


Essay related to research skill

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Koshy, Research Skills.


Research (Reading and Documentation) Skills Assignment Nirmal Koshy COMM171 section 331 Instructor: Kerry Bigelow 19th October 2012

Koshy, Research Skills. SUMMARY OF:- BLUE JEANS:BORN TO LAST on P.105 In the essay ,blue Jeans :born to last(1992) ,author Leslie C. Smith points to the main


idea that jeans are a unique turbulent breed of wardrobe which conforms to the styles of its user but, non-conforms to the existing stereotypes of fabrics. Firstly, he depicts the story of birth of jeans as canvas workpants in Californian gold fields, through the efforts of the businessman, Levi Strauss. Next, he details about the restyling of back-pockets inspired from the American symbol of bald eagle. Further, he tells about the glorification of jeans by cowboys and Easterners. Thereafter, he relates the nonconformist characters of the movies of 1950s to the steep rise of popularity of jeans. Then, he states about

popularity of jeans among young generation of 1960s and 70s, that eventually forced designers to experiment new designs. However, author reminisce the come-back of original five pocket jeans, touting the tradition for its fame. Finally author asserts that the versatility and absence of regulations makes it so unique that jeans outperform all other stereotypes, in a rebellious and copious way.

Quoting The style of the essay is informal and narrative. The author outlines the circumstances that led to the mushrooming popularity of jeans, in a youthful tone. All writers by the way they use the language, reveal something of their spirits, their habits, their capacities, and their biases. This is inevitable as well as enjoyable.( Strunk, Jr.W,&White,E.B.,2000,p62). The essay is intended to everyone interested in knowing the history of jeans, which is still a popular outfit. The essay is well organized, comprising of an introduction, eleven body paragraphs and a conclusion. In the introduction, author grabs the attention of reader by posing a question: what do an 1850s goldminer, Marlon Brando and you have in common?(Smith,L.C, 1992, p.106). Smith later sketches the timeline of jeans through 1850s,1873,1930s and 1950.He furnishes the essay with the conclusion that jeans are profoundly unique from their counterparts, armed with its versatility and liberalism. The purpose of the essay was to

Koshy, Research Skills. unravel how the jeans became popular through metamorphosis of decades. Thus, the author was successful in rendering his idea into the audience, in an effortless way.


Koshy, Research Skills. References Smith,L.C (1992).Blue Jeans:Born to last . In G. Dasgupta & J. J. Mei (Eds.) Refining reading writing. (pp. 105-107). Toronto: Nelson Thomson. Dasgupta, G. & Mei, J. J. (Eds.) (2008). Refining reading writing. Toronto: Nelson Thomson. Strunk, Jr.W,&White,E.B.(2000) In The elements of style 4th edition.(pp62) New Jersey:Pearson Education Inc.