HuxSg1NF2wg...The boards would be held together with large wooden pegs. Each peg had to be carved by...


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OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.5 Noah and the Ark Lesson

Scripture: Genesis 6-8

Lesson Goal: This lesson is about a man who loved God and obeyed Him. Because Noah stood

up for what was right even though everyone else was doing wrong he and his family were saved from the flood.

Introduction: This is the fifth lesson in Unit 1: Creation to Babel. This lesson is about a man who loved God and obeyed Him. Because Noah stood up for what was right even though everyone else was doing wrong he and his family were saved from the flood. The lesson is found in the first book of the Bible It is called Genesis which means "beginning." Genesis is the first book of Law which are the first five books in the Old Testament. Let's say the books of Law together. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Attention Getter: Sailing a Boat Have you ever tried to make a sailboat out of paper? Could you get it to float? Getting a paper boat to float can be very difficult! Today we are going to talk about a man who built a really big boat. His name is Noah and the boat he built was an Ark! An ark is a big boat!

Opening Prayer: "Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for saving Noah and his family from the flood. Thank you that Jesus is our Savior. We believe that He loved us so much that He died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Help us to have faith like Noah and tell others about Jesus. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen."

Memory Verse: The memory verse is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Lesson Video: After God made the world, more and more people were born. Adam and Eve had many children and their children had children, until there were more people than anyone could count. All these people lived a very long time. Most lived over 900 years so soon there were a lot of people on the earth! But a terrible thing happened. People began to forget that God made them and wanted them to love each other and be kind to each other. Instead people did terrible things to one another. People argued with one another and stole what belonged to others. They hurt and even killed each other! They didn't care what God wanted them to do. Their actions made God very sad. The world was full of SIN! When God looked upon the earth and He saw how wicked and evil the lives of the people were. God was sorry that He had even made them! When it was time to stop the terrible things going on in the world, God decided there was only one way to do it. God would have to put an end to the people who were so mean. With great sadness God said to Himself, "I will destroy everything that I have created--all the people and animals. I want a world filled with those who love Me. But I don't want anybody who loves Me to die when I punish the world." So God looked all over the world and there was only one person who loved and obeyed Him. His name was Noah. Noah tried to do what God wanted him to do. Noah lived about 5,000 years ago. He was the great-grandson of Enoch, and he was born just 126 years after the death of Adam. The Bible


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016

tells us that Noah was like his great-grandfather Enoch—"He walked with God." Noah was a man who believed God and obeyed Him. He was just like his grandfather Enoch. Enoch saw that judgment was coming to that wicked world, and he was filled with the fear of the Lord. Enoch had a son named Methuselah. who lived to be oldest man on earth--969 years. His name had a special meaning; it meant "when he is gone, judgment will come." Because of this special name we know that God told Enoch what He was going to do." So God spoke to Noah and said, "Noah!" And he replied, "Here am I, Lord." God then said, "Because of sin I am going to send rain on the earth. It will cause a great flood that will destroy everything. But I have a plan for you and your family to be safe." This plan must have been hard for Noah to imagine because in that time rain did not fall on the earth! The earth was watered with dew or a mist that went up from the ground. People had never even heard of such a thing as water falling from the sky. God continued talking, "I want you to do two things for Me, Noah. First, I want you to build a big Ark or boat; I will explain to you exactly how to do it. This Ark will be a place of safety during the terrible flood for everyone who goes in. I don't want anyone to perish. It will need to be big enough to hold all the kinds of animals." Second, I want you to preach and warn the people of the judgment I am going to send. Maybe there will be some who will listen, turn from their sin, and turn to Me. Then they can go into the Ark, too." You see, God still loved these wicked people and He wanted them to repent. Noah said, "Yes, Lord, I will obey." God then told Noah to build a HUGE boat. It was to be approximately 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high--six times longer than it was wide. God knew that this size would make the ark float very well and not tip over in a storm! The boat that Noah was to build was the length of one and a half football fields and as high as a four story building. "Make a skylight (or window) all the way around the ship, eighteen inches below the roof; this will be for ventilation. Build three floors inside the boat—a bottom, middle, and upper deck with stalls throughout the ship for the animals that I will send into the Ark. Put one door in the side—only one." These were God's orders. What a tremendous ship it would be! God wanted everyone to know there was plenty of room for all in the Ark, plus room for all the animals, birds, and creeping things, too. Immediately, Noah started to work. It would take him 120 years to complete the building of the Ark. Of course his three sons, Ham, Shem, and Japheth, helped. Everyone worked hard--hammering, nailing and making every part inside and out just as God had said. God had told Noah to use gopher or cypress wood. These trees were probably very large and would make large long beams for the ship. All the trees had to be cut down, hauled to the ark, and chopped with axes into long planks. The boards would be held together with large wooden pegs. Each peg had to be carved by hand so Noah and his sons had a LOT of work to do. God also told Noah to coat the inside and out of the ark with pitch or tar. This pitch would go between the long boards and make the ark waterproof. God wanted Noah to make sure the boat would not leak! Every day the crowds came to watch Noah. "Hey, Noah," they cried, "are you building a new house, or store, or a barn?" "Very calmly, Noah said, "No, I'm building a ship!" "A ship?" they sneered. "Where in the world are you going to sail it? There's no water here!" "I'm building it because God told me to, and I'm not going to sail it—God is! God is going to destroy the whole world with a flood. It is because of all the evil you are doing. God has commanded me to build this ship, called an Ark, to warn you. He wants me to tell you that He loves you and if you will be sorry for


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016

your sins, and come into the Ark when I get it finished, you will be safe." Do you think the people listened and obeyed God's message and warning? Certainly not! Nobody listened. Some people laughed at Noah and made fun of him. They did NOT believe. But Noah ignored them, and went right on building the Ark. Noah had real faith, and every day the Lord gave him the help and strength that he needed. He worked for 120 years! Noah's three sons Ham, Shem and Japheth worked alongside their father Noah. They and their wives were the only ones on the earth that did not think Noah was crazy. When the ship was almost done, God told Noah and his family to bring onboard all the food that the people and the animals would need for an entire year. 45,000 animals and 8 people can eat a lot of food in one year! Finally everything was ready. God said, "Noah, take your family into the ark. And take every kind of bird and other animal with you!" Noah obeyed God and a male and a female of each kind of animal—went into the Ark." God sent the animals to Noah. Rhinoceroses, elephants. lightning bugs--animals of every kind and size came to Noah! Rabbits and hippos, lions and mice, sparrows and eagles--all these and more found places in the ark. Noah was to take more than two of some animals. Some animals were for food and some were for sacrifices. God wanted seven of each kind of bird because they would have the important job of spreading seeds over the earth after the flood. God did not tell Noah to take the fish. They would not need to be on the Ark, because they live in water all the time. Finally, Noah and his family and the animals were inside the boat. Noah came to the door and again begged the people, "Please listen to God—the world is going to be covered over with water and everything will be destroyed. Please come into the ark before it is too late." But the people just laughed! The next day the sky was bright and sunny. There was not one sign of rain, and not a cloud could be seen in the sky. And so it was on the second day, the third day, fourth, fifth and sixth days! No sign of rain. For seven whole days Noah and the animals were waiting in the ark with no rain. God was giving one last chance to all the people! God loves all people and He wants them to be saved just as He wants everyone today to believe in Jesus and go to heaven! Anyone could enter the door of the ark and be saved. But sad to say--NO BODY but Noah and his family went inside the ark. For seven days the door of the Ark stood open. Anyone in the world could enter the Ark and be saved. But everybody just went on home and began living their sinful lives again. Finally the Bible says that God shut the door. As Noah and his family were inside the ark looking at their new home, they began to hear something! Ping, ping, Noah and his family listened. Plink, plink! Rain had started to come down. Then it came down faster and faster and harder. The rain fell even harder. Little puddles got larger and larger until finally the ground around the ark was covered with water. For the first time since God made the world, it was raining! Water was coming out of the skies! The people had never seen this before! They were terrified! "It's the flood—Noah's flood!" they screamed. But it was too late. The ark began to move. It lifted and began to float. For 40 days and 40 nights the rain fell hard and fast. The water not only fell from the sky it came up from under the ground like huge fountains! Outside the water got deeper and deeper until one day even the tallest mountain was covered with water. Inside the ark, Noah and his family and all the animals were snug and dry. They were not afraid or worried. They had obeyed God!


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016

One day it got very quiet. The rain had stopped! God had said that all life --plants and animals would be destroyed and they were! But the ark was safely floating. Even though it had stopped raining, inside the ark Noah and his family had lots of work to do--caring for the animals. The animals were in stalls on all three decks of the ship! Food had be brought to the animals. The stalls had to be cleaned. Some animals probably slept. All this time the water was gradually disappearing. After five months the ark came to rest upon the mountains of Ararat, in the land of Turkey. Noah and his family stayed on the ark for many more months. At last the tops of the mountains could be seen. "Land, land!" they all cried. It was wonderful to see land again! Noah decided to open the window in the top, sort of a porthole, and let a raven, a large, black bird, fly out. The raven didn't come back. Shortly after that, Noah sent out a dove. But the dove could not find a place to light and it returned to the Ark, for the water was still high. After seven days, Noah released the dove again. This time the dove returned to him with an olive twig in her beak. This showed Noah that plants were growing again, and so the water must be almost soaked into the ground. The next time the dove was released she did not come back. Noah waited in the ark almost three months longer. Noah and his family and the animals had been on the ark for one year and ten days. Finally Noah opened the roof of the ark. The sun was shining through the clouds, and there were patches of beautiful blue sky above. Then God told Noah, "You may all go out." Noah opened the stalls and let all the animals out! Imagine how wonderful it felt to leave the ark after all that time! The first thing that Noah did was to thank God for keeping him and his family safe during the flood. Noah built an altar and sacrificed an animal. Noah, by the sacrifice he offered, showed God he believed His promise to send a Savior to save him and others from sin. God was glad that Noah had remembered to thank Him. God made a special promise. God said, "I will never again destroy the whole earth with a flood." Then to remind everyone of His promise God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky. Noah showed by his actions that he loved God. God told him to build an ark and he did! Because we love God, we want to obey Him too. Just like God gave Noah an ark to save him from the flood, did you know that we have an Ark too? It is Jesus. He saves us from eternal death. He died on the cross so our sins could be forgiven and we could have the gift of eternal life. John 3: 16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life,” John 3:16. Jesus is the Ark of our salvation. If we trust in Jesus we can be saved from the death of our sins. Let's say our verse again. John 3: 16 " For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Remember God put a rainbow in the sky to remind Noah that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood. We still have that rainbow today with God’s promise! Let's pray. "Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for saving Noah and his family from the flood. Thank you that Jesus is our Savior. We believe that He loved us so much that He died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Help us to have faith like Noah and tell others about Jesus. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen." Let's be like Noah and obey God and tell others about Jesus.


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Review Questions: Rainbow Ball Preparation: You will need six skeins of yarn: one purple, one blue, one green, one yellow, one orange, and one red. Begin by making the ball by wrapping a small prize (perhaps a rainbow sun catcher) in the purple yarn. Next wrap the ball in blue, then green, then yellow, then orange and finally red. Secure the end of the red yarn with a small piece of tape. Have the students sit in a circle. Pass the ball around the circle as you read the following questions. The student holding the ball unwraps the yarn three or four times. Then the student must answer the question correctly. Continue playing and answering questions until the lucky person unwraps the last of the yarn and keeps the prize. Other small prizes such as rainbow erasers, pencils, stickers can be used as well.

1. How many people were on the earth at the time of Noah? (There were many, many people living during the time of Noah because they lived a very long time and had many children. Possibly 6 million people.)

2. What made Noah different from all the other people living during his time? (Noah obeyed God and worshipped Him. Everyone else disobeyed God and acted very evil. They robbed, stole, and killed one another.)

3. How did God feel about mankind during the time of Noah? (God was grieved in his heart that He had even made man and decided that He must bring judgment upon them.)

4. Who was Noah's great grandfather and what message did God give him? (Enoch was Noah's great grandfather and He was told that God was going to judge the world after his son Methuselah died.)

5. Who was the longest living man on the earth and how long did he live? (Methuselah lived 969 years.)

6. Why did God give Noah the exact dimensions for making the Ark? (God wanted the Ark to be big enough for all the animals and Noah's family. He wanted the ark to be stable and float easily without tipping over during the Great Flood.)

7. What wood did God tell Noah to use and what was he to do to make the Ark not leak? (God told Noah to use cypress or gopher wood and then to seal it with pitch or tar between the beams.)

8. What message did Noah preach to the people while he was building the ark? (He said, "Judgment is coming. God is bringing a great flood to the earth through rain. Believe in Him. Confess your sin and obey God.)

9. Why did God wait seven days after Noah and his family and the animals were in the Ark before He began to make it rain? (He wanted to give everyone an opportunity to be saved. He loves everyone and wants to forgive them of their sin.)

10. How did the animals get on the Ark? (God sent them to Noah two by two. Some animals came seven by sevens. These animals were used for food, for sacrifices and for reseeding the earth after the flood.)

11. Why could the people left on the earth not get in the Ark after it started to rain? (God had shut the door and their opportunity to be saved had passed.)

12. How long did the rain last? (It rained 40 days and 40 nights.) 13. Where did the Ark come to rest when the water receded? (It landed on the mountains of

Ararat, in the land of Turkey.) 14. What did Noah do to find out how the water was receding after the flood? (He sent out a

raven and then a dove. The dove returned with an olive branch which showed that the plants had begun to grown again.)

15. How long were Noah and his family and the animals on the ark? (They were on the Ark one year and ten days.)

16. What did Noah and his family do as soon as they got off the Ark? (They offered a sacrifice of a burnt offering of an animal as a way to worship God and give thanks to Him.)

17. What sign did God give after the Flood that came with a promise? (God gave us the rainbow as a sign that He would never destroy the earth again with a flood.)

18. Who is the Ark of our Salvation? (Jesus is our Ark because He died on the cross to pay for our sins and provide for us a way to be saved.)


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Bible Memory Verse Activity: "Vine Limbo" (Grades K-5) Say: Our memory verse is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Have students lookup the verse in scripture and repeat it again together. Say: "This verse tells us how Jesus is the Ark of our salvation. If we trust in Jesus we can be saved from the death of our sins." Procedure: Decorate a 5-6 ft. length of rope with some paper leaves that have been cut from green construction paper. Attach the leaves with tape. For the game have two people hold the vine like a limbo stick. The students are to line up behind the rope and take turns going under the vine while saying the memory verse. Lower the vine with each child. For added fun, spray water above the vine.

Group Learning Activity: Cookie Cutter Animal Shapes Memory Game (K-4) Materials: Bibles, index cards, pencils, six to eight different animal cookie cutters, crayons or markers, resealable plastic bags. Say: "Today we are going to make a game to help us remember the way in which God brought the flood to the earth." Procedure: Using crayons or colored markers, have students trace around cookie cutters that are in animal shapes to draw animal shapes on index cards. Make two cards for each of the animals to make a pair. (Play like the Memory Game.) Place the cards face down on the table or floor. Divide the students into pairs. The first player turns over the two cards. If the cards match, he or she keeps the cards. If the cards do not match, they turn the cards over. Continue until all cards have been matched. Student with the most cards from each pair is the winner. Allow the students to play the game several times. Students can put the card sets in resealable plastic bags to take home. If cookie cutters are unavailable, use animals stickers instead. Make sure there are at least two of each kind of sticker. Provide animal crackers for students to snack on while they play the game and to take home as part of their family game time. Optional: If you do not have animal cookie cutters, you can print the animal shapes below on card stock and cut them out before class time. Students can use these shapes to make their cards.

Group Learning Activity: It's Raining (Grades K-5) Say: "In this lesson we learned how God sent rain to the earth during the great flood at the time of Noah. We are going to do a rain activity to feel the mood and sound that Noah and his family heard inside the ark." Procedure: Lead the students in this rain activity. Work your way from light rain to thunderstorm to light rain using the following directions. (This is an extremely fun activity that the students really enjoy doing! The larger the group the more dramatic the sound can be.) These sounds can be made in unison or by dividing your class into smaller groups with a different sound assigned to each group. Have fun!

• Light rain: rub thumb and fingers together • Medium rain. Click tongues • Heavy rain: rub hands together quickly. • Wind: Make noises like the wind. • Storm: Stomp feet.


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Group Learning Activity: Prism "Rainbow" (Grades K-5) Say: "Rainbows are made from sunlight hitting rain droplets that reflect the white light into its spectrum of colors." You can illustrate this by taking a prism over to a window and let the sunlight shine through it to form a spectrum of various colors. OR you can make your own "inside" rainbow. Materials: A shallow pan; Water; a flashlight or sunlight; a white surface or piece of paper; and a mirror. Procedure: Fill the shallow pan about half way full with water. Place the mirror in the water at an angle. Shine the light into the water where the mirror is under water (or, using the sunlight, bring the pan and mirror outside so the sun can shine on the mirror underwater) Hold the white paper above the mirror; adjust the angle until you see the rainbow appear! Explanation: When you shine the white light of your flashlight (or the white light coming from the sun) into the water, the light bends. But white light isn’t just one color; instead, it’s a combination of all the visible colors. So when white light bends, all of its components (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo light) also bend. Each of these colors bends at a different angle because each color travels at a different speed inside water or glass. When a rainbow forms in the sky, the same principle applies. Many little water droplets refract the sun’s light. The angle at which we view these water droplets determines which color we see from them. When you reflect the light back out of the water using the mirror, you’re reflecting the white light that has been broken up (from refraction) into the full rainbow of colors, and a rainbow appears Discuss the fact that God gave us the rainbow as a sign of His promise that He would never again cut off all flesh by the waters of a flood. When God makes a promise, He always keeps it. We can put our trust in Him. Group Learning Activity: Shell Fossils (Grades 3-5) Purpose: To help students understand what happened to the animals during the flood. Procedure: Mix plaster of Paris with a little water in a paper cup with a wide bottom. Let it harden about five minutes — just enough for the child to place a shell into it. A scalloped type shell makes a nice print. But, there are various things found in fossils so if shells aren't available just use your imagination. Let the "fossils" harden about twenty minutes. Have the children peel the paper off their "fossils".

Say: "Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that become petrified and are preserved in rock. (If you have some actual fossils to examine, note how some look like things that we can see today, and how some are like things that don't exist today). For the theory of evolution to be true, the fossil record would have to show simple plants and animals in very old rocks, and very complex plants and animals in very young rocks but that is not what we find. Both simple and complex plants and animals are found in both the very old rocks and the new rocks! In addition, many fossils would have to show the slow change between the simple and the complex in the middle-aged rocks. But the fossil record does not show examples of fossils with only slight changes between them as they got more complicated. Guess what? The fossil record lacks "transition" fossils that link different groups! This is a strong scientific argument that the creation story as found in the Bible is true!"


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Group Learning Activity: Ark Relay Race (Grades K-3) Say: "In this lesson we learned that God caused the animals to come to Noah and go into the Ark. The animals came two by two. We are going to play a game that will help us remember how the animals came. We are going to have an ark relay race where the animals are going to enter the ark in groups." Procedure: Divide the students into two teams. Across the room place a long strip of masking tape on the floor. Tell the students that the area behind the masking tape will be the Ark. (You can put a sign over the area or tape a sign to the floor.) Say: "I am going to call out the name of an animal. The person at the front of each line is to act out that animal and make their way to the ark. Be sure to make the sound of your animal while acting like it! Both teams will act out the same animal and make their way to the ark so the animals will enter two by two. Remind the students to be sure to act out the motions for the animal. Leader calls out names of animals. Examples: monkeys, bears, lions, dragons, cows, horses, chickens, dogs, cats, etc.

Group Learning Activity: Animal Toss (Grades K-3) Preparation: Make a boat from a cardboard box. Gather several small stuffed animals. Have the players stand in a circle around the boat. Say: "God told Noah to prepare food for all the animals on the ark. Today we are going to play a game that involves the animals on the ark." We will toss one small stuffed animal back and forth across the circle while we play some music. (Use CD of Arky, Arky if possible.) If your group succeeds in tossing that animal without dropping it, the animal will go into the boat or ark. When the music stops, the students must stop tossing the animals. The goal is to see how many animals you can safely toss and place in the boat. Begin with one animal and then add a second animal on the second round of play so there are two animals being tossed at once. Then add a third animal being tossed. Older students may soon realize that the group can be successful by tossing the animals in a set pattern.

Craft Learning Activity: "Let It Rain!" Watercolor Pictures (Grades K-5) Purpose: To help students learn about rain and how it forms droplets and to help them remember how God caused rain to fall on the earth to form the flood. Materials: Water-soluble paint, Paintbrush, colored markers, spray bottles, poster board Procedure: Say: "Rain forms when growing cloud droplets become too heavy to remain in the cloud and, as a result, fall toward the earth’s surface in the form of rain. But did you know that rain can also begin as ice crystals that collect to form large snowflakes? As the falling snow passes into warmer air, the flakes melt and collapse into raindrops. We are going to use raindrops to create beautiful and unique paintings you can frame and hang on a wall." Directions: Use water-soluble paint or markers to make solid blocks of color on poster board. Then put the paper in the rain for a short time. (You may use squirt bottles, if it’s not raining outside.) Watch as the rain “paints” your paper. Take the paper out of the rain when you think the painting is finished (before all the color is washed away). Experiment by making raindrop paintings in a light rain or drizzle, a steady rain, and a real downpour.


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Craft Learning Activity: Tie Dye Rainbows (Grades K-3) Say: "In this lesson we learned that God put a rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise to never again destroy the earth with a flood. Rainbows remind us that God keeps His promises. Today we are going to make a rainbow using tie dye." Materials: paper towels, washable colored markers or food coloring or icing gels; bowl with water, spoon. Procedure: Cover the table with plastic tablecloth. Each child will uses red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple washable colored markers to color the middle section of a paper towel. You can also use food coloring or icing gels. Then the child folds the paper towel four times into a small square. Use a spoon to drip water onto the folded towel. Unfold the towel to see what happens.

Craft Learning Activity: Obedience Ark (Grades K-3) Say: "Noah was a man who obeyed God and built the Ark. God blessed him for his obedience. God wants us to obey Him. Today we are going to "build an ark" with planks of obedience like Noah did." Materials: One copy per child of the ark template below printed on cardstock paper, brown construction paper, scissors, glue; colored marker Procedure: Pass out the Ark template to each student. Cut strips of brown paper approximately 3/4" wide for planks of wood. On each strip, have the children write one thing we can do to be obedient to God (ex: pray, respect our parents, love each other...) Have students glue the strips to the outline of the Ark to build the boat just like Noah did. It's ok if the planks overlap the edges but try to make sure the writing stays inside the ark.) After all the planks have been added, then cut out the shape of the Ark. Use colored markers to finish coloring any space left on the ark. Hang it up somewhere so it is easy to see to remind us to obey God. Examples of planks: I will obey my parents. I will read my Bible. I will pray. I will tell others about Jesus. I will visit the sick. I will help my brothers and sisters. I will share with others. I will respect the teacher. I will thank God for my food.

Craft Learning Activity: Rainbow Treats (Grades K-5) Materials: 6 small boxes of Jell-O in the following colors: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and

red., Clear plastic cups. and water Procedure: Start preparing the Rainbow Treats 6 days prior to serving, as follows:

• Day 1: Prepare the purple Jell-O, pour a small amount into each plastic cup. Refrigerate overnight to set.

• Day 2: Prepare the blue Jell-O and pour a small amount over the purple Jell-O in each cup. Refrigerate overnight to set.

• Day 3: Prepare the green Jell-O. • Day 4: Prepare the yellow Jell-O. • Day 5: Prepare the orange Jell-O. • Day 6: Prepare the red Jell-O.

Serve Rainbow Treats with whipped topping and rainbow sprinkles.


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Craft Learning Activity: Rain Sticks (Grades 3-5) Let each child make a rain stick, using the instructions below. Or make several rain sticks before the session begins. The children will use the rain sticks as rhythm instruments while they sing songs about Noah and the Ark. Materials: cardboard tube from paper towels or wrapping paper OR purchase telescoping tubes from a box outlet); wire nails; adhesive paper; ties for plastic bags; kitty litter Directions: Insert wire nails into the tubes from the outside, following the spiral seams of the tubes. Place the nails about one inch apart. Cover the tube with adhesive paper that is 6 inches longer than the tube. (Have 3 inches of adhesive paper left at each end when the tube is covered.) Close one end of the tube by twisting a tie around the adhesive paper. Pour a handful of kitty litter into the tube. Close the remaining end of the tube by twisting a tie around the adhesive paper. Have students tilt the rain stick slowly from end to end as you play and sing songs about Noah. Examples: Arky, Arky; Two by Two; Rainbows Remind Me; etc.

Craft Learning Activity: Noah's Ark with Rainbow (Grades K-3) Materials: 1 1/2 paper plates per ark, scissors, glue, paint of crayons; beanie baby animals Procedure: Before class cut one paper plate in half and use one half to form the front of the ark. Save the other half to use as the front of another ark. Cut a half a circle out of the top center half of the second paper plate leaving the rainbow shape at the top. Glue half paper plate onto the paper plate with the rainbow cut out so that a pocket is formed below the rainbow to form the ark. Have the children paint the rainbow and ark or use colored markers to decorate the paper ark. Have children put their beanie baby animals in the ark and hang it in their room.

Life Application Challenge: Altar Stones At the end of one wall of your classroom, build an altar by attaching "stones" cut from brown or gray construction paper to the wall with loops of masking tape. Say: "Noah’s first action after leaving the ark was to build an altar so he could worship God. Noah obeyed God and worshiped Him." Continue with a discussion about ways to obey and worship God. Ask each child to write a way to obey and worship God on one of the altar stones taped to the wall. Close with prayer, giving thanks for Noah who was faithful, for God who loves all creation, and for persons who are willing to love and serve God today.


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Noah's Ark Genesis 6-8

Jesus is the Ark of our Salvation John 3: 16

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."


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OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016


OT1.5 Noah and the Ark ©Beverly Wilson 2016
