From the Pastor’s Desk July 2019 · July 12 Psalms 4-6; Acts 9:22-43 July 13 Psalms 7-9; Acts...


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Bethlehem United Methodist Church

Outward Bound, Together, With Christ Renewing our Spirit, We Seek to Make a Difference in the World Around Us

Through the Power of the Holy Spirit, for the Sake of the Kingdom.

From the Pastor’s Desk July 2019

The Bethlehem Star

Congratulations, Grandpa! That’s the word I have been hearing since the birth of our grandson Theo on June 18. Since then, Cheryl and I haven gotten to vis-it him and hold him and love on him. It is truly a wonderful experience to have a grandson. Children are a gift from God. As followers of Jesus, our call is to love children as God loves them and to do so in tangible ways. This month, BUMC has the opportunity to show Christ’s love to children through our annual Vacation Bible School, July 8 - 12. VBS brings children from our own church family, as well as children from other churches and from the community. Though many come from Christian families and have church homes, some are experiencing Jesus and a loving faith com-munity for the first time. What a privilege to be used of God to share the love of Jesus with children. Many of our adults and youth will be serving in the various roles required in providing a great VBS expe-rience for these children. Many hours have already been spent in preparation. Thank you all for sharing your time and talents in this great ministry. May God bless you richly for your service.

What I want to ask of all of you is to offer your prayer support both leading up to and including the week of VBS. There are a lot of moving parts to the week and we need your prayers for all to go smoothly. Most of all, we want the children who come to experience something special. We want them to feel that they are loved by Jesus and we communicate that through our love and care for them throughout the week. Pray for all of us who will be a part of VBS. Pray that the Spirit of God will fill us all and that God’s love will be present in us so that the children will see Jesus in us and know they are loved. Thank you for committing to praying for VBS, for all the workers, and especially for the children. God is good and will honor our prayer, and the love of Christ will be shared. Peace,



Since 2017, Bishop Lewis has been encouraging the Virginia Conference to read the Bible in a year. Each

year has featured a different way of reading. For 2019, the Bible Challenge will be a blended style of reading;

a mixture of Old Testament readings and New Testament each day. In this new year, challenge yourself to

study the Bible and strengthen your faith in the process.

Tips on reading the Bible daily

• Start reading the Bible today.

• Set aside a specific time and place each day. Set your schedule and then stick to it. Mornings are great; but

feel free to use any time that works consistently with your schedule.

• Get a good study Bible to help to illuminate the meaning of the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek text.

• Choose a translation to use during your reading.

• Say a short prayer to God before you begin, asking the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding.

• Dive in and enjoy the richness of God’s Word! Apply God’s Word to your life. Bible study should be practi-

cal and applicable. I assure you that these seven steps will help you begin a journey in becoming a “lifelong

learner” of God’s Word.

July 1 Deuteronomy 13-15; Acts 4:1-22 July 2 Deuteronomy 16-18; Acts 4:23-37 July 3 Deuteronomy 19-21; Acts 5:1-21 July 4 Deuteronomy 22-24; Acts 5:22-42 July 5 Deuteronomy 25-27; Acts 6 July 6 Deuteronomy 28-29; Acts 7:1-21 July 7 Deuteronomy 30-31; Acts 7:22-43 July 8 Deuteronomy 32-34; Acts 7:44-60 July 9 Obadiah; Acts 8:1-25 July 10 Ruth 1-4; Acts 8:26-40 July 11 Psalms 1-3; Acts 9:1-21 July 12 Psalms 4-6; Acts 9:22-43 July 13 Psalms 7-9; Acts 10:1-23 July 14 Psalms 10-12; Acts 10:24-48 July 15 Psalms 13-15; Acts 11 July 16 Psalms 16-17; Acts 12 July 17 Psalms 18-19; Acts 13:1-25 July 18 Psalms 20-22; Acts 13:26-52 July 19 Psalms 23-25; Acts 14 July 20 Psalms 26-28; Acts 15:1-21 July 21 Psalms 29-30; Acts 15:22-41 July 22 Psalms 31-32; Acts 16:1-21 July 23 Psalms 33-34; Acts 16:22-40 July 24 Psalms 35-36; Acts 17:1-15 July 25 Psalms 37-39; Acts 17:16-34 July 26 Psalms 40-42; Acts 18 July 27 Psalms 43-45; Acts 19:1-20 July 28 Psalms 46-48; Acts 19:21-41 July 29 Psalms 49-50; Acts 20:1-16 July 30 Psalms 51-53; Acts 20:17-38 July 31 Psalms 54-56; Acts 21:1-17


Have you ever had those moments of coincidence, so perfectly timed that it feels as if God has inter-vened? Amazing things have been happening lately, and I can't help but feel that it has all been divinely or-chestrated. Let me explain... while working with one Neighbor who was attempting to figure out how to se-cure reliable transportation, a donated car fell into my lap from a Bethlehem member. Wow! What an answer to prayer. The next week, after hearing about a Neighbor who needed a washing machine when hers had bro-ken during a move, a friend called me and asked if anyone needed a washing machine. Fantastic! A few days after that, a generous woman from the community who was desiring to help single moms in need offered sub-sidized housing for a homeless single mom. Crazy amazing! That mom then needed furniture and I assured her we would work it out. About two hours later at a board meeting of another non-profit in Rocky Mount, someone asked all of us in the room if anyone needed a sofa, chair, ottoman, and dining table. Score! Believe it or not, the stories continue. It feels to me as though God's hand is in the mix! I love the concept of the "Acts 2 Church", a reference to the early church that is described in Acts 2:42-47. In this description, the community devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread together, and distributing their resources by sharing with those in need. Does this sound to good to be true, or attainable? Maybe. Maybe not. As I see it, this is happening right now - in our church and in our communi-ty. I've had leads from local realtors letting me know of furniture that is available. Local businesses have di-rected me to donated mattresses and other items and have even delivered some! I am so excited and amazed at the difference we have collectively been able to make in the lives of Neighbors who have been working hard to get back on their feet and build a stable future for themselves and their families. This month I will be working to develop a system for connecting our resources with other Neighbors in need. If these amazing things are happening without a coordinated effort, just imagine what we can do togeth-er if there is an organized method for connecting resources with needs. Many donors come to me with won-derful resources for someone who might need just what they have - items like furniture, appliances, cars, tools, and other valuables. I believe that there is enough to go around and, if we pool together what we are able to share, we can make a big difference in the lives of those around us who are often quietly in need. Stay-tuned and watch your email inbox for more information about our SHARE ministry. If you are interested in helping with this effort, just let me know. There is always room at the table for great ideas, compassionate hearts, and helping hands. Thanks for all you do to share with and love on your neighbors. Feels good, doesn't it? Blessings and Peace,

SAVE THE DATE! Sister’s Retreat at St. Francis Springs Prayer Center, Stoneville, NC,

on September 6-8. Cost is $180 for double occupancy, $240 for single occupancy. Contact Susan Hughes to

reserve your spot.

Sister’s Gathering at the home of Susan Hughes on Sunday, July 21, at 6PM.

Ladies’ Night at the home of Susan Hughes on Sunday, July 7, at 6PM.

Thanks so much for the outpouring of love and support for my ordination on Friday night, June

21, and our celebration on Sunday morning. I am humbled and blessed

to be serving such a loving and awesome congregation! Woop Woop!

Love you back, Susan


For those of you who have not taken the Disciple I Bible Study course, "Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study", an opportunity is coming this fall. Larry Broomall will facilitate a new class on Wednesday mornings from 9-11AM in Room 112. You may ask, what is Disciple I Bible Study? It is a program of intensive, disci-plined Bible study. Each study group is made up of 12 or so participants led by one or two facilitators. Groups meet weekly for two hours for 34 weeks (Bethlehem covers the material over a two-year period). Dis-ciple I, the prerequisite for all other Disciple Bible Studies, covers the entire Biblical story from Genesis to Revelation. If you have completed Disciple I, you are invited to take one of the following Disciple Bible Study Courses which will also be offered this fall. Disciple II: "Into the Word Into the World" concentrates on Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts. Lynda Imirie will facilitate this class on Wednesday afternoons, from 1-3PM. Disciple III: "Remember Who You Are" delves into the Prophets and the Letters of Paul. This class will meet on Thursday mornings from 9-11AM and will be facilitated by Deb Broadwater. Disciple VI: "Christian Believer: Knowing God with Heart and Mind" is a next generation Disciple Bible Study and focuses on the theology of the Christian faith, using the Bible along with writings, symbols and hymns of patriarchs and matriarchs of the faith. This study will be facilitated by Linda Beard and Randi Paul and will be held on Friday mornings, from 9-11AM.


SML Good Neighbors is an IRS-recognized charity, conceived in 2006 and imple-mented in 2007. It has been growing ever since to fulfill its mission, which is: “to develop good neighbors’ skills and values in children through programs that nour-ish, educate and support them while providing life-changing experiences for college students through leadership development opportunities.”

Though we offer a variety of after-school programs, the main focus of each year are the two four-week sum-mer enrichment camps held in schools in both Bedford and Franklin Counties. These Camps have grown from a total of 62 students served in 2008 to over 160 students in each camp this summer. Our program is integrat-ed with the public school systems for both counties and professional teachers supplement our teaching college- student leaders in each camp. The success of the camps depends in large part on the many volunteers who provide hands-on support. There are several ways that can be done, but the primary need is for “Reading Buddies.” These Reading Buddies are an integral part of the program, and its success has been validated each summer with pre- and post-testing results by the schools and by Good Neighbors. Well over 90% of our children tend to retain or surpass their previous reading levels when they return to school in the fall. The Franklin County Camp ended on June 28 this year, but the Bedford County Camp begins on July 1st

and runs through July 26th. It will be held at Staunton River Middle School. Reading Buddies are in des-perate need; so, won’t YOU consider being a Reading Buddy with Kindergarten through fifth graders? Just contact Judy Wolfe at (or talk with Larry Broomall at 721-3645) to get started.


Good Samaritan Leader Needed

Did you catch Chuck Davis’s mission moment last month about our Good Samaritan Program? This generous group of men and women in our church provide home repairs for those in our community who struggle physically or financially. The group needs a leader/coordinator or perhaps two, with one focusing on wheelchair ramps and the other on home repairs.

Gleaning: Would you be interested in gleaning for Lake Christian Ministries at local farms on occasion? Our brothers and sisters in Christ at Trinity Ecumenical Parish have a gleaning group that works with the Society of St. Andrew. They are willing to have us join them in this effort. Examples of gleaning they have done include corn, strawberries, peaches, potatoes, asparagus and apples! An e-mail list will be developed to share these opportunities; lead time is generally five-seven days. Children ten and up are welcome to join with adults. Please sign up on the bulletin board outside the office.

Fall mission trip: Why not make this September the month you get Outward Bound with the BUMC Volunteers in Mission Team? We are doing a short trip with Redwood UMC, only three work days, so it is perfect for first-timers and a little easier on our bodies! We will be in the Beaufort/Newport NC area rebuilding after Hurricane Florence. We need willing helpers/learners, experience and even cooks/errand runners! Departing on September 15 and returning September 19. Sign up on the bulletin board outside the office or speak to Bill or Carolyn Koontz (

International Mission 2020—Caribbean: If you might be interested in a 2020 mission trip, please come to a meeting July 12 at 1PM in the upstairs conference room. We have opportunities in Haiti, Jamaica and Puerto Rico that we are considering. In that meeting, we will choose one to pursue further and discuss the best time to go.

Lake Christian Ministry Needs: Feminine Hygiene supplies, egg car-tons are not needed. All non-food, health and cleaning supplies should be take directly to LCM.


The Prayer Ministry Team The Prayer Ministry Team is getting ready to launch some exciting activities with the goal of helping to revitalize the pray-er focus in our church. Lots of interesting opportunities to look at prayer in new ways will be coming in the next few months. The middle of July will be here soon and with it will be the start of our new (and hopefully improved) emphasis on praying for those people who have been placed on our prayer request list after they asked the church for prayers for themselves or others. We will have new listings in the bulletin, but most important, we are starting a fol-low-up program to try to see the current status of those who are on the prayer list and to help with prayers for new requests. We already have the start of a team of prayer ministry contact people who will help with the follow-up contacts. You can still join that team if you contact Phyl Brown at or call 304-476-5302. We look forward to the exciting things that are coming, and we hope you will join us by helping make the follow-up contacts. Everyone can join in by making a renewed effort to pray for the people on our prayer list. Vacation Bible School is coming up very quickly, and prayer for the children and their families and for the leaders is very important. The theme this year is “ROAR: Life is Wild – God is Good.” Each day of VBS from July 8 -12, please pray for the following lessons of the day: Day 1, July 8 – Scripture focus: Israelites as slaves in Egypt Prayer concern: Victims of sex trafficking and modern day slavery found throughout the world

Day 2, July 9 – Scripture focus: Plagues sent to Egypt

Prayer concern: Victims of natural disasters throughout our world

Day 3, July 10 – Scripture focus: Israelites wander the wilderness

Prayer concern: The homeless and families with insecure housing

Day 4, July 11 – Scripture focus: Israelites build memorial to remember God's goodness

Prayer concern: Praise God for His goodness in our lives and for the many children attending VBS

Day 5, July 12 – Scripture focus: The Good Samaritan helps a traveler

Prayer concern: God guide us to be His hands and feet in the world and that we care for our neighbors

The Green Team was thrilled to receive the Green Church Award given by the Caretakers of Creation of the VA Conference meeting in Roanoke. We are ready now to approach our goal of improving God’s earth with renewed vigor. We are aware that some committees, ministries and many individuals have demon-strated changed behavior as a result of our efforts. That is what we are talking about!

So YOU are ALL recipients of this award too! Let’s keep trying to improve our planet for the sake of future generations. It is a large task, but the cost of doing nothing is tragic.

Gini Milne


Thank you for your donations toward flood buckets/cleaning kits for

UMCOR. With your donations we were able to provide 27 flood buckets, includ-

ing the three buckets our youth and children purchased and filled!

Maegan Mitchell Youth, Children and

Family Ministries Director

Vacation Bible School “ROAR!” Life is Wild

God is Good July 8-12, 9AM – 12Noon Age 3/Pre-K – 5th Grade

Register online at

Wednesday, July 10 Vacation Bible School with Youth Outing to follow

Wednesday, July 17 Wednesday Night Youth, 6-8PM

Wednesday, July 24 Wednesday Night Youth, 6-8PM

July Youth Schedule

Cleaning Kits/Flood Buckets

for Conference

Vacation Bible School Needs Your Help!

Volunteers in Snack station Volunteers for Registration Team

Assistant Guide for 2nd Grade Class Volunteer on Decoration Team

Contact Maegan Mitchell if you would like to

be part of the VBS team!


Children and Youth

Nursery (Infant to 2 years) led by Amber Scott and volunteers Room 126

Preschool (3 years through Kindergarten), Led by Robin At Lee Room 128

Grades 1-5, led by Diana Barrett, Donna Broomall, Vickie Steffens, Room 129

Rebecca Uselton, RoJane Chandler-Bond

Youth, led by Lynda Imirie, Terri Shea, Susan Tinsley, Maegan Mitchell Room 206

Adult Small Group Studies The Journey (Young Adults): “When Christians Get it Wrong” by Adam Conference Room

Hamilton, led by Susan Hughes and Maegan Mitchell. This class addresses the how’s and why’s of Christians getting it right when it comes to being Christ in the world. Lectionary Lessons, led by Class Members Room 130

A study of Old and New Testament Bible passages that go along with the church calendar and Bible Lectionary schedule “Characters from ’The Story’” - Continued by J. Ellsworth Kalas, led by Dick At Lee Room 106

This class will continue to focus on major biblical characters using a combination of music videos and biblical references based on “The Story”. “Longing for Enough in a Culture of More” by Paul Escamilla, led by Gini Milne Room 112 and Don Kelso. A series of 25 essays make the “life of enough” seem not only possible, but a natural next step in our lives as Christians.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Linda Beard, Chairperson


3rd Quarter 2019

Upper Room

Thursdays at 8AM, SML Coffee Shop

The Tuesday morning Bible Study with Pastor David will resume in


The Bethlehem Book Club is taking the summer off, but that doesn’t mean we will stop reading. Following is a list of the books we have scheduled for discussion starting in September 2019 and going through May 2020. Meeting start at 11:30 AM and usually last 1 to 1-1/2 hours. September 9, Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan November 11, Sweetness Begets Sweetness by Karen DeBord January 13, Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan March 9, Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate May 11, Eleanor: A Spiritual Biography by Harold Ivan Smith

Everyone is welcome to attend. Have a good time reading this summer.


The Stewardship word this month is “ Leap”: ”: “Then the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will shout for joy for wa-ters will break forth in the wilderness and streams in the Arabah.” Isaiah 35:6 We have all taken chances in our lives, every day in fact, and on occa-sion we have made choices that have impacted our lives every day since. Hopefully, we gave thanks for all those choices that have turned out for the better and learned from those that did not. At times,

we have probably jumped at a chance presented to us without hesitation, and hopefully the successful sponta-neous jumps outnumbered the not so successful leaps. The actress Kim Cattrall shared her experience this way: “There’s still the part of me that wants to leap at every opportunity, but now there’s the other side that says, ‘Let’s just wait a minute and see what happens.’ That’s intuition and it comes with age and experi-ence.” One might be wise that while waiting a minute to see what happens, to take time to pray about the choice that is about to be made. Sometimes the choices that present themselves put us on edge that feels more like a ledge. Hunter S. Thompson, an American Journalist and 20th century equivalent to Mark Twain, said: “The edge…there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.” Have you really ever been there?

When it comes to our Christian faith, at one point we made a choice to believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. But although we take a leap of faith when we say we believe, we do so based on the historical facts as recorded in the Bible. We find in Acts 3:8 where Peter performed a miracle at the temple gates on a man that was lame from birth and left to beg, and Peter told him to walk, and: “with a leap he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.” Have we leaped with praise for God after the miracles and blessings we have received in life? Harvey Mackay, author and columnist, said: “A great accomplishment shouldn’t be the end of the road, just the starting point for the next leap forward.” Where are you on your faith journey? Are you still leaping forward in your faith by at-tending Christian Education classes, Bible study, Prayer time, Wonderful Wednesdays? It is a journey folks.

Paul Eveland

Notice to Church Members for 2019 Giving

If you are contributing part or all of your 2019 financial commitment to the church through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA, the IRS requires the church to provide you with an annual statement to be used for your tax records. This tax statement will be in addition to the quarterly contribution report issued by the Financial Secretaries. Please stop by the church office and pick up a form to complete so that we can properly identify your QCD contribution. This form can either be mailed back to the church, or dropped off in the church office, and should be addressed to the Fi-nancial Secretaries.

Lisa Hobbs Finance




(A Steel Drum Ensemble from Roanoke)

Sunday, August 4 at 4PM Bethelehem United Methodist Church

(A Freewill Offering Will Be Taken)


I’ve used this devotion a couple of times in the last month and have had requests to share:

12 Steps for Self-Care

If it feels wrong, don’t do it. Say “exactly” what you mean. Don’t be a people pleaser. Trust your instincts. Never speak bad about yourself. Never give up on your dreams. Don’t be afraid to say “No”. Don’t be afraid to say “Yes”. Be KIND to yourself. Let go of what you can’t control. Stay away from drama & negativity. Change Your Thoughts Today

LOVE Susan Tinsley, Evangelism

Full STEAM Ahead for Preschool… Our preschool ministry continues to grow! We are adding Enrichment Classes this fall to enhance the already wonderful classes we currently offer. This will allow children ages 3-5 years old to have an added day that will include addi-tional science, math, literacy, and art projects. They will have a three- and four-day program as an option now. We have also added raised garden beds to teach science, math, literacy, and art while learning about God’s creations and life processes and watching our seeds grow into plants. Our next project is improving our outdoor classroom envi-ronment and play area. We will be removing some very used plastic equipment and placing a more natural look to use while learning how to be creative and cooperative when playing, improving gross and fine motor skills, and learning about the world God has created for our children. We will also be placing some signs to let people know about this awesome ministry BUMC provides for over 32 families in the area. Please take the time to drive around to the back of the church to see the progress we are making. We hope to have an Open House for the congregation sometime in the fall. We want you to see what wonderful things we are doing together as a preschool and church for families in our communities to build a solid educational foundation for their children!

I would like to thank everyone for the emails, cards and words of comfort in the recent passing of my mother. We are truly blessed to have such a caring and loving church family.

Connie and Bob LeMasters

Kara Sensenig, Director


Get Involved with the Szeged UMC (Hungary) Partnership

In 2011, BUMC initiated a partnership with Szeged UMC in Szeged, Hungary. Bethlehem has supported this program with shared prayers, regular contact via Skype, financially and with in-person visits. We have sent two teams to Szeged to assist with their existing programs. In each case, the team members have returned with wonderful tales of new friends and learning experiences. A few years ago, we supported a visit from four members of the Szeged UMC, who came for a week, stayed with our members, attended several “get-to-know-you” dinners, and helped with our VBS. This fall, there is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the “In Mission Together” program which oversees this relationship for us and many other churches in this country and around the world. If you are interested in attending this October 24-26, 2019 conference just outside Louisville, KY, please contact Larry Broomall, Carolyn Koontz or Reverend Lord. Bethlehem can help with expenses.

More information is available at the webpage:

Could Stephen Ministry Be Right for You? In Matthew 1:28-30, Jesus tells his followers, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Do you feel weary? Does the yoke of life seem too difficult for you to carry alone? Are your burdens too much too bear?

God has called some people within our congregation to Stephen Ministry. These people are trained and supported in walking with others

through difficult times in their lives.

Could you benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister?

Contact: David Lord, Susan Hughes, Larry Broomall,

Nancy Trotter or Connie LeMasters


Laura Mock and Cheryl Jennings

Laura was born and raised in Colo-rado but came to Hollins for col-lege. She ended up staying. Her degree is in English and Theater, so, of course, she works in Vinton as an Engineering Technician. Her passions are music and dra-ma, and she plays guitar and has written and performed many origi-nal dramas in churches. She finds great joy in being able to bring the Bible and God's great love to life in new and creative ways.

Cheryl was born and raised in the Portsmouth area of Virginia and worked for the Bell System for 27 years, retiring in 2005. She has been a musician her whole life starting with a Mickey Mouse gui-tar! She sings and plays guitar, bass and drums.

She has a heart for animals and supports the dog rescue communi-ty, having two rescues her-self: Rizzo and Godiva. She has felt so welcomed by BUMC.

The Lost and Found box in the office work-room is overflowing with sunglasses, reading glasses, clip-on sunglasses, jewelry, car keys, one glove, earbuds for a phone, and a make-up kit, to name a few. If you are missing an item, please contact the church office or stop in the workoom. Many of these items are several months/years old.

In two weeks, these items will be donated or thrown away.


July 2 Karen DeLaCroix Keith Bradshaw, Gail Ulp

July 4 Ann Short, Fran Viemeister

July 5 Brenda Hamilton

July 6 Terry Broadwater

July 7 Sandra Richardson

July 8 Nancy Banker, John Vojt Nancy Brown, Lorraine Beers Linda Spencer

July 10 Wyatt Uselton, Carolyn Reas

July 11 Flo Settle

July 12 Stanley Spencer

July 13 Frank Midkiff

July 15 Florence Kunnas, Dave Arends

July 16 Kurt Schoenberg, Bart Frankena

July 21 Marie Sauer

July 22 Larry Beard

July 25 Nancy Collins

July 26 Lane Speck

July 27 Mary Siegle, Loa Ztanze Sandra Burriss

July 28 Phil Witmer

July 29 Terry McNichol

July 30 Allison McAndrew, Sandy Kelso Peggy Peterson

July 31 Deb Broadwater

Families with loved ones serving in the active military:

Jeff Broadwater USA (Ft. Irwin, CA) Son of Terry and Deb Broadwater 2LT Jeremy Broadwater USA (Ft. Leonard Wood, MO) Grandson of Terry and Deb Broadwater PFC1 Jacob Cox USA (Fort Lewis, Wash.) Nephew of Lucy Bailey SSgt Michael Culverhouse USMC (Orlando, FL) Husband of Lucy Bailey’s Granddaughter’s CPT William Daly, USN (Pentagon ) Nephew of Bill & Bev Daly CPT Luke Golladay USAF (California) Grandson of Gary & Ruth Golladay CPT Tom Greiner USAF (Pentagon)) Grandson of John and Shirley Barr LT John H. Greiner USN (Okinawa, Japan) Grandson of John and Shirley Barr SSG Jeremy Gue, USA grandson of Pam Krupp Airman Jonathan King USAF (Deployed) Joe and Bonnie Conradi’s niece’s son) SrA Rebecca Lane, USAF (Malmstrom AF Base, Great Falls, MT) niece of David & Jan McGraw Maj Matthew Mallalieu, USMC (South America) Step-grandson of John & Elaine Poliey

Christopher Mayer USA (West Point, NY) Son-in-law of Terry and Deb Broadwater LT Daniel Moorman USN (Corpus Christi, Texas) Grandson of Don & Monnie Moorman

Daniel Stone USAF (Afghanistan) Son of Louise Stump Stone

Michael Sullivan USA (Ft. Bragg, NC) Son-in-law of Don Prinzbach SSG Timothy H. Utter USA (Ft. Drum, NY) Son of Dixie Utter Capt. Andrew Williams, USMC (Quantico, VA) Son-in-law of Bill & Bev Daly

If you have a prayer request, please contact Pastor Lord

at 540-297-7957, (, or email Pat Freeman at

Stephanie Arbanas Dave Arends Richard Beers Daniel Blanchard Jim Brooks Carolyn Crabtree Sandra Creasy Bobby Dringman Duley Family Kari/Engen Mi Refugio Mike & Verna Fedoriw Gene Fry Al Galliher Sheryl Gilliam Gary Golladay

Brian Grandelli Barbara Hannabass Brenda Harrison Ruth Hill Betty Jackson Joe Kaiser Frank Kidd Noah Leigh Courtney McGinty Don Maphis Josh Maraney Gail Marshall Frank Midkiff Jim Morris Bob Mullins Charlie Nelson

Our Prayer List

Kurt Schoenberg Judy Smith Steven Smith Shannon Spence Elizabeth Stevens Szeged, Hungary UMC Tamas Szuhanszki Danny Vojt John Vojt Kathie Watson Macklyn Woodford Danya Zierhart

Cameron Bigart (Fire Academy)

Michaela Farmer (Radford)

Jon Gill (NC State)

Chad Hicks (VA Tech)

Archer Merritt (Lancaster Archery)

Kelly Richardson (VA Tech)

Shannon Richardson (George Mason)

Ashley Settle (Liberty University)

Lauren Witmer (Bridgewater)

Please Pray for our College Students


Service to the House of the Lord

July 7 July 14 July 21 July 28

Acolytes Sara Spencer Abby Spencer Wyatt Uselton Emma Hager

Altar Guild

Communion Steward


Cori Fairchild Ann Short Lisa Hobbs

Tom Heffernon Sally Heffernon Carolyn Kidd

Larry Broomall Donna Broomall

Bob Burger

Harry Simmerman Karen Simmerman

Jim Jackson

Greeters 8:30 AM

Becky Camden Mary Casper

Phyllis Mayne

Sue Coryell John O’Neil Joyce O’Neil

Joe Crouch Viola Crouch Jennifer Jones

Eleanor Brockman Chuck Neudorfer Doris Neudorfer

Greeters 11:00 AM

Bart Frankena Ruth Frankena Skip Alexander

Lake Frazier Lynn Frazier Bob Smith

Jerry Pruett Carolyn Pruett

Pam Krupp

Ron Fazler Kathy Fazler

Al Paul

Welcome Center 8:30

Lynda Imirie Sue Coryell Viola Crouch Joe Crouch

Welcome Center 11:00

Susan Tinsley Kathy Fazler Randy Camden Ruth Frankena

Liturgist 8:30 AM

Susan Hughes Susan Hughes Susan Hughes Susan Hughes

Liturgist 11:00 AM

Susan Hughes Susan Hughes Susan Hughes Susan Hughes

Nursery 8:30 AM

Rose Hager Jane Pannick Jennifer Jones Deb Broadwater

Nursery 9:45 AM

Nancy Brown Joyce O’Neil Connie LeMasters Betty Woodford

Nursery 11:00 AM

Becky Camden Joyce O’Neil Judy Frailing Melissa Hicks

Kids’ Korner 11:00 AM

Lynda Imirie RoJane C-Bond

Linda Beard Ann Short

Donna Broomall Betty Woodford

Becky Camden RoJane C-Bond

Ushers 8:30 AM

Rick Carroll John Whitney

John O’Neil Kurt Schoenberg

Joe Crouch Viola Crouch

Steve Farrar Channing Scott

Ushers 11:00 AM

Jim Woodford Stuart Woodford

Gavin Hager Dave Wetcher

Bob Burger Lynda Imirie

Larry Whitmer Gavin Hager

Tom Heffernon Sally Heffernon RoJane C-Bond Dave Wetcher

Spencer Tinsley Frank Nelson

Kirby Richardson Keith Shelton

Arlene Pecoraro

Graham & Linda Spencer



1 8:45 VBS Music 10AM VBS Mtg. 10:30 Spirit. Form. 7PM Harmeneers

2 10:30 Prayer 6:30 Harmony Ridge Quartet

3 10AM VBS Mtg. 4PM Stephen Min.


4th of July Holiday

Office Closed

5 7PM AA

6 12:30 Bingo 8PM AA/Al Anon

7 8:30 AM Worship 9:45 Sun. School 11AM Worship 6PM Ladies Night Out

8 VBS 10:30 AM Spiritual Formation 5PM Harmeneers 7PM Harmeneers

9 VBS 7:30 Men’s Breakfast 6:30 PM Harmony Ridge Quartet 7PM Trustees CR

10 VBS

11 VBS 8AM Upper Room 11:30 Food for Kids 8PM AA/Al Anon

12 VBS 1PM Missions Meeting

13 9AM Worship 10AM Worship Plan 8PM AA/Al Anon

14 8:30 AM Worship 9:45 Sun. School 11AM Worship 7PM Adm. Board

15 10:30 AM Spiritual Formation 5PM Harmeneers 7PM Harmeneers

16 10:30 Prayer Time 4:30 LCM Event 6:30 Harmony Ridge Quartet 6:30 Praise Band Practice

17 4PM Stephen Min. 6PM Dinner 6:30 Youth 6:30 LCM

18 8AM Upper Room 8PM AA/Al Anon


20 12:30 Bingo 8PM AA/Al Anon

21 8:30 AM Worshi 9:30 3rd Sunday 9:45 Sun. School 11AM Worship 12PM 3rd Sunday 6PM Sisters’ Gathering

22 10:30 Spiritual Formation 7PM Harmeneers

23 10:30 AM Prayer 6:30 Harmony Ridge

24 4PM PSPR 6PM Dinner 6:30 Youth 6:30 LCM

25 8AM Upper Room 8PM AA/Al Anon

26 12:30 Green Team

27 8AM Food for Kids— Summer Breakfast 8PM AA/Al Anon

28 8:30 AM Worship 9:45 Sun. School 11AM Worship 2PM Runk and Pratt


10:30 Spiritual Formation 7PM Harmeneers

30 10:30 Prayer 6:30 Harmony Ridge Quartet 6:30 Praise Band


July 2019


PO Box 458 Moneta VA 24121

Bethlehem United Methodist Church


Birthdays 13

Bishop’s Bible Challenge 2

Book Club 8

Calendar 15

Children & Youth Ministry 7

Christian Education 4, 8

Evangelism 10

Finance 9

Good Neighbors 4

Green Team 6

Missions 5, 11, Insert

New Members 12

Pastor’s Letter Cover

Prayer List 13

Prayer Ministry 6

Preschool 10

Service to the Lord 14

Stephen Ministry 11

Stewardship 9

Susan’s Musings 3

Vacation Bible School 7

8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Worship Services

9:45 AM Sunday School Classes

Address: 13586 Old Moneta Rd., Moneta, VA

Church Office Hours Mon-Thurs: 9AM – 2 PM Friday: 9AM—12 Noon

Office Phone: (540) 297-7957 Fax No: (540) 297-9123


Video of our Services at our website or (Search: Bethlehem Moneta)

Our Staff Is Here to Serve You

Pastor Rev. David Lord Assoc. Minister Rev. Susan Hughes Children/Youth Director Maegan Mitchell Choir Director/Organist Robert Downey Pianist Robin Zimmerman Bells Sue Whitney Pre-School Director Kara Sensenig Nursery Staff Amber Scott Adm. Asst. Lynette Braun Custodian Dorothy Myers

We Welcome You!
