hand or say. If the client picks a- funny- show them the score card and ask them sometimes or often. If the client picks b- sad films- tick not true Q17- Do you find it difficult to say how you really feel, even to a best friend? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true Q-18- You know when you are sitting quietly with staff or family? Do you feel close or comfortable with them even if you are sitting still not saying anything? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true

Q19- Turn over scoring card and ask client to look at you. When you have a problem, is it helpful to:

c- (raise left hand) think about how you feel Or d- (raise right had) just get on with it?

Repeat the options to the client and ask them to chose either a hand or say. If the client picks a- think about feelings- show them the score card and ask them sometimes or often. If the client picks b- just get on- tick not true Q20- When you have to concentrate on a film, really focus on it, to understand it, do you enjoy it less? Yes- Sometimes true or often true using score sheet No- tick not true
