FROM GENESIS: CREATION OF THE FALL. God had created everything such as the heavens, the earth; in...


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By: Jasmin Ali

God had created

everything such as the

heavens, the earth; in

fact the whole universe.

God wanted a human being…so he

had created a man, named Adam

God said “It is not

good that the man

should be alone, I

will make him a help

meet for him”. God

then took one of

Adam’s rib and made

it into a woman.

When Adam woke up

he said “This is now

a bone of my bones,

and flesh of my

flesh: She shall be

called Woman,

because she was

taken out of a Man.”

God set Adam and Eve

free and says to them,

your are able to eat

fruits from any tree

except fruits from the

tree of good and evil.

A serpent approaches

Eve (the woman), and tells

her that God has lied to

her about the forbidden

tree. Rather killing you,

the forbidden tree makes

you as if God, knowing

good and evil.

God lied to you.

Upon speaking to the serpent, Adam and

Eve decides to eat the fruits from the

forbidden tree.

God sees this and

becomes disappointed

and is furious at Adam

and Eve. Adam blames

it on Eve and Eve

blames it on the


Eve did it!

No! No! The serpent made me!

God sends Adam and Eve out of Heaven for

their misdeed.

At the end,

God has

forgave both

and says

“Behold, the

man is become

as one of us, to

know good and


