Fort Stanton Theatre Notes· - Lincoln County, New...


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d•binr trip to the northern of the 1tat~ and Jim ia happy.

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Fort Stanton Notes·

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()ftlet.!P•m of ·. MJt.ea-. <:9._,.,

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··. s PAGES'

PRlCE$2.00 TIU1 YEAR · . ' .

. Theatre J,C. Bur~~tt, Prop.

. · FrldllY-Adolpbe Menjou in

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Messrs. Howson and Walte~. ·~nlon«Je or Brunette." · · who nave been spending the last . ' . . .

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two week.s in New OrJeans will Saturday.~!~nd~y.- "l'be Bato:." ~ · reh.trn home tbie week-end. The grentest mystery story ever .. . ' .·

put ou the screen. ijev. S\yitt .has. purcbasec\ a ·

• new sp01:t model' Star car. Tuesday. Wednesday.-Dough.a

~ . MncLcun in "Let it Rain." · Mrs. J. liolt lett WcdJ1csdoy -· -

foa• Dallas. Texas. Thursday • Friday - IUcardo -·- CortC!Z, ·r.ols Wilson and

,...m,. ~-.:Ttl·~· *..;.;.;:{~=~~ ~~---·~ "Little Old New York."

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hlru. 0' all m€'n, •l•b•d to ldPntU'y !l('ltTond loat, do· rplt" what hnd raaa"d bl!tWNitJ U1ctn, with lhl'ao flptr.stnhll' aurroundln~ In tl'hl~h llll' \TO. hrlol (li'I11011PI'. To 100

him auddPoty In tbl11 rorbllldlns plnN! In rorupnny with lt>co rutblt'U tCJtJI ot the> man abo bed Dow 1o mur-b reoaon to fonr. aoaa llkP rudoty lltrlslpln~or hotr ot whot faith abo hnct lt>n In ml'n. It Willi hardly a mornr>lll bc>forp ll1o lllf• untlon clr>nrod, but for ('hrhltle U wna a NIIDfUI moml'n I.

Hnrbnnet hnrtod he>forc> Mnr{lar<'t'l cuvstlon lie> nortdrtl molly bnt>ll ovQr bla •bouldl't. "I aln'l bo!llllnr Uala {ItO> l'f'taloll " IJg Rpollo n-llh n contemtatil· ou• aplto. "Thin man with th" l>''Un I• running lhtn~:e- for o tow mtnulel -talk to blnL"

Do rb:~nPt 'a t1'orclm dlrcetcd nil oyu tlh 8(11trootl llo •f•ollo to MCit,llnret Uydt>. "It you oro krJll horo 1\ll'nlnat rour willa. foU'N> frc~ to so now­or wtll bo tn a mlunrco. 'Thla 11 a J;ood (llt'I<'O to lit>t owoy from. lt will be bumod botol'l> clnylfcllt." ·

"'l'hey drnl!llt!d till h(lr(}," cxrlnlmcd Mlrlalle>. "1'11~'>1 . throu h.'!l1od to kill .....

"Who Ia 'they'?'' l'IIIIU~d Sctwolld. llaraarrt hclltatl'd. "All of Ull:'lft

tnrn," lnlllft\Oll~d <'htllltlt', ttl)mUIOt.ll and Cllll!c.r. Silo J!Olntcd to llarbanct. "TbJa mnu, and matt ot ali-SI!trbuck.

, U WM bt'l wtm hat! ua brou~;bt to thla '--4-C.....•-+-·~ ..• -~ .. _ '111• plaC't4" ·utlUted­

fltbl.'l.rlns alltft' aM ~Ul'QJ•· don't lcnow )'llt Wb)' we atioull) be loctM uv h2 tllla WQ,. Wbo •r• 1111 tht!ljj mtn "'" hear Itt tbtl not f(li)tll)

mao"-the &101llt•l1 her

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. H. SPEARMAN ' ' '

Whl\t Ia · belf~vc:~J to ~ tllo moSii prfutltlro clllltcli fr. tho world ls to be touutJ tn !!an Diego t'Ountr. aout11ent Cullromla, ,

1& Ia known aa tht S:lilda ls:!lbcL trllaslon, lll'id 1s Ultd by tlic llldlans of tlut dlatrl<:t. '.t'bo cJlurd• l<t bullt of brushwood. The enti'lllnce- h.1 el'feetM• by dlmbllll a rbtlo lrtd1ter plnced ni;nlnst the tow aide walla. Two bell~ Ill'~> IIWitJcudtHi 11 d'OSll bc11nt fu front of 1ho duircb. nud a tude <:l'Ollll (It pine ltnf bl!en er~tet111wn a small levded wurt~«X~. whleb I• uUlltf!d tor u~n·alr aeNit!ll. liboufq tht· Uoa be too unmero~~t to bit accommoo th&teU ,..ltblll tlit lllih'VW tlmlbt 4t Uit brttt4 th.tlter. · ~it · · h\a.Jortcr •t

iltaUona. of ~ter ImM\'tMtct tllor•

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iC:<'OIUiliOdatlon I$ l)rovlded, atld runny of tho ton;:-estnbllllbt>d ones are elab• orate litonc edUlc4:S: but In m:urty evt>ry lnstan~o. tb(!y bave wprnllg> ftom prlnlltlvo atructutcs liueb M the on~ de.Ctlbed, wbtch are etectt!d wlwrover • ¥lew alto tor 11 mfsslon 1tullon Ill clcistu. ·

A Herof.f:; R«mecl~ It wu ll dnrk ntalJt. Mudcy doua.t

obscured th<~ moo:. tn •ut:b a 'WU us ta irllllte clt1dng ifancetout ln tho Ui:l(:t'.ttaln light.. '{ ' . . . -

A car ••• a_ppros.ehtuf the Tnel ~rnr. tra,.~Ul:lc iind#lt round tbe

· oorrl4!1' wblcli ted to th• dOlled p(H. At tbat pt'fcfM llltil&!llt ttl e1.prea$

thl'1illlW· .

bl.l 4An~r. trltd ttS · but a akfd '«lt1he onJ.t t&ull a lo'!l!l

.....,...,..1'-.,.._,_,_.,.... ........ _.......,...,........., ..... 1 trub h .attttck tbll lalilt tollch, tnd tbe e.r- <'NiDPltlll ~'~ll on.· the tttck. · . .

llltile. t~ • fft: llll».1lte.. it~ *


' ' ' . . . . : . '· ' .. .Jqll.,r 11e "'~ bel!dl!lr ~7 oYe~ liiru, · · . ·· , · · . · fflby-no.n !l.'rylnt · fi.l~tlJer, 'Selwoo4 :P~U~te4 ~otlll-. l.V ·~ ' 4 .BJ.l~$~pot, . . .

.-you're ~blppetl- • UttJe.:", ¢oirlme!lt· ~- Plirdploe, t~fdnt 'Pold ot fllll J!lQOd• •oalced lett am ~ml ~crt~.( wnb ~eli.Utcfiol1 1Jympilth1 lnt9 tha atrnl!led · eyew. · Wltll fhe !Jn~en ot l!la lett h~na, Selwood · felt, uncertnlnly aro.UlJd . h.le llt!a!.'t. ~,'One Jab," lie ~1\ld, br~atbws hllrC. ''J · thol!gllt went throu~h . me. Bit · grip mollt bave allpped/1 be

·lidded, 111 bliJ f11l~er11· ran vacJDU1 over hla cheat, trylru; to flpd a ~ar· tlculnr spot. "or some thin~,..... turned ~be knlte, What's hf1re, BUJ?'' be .MlfecJ, feeling blindly .at tha aut brea~Jt·poc~et, ot hla W()olen 111llrt.

. Pardaloe set dowJ;I his Jan.tern, !md,. !lslt!Z botll hancJs oQ the sl11sb~ p(ICket, !!Ucc~de!l In ftahlns out the rernatn" of a pack ot cards. ·He li!t«lQJ)ed to exumlne the cards by the light . ot tile lnptern; the· point oJ! Sturbuctt•s knife had gone halt wn1 through tbllm. "My car.ds, b7 gull) I" exclaimed Pnrdnl~. all bls ta~ .tell. . ... .. "flum• cut to pieces, too. That deck pln't worth shncks to nobody now­look nt 'em I" He held the pack up tor Inspection ·nncl looked tndlguantly

nt Starbud(, whoso wrists and nnkles were already bound by Lefever ancJ Srott. ''No mutter, old boy," lle growled ; "w9'1l ftJ: you In a minute so you won't cut up no more carda tor nobody." ~l

-The Pad,...

'l'om b7 tm:dcts and raeked wltb tcan~, Chrlltlo llovcrecJ as long aa 11M eonta en tllt ~~ -or Ihtop. nut poor Dull with more. aenae or the fttnttl'll ot thlnp than allonhl be expt!dcd, retuud btr entttaUta that abc bo nllowl'd co ue Sehrood. "You two;" tm soggntftt tu Clffilifti lltlll MOJ'illi'I.!L uhm wllh ~lor th.;o l'('nehl'd tl1o !'lOteJ, "get Into the kit~ <'brn nnd get Mn:e cotreo going ror tbo bunk·hooee boys. It the7 badn't ~:ot out when thfY did, thertt wouldn't be any hotel now. 'l'he>m teUowa 8f!nt word to C.arpy U1at It ho didn't come down to Dottoe'• Co look attn tlletr woundcl men, tht>y'tl bnm lllo bott>l on blm; J1o told •om-well, to bum Mil bo bnngt>d."

Sclwood walked to tho hotel. ne bod hardly thrown lllmaelt on blt bM whQn Carp,7'a boll!teroua trend c-ouhJ be heard on the atatrs, and tbe next m!J:mte Se!wood wM In the banda of the rou,llh, C'hEtJrtuJ attr~eori -molt cllc~rrut now, for the lllgbt sldta hnd c1Cll«1d. and clefif£d lilt war.

r r ·· d . mp QVe .


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• Le••on for July: 3~

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DAVID ANP J()Nf-'fHA1" . --:'" '

LESSON TEX'l'-l: S&rn!illl UIJ•i; 11:1 .. 7~ ~ .

OOX.DEN 'l'.lilX'l'.._TJu:t!l I• ... trlem'l that stlclteth cJo11er. th11n ·•· llrother.

PRIMA R.Y 'j,'OPtc-T\11'9 Goqd Frlende. JUNlQJ\ 'fQPJc-U.vld· IPil Jon•• -1 · IN'l'J:JRllEDlAT.E AND SENir.:R TOP·

rc-cbooaln~t the Rll:'ht Jr lnd 0' Frlende. . '

'YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP· rc-'l'be Obllgntlcuus ot f'r,lon4sh!p. -

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wa11 11 wfattul aweetneaa about her mouth, Tilt dark e;yett, the wistful mouth we~ bofh t.1d todn1 because lltney was meeting wltl1 • disappoint­ment so keen thnt abo felt almost 11• It .she coui<J not bear lt.

?.'bot evenlnJ the Arden~ were ctv· tog a dinner part7 for ?.'om Arden's ollt friend, Mnrk Flnlilt, who was mnklng a atopover ot one nlsht ·at their hom~. Tlaere were to be a dozen ~ta.. poop!~ wbo-..flad 'known Mark betore he become a man ot wealth nod promfnenc:e. J'uiJa Henderson would bo there. &Ira. Orton Ueuderion, who hod been fond or Mark And hod els:hed tor him until Orton setun111 married her. Out tor one tl•lnc he mlgtat have cared tor Julia .i hll cared too mttcb ro.r .mother~ Yea. ~nn at fttty.five Mol'1 Treor thrilled or the thought or· tllat wnnltertul time tVhcn ehe had been Jlteltf Ua~ P'!lletler, with atmol'lt mnre beaux than abe routd manag.e. .entle6'b1•11 the clrla ot her 1et ruld hated b7 one or two, Julia Benderaon In particular. Mr. Pelletier hnd mnneJ and hr. daugbtl!'r raclted nothln1 Uaat would add to ber happiness or her eharm. Ue It wae wlao hnd ehoaen lfarr• tual11nd tor hCI"-&ugene Trent. wbose prospeett were most alluring. Atterward Mol'1 found that her i'dtbn-, about to fall I'MIP nre nlnnaele or hla .au~ ... had . atronJ:I.J desJred to ll.!e laer earery mar­riel! to 1 moll wt.ll coult! clre for tutr ctten as be lll'ld, Dot Euceua had not fulnllet! the pmanlae ot those roun1 . .vcara .and Arney•a. ute after her fa· fll'!r'l dlanatron• rnln aM death had been one ot tdol nnd vonrt1. Eu· «me's dt'ntb hnd lett her wllh )UIIt (lnOugh rnnne1 to pa7 tor tbo edura• tltm ot her aon 11M kti!p her tor the . fC'tlt Of· IJpr Jlro fMtll llt'tUBI WIUlt. On the other hand. atark, whom llte had wonted to mnr17, hft.,. risco to {:l'ft!at tcmmlus. She U1onght or that now ond wondl!rtd what It woultl~tCCm lllle to ra~e him aplo.

Sf1e wn11 llnt lnvltf!d to tile pntt7. ft 8be flsd been Jibe amtd DO( ha\'& r:on~. for ht>r prftllt would not havo permitted htr to appear In ller ehnb­by, illllny blnt'k ellk among' the other b@ll.tttll'ttlly t'IOd women. .Jnlln. sho L11ew, would wenr lowt>ndl!r • .Tullo nl• ways wore lavender. She wonld bl! the bnndsnm~t woman tber.e nod

It matched the silver lace on her gown. Shl! used her owo French powder and nlflge In minute :yet telling qualltle.a upon Blar:y'e tace. Sbe aprtultled Mar7 with ber own vlnlct pertume.

"Ciothea Just .ftt, except the shoes. My feet always were a 1lz:e too big," Julia commented. "YQU look nice, lla17, And I'm glad, tor I reel u It



''to · sscs ot soy . b!lan seed a.t hatv~s~ time nro r.tcntly re(lu~ed aPd the cost of hnrvcsUng tbe crop IIJ lo\vered about· one·tlltrd a l!l!!!hel ·!rom what It I~ wltb ordlnnry metllods,. when a combined lunwcster-thrcsher Ia w~ed to ga tber tile beans, according to tests made by the !tmn meclmnle<J ·d~pnrt• ment, college or ngrleulture, Unlver-filt; ot Illinois. Use ot the combined hnrvester-thresllcr 111 the most rece~t method or. hurvestlng tho soy-benn seed crop. To dote thll job ot harvest· lng soy beans tor seed or conunerclnl purposes bas been the blS'!;:l'St problem thttf the soy-bean grower hns ~ad t.o. meet. In fact, the grief encountered In hurvestlnr: tho seed crop hns pro­vented · n more rnpltl·lncrenso In tho ncreage ot this legume, according to I. P. Blauser of tlao• college tnrm me­chanics department. Tbe hnrvcstlng problem will become rnorc lmportnnt us tho commercial possibilities o'r the soy bean aro developed.

Methoda of Harv .. tlng, A s'urvey made In lll~ll~n~ol~s~~f

----~ ~ to har\·est tho 1924 .soy.benn seed crop : Dlnder, 61 per cent; mower, 82 per eent; plck('rs, S Pl'l' cent; sclt·ruko rcuper, 8 per eent, nud pullers, 1 ncr eent. Tho some year B6 per eent used grnln sepnrators, 18.G per eent used special bean tltreshcrs, nod .5 tJcr cent used combined hal'l'ester-tbreshcrs.


· Ways tv Go lJroke · ·· Liated for Farmer

. -':r!)n way11 tor a ntnu to flO

broli:e t\lrmlnlT have· been 11ug• seated bY . the .llgrlcUltu~al cot •. le~:a 11t the Uolverslcy ot Ten-

. o(!ssee. . Hera ·tiler are: 1, Grow only one erop, . 2, Reep no Uve J~I.'Ck. a. . llelfl'rd chickens. . and a

rarden ns nul$11Mes. 4. Toke everythlpg from the ·

aoll and return notbtog. ts. Dcm•t stop gulltea or lfl'OW

· covor crops-Jet tbe topsoil wash away, then you wm bn.vo "bottom". land •

0, Don't plan ~our tarm operations. lt's hnrd work tlllnl\lns-trust to luck.

7. Regard your woodland as you would a coni mine: cut every tree, sell tho Umber, Md \Venr tho clcured. lund out cul· tlvatlns It In com.

8. Ilold fast to tho lden Uant tho methocls ot farming em• .PII~yed by your grnnd!uthcr aro rood enough tor you.

0. De lodependent'-don't join wlth YOllr nelghbora In anr torm ot co-operntlon.

10. l'>lortgngc your tnrm 'tl'r ever) dollar 1t will stand to bny thlngs you would hnve

Cooperatives Have Made Rapid Progvess


I were making up to you f11r some or m1 old mennnl'!l, Now go nbesd and J enJoy yourselt. l'.ve mode th«:l wn_r emooth- for you wltiJ Kate, and as the BJXbya are rotor In the .l!lmc cor :you won't have an1 chance to flirt with Ort." Uer blue eyes twinkled.

· Tho nrst eomblno In Illinois was Associations Located Mostly wed by Garwood Brotlu1rs of Stonlpr:-ton, In Octpb~r. 1024, to harvest 212 in Central States. · 11f soy-'ilenn~t. 'l'tmt ttnr ,+-~~------- - ----- -- -

mndo n successful demons Is U'rcpare<S b:r tho Unll,.4 ntc.tra Deput• ovldl'nt trom tho tuct that. seven com· ment of A~rlcuuuro.l blu('s were sold Jo Jlllnols by July, Co-o[Jcrutlvo llvHtock marketing 10"..5, nod twch·o by Octobor, 10'.!:1, hns Increased ropldly In tho 'llnltC!d .u a lnst tough Orton tupplled 1

vcat bunch ot vlolctl. So this mod• eru Clndrella of flfty.flve rolled In ber llmpnalne to tho bome or llgbtl. ot 11awen nm1 f!'IUYitrt!~ wJJore a · priO(."tt ot Olly-c!ght Will walling tor

• Tests huvo been made of tho dJJrer· Stlltlls In tho lost five years. 'J.'hcre ent methods ot J1nnet~Ung aoy bl'nna, wua llttlo dl'velopmllnt In this dlrec· nod llll•ei'JJ In some eases were round tlon wuu llll:J, 'lllfbough tho tlrat llvo· to bu u high ns .oro pnr ~ent. 'J'cst& ot . ntock .Jililpplng !lasoeJatJon ot which tho comblned bnrvester-thrl.'shci' hnvo tltcrll !11 n record was lltnrted lliJ ton; gh·cn n lmm ot trom 4 per cent to 10 ns;o na 1RT7. In 111:!0. however, wore per cent thla pnnt 11enson 0 ,·cn though tlano 1,000 aucl1 lll!!loclntlons were opo the \Vl'nther condltlono wcro extreme- crotlng. lly the end of 19!!5 tho num· !y . bad. Dt!nns. lu1rvcllted with tliu bcr l1ud lll\'ftlnslld to 1{170.

her. • J.i'or otter all Uark Flnl01'1 wlte did

not appear-"ahe died r,vo rear~ a;o. 'l'lllil'* w117 bo'a baclr.: nome:• ·whl• pored lira. Dlsb7 to Ute astonished lfllJ'1.

Acrou the brilliant table &IAJ'1 ehMced a tbJ look at.llark. He wu gnz:lnr at her tntenU1. And btJ e1e1 wcra the e)'e8 of Ute aame younx man who had lpYed ller In her routll.

Frenchman Fi11t to Put Up Canned Food

A prize .or n,r,oo .aered b7 Napo­leon llonavam tor a wrltlen deacrJp. tloo ot how to prucrve food 1D a "'87 lO Wte ftdh WU rtii)onalble for tht flnt canned roodl. sara the CbriJJU&o Science Monitor, Francia Appt!rt wu swardtd 1/1• prize to ISO&, after ola .Fear~ ot expcrlmentla~o Ue used wfdMnonthcd bottles, • corlccd 111il IC31C!d.


comblno ~vo n mocb lower moisture Thc:;o llv&ntoek ahlpptn~r ossocta· pcr<'t'ntnge, nnd n!J1o were ot much tiona oro located vrlnctpnlly In Iowa, hotter qunUty. Tho Cqj]lblno cab work lllnneaotn, llllooln, Wlarotllllu;--:soutb rrom two to avo dCl)'ll fJoonllr than Uao Dalwtn, Indiana, Mlchlgnn noel Ohio. tbreahlog mneltlno becnuso U10 bonn~ There nre only a tow llBsoclnUou• ll.l

• Silll l• VJYI• Stripes Pep•lar. dry out mudt moro ropldly atnmllttll tho wcatern etntce and southern erc:!aC! e fMIItJioua tD.E\to 111 abo dool t•cadwear, nec:l.iwcnr, tootwcnr,~ than In nhock!l. There nro lltJII some stntea nod nlntoat nono Jo tho North In tho choosing ot her most formnl bnodbng, parasol, Jowclcr.v, bouton· DcldiJ ot bt>nno In sho~k walUnt: to lro Atlantic re~~tlon. and fetchlns ballroom otllre. ADd nll'rro and other ltoms down to tht tlare11hl'd. Dl'allle• tho dovclopmllnt of l~al when 1be dOC! Just ao, behold 1 a rRdl• · minutest deum. Esi!I!ctlllll' 1a 1hla .a, Work ot llllnole Machlnu. llhl.vpln~ .aeoclo.Uons thcro ltaY• boco 11nt lllctnro or a~~l"4ltf6 display on . 1lnee toeblon baa become ao arbltrai'J Each comblno In Illlnolll hn1 har- nttemptu nt Umru. to orgnnl::o eeutrnl the be:sch, eueb u tbla Illustration on tho subJect, neceptln(l 81 an evl Vt>lled trom 200 to 800 nc«'a or soy ll!lllug ngeucll'll. Tho first eentrol ltl11· .otJ lotth. donco ot correct drcu, nolhlna lest bcnna this pont st"ncon. 'l'wenty to llU lug n~;ency, !mown u t11a .Amorlean

For tllla "otetuJ u wcJt as orunmen• thno a pcrtecU.v appolnted-u unlllc!l acru ot Ploy henna em bo lutrTnlod a I.lvo Stork Commllllllon comp.ony, Wtll beach ro!lo striped khnkl kool te . cru:cmblc. . , . dn7 ..ttJth .tw.o ono ta .drlt>o tho ·lneorvorntod fn l~·nnd Willi tiJ upcro ·

1he pr~f~rred medium.· ·'the t>np ls TIJJe demand tor hnrmon1 In drett trnC'tor to pull tho mnehlne, nM ono ate on tho l'hlcn&e mnrkot. 1111 bus&· alu or thte nomnn.v·atdpetJ material. baa resulted In a 11cnuloo "~;ea to to opemto tho comblnc>. 'l'wo to three ncu was quito eureeutul, but tho oa·

At Gvcey atep of tllo Wli.J along Ulla getber" spirit nlllolllit coutourlcr, mil men nnd tl.'atna aft\ ucedi!.J to tnke IIOclntlon wns expelled trom tho Clal• tandJ aboi'C) OllO meet. theao sirens or liner. boounnlcer, Jeweler and otbcra cnro or tho threnbetl bcnna. cogo ynrda by tlao Llvo Stock l::lt• tbe aea clad In apectAcnlar beacb or- who contribute ro the cottumtna .ol A rombJnc ahmtl.d cut trom !!W t(} ChlUls;ll. willet• auc~wdgtJ In ()btalnlnt raJ, Amon.: th~ mo•t llllJ111lar bcnrh the talr sex. k Ia quite the propl!l 000 aC«'IJ of grain e:teh to lmt>p court nrtlon on U1o nlle~ntlon tbnt the coata which atr:cet Uta .r>lctnresquo In thing to buy ono'a 111111 faoae at one•a U1o overhl!ad chnrt;ea ort acre 011 low DJ!JOelntlou wna a dangl'rous .monopoly, Cbtor are ID!lD)' ot smnrt linen croab fat>orlto bootery, In order to Insure 1 as potuJIIil!', 'l'llere nrc n limited num. ln re<'ent yenra ottemptn have agnl11"' dublnrlt printed, then bordered by . perfect match to ono'a dlll.tJcra. an<! b!'r of farms that hot'c Utat mnny OOt>n mudo to orgnnlzo CIHlperntlro way ot contrut with block amtln. as llkl'ly aa not tlw ealesmtul will ln· ac«'a or f'OY h!'oDrJ to harvest c:trh commission compnnlra. Twcnty.soveo

Several 1eara later l't:lter Durand. an Engllahmun, flnt Olt!d a tln can, or "," as bt called lt. Tha t1nt prcterylng done 1n AmNica. wa1 bt two EngtlahltU!II, who bad lellrned the proeeu In EngiiUld. Tht!7 wcra Wllllllfil .Untletwooa and · Cbarlet llltchcll, and t11e1 used &lUI contain·

Of lll tbe Interesting beAt'h atyles Glnt on showing fOtJ a handbag ma<!t )'enr. However, tho IIODIO mneblno llU<'ll orgnnltatlons lla\'0 bet~n e1tnbo DODO are perbtlp!J moro lntere>JUDg, at of tho ll!lfaamo leath~nt as tbe lhoet 'll'Dfl Ulll'd QUifC fiUCCt>~fUIJy In llllnOIJI llllbl!d IIID('O 1911 at tho Important 'f(!ast from the point ot novelty, thnn ron oro c:onalderlllg, to hnn·eat whent, oaliJ, sweet dor~r. llvMttorl: nmrketa of tho rountq. aro tli& capes antJ contt mailo ot llenvy Thill summer, mtttchlne pnrascll rl'd clov(lr and tlmoUty. l~\·en t11en, It Tho volume of bU!llnesa llondl!'d by unbleached mniJJia, deC'orntel) to elm· have eavcclnlly entered Into tbt tllll Mmblned acreog(l Ia too Amnii to tlacso IUI!Ioclatlonll to lO"...'i amounted to

era for <regetablej and flllb. In 1825 Tbomu lt()Jisctt took out

the ftrst lJIItt!tlt tor .a tln can. bat It wn1 UtUe tllot the can• tod1J1. Ttla old C4lll we~ cut b1 hand from •

t1 .te hand·nofntlnit J.'or lattance on llt'heme of thln.m. Mowbo It Ia 1 aun- justify the purdmao ot a combine, Mv. more than $200,000,000. Moat ot tblft crol farmers con go toi;~>tlaer nod pur- bualurll!f was contributed by tho loMI chase one. eblppiJJg rumoclntlons above m!'ntlonctL ••

• Tho eomblnn unrr In llllnob nv!'m

thnt 110 rnnnot got nton~: without It ~~~------~--­

could make 00 a day. 'l'odar one man. ul!n~ machloCf7. can make USOO cans, and these are. tar ~tul' thtn the t~ld Using Ground Limestone

Suggested by Specialist So far lliJ knotrn no one has Jet

au~nested a flnt Wiling we!'k. al· thougll It fs common koowltdgo lll!lt the rntl ot thls country destroy footl• stuffs wortll many mlllloria eyery )'!'ar, Ilat colonies In bnrorard rofusc, nround slrnw atnckiJ nnd under and ndJattnt to email bulldlo~tS t11n bo qalcllly dconed out by vumpln~ cal· slum cranldo dust Into their burrow.t, soya M. S. Johnson, associate pro­fcnnor of wology, Unlveralty ot Min• nesota. o

fland~t ones.

Rcdrt~•• Car Accident• Dntldog bt eleetrleJty-tbe newest

Idea In street and lntA!rnrban ralln7 operaUon-la cuttlo& dO'I!'D car acd· denta maurtali1.. A number ()f rail· war- tbrongh the land are eqttJppllll eara wltb tbe tnnlillleUe de-vices to aup. f)tement ordlnai'J alrbm\ru. A car ao cequlpped carries flat JlhOf!a each abOut two lncllca wide with tbe tace au• vended abo"e the top ot the raiL When . tlii power ls app1Jed-usuall1 111 emergenC'!eii tlle~te •hoes drop and tbe power or eltetrldt1. etops the ear to onf!.thlrd tht Uine required bf alr­brakeii alone.

to Assist Clover Crop Tho uao of Jlround llmentono Whl'ro

c:lovera do oot grow llUCc;emJtuiJy, the proctfco ot a good farm rotntJon which Includes a clover crop, suffich>nt natural or artlflelnl drnlnnao end tlu• thorc>ugb worklug of tbc aoll to con· trol weeds ori! etseullal to profitable crop produeUon. Tho nsponso ,_ In C'rop yields whleh will nttcnd tho Ju· dJcloua oppllrntlon of mnnuro arid commercJal tertlllwra will dl'!p()nd to • largo extent upon tho nttentlon mat Is fjlvcn to tlaoso oU1er esHI'otlal tnc• tors wblcb are t1lso lnr!)Ciy under con· trol of tho tar111er.

£ lOA;;,...<;

Z Agricultural Notes X I


Destroy all br~l)lng Plllcca or m...-. • • • • Cultivate tile field erops caretull7

alter sboWei'S. • • •

\Viltch au \l'Atcr BUJiplle$. water ltlellfill lJOIIslblo dllledlle.

-· -· ... •• • llake ' AMtb(Jr· t;llatnUng Of 8WHt eotn, snap. beans, rutd Jlnta · benns.

' ...

Soon nller fumlgntlng a rat colony on n tarm In Cottonwood' county, l\tr. Johnson and tho farmer collected 21 dend rtJts lthlch W()ro nenr enough to tho surlaco to bo eaally f<.'untt 'l'M todcuts hnd succumbed to tho cytl· nldo goa. This demonstrotfon bt the untver11lty tnnn wn• wltnesaed by mnny farmer• and mntlo a TCJ'1 favor­ttbiP lrnl)nJBI!Ion.

Dut tho most generally Uieltll method of rctUug rid ot rata, esp~;~­clntt;r When they aro not held Ill nar· row confines, Ia to polson their tc.>od " with bntlum carbonate, 'l'hls should bo u•cd In the proportion ot one Pili'( to totil' patti ot any t()o' that fJ othel.'\vfae avaJI11ble to the l'Odents. llnrhilii C!;lrbonatc Ia a deadl,r V(ll!oo and lilUit be· bandied c:aretul.l)'.

\ '

' .

....... ~. ' . ..... __ ,......_ "' / ' ' .

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• •

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" . ' ..

. ' ' THE ··oUTLOOK ; •• ,;: ........ , ..... ~~;;;;t;;c::: . · ,• GENUINE NAV AJ01N.D14N· RUGS · r~~a_,_ .. l_c.._tn ... cc_•n_c_"u_n_~.v_. N_c_w_M_"~~•-<Jo, AN UNUSUAL GIFT WHICH WILL L.AST A LIF£TlM~ . :

.. ' '

A. L, DUlj.KE, Editor and Pubfiib.r. ------·-- .... -~-~.,

t.araettt ClrculaUop In Tbe Cowaty

SUB5CHlf>TION RA T£5 ~I X MUtil'lli.l Ia Ad11ou • • • 0 Nt. Y t.AH '" Ad••nr:. - . . JI,OU

• .z.w --···----·-~ ·• '.

l!:n Ler~:d a11 decomJ·clou matter Jan· unry 6, . Jill 1, at the poet omc~ at f,arr1zuzo, New !'llexlcu, under U1B Act o ( AJ lln·l• a, I K79.

. '•- ' .. -.. •- ••>B""'" ,.._ • ..,.,_-. . ..,. •.

Adv'vrtiuiug forma c:lofto Wcdoeaday al uoou. Newu C(llurnnt close 'fbUrl• duy 'nt~:t.L It you do not receive your J>UJI<'f rt•gulurly, Jl)CRIIC IIOtify the l'Ub· ll•lwr Ad n~rllni!Jg r11~11 on uppllco•


O:tl•·o l'hPno No. 24

. EUITOIUAI,~ COLUMS -·- ·- ·-- _..,_ __________ ....... __

Streets and Hii~aya

I r the p1!0Jlle who are prone to cnliciorn of our Town Council would gl·t into their cars nnd

' taltc tr111B ovf'r the town nno

. . ., . -· ....... ' ' . ' . .· . ,, .. .'. . .· .. , " " ' ' ....... ' .. ... .. .. ',' ' . ' . ·' . . . .. . ~... .. . ' . ·... ... .-- . Tho Rugw tl( tile NavajQ Jn~fi!JU! · Jrcnmlik« •li.Y otb~r rpg' ~vet prodll~d, ll' art of wel).vJngli!lll been brought · to a puteeUQn with tbJ., hibe ~t the~ Southwelt. 'l'tu; !feiliant atf! of their own ll.Wrt?s a!ld llYml;lgl$, ~d •ti! aeeJ) nowhere ell e. Tbe•• .Rug• are <Jt ll textur, and qpallty •tb11t will «ll!tlAst Oriental Jl!JRJI. t.htt wooll)lled i.i · . • .tlUlJU'ed froin Jive sheep, wbJcb IPIUre• Jtrengt)l IUld tJrrone••· 'J'hey Will wear a life tim~ . aoU becomes . heir Joorn!l. The· time h1 not far dlettnt wben ~te!luin~ Navajo 'Rpa• wiU no loqger be wov.en, as thl! old SquJwil wtu> do tble work are gett~ng fewer, and the present generation d<Je$ not take up the wor~. J!qr thia reWJon, tbt

· rugs now on tho rna~ket !lr41 m11cll 111ugbt atter byiQ~erll of 1ndlltl RE!Jies.

. Outlpok Art & Gift ·Shop. ..


Baritett FEED Store . . . , , . . . , , , I . '

' and Retail •

Hay, Grain and Feed ' . ,.,

"Stock Salt; . Oil Cake .. ' ., -

' ' t :·

. ·,

' :· • .. ~-t .. '· .•. •

·.-.. ' . "'' .. • .. . . . . . ... .. ... . '

· ~-. ·E.· ]-J. ·SWEET,

. .. '

' ·~ .. • . . ' :

.. .. . :..

' . -· -~CI•--• i:::u::r

v II• IV the lllrt•e t urr3111~d~ir~Jg~tl~l(l~t~~h~n~;s;+.. __ ~;:!;~:::;~:mi~~,IJllt:,iU.;,f_ __ -J.f----~-------....;._-----:-. --~. -------r-tn-:-.lwt~n-d-ono-diJrfriV. wo Prices Lowest. and Service Best

and Stove Wood

Wl•t•kll, they would cense critfcla~ . , . tug and give credit to the streets and nlleya committee which just­ly IJelongo to the council. as a whole.

Hlrttels on the town plat that hav£• r•I•Vt•r bt•fore been graded or had the leant attention paid t•• thern, arc now nh:cly gl'aded 1111d madt! in aood condition. l•'or

Uud .by. tbo,,.most.promlnent 1ololata. '

yt•ars. thetw ntreetn ift the out· L E W I S D U R K E Bh 1rl11 nnd nome rwgr .tho center RcJJrc,«mtatlvo f o,; l.lncoln uf town, have been avoided, _be- County , Hllf 011 bad that truvel over the Carrltoro • N•w Mexico IHmu• foiltd not bo made: in fact _ ·

llu•y. were to uflo an old nnying, nwrllly ""uw fJOthu," but now

r· 1•1 .... t.t t t I •t It lrl' ... It •• •n With . the Hiah . . _ . · . Schoof Claaaica

tl,t•y llro in ouch condition that )'"" rnuy drive anywhere you &•l••!l!ll' and choooc your route.


Carrizozo • N~w Mcxtco •

• • . ' ·----1---.........._-~ ........... :.:. '---------~o..i~ -~ ... · -·----- ------......-:----- -----~-...#


(d-~ . '

.... •

EDGAR GUEST'S Bcoks of Vcrae (the poet that oll America· reads

· . ... . . . • , and loves) · -

Greeting Ca,.ds of all Kinds, Tall:; Carde,PJnce Cards,

_,..\ ' \ .

Our .fountain is constantly prepared with all del· ~·icaciea the heart ca~ wi&h. Desert Gold lee Cream, Jn dillerent .n·avonJ pure•t and most "The kind you Jiko." Our ~otto ts to please.' Make our dru& aore your ~eadquart­ea, Phonolftphland Be.carda... ·

' .•

The Best Drug Store llf•rqto!or(-. we huvo had no rnad to the cemetery, save that of une which hus boon traveled on:r 11rivute ground, but now, through tho grading of these u!rN•la, a direct route has been rnruJ£' to the remelt!t'Y on tho l·~<~ n otr,wlo. Aa far KB the r .. .vn Jirnito cxhmd. tho strceto tsn• in ntcc eondltlon niid a sur· pn,Hngly amount of work has hP«'Il dono with the amnii amount of rnl)noy tho council has hnd to

(~ 111 :Mar~raret DoyeL)

"Carefully thtn WIN covtrt4 tho trno btrt that Olbwtd on tho ' J\1

-llvangtllno. •••

. Gift Booko.Party InvitationB, Stationer$

Cllildren'~ Dr~\\fngand Story Books at tho O~tloolc Art & Gift bbop

ROLLAND BROTiiERS l1::s :c:=::a c= li cu:n:aaz== :u::::::::====c:lJ

Whrn tho modt>r11 l1ou•~llf!l!kr ~r· . . . fi'W hlo flro at ntubt, It •• to keep tht hot·woccr l•ltw• trom trooxtnx dur1111 U•o nlrzht or to lu>t'p 1110 bou•e~ trom tJl't'OmiJJt: unduly rliJlly overnl&bt. Whr.n thp tGrllll'rA ilf Otnntl>l'nt CJY. <'rt>d Utt>lr llrt'll nr nfaht, It w.u to •n• thcmiK'I\"t:J ruUdl trouble th& !ltrt morning ttllh !lint antJ Btctl ant1 tJa. drr.$1 a flr11 Ill thoro d:tJI wu


w••rlt witb, It rnunt be remembered top,

l hnl lhla has been done with one rmm and that • man, William St,.rling, who understands tho \\ urlt and one only need to go tl1c roundo of tho oldc B\r~ots to fir•d "n thi~t out. We cnn assist thl' counrll in a hlt:rh degree by urvmR' credit, wlwre It bolongs, tn<~tc>nd of tmoclting tboao who

no tdrnj•l!l mnttu ot Uszhtlnl a malt'h ~u woa a •low, lnborloua Jii'Ot'HI, C<Juntl~u Cl'llllll1t>a lliO ruan di~~N>\'•

c>rod thnt tlto \fOtlld kN'P lllrn, warm In rold tn>ttUlvr, would rna!to hi• toot1 t'IIMer to rbcw, 1'1'DUid · hl!lJt hlrn til flaking atoao for axu and ~rbud• ontl trouJ«J Cllll ttlrn Ia rounlle111 otflfr traY!!. l.n tho tu1 ~arUtJt dtt)'• lnt'ti bad to tlqumd otl llahtnlnc tor tbelr crart or llr&=IIC!I'It'O it. )fill pert~tl1 Datura! that the Otrelca a!lould tmv• heUt>Yl'tJ Promt>tlu•ut · atoJco tlro ftt1m ~b coda anti ki\VI! It to man, Wllt>n the llilltnini ltrndt a treo and alartfd

1!---!QJ!t-a to1t11t 0«'. our JltlmlllYe ant'el!ltora

the town. Tnkc n trip over the tHdc otrl'ets nnd sec if'you can•t l'•)me to tho oomc conclusion.

fhc hiahwnyo leading into th<! town from overy direction were nf'v~r in ou\'!h goad condition as nt tho pret~cnt time. Tbo state ha.:hway between here and Cor· onn lo nn example of what we huvc uaid. This hlnhway, the lt•>d Star Jin(l, is ns smooth · aa a kitchen tnblo frmn t'oronn to 0.1• curn nod apenlts weir for the grndin(t, widening, maintaining nnd !lUrfaclng of Road Foreman Cbno. Grey, As anoUwr cvid .. cnfc of tWa fact, moro nrc roming thfs way .than btwc over seen before. but re. Knrdlcss of the abuvo facte, many nrc prone to sulk in their t~nts. c~unk about our road builder•, luck about our towtp colliu:il, when, it should be tfietr lot to aivo ('red it and holp boost thoae who uro constantly workinl' for tho ~rood and welt are ot this BfC'·

of· ~lmr;.

J7. 1 • c /aii:t

()t thr> fire tor lma!Jerlnr attu11pt aad lni&. 'n:CI.•o r,lN7f'l ct amn!dttiDr 1'1'ood tho)' Jlrobnbly urrlt-d to thelr ravn an\1 lrn'd to atnrt tits that W('l'(l kt11t clltfl lo: Wl't'k!J or J:umtbs .at a time. tt through t'11Nik~neAI or ar:ddmt tf:t tlr• tvu allow(d to ro our, the p~ ptt ot that ~r\7 *Y wrre rotnpelled tl) walt tor anotll~r Ualltnllll ttorm to ll:lJI fr()A!l an~tply ot ~rt.

Lattr tol'Vl dZ.~n~ tUt bJ rub­b:nr two pkc~ ot Wood tOKtlber vtf1 bmkly h• waa able to ttatt a 'ftre, 'l'htJ marl!ett a ti'\1Jtu:ortdous attp tor­ward ln the h!ato:y ot ftr• rntklnr. tor It tnntfo m'fn llldep«ndeat ot Ucbt· ttn1 ~onn., :

t.-t~r athl be (JI•eovete4 t~•t br ahlkfnr • pllltcot trou or fltt,lel ap.Jn•t ftlr1t he wu ablt! to atrJk' ftrn that . rould bo tltllht by a bit ~ Un~r 1t he wtrt tldlltuJ enouah. Ite ar.c. dlt· rollltM that It Wtlll ~lblt to td•tt a tlre b1 f0\'ullfl1 the *'m'• .. ~,, tbi'l:lurb • pte~ or *'""' •'lt'f ®bl!l •l'lt b• ltnrtel1 wm. a bumlnr ct~ oa IUllliY d_,.._ ·and llghtl!il li lr• with ftlilf' ar~d at&el "IIi t~l;ll\1 builftl!lll: but both tn4llllod• '\\'tl.. m h lllrnJ!let th11n tht mttlJod tbat · , . p~ · tbtm. . . . . .~ m~teb~ tl1at •r• ta "" tt1 tie

Vl'e!K:llt llat ilte a · .. h-~a.t fntf'Atl(l' nitd• 111 &d· \Uet!lllellt• In .· Ul'lUt

. . . . .

\Vll. e .. • ·a.· . nt.&tt t&Jrtl 'OUt '!'bt ttllo* ·-:who, ---,. . rr A «: • ......_... : m•l(e •. fool or hi~DftJl in lc . .·· . ltrttt ·rrJtbout lf»lclq .

h-& Jltr•ya . lttl .\)Mftty ·Of . Wl)'l fl I dolt rtllttt• (Jf . · trom tl•e tfdl Une•.-O•wtao •llr w~ t~tdct up • wtrt ta f.Ua4i"m limw. · · wlltt!Hf or Wit U naUf It ..Urt.

' .



• ---' .

F.O.B. Detroit~ FWJy Eqglpped 4-Door Sedan fNot a Coach)

The lowest priced Dodge Sedan ever told • • and the Best • •


The Smoothest .. Smartest • Sturdiest

Longe.ct springbase of any ear Under '1000 • • thla means Comfort"' •

Sutprlsmg econ~my .. · 25 mJtes per jaUon at 25 nille3 per hOUI' • •

Remarkable accelerattou· • •· From ·.-ero to '2S .rttUes per hour through ~ara· til leM than t~-ven ~ ... ·

Try a mile at the··wheelnnd exlk':do en~ a new M:lll$atlon • •

I ··C i t ,-. . ' ' .

Vlncf!llt ReU, Ptop~


Phone SG · Carrizozo. N. · M. v ' . . ' '

Shtll your ttnm to i)eten G6ht Daidet. Inc •• •t:!!l Pt.ol . P.rompt' ltttntlon. aec1natt weltbt•· t•t• .. .00 .a thro. totu!Kl· birbe .. than ... avttqe ttl"· Tt1 one •hl&»ntnt

··. •. . . . .&net ... , . . . . . . . . »ESER:l' GOLD l>AlRl~. Ine .• EL PASO


We Carry in Stock: •

Onion Sets Garden Seeds Alfalfa Seed Field Seeds ·· • Lime Sulphur PorllatJd Cement Roofing Pain't Rooting Cement. Steel RoofJng Sheathing Papers Sb Ingle Stain House Paints

Wall Board Metal Batts Door Stops Mouldings J.'Joorhag ' Dressed Lumber Rough Lumber

. Barbed Wire · Poultry Netting

Men's llnd .&ya' Shoes '

Plow,s Plowshares Singletrees


Wa~on Tongues Wagon Axles

' Clevfces Bolts


Hinges Padlocks Axes Himmera Columbia Dry .Cells · Hot Shots b

. . Blasting Caps Fuse Dtack Blasting Powder

Black Leaf 40 Den!ltured Alcohol Sloane's Colic Cure

for Hors~s Nest E&¥8 Purina Cbicken Feed! 'Purina Cow Feeds

· Auto Casings Auto Tubes Gasoline . Lubricaffng Oils Greases Separator Oil Hay and Grain

Spedal Pritea Quoted on Quantitfea •


<M•il ordera gi\ten prompt attention.)


.NEW lUtt.

. The Titsworth Co.,.l~c.

. •

... , •

.. ••




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Nq.tlll• tb~~olf a.rry :u. . Dum9tt '' ' ~.M., w~a; ''II

.M!IY' Jt, · · ·. , oJitrY' «:ontlllnln~t


· · .. $«, .Rilree, Na. . . · ror1:it Ja!i¢". ~~~~Erllleo; . p; 1.-'!>W.Pii!IIP ,,s~ fiq,nge INi~:. N, M~:V.

. J4orldlap, ~$11i\l~d:#lcti<Jll onntl,ll\tiQJJ .. to ~~ljp,ti!~C9 .Yonr ·Prpq(,to li'~tlllllleh claim -~ Hio lan~~bQvo del;lQrtbcd,b!l!OI".l Fr11nk J."~J1.11er; u. s. Oonunl~sioner. p.t O!Jrrl• ·

· .· ~-~~• N. N,,on,Aqat.~st"JI,l!l27. . · · · .· <;)4iill\IU1t Jli~IJI~B ~ll WitbCIIIBlll! .··

·.roll~ .E. WJ111oll,~arno,y W. WJl8()n,a,a. J.;>ct~ra.tlJeQe ot:Ancbo,N: .l)<.(,;lf.N .WJis,on ofA.lbl!flUI!fQUe, N. M, . · · , · v, JJ, M .. ~ . · Jqly k" ~e~JJ•~!lr

--' ..

" NOTICE FOR :.PlJ,BLlOATION J;)epartmea~t of ~llelnterio~

U. 8. L•vd Qffi~:e,l.a*!• Orq~:e,,N "'· · . . . J\IIY #l,·lfn . ·

No~loo I• JlorobYI clv.m t!u~t ,tqbe a. Qrabtrllo .orcqpltan,N.M.,who,on~tarob . ·

21, ·1923, Aprll :l, lm, mudo Hcl •. ar-tt_addl. .:onta!nlnlf 3JOMrll,,No•. P2S~l5 • (1282.S,for RE l-1. SE ..... Slit H SW' l•' I!CO,J5, NW 1-{ NW I-I llel.i. ~i'6~ 1_. NJll M, S~!c~lon 27, NE J.ueo. :U, ·~. 'H'I, ~. J\1, ~ E, N, ,M. P. Mortdlq,n,lltte ftle!llloLill<l<~t ln~ontlon to mnk!l TQree ::ro)r.r :l'r.qof, to eatabllall clidm to 11le h;mif nbove dca<~dbed, betoro eunlc~t P. H•lll u. s. oommi3slonor, ot Capft~o~n, N. '¥ . on sop e. rr~ 1827, .

. Clai.Q:Iant nam.erJ as wibleatell · J. Hnre,E.OcJone8,

'-----~--::';~~1:'1'1'•""• N. M. v. D· Jola:r,

.TUill :fl•o'\.ua fl Rocleter • £_~·-·····'


... t

• '

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; . .

Fro .. MoUll

Surf to· .in~top

Cout eo.J..

Po'r example: only lli6. 85 roundtriP. to LQa•Ancclc•J "'1Ui5 to San .Praricllc:o. ~e· tumllmlt0et.31.

C.P. Hupr1ertz . Aaent

ty Hall Mattera


' " '

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. "


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• ' '

Nearly' all th~ vlrtuea have t~Qmething, to do wJtl1 the u~;~e ·Ottnoney •. • ·. · - - . - ' ' - . ·• ' ' . .

. Take HonestY• Juatiee, Generosity, Charity, ~,rua-ali!y, lt,or~thought ~na

Self-Denial;, fqr instance;. " .

· the Children how to (landle.


· ·Money, ' •

• • • •

N. Mexico

' '



. ' ' •

. '·

\ ' ' '

'. '• ~· ' .• : ' \.' ' '


. •. '

' "'

. ' '

Ca•h Di•countt on Medical ·Billa

' ' '


• ,.

. Dr. F. H. Johnson wishes to

anbounce that, beginning A 1, 1927, he will conduct l1is busi· ness on what is known ft8 the

ec .. ~.: ~·-~-~-~ ..• !!!:::._~--=-~-=-=-~~-=--=..,~-=-=-·-=-::_=-~-'=' .~ ... ..,_!" __ ..,_..,_..,._..,_ -~-.!" .... ~ .. '!" • ..., ... "'!' .. '"'!Is=.-....... -... .., ..... -· Monthly (~•sh System, and in nddit~on ·Special · DiseoutJt~J/or Cash. W ' . •

Crepe Pa~r Napkins

' , . ' '

' ' .. · ~' !to.' ' • -

~- '


11 , . I

. .. ' -- -~ -- . ----~- ----~ . .,... ~

'" - ' .. "" .

•L 0.0 GES '

· COlU!lT OUAP'fEU NO. ~ · . ORDElt Ol!1 EAS~r.V:Rl'f S'£AR

Ca.r.J·izo~o. New Mexico.' ll~GU'L.\R )j~~tlNO .

J.i'irst '!'lllll'lld';y (J{ ~Jit:b ' niUlllb,

. All VisithJg Sttu·s Cordially In· vited, . .Mrs. Jeunette Lemon. W. M.

S. F'. Miller .. Seeretar,y, . . . ,.,.,._,_....,,..,,. .. _,.. r ,....,._ . .



1.0.0. F. • llleota eecmul aruf fo111rth

H•'ridny" or eur:h montlr, Mrs.Zoe Glnssmire, Noble Grand

Mrs. Lou ICclsey1 Sec'y. Carrizozo· · • Ne\v Mexico

·-CA.rtmzozo LODGE No. 41-Currizozo, New .Mexico. -

A. li'.

The following Discouilts . will be etfeetlvc, 20 percent at the

' ...l----~ ~-Hll-n1RTr LINEN-LI~o Crepe hptJJ.' Napkins, Nut Cups, Sanl-

lpoona, Paper Plates, li!L-.......:.---if-'U , 19Z7


Outlooll Art lc Gilt Shop

~--~ ·.

- =- ~-' -.. =--

days, 5 percent in 60 dnys­after 60 days, Net. Tbe idea

dent, and means a very definite saving to you. July-Aug.

.. - -

. MARKEl'-& ~CAFE -~---+---·9'~·:u~G@nlu!~d s~~~~1~-. .,

.. Husmanized Sanitary l\1arket ... I

Better Meats Cleaner l\fcats

QUICKER SERVICE Bring the folks nnd have dinner with

day. We'll treat you right ..

lc.! •


us any

... rj

Pride of Denver I•'luur. Cwt ·- • 4.3() ;

Rr1clcy Mouutnin l•'lour, Cwt. • 4.10

Mouutuiu U o s e !•'lour, Cwt. • 3. 70

The 'l'ifsworlh Cc).,Jnc. Capitan, New Mt>x.

Our Hiahway Bill

' they ·think ht term• ot·true .American'flh>~.. • • ·

Jun. ICi, Jt'eb, 12,AJar. 12, A11r. 16, N•y 14, June ll,July f), Au~e.

_ 0, Sept. JO, Oct.; 8 Nov. 6, Ucc. 3-27, •

G. S, HOOVER, W. M. s. 11', 1\HltLER. Sec.•~. --

Burrimztt, New M-extc:o. John W. Harlcf.'y

Noble Gralld W.J. Langston,

. Scc'y, Ues:ulur mc>ethlJtB every •rues•

day night.·

PROFESSIONS . _,; -::=-=="


l'hontJ 2tS Carrlnozo, N. ll •

•·-=-=.c.=·-~ -:-~~~~~---

T. B. KELLEY fo'uut'ral Uaructor & Llcc~~tcl.l ~mbalmer

l'l1onl.' Oil . ('nrrbu:o • Now Mexico

• 1\lethodist Church !lev 'l'h.,n. V. Ludlow, Pastor

Sunday Schooi,0:4G a.m. · • Preaching, 11 a. m. : Epworth U!a~roo. 6:30 p. m. P"renc11inst '1:46 v. m.

Catholic Church (ltcv. Valenttn.l'aslor)

lt'arnt mnaa, 8 a. m., preaching

lor C:ngliall speaking~~~;;---­m., !or

Spaniah speaking people. Sundav School at 2:30' v. m

Eveninsr SPTVif(>B at 1:30 v m.

Et)iscopal Church ' Uev. Ira C. Young, Paator.,

Services at thb Wetmore build­ing every Recond and fourth Hund~y evevlng!j ot each month. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 n.m. Public cordially Jnvit· ed.

. '"ri'l '-01) t-o-=·- a • 1 r"r • - - - - s •

Greeting Cards. ,.) - Kcev •'tletldabips Alive-- ·

·'-at· Outlook Art

~-~·s::.onA·~'IMA ·; -GUt Shop

i I '




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' ' .

1.~ ·l'rcaldl'fll Oonlldgo with 700 11tudcor. ot Cluutron t:ltute l'Jorwul ~tciJooJ t.>f Nebr~t!Jku ·~vllo cuiled at tile execu-11"· unlr<'n lu Rnrltl C:Jty. 2.- Vle\v ot the arount of OJivert J4)ru,ulem, wli~>re grent dnmnge was· wrought by the l'ut••lltluu corllu1uolu•. 3.-·P>rr ... Henry J{'Jlathboue. wife ot the CDng~eHI!r ... u·ut-lurgc rrom Illinois, wbo will receive r.l ( ·onw~rlo IIICilnl fur fill VIne II child rJitfn drowning at Alluml. • . .

.• ' ;<

•• . i; ' . " .

I ~ . . I ;; I , , I 1 ,,

. . · SOl.JT:H~WES~ .··NEWs~ 'NOTES.

A new Tucson company, Gup Ta:r~ Jor'11,. Inc., 'with auU1orl~ed capital stock ot ~200,000. tiled Its articles ot Incorporation wJtll th~ Arizona Cor• PPrntlon· Commission.

Governor Dillon granted cpndl· tlonal pardon t~ Salome Gallego$, aen· tenced In January, 1924, by a Union County Court, to seven to eight years In the state penltelllhiry, . .

Tom Chee, Navajo Indian, was e~

'' . ' :

. . ,,


' . :

' . ''

.. ' ... ;

' .

on~>rated by a Prescott grand jury Comedy C.aptiom .. action In returning "no bill" against · .A. prlz11 competltJQn In the London -:r.Ju.


' ' ,, .....

bfm on the accusation of the mutdor Saturday RevJew, $Ct b1 PrlUCL>Ilfl .Aye., . of Joe Scott, another Navaio. Blbeaco, ,~!led tor humorous linea lt some Jhould appear.

J th f Ill and otr~r to ,-our ll,eart's deatre. The Cor~oratlon Commfs· sue 1 118 appear 9n e unny ms. wl;lat woura :rou choo.o? WealU17 n, I d , slon Issued a nermlt to til" ... rlzona· We select a tew ot tlios'~ ellclted: B•pplness? mnn, rst or ot the ndmlrulty, 1111ld vower to nutlotnln that prlco whlcll ., " ~ """ n1 h .. oll d H lth~ mt..u

It tltQ U111tcd Stutes would ngrf'C to other lndustrll"'l u1rough thetr sunerlor Apex Aflnlng Company ot Globe; au· .ule <l Y man w 0 was 00" tip e ea • · .. ~If tho best CUt Health NE REV IE OF


limit t11o number ot lO,OOO·ton cru!:mrs orgunlz&nlon now cnjQv.'' ¥ thorlzlng the .. sale cit 200,00"0 share., ot by l>elng llonlzcd was Daniel.'' . · 111 rlchea that ~Cold cannot bur and t t 1 t 1 " capital stock at 25 cents per shnro. "He sutrcred""severeiy irom~~co~l;d;f~ce~t~, ¥.~~~t::3heal~Plth~la CA\IfO enough tor o .en euc ~~ or~Ammt!Hir~ciafia~n~d;HI<;~n~gl~n~nidt:"~The7s:r~ed~e~r:n~l~ ~tu~nn~'!;~b~o~nr~1d;::sh:o~u!l~db~e~~~~~·~~~ ···--llei'Sil•os--"-ha'Vtt-+=bu.:,t;r=thev were not his own." 'Iii;--·-~---] end slx tor ,,. " ·~

mum tonnage crs to tnlte control ot the surplus and already rcgfstcrcd for the day and trying to get the last word ~:~:you figures ot 400,000 tons ~lxed by _the to distribute the cost ot tbnt operation night courses or the summer school" cello.'' --,---

Earthquake in Paleatinc and Tranajordania Ia Fatal

to Hundreds.

l!nttcd Stnten. .Ptlr. OluBon nod hie not only among tho. members ot the- ot the School ot .A.merlc~tn Research, "It wns a. town 80 toll ot lawyers t•ullt•llffllt'fl mlnhe have reached IIODKl c<r-operntlves but among ull tho pro- which opened at Santa Fe recently. that tht>Y changed the hotel's .nnmo to ugrcol'rnrnt \l"ltb ~l&c Ilrltlsh wlth this du<'crs, \thcthcr tllcy nrc mcwbcl'lS or Lllttuce growing tor tbe Sun Pedro 'Writ{.•" na u lllnrter, ull.l.lou(lb Jt wus ullllcrtcd not." In \V IWbio,~~ton thu.t our guvcrmnent , and Benson valleys Is befog conl!id· "rt wus the sort or street In which t•otlld not UC"""t Urldrrnn1u11 ·M llgu~· H 0 ... 0 U ercd by the Arizona Industrial Con· Cupid shl!t only wltb Pierce Arro,vs.•· . . . . H.. .. u ·~... •• J. I.U 11.1 bout, tor two wccltl, '"' sa d tl b 1 h Jd

f! flut lll'rll the Jupnne~Jo IIWI•I•cd In with f 1 1 .,. 0 .an me'!! ngs arc e ng c ln -Boston Tr:nnscrJpt Dr DWARD w. PICKARD (I t 1e nstltutc ot l'acltlc Itt:la· tho vicinity to promote the prQ.JIQl!i\L

LJ L .'\lJlU~U/4 "' uu•u, wom"n nor! J..lw 11111. tltAtcuw.ut 'hut they -would ~ot lions, und 100 lradln;- cltlZI!Il!J ot ten

1_-. , t•lldn•n l.'!'l . )~:~·~::f~~~~·u:u~b~u~v~ef:::~r~o~r~~~~~~~~ Luther Foetor, convicted at . ltwu•t~~ttl·· wt•r" lllllcd 1u l'uH•,.tuw l11n-lp..s_ el!prclal Interests !n..lllnt ocean. - - f!i~T,Ilr murder in con-*irtl 'trnnuihmrmtn ty m;f o••wr•'lll t••tu~ ftt,. ~mtlt ua sliggestecl nrc trying to arrive ut an undcrntand· ncclToncw··rncflfoaeiillCor Fred 1r~1=1 Cl hns discovered ''""'"tunbt• thot n•({luu hrus ,.,1,.,rl· In the orlulnul plun. VIs· lrl.fl or the causM ot frlcUon bctw(!en °''Y, nmcbcr, was sentenced from n rlcb storo ot Israelite Jloftcry. Prot, • II( t•d .,, II hqudrc•d J'l•llfll 1'1lutJt>t11Jclo t'OUIII Snlto ,111111. WUB Eu!lt. ~ud Wt!llt. 'J:ho eonrcrencc Is UD• ninety to nlncty·nlne rears In . tho wnuam Dl!!le, len.cJcr of tll(.\ oxpclll· w .. n. lnJurt>cJ m•cl oll,..r tlwuMucl• rcotcl7 to roruru uny olllelnl and the dlncusnlons uro trnnk Htnto penitentiary. tion, haa decided to continue the work ""''' rt•fldt•rt•ll l•mJJt•f('1l!l. w J••ru~nlt>m tn•u1y, null that It tho ami and OJWD, "'lth no scrmunc topics tof'o Mining nctlvlUcs ot the Lt>ndvlllo l!t excavation. Near the nncJcnt ,, .. ,., tumoWJ l>utltllnl{n "-••n• wrlounly Urltluh could s;ct togutlwr, tbcy ml&ht ulddl'lt. mining l)roportil!s near Courtland, Semitic temple nt Te!-en·nnahcn two •!ullllll;tod, lndudu•ll thll t:hun•h ot 1J10 ua wcll nlj(n a two·powcr puct. 'l'bla, Neurly GO Amcrlcuns nrc 1,rL>Bent, In· Ariz., will begin In three months, ac• closca cllltel'Illl, ftewn out ot tho bed ""'' M•·l•llll'lwr, tl11• tlt•l>rcw uuhcor· howl'H•r, did not I!Uit Mr. Olll!«<n at dudln!='D.r. Uuy J~rman ,WIIb!lr~ llre.!ll• cording to Wflllom Uolmlls, ,..ho owns rork, wero found by the· scientist& r>IIJ', llro lJm"" ur th11 llw>ft, u, .. ltanll niL dl'nt ot Stcmtdr,d unlveralt.T nn4 c:half' tho property wllh his aoooclatea Ju The governor ot JertJJJn!em, rccognlz· ... n. thn lluoolnu l'lttJre'h, th" lltiH &rr, Urltl~:crnim reqll!mtod thnt a IUan of tho Institute; Jfrot. Jnm~ ~. tho Andes 'Copper Comptuly. to; the Importance of thQ !llsc01'(lr,V, tlmlN:~> n,rnniOfl'UO IWtl I hi.! ..... \'lrlllllt'lll lt!cmur,T tt'~"llon ot "tho contcr:once be Shut well ot Colpmbla university: Rob- Phil c. Merrill, suporlntondent .or accepted an lnvltnUon to open tho ciS· huur.u un tho Al .. unt ur Ollvl.!:t: but r1t11 ht•hJ on 'J'bundoy. At this be, Mr. ert Dollur, ~rcaldcnt ot tho Doliar the Arizona Stato lndu&trlnl I.!Chool at terns Immediately. They were round ""Ruallh~A In rho "l!ltJ or f't•u•····· \uorc Olb'OOu und Vlecount Sui to again llllt Stl'ntnllhln compnJV ~ .Mr.s.C.Brrlc UIJ),• L.Furt. -Ompt, 'Will -be- appolnttld ~t'llt!ln mllll}' fin!! JneclmCt~:B-ot pot.­,_ JChn•\Thert•, t!ttfJil<'ltllly ~"''"'' ur.!l forth th~ Jtoaltlontt ot--urotr h!11pccUvti mun Cott. lecturer ot New York; tntendent of the new girl's Industrial tory. Bovcrnl tonna ot tho pottery arc JWUII1 nf lito Ut•nd l!t•ll, Uu> dl':ll ruf'tlou ftO\l'mrnl'nts lp tile llltiUt!r Ot crUIIICrll, SleJthCD 1', Duggan, director ol t~ llchool, tor· which provlafoo waa made entJrcly new to C(!ramlts In tho Nctll' In tuw.m 1111d Yllloc•'n w1111 utn1oat com 011d lllt'rc ~-n• o tormnll'tlvlcw ot what Lnstltute of Jnterllutlonal 'Education, In on oct passed by the lncl !A>Jialo· East. J.JII'tu and hu11dmda 11r 11111ngki.l ltolllt'l> loud been Dt•compllehod-lf lln)'thlng. IUUl Arcllhlahop Edword J. llunna ot turc, and at the eame tlmo will J'C• ... ,,., tnkrn rruru lho rOllin or lt<J!lllt'll. Tt11lllti" to lllO COITCJ!pOn1cnts, Mr. Cnlltorula. taln bla posltlon Jl!j head or tho boys' tlalt of tim tnw1, of Nablu.o \\ .a 11 01 • Olbwn wna optlmlatlc. .. Wo lUckily school. lf'rly wnn llrd nnd 1110111 lnhablutnta hold u mllllllo Plllllllou" ho uld. "Tho ElllUIATINO Oll,·cr Cromwell, 'liar- NoUco trom .,.

8 Ate'x ConslrucUon

"''''" kllh'tl. 11 won ror10rtl<d that noo Jopna,~no oro In loll accord wlUJ our abal l•Usudak1 baa uceut(!d an- ~ wcro dt•nd 111 Monr1, 30 at ,.1111111111, 72 orl~;tnol llgurca nod wo cun got no ulhcr coup d'ctnt In l'olnncl b7 aetld• Coml):lny to the directors or tbe Santa at llnmh>l1 and 8tl at Lutlll, In Jorltbo ocrcmmmt wltll the Urttlab on In· In~ till! aoldlcn Into tho ~~ennto and Cruz ,\rrJ,atlon project, tllat the COIJl• u ... ro wcw but or1c 11INim, but tht• Win· oe.u.t:IJ tonnnao totnlts under cunl!d• orderlllll It to dlasolvc bceausc lt pan;y would cease work on the Santa lc•r l'aln('() botr•l rollnp;~~Jd autl o1J1t>r CJraUun, Now It Ia up to tho Drltlab would not pal!a lnwa llil considered nee- Cruz damslte, Ia bolleved to bllVo reo wero dnmacud. nnll Jurtnncse to iCl togcther." cuur)' wftbouc dcbntlng lllem. l'U· IIUilcd In· tbo dynamltlntr or a scctJon

llntlall mlllr.tr1 a.,l11turn rroml'rnnO> Atncrlca hru1 not dt!flllltt!IY tu•ld Dill lfUtlakl hacl given dcwocrallc nilo a of road lcadi!JI!r up to ~e dam, pro• Jurtlanla hC>Ipml In tho rt•~~t•uo ut IJJ.:tDJ tor :::. 10,000.ton crulJura, Alr. Olb:~on t.rlnl tor nbDut tl!n• montla but 1t aumabty to pl'ovcnt ~bo removal ot uurytvura, llud rclluf wni'U \1'(CS J,.Ot nlltlt'd. ' Wllfm'C eatlllfuctory to him· so 'he bu iiiacliTne,.Y .. um111r wn1 prom1tlly. a•or•t~ J>tuil, rClSumoo the absolute dlctntqr.&~hlp. , 'l'he .corllfleato ot Utlo law, requlr• ti••'VIJ urlov"d by tho «'l111141foJ•hv, Rl-~l·m~!U!STATfV.:S of tlto narlcnl· lnt nll car owners to obtuln tho cer-••ut llu•lruclloflll to I be ptnrtnro hint•• tur1111o In 10 lllddlo Wcaunn p UOUIUITI0:-4 COlbUSSIONJo..'n UlJeate of Ulloa for their CIU'S, will "' Jnrt!JL.'lll'ln C'nat'crlllu; rolll't m••:~• etotrta, nU'Ilndlu; tlJo Nortlnrot. farm l>OflAN held n contcrenl'C with 1111 continuo In eUcct until tho goncral UJ'l'11, 'l'llo n\rlliiJUCliiO WIIA Ml In eonr~ttotiCtt iu St. l'Glll, voted to sup- . ~llltrfct ndrnlnlstratora ln Wnahlngton election In 1!128, nlthougb tho Arizona ICU"pt aud f"aund &rf'nl ularm "''' nn1 (lorr tllu AlcNar)'·llou~;rm tnrm. tcllot.j and . wnrned tbl'tn thnt t1onctt. phyll· Lctlslatttro passed. ltouso hUI TG, re­muo b domnc:co. on tbe> a.1n1o dny tl1tru bill uuUI It be«~ma law, thougll tbcy elfin• and r<!tntl drus;s;l!lta nrc not to pcaJins tho law. A rcrernndum pcU· w,,,, envt!r" tNnbltll'o lu Vh:tutl~ Aun· Wllrc willing It 1bould bo redactS to be hnrruucd In the pr~acrlt~llon or tlon 'W&IJI flied In tbc oocreta,Y of tralltL mttJt l'l't'thJcnt Coolidge's obJcctlorua. lillie or liquor for medlclnat purpoact~. .llt&to's otllcl'.

ntoudn f(JIInnlnu a l'foudbnmt In tho Uruftoo IJ)' Con~:rellllmnn Chnrlca l'rohlbltlon n~:ents nrc not expected 'l'be cattle range on the San Carlos

Archeolowical Find Tba cave of n Stone age tnmUy bllJJ

been unearthed Jn Bllll81a In tho vent bogs ot tbe Moseow province, ten feet under the ground. Cloy tllsbea ttncl a rough wall, built up and almost blocJc. lng tho entranco to the eave, attracted the attcnUon oc peat dlggel'l! ant! n group or llclenttsts, sent trom Moseow to Investigate, cstnbllshc4 the find as i Mtnilh hn})muron ·Of the Ncotfthtc age. Further ttplorsUon Is belur c!l,rrfed on In tho hoJ)(l ot flndlnz tnore lmplementa.

-------. '

BI6lel,(JO(J Year• Old Parts ot a lw.nll·wdtU>n Hcbrmv

Dlbtn anld to be more tbof\ 1,000 rears old bavo lx!en discovered In the Jew­Ish llynngogue ot BttclJOra, a town Jn the Ituuh.n provlnrc ot Georgia, ae. cordln~ to ret~orts trom Lwlngrua.

Tho poct•a new Is often only an ''Owed to n 'l'nUor.''

1'14'1'..0 b ..U.Sflllllced to ••"• ln.ttant an<t allllolula re11tf to acy c ... or lfAT I'&VJ:J\ In the wod-', or mont}' rttuftl!td, Prlca 11. '1'11• llAT-Q co~ Bllll4anu, Wrom~.

KODAK FlNISHJNQ ay MAIL .one Day le"lee.

S'llma i!ne!oped, 1Cc. PrlnU. ~c ant! up. MILE HIGH PHOTO CO, t21. 'l'ltk lt .. lDea.,..., c.r.,

== It 15 a qucsUon wh(!lher QuoflltiOlna

from deqcJ atalct~rncn. lnfluenro ·an)'• body. - . .

--.. _.. ~ • ---· •:=.oeo ·=

taii••T• of t11o Unltl"nbn nurl Munlltx llrontl of Ohio. tho rr301utlonu urged to practice medicine or Jlhllrmncy lo Jndlan rcaorvaUon, In Arizona. fctld· "n•ra, trlbutnrlru or tim J.m;o 111 Na: thnt the bill be change!S: tho cmror~ement of tlk> Volstead 'Btt, Jns nioro tbnn 8,QOO head, lg In excel· "'''• lslllt'tl 11l>out wo J.Ctwnn and -: 'l'o (lt'rtnh tbo l'tealdrnt to telN't tU'('()rdlng to Commlastoner Doran. who Jc..nt conditions, accordlnr to · J. B. ..,,tu:lntl'd Uau vallvy11, llut)'lltll tho nnmlnns ror UIU lc•lernl board to atn• rontltJUild that doctora and druw;llta. Kitch, tsuporlotondent ot tbo San Car· rtllna of •lllncna dv~>p lu mu•L '! ruropc bllhm 11tlr1.'11 of tdu1 producta,. lnnte.nd ns mcmbi!N ot responalblo proka- los Indian BKc..ncy. Mr. Kitch cald 11nll hurulf(">flll of rl'llcot w<lrltt>r·a werv ot bot~lno: tbcm ctunen b1 form orann· olous, sbou)(J be '1\'llJJ ·on DIDitlo op. that Bloc~ 1923 thl' cattle own!Jd by ruahc-tl lo tho rt>at>Uo, lllCJ It~ Crn1111 lllnUCJtJG. portunlly to explain apparently ll'l'tl~t• Individual lndlan1 00 tbo reservation '"tullna tho c~:pt'tlltlon and lwillll tol· •ro mnltc tho WU s~:ncralln 1t1 sppll· ulnr vractlct'a bctoro they oro 1111b- Jnetcll!;cd from :~,ooo to 6,000,

4 1 n

W, N. U., DENVER, NO. ~~927.

l••wrd hi'i!.h~ romnJm.mta. tho Jo "~bta. calion so oa to lnclut!a all t1uru IJr.od· Jcctcd to tho Clllll'hse:,.;:_o:_f ~l:.:_'to:_~:_:·«=al:::ll~gs=-J-uiT~ll~e~~~~~~::!;~~ 111o hHilld 1t<>lm4Jta" und Ute rcbab· '"

nnwctl In tbc w bit> II ~lr. ( . .'oulld~o reservoir will be tor uuC'O In tho lnalt of o:trtealln; IUid l~>t»dln11 lho baplc:ru aunlvcra Tflo

•aD.t:uo vluJc nl ctorm tbot aUtlt'l. !itl~ CDJ' ~ 1lau; U1" Alp.t and Apt>n· tJitn·• In nortbFm an•J t'llntral ltul;, fluUtJI vnct cbmoJ;c•.

• atocled with flab to tho number of \'lltot'd. WIJ!.'TlJER the two Sl,OOO,OOO llbN lG,OOO during tbQ comlnr year. The

- aulta a~;nlnllt llt:nry l~rd wlll t,. T 'lc

Mit. coor.IDOE rc«llvcd n mil trom 11cttlcd out ot court as n result ot bla .,ac son J'(JIIOrvolr, near Gallup, wm ftllfC!acntatl\'<'1 of tho \VatC!rn public rctrocUoo ot nnd apology for also. bo atockcd clnrlng the comlnr .. tho nniJ· ~o'il'lsb ntil"les In th" ncar- year. It ta planned to llUt upprozt.: !Jtoek ... urklltllllil auoduhon wllo prv .,. , " matcty G,ooo tJsh In tho McKinley

This Great Healing Oil Must

. to Ti g, Swollea· Feet _____ _,____;

Or Your Money Back. That's the Plan on Which Ernetald Oil Is Sold by All Good Druuuu.

acnkd a plan. tor txtt:adlni tho C:(H)JI> born Jnllt'pcnllcnt Ia uncertnln at tllla county Jake, which baa an area ot orath'll martccUn~: proccn to tllo c:attlo tlrltlu~:, but Anron Sapfro said lao wna about thirty acres. 'l'h1s wondl!l'fnl (lrepar&Ut>n llOW trom ~ctmve foot perspltt\Uon are

K G\'1 s CllllltiTOI'IIBR 0'1110· btllllnc:m. atl(l ntktd covemmcnt alliin ne;otlnUng a &Wttlemont of bit ae· known .an over .A.merlea u Koone's Jn!tanUy ldlled. -----

hiNii, "'~ JITCaldna of tllo lr!ab lht or(lctniiL'ldon, Eltendcd to tllo en· tlon. In Wnsblngtoo thcro was a mut Dlatrlel Dlrector Quince llecord re- Emerald OU !JJ 110 eftlclent In the Be patJ~mt: don't upect a abl&te .. "" tltatt>, mlnlatCJr fur Juall<'o ond tiro WC!!tcru raniOC. •• Ia t~Ur;catcd, meotlni ot Jcwa ailed to consider llOrUI that employment In New Mexl· treatment or ln11ammatorr toot bottle to do tt all at -once but one '"'rbnpJ u10 lc::Htln~: man to tho ~;:ov· cnttlc wonld be manipulated Jun aa (!'ord'o apology. atltl eloQuent appt1alt !!i> ltlcrcaaed durlnK Juno In pracU· trouble5 tbnt tho UPbearable eore- bottle wh1Ch Is tully cuuanteea we rmrnmr. waa aMnMiriJlU!tl 111 t1t1 wns tt.t> trult aronr• ot Calltornla handle tor lta ncet!pl!lilco tn goott taltlt were <:ally aU outdoor seasonal lines. bnt nesa ilnd P!'IA often stoJ)s with on~ know wm show rmr beJOnd att .qu~ ell 11111 t'1&1 to eburcb 111 fl\}{ U?1"8Wwn. tltl'lr crops, holdlllje them uutll Ut('y nmd~ Unt ll mtiJoTJty or· thnsc prca- the supply of labor Is lndlcated am· ttppUcaUon. . t!on that You have at last dU.-covmd a auburb of llubllt•. Thrc>o n1cm llrod ucoc a cQttlilu mtntmum ptlC'C. Sucb 1111. cnt pretcrtcd to wuJt. Rlld. $cll-11 Ford's ~1(1 to meet requirements durlpg July. 1Atoone's Ernernld OU Is lllfc nnd· th~ 'Yrft11' to 80lld toot co1Xifort. ·•

I ld l b "' ""tlon .. "On form to lila WOI"'" So tb'" consl!lerabto now metal -1;,;,. ....... J'l easant ta n~; It. doesn't alliin or .Ut J.OUt drnutst tOI!a)' tor a 2-tm.liMi Into Ida t•cail nnd bf\d,v and or.:antmr on wou t:omzw t o pat: ... en. . .... "' " """ .. ... uu ""u Jcave a greaq resfdne. It Js 110 onnce orJglhal bottle ot ltoone'l! rlt\"~1\1 an "' motor cor. o·mn;it~R. to bar.:altJ for cattle on thu fitncli(:;} «solution ot ac«Jitanc:o was' reJ~ted. litructton and devotovrnont work fa powcrtullt antliJeptlc and deodorant Emernld on. Almost ~<very drttggli~ tx~f(lta his do:~tb a t\lw bourn Inter, luatf1od of lo tho Otnabtt IUl!J ChlcaiJ(i) ullder wn7 Itt many metliJ tnftiilig dlf. that au unvt~uant ·'Odors resilltlnt In the country can epplt)'ou. •hllJtetc:oJ l "I co Ill t:olllna ~llllt uod nutrkc:Ut J. OUN t>U'CW'$ dc~tb In Snn Fran• trlcts. Coal 'tl1llilnK -sbuw• th6 usual tlt IIl1 ratht'r went. 1 t11o OJ 1 11ate AmoUI: othct vltltom of tbe w~k ut (lgo CI\USN tho rmtlolf to heave a •caromll lilackenJnr. ConaJdcrabJe . R01Pld Ont~ l«opped 4!vc4=-tor trolnnd. 1 tllo nt P\'llCO wllli U1o IUmtucr \Vhlto nou!t) w<!ro a 11\rJt' 4Igb ot tt>i:N!l, tor Ure Ucan or tbe ott. tlold dovclol!iltt•nt work Is undet Mr.-"Wel11 be ntlslted t 'l'hl!re ate "Wen, Jt tbe flsli WS!I

0 biK ns all

.,, cDtontlr.t alld wltb Uod. l rort:lve numbu ot nictnl~"Crli of the Natlot111l Aruetlcun atat~(t wns r.uUwrsntty ~ '*llY In aevorlU dfs~rfcts. i:Julldlnt . worse fellows Uuw tam." Jlts.-"011, tha~ why cltdn't yon wel•h mn tfltH:n all." WOtilcn•• »arty! Jllttt trom tlt~;;lr moot• tovod and r~spectllll. lllli \intlfi) Uie- anct «ene.rat contstructlon Ia lnctf!U. don't be aueb a peS!!lmJ! •'I tould &a no hat k&Jea.lf

Tho brulll"- wurtlvr ea~d lnt~n111 tnr Jtl C(il()l'IUlo 8PI'llliS. will) P* bad txloo ah·cn o'\'tr to tho work of fngtr actlv.,. Iu· Arbona a. l!teadr tip. · , tndlatlltlon, no& onlJ In tho ~·~ Sta\to ft'Ulcd to 1110 Pril,.ld~nt thdt demand ~rncrtnlnlntr tbn publJc wltb clean. ln.• ward trell(J 111 noted ht many trneil ot but thruua;~out tt1o wort d. uM tnC~~- for 11«111~1 t'lllhtt::J tot women," 'l'l\6 ltiiiiJs!nt and tborouihl1 artlliUc a~t· lndust\'lal acUYlty. .,apcdaD7 eYl· ••~• ot ll'IUP.tstlly wew rccutw"d by C.rmcl'll of NorUl Dtkot• atao •ent ~ 1111 aud hit pae~Wd a wily "In tl!O ·bar- dc:ini!ed In buiJdlnr and itlMral 0011• a•r.,llldl'lll Cc13fravtl (Niu S:h11 Ooorsc, delcl'ltl()ll to leU Mr. C®ll~o du&t ne.a" tbough be had reachfld tho ace ttructlou. Tb& labor sUtiPit oct d$< ttle duko ot Alw«''tu tut nortoora I~· tlle~ II$ lo tavut or tl16 St. l.:ttvreuco ~~ mcncy·tl1r1:e .J'ctlrs. · .. maild ti'o faJrly lt'Oll bahn«!ed. Whll• taud and man$ otllor pt'lnttotlt\li!l''- waterway l!l:OJe<:t lM a new dlv()talon tllptble •nd JM.1tiltlitr al!tol', • · all&ht i11,1rplQs ot dllellY trlllla~rat tawon de tlonounl<cd tllo crittlo ot tilt )l!Meoud th'tlr watcra tbn>illb Kelly, dlt\d I.Ji N~w York llnlll' tu11J1tllh!d . workets ~Xiatli, )itali)' ot u wul'tk!t tna,n·Uttab1e trout auf&ltUl\l· . \hft Jaan...- dv~t' nll\)1 and to utsfl tli~ tn~>!ltb' JltneM< tbe~ wm b& Ja the bar;qt. flllllt. aud llltld t1a ., •• I.'MUd~ut tho tlilrl,r c1>tt1llletlon ot .thOM ~roJol!t-. · · . hat of .thl! Chli:l l.n. _,1111rvJ-.. ,.

ftlltlbUru orgatttaattot~ -•~" Mt "*" • · · · -, ' . D n ~ soon ll.'IJUIDE1 ttncral and . t · <ratltmr.


i •


·~te tor u. Teo all uld tl'l F. UA.NK (), L~;E~~-~h;oae~. ~bOO~·~lll;jJ~ • • . · ot·.tb(!l; ·-'nU·SI· ot eottott IIJ .nttet• . W tWIDKw.l W1t\l ·. 111\a, ·I . tor d~• ~! '+--~ .... ,14-~---

Cb1t at lttltllot oft}~ f.I'QllPII tb~'J i!lr«ttll tho ct•a•~lt•\'J tc:sU\Urll 18 tbt tll&llillltmtl!Hl. 01\e Qf tM prl-. ern.,..- wa~ a. ttlft (I~ C~Vtlt penri:f! t•luukttt. .

A f:()Uat.11 trtc~~ til IIII!Olhilt u-. t()llectklna tor tb& tll'llt laatt 'YNt. ct :ttn, n toldPf.~ "ltlt tor . th.11 •t~na-... .. fitrtO!l Jut )'81'# •• ~·

·_ ,, ' ~! '

-· 1.'

' ...... ' - '

'' - ' - .. -

-' ~ .. ' ' ' '' .. ' ,' ·.. . . . :

-' ' . .

,, 4 -

-u-' ·. .,. _._ ' '' ' ' - ' i'' . -' • .. , '' ' ·• .. ' ' l . l . ..• ' " . -

" ·'· -.. '

' .. ~~ --


' .



. J

' .

l. ' .. I , .• .

. ..,-...•... · .. · .. ' - - - " : .--


. '.. .• : '·''

• • •


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' -· ' .'

''- . '

-.~. ' ' ' ' · ... -

, ,I . -~ . '

. ' ..


' > ' '

~--' ,, • ' ' !

• '

T.JtJllmpn :Who worka Wl,th tlfa exes . · · · .. ··· on tl!e. cloclc.

Ju11t sets to tlle flld ot thll dny- · . ~~~~g~~~:;; llut b~, 4oe~JJJ't JN! tor on th~t Jto!l_d

ro Sut~lill ' , For be lstt>t lit),lllle~ ~lallt way.

· l!e llll$ll't · nn ounce ot (;CDl!lne ''PUI!IJ"­

Jl!xcept to ••pu$11 tbe clock"­"A.n<l .then wllen ot11er rolk& gef ahe~cl

lle I(IVell to eneer and "knock.''

Be gh·es Jullt lo m~u'ly hours • Cay. .And be drqws no Joy trom hll,l work;

The ottl)' thfnr he (!raws Js Ida pny, And It's all 111ot bo doesn't s4lrk.

ne puta nothing ln--ex«!pt his ttme. So gets ootllfng out ii( the enll,

Besides aome paltry dollars nnd cents, Wlllcb he strnlgbt'uwuy proceed11' to


It's tlle chnp who renders ser\'lce-plus, Not Just by tbo hpur or the day~

But by all that's ~n blm, and gives. hla best, ~ .

For tho IO\'O of his worli:-not 'tor pay:

cbnlr, A net get to tho very top; ·

MAHAloiA'S SONGS . . ; ·'

. ~Qw •. MQbniJ(I, till) cow. th8 pet·· of · a. llttl~ ~.tlrl Plll!ll'ld Mol))y Will! Abl8 to tnU~ bej!nuso ot the wee:cl wJ1lcb 11lle 1Uld. ~nte~, """

~ Sbo dl!l enjoy tlllldnJ to hct llttlo ttl!!nd Molly, who ll!ld •lwu;ya l<Jved Mr so muc:h, t.IPd wb() hnd aiWilfl' ~kep auc:h. creut Clli"8 ot !ler,

t She . waa teJUng Moll7 ot nil thtt tbfn;s &he never bnd iQ clo whlc:b atolly hnd to clo. . . ·.·· "J .IJe\'er t1nd to mqt.e bella or c:h!np my shoe», or wttlllt my ln!-lr o.r shell ~tis or wee!) the g11rden or water tllo flowers,'' sbo .snltl.

"I never Julll ~o brush otr U1e tront steps or the bnclc plnun, or llrltCtlc:e ~nics on tho plupo, . ~-. _

"I never boll to arrpnge ftowera 9r wn~h vnSt)s, or hoe tho benns or ~ot stlcka ll_round tho tomato vines.

"Nor dld I have to thin out the let• tuco ond plc:ll It jl)st wMre It was u t.lllc:test noll then wnsh the dirt all otr

"I no,·er J1od to bring In t.lndllngs. '' Molly laugbed.

_, '------''"""',_,__.,,-_,


. ~ \ •'

• ' . ~j ' . - ,-·

... ••

'., "

, , I I - ~,-,~-- ....,... '.

. ' l ' - ', ' '1

' .. \ f - . i .

; : '


. ' - =· ::::::::= . '

A1~[iJt" . " . .. .. . . .

POST_ T~04STI\ES ·-«~rn jlal:es i!xtt- $kl].erlsiill ,;{A fir mam

Add this cool .• . ' to eummer:'s luscious fruits ·



For be's headed straight to be truly great.

And nothing con mnlce him •top.

"D~r rue, Mullnlla, I never ltJlcw bow much J hnll to do uQtll you t<Jill me nil t11o things yo.u don't ha\'e to

'Post Toastles arc· the cora fruhs seem cooler, whb Balcea that have thP crue lbvouhar J'Oalccstbeauasto dcllate ftavoi' of the •uc:- even better .than they are. culent heuu of com. •cale<l Be aurcr that you get tho


.. .. . uO, 111 by the special toasdng ~111lalces that uay cr1sp in proccaa of tho Ponum 1111Jk or Q'Cm1. Ask your Company. For a n11w de- . Jarocc:r lor Post Touciea, Jlciousne.,, add tho crunc:by . thQ ~;om Jlak~ thrtt come c:tfllpnou of th1110 corn . in_ the_ ~c:~_ .~llcl_ }'c:!Jow _ ? a.koa to ~tummu ·r-ruu;. pacTCAgc, 'l\'ll1C•wta.ppcd .to . . ....


Jt ev~r7 one were wt .. and awoet. __ . - .--· -- AlliS •vcr)' on.· wcr.-1'olT:Yl ·· · · · -

lf avoey hc:1rt wUh •Jadn11u -beat, · And non ... wore melancholy;

. -

I '

It Jlcl!lt lhouJII !n'nmble Dr complain, 4n4 oobo<l:r aboul<l lnbor

, In evil work, but each were fain 'l'o love an<l llelp tll• nelcbbor­

Obl Whllt a happp worli! 'twould be Ji'llr you and me, tor rou and me.


D tmJNG tho warm weat11CI' we llllo to tltlok or Jotcy troltn. chilled

dltbe• one! 4C!$ertl that 41'\t rdmh· In&' without being too mueb work. WJtb a small muer ono may prormre tho most dcllcleu• d<!sserta and tumt IUcll 1'1U'lCtY that thO fumlly \VIII AI• wan look tomard to tho dcar.ert wltb antfCIJ!ll Uon. .

It )'oo nleb to etnrt otr .ro~r dinner wJtJ1 somethln; f!lP®IIllly CMIIng ruuJ ununnl, se~-vo tlle honey ttow or can· taloupo melons topped otr wlth a tart lllerbct Clr lee ....

Lemon let. Taka one ono-Udrd t:uptula ot

ltlitlr, thr«~ CUIJtul• ot water nn!l one -and onc-llnit cuptula ot lt>mon jtll('(!. Doll tho aus;ar and wat(>r IIV«l min-utes. add t11o lemon Jnlco oncJ eoo1. Fre(>Ul M naual. 'l'bl• will matm one Qnart or fC<!.

When !!no tfrm Tte~cJa ot ll'ttuco ron be secured, ll() other ngetoble or tmlt fa Medea to motte a tcmpUpg t:)lad. WJtb tho totlowlng "iJroE1i" droAAlng. ft will be tlt tor .tim most ·honored 1\lul: -

Thouund leland •Dtettsln;. 'rnho one-bolt ct!Jlfnl ot ollvo oll,

tlle jnlm ot batt a lemon, tllo Jnlre of half 1:1.11 ornngto, obo fnbJ~poontot or rrnted ·onion, thrco tnblf.'!lpoontnls or chopped parsley, one-fottrth tcni'I(Joon· tut 61 mustArd. all: oti\'U rhOpJ!t'd or all«d. 0110 teasPoont'ul ot won:cs«!r­~o Mtl<'l", one-h:dt wptn1 of masfln·

!-----~CJ~t~a:U~tn::IUld llftvrnra. Vut nil tile ln· ettdtrnt8 ltito a Jar, after bn.-Jng tnl%ed the · dt7 tngffill~ta and diS· solved tilem fn tile tnilt jot~ rut on a rubber and aeaL Sllako anut tllo mbtmc ls Amooth. set Into the lro­bor to clllll and shako agnfn when ready to sene. Finely chopped bard·


.. •

cooke'll @gg', Jti"E('n IJ(!JlJ!t'r nn!l \'nrirlll.!l otll~ T«>gefnbfel may be added for <rar1ett~ -Figaro FfQt. . ~

Stearn pulled flgt untU plump nod eolt. Slit one aide nod Insert ..bale. a rnatzli 1m11t ow nnif 11 few not11. Roll fn ~nrar and eene on a pnper doUr·

, llni'!il plate. •


• ~

((!'). it*T, bt W' Ht .... paper t/l>laa.) 'tt'idc'rO·- -. '.

' ' _, ' - . -

. What Does Your Child Want to'Know ~·--· • AiUwuWH •..

. '8.AUAM 10\l'iQAlt.Y · . .






'At 21-Georgt Arllll Waa Unknown In Metropolitan Clrclea.

A COLLEGE Pl'(!!~sor blltl dog up A T TilE age ot tw\'.:ty-one I wa• from tho misty paet tho twenty• pJn.vlns In a company tourlnc the

nvo «ntory-olcJ 4octrlnes ot Dcmoc-- EnBIIBb province~ tn7 ehlet ambltlon rltua to show us that tbo "Ute .coUty" being to neblovo distinction ID tho theories lntC!IJ' annoilncccJ b1 &llsoo London theatefll. aro not ID tho Jenstwlso new or noveL Strnn~:e11 enough. If wna .fin Amert·

Edison, aa you llnvo ~ad, pro- ('(IIJ that "'otiOcd this poonda tbc 11!\!a ttntt 111o ti tllo · rt> · -<11iarlcs Vrohmnn-GC!orto Arllea. !Uit ot tho nm>clntlon oJ 130 ID· 'l'ODA Y-Mr. Arltla Is probt~bly the nutnt'roblo number ot Invisible, lm• toremont chnroett>r actor In <'ruerlf!l.

. mortal ... ClntJtles" whlcb wltlfo the.S' n wna &lr. 1-'rohD!!lD who lntrodU(!(!d are In combination continuo u10 e.t· ro London ondiClll«'l and by t!la lstcnco ot whntovor thins UK>;v com· umo oddlt1 ID his e&I'CC!r. It Will ln pot~!. AtncrJca that ho ochlcred 11111 llJ'llt

Tllct:O combtnnllons may In 000 t'll!O grcnr sue«u. Tllla wna Ia "'l'ho .OaJ'!> bo 0 J•lapt, In another a human body. linn ot tho Gods, •• a Dclosco prodac·

In dthcr cm:a when death comet . tlnl~a tlrnt appcoronro In thl.s rounU'J t!IC:SO CllliJUca BI!J.W'Ilo and I!X('(!pt In WOI Wbi!O be ·WUI broorotJt CJVCr b• tJ1o coso ot mnni:Jild ruolve tht!m- .. " telvu Into other shaDe• and torws. lfra. t•at Campbell to plaJ wJUI her

In "'l'bo Sc..ronll Mra. 'l"onQUetllJ." Ja tho buruon tho!() cntJttca which &rcr t!lnoo u1en, twenty )'Clara ago. llo

were clml'Uctt>rlfttc ot tho pemm. and. 1ma ronurm£it pray log emir to tho wfllctl. eonsUtutcd his pcrJooaJit7, ., t 1 fiW." tNnaln n~Jott'd and wnalltuto United .. tntts. t wrus on y two aco·

" • &0111 ago that be WClDI to f.onllon Co lo tlll'Jr eonunucd existence tho after- en:tct fill romo111 "RoJ11 ot UuJ.;b, .. In de<~th Ute. "'1'11o Or«!n Goddcl!!)."

An ID1t'l'\'tltlllg lhrory, lint .not a After "'.r.tlo oarnna ot U10 Oodll" Mr

"Out I did rnnke up .a lullnb)' tor m:r 11elt" Mnhnlln continued, "tor rm so

Looking at Molly and Smiling.

tooll ot bring lolly, And now tllat J e!OO tlJIC".llt 1 \VIII tell It to JOU."

"Sing It," said Molly. · "lllon't lmow how ruurb ot o nln&C!r

I am," nald llfalmlfu. "bot 1'11 try." So In o tnnos, mooing rolte Mutlalla

II:!Di tbJs lltl04r l

~ow •n:j drnm. Cbow cn:j droa1o,

Cow, rotl'ro cl<"nk• of rcot. Cllow '"'" <lrtarn, Chow aC<J dr<~lm,

:rcz rc~t •'•• ~nil ., .. tt•• but.

Chow •cJ clreac, mow ae1 <lnat;>.

t':ow, rotno a Jut o!4 •cu, C~ow ar.d c:lrr.orn. Oow llt'.J <lrtAm,

tu n-. aJ >~'~fJ' nrc• ·1£,.,

not? one. Arlb' &e-<'Ond bll: aucceru~ was In ''The "'1'1Jat'e a flno cong," ~lolly ~tnltJ, ad• Tltero hove bt>t'n woo1 gueM.M, 00. Devil," tho Franz Molnar plcy Umt mlrlnuiJ. !fniJallo wo• :..Ookln; ot

llets. ll•cerles, suvpvsltlons ns to what tn:llle a tt>nll:ltlon In all parts of the Molly and Qmllfng. wo aro, ll'hnt ronoUtutCll pernonnllty, world nnd was mllllldel'\'d ono ot the "1 modo up onoU1er £Onr. ceo,'' she ond wflot lil'Ca after death. most daring plats or Clle time. ntfl &;lid.

It 1s tl'tlo tba& 2,; centutil'S 8 , 0 "Dfflrnell" and "Unmltton .. arc ollter "Do nina It," ontt"d Molly. f>~>moerltns. a wery lenrncd mnn, outJltntldlng ochfever.umtll. u\t;t>ll, I bor,ecl ,;ou would ask me to ttt'Olt'ttl till! tbeor1 thtlt 4l~el')'thJng In Another Atllt~t ploy woB Oolmvor- llln!i ttj;nln," Mnhnlln ll!lld, "I ro:l•• tho onlwerac was ronatJtotcd ot ln\'ls- diy'a .. Old F.n~:llsh.'' In wbleh. au 11n Clr llko slnglnu-parUt>uloriJ blnc:o 1 lb!~ ntoms. TbCEO atoms bo bellowed old lion of t>lgbty, flo tllrilll'd Nco:: don't have to nllr-k to any pnrtlc:utar to' bo sett-M:lstrut, ttiat t._ no atom York. wng. I called my otllcr a hl:ln:b·

IU«t la-doubtv-uhpncn tlcepcbtgfficlu :and ready · .rruakes your favorite co •~nc.

• C l9l7. P. <;o.. It<.

POST01tf COl>fPANY, INC., DATTLU CREm;:, 1tUCU. Not What He 1"\te /t. llft•Jtit•tlll Ulll) 1111 .'\llll'l'il'Uit who

Wdtkl.'d 011 -tht> nluht 11hlft or n 1\ntw:tll llillt Jllant nte lhl'lr lllldnlght Iundt tc.­!:Nitl'l. (llltlC\'I'l'al ON'lliiiOIIIJ till' ?llt>X­lrnn bud rnhblt meat In blu Jlllll, ami Ill' Rlllll'('d IIIFI IIUJIJlly wlrh hllll'OIIIrrtdt>,

ttWJit"rc d11 you UH l'itbllllu. ,Jtillt•~' iho Allll'l'h'ttll !llllil'cl onu nlt:IJI, ''I t'l"l't flnt] any."

•':.!) t''l l'n 11ho S:l'l 'urn," JoJ>t' n•t•llt•d ' ilo crahl c•l't'r' nl~;ht liiPY t'ltlll(l 'round howc and mnlw uol111.>. Shu uhllot •um..'' .

"Nolt('l'? llnblll!ll tJun't mar ... nol~::t•." "SUt('l,'' Jc•I!O Clllllt'flt"tlJIIllllrht>i), ''llu

mcon·, ruco1v,"~ J;:cbimct•. .. ·-Jt tl•o motlt> Ol'lor 111 o handwmP dmp, thll 11luy doc>11n't nr-c.'1J amwh or a plot,

'. ~'<;;=

Fine Telcphon• Servic• For tw•• uulf u halt ct>ntn tho tcle­

JIIIOIII> ll•;r\ln• 111 Stoclllaohn or Uutfl• t~nlmrn 1\111 ''oil .Hill ut nuy hour f!Jlt'Pltli~l. WiJT h•IJ )'OU till' Oli:Ul'l tiUIII tuul 1111<>\\'('r c ullu In cnr~u you aru lU Clf lln'll\. . .

' . - ·- - - . ' -

lt ul ... • \1 •II tutu• llll:!ll!Wj:l'll while roa nrt• out, .or t•l'l'll oway cvl'r tim week· ••11d, rwcl dl'll\"t•r Utt•m wh<'ll )'Oil re­turn. t'IIJI U lJUIIY llUIUI)e>r llr:l IIOOU lllf It In rn·<• uutl pHform t:t•wr:al otller t:ITI kc•• IJ!jllfl fly dont• by nn olllro n&o ~:~l11tnut llr \'till'!. •

'l'ht• t'\'r\ kt'tl u r.. Vt'rfortm'tl by lip• f'IU I t'l;t'llUrJIIIII

c•nv''" In Plnl'D, Arb, ('Ontnlo I!Jirlu._'fl .. r ll111ll 1mtcr In vthl!'.h un orlllnnr)· ft•ll hnl, It lPtt tor a tow lllCIUJilll, tull bt• "fll'ltliJC"tl."

SAY u BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSISft dl'lY.'tldcd upon nnotller tor Ita Ute and co t>tl.lcClan u,...-¢:~~u ll;clllcat• 1 lng r;cmg.'' was thcretoro ~vttlnstlog. ---<) · "Dot ron ce'i«>r co morehlng," cold Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets

TilrucL£vd.a.l!eyl!ll.d!nr:!!..· UJaastulocJ..,a'-'Utaorlfl01()qff-lltW~I'tms!lt· Hhlefcf-i~=~=-....... ..--.::~~~~~~l~~ "I Just ron't L!!l4--"TI7 gen proved safe of ''TllOl'll j!llll It, .. tuhl Mobolln. "lly by and preSCribed by pJJySici205 for 25 years.

song II a rt>guJar cow rnordllng &Ong

;~:.E~~!~l~~~ ~o:o:;.~ ::::g tn JL Too~d I ~~'!t?T AFFECT ~ HE~T :1

SUN CURES n:t ~d t:•j llt ar.<l Ill!,

'libt. Ia CJ' ClAKhlr.IJ .:;q. .fijt litO I!~ rrlc at:<l 11 .. , ·

'ZhGtw'• !lO ~... fa lllO?!U

aa •"" rz-. ·=· at:" 110. r will r."t •ollll<n> tllete. tl!t •tl" II•. tilt Alld II<>, J;>Uior• I a<lor& · ''That certnfnly fan•t- -1'1 V(>l'1 brlslc

marching song,'' aald !lolly, "hut I Ilk$ tt." sho nddro, llJJ Molanlla tookc;d at bN' il llttro ns tltough slie wanted •d· tl:llrll Uon.

...,ooJ••Acce[!~ onlj! "Bazer" pack~~e which contzJns proven directions. Uar:dy "llllft't" ooxes or 1Z tabldll Abo boU!t• cf 2~ ar:d loo-Drum;rata.

do+ 111!1 teiit c1 t!utt Ua~otaclt:tl cf U~tta~l~tceltr tf t.itl"11ta~

'11•ree I• romp:tm·, too. f( no11e ot . flae three- ~llf<'9 foo d('(IJ)I)' fUl' «>ltbt'r ot t110 otlll'l'll,

J;•onnl'ra nf'TI'l' hnte n~rvous Jlrll~· ttallon. 'l'hat'8 wl1at thu outdoors dt~ea tor thNn.

= •• , ... _,._. =-· ~-No mnttl'r whnt \'lC Rn:t• mo11t ot t~

lotp Rnmtlll'r bra!. 'l'llo rtoptrlnrlt~ o'J lloutht•rll f"ulltornln (JI'O\'C'tt ft.

011r t~>alun• about democrne'lmt Ia vC'ey mnrk('d: '1'1•'-'Y nro not ntrnld' to tJIIo up UIC' tnXNI, •

, I

'· ',


• '

. ' t '

• ~ -::<"

. '

.. . . ' .

,, -_' ' .. , " ' . . '- ' -, ,.

• ~ . ' -. ' ' ~

- ' ' .·• ,' ' ,-_ ·- ;_ -. ' ' _· . _' • • '· - .. . .



' '

'·'' ' . i • . - ,.

vel ~nd businca!l of all ldnds af· Arthur fs vJsfting to ~rive in· Mn. Ellen C. KJaesner spent. tcr Ito complotlon. strucUona to theForeat Rangers, a few days fn Carrizozo this

J d before th~_ fall.•t:!aeon ·e~me8, in week from her home in HolJy .. - rtlr .•• und Mro, 1' .. G. ames a~ . order to !oreatalt foreet.\flreJ . wood, N. At son, I runlt, were In from their ov~r hia territory · ....,..._ bome in Yenudo Gnp aud spent • Tom Shields wa& a Carrizozo l:iunduy nnd Monday he~o. Mr. and Mra. c. A. Snow, fa· buafn1111 visitor- Monday of this

' .- -1 . .

' - _.1

" . ' . _.. :

,. ~.

- - I'

' '' j_

• • •

• "· _,

- .... -- ' ,..,; ' '

. .. -~ ' ' .. ... ' ~-.

- ' .j_ .

'- '-'--- " ' . --. ' ' . : -' .

" ' '

; .. ' ' '

'" --,:.,,.,.._ ... ~ ... -; ·-·- .., ____ , __ ---' ' ... -· --

. ' ' ... ' ' . ' . ' '

'o- • '" , , - "< I . - ----~·r:-:· .. -,-·- .... -


· You ·· Men whb Tear <~ · · · · ··. ··· . -· .. _-··_:·----." ·.-· .... _._:.-···-~.~·,··,.-.·· .. :_-·--~~--·-:.·-----~--~···---,-~_· ___ ·.-:..._.-_ .-.-,--:· -.,r.,c',

Out severa,l Uuion ; Suits.· a . ·•ummer · .. aho~ld sE!e the~e -~einf'!rcetl, J:ape · · . /.~ ·. Ba~k, _Coope~ .flthletJCf, at -!.. /?() ·

... ' . . .. ~ .:.

_..... '

' .

1 f!t5. '. \ . ····· • .c. .. ·· ... .. f .

' -J ' .\ . .. '

·. ,,


·· --· ~TH&·eooP l

I • / ' . , . - . .

You will rest better. and· sleep sounder iJi' these· fine Cooper Pajamas, on hot night•~

• •

-• . -...:._.1'

•• Men's Summer Straws •

· - -·- · mfJy ~nd 1\Jr. Snow'a mother ·re· week from hia ranch nearAncho. Ml'. and Mr-'- G.'n. ~all~ Mr. · last. Friday tronl 11 'frlp !1'-om"Jpokft •bout tlie bT~r··---~-+•n

~n.d Mrs. L. P. and G. B. Me· which took them throurh north· that deJuJred tbe 331 ...... '££

• -· c • . 3 ~:0- 0 ..... . ••

---"" -



' '


Cllntock und Mrs. J. W. Urown, ern New Mexico Arfzo and meadow. who In a gucot nt tho Hall home 1 · i ' na · nt < 'oyote, were vltdtors hcr.e t 16 bpr ~ipat plaCcelalndCoSiorado, Word .has been received 'from IMt' Sundny. sue •• cnver. 0 ora 0 prfna• Ra)'mond Lack land, the prom fa.

__ . ~nd the Grand C~nyon • .ldr.Snow, fng baritone •Inger, who is now I\lr. ar,d Mro. H. W. McMillan, ho i1J an ardent road boo.1ttr, fn El Puo, atudyinsr voice under

daughtern.EIIcn Corrlnnc, Edna said that whfJe tbe roadl in the W•lter DavJr. Raymond 18'8ti.Y• .M(l, rmd oon. Walwr,· loft the statca vJa,ited ·were good, they fng wlth lira. Shroeder, · 1\!r. tlrnt al t.ho. week !Dr . hlld ~othfna ~~~ the road• ~nd 't-mother, •nd ·wiJJ · 'l'cxno. wl1crc tlfoy will vJait tor. lJrgbwjya ol Lincoln Cou~ty. turn about the time acbool be­novl•ral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. They w~tneaaed many afabt• on gin•.· Raymond fa weJl lfked Wnllt•r Uurnott and family •. tt.e trip and made thname·niee· and hiamodeat,unanumfngman· Mrn.Uurnctt Ia tho oldest daugh· ly within a period of two weeki, ner hu created for hfm many

· tflr uf Mr. and Mrs. McMillan M'r and !l B lc Sf frlenda. We predict a bright · nnd Mr. Burnett wae once the M k.. d rha.t rae J oan, IOlld futuro for Raymond.

. t f 'I St C t d ar • au&' eu, o~ce an JU'Ifll~~c or 0 • JC ar ll 0 an llelen, Frank and wnu. s'tan.d·

the (;lty Marhet. hart, were here from the bfJ J»r<!eilinno Plno, son of Mr. ranch'Tuetday, returning Where he eame from, nobody

Juat. ••Rae•.'' That'• All

ond Mru. Gregorio l'lno, N ellle In the ~venlng. · knowt, neft~e~ do t!t~Y care, b~t tmd IJi,rotby Gnllegos returned · he cam~ from 19m~where. He Saturday f r 0 ni Mountainair Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maxwell, wu the thaggleat. most flea~bit-w twro they had been visiting rc: baby Frank, Jr., and Miu Eliza• ten and !or lorn dog, . we have Jat 1vNJ olncc the I•'ourth. beth RataJaff, niece ot Hr•.H•x· ever teen. Hie mangy hair

well, who arrived here liit Sat. · tcrawed, twiated and full Mr. and Mrs. C. M. L11cky le urday. were fn trom tilt ·lfax. ot aandbura and eactua thorns.

l•'rulny by motor tor lola, K&n· Wfll ranch Tuesday, Mlu Rata- He acteilaa thouih he had nev• tJull, to vittlt nt the homo or Mr. l~ff came to visit Hra. .Maxwell er had a friend, but he was cer• l.ul"lly'o pnrentn: T h o y during the abaence of Frank, lainly looking for one. He went will tlwn vi~lt at Cherryvale, w~o loft Wednesday !or War· the round~ wltbout finding an l\nr1:7au, where ~rn. Lucky hns doQevilfe, Wcat VlrA'fnla, to vis- to give him a two nlot€lro 1'hoy ox pect to be it hfs eotJ, Warden and daugh. bone or ev~n a pleasant look.

. abs,.nt about nix weeks. ter. Mary, w11o aro residing at He fiully mad~ a determined tht _home or their grandparent!!, atand at the Weatern Moto111and

l•'loy Shinncr and dnua:htcr~ and J&r& J. M. Warden. He huna around aa thouJrh he bad . . IJrooltoio were vinJt ..... i ton loot

' . "'

NOW .' .

is· the ·Time to ·buy your Summer's Straw Hat!


• , next




· Crystal · · Theatre

••• •


S.turda;, ·Monda;,, July 30-AuJUtt 1 •

"The. Bat" By Mary Roberts Rfnehart

ESTABLISHED in 1886 . .

())' P. J.GAlJDIN. i • a til ·'*" COU'tl'rU • wnotf LI.WIJI CW11 a•••

A Comedy-Mystery Drama that has created more intere•t than any mystery picture ever ehown.

-AL30 COMEDY- • •

Admission "Peacefu) Riot"

- 20" 40tenta


. .. -%~---····•·

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• '


-~- .
