ENDEGRADresden2013- Preliminary program englisch · • Digital – Harald Schluttig +49 176...


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ENDEGRA . Dresden 11. - 17. August 2013 . Grafikwerkstatt Dresden . Junghansstraße 3 . 01277 Dresden Germany . www.handpressendrucke.de

Grafikwerkstatt Dresden


Grafikwerkstatt Dresden

Grafikwerkstatt Dresden

European Network for Development and Education in Graphic Art

Welcome in Dresden

Galerie EINHORN• Exhibition• Officially Presentation• Arrival meeting place

Brücke Most• Guesthouse • Meeting place

Grafikwerkstatt Dresden• Etching• Letterpress• Algraphy• Lithography

Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz• Etching – Gabi Schluttig +49 176 62176993 Dorothea Hunziker +49 173 5765043• Lithography – Volker Lenkeit +49 174 8105411

Riesa efau • Etching – Bärbel Voigt +49 174 3449543• Lithography – Wolfgang Bruchwitz +49 176 50489626• Digital – Harald Schluttig +49 176 21996145• Photography – Andreas Seeliger +49 163 1492938

Königstraße 1501097 Dresden

+ 49 3514888939

Mo-Fr 12:30 - 17:30Sa 12:30 - 15:00

Tram 3/6/7/8/11STOP: „Albertplatz“

Reinhold-Becker-Strasse 501277 Dresden

+ 49 351 433140+49 174 6226323

Bus 61/63/65Tram 4/6

STOP: „Jüngststraße“STOP: „Schillerplatz“

Junghansstraße 301277 Dresden

+49 351 31905030

Peter Stephan +49 176 62360551Torsten Leupold +49 179 1430560

Udo Haufe +49 157 79397069

Bus 61Tram 4/10

STOP: „Pohlandplatz“

Fidelio-F.-Finke-Straße 401326 Dresden

+49 351 2678626

Bus 61/63STOP: „Körnerplatz“

Adlergasse 1401067 Dresden

+49 351 8660211

Tram 1/2/6/10/STOP: „Bahnhof Mitte“

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Residenzschloss

Taschenberg 2 01067 Dresden

+49 351 49142000

Tram 4/8/9STOP: „Theaterplatz“


Pillnitzer Landstraße 5701326 Dresden

Hanif +49 151 26861212

Bus 85STOP: „ Künstlerhaus “Künstlerhaus

e u r o p e a nn e t w o r k for development and education in


Meeting 11.-17. August 2013 / Contact: Grafikwerkstatt Dresden / Junghansstraße 3 / 01277 Dresden, Germany / www.handpressendrucke.de

"Topography and Typography" ENDEGRA Dresden 2013

August 11-17Final program

Monday 12th

Brücke Most8:30 Breakfast

10:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-MostTour through all printshops: – Alte Feuerwache – Riesa efau – Grafikwerkstatt

14:00 – Grafikwerkstatt Demonstration:Ernst Hanke (Switzerland)„3-dimensional view lithogaphy“

19:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-MostDr. phil. Anke Fröhlich (Dresden):„Topography – Typography“Lecture Art-landscape and place of landscape art – Dresden / Typography as a tool for intellectual and emotional knowledge / Printmaking-role since the 15th century in Saxony

20:00 – Brücke Most„Open Table“ DiscussionsTalksPresentations …

free buffet

Sunday 11th

ArrivalGalerie Einhorn

!!! Printshops are closed

from 12:00 Arrival in Galerie EinhornKönigstraße 1501097 Dresden

MeetingOrganizationContactsStructure of the exhibition

17:00 – Galerie EinhornSomething to eat19:00 – Galerie EinhornWelcomeProgram Informations DiscussionsTalksPresentations …

Tuesday 13th

Brücke Most7:00 Breakfast

!!! Printshops are closed

8:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-Most Excursion – Thematic guided tour

Full day hike in the Saxon Switzerland(„Sächsische Schweiz“)! Important, you need:hiking boots,backpack, snack,drinking bottle!

Thematic guided tour withFrank Richter (Dresden),Photographer and climber, „On the Painter-way in the Saxon Switzerland (Sächsische Schweiz)“

Afternoon:LandArt-Garden-Restaurant with Gallery and Atelierin Wehlen, Sächsische Schweiz

Evening: (at the same place)Atelier guiding, Christopher Simpson,(Painter, UK/Saxony)

Wednesday 14th

Brücke Most8:30 Breakfast

13:00 – 18:00Individual work in all printshops

10:00 – Typostudio SG E.SchumacherGebler (Munich)Guiding through the printshop with famous historic Monotype-collection

Demonstrations:13:00 – Grafikwerkstatt13:00 – Riesa efau13:00 – Alte Feuerwache

19:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-Most Eckehart SchumacherGebler (Munich):„The so-called Janson, alias Holländische Antiqua“ –Lecture and impressive stories on the history of typography in Saxony

20:00 – Brücke Most„Open Table“DiscussionsTalksPresentations …

free buffet

Thursday 15th

Brücke Most8:30 Breakfast

10:00 – 14:00Individual work in all printshops:

Printshops are open:10:00 – Grafikwerkstatt10:00 – Alte Feuerwache10:00 – Riesa efau

15:00 – Kupferstich-Kabinett Dr. phil. Anke Fröhlich (Dresden) Presentation of selected printsand expert discussion

19:00 – Galerie Einhorn Officially Vernissage

Possibility for speakingsContacts with pressConversations with Guests

Friday 16th

Brücke Most8:30 Breakfast

10:00 – 18:00Individual work in all printshops:


15:00 – Grafikwerkstatt Christoph Wischniowski (Dresden)3-colour-viskositäts-printing

17:00 – KünstlerhausHanif Lehmann (Dresden)Book-artist with small printshop

19:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-Most Discussion with Guests„Perspectives in the ENDEGRA-Network“: - EuropeanPrintmakerEducation? - Discovering of junior-printers? - Artist-residenc-programs?

20:00 – Brücke Most„Open Table“DiscussionsTalksPresentations …

free buffet

Saturday 17th

Brücke Most8:30 Breakfast

10:00 – 18:00Individual work in all printshops:

Spontaneous demonstrationsat: (???)

– Grafikwerkstatt– Alte Feuerwache– Riesa efau

Galerie Einhornis open from 10:00-14:00 to get back your things from exhibition

20:00 – Brücke Most„Open Table“DiscussionsTalks

End of meetingENDEGRA Dresden 2013

Meeting 2013 August 11-17 / Grafikwerkstatt Dresden / www.handpressendrucke.de

Grafikwerkstatt Dresden


Grafikwerkstatt Dresden

Grafikwerkstatt Dresden

e u r o p e a nn e t w o r k for development and education in


ENDEGRA·Dresden 2013
