Gray Wolf Research Paper


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General Knowledge:

The Gray Wolf is a usually about 5 feet long, and weighs anywhere from 55-130 pounds. It’s average lifespan is anywhere from 7-8 years. It’s diet consists of mostly large prey like: Elk, Caribou, Deer, and Moose. Sometimes it will revert to small prey like Rabbits or Beavers, if hat is all that is available. In Dire circumstances the Gray Wolf will scavenge animals that have died of disease or age.


The Gray Wolf population consists of 1,000,000 Worldwide, 700,000 of which live in Alaska. This may seem like a large number, but in reality this is a dwindling population. The reason the Gray Wolf is endangered mainly has to do with Human Conflict.

When Gray Wolves try to attack a farmer’s livestock, the end result is usually a dead Gray Wolf. It is also threatened by sport hunters. More specifically, Aerial Sport Hunting.

But, hunting is not the Gray Wolves only threat. Humans are also invading upon Wolf territory. Habitat loss is another main threat to wolves.


Conservation Organizations are working to put a stop to Aerial Hunting. They fear if Aerial Hunting continues then the Gray Wolves will eventually become extinct.

The NWS is also working on building National Parks to help conserve habitat and increase reproduction. We hope that one day the population will become strong enough to support itself in the wild and finally end the threat on Gray Wolves.

How can you help? You may ask. You can start by staying informed on the status of Gray Wolf endangerment. If you want to make more of difference you could donate to the Defenders of Wildlife, or Adopt a Wolf to help give this endangered species a chance to survive.
