EPT afronum english 06.2016


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afronum G.I.E

Loum (Cameroon) – Dakar (Senegal) - Winterthur (Switzerland) site: www.afronum.com (in reconstruction) skype: afronumfriedli mail: jurg.friedli@afronum.com ph. Dakar ++221 77 547 08 28 (A.Badji) ph. Zurich/Douala ++41 79 897 00 99 (J. Friedli) June 2016

presented by: Jurg Friedli – Project founder and Network Systems Engineer (afronum GIE) Claire Tchougang, Kortrijk, Belgium Marie-Chantal Kwenang, Loum, Cameroon Jules Kwenang, Loum, Cameroon in Loum, Cameroon


History of afronum GIE started off in 2003 as a small IT development project under the name of “afronum” for SW@XE SARL, in Dakar, Senegal, which resulted, after having realized some smaller projects before, in more than 150 PC’s being given for free to the Senegal police in order to form their personnel in IT basics, which has been done successfully for more that 600 students up to now. This action has spread our name not only to the highest level of the Senegal government, but also to the public. In 2008, afronum has become a G.I.E, as a sister company of SW@XE SARL. Whereas SW@XE has its activities in IT support and network deployment, afronum G.I.E. focuses on school / IT development. The difference is that afronum has a clearly humanitarian approach, SW@XE in turn is a profit oriented company, since 2008 operating independently, with regular reporting to J. Friedli. Following projects have been realized by afronum GIE, Senegal:

• Elementary school Ecole Keur Mbaye Fall 2003 • School police Grand Dakar 2004 • Central IT school National Police of Senegal in Dakar (over 150 computers in all, 2004)

(Sûrété National) • City of Matam (Cybercafe and school) 2006 • Collège privé afronum (Elementary school Thiès) 2008

We have the vision of an equally developed Africa in terms of education, connectivity, networking and basic IT knowledge. We are realistic enough to know that it is a long and enduring work. It needs a long breath and a lot of individualism to reach these goals, but we've seen and felt at lots of occasions that the country is hungry and we have to help him to get the share of education and help that it needs.

Please note the acknowledge letters and articles which appeared in local newspapers about our work. This can give you an indication to which extent afronum is known in Senegal.


afronum GIE primary school Thiès, Senegal

This setting is intended for the primary schools in Cameroon as well for a start. On top of the page A. Badji with a part of the school’s students.


afronum GIE (Cameroon) Since 2013, we have been extending our activities to Cameroon, to the Bamiléké region (the axe Loum – Bafoussam – Mbouda – Bamenda) to promote our school concept. In November 2014, we just entered a cooperation with the Ecole Bilingue Route de Bakossi to help reconstructing the school and adding new features like basic IT training with first 3 DELL laptops for a start. We are looking for crowdfunding in the first half of 2015 to reach our goals. J. Friedli will personally be at the site to guarantee for a smooth operation and finalization of this project, with the help of ADAF member C. Tchougang, J. Chapfor and I. Metouke representing the School Route de Bakossi.

Inspector Mekoute with some of the students, below the youngest from Kindergarden.


Staff Senegal (SW@XE SARL / afronum GIE) Alioune Badji, Director (in cooperation with J. Friedli) As former creator and Director of the Hairstyling school at the "Palais de la Beaute", which has established itself as no. 1 in Dakar, he has wide experience in controlling and maintaining a school. The school, which is part of the beauty complex "Palais de la Beaute", actually generates more turnover than the Hairstyling salon, which was at first the main source of income. With this background, he will execute following tasks: - Head of staff and administrative matters - Internal organization (staff) - Human resources research - Representing afronum in Senegal (in case of absence of J. Friedli) - Finance control Mamadou Thiam M. Thiam plays a key role for afronum. He opened many doors in the Senegalese government through his contacts (as Head technician for several companies). His work will include: - Network Development Engineer - Advisory for Technical Hardware matters (Teacher support in Extended Maintenance) - IT Support Ousmane Sane Our link to Officials. A former university professor of the university Cheikh-anta-Diop Dakar, he will help us on following matters: - Responsible Director of the School program (Exams, Pedagogic matters) - Legal matters of the school (Recognition of diplomas, Contacts to the University of Dakar) and several other temporary workers and employees 5

Staff Cameroon (afronum) J. Friedli, Founder Responsible for all activities, including fundraising, project realization, consulting, PR, finances, staff organization, networking, IT, and administration supervision. Claire Tchougang Our directrice for activities in Belgium (promotion, overall business plans). Marie-Chantal Kwenang Our good soul and my personal friend. She takes care of currently 10 orphan children and is heavily occupied with administrative and organisational work for afronum GIE and ADAF. Jules Kwenang IT supporter, Chauffeur, caretaker – a true allrounder.


A word from afronum By J. Friedli Education is the key to economic growth (and, in turn, to social stability). Therefore, schools are an important investment factor in West Africa, who has to catch up with our Western societies in order to succeed in a more and more globalized market. Well educated and skilled people are the backbone of each economy, and the West African market is emerging. Cameroon has passed the border from a graded "underdeveloped" country to a "country in development". By providing modern basic and IT education as well as helping on basic needs, afronum has the support of the Cameroonian youth as well as the government. That’s why we have started in Cameroon as well. You may have seen the latest pictures of desperate immigrants trying to gain access to Europe from North Africa by whatever means possible. We understand that afronum/ADAF are also acting on their behalf. Education produces work, stability and investment, and when young Africans see possibilities in their own country, they rather stay home than seeking an uncertain future abroad, where they mostly realize that their dream of wealth was an illusion.


7. References Switzerland/Europe/U.S.: A. Wicki, HBM Partners, Zurich M. Eichin, LEMEX International AG, Baar R. Soldi, Zurich K. Schlumpf, ex-Vice President CCSACO (Chambre de commerce Suisse-Afrique de l'Ouest), Berne M. Suhr (World Vision International, Swiss Branch Zurich) M. Reusser, SAP Dallas (United States) G. Munroe, CEO active intelligence, London (UK) Senegal: L. Samaké, Maire de Grand Dakar, Dakar A. Drame, Maire de Matam, Matam O. Sané, Directeur Centre de recherches pédagogiques INSEPS, Université Dakar M. C. Cissé, Directeur de la Sûrété du Sénégal, Dakar M. Abdoulaye Balde, Sécretaire du Président de la République du Sénégel, Me. Abdoulaye Wade M. Lô, Chef du cabinet du ministre du développement social Cameroun : John Chapfor, Director Ecole Bilingue Route de Bakossi, Loum Innocent Matouke, General School Inspector Region of Loum, Loum


8. Letters of approval and press




MAIRIE DE GRAND-DAKAR : Des ordinateurs aux écoles élémentaires (03.07.2004, Le Quotidien)

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La mairie de Grand-Dakar a offert un lot important d’ordinateurs aux écoles élémentaires de la commune. Pour la circonstance, les élèves, les groupements féminins, le corps enseignant, les parents d’élèves et les personnes du troisième âge, se sont retrouvés à l’école Taïba pour remercier l’équipe municipale, l’ONG suisse « Afronum » et la société Swaxe, donatrices des ordinateurs. L’acte républicain et civique a été posé par les élèves de ladite école qui ont chanté l’hymne national du Sénégal devant une assistance joyeuse.

Prenant la parole, le maire de Grand-Dakar, Mamadou Lamine Samaké, après avoir remercié l’ONG Afronum, la Swaxe et leur représentant Jurg Friedly, a fait savoir que les ordinateurs destinés aux écoles sont dotés d’un logiciel de gestion des établissements élémentaires dénommé «Daara 2000 ».

De l’avis du maire, le logiciel « Daara 2000 » est conçu par des chercheurs sénégalais pour faciliter le travail administratif des écoles. « C’est une réduction de temps et un perfectionnement du travail des établissements élémentaires », explique le maire Mamadou Lamine Samaké. Plus que de doter les écoles d’ordinateurs, le maire révèle que la formation en Informatique est assurée par Afronum et la Swaxe.

Poursuivant, Mamadou Lamine Samaké note que le geste de la mairie ne s’arrête pas en si bon chemin. Car « toutes les écoles, tous les postes et centres de Santé et le poste de Police seront dotés d’ordinateurs, car les autres lots sont au Port de Dakar et attendent d’être livrés », a-t-il révélé.

Pour le directeur de l’école Taïba, Bachir Camara, le maire Mamadou Lamine Samaké « a traduit en acte concret la vision du président de la République ». Par ce geste : « c’est tout le corps enseignant de la commune qui vous remercie à travers ma personne », continue Bachir Camara. Avec les ordinateurs, le directeur Bachir Camara soutient qu’une rupture s’opère dans la politique de gestion des établissements scolaires : « nous allons avoir les moyens modernes de gérer les données statistiques de nos écoles ».

Jurg Friedly, le représentant de l’ONG Afronum et la société Swaxe s’est félicité de l’accueil des populations communales. Pour le Suisse, les axes de coopération entre la commune de Grand-Dakar et les sociétés de son pays existent et peuvent être améliorés. Jurg Friedly a fait savoir que son organisation a pris l’engagement de poursuivre la coopération dans le domaine de l’Informatique avec la mairie de Grand-Dakar.