Hitachi Streaming Data Platform 3.0.0-01 Release Notes · PDF filequery group is starting, ......


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© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 1

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform

3.0.0-01 Release Notes


Contents .................................................................................................... 1

About this document.................................................................................... 1

Intended audience ....................................................................................... 1

Getting help ............................................................................................... 1

About this release ....................................................................................... 2

Product package contents............................................................................. 2

New features and important enhancements .................................................... 2

System requirements................................................................................... 2

Resolved problems ...................................................................................... 4

Known problems ......................................................................................... 6

Installation precautions ................................................................................ 7

Usage precautions ....................................................................................... 8

Documentation ........................................................................................... 9

Abbreviations ........................................................................................... 46

Copyrights and licenses ............................................................................. 46

About this document

This document (RN-93HSDP005, May 2016) provides late-breaking information

about Hitachi Streaming Data Platform 3.0.0-01. It includes information that was

not available at the time the technical documentation for this product was

published, as well as a list of known problems and solutions.

Intended audience

This document is intended for customers and Hitachi Data Systems partners who

license and use Hitachi Streaming Data Platform.

Getting help

Hitachi Data Systems Support Connect is the destination for technical support of

products and solutions sold by Hitachi Data Systems. To contact technical

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RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

support, log on to Hitachi Data Systems Support Connect for contact information:

Hitachi Data Systems Community is a global online community for HDS

customers, partners, independent software vendors, employees, and prospects.

It is the destination to get answers, discover insights, and make connections.

Join the conversation today! Go to, register, and

complete your profile.

About this release

This release resolves multiple known problems.

Product package contents

For information about the documentation that is provided with this release,

please see the “Available documents” table in the Documentation section of this


Medium DVD-ROM Revision Release Type

Software Hitachi Streaming Data Platform 3.0.0-01 Full Package

New features and important enhancements


System requirements

Operating system requirements

Usable OSs (Linux):

OS (*) Version Architecture

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform

6.5 EM64T


6.6 EM64T


7.1 EM64T


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 EM64T

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 3

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)


11 SP3 EM64T


12 EM64T


(*) Also runs under Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) on the same OS and


Virtualization software (Linux):

Virtualization Software

OS Version Update Architecture

VMware vSphere® ESXi™ 5.1 1 EM64T


5.5 1 EM64T


6.0 None EM64T


Prerequisite programs

Programs Required in the Same Machine

Before using this product, install the following packages in Red Hat Linux.

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 or later (64-bit x86_64):

gdb (x86_64)

glibc (i686)

glibc (x86_64)

glibc-common (x86_64)

glibc-devel (i686)

glibc-devel (x86_64)

glibc-headers (x86_64)

glibc-utils (x86_64)

libgcc (i686)

libstdc++ (i686)

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RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

ncompress (x86_64)

nscd (x86_64)

openmotif (x86_64)

tar (x86_64)

To use SNMP Traps, install the following packages in Red Hat Linux:




Programs Required in the System

For using the RTView custom data adapter, a version of RTView from to is required on the same host as the RTView custom data adapter.

Memory and disk space requirements

Disk Space Requirements

1,024 MB

Memory Requirements

Using a SDP server:

Recommended memory: 1,024 MB

Required memory: 1,024 MB

Using the SDP broker:

Recommended memory: 256 MB

Required memory: 256 MB

Using the SDP manager:

Recommended memory: 256 MB

Required memory: 256 MB

Using the SDP coordinator:

Recommended memory: 512 MB

Required memory: 512 MB

Resolved problems

The following problems have been corrected:

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 5

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

In the following cases, operation is not guaranteed:

true is specified for the hsdp_restart property in the SDP manager

definition file.

The default value of the hsdp_restart_watch_time property in the SDP

manager definition file is changed.

The default value of the hsdp_retry_interval property in the SDP

manager definition file is changed.

If you executed the hsdpcql command with the -thread option with the

option argument of at least 2, and then started the external adaptor while the

query group is starting, the external adaptor does not send data to some

query groups.

The hsdpcdaset command cannot be executed when both the -host and -

port options are omitted.

If one cascading adaptor is connected to the same input stream and query

group of multiple working directories on the same host or if multiple

cascading adaptors are connected to the same input stream, the

hsdpstatusshow command outputs one of the following sets of items:

destination server cluster name

destination host name

destination adaptor name

destination query group name

destination stream name

adaptor connection status

Response from the hsdpcqlstart and hsdpcqlstop commands is delayed in a

scale-up configuration.

If the hsdpsetup command is executed with the -host option and with the

host name or IP address of a non-local host as the option argument, then the

hsdpstatusshow command outputs the operation information of the SDP

server on another host.

If the cascading adaptor receives a character string constant as the analysis

result from the stream data processing engine, the cascading adaptor sends

an empty string to the external output adaptor instead of the received string.

If an input stream contains one or more CHAR type columns, and the SELECT

clause selects the specified CHAR type column from the input stream, the

column of CHAR type is converted to the VARCHAR type.

From the SDP coordinator, the SDP broker searches for the stream of the

locked query group.

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 6

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

The cascading adaptor does not connect to the SDP broker on the local host

under the following circumstances:

The hsdpsetup command is executed with the -host option and with the

host name or IP address of a non-local host as the option argument, and

the host name or IP address of the SDP broker is omitted in the property in the query group

properties file.

Two output streams are specified in the property in the query group properties file. The host name or

IP address of a SDP broker other than the local host is specified in the first

output stream, and is omitted in the second output stream.

If the hsdpsetup command is executed with the -host option and with the

host name or IP address of a non-local host as the option argument, the

hsdpstatusshow command outputs the KFHD92110-E message with an

incorrect host name or IP address of the SDP broker when it fails due to a

communication error with the SDP broker.

When one of the following statistical functions is called in a query, the

function inputs one or more tuples, and the number of the tuples that are

being processed by the function temporarily becomes zero, an error occurs in

the query group and the query group is locked up:








Known problems

Restriction on this release

(1) In the following cases, operation is not guaranteed:

An invalid value is specified for a property in the following files:

Query group property file

SDP manager definition file

External adaptor definition file

Multiple internal adaptors open the same output stream.

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 7

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

Multiple external adaptors open the same output stream.

An external adaptor opens one output stream through multiple registered


An HSDP file is named by using invalid characters.

Installation precautions


(1) Log on to the installation-target machine as a root user.

(2) Insert the installation medium.

If it is not mounted automatically, mount the directory manually.

(3) Change to the directory where the HSDP installer is placed:

# cd <CD-ROM-mount-directory>/HSDP/

(4) Execute the following command:




When the installation is complete, HSDP is installed in the following directory:




(1) All SDP servers must be stopped.

Run the hsdpstatusshow command with no option specified, and then verify that

the SDP servers in all working directories have stopped.

(2) The SDP manager must be stopped.

Run the hsdpstatusshow command with no option specified, and then verify that

the SDP manager has stopped.


(1) Log on to the target machine where you want to uninstall the software as a

root user.

(2) Execute the following command:

# /opt/hitachi/hsdp/uninstall/

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 8

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)


Move to a directory other than /opt/hitachi/hsdp/ before executing the above


Port numbers

Port numbers always used

HSDP Port number

Specify 8 ports beginning from the base port number as the -port argument of

the hsdpsetup command.

Port numbers conditionally used

To use the dashboard output connector:

Dashboard output connector port number

Specify the dashboardPortNo attribute of either

InprocessGroupDefinition tag


RMIGroupDefinition tag

in the adaptor composition definition file, or 20421 by default.

Usage precautions

Notes on the virtualization platform environment

This product design was based on a standard environment (an OS environment

on an actual machine). In a virtualization platform environment, this product may

behave differently from a standard environment due to the effect of virtualization

on hardware resources, deteriorating performance caused by shared I/O, or other

causes. Use this product after you have accepted the following conditions for use:

Usage conditions

This product has been verified to ensure that it operates without error. However,

performance deterioration can occur. In addition, functions such as those to

obtain CPU times might be adversely affected. For this reason, in order to use

this product in a virtualization platform environment, you must conduct a full

operation evaluation and performance verification of the system. Perform these

checks after the system has been built, and confirm that it uses the appropriate

hardware, virtualization software, guest OS, this product, and applications.

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 9

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)


Available documents

Document name Document number

Issue date

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Setup and Configuration Guide

MK-93HSDP000 March, 2016

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages MK-93HSDP002

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Product Overview MK-93HSDP003

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Getting Started Guide MK-93HSDP006

Documentation errata



Chapter 3, Integration testing, Procedure 1

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Setup and Configuration Guide



[Text before change]

If you use distributed data processing for the stream data across multiple

SDP servers, then you need to start the SDP servers in the order that the

analysis results are output.

[Text after change]

If you use distributed data processing for the stream data across multiple

SDP servers, you need to start the SDP servers in the reverse order to the

order in which the analysis results are output.



Chapter 5, hsdpsetup, Arguments

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Setup and Configuration Guide



[Text before change]

-host host-name or IP-address

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 10

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

This specifies the host name or the IP address to be used when an

external adapter or an internal cascading adapter is connected to the stream on the host on which hsdpsetup is executed.

[Text after change]

-host host-name or IP-address

This specifies the host name or the IP address to be used when an

external adapter or an internal cascading adapter is connected to the

stream on the host on which hsdpsetup is executed. Specify the host name

or IP address of the host on which hsdpsetup was executed.



Chapter 5, hsdpstatusshow, Arguments

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Setup and Configuration Guide



[Text before change]


Specify the timeout for this command. You can specify an integer from 0

to 60 (seconds) for the argument for this option. If you specify 0, this

command does not time out. If you omit this option, a timeout of three

seconds is set by default.

[Text after change]


Specify the timeout for this command. You can specify an integer from 0

to 60 (seconds) for the argument for this option. If you specify 0, this

command does not time out. If you omit this option, a timeout of thirty

seconds is set by default.



Chapter 5, hsdpstatusshow, Output format,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Setup and Configuration Guide



[Text before change]

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 11

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)


"ll...ll" :{

"ii...ii" : {

"MANAGER_STATUS" : "aa...aa",



"BROKER_PORT" : "ddddd",





"jj...jj" : {

"" : {

"SETUP_USER" : "kk...kk",

"STATUS" : "nn...nn"

"CQL_ENGINE_PID" : "ooooo" ,


"SERVER_COUNT" : "qqqqqqqqqq",

"QUERY_GROUP_COUNT" : "rrrrrrrrrr",

"STREAM_COUNT" : "ssssssssss",

"QUERY_COUNT" : "tttttttttt",

"ADAPTOR_GROUP_COUNT" : "uuuuuuuuuu",

"STANDARD_ADAPTOR_COUNT" : "vvvvvvvvvv",

"CUSTOM_ADAPTOR_COUNT" : "wwwwwwwwww"


"xx...xx" : {

"STATUS" : "yy...yy",

"MODE" : "zz...zz",


© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 12

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)



"EE...EE" : {












} ,

"QQ...QQ" :{









"11...11" : {

"STATUS" : "22...22",


"INPUT_ADAPTOR_COUNT" : "4444444444" ,

"OUTPUT_ADAPTOR_COUNT" : "5555555555"

"66...66" : {

"STATUS" : "77...77",

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 13

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

"TYPE" : "88...88" ,

"MODE" : "99...99" ,

"STREAM_NAME" : "1010...1010" ,

"QUERY_GROUP_NAME" : "1111...1111" ,

"SEND_COUNT" : "1212...1212" ,

"RECEIVE_COUNT" : "1313...1313" ,

"CONNECTION_PORT" : "1414...1414" ,

"1515...1515" : {

"1616...1616" : {

"1717...1717" : {

"1818...1818" : {

"1919...1919" : {

"CONNECTION_STATUS" : "2020...2020"










"2121...2121" : {

"STATUS" : "2222...2222",

"MODE" : "2323...2323"








© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 14

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

Information category Variable Description




aa…aa SDP manager status

Starting: Being started

Running: Running

Stopping: Being stopped

Stopped: Stopped

SDP broker


cc…cc Host name of the SDP broker

connected with the SDP coordinator

ddddd Port number of the SDP broker SDP broker status

Starting: Being started

Running: Running

Stopping: Being stopped

Stopped: Stopped




ff…ff Host name where the SDP

coordinator is running

ggggg Port number of the SDP coordinator

hh…hh SDP coordinator status

Starting: Being started

Available: Running (available)

Unavailable: Running (SDP

coordinator linkage was performed.

The SDP coordinator is unavailable

because it is down, or it reached or

exceeded the multiplicity level.)

Stopping: Being stopped

Stopped: Stopped



ii…ii Host name for which operation

information is obtained

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 15

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

All SDP Server


jj...jj HSDP-working-directory path

kk...kk User name who set up the HSDP-


ll...ll Server cluster name HSDP server name

nn…nn HSDP server status

Initializing: Being initialized

Running: Running

Stopping: Being stopped

Stopped: Stopped

ForceStopping: Being forcibly


ForceStopped: Forcibly stopped

Abnormality: In an abnormal state

ooooo PID of CQL Engine

ppppp PID of Acceleration CQL Engine

A hyphen (-) is displayed if

Acceleration CQL is not registered.




- -



qqqqqqqqqq Total number of HSDP servers

rrrrrrrrrr Total number (10-digit decimal

[base 10] number) of registered

query groups

ssssssssss Total number of registered input


tttttttttt Total number (10-digit decimal

[base 10] number) of registered

query (output streams)

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 16

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uuuuuuuuuu Total number (10-digit decimal

[base 10] number) of registered

standard adapter groups

vvvvvvvvvv Total number (10-digit decimal

[base 10] number) of registered

standard adapters



Total number (10-digit decimal

[base 10] number) of registered

custom adapters




- -




xx...xx Query group name

yy...yy Query group status

Initialized: The query group is

being initialized.

Stop: The query group is stopped.

Running: The query group is


Hold: The query group is locked up

due to execution error or queue


FatalHold: The continuance of the

query group is no longer possible.

Stopping: The query group is

being stopped.

PreparingForStop: The query

group received a stop request and

is processing the input queue and

in-process tuples.

Starting: The query group is

being started.

Deleting: The query group is

being deleted.

Holding: The query group is being

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 17

RN-93HSDP005-06 (May 2016)

locked up.

AlreadyDeleted: The query group

is already deleted.

zz...zz Mode of a running query group

CQL: Query group for the Java


Acceleration CQL: Query group

for the C engine

AA...AA Timestamp mode of a running

query group

DataSource: Data source mode

Server: Server mode

BBBBBBBBBB Number (10-digit decimal [base

10] number) of streams belonging

to a query group

CCCCCCCCCC Number (10-digit decimal [base

10] number) of queries belonging

to a query group

EE…EE Stream name



Total number (19-digit decimal

(base 10) number) of tuples that

are stored in the stream queue

GGGGGGGGGG Number (10-digit decimal (base

10) number) of items that remain

in the current stream queue

HHHHHHHHHH Maximum number (10-digit decimal

(base 10) number) of items that

remain in the stream queue

II…II Status of the timestamp

adjustment feature.

One of the following is displayed:

Stop: The timestamp

adjustment feature is being


© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 18

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

Running: The timestamp

adjustment feature is being


JJJJJJJJJJ Number (10-digit decimal (base

10) number) of tuples that are kept

by the timestamp adjustment


KKKKKKKKKK Maximum number (10-digit decimal

(base 10) number) of tuples that

were kept by the timestamp

adjustment feature

LLLLLLLLLL Number (10-digit decimal (base

10) number) of tuples that were

discarded by the timestamp

adjustment feature




Timestamp of an initial tuple

staying in the input stream

Timestamp of the first of the tuples

staying in the input stream




Timestamp of the last of the tuples

staying in the input stream

QQ…QQ Query name



Total number (19-digit decimal

(base 10) number) of tuples that

are stored in the output stream


SSSSSSSSSS Number (10-digit decimal (base

10) number) of items that remain

in the current output stream queue

TTTTTTTTTT Maximum number (10-digit decimal

(base 10) number) of items that

remain in the output stream queue



11...11 Name of the Standard adaptor


© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 19

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

22…22 Status of the Standard adaptor


One of the following is displayed:

Initializing: The Standard

adaptor group is being


Running: The Standard

adaptor group is running.

Stopping: The Standard

adaptor group is being


Stopped: The Standard

adaptor group is stopped.

ForceStopping: The Standard

adaptor group is being forced

to stop.

33…33 Status of the adaptor trace feature.

Stop: The adaptor trace

feature is enabled.

Running: The adaptor trace

feature is disabled.

4444444444 Total number (10-digit decimal

(base 10) number) of input

adaptors that belong to the

Standard adaptor group

5555555555 Total number (10-digit decimal

(base 10) number) of output

adaptors that belong to the

Standard adaptor group

66...66 Adaptor name

77...77 Adaptor status

One of the following is displayed:

Initializing: The adaptor is

being initialized.

Running: The adaptor is


Stopping: The adaptor is

being stopped.

Stopped: The adaptor is

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 20

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)


ForceStopping: The adaptor is

being forced to stop.

88...88 Input or output type of the


One of the following is displayed:

Input: The adaptor is an input


Output: The adaptor is an

output adaptor.

99...99 Adaptor type.

One of the following is displayed:

C adaptor: The adaptor is a C


Java adaptor: The adaptor is

a Java adaptor.

1010...1010 Stream name to which the adapter


1111...1111 Query group name to which the

adapter connects

1212...1212 Number of records sent by the


1313...1313 Number of records received by the


1414...1414 Port number of the adapter

1515...1515 Destination server cluster name

1616...1616 Destination host name

1717...1717 Destination adaptor name

1818...1818 Destination query group name

1919...1919 Destination stream name

2020...2020 Adapter connection status

connecting: Connecting

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 21

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

disconnecting: Disconnected




2121...2121 Name of the Custom adaptor

2222...2222 Status of the Custom adaptor.

One of the following is displayed:

Initializing: The Custom

adaptor is being initialized.

Running: The Custom adaptor

is running.

Stopping: The Custom

adaptor is being stopped.

Stopped: The Custom adaptor

is stopped.

ForceStopping: The Custom

adaptor is being forced to stop.

Abnormality: The Custom

adaptor is in the abnormal


2323...2323 Custom adaptor type

One of the following is displayed:

C adaptor: The Custom

adaptor is a C adaptor.

Java adaptor: The Custom

adaptor is a Java adaptor.


D: Displayed item

M: Item displayed only when data source mode is used.

O: Item displayed when the -debug option is specified

*1: Displayed when a connection to the connection destination was established

by going through the SDP broker.

*2: Displayed when the connection destination is an external adapter.

*3: Displayed when a connection to the connection destination was established

without going through the SDP broker.

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 22

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

[Text after change]


"ii...ii" :{

"MANAGER_STATUS" : "aa...aa",


"BROKER_PORT" : "ccccc",

"BROKER_STATUS" : "dd...dd",




"jj...jj" : {

"SETUP_USER" : "hh...hh",

"STATUS" : "kk...kk",

"CQL_ENGINE_PID" : "lllll" ,


"SDP_SERVER_COUNT" : "nnnnnnnnnn",

"QUERY_GROUP_COUNT" : "oooooooooo",

"STREAM_COUNT" : "pppppppppp",

"QUERY_COUNT" : "qqqqqqqqqq",

"ADAPTOR_GROUP_COUNT" : "rrrrrrrrrr",

"STANDARD_ADAPTOR_COUNT" : "ssssssssss",

"CUSTOM_ADAPTOR_COUNT" : "tttttttttt",


"uu...uu" : {

"STATUS" : "vv...vv",

"MODE" : "ww...ww",

"TIME_STAMP_MODE" : "xx...xx",

"STREAM_COUNT" : "yyyyyyyyyy",

"QUERY_COUNT" : "zzzzzzzzzz",

"BB...BB" : {

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 23

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)












"NN...NN" :{








"XX...XX" : {

"STATUS" : "YY...YY",


"INPUT_ADAPTOR_COUNT" : "1111111111",

"OUTPUT_ADAPTOR_COUNT" : "2222222222",

"33...33" : {

"STATUS" : "44...44",

"TYPE" : "55...55",

"MODE" : "66...66",

"STREAM_NAME" : "77...77",

"QUERY_GROUP_NAME" : "88...88",

"SEND_COUNT" : "99...99",

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 24

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

"RECEIVE_COUNT" : "1010...1010",

"CONNECTION_PORT" : "1111...1111",

"CONNECTION_COUNT" : "1212...1212",


"1313...1313" : {

"1414...1414" : {

"1515...1515" : {

"1616...1616" : {

"1717...1717" : {

"CONNECTION_STATUS" : "1818...1818",

"WORKING_DIRECTORY_PATH" : "1919...1919"






} ]





"2020...2020" : {

"STATUS" : "2121...2121",

"MODE" : "2222...2222"






© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 25

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)



Variable Description Option






SDP Manager


aa…aa SDP manager status

Starting: Being started

Running: Running

Stopping: Being stopped

Stopped: Stopped

D D - - -

SDP broker


bb…bb Host name of the SDP

broker connected with the

SDP coordinator

D D - - -

ccccc Port number of the SDP


D D - - -

dd...dd SDP broker status

Starting: Being started

Running: Running

Stopping: Being stopped

Stopped: Stopped

D D - - -




ee…ee Host name where the SDP

coordinator is running

D D - - -

fffff Port number of the SDP


D D - - -

gg…gg SDP coordinator status

Starting: Being started

Available: Running


Unavailable: Running

(SDP coordinator linkage

was performed. The SDP

coordinator is unavailable

because it is down, or it

reached or exceeded the

D D - - -

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 26

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

multiplicity level.)

Stopping: Being stopped

Stopped: Stopped

Working Directory


- - - - - - -

SDP Server


hh...hh User name who set up the


D - D - -

ii...ii Server cluster name D D D D D

jj...jj HSDP server name D - D - -

kk…kk HSDP server status

Initializing: Being


Running: Running

Stopping: Being stopped

Stopped: Stopped

ForceStopping: Being

forcibly stopped

ForceStopped: Forcibly


Abnormality: In an

abnormal state

D - D - -

lllll PID of CQL Engine D - D - -

mmmmm PID of Acceleration CQL


A hyphen (-) is displayed if

Acceleration CQL is not


D - D - -



nnnnnnnnnn Total number of HSDP


D - - - -

oooooooooo Total number (10-digit

decimal number) of

registered query groups

D - - - -

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 27

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

pppppppppp Total number of registered

input streams

D - - - -

qqqqqqqqqq Total number (10-digit

decimal number) of

registered query (output


D - - - -

rrrrrrrrrr Total number (10-digit

decimal number) of

registered standard

adapter groups

D - - - -

ssssssssss Total number (10-digit

decimal number) of

registered standard


D - - - -

tttttttttt Total number (10-digit

decimal number) of

registered custom adapters

D - - - -

Query Group


uu...uu Query group name D - - D -

vv...vv Query group status

Initialized: The query

group is being initialized.

Stop: The query group is


Running: The query group

is running.

Hold: The query group is

locked up due to execution

error or queue overflow.

FatalHold: The

continuance of the query

group is no longer


Stopping: The query

group is being stopped.

PreparingForStop: The

query group received a

D - - D -

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 28

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

stop request and is

processing the input queue

and in-process tuples.

Starting: The query

group is being started.

Deleting: The query

group is being deleted.

Holding: The query group

is being locked up.

AlreadyDeleted: The

query group is already


ww...ww Mode of a running query


CQL: Query group for the

Java engine

Acceleration CQL: Query

group for the C engine

D - - D -

xx...xx Timestamp mode of a

running query group

DataSource: Data source


Server: Server mode

D - - D -

yyyyyyyyyy Number (10-digit decimal

number) of streams

belonging to a query group

D - - D -

zzzzzzzzzz Number (10-digit decimal

number) of queries

belonging to a query group

D - - D -

BB…BB Stream name D - - D -



Total number (19-digit

decimal number) of tuples

that are stored in the

stream queue

D - - D -

DDDDDDDDDD Number (10-digit decimal D - - D -

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 29

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

number) of items that

remain in the current

stream queue

EEEEEEEEEE Maximum number (10-digit

decimal number) of items

that remain in the stream


D - - D -

FF…FF Status of the timestamp

adjustment feature.

One of the following is


Stop: The

timestamp adjustment

feature is being


Running: The

timestamp adjustment

feature is being


M - - M -

GGGGGGGGGG Number (10-digit decimal

number) of tuples that are

kept by the timestamp

adjustment feature

M - - M -

HHHHHHHHHH Maximum number (10-digit

decimal number) of tuples

that were kept by the

timestamp adjustment


M - - M -

IIIIIIIIII Number (10-digit decimal

number) of tuples that

were discarded by the

timestamp adjustment


M - - M -




Timestamp of the first

tuple staying in the input


D - - D -




Timestamp of the last

tuple staying in the input


D - - D -

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 30

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

NN…NN Query name D - - D -



Total number (19-digit

decimal number) of tuples

that are stored in the

output stream queue

D - - D -

PPPPPPPPPP Number (10-digit decimal

number) of items that

remain in the current

output stream queue

D - - D -

QQQQQQQQQQ Maximum number (10-digit

decimal number) of items

that remain in the output

stream queue

D - - D -




XX...XX Name of the Standard

adaptor group

D - - - D

YY…YY Status of the Standard

adaptor group.

One of the following is


Initializing: The

Standard adaptor

group is being


Running: The

Standard adaptor

group is running.

Stopping: The

Standard adaptor

group is being


Stopped: The

Standard adaptor

group is stopped.

ForceStopping: The

Standard adaptor

group is being forced

to stop.

D - - - D

ZZ…ZZ Status of the adaptor trace


D - - - D

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 31

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

Stop: The adaptor

trace feature is


Running: The adaptor

trace feature is


1111111111 Total number (10-digit

decimal number) of input

adaptors that belong to the

Standard adaptor group

D - - - D

2222222222 Total number (10-digit

decimal number) of output

adaptors that belong to the

Standard adaptor group

D - - - D

33...33 Adaptor name D - - - D

44...44 Adaptor status

One of the following is


Initializing: The

adaptor is being


Running: The adaptor

is running.


The adaptor is

being stopped.

Stopped: The adaptor

is stopped.

ForceStopping: The

adaptor is being forced

to stop.

D - - - D

55...55 Input or output type of the


One of the following is


Input: The adaptor

is an input adaptor.

Output: The adaptor

is an output adaptor.

D - - - D

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 32

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

66...66 Adaptor type.

One of the following is


C adaptor: The

adaptor is a C adaptor.

Java adaptor: The

adaptor is a Java


D - - - D

77...77 Name of the stream to

which the adapter connects *5

D - - - D

88...88 Name of the query group

to which the adapter

connects *5

D - - - D

99...99 Number of records sent by

the adapter *5

D - - - D

1010...1010 Number of records

received by the adapter *5

D - - - D

1111...1111 Port number of the adapter *5

D - - - D

1212...1212 The number of connections

(The number of

connections that the

adapter establishes with

destination adapters is

displayed.) *5

D - - - D

Array 1313...1313 Destination server cluster

name *1

D - - - D

1414...1414 Destination host name D - - - D

1515...1515 Destination adaptor name

(or port number in case of

the SMTP adapter) *1*2

D - - - D

1616...1616 Destination query group

name *1*3

D - - - D

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 33

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

1717...1717 Destination stream name *1*3

D - - - D

1818...1818 Adapter connection status

connecting: Connecting

D - - - D

1919...1919 Destination working

directory *4

D - - - D




2020...2020 Name of the Custom


D - - - D

2121...2121 Status of the Custom


One of the following is


Initializing: The

Custom adaptor is

being initialized.

Running: The Custom

adaptor is running.

Stopping: The

Custom adaptor is

being stopped.

Stopped: The Custom

adaptor is stopped.

ForceStopping: The

Custom adaptor is

being forced to stop.

Abnormality: The

Custom adaptor is in

an abnormal status.

D - - - D

2222...2222 Custom adaptor type

One of the following is


C adaptor: The

Custom adaptor is a C


Java adaptor: The

Custom adaptor is a

Java adaptor.

D - - - D

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 34

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)


D: Displayed item

M: Item displayed only when data source mode is used.

*1: Displayed when the connection destination is a cascading adaptor that was

started by specifying the following property in the query group properties file:

*2: Displayed when the connection destination is an external adapter.

*3: Displayed when the connection destination is a TCP input adapter.

*4: The destination working directory is displayed for the *1 adapter.

A hyphen (-) is displayed for other adapters.

*5: A hyphen (-) is displayed for a C adapter.



Chapter 6, SDP manager-definition file, Format

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Setup and Configuration Guide



[Text before change]

S. No. Property


Description Value range Default


5 hsdp_retry

_times Specify the maximum

number of retries when

communication between

internal processes fails.

If the specified value is

invalid, then the default

value is used.

-1 to 2147483647

(When -1 is



are retried an

unlimited number

of times. When 0

is specified,


are not retried.)


6 hsdp_retry

_interval Specify the retry interval

in seconds when 1 to 2147483647 3

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 35

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

communication between

internal processes fails.

If the specified value is

invalid, then the default

value is used.

[Text after change]

S. No. Property


Description Value range Default


5 hsdp_retry

_times Specify the maximum

number of retries for

when communication

between the following

processes fails:

SDP manager

SDP broker

SDP server

If the specified value is

invalid, then the default

value is used.

During retries based on

this property, a process

of the sender cannot

perform operations on a

process, query group, or

internal adapter.

If timeouts often occur

with the default value,

adjust the value of this


-1 to 2147483647

(When -1 is



are retried an

unlimited number

of times. When 0

is specified,


are not retried.)


6 hsdp_retry

_interval Specify the interval, in

seconds, of retries for

when communication

between the following

processes fails:

SDP manager

SDP broker

SDP server

1 to 2147483647 3

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 36

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

If the specified value is

invalid, then the default

value is used.

During retries based on

this property, a process

of the sender cannot

perform operations on a

process, query group, or

internal adapter.

If timeouts often occur

with the default value,

adjust the value of this




Section 3.1, KFSP41007-E,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text before change]

System processing:

If this happens when the server is starting, the system suspends

processing, and then stops the system. In other cases,

the system suspends processing.

Action to take:

If this happens when the server starts, check whether the user who

executed the sdpstart command is an operating user.

If that user is not an operating user:

Execute the command as an operating user.

If that user is an operating user:

Check the file access permission.

If this does not resolve the problem, contact a system administrator.

[Text after change]

System processing:

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 37

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

If this message is output while the server is being started, suspends

processing and stops the system. If this message is output due to an

automatic restart, continues to attempt automatic restarts while the SDP

manager continues monitoring the SDP server or Acceleration CQL engine.

In other cases, the system suspends processing.

Action to take:

If this happens while the server is being started, check whether the user

who executed the sdpstart command is an operating user.

If that user is not an operating user:

Execute the command as an operating user.

If that user is an operating user:

Check the file access permission.

If this message is output repeatedly due to an automatic restart and the

SDP manager terminates the monitoring of the SDP server or Acceleration

CQL engine, manually restart the SDP server or Acceleration CQL engine.

If this does not resolve the problem, contact a system administrator.



Section 3.1, KFSP41012-E, System processing,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text before change]

Suspends processing

[Text after change]

Continues processing.



Section 3, KFSP41013-E, System processing,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text before change]

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 38

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

Suspends processing.

[Text after change]

Continues processing.



Section 3.1, KFSP41014-E,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text before change]

aa....aa: Operation type

• START_ADAPTOR: Starting the internal adaptor


The SDP server cannot execute the requested operation because the SDP

server is performing one of the following:

- Starting or stopping the SDP server.

- Registering, starting, stopping, or deleting a query group.

- Starting or stopping an internal adaptor.

System processing:

Suspends processing.

Action to take:

After the current processing finishes, request the operation again.

[Text after change]

aa....aa: Operation type

• START_ADAPTOR: Starting the internal adaptor

• RESTART_SERVER: Automatic restart of the SDP server

• RESTART_C_SERVER: Automatic restart of the Acceleration CQL engine


The SDP server cannot execute the requested operation because the SDP

server is performing one of the following:

- Starting or stopping the SDP server.

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 39

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

- Registering, starting, stopping, or deleting a query group.

- Starting or stopping an internal adaptor.

System processing:

Suspends processing. If this message is output due to an automatic

restart, continues to attempt automatic restarts while the SDP manager

continues monitoring the SDP server or Acceleration CQL engine.

Action to take:

After the current processing finishes, request the operation again.

If this message is output repeatedly due to an automatic restart and the

SDP manager terminates the monitoring of the SDP server or Acceleration

CQL engine, manually restart the SDP server or Acceleration CQL engine.



Section 3.1,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text addition]


Process information could not be changed. (process information = aa....aa,

error information =

aa....aa: Process information Error information


An internal error occurred while the process information was being


System processing:

Suspends processing and terminates the process.

Action to take:

If this error occurs repeatedly and the SDP server cannot start, use the

hsdpstart command to start the SDP server. If the problem is not resolved,

contact the system administrator.

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 40

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)



Section 3.1, KFSP42021-E,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text before change]

System processing:

Suspends processing.

Action to take:

Contact a system administrator.

[Text after change]

System processing:

Suspends processing. Continues processing if this message is caused by

an automatic restart of the SDP server.

Action to take:

If this message is caused by an automatic restart of the SDP server, stop

the SDP manager and then try again. In other cases, contact the system




Section 9.1, KFHD10026-E, Action to take,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text before change]

Check the state of the SDP manager by using the hsdpstatusshow

command and referring the message log. If the SDP manager has not

started, make sure that no process has opened the file

"/var/opt/hitachi/hsdp/work/manager/.manager_lock". Then restart

the SDP manager.

[Text after change]

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 41

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

Check the state of the SDP manager by using the hsdpstatusshow

command and referring the message log. If the SDP manager has not

started, make sure that no process has opened the file

"/var/lib/hitachi/hsdp/work/manager/.manager_lock". Then restart

the SDP manager.



Section 9.1, KFHD10236-E, Action to take,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text before change]

Check the state of the SDP broker by using the hsdpstatusshow command

and the message log. If the SDP broker is not running, make sure that no

process has opened a file in the /var/opt/hitachi/hsdp/work/broker

directory, and then restart the SDP broker.

[Text after change]

Check the state of the SDP broker by using the hsdpstatusshow command

and the message log. If the SDP broker is not running, make sure that no

process has opened a file in the /var/lib/hitachi/hsdp/work/broker/

directory, and then restart the SDP broker.



Section 9.1, KFHD13003-E, Action to take

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text before change]

- Does the user running the external adaptor have permission to write to

the directory /var/opt/hitachi/hsdp/logs/exadaptor, and the sub-

directories and files under that directory?

[Text after change]

- Does the user running the external adaptor have permission to write to

the directory /var/log/hitachi/hsdp/exadaptor/ and the sub-

directories and files under that directory?

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 42

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)



Section 9.1, KFHD13017-W, Action to take, CONNECT_TO_BROKER,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text before change]

Check the status of the SDP broker. In the SDP manager setup log file

(/var/opt/hitachi/hsdp/logs/hsdpsetupmanager.log) of each host in

the coordinator group, check hsdp_host to find a host having the same

value as the remote host name or IP address. Then run the command

hsdpsetup -mgr -host on the found host with the correct host name or

IP address specified.

[Text after change]

Check the status of the SDP broker. In the SDP manager setup log file

(/var/log/hitachi/hsdp/hsdpsetupmanager.log) of each host in the

coordinator group, check hsdp_host to find a host having the same value

as the remote host name or IP address. Then run the command

hsdpsetup -mgr -host on the found host with the correct host name or

IP address specified.



Section 11.1, KFHD90031-E,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text before change]


Because another command is running, the command cannot execute


System processing:

Suspends processing.

Action to take:

© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 43

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

Wait for the other command to complete, and then try again.

[Text after change]


The command cannot be executed because another command is being

executed, or because the SDP server is being automatically restarted.

System processing:

Suspends processing.

Action to take:

Wait for the command being executed or the SDP server being

automatically restarted to finish, and then try again.



Section 11.1, KFHD92162-E,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Messages



[Text before change]


Automatic restart is disabled for the specified combination of distribution

and version.


One of the following conditions was not met:

(1) The version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux must be 6.5 or later.

(2) The version of SUSE Linux must be 12 or later.

System processing:

Suspends processing.

Action to take:

Set false for hsdp_restart in the manager definition file, and try again.

[Text after change]


© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 44

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

The OS does not support a package required for the automatic restart.

Command processing will continue, but if the SDP manager process goes

down, it will not restart automatically.


To enable automatic restarts of the SDP manager, one of the following

conditions must be met:

- The OS is of a distribution and version that can use upstart.

- The OS is of a distribution and version that can use systemd.

System processing:

Continues processing.

Action to take:

If the SDP manager process goes down, manually restart it.



Section 3, SDP manager, Log notifications, Description,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Product Overview



[Text addition]

In the following cases, the SDP manager outputs a message to the SDP

manager log file.

Case Message ID

The SDP manager started monitoring a process. KFHD10000-I

The SDP manager detected that a process was down. KFHD10002-E

The SDP manager stopped monitoring a process. KFHD10001-I



Section 3, SDP manager, Restart feature, Description,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Product Overview



© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 45

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)

[Text before change]

If a shutdown process fails to restart even after the restart request has

been run for the specified number of times, then the SDP manager stops

attempting to restart the component and starts monitoring other


[Text after change]

If an inter-process connection failure occurs even after a restart request

has run for the specified number of times, the restart request fails.

In the above case and other failure cases, if a process of a component

does not start in the monitoring period after failure of the restart request,

the SDP manager determines that the process is down and retries the

restart request.

If the SDP manager detected that a process of a component is down three

times within the time set for the hsdp_restart_watch_time property in

the SDP manager-definition file, the SDP manager stops monitoring the

component. After that, the SDP manager does not attempt to restart the

component. The SDP manager continues monitoring other components.



Section 3, SDP manager, Restart feature, Description,

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform Product Overview



[Text addition]

In the following cases, the SDP manager output message to the SDP

manager log file.

Case Message ID

The SDP manager detected that a process was down. KFHD10002-E

The SDP manager started an automatic restart. KFHD10017-I

The SDP manager successfully performed an automatic restart. KFHD10000-I


The SDP manager failed to perform an automatic restart. KFHD10003-E

The SDP manager detected that a process was down three times within the

time specified in the hsdp_restart_watch_time and stopped monitoring the



© 2016 Hitachi, Ltd. All rights reserved. 46

RN-93HSDP005-08 (May 2016)


Product name for use in Software ECN Abbreviation

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform HSDP

Hitachi Streaming Data Platform software development kit HSDP SDK

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Hitachi Streaming Data Platform includes RSA BSAFE(R) Cryptographic software of EMC Corporation.

Portions of this software were developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Regular expression support is provided by the PCRE library package, which is open source software, written by Philip Hazel, and copyright by the University of Cambridge, England. The original software is available from

This product includes software developed by Andy Clark.

This product includes software developed by Ben Laurie for use in the Apache-SSL HTTP server project.

This product includes software developed by Daisuke Okajima and Kohsuke Kawaguchi (

This product includes software developed by IAIK of Graz University of Technology.

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This software contains code derived from the RSA Data Security Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, including various modifications by Spyglass Inc., Carnegie Mellon University, and Bell Communications Research, Inc (Bellcore).

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