FREMONT FALCON S NEST NEWSLETTER...Project M.E.S.A. for 7th Graders: During the week of March 26-29,...


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Phone: 480-472-8300 Website: Like us on


3/4-PTO/SIAC/ Title 1 Mtg. 4 pm Media Center

3/5-Band Concert 7 pm Auditorium

3/6-Choir Concert 7 pm Auditorium

3/7-Coffee with the Principal 9:15 am front office

3/8-End of semester Early out 1:50 pm

3/22-Charity Concert 7 pm Auditorium

3/26-”Not My Kid” Parent Education Substance Abuse 6 pm Media Center

3/29-”Spring Fling” Dance in Gym @ 4:30 pm

March 2019

Parent Education-Substance Abuse-”notMYkid”

March 26, @ 6-7 pm in the Fremont Media Center

Join us to gain critical information about how to protect your children from the growing problem of substance abuse and addiction. You will learn about

the most recent trends and common drugs of abuse in our communities.

This is an ADULT ONLY presentation. Free drug test kit for every family attending.

Project M.E.S.A. for 7th Graders:

During the week of March 26-29, Project M.E.S.A. (Mesa's Education in Sexual Awareness) will be delivered to Fremont 7th graders. These units are presented our students through science class. Below is a link to the district website that provides more specific information on the curriculum, and provides parents an opportunity to preview the information in advance. Parents will receive more information in early March from their students’ respective science teacher. Please contact Mr. Martin at 480-472-8258 or if you have any questions regarding Project M.E.S.A.

CHARITY TALENT SHOW March 22, 2019 @ 7 pm Fremont Auditorium

Cost: Donations The students of Fremont Junior High provide a service to our international

community by giving of their time and talents. Money raised at this show will go to the Society

for Integrated Development in Kathmandu, Nepal to provide

schooling for students. Anyone with a special talent is welcome to

perform. Performer sign up sheets are in the office, media center,

80s building, and 50s pod. Rehearsals will be everyday after school

the week of March 18th.


The Fremont Junior High School Performing Arts Department and Boosters are having their

2nd Annual FUND RUN on Friday March 22nd from 4:30-5:30pm. Performing Arts students will

walk, jog, or run around the Fremont track while raising money for their classes. There will be

awesome music, fun, and prizes so please join us at the track as we cheer for all the


In a world where you can be anything...



Fremont Junior High School will be administering AzMERIT and AIMS Science testing in April.

Parents, please make efforts to ensure that students are not absent on any of these days. Encourage your stu-

dents to do their very best on each test. And make sure your students are getting plenty of sleep and proper nu-

trition all throughout the testing window. Please contact Fremont's testing coordinator if you have any questions

regarding any of these tests. Mr. Martin can be reached at 480-472-8258 or

AzMERIT Writing for 7th and 8th graders is on April 1-2.

AIMS 8th grade Science is on April 4.

AzMERIT Reading and Math is the week of April 15.

TEAM-UP July 22 through July 25

TEAM UP provides an interactive orientation to Jr. High life, including fun activities and transitional skills. You will meet new friends and get to know your new school!

Complete the registration form and return to your teacher by March 8th.

Bus transportation provided if eligible and you live within Fremont boundaries.

Students should dress for the weather and bring a non-perishable snack daily.

Students will be accepted on a first come, first served basis, and all others will be placed on a waiting list

Questions? Call Fremont Title 1 office @ (480) 472-8317

Congratulations JH Honor Band and JH Festival Orchestra!!

These students had to audition for placement. The groups are

made up of musicians from all 12 junior highs in the district. The

district hosts this event in early April at the Ikeda Theater at the

Mesa Arts Center.

Festival Orchestra Kids:

Lillie Holt

Ella McTaggart

Mariana Myers

Kate Oakland

Krystal Phillips

Honor Band Kids:

Brandon Chiles

Anika Gray

Allison Huff

Megan Huff

Anna Kovaleski

Annabelle Pawlik

Aidan Tyre

Mason Weatherly

Fremont Needs Volunteers!

We are partnering with Central Christian Church. They have volunteers coming to build planter boxes, pull weeds and help clean up our Fremont campus. WE need our students/parents to help on Sunday, April 7 from 10 to 12 pm. Come take some pride in your school. Please contact Family Support Specialist Sherry Armentor to sign up at 480-472-8314 or


March 29-4:30 to 6:30 pm in the gym.

There will be carnival games, a DJ and food to purchase! Tickets are $3.

Coffee with the Principal

Join Mr. Roberts for an informal chat and a snack. Front office at 9:15 am.

Upcoming dates: March 7, April 18 and May 16


Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings! PTO

starts at 4 pm in the media center. SIAC/Title 1

meeting follows the PTO meeting.

Future Dates: March 4, April 8 and May 13

Parents Right to Know ~ Newsletter Article

Title I Schoolwide and/or Target Assistance Programs

We are pleased to notify you that in accordance with the Every Students Succeeds Act, 2015, you have the

right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher. Specifically,

you may request the following:

● Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject

areas in which the teacher provides instruction.

● Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State

qualification or licensing criteria has been waived.

● The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by

the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree.

● Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.

If you would like to receive this information, please contact your school’s principal Todd Roberts at (480-

472-8300), and he will be happy to assist you.

Derecho de los padres en conocer ~ Programa Título I en toda la escuela y Programa Título I para cumplir objetivos

Nos complace informarle en conformidad con la ley Cada Estudiante Tiene Exito, 2015, usted tiene el derecho de solicitar infor-

mación sobre los títulos profesionales del maestro de su hijo. Específicamente, puede solicitar lo siguiente:

● Si el maestro ha cumplido los requisitos estatales y criterios de licenciatura para los niveles de estudios y áreas de asigna-

turas en las que el maestro proporciona instrucción.

● Si el maestro está enseñando bajo un certificado de enseñanza alternativa u otro estado provisional a través de que el req-

uisito estatal o criterio de licenciatura han sido renunciados.

● El título de licenciatura del maestro y cualquier otro certificado de graduación o título que tiene el maestro, y el campo de la

disciplina de la certificación o título.

● Si el niño reciba servicios de un paraprofesional (un ayudante capacitado para ayudar a una persona profesional) y, si es así,

sus títulos/certificaciones.

Si desea recibir esta información, por favor comuníquese con el director de la escuela Todd Roberts al (80-472-8300), y ella es-

tará encantado de ayudarle.

What’s TITLE I?


Dear Parents,

Fremont receives additional supplemental funds through a Title I grant from the federal govern-ment to provide extra supplementary services for all our students. Your children will benefit directly or indirectly from this extra help. At Fremont, these funds along with other federal resources will be con-solidated to support school wide positive changes. Funds can be used to:

*Hire highly qualified instructional personnel to assist teachers within the classrooms

*Provide training for staff and teachers

*Provide supplemental instructional materials and technology

*Ensure high-quality School-wide Programs

*Increase parent involvement participation

We are pleased to have these funds to provide high quality instruction for all children.

Estimados Padres:

La escuela Fremont recibe fondos suplementarios adicionales a través de una subvención de Título I del gobierno federal para proveer servicios suplementarios extras a todos nuestros estudiantes. Sus hijos se beneficiarán directa o indirectamente de esta ayuda. En la escuela Fremont estos fondos junto con otros recursos federales, serán consolidados para apoyar cambios escolares positivos. Los fon-dos pueden ser utilizados para:

*Contratar a personal docente altamente calificado para ayudar a los maestros en la clase

*Proveer entrenamiento para los empleados y maestros

*Proveer material de instrucción suplemental y tecnología

*Asegurar programas escolares de la mayor calidad

*Aumentar la participación de los padres en la escuela

Nos complace tener estos fondos para proporcionar instrucción de alta calidad a todos los estudiantes.
