GORZKIE ZALE February 10, 2008 3:00 PM - sij- · PDF fileGORZKIE ZALE February 10—3:00...


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GORZKIE ZALE February 10, 2008

3:00 PM

Page Two First Sunday of Lent February 10, 2008

GORZKIE ZALE February 10—3:00 PM Gorzkie Zale (Bitter Lamentations ) is a Lenten devotional service that grew out of Poland’s unique culture and spirituality. In the late Middle Ages, Passion Plays were popular in Poland as they were in England and in the German states. Then, as now, religious drama is a vivid and effective form of evangelization. Passion Plays and popular hymnody are the provenance of Gorzkie Zale. Gorzkie Zale evolved from the planctus of lament of the Blessed Virgin sung during the Good Friday veneration of the cross. Originally in Latin, the Virgin’s lament was translated into Polish and even regional dialects. Gorzkie Zale skillfully counterpoints the Passion of the Lord and the Sorrows of the Blessed Vir-gin. Fr. Wawrzyniec Stanislaw Benik of the Brotherhood of St. Roch is responsible for compiling and printing the service in 1707. Originally entitled Snopek Mirry (A Bundle of Myrrh), Gorkzie Zale was first celebrated by Fr. Szczepan Wierzkowski at Holy Cross Church Warsaw. Gorzkie Zale has a three-fold structure. Each section has: 1. A meditation—hymn that reflects upon the Passion and Death of the Lord; 2. A lamentation that expresses sorrow for sins; 3. A sympathetic “dialogue” of the soul with the Sorrowful Mother. St. Isaac Jogues Parish will offer a Polish-English Gorzkie Zale on Sunday (February 10) at 3:00 PM Fr. Zdzislaw (Jason) Torba will preside and preach. Soloists and an accompanist from the Lira Ensemble will lead the congregation in hymns and responses. Our adaptation of Gorzkie Zale will include traditional exposition of the Blessed Sacrament .

“BEGINNING AND END”: Made and Re-made in God’s Image In my beginning is my end. In succession Houses Rise and fall, crumble, and are extended Are removed, destroyed, restored, or in their place Is an open field, or a factory, or a by-pass. Old stone to new building, old timber to new fires. Old fire to ashes, and ashes to earth… Bone of man and beast, cornstalk leaf . - East Coker, T.S. Eliot Spring is a season of opposing forces. Life and death hang in the balance. Everywhere there are signs of elemental struggle, beginnings and ends. It is no coincidence that English-speaking Christians call the 40 days of preparation for Christ’s Passover “Lent.” Lent, in its Saxon root, means “Springtime.” As a “journey to new life” and a “spiritual battle-ground,” our 40-day ascent to Easter is well named! Lent invites us to reflect on nature’s springtime: to turn toward God’s light and, forsaking the dark, cold isolation of sin, to come alive! Historically, Lent has had a dual purpose—to prepare converts for initiation and to reconcile sinners through penance. Both sides of Lent stress LIFE IN CHRIST AND RENEWAL FOR GOD”S PEOPLE. The three-fold discipline of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving becomes an effective means of placing ourselves in God’s hands. If we are to be a “New Crea-tion,” we must be reformed. Lent’s transformation begins with sinful humanity. Sin corrupts God’s image into an idol. Through our “surrender” to God’s grace, the idol becomes a holy icon and death is “swallowed up in victory.” Death -

Page Three First Sunday of Lent February 10, 2008

an end—becomes a beginning! Our “surrender” to God is really our victory. Self-denial is an affirmation of God. Penance returns us to the dust of our beginning. Almsgiving is an expression of compassion for the needy. In this compassion that rescues us from the whirl-pool of desire. It dispels the illusion that we are almighty and self-sufficient. Thus, in the discipline of self-denial pen-ance, and alms, we are most clearly in the light. Finding God in the ashes of humility, our destiny rises out of death as a plant rises out of the soil. We become most truly ourselves in Christ. People of good will always ask: “What should I give up for Lent? They expect to hear a “litany” of derelictions and delec-tations. To abandon minor addictions and over indulgence is laudable. But, in truth, what does God want? God wants us to give up one thing for Lent—ourselves! Turning to God is the beginning. Being like God is the end. Our journey through Lent this week takes us from the Gar-den of Paradise to a barren desert. In both places the devil aims to deceive and destroy God’s image. He succeeds with Adam and Eve. He fails with Jesus. St. Anthony of the Desert tells us: “Whoever has not experienced temptation cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” It is only there in the battleground of free will that the “divine image” is fired by fires either divine or demonic. St. Seraphim of Sarov, who, like St. Anthony, dwelt in the wilderness and was tempted, had supreme confidence. It was the Holy Spirit and the sign of the Holy Cross that gave him the courage to claim: “The temptations of the devil are like a cobweb. You only need to blow on it, and it will be destroyed. It is the same with our enemy, the devil . You only need to shield yourself with the sign of the Holy Cross, and all his wiles will vanish completely.” Lent has begun. Never forget the end of the “journey” and the path can lead us home. “Remember that you are dust.” But also remember that you are being formed and reformed into God’s image whenever you place yourself in His hands. - Fr. Luczak

Stewrdship…………………………………… Sunday Collections

Weekly (This Year) 2/3/08— $11,980.35 (Last Year) - $10,276.60 What temptations lure us from the path of discipleship? Possessions? Pride? Power? Oh Lord, create for us a clean heart

and renew a steadfast spirit within us.


LENTEN PARISH MISSION The Lent Parish Mission—“Spirituality: Relating to God in Life, in Love, in Prayer, in Our Identity”-- will be Feb. 17-20 and will focus on spirituality and dif-ferent kinds of spirituality. On Sunday, Feb. 17, at 3:00 p.m. Fr. Bernard Kennedy will speak about Franciscan spirituality. The presentation will be fol-lowed with a pot luck dinner downstairs in the Parish Hall (accessible by elevator) and end with Evening Prayer. Meat and beverages will be provided. RSVP to the RE Office, 847/966-1180, and let us know what salad, side dish or dessert you will bring. Monday-Wednesday the mission sessions will be at 7:00 p.m. in Church. Sr. Kathleen Maloney will talk

about Benedictine spirituality on Monday, Fr. Karl Langsdorf , of the St. Patrick Missionary Society will speak on mission spirituality and Fr. Francis Hoff-man (aka Fr. Rocky of Relevant Radio) will speak about the spirituality of Opus Dei. Prayer will frame each of the presentations and hospitality will follow in the Holy Family Room. Free will donations will be gratefully accepted each evening. Babysitting will be provided those evenings, as well. For those who prefer a day time option, we will meet Monday-Thursday, Feb. 18-21, at 9:30 a.m. in the Holy Family Room to view the previous evening’s presentation on video tape. Hospitality will be pro-vided and free will offerings will be gratefully ac-cepted. All sessions are self-contained so come for one, two, three or all four! Give yourself the gift of time as we journey through Lent and prepare to celebrate the deepest mysteries of our faith. The Spiritual Life Commission looks forward to being with you.

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FROM THE LITURGY BOARD We hope you find the Operation Rice Bowl materials enlightening and helpful. We strongly encourage you to read them each week, pray the Lenten prayer, carry on the suggested actions, cook the recipes and place your alms in the cardboard rice bowl. You may bring your alms each week and place them in the boxes at the doors of the church, or you may bring your ORB envelope with a check made out to St. Isaac Jogues Parish, or cash, for the total amount of your alms and place it in the second col-lection on Palm/Passion Sunday. Please remember that 75% of contributions to Op-eration Rice Bowl go to Catholic Relief Services and help fund programs and projects involving health, agriculture, clean water, education, development of small businesses, etc. The other 25% will be used give grants to support hunger and poverty alleviation efforts in the Archdiocese and other dioceses of the U. S. This week we pray for Felipa Perez and all the peo-ple in Guatemala who are still recovering from Hurri-cane Stan by rebuilding their water systems. In this way clean water comes to villages, health is im-proved and disease prevented.

THIS WEEK’S LENT SCHEDULE, Feb. 10-17 Sunday—Gorzkie Zale (Polish/English Service), 3 p.m., Church Monday—Church open for prayer until 8 p.m. Wednesday—Bible Study, 9:30 a.m., HFR Thursday—Soup Supper and Presentation, 6:30 p.m., Hall; Holy Hour & Benediction, 7 p.m., church Friday—Stations of the Cross, 4:00 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday—Reconciliation 11 a.m. to Noon, Recon-ciliation Room. Weekend—Second Sunday of Lent (please arrive five minutes prior to Mass time) and Parish Mission begins Sunday, 3:00 p.m., Church

DIVINE MERCY On the second Sunday of Easter 2000, Pope John Paul II announced that Sister Faustina Kowalska of the Congregation of Sisters of our Lady of Mercy was to join the rank of SAINTS. Helena Kowalska was born on August 25, 1905 in Glogowiec, Poland. She entered the religious life on August 1, 1925. Her mission to humankind began when she had a vision of Jesus Christ on February 22, 1931. He came with a message of trust in God’s mercy that she was told to spread throughout the world. On the day of her canonization, the Pope formally an-nounced that the Sunday after Easter (Second Sun-day of Easter) would henceforth be known as “Divine Mercy Sunday.” During her lifetime, Faustina was virtually unknown. Only a few of her superiors, her confessor, and spiritual director knew of her vi-sions and revelations. She died of tuberculosis on October 5, 1938. Divine Mercy and the Diary of St. Faustina—Christ told her to keep a journal or diary of her mysti-cal experiences. Christ’s message in His revelations to St. Faustina was that this is a time of mercy. The times we live in, more than any other in history, call for a great outpouring of the mercy of God. Jesus said: I demand from you deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this, nor try to excuse yourself from it…Even the strongest faith is of no avail without works (742)…If a soul does not exercise mercy in some way, it will not obtain My mercy on the day of judgment (1317).

Page Five First Sunday of Lent February 10, 2008

Spiritual Works of Corporal Works of Mercy Mercy Admonish sinners Feed the hungry Instruct the uninformed Give drink to the thirsty Counsel the doubtful Clothe the naked Comfort the sorrowful Shelter the homeless Be patient with those in error Comfort the imprisoned Forgive offenses Visit the sick Pray for the living and the dead Bury the dead This year on the Second Sunday of Easter, March 30th, St. Isaac Jogues Parish will celebrate The Feast of Mercy beginning at the Noon Mass. Exposi-tion of the Most Blessed Sacrament will take place from the end of the Mass until 3 p.m. when the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed. English/Polish confessions will be from 2-3 p.m. All are invited to participate.


Genesis 12:1-4a Psalm 33:4-5, 18-20, 22

II Timothy 1:8b-10 Matthew 17:1-9

ABOUT NEXT WEEK’S READINGS Genesis: “The first 11 chapters of Genesis are re-ferred to as pre-history because they teach truths in parable form. Today we begin the 12th chapter which contains stories with identifiable historical roots. The first of these is the call of Abraham, whose original name was Abram.” II Timothy: “The second letter to Timothy, although probably written some 30 years after Paul’s death, was written in his name. This was an acceptable practice at that time. The author, writing as Paul would write if he were alive, encourages the readers in the face of trials.”


Many thanks to all who made a pledge or contribu-tion to this important appeal which funds many min-istries and good works of the Archdiocese. Pledge reminder envelopes should be coming to your homes in the next several weeks to begin your pay-ments. Remember that once we reach our goal in support of the Archdiocese, the rest of the money comes back to our parish to carry on our ministries and work. If you did not have a chance to make a pledge and would like to do so, please contact the Rectory, 847/967-1060, for assistance.


Feeling lost or alone? A confidential friend is wait-

ing for your call. HOPELINE (847) 823– HOPE

MASS INTENTIONS FOR 2009 The 2009 Mass Book will be opening on Thursday, February 21, 2008. Anyone wishing to reserve Masses for loved ones or special intentions may do so. Please note: we will take only one intention for each liturgy. We suggest a $10.00 stipend for each Mass. According to the Code of Canon Law 948: Separate Masses must be applied for the intentions of those for whom an individual offering, even if small, has been made and accepted. What is normative in the practice of the Church is that there be separate individual Masses of-fered for individual intentions. Therefore, the practice of combining individual intentions on a regular basis has ceased at St. Isaac Jogues Parish.

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there is no cost for the evening, but free will offer-ings will be appreciated. RSVP to the RE Office by Wednesday, Feb. 13th, 847/966-1180, so we have some idea of how much soup to prepare. However, walk-ins are welcome. The other two soup supper and presentation evenings are Feb. 28 with Fr. Ron Kalas (Christian Life—Being in the World not Of the World) and Mar. 6 with Fr. Robert Warsey, OSM (Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows).

EDUCATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS *Confirmation Year II Candidates are reminded that Part II of their Gifts of the Spirit Journal is due next Monday, Feb. 11th. Also that evening the Initiation class will help lead the First Grade classes in a For-giveness Service at 7:30 p.m. in the Holy Family Room. *A brief meeting about the Family Life Unit, which will be covered in April-May with Grs. 5-Confirmation Year II, will be on Monday, Feb. 11th, 6:45-7:15 p.m. in the Holy Family Room. We especially encourage parents/guardians of students new to the RE Pro-gram or if this is your first child in 5th grade to attend. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday morning Bible Study resumes this week at 9:30 a.m. in the Holy Family Room. We are on Lesson Two of the materials for the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians. SPRED The SPRED Team is reminded that our preparation meeting will be at the Church this Wednesday, February 13th, at 7 p.m. in the Holy Family Room. LENT SOUP AND PRESENTATION SERIES This year’s Lent series, “Stories Around the Table” continues this Thursday, February 14, with a soup supper at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall followed by a presentation by our Pastor, Fr. Luczak, about Divine Mercy and the Sacred Heart. The soup supper is a means to remind us of our brothers and sisters who have less than we do and for whom we are partici-pating in Operation Rice Bowl again this year. On this Valentine’s evening come reflect more deeply on the Lord’s great love and divine mercy for all of us.


St Isaac Jogues Men's Club The St. Issac Jogues Men's Club Lenten Mass will be held Thursday Evening February 21 at 7:p.m. in the Church. The service will be pre-sided by Father Andrew Luczak and assisted by Deacon Paul Stanton. After the service, the men will gather in the church hall for a Polish treat by the Lisowski Brothers. All men of the Parish are invited. Come and meet new and old friends. The St. Isaac Jogues Men’s Club annual trip to Horseshoe Casino in Indiana has been changed to April 14. The cost is $10.00 per person. A voucher is included for the Casino deli or cafete-ria. The bus will leave at 6:30 PM sharp and return shortly after 11:00 PM. All parishioners and friends are invited. Come and try your luck. Call Russ Di Pima at 847.792.2783 or any member of the Men’s Club if interested for fur-ther information.

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SNOWFLAKE CARD AND BUNCO PARTY The party scheduled for Tuesday, January 29 had to be cancelled because of weather. The Bunco Party has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Feb-ruary 12 at 7:00 PM in the Holy Family Room. If you are unable to attend the February 12 Bunco Party, please contact Mary (847.966.9679) for a ticket refund. Tickets are still available for purchase.

Mss. Adela Biernacki

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (Irina) Ziemann

The Women’s Club (Guild 5) will be selling coupon booklets for the Carson Pirie Scott Community Day Sale, Saturday, March 1, 2008. Each booklet includes one $10.00 off coupon to use on a single regular or sale price merchandise item of $10.00 or more throughout the store. (You’re getting paid back twice the amount of your $5.00 donation!) Plus eight merchandise coupons to save on items throughout the store. 100% of the $5.00 coupon booklet price for each one sold is ours to keep! We appreciate your support. Books will be sold in Church February 23 and 24 after all the Masses. Books can be used at all Carson’s stores on Friday, February 29 and March 1. Any further questions, call Geri Johnson (847.724.3543)

Nathan Alakai Sanchez, son of Brian Sanchez and Nivanh Bouthsy

Nicholas Tyler Burns, son of Tim Burns and Terri Remsik


February: American Heart Month New Exercise Guidelines – Part 1

We’ve long known that regular physical activity does a body good. It “reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease,…stroke, hyperten-sion, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, colon cancer, breast cancer, anxiety & depression.” (1) Last August, the American Heart Association (AHA) & American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) issued updated guidelines for physical activity. This version clarifies those set previously in1995 & reflects knowledge gained in ensuing years. Important goal statements include: “To promote and maintain health, all healthy adults aged 18-65 years need moderate-intensity aerobic (endurance) physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes on 5 days each week or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activ-ity for a minimum of 20 minutes on 3 days each week.” (32) “In addition to aerobic , every adult should perform activities, that

Page Eight First Sunday of Lent February 10, 2008

that maintain or increase muscular strength and endurance a minimum of two days each week to promote and maintain good health and physical independence.” (33) What do they mean? • Physical activity /aerobic—“continuous rhythmic movements of large muscle groups that can be sustained for a period of

time.” (32) The action raises heart & breathing rates & “trains the heart, lungs and muscles to utilize oxygen more effi-ciently.” (32) It might be thought of as “endurance” exercise “because it increases one’s energy and capacity for work.” (32) Ex: “brisk walking, biking and jogging.” (32)

• Moderate-intensity aerobic activity – such effort steps up heart & breathing rates, but still allows a person to “carry on a conver-sation.” This exercise is “generally equivalent to walking at 3-4 miles per hour on a flat surface.” (32) Aerobic ADL (activities of daily living) like “washing windows, sweeping floors and golf (walking and pulling cart)” “meet moderate-intensity lev-els.” (32)

• Vigorous-intensity physical activity – “produces rapid breathing and a substantial increase in heart rate.” (32) Ex: “very brisk walking (4.5 mph), jogging (5 mph), and running (7 mph)” (33) & “biking at 12-14mph, cross country skiing, and singles ten-nis…hiking steep grades, shoveling sand, and bailing hay.” (33)

• Muscle-strengthening exercise/ resistance training – “performance of muscle contractions against a resistance greater than that to which the muscle is accustomed.” (33) Potential benefits: “an increase in bone formation in young adults, slower bone loss in middle age, and lower risk of osteopenia, osteoporosis and bone fracture,” a positive impact on “glucose uptake and insulin sen-sitivity,” weight control, and risks for “dyslipidemia and high blood pressure.” (33) Ex: “weight machines and free weights,” “dumbbells/ wrist weights,” “exercise tubes/ bands” & “calisthenics.” (34) Next week: “Mixing It Up” & Muscle-Strengthening Activity I hope you have a good week! Pat Kellen, RN, Parish Nurse

Search Your Heart… This Weekend!

The Search Your Heart… Team will be in Room 6 Sunday, February 10 from 8:30AM to 1:30PM to offer free blood pressure checks. In recognition of American Heart Month, do your heart & health good. Stop by & see how you “measure up!

Project Body & Soul Wellness Screening Health Maintenance Institute (HMI) returns to St. Isaac Jogues Saturday, March 8 to offer general wellness & disease-specific laboratory screening tests at considerable out-of-pocket savings. All participants will receive the basic blood screening (lipid/ chem-istry profile & complete blood count – a total of 27 measurements) for $38. Also available, at participant’s request & for additional cost, are PSA (prostate screening blood test) for $38, Thyroid Profile (blood tests for thyroid function – recommended for those with family history of thyroid disease as well as women aged 45+ years) for $40, C-Reactive Protein (Cardio CRP – blood screen-ing test for hardening of the arteries) for $40, and ColoCare (colon cancer stool smear test done at home) for $6. Appointments for the basic blood screening & additional tests will be taken in sequential order, every 5 minutes, beginning with 8AM appointment on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 from 8:30AM to 1:30PM and SATURDAY, MARCH 1 from 4:00 to5:30PM in the Holy Family Room. We must guarantee a minimum of 25 appointments or HMI will be forced to cancel. For further information, please contact Pat Kellen, SIJ/ Advocate Health Care Parish Nurse, at 847-967-1094.

Labyrinth Walk – A Journey for the Soul The Ministry of Care invites all parishioners, family members & friends to the Holy Family Room Friday, Feb. 29, 2008 between 8:30AM & 6:00PM & Saturday, March 1 from 8:30AM to 3:00PM to walk a labyrinth. This painted canvas path is a replica of the design found on the floor of Chartres Cathedral. This & other labyrinths of the time were used by Catholics unable to make a pil-grimage to the Holy Land. Walking the labyrinth symbolized their spiritual journey to Jerusalem. Modern pilgrims traverse such paths to pray, meditate, find release, discover answers, or reconnect with God. It offers an occasion for one to slow down & move to a deeper place within. Guides will be on hand to start you on the path. Coverings will be available for those who need to walk in shoes. Only stocking feet or protected shoes will be allowed on the canvas. Discover a spiritual tool that can enhance your Lenten journey. Come spend time in movement & prayer.

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Sunday, February 10 7:30 am For The Living & Deceased Members Of St. Isaac Jogues & Their Families; Mary Splinter 9:00 am Thomas McNally 10:30 am Howard & Kathleen Krick 12:00 pm Carlo P. Achas Monday, February 11 8:00 am Purgatorial Society; Peggy Comis Tuesday, February 12 8:00 am Ryan & Ray Families Wednesday, February 13 8:00 am Consuelo S. Sitjar Thursday, February 14 8:00 am Stephen J. Lis Friday, February 15 8:00 am Margaret O’Keefe Saturday, February 16 8:00 am Communio Service—No Intentions 5:00 pm Rich Chmielewski Sunday, February 17 7:30 am Anthony J. Angello 9:00 am For The Living & Deceased Members Of St. Isaac Jogues & Their Families; Natalie Ainsworth 10:30 am Fernando Bonto, Sr. 12:00 pm Dan Sullivan


Fr. McGlynn

Liturgies next weekend February 16—17


5:00 pm Fr. Luczak/Deacon Sia 7:30 am Fr. Stagaman/Deacon Sia 9:00 am Fr. Kennedy/Deacon Stanton 10:30 am Fr. McGlynn/Deacon Ranola 12:00 pm Fr. Kalas/Deacon Ranola

Altar Servers

5:00 pm Joana Hidalgo, John Hidalgo, Sandra Kietlinska 7:30 am Alexandria Winans, Olivia Ellsworth, Sabin Thomas 9:00 am Jessica Joseph, Jennifer Joseph, Elizabeth Stanton 10:30 am Edrienne Yap, Alexander Kniazuk, Matthew Kniazuk 12:00 pm David Perez, Nilakshi Fernando, Aisha Fernando

Sacristy Committee Diana Korman, Kathy Zacharia

Relatives & Friends

Please remember the sick and hospitalized: Glori Anderson, Bob Arns, Lisa Danielle, Margaret Dietz,

Steve Farago, Philip Godfrey, Fr. Bernard Kennedy, Lawrence Kotwica, Mark Koz, Maria Ladd,

Megan Lawler, Jeffrey McCarthy, Lillian McCloud, Bob Meyers, Marilyn Michaels, Dana Michelle,

Tammy Heffernan Propst, Tony Romito, Joseph Sclafani, Paul Sitkowski, Pat Terzakis, Esther Turner, Joseph Vasile, Chuck Watson,

Joe Wleklinski, Mary Zimniewicz, Megan Zimniewicz Upshaw

Also please pray for the faithful departed:

Arthur Sitkowski, Spouse of Emily Helen Wilson, Spouse of Donald

Page Ten First Sunday of Lent February 10, 2008

“The Lord, your God, shall you worship

And Him alone shall you serve.”

- Matthew 4:10

Page Eleven First Sunday of Lent February 10, 2008

PASTOR: Rev. Andrew Luczak PASTORAL STAFF: Mr. Bob Kerls, Parish Business Administrator Mrs. Dolores Stanton,Director of Religious Education Mrs. Patricia Kellen, Parish Nurse Mrs. Lisa Hall, Music Director DEACON COMMUNITY: Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. O’Keefe Mr. Rod Ranola Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Stanton WEEKEND LITURGY PRESIDERS: Rev. Ron Kalas Rev. Larry Janowski, O.F.M. Rev. Bernard Kennedy, O.F.M. Rev. Philip McGlynn, O.S.M. Eucharistic Celebrations: Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, & 12:00 Noon Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday, 11:00 - 12:00 Noon or anytime by request.

Sacrament of Matrimony: Must be registered for six months prior to setting the wedding date with an addi-tional six months for necessary preparation. Note: The following wedding times can be scheduled: Friday at 5:00 p.m.; Saturday at 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.; Sunday at 3:00 p.m. (Ceremony only) Sacrament of Baptism: Second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. Baptism Preparation Session must be completed before Baptism. Contact the Parish Office as soon as possible for details. Parish Office Website: http://sij-parish.com E-mail: office@sij-parish.com 8149 Golf Road, Niles, IL. 60714. . . . . . . 967-1060 Mrs. Janet Piovosi (Parish Secretary) Mrs. Emilie Casacchia (Data Processor) Mrs. Marlene Garber (Data Processor) Mrs. Jane Piper (Bulletin Editor) Religious Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1180 Staff Secretary Parish Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967-1094 Music Ministry. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967-1091 Parish Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-1091 Ministry Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6911 Parish School: St. John Brebeuf School. . . . . . . . . 966-3266 Principal: Mrs. Margaret Whitman

ADDING NAMES TO THE PARISH SICK LIST It has always been the policy of St. Isaac Jogues to offer our parish community an opportunity to pray for those parish-ioners who are ill and in need of our prayers. We have tried to keep close track of these names for our Bulletin as they are made available to us. However, now we face an important privacy issue, very much like the issues faced by hospitals, health institutions, and certainly by other parishes. We cannot (by law) publicly let our parish community know the health status of any of our members without their permission. We appreciate the fact that often friends, neighbors, and acquaintances wish to do something special for a person who is ill, and ask to place their name on the list to be prayed for. While their intentions are surely good, we simply can no longer accept names in this manner. We will institute a new process regarding calling in names for the Bulletin list. Names for the sick list placed in the Bulletin have to be called in by the person who is ill, or by a member of their family. At the time they call in the name, they will be asked whether they are the sick person him/ herself, or a member of their family, and if they give permission for the name to be placed on the list. They will be asked for the cor-rect spelling of the sick person's name. If a family member, they will be required to give their name for our records. Thank you for your patience regarding this new process. We wish to do all we can to offer our parish community the opportunity to offer prayers for those who are ill — but we must also be cognizant of the fact that all members of our con-gregation are entitled to their privacy in this regard.

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS ST. ISAAC JOGUES #512032 8149 Golf Road Niles, IL 60714 TELEPHONE 847 967-1060 CONTACT PERSON Janet/Jane SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER Canon iR 3035 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 12 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION February 10, 2008 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
