Flip Their World Tesol Spain 2014


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Flip their WorldBy Michelle Worgan

A man walks into an English school and says…


What do you do?Tell the people next to you

The Problem

Unrealistic expectations •Little or no knowledge of CEFR levels

•Traditional teacher-centered education (your responsibility)

The ProblemLack of class time

The ProblemHow long does it take?

The Solution

• Help students have more realistic expectations

• Help students choose appropriate objectives

• Encourage students to become more autonomous

• Get students to practise outside class

How?• Discuss expectations

How?• Discuss expectations

• Show CEFR diagram of levels

How?• Discuss expectations

• Show CEFR diagram of levels


We want our learners to be more autonomous and take responsibility for their learning.

How can we encourage this?

How?• Discuss expectations

• Show CEFR diagram of levels

• Have students write learning objectives each term

How?• Discuss expectations

• Show CEFR diagram of levels

• Have students write learning objectives each term

• Provide sufficient tools and resources

How?• Discuss expectations

• Show CEFR diagram of levels

• Have students write learning objectives each term

• Provide sufficient tools and resources

• Use class time efficiently

How?• Discuss expectations

• Show CEFR diagram of levels

• Have students write learning objectives each term

• Provide sufficient tools and resources

• Use class time efficiently

• Set up a VLE


What would you like your students to do at home?

Do you know any tools or websites to help them do this?


Part 2: Virtual Learning EnvironmentsEdmodo

Edmodo: Features

• Create classes/groups• Library/Folders• Assignments, online correction, Gradebook• Messages and Alerts• Quizzes and Polls• Community• Apps (only in US)


Edmodo: Ideas

• Create own virtual library • Grade online and encourage re-writing• Post a video every day/week• Ask students to share content• Ask students to share vocabulary lists and

notes• Share tools• Post what you did in class for absent students

Tools and Apps for Language Learning

• Linguistadores (texts, videos, songs)• Memrise (vocab)• TED (video)• English Central (video)• Quizlet (vocabulary flashcards)• Documentary Heaven (video)• Audioboo (voice recording)• Flo Joe (exams)• English Monstruo (grammar & vocab)• My Word Book (vocabulary)• Phrasal Verbs Machine• Google Hangouts (video conferencing)

Part 3:Flip and Focus

The Flipped Classroom•Traditional class activities done at home

•Maximises learning time

•Engage and motivate in class

•Multimedia content

•Learner in control

At Home: content and tasks• Create video lectures• Create lesson based on video through TED Ed• Grammar presentations on Youtube• Reading authentic materials (websites, blogs)• Ask students to find and share content• Non-tech flipping – course book exercises • Reflection on blog, VLE or social network (writing)• Reflection on Youtube, VoiceThread etc (speaking)• Research • Exam practice• Mobile learning

Offer choice – format of content and tasks


How would you flip the classroom?

What kinds of activities would you prepare?

In Class: Dogme• Focus on problematic areas

• Focus on emergent language

• Focus on people in the room

• Focus on learner needs

• Students find own content

• Create online community

• Conversation driven

In Class: Demand High ELTGet learners to think!

Focus on details


Don’t give answers

Play “devil’s advocate”

20+ ways to examine a sentence


Task: Try to think of 10 things you could ask students to do with this exercise.

Keep learners involved and in control

Thank you for coming!

Contact Details:

Email:michelleworgan@gmail.comGoogle+: +michelleworganTwitter: @michelleworgan


Demand High ELT blog http://demandhighelt.wordpress.com

Teaching Unplugged by Luke Meddings and Scott Thornbury, Delta Publishing, 2009

The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture by Jackie Gerstein

Demand High ELT presentation by Jim Scrivener and Adrian Underhill http://www.slideshare.net/jimscrivener/demand-high-elt-11869524