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TEL: 9457 9455 CANTEEN: 9354 3332

FAX: 9354 3922 SCHOOL SECURITY 1800 177 777

Wednesdays 8:00am—10:00am

Fridays 8:00am—10:00am

Tel: 9457 1837



From the Principal With a significant number of new enrolments (nearly 50) it is timely to draw attention to our ‘no tolerance’ policy on bullying. All of our teaching and non teaching staff do their utmost to ensure that every child who attends Rostrata is safe, happy and has

an opportunity to reach their full learning potential.

Common Understandings About Bullying

Definition of Bullying

Bullying is when an individual or group misuses power to target another individual or group to intentionally threaten or harm

them on more than one occasion. This may involve verbal, physical, relational and psychological forms of bullying.

Types of Bullying

Bullying takes many forms and can include:

• Verbal Bullying: The repeated use of words to hurt or humiliate another individual or group. Verbal bullying includes

using put-downs, insulting language, name-calling, swearing, nasty notes and homophobic, racist or sexist comments.

• Psychological Bullying: Includes repeated stalking, threats or implied threats, unwanted email or text messaging,

abusive websites, threatening gestures, manipulation, emotional blackmail, and threats to an individual’s reputation

ands sense of safety.

• Relational Bullying: Usually involves repeatedly ostracising others by leaving them out or convincing others to exclude

or reject another individual or group from their social connections, making up or spreading rumours and sharing or

threatening to share another’s personal information.

• Physical Bullying: Includes repetitive low level hitting, kicking, pinching, pushing, tripping, “ganging up”, unwanted

physical or sexual touching, and damage to physical property.

• Cyber Bullying: Involves the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, text messages, instant

messaging and websites to engage in the bullying of other individuals or groups. This technology provides an alternative

means for verbal, relational and psychological forms of bullying.

• Bystanders to Bullying: Bullying also involves the concept of “bystanders”. A bystander may be someone who sees

bullying or knows about it but he or she is not usually directly involved. Everyone at the school can have a role in

supporting those who are being bullied. All members of the Rostrata school community need to be aware of their role in supporting those who are being bullied and their responsibility to discourage bullying behaviours when they observe

them. Any member of the school community can be a bystander and can act successfully to prevent or stop bullying.

Sometimes it is difficult to act at the time of the bullying incident but reporting bullying behaviour is also important.

Bystanders are encouraged to report to someone who can help, such as a member of the school staff.

Although our Behaviour Management Plan (which includes strategies to prevent and deal with bullying) is under review, it is

our intention to continue to implement current policy. For bullying this includes the following action:

• A child who is reported to the administration for bullying will be required to do after school detention the following day.

Parents will be notified by letter.

• In extreme or ongoing circumstances suspension of the child is a strategy which will be considered by the administration.

Our focus, however, is on having children who are involved in these activities change their behaviour rather than on meting out

punishments. We would really appreciate your support with this should your child be involved; Michael Carr-Gregg has an

excellent website with many useful strategies (

Issue 3, 8th March 2012

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that the new Christian-based SUPA

Club, with its bible stories and fun activities, starts on

Thursday 15th March at 3pm.

Children in Years 2-7 should make their own way to the undercover area, where it will be

held. PP/Year 1 students will be collected from their classroom. Parents, please let your

classroom teacher (and SUPA Club) know of this arrangement.

SUPA Club will finish at 4.15pm and children are to be collected promptly at the B Block

gates, unless we have been notified that the child has permission to walk/cycle home


Completed SUPA Club permission forms (a copy is attached to this newsletter) can be

placed in the box in the front office OR brought to the first session next Thursday.

An exciting program is planned under the team leadership of Zheng Kon, a talented

children’s worker. Miss Capps, Deputy Principal

Thinking of Selling? Earn Cash For Our Kids!

$20,000 can be made in 2012.

$500 goes directly to our school when I list

and sell a home for you.

Call Willetton’s Most Recommended Property Consultant for details

Don Asplin on 0416 233 275

Offer is exclusive to

Don Asplin of ProWest

Real Estate

Conditions Apply.

Please mention this offer

at time of listing.

School Photo Day is Coming! Dear Parents,

Your school photo day is coming! Approximately two weeks prior to the photo day every student

will receive an envelope for his or her photo order and payment. Parents are asked to select the

photographs they require and return the envelope to the school on the photography day

with payment included.

Every student must return their own envelope with their order clearly marked, even where payment is made in one

envelope for multiple siblings. See your envelope for more information.

Any child who forgets or is unable to bring their envelope on the photo day will have a second chance to order school photos from

a proof sheet which will be delivered with the school photo orders, however additional charges will apply.

Kapture offer a money back guarantee for any parent who is not fully satisfied with their photo package. Should you have any

queries before or after photo day, please direct them to the Kapture office on 9240 1714 or email

If the school chooses to offer a sibling photo service during the photo day, you will need to collect a specific sibling envelope from

your school office and return it to your class teacher on the morning of sibling photo day.

All students will be photographed individually on photo day for school administration records AS WELL as included in

their class group photo available for purchase to all families. Should there be any reason why your child should

NOT be included in the photo shoot –please contact your school office.

Stay tuned to find out more about your upcoming photo day!


We are calling for School Council nominations for the 2012 school year. The School Council is a decision-making body which

includes five parent representatives and four teaching staff including the Principal. The Council is responsible for determining

voluntary school contributions, monitors the school’s budget expenditure, sets the dress code and advises on policies such as

religious education, behaviour management and homework. As the incoming committee needs to be finalised by the end of

March, we request any parents still wishing to forward a nomination form to do so to the school office by 3pm Friday,

16th March 2012.


• To take part in establishing and reviewing the school’s objectives; priorities and general policy directions; financial planning

to support the above; evaluating the school’s performance in achieving them; formulating codes of conduct for students.

• To promote the school in the community.

• To determine, in consultation, a dress code for students.

• To provide advice on policy for the religious education and the implementation of special religious education.

• To approve charges and contributions; extra cost optional components of the school’s educational program; items to be

supplied by students for personal use (Book Lists); advertising and sponsorship arrangements.

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I, …………………………………………..……..…..……….. wish to nominate for a position on the Rostrata Primary School Council.

I understand that should more nominations be received than positions available, an election will be held by members of the

Parent Body.


Australian Early Development Index: A snapshot of children in our community

In 2009, a nationwide program called the Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) was completed for the first

time. It collected information on 261 000 children across Australia in their first year of full-time school. In recogni-tion of the value of knowing how whole communities of young children are developing before they start school, AEDI

data will be collected every three years.

This year’s AEDI data collection will take place in May, June and July 2012, collecting information on Pre-primary

children in Western Australia.

Pre-primary teachers will complete a checklist for each child in their class and enter information into a secure web-

based system that protects the privacy of all children. Information is based on teachers’ knowledge and observations

of their students. Children are not required to be present while data is entered.

AEDI results are reported back to the community, based on the suburb or locality where children live. Reports are

not produced on individual children. AEDI results help whole communities understand how their children are

developing and where improvements can be made to give children the best start in life.

Parents of Pre-primary children will receive a letter about our involvement in coming weeks. You can find out more

about this national program at

Thank you for supporting the AEDI. The information collected by our schools will contribute to Australia’s national

progress measure of young children’s development. It is a valuable opportunity for schools and communities to work

together to support children’s preparedness for school.




In the Kitchen with Mrs Richards

Well done to the new Year 4’s commencing the program, a brilliant start to the year. We are all practising

knife skills which is very important to our general safety in the room. This week students got to prepare

some lovely vegetable wraps. There was no recipe needed for this lesson, so get your children to show you

what they prepared for a delicious weekend snack or lunch. I welcome all volunteers to put their names

down for the kitchen; help is essential. I am also asking households to go through their salad bowls and

if there are any in good condition with no cracks that you don’t use any more, I am happy to accept them

for our new room. Those I can’t use will be passed on to the Good Sammy’s. I am particularly interested in

lovely colours and interesting shapes. Thank you for your help.

In the Garden with Mrs Martini

The chickens were ably looked after by Christina, Darryl and family and the Truscott family over

the last couple of weeks. If you are able to help in the first week of the holidays or next term on

the weekends come down to the garden on Tuesday/Thursday to see Mrs Martini or see your

child’s classroom teacher. The younger children particularly like this because they have an

opportunity to go to the garden even though they don’t attend garden classes. No experience

with chickens required.

Thank you to those of you who have sponsored our chickens this year. We really appreciate your

generosity (the chickens do too!).

We had a guest in the garden this week to show us his skills with chickens.

The children and chickens were mesmerised. Thanks Mr Campbell!

We have now finished the seating for the outdoor classroom in the garden.

Thanks Mr T and Mrs W for your hard work last Friday.

Thanks to Mr Walker for donating mortar. The children have somewhere

safe and comfortable to sit and work in all weather.

Thanks to Ryset for the donation of gardening


See an update of the garden on the kitchen garden web pages

( some wonderful photos

from Renaye have been downloaded into the gallery.

Rostrata Organic Community Kitchen (ROCK) Garden update

What you can do to help :

• Join the weekend chicken roster this term.

• Worm Wiz and seedlings can be bought outside the front office

or at assemblies. (Thanks to the new team from C4)

• Donate shade cloth to make covers for the garden beds.

Preparing and sharingPreparing and sharingPreparing and sharingPreparing and sharing

From the President…

It has been a very productive couple of weeks for our P&C members, as they have been meeting to start organising this

year’s events and projects. I have been to most of the committee meetings and it is shaping up to be a great year!

Our next General Meeting will be on Tuesday 13th March at 7pm in the Staffroom. Everyone is welcome to attend and

we always love to see new faces.

Tracey Hawke (President)

From the Safety House Committee…

National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, Friday 16 March 2012.

It doesn't matter whether it's physical, psychological or even cyber. Bullying is a

concern that our school takes very seriously.

On Friday 16 March 2012 schools throughout Australia will join together to celebrate the annual National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. The focus of the day will be on parents and

families taking a stand together with school communities and recognizing the important role everyone plays.

Rostrata Primary School will be participating in this Day of Action and we are holding a colouring-in competition (Years K-3) and a poster competition (Years 4-7). The prizes for the competitions are being donated by 96FM, who are

one of the sponsors of the Day of Action.

On Friday 16th March, the children are encouraged to wear orange as a symbol of harmony and their stand against

bullying. There is NO gold coin donation required.

Visit the Bullying. No Way. Website to find out more information about how to prevent bullying and the National Day of

Action Against Bullying and Violence.

From the Canteen Committee…

A huge thank you to all the families who supported our Classroom Hero Competition. Congratulations to Lewis from B1

and Pritpal from D3 who have both won Quelch Sticks for their entire class. Perfect for these hot days!!

We hope all families have received their letter regarding the changes to canteen times. The canteen is no longer open to

children and families in the morning. Orders need to be placed either by the posting boxes which are out by 8am or online

via the My Kids Lunchbox website. Menus, bags and pens are available with the posting boxes if families still wish to write

orders at school but no change can be given. Any change required is attached to the children’s lunch bags and returned to

them at lunch. Thank you to parents for supporting this procedure. We are endeavouring to keep costs down to ensure our

menu remains affordable.

We still require more volunteers for just a few hours once a term to ensure the canteen continues to run smoothly. Please

contact our canteen manager Mrs Corrinne Hunter on 9354 3332 or Jacqui Bloxham on 0423 878618 if you can assist in

any way.

From the Uniform Shop…

If you would like to purchase a Rostrata school bag, please fill in an order form which is available at the front office and place it with the correct money into the box. The bag will be delivered to your child’s classroom. School Banking...

Wow, we have had such a tremendous response to our school banking this year and have a couple of new recruits

helping us (thank goodness). We have been advised Rostrata had the most school bankers in Western Australia deposit-

ing to their accounts for February and also we have the largest number of school bankers for the South East corridor!

If you would like your child/ren to start school banking all you need to do is open a Commonwealth Bank Dollarmite

Account at any branch of the Commonwealth Bank and then come along to school banking. The Bank will need to

identify the parent opening the account unless you already have a CBA account plus also sight your child/ren's birth

certificate. School banking is held every Wednesday morning from 8am to 8.45am.

To allow us to process the banking a little quicker, please could you ensure deposit slips are completed prior to coming to

school banking.

If anyone has any queries regarding school banking please contact Natalie on 0418 928 867.Thank you.

School Banking Team

OSHC phone: 0402 425 386

Coordinator: Deborah


How to get started before using our programs

you must register online for an account. Registering

is quick and easy. Visit our website to begin

Also online, you can make cancellations, view your

statements and manage your details anytime of the

day online. Keep in mind we are able to take book-

ings at short notice to help busy families.

Save on Care You can save 50% or more on

Before and After School Care fees with the

non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all

families are eligible. To find out more call our

Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343

Monday to Friday.

OSHC NEWS Hi Everyone,

We have been having lots of fun at Camp Australia

in the past fortnight; we have been busy with our

arts and craft activities, and made some really nice

straw paintings, and have made some very cute

pom poms .

We have been trying hard to learn the school creed

and the older children have been eager to help the

younger ones, a big well done to you all.

This week we are having a multicultural week and

will be learning about different cultures from

around the world.

The Easter holidays are not far away and we will

be running our Holiday Club so we are very excited

about that; please do not hesitate to contact me if

you have any questions about it.


MONDAY Public Holiday

TUESDAY Today we are learning all about aboriginal culture, and listening to indigenous music; we will be

making damper today.

WEDNESDAY Today we are learning all about

France and their culture; we will

be trying to learn a French nursery

rhyme and making French toast -


THURSDAY Today we are making crepe

paper creations using our


FRIDAY We will be creating some beautiful

designs with straw paintings



Willetton Senior High School A Leading School Celebrating Achievement

Specialist Computer Science Program – Year 8 for 2013-2015

Applications are invited from current Year 7 students with proven mathematical ability who would like to develop

their computing skills to a high level. The program entitles students to secure enrolment in one of two specialist pro-

grams, Computer Science and Multimedia from 2013 to 2015. Selection of students will be based on their school

record, teacher references and results from written aptitude tests. The Prospectus and application forms can be

viewed and printed from the Willetton Senior High School website:

The closing date for applications is Friday, 16 March 2012.

The program is available to any eligible student throughout Western Australia.

Specialist Basketball Studies 2013

Willetton Senior High School is offering current Year 7 to Year 11 students with proven basketball talent the

opportunity to develop their potential through expert coaching and intensive tuition. Selection will be based on

students having academic record, good personal character references, athletic talent and a commitment to basketball.

The Prospectus and application forms can be viewed and printed from the Willetton Senior High School website:

The closing date for application is Friday, 29 June 2012.

The program is available to any eligible student throughout Western Australia.

Art Program – Year 8 for 2013-2015

Willetton Senior High School operates Extension Art Studies for students within the Willetton Senior High School

boundary. Selection will be based on a drawing skills test and demonstrated enthusiasm and talent for art. The

Prospectus and application forms can be viewed and printed from the Willetton Senior High School website:

The closing date for application is Friday, 16 March 2012.

Willetton Senior High School Fax: 9332 4907

Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton WA 6155 Ph: 9334 7200

Email :

Please Keep Us Informed…Please Keep Us Informed…Please Keep Us Informed…Please Keep Us Informed…

The school is currently updating medical

information for 2012 and medical update forms

have already been sent home for many students.

Please return these medical forms as soon as

possible to ensure the school’s records are updated.

If your child has a medical condition that

requires medication or emergency care then

it is imperative that the school is notified

so that appropriate medical care is implemented.

If any general medical information has changed

from 2011, please also inform the school.

Rhonda Barnes,, Deputy PrincipalRhonda Barnes,, Deputy PrincipalRhonda Barnes,, Deputy PrincipalRhonda Barnes,, Deputy Principal

Old Mobile Phones

The Captains have a fundraising activity underway

where they are collecting old mobile phones.

If you have any around the house and would like

to donate these to a worthy cause, please

send them along to C Cluster.

♦ Rotary Club of Willetton Is once again hosting its annual fair on Sunday 1st April. There will be

continuous entertainment throughout the day. Applications from potential stall holders are invited and

further details are available by phoning Bob Doerksen on 9457 7616 or 0417 235095 or by emailing

♦ West Coast Fever Clinics Improve your skills, meet new friends and have fun with the Fever players at one of

three clinics to be held in Fremantle, Rockingham and Kalamunda. For more information and to register, visit or phone 9380 3700.

♦ Preseason Junior Football Clinic Presented by the Australian Institute of Football at Beasley Oval, cnr Beasley

Rd & Karel Ave, Leeming. Ages 5-17 years on Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th March 2012 from 9.30am-2.00pm each

day. For information and bookings please contact Rachel Gardiner on 0414 078172 or,

♦ STS Student Exchange are seeking typical Aussie families who are busy, friendly, interested in other cultures

and willing to welcome an STS exchange student into their family. Call 1800 263964 or visit for further information.

Upcoming Events

Mon 12th Mar- In-Term Swimming,Yr 6/7

Fri 23rd Mar Riverton Leisureplex

Tue 13th Mar No Senior Assembly due to

swimming lessons

Tue 13th Mar P&C Meeting

7pm, Staff Room

Fri 16th Mar National Day of Action

Against Bullying and Violence

(children can wear orange on

this day)

Tue 20th Mar Junior Assembly

A3/A4, Yr 1 (Mrs Shaw/

Mrs Thompson)

Fri 23rd Mar Summer Carnival

Yrs 4-7

Tue 27th Mar Senior Assembly

B6/B7, Yr 4/5

(Mrs Coghlan/Miss Cleary)

Wed 28th Mar- School Photos

Thur 29th Mar

Mon 2nd Apr Inter-Faction Swimming

Carnival, Yrs 4-7,

Canning Aquatic Centre

An Invitation to Fathers

And Father-Figures

Come and hear Prof Bruce Robinson speak

on the subject of:

“What kids need from

their Dads”

DATE: 8th or 15th March, 2012

VENUE: City of Melville Civic Centre,

Main Hall

TIME: 7pm for refreshments

(1 drink and snack)

Guest speaker at 7.30pm

COST: $15 plus ticketing & GST costs

Includes a Response Pack

TICKETS: Purchase tickets online at

Use the link to complete your purchase.

South Fremantle Senior High School

Specialist Programs

South Fremantle SHS is a small community school

that has a number of special programmes available for

students entering Year 8 in 2013/2014.

To apply for entry to the Marine Studies, Baseball or

Music Specialist Programs, an application form needs

to be completed and returned to South Fremantle

Senior High School.

Limited information is available in the front office or

for further information contact Julie Duthie,

Transition Coordinator, on 9337 0500.
