Hunter College Publications Collection, 1870-2013...3 Faculty Handbook, 1953 - 1954, 1965, 1974...


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Hunter College Publications Collection 1870 - 2015 Finding Aid

Archives and Special CollectionsArchives and Special Collections



General Information 3

Scope and Content Note 4

Container List 5 - 21




Accession Number: 93-12 Size: 55.6320 cu. ft. Provenance: Hunter College Restrictions: None. Location: Range 3 Sections 5 - 8 Shelves 25 - 47 Archivist: Prof. Julio L. Hernandez-Delgado Assistant: Mr. Manuel Rimarachin

Ms. Dane Guerrero Date: December 2002 Revised: November 2014, August 2015



The Normal College of the City of New York was established in 1869 and was the first free municipal college for women in New York City. In 1914, the Normal College was renamed Hunter College in honor of its first president Dr. Thomas Hunter. The Hunter College Publications Collection consists of bulletins, commencement addresses and programs, college catalogs, newsletters, periodicals, telephone directories, program guides, handbooks, information leaflets, newspaper articles and clippings, student profiles, reports and yearbooks. The collection is arranged alphabetically by title and then chronologically therein.



Box Folder Contents Amethyst Freshman Handbook 1 1 1951 - 1963 2 1964 - 1970 Announcements of Hunter College and Course of Study 3 1942 - 1943 4 1943 - 1944 5 1944 - 1945 2 1 1946 - 1947 2 1958 - 1949 3 1950 4 1950 - 1951 3 1 1951 - 1952 2 1953 - 1954 3 1954 4 1955 5 1955 - 1956 6 1956 - 1957 7 1958 - 1959 At Hunter 4 1964 - 1998 5 1999 - 2014 6 1 Auxiliary Enterprise Board of Hunter College of the City University of New York -

Financial Report, June 30, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 2002 2 Auxiliary Enterprise Board of Hunter College of the City of New York - Statement, June 30, 1987 3 Career Hunter News Letter, 2000

4 College Citizen, February - March 1939

5 College Times, n.d. Dispelling the Myths: College Students and Learning Disabilities, 1984

6 Faculty Factbook, 1999 7 Factbook, 1999 8 Facts for the Faculty, 1957, 1962


Box Folder Contents Faculty and Staff News 7 1 February 1961 - May 1965 2 January 1965 - December 1965 3 February 1966 - June 1966 4 January 1967 - May 1968

5 October 1968 - December 1969 8 1 January 1970 - December 1970

2 January 1971 - May 1971 3 Faculty Handbook, 1953 - 1954, 1965, 1974

Faculty Information Handbook 4 1971 - 1975 5 1979, 2000 - 2002 6 Faculty News@Hunter, 2009 - 2011

7 Faculty Research Report, 1965 - 1970 8 Faculty/Staff Bulletin, 1986 Faculty Year Book

9 1 July 1951 - June 1955 2 July 1955 - June 1959

3 July 1959 - June 1963 4 Financial Aid Information Guide, 1979 - 1980 From Amharic to Yoruba: Positively Using Language Diversity Across the Curriculum, December 2002

5 Financial Statements Together with Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants, 2003, 2004, 2006

Financial Statements, June 30, 1988 6 Guide to the Humanities and the Arts, n.d. Getting Started, Fall, 1979

Giving @Hunter, Fall, 2012

Here At Hunter 7 1958 - 1960 8 1961 - 1962

9 1962 - 1965 Box Folder Contents


10 The Hunter Advantage: A Pub. of the Hunter College Admissions Office, Spring 2000 Human Resources Update, November 1993 Hunter College, 1870 - 1955 Hunter College a Real New York Experience, ca. 2000 11 Hunter College Adult Education Program School of General Studies, September 1957 - January 1959

10 Hunter College Arrow and Bulletin, 1914 - 1948 (microfiche) (See Box 36, Hunter College Student Clubs, Organizations, and Publications Collection)

11 Hunter College Bulletin, 1913 - 1914, 1915 - 1916, 1924, 1928 - 1930, 1942 (See Box 131, Hunter College Student Clubs, Organizations, and Publications Collection)

Hunter College Bulletin of Information and Course of Study * 12 1 1914 2 1915 - 1916 3 1916 4 1917 13 1 1917 - 1918, 1918 2 1918 - 1919, 1919 3 1919 - 1920, 1920 4 1920 - 1921, 1921 5 1921 - 1922, 1922 6 1922 - 1923, 1923 14 1 1923 - 1924 2 1924 - 1925 3 1925 4 1925 - 1926 5 1926 - 1927 6 1927, 1927 - 1928 15 1 1928 2 1928 - 1929, 1929 3 1929 - 1930, 1930 4 1930 - 1931, 1931 5 1931 - 1932, 1932 *(This title was previously listed as the Normal College Bulletin of Information and Course of Study) Box Folder Contents


Hunter College Bulletin of Information and Course of Study*

16 1 1932 - 1933, 1933 2 1933 - 1934, 1934 3 1934 - 1935, 1935 4 1935 - 1936, 1936 5 1936 - 1937, 1937 17 1 1937 - 1938, 1938 2 1938 - 1939, 1939 3 1939 - 1940, 1940 4 1940 - 1941, 1941 5 1941 - 1942, 1942

18 1 1942 - 1943, 1943 2 1943 - 1944, 1944 3 1958, 1959 4 1960, 1960-1961 5 1961 19 1 1961 - 1962, 1962 2 1962 - 1963, 1963 3 1963 - 1964, 1964 20 1 1964 - 1965 2 1965 3 1965 - 1966 4 1966, 1966 - 1967 5 1967 21 1 1967 - 1968, 1968 2 1968 - 1969, 1969 3 1969 - 1970 4 1970 - 1971 5 1971 - 1972 22 1 1972 - 1973 2 1973 - 1974 3 1974 - 1975 4-5 1975 - 1976 *(This title was previously listed as the Normal College Bulletin of Information and Course of Study) Box Folder Contents


23 1 Hunter College Calendars, 2011 - 2013

Hunter College Commencement Addresses 2 Lewinson, Hon. Ruth ca. 1929 - 1933

3 Cassidy, Laurence L. June 15, 1932 4 Graff, Leslie June 14, 1933 5 Deutsch, Hon. Bernard S. 1934 6 Eisner, Mark January 24, 1934

7 Eisner, Mark June 13, 1934 8 Lyons, Alexander June 13, 1934 9 Cassidy, Laurence L. January 30, 1935 10 Eisner, Mark January 30, 1935 11 Anderson, Harold M. June 19, 1935 12 Anderson, Robert G. January 29, 1936 13 Cassidy, Laurence L. January 29, 1936

14 Eisner, Mark January 29, 1936 15 Eisner, Mark June 24, 1936 16 Pollack, Channing June 24, 1936

17 Mack Jr., Mrs. Walter S. June 24, 1936 18 Eisner, Mark January 27, 1937 19 Mack Jr., Mrs. Walter S. January 27, 1937 20 Eisner, Mark June 16, 1937 21 Mack Jr., Mrs. Walter S. June 16, 1937

22 Brown, Barnum January 26, 1938 23 Eisner, Mark January 26, 1938 24 Graff, Leslie January 26, 1938 25 Mack, Marion R. January 26, 1938 26 Tead, Ordway 1938 27 Mack, Marion R. June 15, 1938 28 Richardson Ana S. June 15, 1938 29 Simis, Theodore June 15, 1938

30 Mack Jr., Mrs. Walter S. February 1, 1939 31 Tead, Ordway February 1, 1939 32 Mack, Marion R. June 21, 1939 33 Tead, Ordway June 21, 1939 34 Daugherty, Carroll R. January 31, 1940 35 Mack Jr., Mrs. Walter S. January 31, 1940 36 Tead, Ordway January 1940 37 Tead, Ordway June 17, 1940 38 Mack Jr., Mrs. Walter S. February 4, 1941

39 Tead, Ordway February 4, 1941

Box Folder Contents

Hunter College Commencement Addresses


24 1 Duggan, Laurence June 23, 1948 2 Johnson, Charles S. January 31, 1949 3 Thompson, Dorothy January 31, 1950 Grady, Eleanor June, 1951 Anonymous January, 1952 4 Carman, Harry J. February 5, 1952 5 Gallagher, Buell G. June 23, 1952 6 Friedrich, Carl J. January 29, 1953 7 Case Jr., James H. June 22, 1953 8 McIntosh, Millicent C. June 17, 1954

9 Dulles, Eleanor June 14, 1956 10 Hutchins, Robert M. June 13, 1957

11 Benton, Hon. William June 16, 1959 12 Weaver, Robert C. June 1962

13 Costello, Timothy June 11, 1968 14 Levy, Harry L. January 25, 1970 15 Kretchmer, Jerome June 1, 1971

16 Myerson, Bess June 5, 1973 17 Bellamy, Carol June 5, 1978 18 Wexler, Jacqueline G. February14, 1979 19 Wexler, Jacqueline G. June 13, 1979 20 Edelman, Marion W. June 1, 1983

21 Archbishop Desmond M. Tutu May 29, 1986 22 Marable, Manning June 4, 1998 23 Fields, Virginia C. June 2, 1999 24 Caputo, David A. January 26, 2000

Hunter College Commencement Programs 25 1 1914 - 1916

2 1917 - 1919 3 1920 - 1925 4 1926 - 1931 5 1932 - 1934 6 1932 - 1935

26 1 1936

2 1937 3 1938 4 1939 5 1940 6 1941

Box Folder Contents

Hunter College Commencement Programs 26 7 1942


27 1 1943

2 1944 - 1945 3 1946 - 1947 4 1948 - 1949 5 1950 - 1951 6 1952 - 1953

28 1 1954 2 1955

3 1956 4 1957

5 1958 6 1959

7 1960 8 1961 - 1962 29 1 1963 - 1964

2 1965 3 1966 4 1967 5 1968 6 1969 7 1970 - 1971

30 1 1972

2 1973 3 1974 4 1975 5 1976 6 1977

7 1978 - 1979 31 1 1980 - 1981

2 1982 - 1983 3 1984 - 1985

4 1986 - 1987 5 1988 - 1989 6 1990 - 1991 7 1992 - 1993 8 1994

Box Folder Contents

Hunter College Commencement Programs 32 1 1995

2 1996


3 1997 4 1998 5 1999 6 2000 7 2001 8 2002 9 2003 10 2004

33 1 2005

2 2006 3 2007

4 2008 5 2009 6 2010

7 2011 8 2012 9 2013 10 2014

34 1 2015 2 (Future Commencement Programs) 35 36 Hunter College Course Offerings 37 1 1976 - 1977 2 1978 3 1979 - 1980 4 1980 - 1981 5 1981 - 1982

6 Hunter College Information Bulletin, Fall 1992 Hunter College IRB Newsletter, 2008 - 2009

Hunter College Newsletter

38 1 February 1952 - February 1953 2 March 1953 - December 1953 3 January 1954 - December 1954 4 January 1955 - March 1956 5 March 1956 - December 1957 Box Folder Contents

6 January 1958 - December 1959 7 March 1960 - December 1960

Hunter College Personnel & Telephone Directory


38 8 1972 - 1973 9 1974 - 1975

39 1 1976, 1977 - 1978 2 1984 - 1987

3 1988 - 1989, 1992 4 1993, 1995 5 1997, 1999 6 2002 - 2003

Hunter College Teacher Education and other Graduate Programs 40 1 1953 - 1955 2 1955 - 1956 3 Hunter College Trust Gift –Scholarships Funds, 1979 Hunter College Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin 4 1977 - 1979 5 1980 - 1982 41 1 1980 - 1982 2 1981 - 1983 3 1982 - 1984 4 1983 - 1985 5 1984 - 1986 42 1 1985 - 1987 2 1986 - 1988 3 1987 - 1989 4 1988 - 1990 5 1989 - 1991 6 1990 - 1992 43 1 1991 - 1993 2 1992 - 1995 3 1993 - 1996 4 1995 - 1998 5 1996 - 1999 6 1998 - 2000 Box Folder Contents

Hunter College Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin 44 1 1999 - 2001 2 2000 - 2002 3 2001 - 2003 4 2002 - 2004


5 2003 - 2006 45 2006 - 2009 2007 - 2010

46 1 The Hunter College Update, December 2000 Hunter in the News

1984, 1988 2 1990, 1991

3 1991, 1994 4 2005

Hunter Magazine 5 1987 - 1988 1996 - 1997 6 1998 - 1999 Hunter Mail and Bulletin, 1946 (Box 47) Hunter Makes News 7 1993 8 1994 48 1 1995 - 1996

2 1997 - 1998 2000 - 2001

3 Hunter News & Events, 2004 - 2008

Hunter News & Views 4 January, 1973 February, 1974 September, 1980 September, 1990 Summer, 1996 Spring, 1997 Winter 2008 Winter 2010 Box Folder Contents 48 5 Hunter Serves New York, 1991

Hunter Today

6 1996 - 1999 7 2000 - 2003


8 Indoor Air Quality Investigation, 1990 9 Information Leaflet

1944 - 1945, 1964 - 1969, 1969 - 1970, 1972 - 1973, 1974 - 1975

49 1 Inside Hunter, 1992 2 Inside Hunter: Hunter College Faculty & Staff News, 1992 - 1994

3 Instructors Bulletin Hunter College, May 1935 4 International Student Information, All about Hunter, 1982, 1984 5 Lorde, 2001

6 Media Guide to Hunter College Experts, 2000

7 Negro Professionals in New York City, 1950, 1960 Neighborhood Hunter, ca. 1972

News from Hunter College Campus 8 Winter 1951 - 1952 - Spring 1952, 1966, 1972

News from Hunter College,

9 January 1965 - June 1965 10 July 1965 - December 1965

50 1 June 1966 - February 1970 2 November 1972 - June 1989 3 June 1989 - December 1989

February, 1995 NewsHunter 1971 - 1973 (Box 96) 1974 - 1976 (Box 96) 1977 - 1981 (Box 96) 4 Newsletter for the Faculty of Hunter College, October 1973 Newsletter of the Hunter College Department of Public Safety, January-February 2008 - 2009 Box Folder Contents 50 5 Non Tax Levy Funds of Hunter College Campus Schools of the City University of New

York, June 30, 1990 - June 30, 1994 51 1 Catalogue of the Normal College of the City of New York, 1871 Normal College Bulletin of Information and Course of Study* 1905


2 1906

3 1908 4 1909 5 1910 6 1911 7 1912 8 1913

Normal College Commencement Addresses

9 Essays, 1878 10 Simmons, J. Edward, June 30, 1887 11 Guggenheimer, Randolph, June 21, 1894

Knox, Charles H., June 21, 1894 12 Lehman, Eugene H., June 16, 1927

Normal College Commencement Programs 13 1870 - 1873 14 1874 - 1877

52 1 1878 - 1881

2 1882 - 1887 3 1888 - 1891 4 1892 - 1895

5 1896 - 1897 6 1898 - 1899

53 1 1900 - 1901 2 1902 - 1903 3 1904 - 1905 4 1906 - 1909

5 1910 - 1913 *(This title was renamed the Hunter College Bulletin of Information and Course of Study in 1914) Box Folder Contents Normal College Commencement Programs (duplicates) 53 6 1878, 1883 - 1885 7 1892 8 1893 9 1894 10 1895 54 1 1902


2 1903 3 1904 4 1905 5 1906 6 1908 55 1 1908 2 1909 3 1910 4 1911 5 1912 Normal College Echo 56 1896 - 1898 57 1899 - 1901 58 Normal College Manual, 1870 - 1898 59 1 North Building Bulletin, March 1993 North Building Renovation, 1991

2 NotaBene! The Hunter College Faculty Newsletter, 1990 3 Public Service Scholar News & Views, 1994 - 2005

4 Publications of the Faculty, 1971 - 1972 5 Report of Interview with Selected Freshman, 1961 6 Report on Statement of Instructional, Non-Instructional and Student Activity Fee, 1971 - 1973

7 Resources on Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment, Fall 1991 Scholarships Fellowships Awards Prizes Funds, 1962 8 Sport at Hunter, Hunter College Mid-Season Winter Sports Report, 1985 9 Student in the Back Row: Avoiding Sexual Harassment in the Classroom, n.d.

10 Student’s Guide, 1944 - 1945, 1960 - 1961, 1962 - 1963 Box Folder Contents Student Profile 59 11 1981 - 1986

12 1983 - 1988 13 1984 - 1989 14 1985 - 1990 15 1986 - 1991

60 1 1988 - 1993 2 1989 - 1994


3 1991 - 1995 4 1992 - 1996

5 1993 - 1997

6 Student Technology Fee Plan, 2002 - 2003

7 The Strategic Plan: Transformations and Leadership for the 21st Century, 1999, 2004 - 2006

8 Telephone Directory, July 1, 2000 9 This is Hunter, n. d. 10 Uppity Women! A Legacy of Liberation, by the Lilith’s Rib Collective, n. d. 11 What Every Freshman Ought to Know, n. d.

12 Your Job at Hunter, 1949

61 (Future Publications) 62 63

Wistarion (aka Hunter College Yearbook) 64 1902 - 1908 65 1909 - 1914 66 1915 - 1919 67 1920 - 1924 68 1925 - 1928 69 1929 - 1931 70 1932 - 1934 71 1935 - 1938 72 1939 - 1941 73 1942 - 1945 74 1946 - 1950 75 1951 - 1955 76 1956 - 1958 Box Folder Contents

Wistarion (aka Hunter College Yearbook) 77 1959 - 1962 78 1963 – 1967 79 1968 - 1972 80 1973 - 1977 81 1978 - 1984 82 1985 - 1988 83 1989 - 1993 84 1994 - 2000


85 2001 - 2007 86 2008 - 2014 87 88

ADDENDA Box Folder Contents Hunter College Guide and Schedule of Classes 89 1 1962 2 1963 3 1964 4 1965 5 1966 6 1967 7 1968


8 1969 9 1970 10 1971 11 1974 12 1975

90 1 1976 2 1977 3 1978 4 1979 91 1 1980 2 1981 3 1982 4 1983 5 1984 92 1 1985 2 1986 3 1987 4 1988 5 1989 6 1990 93 1 1992 2 1993 3 1994 4 1995 5 1996 6 1997 Box Folder Contents Hunter College Guide and Schedule of Classes 94 1 1998 2 1999 3 2000 4 2001 5 2002 6 2003 95 1 2004 2 2005 3 2007


4 2008 Education Update 96 May/June 2012 November/December 2012 January/February 2013 March/April 2013 May/June 2013 September/October 2013 November/December 2013 March/April 2014 May/June 2014

September/October 2014 November/December 2014 January/February 2015 March/April 2015 May/June 2015 96 1 2004 2 3 2007 4 2008
