Equ-, equi- equal, same equal (adj.) having the same measure, quantity, or number Sometimes it is...


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equ-, equi- equal, sameequal (adj.) having

the same measure, quantity, or number

Sometimes it is dificult to slice a pie into equal peaces without the use of a ruler but that is a strange tool to use with food

equate (v.) to make in the same amount; to make equal

You can equate three-forths with .75 mrs parker reminded her algebra I class

equ-, equi- equal, sameequation (n.)

A mathematical formula for making different sets of numbers equal

Can you solve this equation mrs parker asked

equator (n.)

The imaginary line dividing the northern and southern hemispheres into two equal parts. It is halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole

The geography teacher asked can you name a country that is located along the equator

equ-, equi- equal, sameequiangular (adj.)having all angles equal in size

The students added the sides of the equiangular triangle, and they recorded the answer on their test.

equilateral (adj.)having all sides equal in length

The math teacher replied yes a square has for equilateral sides and a rectangle has two sets of equilateral sides

equ-, equi- equal, sameequinox (n.) one of

two times a year when the day and night are nearly equal in length

The autumnal equinox is in the Fall, and the night and day will be almost equal in length.

equivalent (adj.)

Having the same amount; equal in force or value

According to the principal both teachers and students have to make up the hours equivalent to those missed during the recent snowstorm and the school day will be longer

Label these sentences with their part of speech and the type of sentence.1. The dog walked home after he played

at the dog park.2. The two girls studied for their test for

three hours.3. If the rain stops tonight, we will go to

the amusement park, and we can invite our friends.

4. Anne and Kate packed their bags and went on a trip.

5. Samantha threw the ball for the puppy, and the puppy ran joyfully to the ball.

Do you agree or disagree with the new PAMS Academic Detention on Wednesdays? Be sure to back up your opinions with examples and explanations. Use your agenda for a reference on the Academic Detention guidelines.

Hemi- and semi- half, halfway Hemisphere (n.)

One-half of the Earth as divided by the equator

Do we live in the northern or the Southern hemisphere questioned the geography teacher

Semiannual (adj.)

Occurring twice a year; happening once every half year

The princess anne country club has a semiannual flower show and sell the prices are great and you can get some great deals on flowers however you must get their early before the great selection is gone

Hemi- and semi- half, halfway Hemisphere (n.)

One-half of the Earth as divided by the equator

Do we live in the northern or the Southern hemisphere questioned the geography teacher

Semiannual (adj.)

Occurring twice a year; happening once every half year

The princess anne country club has a semiannual flower show and sell the prices are great and you can get some great deals on flowers however you must get their early before the great selection is gone

• Semiarid (adj): relating to a halfway dry region; somewhat arid; having little annual rainfall

Nevada is a semiarid state since it has little annual rainfall

Semicircle (n): a half circle

Students please make a semicircle with your desks stated mrs thompson and get out your literature books

Hemi- and semi- half, halfway


halfway conscious; not completely aware of sensations

The football player was semiconscious after being hit by the lineman.

Semiformal(adj.) between casual and formal in dress

the semiformal homecoming dance will take place on saturday may 6 2015 at 600 in the evening at 2323 holland rd Virginia beach va 23456.

Hemi- and semi- half, halfway

semisweet semiweekly (adj.) halfway

between bitter and sweet; partly sweet

The food network host told the viewers that she preferred to use semisweet chocolate in her deserts

(adj.) occurring twice a week; once every half week

the secret to a succesful workout the instructor claimed is to change your workout on a semiweekly basis that way you work different muscle groups
