Google Panda 4.2 - Algorithm Refresh | Position2



Google’s latest algorithm update - Google Panda 4.2 has been rolled out with a primary objective to promote quality content and reduce web spam.

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Google Panda 4.2 – Algorithm Refresh© Position2

Ten months have passed since Google’s last Panda update. Now it’s time for a

refresh, again. Here comes Google Panda 4.2 — though, as Google points out, it will

take several months for the complete roll-out.

Here’s a quick Google Panda recap: The first update was announced by Google in

Feb 2011. There have been four in 2015, including Mobilegeddon in April. Google’s

apparent purpose is to promote quality content and reduce web spam. Panda 4.2 is

the 28th iteration of Panda updates, and was announced by Google’s John Mueller

and Gary Illyes on July 18. According to Search Engine Land, 2-3% of search

queries are affected by this refresh, and it may take months to see the results of any

changes. Gary Illyes also confirms on Twitter that the rollout will be on a global

scale:© Position2

What does this mean to websites?

1. Sites that were hit by Panda 4.1 and have since taken remedial

measures now have a chance to regain rankings. Since the rollover

effect is still to be witnessed in detail, many webmasters are not really

feeling the heat.

2. Quality content will continue, in part, to determine SEO and search

ranking. Websites with good quality and original content achieve

greater significance in the eyes of the search giant.

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Our thoughts and recommendations haven’t changed from what we said

about Google Panda 4.1 This new iteration is a refresh. We continue to

recommend that our clients develop unique and original content on their

sites and avoid thin content. Overall content placement should be aimed at

users and should provide quality information in a way that is easy for a user

to understand.