How to use Google Plus



How to use Google Plus ? Google+ is about to dominate social media–and a few people who act now will make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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Written by Brock Predovich & Jocelyn Predovich Creators of

You may have heard a lot about Google+ lately, and many people in the media, web, and blogosphere are weighing in whether or not they think Google+ will be successful. Even many of the Social Media and Marketing Gurus out there are paralyzed, not sure whether to move forward with Google+ or keep doing what they’re doing. The majority of people out there are sitting, waiting, and watching to see if they should invest their time and efforts into “another social network.” Unfortunately, the majority of business owners, marketers, critics, people in the media, web, blogosphere, and even gurus have fallen prey to one of the biggest mental errors one can make - they are being deceived by their own minds! If you’re reading this book, you could count yourself as one of the lucky few, but, the truth is, “luck” has nothing to do with You being HERE! When everyone else is sitting on their butts, waiting, criticizing, and complaining....... YOU are HERE reading this book, taking action! If you are reading this book, YOU see something different in Google+, YOU feel something is different about Google+. Something in your gut is telling you:



“There’s something HUGE here. This is going to be a big deal, and I need to be apart of it!” This is not luck my friend..... this is genius! Let me explain....

See, all the gurus, business owners, marketers, critics, people in the media, web, and blogosphere don’t realize they are being lied to by their own minds. In the study of human psychology scientists have discovered an enormous cognitive error (mental error). We can all fall prey to what’s called the Availability Error. An Availability Error happens when we receive new information for

the first time. With new information our brains become confused. We do not know what to do with the new information we’ve received. Our brain instantly tries to associate the new information it has received with experiences from our recent past. This is when the availability error happens. Your brain makes a decision based upon the availability of relevant, recent experiences, rather than evaluating the new information based upon its unique and real FACTS. Our brains deceive us and force us to make a decision based on incorrect information. So here’s the mistake the timid business owners, procrastinators, critics, and complainers are making now. They incorrectly think Google+ is a social network!!! Unlike you, they are comparing Google+ with Facebook, Twitter, and God knows what else. Unfortunately for them, this association is completely false. If they would take a step back like you have, they would see Google+ not as a social network, but as something NEW: A social platform - Web 3.0! If you take a step back, and really look at Google as a whole, you’ll see they have all these applications out there: Gmail, Google Docs, Blogger, YouTube, Google Voice, Google Talk, etc, etc. And let’s not forget Search. For years, Google has enriched our lives, made us more productive, efficient, and saved us time. They’ve made award winning applications and



have over one BILLION users around the world using Google’s various applications and technologies. However, one thing has been missing that would change EVERYTHING! One thing that would allow Google to completely change the way we use the Internet. Something that would make our lives simpler, faster, and better online. With all the applications, technologies, and social networking websites that are available online today, our capabilities have increased a thousand fold; while at the same time our lives online have become incredibly complex and inefficient. Think about how many accounts and passwords you have online and how many different websites you visit throughout the day to accomplish your various objectives. Google saw what no one else could see..... Immense inefficiency.... and.... opportunity! What was needed was a way to unify all of the essential technologies people use online everyday and plug it into a social platform. This social platform combines all the essential online functions we use everyday and creates an online environment that functions much like our lives offline. It moves and flows with us as our networks grow, shrink, and move from location to location. What Google has created and continues to develop with Google+ is NOT a social network. It is something completely new, something amazing, something that takes guts, intuition, and real GENIUS to see before anyone else! We’ve all heard hundreds of stories of successful business moguls and entrepreneurial tycoons that somehow saw something, an advantage, an opportunity, that no one else could see. We’ve all heard stories of successful people, that when everyone was running away, sitting on their asses, complaining, criticizing, and doing nothing; these “lucky” entrepreneurs saw something else. They felt something else, and charged



forward to take advantage and dominate an opportunity that everyone else feared. Nope, it WAS NOT luck.... It was Genius! It was that gut feeling. That instinct that they acted on that made these great men and women successful. “Luck” is one part opportunity, two parts courage, 3 parts unwavering

commitment to massive action! So, luck didn’t bring you here. Listening to all the pundits, critics, procrastinators, and complainers didn’t bring you here. Something else did.

Gut. Intuition. Street Smarts! If you’re reading this book YOU know there’s an opportunity here. You’ve shown courage stepping away from the crowd of procrastinators, naysayers, and complainers. Now it’s time to take advantage of this opportunity. It’s time to take massive action. As you do, you will begin to fully realize the “luck” that your success can bring.

Now, without further adieu, YOUR Massive Action Plan! Your 30 Days to Google+ Dominance Plan!



Day 1: Get Invited to Google+ ● You’ll need a Gmail account so you’ll either need to use your current Gmail account or create a new one.

● Get an invite to Google+. Ask a friend to send you an invite or you can go here and we’ll send you an invite Day 2: Set up your Google+ profile. (for more detail on how to setup an irresistible

profile for your target audience on Google+ check out chapter 2 of the “Google Plus Attack Plan” eBook)

● log-in and start setting up your new Google+ account

● Upload a nice professional head-shot of you smiling for your profile picture.



● Upload 5 more pics into your “Scrapbook.” Use a couple more professional shots in your scrapbook, a shot of you with a client or customer, a shot of you teaching a class, even a nice casual shot.

● Fill out the “About” section completely with, introduction, bragging rights, occupation, employment, education...all of it.

● Fill in your links to other websites and networks so people can find you at online.

● Load some more pictures if you’d like or even some videos if you have them. Day 3: Define your target audience, find key influencers in your market and set up your Circles. (for more detail on how to define your target audience, find key

influencers in your market on Google+ check out chapters 1 and 3 of the “Google Plus Attack Plan” eBook)

● Define your target audience, who is your market? What are the things and people they are interested in? Are there any niches within your market you can exploit?

● Who are the influencers in your target market? Who does your target audience go to for advice? Who are the thought leaders, movers and shakers in your target market? Who can be your best referral sources? Who is connected to a lot of the people you want to be connected to?

● Create the following Circles. (leave Google+’s default circles alone for now and create new ones) ○ Target Audience:”your market” - (ex. Homebuyers, make money online, social media for business). ○ Influencers – Thought leaders, key connectors, influential people in your industry.

○ Buyers – People who buy your products or services.

○ Interactors – People who consistently interact with you online.

○ Raving Fans – People who just freaking love you, they buy your products, they refer you to friends, they blog, tweet, +1, reshare and fackbook about you.



○ High Priority – This is a more temporary group, people can come in and out of this group whenever you see fit. This group is all the people you’re trying to develop are relationship with, or people your just trying to keep track of. Basically anyone you want to track for the next month goes in here. ● Find all your influencers in Google+ and place them in your Influencers Circle (this will help you keep track of them in the future). Day 4: Post and Scrape ● Post a couple personal, general topic, news and even educational articles, blogs, or messages that you create to your Google+ Stream and share them all Public. These messages are intended to give your profile a natural look, a baseline of activity. (so you don’t look like a drone). They make it look like you do actually talk about other things other than businessy stuff.

● Next, create a message that’s specific to your target audience. Share with them a tip, information, something of value that makes you look like an expert. One idea you can implement is to share a report that you wrote about a particular topic in your industry. The point here is to share something of value that will grab people’s attention when they checkout your profiles. Something that will allow them to associate immediate value with you and make them interested enough in you to follow you in return by placing your into one of their Circles.

● Start scraping! Pick one of your industry Influencers you found earlier. Go to the Influencer’s profile and find the section that shows all the people that “Have _Influencer’s Name_ in their circles,” click “View all.” Now simply go through the list of people and hover over their names and drop them into your Target Audience Circle. Drop (Scrape) at least 200 people into your Target Market Circle everyday.

● Now sit back and watch as people start placing you into their Circles and your list starts to grow. Be sure to check in a couple times during the day and interact with these people you placed into your Target Audience Circle by +1’ing their posts, commenting and resharing their posts. Additionally, you’ll want to check your notifications for people leaving comments on your posts and make sure to answer any questions.



● As people start to interact with you, buy your products, refer others to you or promote you, or become a high priority person that you need to pay extra attention to, add these people to your Interactors, Buyer, Raving Fans, High Priority Circles as you see fit. Day 5: Rinse and Repeat ● Share a couple general, news worthy, personal messages, articles, videos, etc. to show you’re not a drone. ● Create your Target Audience specific message (value message) sharing it with your Target Audience Circle.

● Pick your Influencer and Scrape 200 new people that are following him or her.

● Sit back and watch the “added you to their circles” messages come in to your notifications. Interact with the Streams from your Target Audience Circle and check your notifications for comments on your posts so you can interact with your new connections.

● Add these people to your Interactors, Buyer, Raving Fans, High Priority Circles as you see fit. Day 6 through 30: Rinse and Repeat Each Day - It’s that simple! At the end of 30 days you should have over 1000 people from your Target Audience Circle to place you in one of their Circles. Thus, becoming part of your list of people you can market to through Google+ on a daily basis. Additionally, you also have several highly targeted Circles of people that interact with you on a regular basis (Interactors) people that have bought from you, products or services (Buyers), people that promote you, reshare your post, refer others to you (Raving Fans), and people that you want to build a relationship with, do business with, stay appraised of on a daily basis (High Priority). Lastly, just realize you also might find people in your Target Audience that turn out to be pretty good influencers, so don’t be afraid to add them to your Influencers Circle and scrape their lists too. Now, take the next step in your Google+ dominance and purchase the “Google+ Attack Plan.” If you want to take full advantage of all the functions and capabilities Google+ has to offer. Learn how to achieve amazing results even faster using the most up to date, ninja, amazing awesome



strategies and techniques that no one else is sharing. The Google+ Attack Plan comes with a comprehensive eBook (15 chapters and over 100 pages of Google+ mastery information), over 20 step-by-step video tutorials on how to achieve your Google+ Attack Plan objectives fast, 15 pages of Google+ Cheat Sheets and a expanded 52 Week Action Plan that guides you day in and day out to completely Dominate your market with Google+.

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