Future of Voice & WebRTC - Implications & Opportunities for telcos (service providers)



Overview presentation on the challenges for telecom operators (telcos, carriers) in voice & messaging services. Examines general trends in evolution of Future of Voice, including fall-off of demand for basic services. Examines the impact & opportunities from a new technology WebRTC in accelerating this, and the ways that telcos can structure their thoughts & strategies. Disruptive Analysis is doing continual work & advising various companies in this area. [Note: this is not an intro to WebRTC technology itself & assumes existing knowledge]

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WebRTC – Implications & Opportunities for Telcos

Dean Bubley, Disruptive Analysis

adapted from presentation at WebRTC Expo SF, Nov 2012

information@disruptive-analysis.com @disruptivedean

Contact information@disruptive-analysis.com for information on workshops & consulting

projects about WebRTC & Future of Voice. Watch for upcoming reports & subscribe to the

Disruptive Wireless blog http://disruptivewireless.blogspot.co.uk/p/subscribe-via-email.html


This is adapted from a Nov 29th 2012 presentation by Dean

Bubley at the WebRTC Expo & Conference in San Francisco

It assumes a working knowledge of what WebRTC technology is,

and how it works.

If you are looking for a WebRTC introduction, check out: www.webrtcworld.com/ http://bit.ly/xUfKud http://amzn.to/TS7Adp

This presentation focuses on issues for telecom operators

To understand WebRTC implications, it is necessary to first have

a good idea of what is happening to voice comms anyway

More WebRTC detail & analysis is available from Disruptive

Analysis’ consulting services, research reports, workshops & blog

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

About Disruptive Analysis

London-based analyst house & strategic consulting firm

Cross-silo, contrarian, visionary, independent

Advisor to MNOs, vendors, regulators & investors

Focus on 3G, 4G, operator strategies, VoIP, OTT, disruption

Published report on “Telco-OTT Strategies”, Feb 2012

Workshops on Future of Voice & #TelcoOTT With Martin Geddes Consulting (credited for various slides here)

Next events in London & US in H1’13 (futureofvoice.com)

Twitter @disruptivedean .

Blog: disruptivewireless.blogspot.com

To understand the impact of WebRTC on telcos, it is first important to understand their

current marketplace & trends. WebRTC is then a catalyst & accelerant

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

It’s all looking pretty grim anyway

Voice & SMS saturation & cannibalisation

Regulation & competitive impacts

Weak content & VAS propositions

Economic pressures

Ecosystem competition

Connecting the last unconnected

Smartphones & data growth

Better segmentation, pricing & promotion

Innovative services & enablers

Embracing & exploiting fragmentation

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Basic services’ demand & pricing is falling

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“It’s all those nasty OTTs’ fault!!”

STOP looking for a scapegoat

& take responsibility

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Voice ≠ Telephony

• Now: 2G & 3G • Future: Smartphones & LTE





Video, context, sense Video

Gaming, CEBP,

surveillance, social

voice, TV voice etc




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e.g. Telephony


e.g. Skype,



e.g. Zynga IM


We have seen a years-long trend for billable

“services” to drift down to ownable products,

and eventually appear as mere features of

functions of other apps or even device OSs

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

A telephony demand cliff?

It’s not just so-called OTT competitors, it’s apps removing the need for phone calls.

When was the last time you phoned a travel agent? Taxi apps are better than phoning

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Telephony: Catastrophe imminent?

Price & revenue Demand Supply

Core question: Can data services offset the decline of voice & messaging?

Uncomfortable answer: probably not, based on recent evidence

Disruption and innovation are both inevitable

& essential, irrespective of WebRTC

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

Voice & messaging go in-context

Telephony and messaging is increasingly done “in-context” or

“in-app”. But in many cases, telco APIs don’t offer the right

“raw ingredients” or business model.

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Peak telephony & SMS is here

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Mobile core services revenue,

indicative W Europe

BASELINE, ie excluding WebRTC Total c40% fall

from peak

Mobile telephony

SMS & today’s

mobile data services

Telephony c80%

fall from peak

Even without WebRTC, serious revenue falls are expected in basic telco services.

Given that telephony is >100 years old, it is now looking an old & creaky product

Source: Disruptive Analysis, Telco 2.0 Analysis

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

Personalisation is done by people

Mobile calls




Mobile calls



99% of personal

comms for all

use cases

Lowest common

denominator just

when needed



perfect fit for

specific use



“Ubiquitous” & standardised interoperable telco services will increasingly be used only

as lowest-common denominators, when no better app/service is available for a given

instance of communication. Everyone will curate their own service portfolio.

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

Fragmentation is valuable

Convergence & standards

Fragmentation & innovation

… new standardised services are neither necessary, nor sufficient.

They are irrelevant at best, and actively damaging at worst.

It will fragment “because it

can”. Consumer need for

ubiquity is over-rated

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

Device diversity = OTT inevitable












1 2 3 4 5 6

# connected devices owned

Probability of all of a user’s Internet / messaging devices being on a single telco’s network

Free 3rd party WiFi

Shared data plans only a

partial response

Users will want same apps & service ID on every device – but will inevitably have

multiple telcos. This means that OTT-style services will be mandatory

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Telcos already exploiting Internet

Owned & operated by mobile operators

Usable by anyone, not just subscribers

Via apps & public Internet

Telco-OTT Services

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OTT-style services offer the only hope for continued

telco services growth & increased relevance

Harsh truth: Telco-OTT mandatory

• Telephony & SMS prices have peaked

• Telephony & SMS demand has peaked

• APIs, HD, Video, Bundles only delay the inevitable

• Need for new voice-based services beyond “calls”

• Too fast-evolving for new “federated” services

• Too uncertain / innovation-driven for standards

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Over 100 identified

Telco-OTT products in the


Telco-OTT: more than just VoIP/RTC

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

Biz models may not be obvious

…. Carriers need to move away

from the obsession with

“subscriptions” with


Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

WebRTC: game-changer & threat

The future?

Microsoft CU-RTC-WEB ???? In the crossfire

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WebRTC is a magnifier & catalyst


With WebRTC

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My enemy’s enemy is my friend…. ???

“WebRTC will hurt OTTs more than Telcos!”

… & create new, better, more disruptive OTT players.


Actually, my enemy’s enemy is probably even nastier & uglier than the

current bunch. Anything that damages Skype is bad news for telcos too

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

Telco involvement with WebRTC

AT&T most visible

Participant in standards, eg proposing push for notifications

Developer-centric approach

Telefonica likely a major player

TokBox acquisition

Firefox OS advocacy

TUMe & other TefDig products

DT & FT at recent events

FT on W3C WG

Vodafone, Telecom Italia, SKT, Smart, China Unicom also on WG

Increasing anecdotal evidence from client interest

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

Multiple constituencies involved

Telco WebRTC interest

VoLTE & Telco-OTT teams

curious/worried by WebRTC

Enterprise VoIP / UC /

conferencing moving to WebRTC

Ground-up interest in

WebRTC (in labs etc)

Apps, developer & HTML5

initiatives adding WebRTC

+ Policy / broadband teams: Can we detect / block / bill for it?

Regulatory: What does this mean, how do we do 911 etc?

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Overlapping universes

Telco services

Pure OTT apps


“Gateway into IMS” Softphones etc

Browser-based Telco-OTT Network & platform APIs

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“Easy options” for Telcos+WebRTC

Charging platform

Legal requirements


Numbers / directories

WiFi access (in theory…)

Network QoS (in theory…)

But does any of this really move the needle?

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

Some myths to avoid for WebRTC

Quality & QoS

Impending quali-pocalypse

Users appear to care less than expected Some high-Q use cases (eg

sales call)

Internet vs. non-Internet

Quality driven by much more than network Eg Coverage (esp for LTE)


“Seamless connection”


Mobile carriers are very

important or in control

The user & operator are the

only stakeholders

A quick diversion to some pet topics of mine:

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

Main WebRTC strategies for SPs

Extend on-net services

Turbocharge Telco-OTT


Sell packaged WebRTC

services to subscriber

Enhance developer platform

Perpetuate legacy models

“Put lipstick on a pig” – eg RCS


relevance… but


Sell genuine “new

stuff” to existing



costs/complexity &

improve reach &


Also: invest / incubate

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

Conclusions: WebRTC & SPs

No definitive answers yet

Makes the threats worse & the opportunities better Battle new OTTs or old ones: result is the same

Extending “reach” for poor services doesn’t help

SPs need to exploit WebRTC to create or resell

Avoid the “federation trap”

Manage diverse internal stakeholders & teams WebRTC will be pervasive across telco “domains”

Be nimble

Contact information@disruptive-analysis.com for information on workshops & consulting

projects about WebRTC & Future of Voice. Watch for upcoming reports & subscribe to the

Disruptive Wireless blog http://disruptivewireless.blogspot.co.uk/p/subscribe-via-email.html

Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012






Copyright Disruptive Analysis Ltd 2012 December 2012

Contact information@disruptive-analysis.com for information on workshops & consulting

projects about WebRTC & Future of Voice. Watch for upcoming reports & subscribe to the

Disruptive Wireless blog http://disruptivewireless.blogspot.co.uk/p/subscribe-via-email.html
