How to Outsource your Business Processes to Pakistan


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How to Outsource your Business Processes from Australia to Pakistan?


Cost Cutting Business process outsourcing

Low Labor Cost - Talented


Pakistani Technology



Background Facts

It is a fact that most of the large and medium companies in Australia already

prefer outsourcing their service based businesses and even software design and

development projects to developing countries and Pakistan is emerging as a new

market for technology off shoring. This is because the cost of doing business in

Pakistan is very low compared to Australia.

There is a pool of young talented and competent workforce in Pakistan that can

deliver excellent services and products at cheaper rates compared to businesses

in Australia. High quality services in Pakistan are promised because of the young

workforce trained in the local universities and colleges. Freelancing and

community engagement programs in the technology areas are growing at very

high rates. Business process outsourcing matured in the last 15 years in

Pakistan due to technological improvements and Pakistani outsourcing workforce

serving global markets due to time advantage.

The good thing about outsourcing your jobs to Pakistan is that most of the

organizations based in Pakistan bidding for outsourcing jobs from Australia, have

standard facilities that can deliver world class services and products, plus the fact

that you are relieved of the burden of the responsibilities such as Recruitment

and trainings, transportation, medicals, facility management and maintenance,

bonuses. All that is required from outsourcing partners’ organization would be to

pay the agreed fee required to get your job done, whilst you can concentrate on

other important tasks of your business without the specific cost and ownership


Australian market has resisted for long the outsourcing market and protected it’s

local businesses, however, it is now time to accept the brutal facts and reality of

the time. Pakistan is offering the right combination of talent and technology for


business process outsourcing. We cannot deny the advantages of outsourcing to

Pakistan, it enables Australian partners to reduce the cost of production of their

goods and services and give them the advantage to compete in the global


Customer support and call centre jobs, Software Development, Clothes and

Shoes manufacturing, e trading and IT jobs for outsourcing are some businesses

that come to mind.

Thinks to consider

Requirement Definition of the Services and Products and readiness to outsource

The fact that outsourcing ensures cost cutting on production and running your

business doesn’t mean that you can outsource all forms of jobs to any other

Requirement Definition

•Market Research

Invitation from Vendors

•Selection of Vendor / Business Partner

Inspect the Facility and Team

Train the Trainers

Communication channel


country. There are some types of jobs you can outsource for off shoring, and

there are jobs that are needed on shore personnel to fulfill the business needs.

Customer interfacing jobs with your client physically require onshore staff,

whereas Call Centre Jobs or even product manufacturing require outsourcing the

jobs. Define the services and products you intend for outsourcing before initiating

the process with the outsourcing partners in Pakistan. In case you need

assessment of the tasks or an audit to review which operations you may

outsource to your outsourcing partners you may ask the help of senior

technologists who have the exposure and experience in Pakistan and Australia

as well as industry exposure. Human resource experts are also available in

Pakistan at very affordable prices.

Market Research

Successful outsourcing of your jobs to Pakistan and other countries, one must

ensure to conduct a pre-feasibility study to ensure the right move. The truth is

that is you carry out diligent feasibility studies; you would be able to compare a

lot of data and information, to enable you to do your comparison to ascertain

whether it is profitable to outsource.

Some companies prefer outsourcing their call centre jobs to Pakistan because

the accent you get is clearer than that of India, Philippines and China.

Invitation from Vendors

The rule of procurement is to have quotations from three vendors to conclude

that you have chosen the right partner from the market.

The best way to get good and cheaper deals is to advertise and demand for

outsourcing companies from Pakistan having strong links to Australia to bid on

your jobs.


Selection of Vendor / Business Partner

After receiving proposals from various Pakistani companies, incorporate a

competent team to help you during selection process of the new outsourcing

partners. Review the proposals and ask the interested parties to do a

presentation before you eventually make your final choice.

Inspect the Facility and Team

After you have accessed all your options from the presentations they have done,

you should ensure you travel down to the country in question to inspect the

facility intended for the use of the job. Be sure that this is carried out before

signing any deal. Aside from inspecting the facilities, you should also get first

hand information on laws and regulations guiding the running of your kind of

business in the country. You can get such information by visiting the required

government agency to request for it. Following are the links to help

Train the Trainers

Stand up for yourself and take the responsibility to train the key personal. You

should be able to instill in them the culture of your company and Australian way

of doing business. Strategic focus on training the trainers to enable them to train

people that will be working on your jobs will yield better results.

Communication channel

Communication channel is a must to avoid white noise in planning, managing

and controlling communications. It also provides the opportunity to ensure the

acknowledgment and feedback to the outsourcing partner. Communication

management plan along work performance reports, issue logs and analysis of

work information data in a collaborative manner is possible through strong and

effective communication channel among parties. Both parties must ensure


interactive, pull and push communication when needed to deliver a superior

experience. Communication channels are calculated as N(N-1)/2 .

This helps in a smooth working relationship by establishing a channel for

continuous updates and communication. Monitor the activities of the company

regularly until you are satisfied that standard operating procedures are adopted

in true spirit and expectation management between both the parties is in control


Few thinks to consider mentioned above while outsourcing your jobs to Pakistan

and adhering to the set of these actions would help in determining the right

direction from the early start.
