Foods You Can Eat To Help With Your Memory Loss



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Foods You Can Eat To Help With Your Memory Loss

The older you get, the more your memory might start to get weaker. What can you do to

preserve your precious memories and increase your ability to recall information as you

continue to age? If you follow the tips found here, you will find your memory increasing once


Studies have shown that a diet that includes fatty acids like Omega-3 is conducive to

improved memory and brain function. Believe it or not, a lot of your brain is actually

composed of fatty acids, so taking some Omega 3 fatty acid supplements will certainly help

in improving overall memory function. Try foods such as fish, salmon, and other oily fish.

Try methods that use memory by association. A mnemonic device is one technique that you

can utilize. A mnemonic device can help you easily recall concepts and information. When

you associate an item or word with something already familiar to you, the connection makes

it easier to recall. A song or rhyme, or even a joke can be used as different forms of

mnemonic devices.

You can help improve your memory while studying if you create a consistent and specific

schedule of learning the material during a series of particular sessions. This lets you have

enough time to think though the information, and retain it. There is scientific evidence that

spaced repetition is much more effective for memorizing information, than cramming during a

single session.

To make your skills sharper, you should play some memory games. There are many memory

games, in many forms, readily available that are entertaining and will help you increase your

ability to recall information. Memory games have the added benefit of helping to steady your

concentration, and lengthen your attention span. There are many free memory games

available to play online.

One of the best ways to boost your brain power, and improve your recall abilities, is to get

regular exercise. In addition to the physical benefits to the body, this will also aid memory

retention on both a short and long term basis. Exercising provides extra blood-flow and also

extra oxygen for the brain.

A creative way of enabling something to stick in your memory, is to attach a piece of music to

it. Using melodies is one effective means of improving memory. That's why children's

television programs use songs to teach concepts. The repetition in those catchy melodies are

simple for your mind to grab a hold of and remember. So, next time you need to remember

something, sing it.

If this happens to you, take a short break each hour and give your mind time to rest. This will

then allow your brain to absorb the information better.

It is important that you get good quality sleep. You may not know it, but the amount of sleep

that you get can play a large role in your ability to retain information. It's harder for your mind

to remember things when it's tired. Get a little more rest each night to keep your memory


As you can probably see, memory loss does not have to affect you -- there are things you

can do. By using this article's advice, you will not only help stop memory loss from occurring

when you get older, but you can help your current memory. There is no reason to delay

working on enhancing your memory power. Your mind is similar to your body, in that both

require some form of exercise.

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