European Dyslexia Association - Summer Seminar San Marino, June 19-21, 2014 Michael Kalmar, the...


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European Dyslexia Association - Summer Seminar San Marino, June 19-21, 2014

Michael Kalmar, the president of the EDA has invited Éva Gyarmathy to give lecture on the Seminar

Ferenc Mészáros run the Literacy Workshop to involve European colleagues into the improvement of the

Literacy Online Portal.

The head of the University of San Marino and Michael Kalmar has opened the Seminar

To introduce the Literacy Portal two important topics were used in the presentation: universal design and online testing. Éva Gyarmathy gave the lecture on the Seminar.

The audience arrived from all over the world. Dyslexic persons and high level specialist were interested in the

Literacy Online Portal.

Literacy Workshop Dyslexia Association leaders, Kate Saunders and Angela Fawcett were enthuasitic on the Portal.

Colleagues from the Polish Dyslexia Association and the University of Gdansk are eager to have a Polish Portal

Discussion at a poster with Irish colleagues.Participants tried

the cascade and found it a useful activity.

Literacy Mobile WorkshopItalian Dyslexia Association’s leader

Greece and Saud-Arabia is interested

Italian specialists give advice on the Tips on everyday maths.

Literacy Online Portal in San Marino

At the closing of the programs the particiapants of the Seminar were invited to continue the exciting debate on the Portal’s Forum.
