February 2013 Newsletter



Newsletter for CYC Waihola for February 2013.

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1963 - 201350TH ANNIVERSARY

Celebrating our

February 2013Newsletter

What a privilege to be amongst such an awesome team this summer that was so committed to the Lords work. You could see the hand of God presiding over our Camping programme. It has been a challenging time but revitalising, being full of inspiration, support and fellowship. You feel so blessed to be part of such a vital ministry reaching into the lives of so many people.

Christian Camping is an amazing evangelism tool for spreading the Gospel. Forming a temporary community such as a camp does has many special features. Young people come here, they build relationships in a non-threatening and independent setting, which gives room for God to touch their lives and often sets them on a new life long journey. Thank-you for your support by being an important part of this ministry by praying, helping and sponsorship. What God has called you to is special, vital, unique and effective in the light of eternity.

During 2013 we will have children’s ministry camps, family groups, school groups, church groups and more coming to our facility. Do continue to pray with us that in all our efforts, that we might be able to purposefully share by word and by example the Good News that Jesus is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

Our Family Camp 2013 enrolment form will be out by the end of the month and is shaping up to be a great camp. Our main speaker is Mark Cooper-White (Coops) and writes: “I will be opening up Paul’s letter to the Romans with the theme 'Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound?!' This great letter is a part of the bible that has literally changed the world. And it is still changing the world through the good news of Jesus.” Mark has been married to Lois since 1988. Now 'empty nesters', they have two adult children, Jack & Shelley, who love Jesus, music, computers, technology and all that stuff. Mark & Lois have been in full time Christian ministry since January 1991. They helped grow Yamba Presbyterian Church from 1994 to 2008, and since then have been working to grow Bangalow Presbyterian Church. Mark enjoys Lois, music, talking to people, motorcycles, camping, fishing, shooting blah blah blah. Lois loves quilting and peace and quiet. They both enjoy visiting New Zealand!

Check this out - 2ndcity (formally PSSM), an on-line game for sharing the gospel – an alternative way to follow up kids from camp. The launch and information evening was a great success… watch this space for when the game goes live - www.2ndcitystudios.com

Grant Bullin


















R’s B


RB One of the best summers of kids camps I can remember has

just past by us. We have had 5 amazing camps - with each one blessed by God in wonderfully awesome ways.

The December Tramping Camp was lead by me along with 4 other super leaders. We spent four days in the Ruataniwha Conservation area tramping up the Huxley and Hopkins riversa above Lake Ohau.

We had good weather, delicious food and great fellowship togther. Some good discussions were had around the talks I presented which were based around a simple systematic theology of what the Gospel means:God created us to be with Him,Our sins seperate us from God,Sins cannot be removed by good deeds,Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again,Everyone who trusts in Him alone will have eternal life,Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

The Girls Horse Camp was directed by Sarah Cupido with Joanne organisng the treks each day. 15 girls enjoyed the laid back riding and great friendships that developed by the end of the week. Traci Paton shared with the girls during the week and it was a special time for all the girls.

The Boys Mountain Bike Camp was a five day action packed week of mud, sore muscles, rain, smelly boys and everything else that goes with a classic CYC teenage boys camp. Regan Roff directed the camp and the camp did rides in Naseby, Dunedin (including 5 trips down Opoho’s Signal Hill - if its fun the first time might as well do it 4 more times) and other sweet rides around the district. Peter McGimpsey spoke to the boys each night and was well received.

These teenage camps in the outdoors (away from the distractions of modern life) give great opportunities to share our faith with the young people as there is nothing but get to know each other - these are surely the best camps to share Jesus with

young people!!

The Boys Summer Camp was themed as CSI:CYC so the boys did all things Police based during the week. Activities included go cart high speed pursuit training, flying fox rescue zip-line, paint-ball swat training along with a sweet police car visit where we got to see all the cool weapons and tools a modern police officer has at his disposal. We also did a CSI forensic challendge where we had to discover who shot Jimmy Jones - it turns out it was the director!!!! The boys put the director on trial on the last night and he was found guilty. Bruce Lietz as well as being a great District court Judge also gave us some awesome evidence and facts in the Case for Christ.

The Girls Summer Camp had the 37 girls finding Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago? The girls chased Carmen throughout the week through many different cultures such as Africa, Scotland, Japan along with many more. The excellent program gave the girls heaps of new expeiences and lots of memories. Ruth van den Brink took on the persona of Detective Tracey to analysis why we often run from God just like Carmen runs from the law.

Very shortly we have our youth group Paint-ball Day coming up on March 9th with lots of youth groups planning to attend. It only costs $15 per game so encourage any young people you know to come along to this sweet CYC event. The trophy is up for grabs from the Waihola ‘A’ Team that has held it the last two paint-ball days.

Coming up in April the Hunting Camp is already full and the Pony Camp is filling up very fast - so if your keen to come then enrol now!!

Please keep Labour Weekend this year free on your calendar as the camp is planning a big weekend of celebrations for our 50th Anniversary of Christian Youth Camps (Waihola) Incorporated.

Tim Wiel





CYou can pray for the work and ministry of CYC Waihola:- Contact us to sign up to our prayer mailing list

You can physically support us by:- Volunteering at our camps as a leader - its good fun and a great way to serve in the ministry of CYC. We are always after cabin leaders, cooks, speakers and even being a camp parent just helping around camp is of great importance.

- Volunteer to do some much needed work around our camp property. We never say no to an extra pair of hands. There is gardening, lawn mowing, cleaning and much much more that sometimes we just don’t get time to do ourselves.

You can financially support us by:- Donating to the ministry of CYC by cheque or internet banking (please put “donation” down in the reference field).

- Sponsoring a camper to attend a CYC camp. Many campers are unable to afford the camp fees that we set even though they are priced below cost. To sponsor a camper by contributing to the sponsorship fund please send us a cheque or use internet banking (please put “sponsorship” in the reference field)

Our bank account number is 03 0905 0937076 00.

All donations and sponsorship are tax deductible and if you provide us with your postal address we will send a Tax Receipt out to you at the end of the financial year.

Upcoming Events at CYC

Christian Youth Camps (Waihola) Inc.Rapid 70 Finlayson RoadP.O. Box 15061Waihola 9243South Otago

Phone: 03 417-7120Fax: 03 417-7120Email: info@cycwaihola.org.nzWebsite: www.cycwaihola.org.nzFacebook: facebook.com/cycwaihola

1963 - 201350TH ANNIVERSARY

Celebrating our

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Pony Camp

Church Families Camp

Hunting Camp

February Work Day

Paint-ball Day