Front Desk Safety & Security


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Front Desk Safety & SecurityNOTES & ACTIVITIES GUIDE

DISCLAIMER: The principles and suggestions in this workbook and seminar are presented to apply to diverse personal and company situations. These materials and the overall seminar are for general informational and educational purposes only. The materials and the seminar, in general, are presented with the understanding that Pryor Learning Solutions is not engaged in rendering legal advice. You should always consult an attorney with any legal issues.

©2020 Pryor Learning Solutions, Inc. Registered U.S. Patent & Trademark Office and Canadian Trade-Marks office. Except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, no part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Pryor Learning Solutions, Inc.

©Pryor Learning Solutions • HFD2003B 2

S E M I N A R N O T E S & A C T I V I T Y G U I D E

How Vulnerable Is Your Organization?Rate Your Company’s Risk Factors:

Manage the Traffic FlowEvaluate Guest Access and Increase Security to the Front Desk and Lobby Area

Discourage Guests from “Finding Their Own Way”

Statement Rating

1. Do you feel unsafe at work?

2. Do you consider the work (the actual job) to be unsafe?

3. Do you work with the public?

4. Do you work with money or other valuable items?

5. Has your organization downsized recently?

6. Do you work in retail trade, finance, insurance, real estate or a service industry?

7. Has your organization had any incidents of violence – including verbal assault – within the last 12 months?

8. Is employee morale down or negative?

9. Can you identify an individual(s) in the organization you consider to be potentially violent?

10. Do employees work in isolated areas or alone?

Check in and out


Waiting area

Employee escorts

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S E M I N A R N O T E S & A C T I V I T Y G U I D E

No-Nonsense Management of the Front Desk and Lobby Area

What Do You Do?

First Scenario:

A nicely dressed man carrying a package and a briefcase says he has to drop off something for one of your company’s managers. You tell him to have a seat and you will call the manager for him. He remains standing, then starts edging toward the stairs, and tells you he’ll bring it up himself. You firmly tell him that no unauthorized people or deliveries are allowed past the lobby, but with a pleasant smile, he waves you off and disappears up the stairs.

What’s your first move in this situation?

Second Scenario:

The same situation above, but this time when you tell the man you’ll call the manager, he smiles and says he’s just there to drop it off and doesn’t need to talk to anyone.

What do you do?

Third Scenario:

The same man as described in the first scenario comes in and just places the package on the front desk and turns to leave without talking to you.

What should you be watching for and what do you do?

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S E M I N A R N O T E S & A C T I V I T Y G U I D E

Critical Communication Skills

Build Your Telephone Assessment Quotient (AQ)Develop Your Own Personal Phone Poise and Presence

1. Smile!

2. Use strategic pauses.

3. Monitor yourself for slang, jargon, and industry terminology.

4. If you don’t know, don’t open your mouth. Or, admit your lack of knowledge and promise to get an answer within a designated period of time.

5. Practice verbal skills by using tongue twisters.



Develop appropriate responses to the following questions and situations. Indicate how you would handle them.1. “Hello, is Pat in?” (there is a Patricia in your organization but you know she does not go by Pat – ever.)

2. “I’m looking for a job and wanted to know what your company does?” “Oh, did you put out the Whzzzt Bats? (Your company did) I loved that game! When do you think you’ll have an updated version?”

3. “I’m calling for a job reference Can you tell me if you’ve had a Steven White working there in the past?” (He did) “If so, what can you tell me about him? Why did he leave the company?”

4. “I’ve been trying to reach Marvin Zycoft for the last three days! Is he ever in? And NO, I don’t want to leave another message Can you tell me where he is and how I can reach him?”

5. An employee calls you for another employee’s home telephone number.

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S E M I N A R N O T E S & A C T I V I T Y G U I D E

When Worst-Case Scenarios Become Real

Direct ApplicationAn employee who was let go without incident a few weeks ago has suddenly appeared at your desk. He is wearing a jacket, although it is a very warm day outside. He appears agitated and upset. He approaches you, and asks you to call his former supervisor and have her meet him in the lobby.

• What should you say to this person?

• Should you call the supervisor and tell her what’s going on, or let security personnel handle it from the start?

An unidentified caller tells you that he has placed a bomb in your building.

• Who should you contact first?

• Should you try to keep the caller on the line?

• Ask him where the bomb is?

• Are you familiar with the evacuation procedures for your building in this special circumstance?

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S E M I N A R N O T E S & A C T I V I T Y G U I D E

Security Measures to Increase Workplace Safety

Direct ApplicationTornadoes are fairly rare in your part of the country, but three different employees coming back from lunch have all said they saw a funnel cloud getting closer to your building.

1. What is your emergency procedure for this type of situation?

2. Where should employees gather?

3. How should you handle or communicate the problem without panicking employees unnecessarily?

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S E M I N A R N O T E S & A C T I V I T Y G U I D E

Observation Checklist

FBI Observation Checklist



Caucasian African American

Hispanic Asian

Other _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Height: __________________________________________________

Weight: __________________________________________________

Estimated age: ________________________________________

Build: _____________________________________________________

Posture: _________________________________________________

Distinguishing features or mannerisms:

Eye color: _______________________________________________

Eyeglasses? Y N

Sun glasses? Y N

Eyes alert? Y N

Eyes droopy? Y N

Eyes normal? Y N

Complexion: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tattoos? Y N Location: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Scars/other marks? Y N Location: ______________________________________________________________________________

Body piercings? Y N Location: __________________________________________________________________________________

Jewelry? Y N __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Weapon? Y N _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Hair color: ____________________________________________

Haircut style: ________________________________________

Mustache? Y N

Beard? Y N

Sideburns? Y N

Circle those that apply and describe:

Shirt Tie

Suit or blazer Jacket or coat

Shoes Pants, trousers, shorts

Describe: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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