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Exam 1 Biology

1 Whittaker proposed the _______ system of classification.

Two kingdom

Three kingdom

Four kingdom

Five kingdom

2 Which one of the following statement is not true about lichens?

Some of its species produce dye.

Some of its species can be used as pollution indicator.

It is an association of fungi and a higher plant.

Their body is composed of algae and fungi.

3 Classification deals with

Arranging organisms into groups

Identification of organisms

Naming, identification and grouping of organisms

Arranging organisms in herbarium and museums

4 Viruses were discovered by




Carl Linnaeus

5 Which one of the following has characters of both plants and animals ?





6 _________ acid obtained from the Usnea and Cladonia species is used as an antibiotic against gram positive bacteria.





7 Out of the following which lichens are sterile?




All of these

9 Orcein is obtained from lichen

Orchrolechia androgyna




10 The term virus was first used by

M.W. Beijerink


Louis Paster

Frederick Twort

11 Diatoms are _____ in colour.

Blue green

Golden yellow

Reddish brown


13 ______ species is useful in respiratory diesease.





15 _______ is useful in urinary disease.





17 Short twisted strands of hyphae which serves as anchors for lichen are





18 Individuals of one population can inter -breed with individuals of another population only if they belong to the same





19 When a single species is described under different authors, then these names are called as





20 The blue green alagae are included in the Kingdom





21 In whittaker's classification, the unicellular organism having various cell oganelles constitue the Kingdom.





22 A dinoflagellate with nematocysts is




Symbodinium 23 Bacterial viruses were discovered by

Felix d Herelle




24 Lichens are described as an indicator of

Air pollution

Soil pollution

Water pollution

Agricultural productivity

25 _____ is useful in hydrophobia.





26 In five kingdom classification, Protista comprises of

All eukaryotes

All prokaryotes

Unicellular eukaryotes

Both uni and multicellular eukaryotes

27 The demerit of two kingdom classification is

It divides the living organisms into only two kingdoms as plantae and animalia.

It combines saprophytic fungi with autotrophic plants

It divides planate into two groups cryptogams and phanerogms

All of these

28 The stored food in blue-green algae is




Related to glycogen 29 Chloramphenicol and erythromycin (broad spectrum antibiotics) are produced by





30 The lichen/s which is/are used in perfumery is/are




Both (A) and (C)

31 Out of the following which system shows the phylogenetic relationship between organisms?

Two kingdom classification

Five kingdom classification

Three kingdom classification

All of these

32 Multicellular life forms are evolved from




None of these

33 In photosynthetic bacteria the photosynthetic pigment occurs in





34 Lichens contain a substance ______ which is similar to carbohydrate.





35 Foliose is a morphological type of





36 Which one from the following statement is correct about viruses?

They have their own metabolic system.

They contain either DNA or RNA.

They are easily killed by antibiotics.

They are facultative parasites.

37 Whittaker could not give place to one of the following in five kingdom classification.


Slime moulds



38 The algal component of lichen is known as




Both (A) and (B)

39 Virus envelope is known as





40 _________ is useful in epilepsy.





41 How many obligate categories or ranks are found in a hierarchical level of classification ?





42 _______ was first to use the word lichen.

Theodor Diener

Theodor Schwann



43 The lichens which are dorsiventrally flattened, leafy and having rhizines for attachment are called as

Crustose lichens

Foliose lichens

Fruticose lichens

Shrubby lichens

44 Lichen and mycorrhiza show

Symbiotic association

Parasitic association

Saprophytic association


45 What is the approximate number of plant and animal species present on earth?

2 - 10 million

3 - 20 million

4 - 30 million

5 - 30 million

46 Which one of the following is a member of protista?



Slime moulds


47 Some ________ contain anticarcinogenic property.





48 __________ belongs to foliose lichen.





49 Which is not true about habitat of lichens?

Lichens grow on tree trunks, decaying logs and soil

Lichens grow on snow

Lichens grow on rocks

Lichens grow in cities

50 Most of the lichens consists of

Green algae and ascomycetes

Brown algae and higher plants

Blue green algae and basidiomycetes

Red algae and ascomycetes


Full Marks: 25 X 4 = 100

N.B. Negative Marking: -1 for every wrong answer

No marks will be deducted for unanswered questions

1) Which of the following is less general in characters as compared to genus?

a) Species

b) Family

c) Class

d) Division

2) Which of the following combinations is correct for Wheat?

a) Genus Triticum, family Poaceae , order Poales, Class Dicotyledonae

b) Genus Triticum, family Poaceae , order Sapindales, class Monocotyledonae.

c) Genus Triticum, family Poaceae , order Poales, Class Moncotyledonae.

d) Genus Triticum , family Anacardiaceae, order Poales, class Monocotyledonae

3) Identify from the following, the only taxonomic category that has a real existence.

a) Phylum

b) Species

c) Genus

d) Kingdom

4) In five kingdom system, the main basis of classification is

a) Structure of cell wall

b) Nutrition

c) Structure of nucleus

d) Asexual reproduction

5) The Phylogenetic system of classification was put forth by

a) Theophrastus

b) George Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker

c) Carolus Linnaeus

d) Adolf Engler and Karl Prantl

6) Classification of organisms based on evolutionary as well as genetic relationships is


a) Numerical taxonomy

b) Phenetics

c) Biosystematics

d) Cladistics

7) Phenetic classification of organisms is based on

a) Sexual characteristics

b) Dendrogram based on DNA characteristics

c) The ancestral lineage of existing organisms

d) Observable characteristics of existing organisms

8) In angiosperm, characters of flowers are used in classification because

a) Flowers are attractive

b) Flowers are large

c) Characters of flowers are conservative

d) None of the above

9) Biosystematics aims at

a) Identification and arrangement of organisms on the basis of cytological characteristics

b) The classification of organisms based on broad morphological characters

c) Delimiting various taxa of organism and establishing their relationships

d) The classification of organisms based on their evolutionary history and establishing their

phylogeny on the totality of various parameters from all fields of studies

10) Two plants can be conclusively said to belong to the same species if they

a) Have more than 90 percent similar genes

b) Can reproduce freely with each other and form seeds

c) Have same number of chromosomes

d) Look similar and possess identical secondary metabolites

11) One of the most important functions of botanical gardens is that

a) One can observe tropical plants there

b) They provide the natural habitat for wild life

c) They allow ex-situ conservation of germplasm

d) They provide a beautiful area for recreation

12) Which one of the taxonomic aids can give comprehensive account of complete compiled information of any one genus or family at a particular time?

a) Taxonomic key

b) Flora

c) Herbarium

d) Monograph

13) A group of plants or animals with similar traits of any rank is

a) Species

b) Genus

c) Order

d) Taxon

14) In fish Catla catla, the specific name is identical with the generic name. It is an example

of :

a) Autonym

b) Tautonym

c) Phylum

d) Species

15) Which is the correct sequence of taxonomic categories?

a) Species → genus → order → phylum

b) Species → order → phylum → kingdom

c) genus → Species → order → kingdom

d) None of the above

16) Linnaeus is credited with:

a) Binomial nomenclature

b) Theory of biogenesis

c) Discovery of microscope

d) Discovery of blood circulation

17) In a hierarchical system of classification of plants, which of the following taxonomic rank ends

in „ceae‟?

a) Class

b) Family

c) Genus

d) Order

18) Triticum aestivum belong to the family

a) Muscidae

b) Hominidae

c) Poaceae

d) Anacardiaceae

19) Identify the correct binomial nomenclature of Mango

a) mangiferaindicalin

b) Mangifera India lin

c) MangiferaIndiacalinn

d) Mangifera indica Linn

20) What is the difference between the taxonomic categories of division and phylum?

a) Division is same as kingdom while phylum is more exclusive than division.

b) Division is more inclusive category.

c) Division refers to plants whereas phylum refers to animals

d) Phylum is more inclusive category.

21) The housefly belong to order

a) Diptera

b) Primata

c) Sapindales

d) Poales

22) Metabolism is :

a) Release of energy

b) Gain of energy

c) Release or gain of energy

d) Catabolism of a reaction

23) A true species consist of a population

a) Reproductively isolated

b) Feeding over the same food

c) Sharing same niche

d) Interbreeding

24) “SystemaNaturae” is a book written by

a) John Ray

b) Linneaus

c) Benthem and Hooker

d) Lamarck

25) Scientific study of diversity of organism and their evolutionary relationship is called

a) Systamatics

b) Morphology

c) Anatomy

d) Taxonomy

Question Paper Class Test: 3 - Plant Kingdom + Biological Classification

Full Marks: 50 X 4 = 200

N.B. Negative Marking: -1 for every wrong answer

No marks will be deducted for unanswered questions

1. Which one of the following is wrong about Chara?

a) Upper oogonium and lower round antheridium. b) Globule and nuclule present on the same plant

c) Upper antheridium and lower oogonium d) Globule is male reproductive structure

2. Which of the following is responsible for peat formation?

a) Marchantia b) Riccia c) Funaria

d) Sphagnum

3. Male gametophyte with least number of cells is present in

a) Pteris

b) Funaria c) Lilum

d) Pinus

4. Select the wrong statement

a) In Oomycetes, female gamete is smaller and motile, while male gamete is larger and non-


b) Chlamydomonas exhibits both isogamy and anisogamy and Fucus shows oogamy

c) Isogametes are similar in structure, function, and behavior.

d) Anisogametes differ either in structure, function or behavior.

5. Isogamous condition with non-flagellated gametes is found in

a) Volvox b) Fucus c) Chlamydomonas

d) Spirogyra

6. Monoecious plant of Chara shows the occurrence of

a) Upper antheridium and lower oogonium on the same plant. b) Upper oogonium and lower antheridium n the same plant. c) Antheridiophore and archegoniophore on the same plant

d) Stamen and carpel on the same plant

7. Read the following statements (A-E) and answer the question which follows them.

(A) In liverworts, mosses and ferms gametophytes are free-living (B) Gymnosperms and some ferns are heterosporous. (C) Sexual reproduction in Fucus, Volvox, and Albugo is oogamou.

(D) Both, Pinus and Marchantia are dioecious

8. How many of these statements are correct?

a) There

b) Four c) One

d) Two

9. Syngamy can occur outside the body of the organism in

a) Mosses

b) Algae c) Ferns

d) Fungi

10. What is common in all the three, Funaria, Dryopteris and Ginkgo?

a) Presence of archegonia

b) Well developed vascular tissues c) Independent gametophyte

d) Independent sporophyte

11. Which one of the following is wrongly matched?

a) Spirogyra – motile gametes

b) Sargassum – chlorophyll c) Basidiomycetes – Puffballs

d) Nostoc – water blooms

12. The plant body is thalloid in

a) Sphagnum

b) Salvinia c) Marchantia d) Funaria

13. Which one of the following is common to multicellular fungi, filamentous algae and protonema of mosses?

a) Diplontic life cycle b) Members of kingdom Plantae c) Mode of nutrition

d) Multiplication by fragmentation

14. Which one of the following is a correct statement?

a) Pteridophyte gametophyte has a protonemal and leafy stage.

b) In gymnosperms female gametophyte is free-living c) Antheridiophore and Arche gonophores are present in pteridophytes

d) Origin of seed habit can be traced in pteridophytes

15. Cycas and Adiantum resemble each other in having

a) Seeds

b) Motile sperms c) Cambium

d) Vessels

16. Which one of the following pairs wrongly matched?

a) Ginkgo – archegonia

b) Salvinia – prothallus

c) Viroids – RNA

d) Mustard – synergids

17. Read the Following Statement (A – E ) and answer as asked next to them.

(A) In Equisetum, the female gametophyte is retained on the parent sporophyte

(B) In Ginkgo, male gametophyte is not independent

(C) The sporophyte in Riccia is more developed than the tin Polytrichum

(D) Sexual reproduction in Volvox is isogamous.

(E) The spores of slime moulds lack cell walls.

How many of the above statements are correct?

a) Two b) Three

c) Four d) One

18. How many organisms in the list given below are automorphic?

Lactobacillus, Nostoc, Chara, Nitrosomanous, Nitrobacter, Streptomycetes, Saccharomyces, Trypanosoma, Porphyra, Wolfia

a) Four

b) Five c) Six

d) Three

19. The gametophyte is not an independent, free-living generation in

a) Polytrichum

b) Adiantum

c) Marchantia

d) Pinus

20. Compared with the gametophytes of the bryophytes, the gametophytes of vascular plants tend to be

a) Smaller but to have larger sex organs

b) Larger but to have smaller sex organs

c) Larger and to have larger sex organs

d) Smaller and to have smaller sex organs

21. Fern gametophyte is nutritionally

a) Chemoautotroph b) Parasite

c) Sporophyte d) Photoautotroph

22. A fresh water green alga, rich in protein is

a) Ulothrix

b) Chlorella c) Chlamydomonas

d) Spirogyra

23. After fertilization the zygote of a seed plant becomes

a) Fruit b) Embryo c) Seed

d) Ovule

24. A pine seed has cotyledons and tissue from the ______.

a) Male gametophyte b) Female gametophyte

c) Megasporangium d) Pollen grain

25. A prokaryotic autotrophic nitrogen fixing symbiont found in

a) Pisum

b) Alnus c) Cycas d) Cicer

26. Algae having oil as reserve food belongs to

a) Xanthophyceae

b) Rhodophyceae c) Chlorophyceae

d) Phaeophyceae

27. Antheridia and Archegonia are sex organs of

a) Moss b) Mucor c) Spirogyra

d) Puccinia

28. Archegoniophore is found in

a) Funaria b) Marchantia

c) Chara d) Adiantum

29. Archegonium is absent in

a) Thallophyta

b) Pteridophyta c) Bryophyta

d) Gymnosperms

30. Chlorenchyma develops in

a) Mycelium of a green mold such as Aspergillus b) Cytoplasm of Chlorella c) Capsule of a moss

d) Pollen tube of Pinus

31. Chloroplast of Chlamydomonas is

a) Collar-shaped b) Cup-shaped c) Stellate-shaped

d) Spiral

32. Chloroplast of Ulothrix is

a) Ribbon shaped and spirally coiled b) Laminate

c) Stellate d) Girdle shaped

33. Compared with the gametophytes of the bryophytes the gametophytes of vascular plants tend to be

a) Smaller and to have smaller sex organs

b) Smaller but to have larger sex organs c) Larger but to have smaller sex organs

d) Larger and to have larger sex organs

34. Consider the following four statements whether they are correct or wrong?

(A) The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than that in mosses

(B) Salvinia is heterosporous (C) The life-cycle in all seed bearing plants is diplontic

(D) In Pinus male and female cones are borne on different trees

The two wrong statements together are

a) Statements (B) and (C)

b) Statements (A) and (B) c) Statements (A) and (C) d) Statements (A) and (D)

35. Corn and beans are often cited as representative examples of ______, respectively.

a) Ferns and mosses

b) Cycads and conifers c) Monocots and dicots

d) Whisk ferns and horsetails

36. Which of the following combinations is correct for Wheat?

a) Genus Triticum, family Poaceae , order Poales, Class Dicotyledonae

b) Genus Triticum, family Poaceae , order Sapindales, class Monocotyledonae. c) Genus Triticum, family Poaceae , order Poales, Class Moncotyledonae.

d) Genus Triticum , family Anacardiaceae, order Poales, class Monocotyledonae

37. Phenetic classification of organisms is based on

a) Sexual characteristics

b) Dendrogram based on DNA characteristics c) The ancestral lineage of existing organisms d) Observable characteristics of existing organisms

38. Biosystematics aims at

a) Identification and arrangement of organisms on the basis of cytological characteristics b) The classification of organisms based on broad morphological characters

c) Delimiting various taxa of organism and establishing their relationships

d) The classification of organisms based on their evolutionary history and establishing their

phylogeny on the totality of various parameters from all fields of studies

39. Which one of the taxonomic aids can give comprehensive account of complete compiled information of any one genus or family at a particular time?

a) Taxonomic key

b) Flora

c) Herbarium

d) Monograph

40. In fish Catla catla, the specific name is identical with the generic name. It is an example of :

a) Autonym

b) Tautonym

c) Phylum

d) Species

41. The housefly belong to order

a) Diptera

b) Primata

c) Sapindales

d) Poales

42. The term phylum was given by

a) Cuvier

b) Haeckel

c) Theophrastus

d) Linnaeus

43. Nicotiona sylvestris flowers only during long days and N. tabacum flowers only during

short days. If raised in the laboratory under different photoperiods, they can be induced to flower at the same time and can be cross-fertilized to produce self fertile offspring. What is the best reason for considering N. sylvestris and N. tabacum to be separate species

a) They cannot interbreed in nature

b) They are reproductively distinct

c) They are physiologically distinct

d) They are morphologically distinct

44. An example of endomycorrhiza is

a) Agaricus b) Glomus

c) Nostoc d) Rhizobium

45. The Gram negative bacteria detect and respond to chemicals in their surrounding by

a) Lipopolysaccharide b) Muramic acid c) Porins

d) Volutin granules

46. Which of the following protects the bacteria from the enzymes present in the external


a) Flagella b) S-layer

c) Slime layer d) Cell wall

47. A bacterium is capable of withstanding extreme heat, dryness and toxic chemicals. This indicates that it is probably above to form

a) Endotoxins b) Endospores

c) A thick peptidoglycan wall d) Endogenous buds

48. Which of the following groups of organisms are ecologically similar?

a) Consumer protists and fungi b) Monerans and producer protists

c) Producer protists and consumer protists d) Monerans and fungi

49. A bacterium which is capable of utilizing the most abundantly available gas in the

atmosphere for one of its metabolic pathways, but cannot utilize the second most abundantly available for its another metabolic pathway is

a) Azotobacter

b) Clostridium c) Rhodomicrobium

d) Xanthomonas

50. Identify the correct pair of events that occur when temperate phages infect bacteria .

(I) No prophages are formed.

(II) Bacterial cell undergoes many divisions (III) Bacterial cell undergoes immediate lysis (IV) Prophages are formed

The correct pair is

a) I, II b) II, III c) III, IV

d) II, IV
