GUIDANCE REGARDING PERFORMANCE OF EID PRAYERS AT … · The timing of the Eid prayer/Salat Al-Duha...


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Due to the current lockdown restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic,

public performance of Eid prayers will not be possible. In this situation, would

it be permissible to perform Eid prayers in congregation or individually at

home? Please provide an answer based on the position of the Hanafi School of

Islamic Law.


In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

The Hanafi School of Islamic Law (Fiqh) considers the performance of Eid

prayer to be Waajib (personally obligatory) on the individual. According to

the Hanafi School, Eid prayer is a congregational public prayer which is

treated the same as the Friday/Jumu’a prayer and, as such, all the conditions

of the latter apply to the former – with the exception of the sermon (khutba)

which is a necessary condition for the validity of Jumu’a prayer and a Sunna

(prophetic tradition) in the Eid prayer.

Imam Kasani (may Allah have mercy on him), the great classical Hanafi jurist,

states, “In terms of the conditions for the obligation (wujub) and validity

(jawaz) of the Eid prayer, all the conditions required for the obligation and

validity of the Jumu’a prayer are also required for the Eid prayer. The only

exception is the sermon (khutba), since it is a Sunna after the Eid prayer.

Thus, the Eid prayer will be valid if the khutba is omitted. (Bada’i al-

Sana’i 2/237)

Likewise, Imam Fakhr al-Din Qadhi Khan (may Allah have mercy on him)

states, “The prerequisites required for the [validity of] Eid prayer are the

same prerequisites of the Jumu’a prayer, such as the place being a city or

town, permission from the Muslim ruler (sultan) [in Muslim countries] and

general permission/public access (idhn aam)…” (Fatawa Qadhikhan 1/162)


The Hanafi School’s position is based on the fact that both the Jumu’a and Eid

prayers have been mentioned together as important and formal communal

prayers, where things like it taking place in a city or large town is a

prerequisite – as per some narrations (athar).

Accordingly, in the Hanafi School, there is no makeup (qada) for the Eid

prayer if one missed it at the mosque or musalla. Imam Haskafi (may Allah

have mercy on him) states, “One will not perform the Eid prayer alone if one

misses performing it with the imam [at the mosque or musalla], even if one

invalidates it after commencement.” (Al-Durr al-Mukhtar 3/58).

According to us [the Hanafis] there is no makeup (qada) for the Eid prayer.

The reason is that, as with the Friday/Jumu’a prayer, the specific and unique

manner of performing this prayer is known only through the action of Allah’s

Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him, his family and companions) –

and he (peace and blessings be upon him, his family and companions) never

performed it except with a congregation, like the Jumu’a prayer. As such, it

is necessary to perform the Eid prayer in a manner that the Holy Prophet

(peace and blessings be upon him, his family and companions) performed it.

Secondly, the Eid prayer has specific characteristics and prerequisites that

are difficult to fulfil when making up for it. As such, there is no makeup

(qada) for Eid prayer, just as there is no makeup for the Jumu’a prayer

[rather one will perform Zuhr instead]. (Bada’ al-Sana’i 2/249)

After having established that the conditions for the validity of the Jumu’a

prayer apply also to the Eid prayer in the Hanafi School, two conditions – of

the several stipulated – are of importance in light of the current COVID-19

lockdown. The first is the condition of performing the prayer as part of a

congregation. All the classical Hanafi jurists (fuqaha) are in agreement that

the Jumu’a and Eid prayers can only be performed in congregation. As for the

number, the relied upon position within the school is that there must be four

adult males, including the Imam. (Bada’i al-Sana’i 2/210)


A second, and somewhat controversial, condition within the Hanafi School

in relation to the Jumu’a prayer – and by extension the Eid prayer – is that

general permission and access (idhn aam) is granted for Muslims to join the

prayer. Imam Kasani (may Allah have mercy on him) mentions that this

condition is implied through the verse of the Quran, “O you who believe, when

the call for prayer is proclaimed on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah,

and leave trade.” (62:9) He explains that Allah Most High prescribed

“proclaiming/calling out” for the Jumu’a prayer, and this “calling out” is for

publicising, so that everyone – without exception – is granted permission to

attend the prayer. (Bada’i al-Sana’i 2/213)

Having said the above, certain contemporary Hanafi scholars interpret the

condition of “public access” in a somewhat different manner. According to

their view, it is permitted to perform the Eid prayer in private homes, as part

of a congregation (minimum of 4 adult males, including the Imam). It is a

condition of Eid prayer that is must be performed in a congregation,

therefore the Eid prayer cannot be performed, individually, at home.

As Muslims we have been fasting throughout the whole month of Ramadhan

and we no doubt wish to end it with Eid prayers, at the Masjid, so that we

can worship and express gratitude to Allah, however we are unable to do so.

Therefore, in light of the difference of opinion on the issue and the

unprecedented circumstances in which we find ourselves, which are beyond

our control, we may perform the Eid prayer, at home, in Jama’ah

congregation (minimum of 4 adult males, including the Imam). However,

there is no requirement for the Eid khutba as that is not a compulsory part

of Eid prayer.

For those who are unable to perform Eid prayer, in jama’ah congregation, at

home, with other family members (minimum of 4 adult males, including the

Imam) they should alternatively perform four rak’aat supererogatory (nafl)

prayers at home individually – similar to the mid-morning prayer (Salat Al-

Duha), i.e. without any extra Takbirat. This was related from the Companion

Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him). It is not a

necessary prayer, but rather, recommended as an alternative to Eid prayer

and a good way of earning reward and expressing thankfulness to Allah Most


High for granting one the ability to fast and worship during Ramadan. (Radd

al-Muhtar 2/175 and Bada’i al-Sana’i 2/249)

It was related from the Companion Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may

Allah be pleased with him) - “whoever has missed the Eid prayer should pray

4 Raka’ats of Salah, reciting Surah A’alaa in the first Raka’at, Surah Al Shams

in the second Raka’at, Surah Al Layl in the third Raka’at and Surah Al Dhuha,

in the fourth Raka’at. These Surahs are recommended to be recited in the

four Raka’aat, however, those who have not memorised them can also recite

from any part of the Holy Quran.

The four rak’at supererogatory (nafl) prayers are to be prayed individually

as in the Hanafi school it is neither recommended nor a Sunnah to perform

supererogatory (nafl) prayers in congregation. However, some jurists

mention that it would be permitted, to perform supererogatory prayers in

congregation if it is done, only on the rare occasion and in small

congregations not involving inviting large numbers of people to the prayer.

(Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar 2/500)

The timing of the Eid prayer/Salat Al-Duha is from 20 minutes after sunrise

until the sun is at its zenith, as per the stipulation of the Shariah (Nisf un

Nahaar Shar’i).

The Method of Performing Eid Prayer

The method of performing the Eid prayer, in congregation, is as follows:

1. Make the niyyah (intention) of 2 Raka’ats Waajib of Eid-ul-Fitr

2. Raise the hands to the ears and say Allahu Akbar (Takbeer e


3. Read the Thana (subhaana kallaahumma…)

4. Then raise both hands to the ears, say Allahu Akbar and release the



5. Then for the second time raise both hands to the ears, say Allahu

Akbar and release the hands.

6. Then for the third time raise both hands to the ears, say Allahu Akbar

and tie the hands below the navel.

7. The Imam should recite A’oozu (The Ta’awwuz) and the Bismillah

(Tasmiyah) softly after which he should recite loudly the Surah Fatiha

(Alhamdu…) and a Surah (It is Sunnah to recite Surah A’ala).

8. Then perform the Ruku and complete that Raka’at as normal.

9. In the second Raka’at the Imam should recite loudly the Surah Fatiha

(Alhamdu…) and a Surah (It is Sunnah to recite Surah Al Ghaashi’ah).

10. He should then raise both hands to the ears, say Allahu Akbar and

release the hands (don’t tie the hands). This should be done thrice.

11. He should then say Allahu Akbar, for the fourth time, (without raising

the hands) and go into Ruku. Then complete the salah, as per usual.

There are six additional Takbeers (Allahu Akbar) in the prayer of Eid. Three

Takbeers before the Qira’at (recitation of the Quran), in the first Raka’at

and three Takbeers in the second Raka’at, after the Qira’at and before

the Takbeer of Ruku. The hands will be raised in all six Takbeers and between

every Takbeer there should be a short pause equal to the duration of 3


If the Imam makes an error in the performance of the Eid prayer, it is not

necessary to perform the Sujood Al Sahw (prostrations of forgetfulness), as

it is not a regular prayer.

When performing the Eid prayer at home or elsewhere, if the Imam wishes

to deliver the Eid Khutbah, after the Eid prayer but he does not know the Eid

Khutbah, it is sufficient for him to recite the invocation of Alhamudu lillaahi

rabbil aalameen and any Durood shareef, at the minimum. Delivering the Eid

khutbah after the Eid salah is Sunnah therefore even if it isn’t delivered the

Eid prayer is still valid.

A sermon/lecture and the Eid Khutbah will be delivered live at the Jamia

Masjid Ghousia which can be viewed online at or

listened to by tuning into the Masjid radio frequency, for those that have the


Masjid radio receiver at home. Those performing Eid prayer, in congregation,

at home, are advised to perform the Eid prayer Jamaa’ah first and then

listen to the Eid Khutbah online or via the Masjid radio.

The Method of Performing 4 Raka’aat Salah Al Duha (Nafl)


If one is unable to perform Eid prayer, in congregation (minimum of 4 adult

males including the Imam), then one should perform four Raka’aat Salah Al

Duha supererogatory (nafl) prayer, at home, individually or in congregation.

The method of four Raka’aat Salah Al Duha supererogatory (nafl) prayer is

as follows:

1. Make the niyyah (intention) of 4 Raka’aats Nafl of Duha (mid-morning)


2. Raise the hands to the ears and say Allahu Akbar (Takbeer e


3. Read the Thana (subhaana kallaahumma…).

4. Then recite A’oozu… (Ta’awwuz) and Bismillah… (Tasmiyah) then

recite Surah Fatiha (Alhamdu…) and a Surah (It is preferable to recite

Surah A’ala).

5. Then perform the Ruku and complete the Raka’at as normal.

6. In the second Raka’at one should recite Surah Fatiha (Alhamdu…) and

a Surah (It is preferable to recite Surah Shams) and complete the

Raka’at as normal.

7. After Sujood (two prostrations) one must sit in Qa’da-e-Ula (sitting for

first tashahhud) and then stand up for the third Raka’at.

8. In the third Raka’at one should recite Surah Fatiha (Alhamdu…) and a

Surah (It is preferable to recite Surah Layl). Then perform Ruku and

complete that Raka’at, as normal.

9. In the fourth Raka’at one should recite Surah Fatiha (Alhamdu…) and

a Surah (It is preferable to recite Surah Dhuha) and complete the

Raka’at, as normal.

10. After Sujood (two prostrations) one must sit in Qa’da-e-Aakhira (sitting

for final tashahhud) and complete the Salah, as per usual.


Allah knows best that which is correct. (Allahu A’lamu Bi thawaab).

Researched and compiled by Hafiz Ghulam Haider Ali Qadri Verified and approved by Allama Sayyid Ishtiaq Hussain Shah Gillani

Waltham Forest Islamic Association Jamia Masjid Ghousia, London
