HyperLens - Ultimate Screen Magnifier and Display … · HyperLens - Ultimate Screen Magnifier and...


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HyperLens - Ultimate Screen Magnifier and Display Enhancer!

HyperLens is a powerful screen magnifier and display enhancer which enables you to freely Zoom, Rotate, Highlight, Sharpen, Enhance, Adjust, Filter and Capture your computer screen display and presentation! You can easily zoom the highly detailed presentations, even with Arbitrary Rotation to effectively present every detail from any angle! It is an advanced yet easy-to-use screen magnification program and also an effective presentation tool!

HyperLens is specially designed to suit your visual needs much better, with a variety of unique features, such as zooming with arbitrary rotation to view from any angle, full color level adjustments to expose hidden graphic details, sharpening filters to clarify blurred view, anti-glare texture filters to reduce screen glare, full mouse cursor enhancements and realistic click highlighting effects, etc.

By increasing the color level of all or separate color channels, HyperLens can greatly improve the visibility and clarity of the dim graphic details in the dark areas. With full color level adjustments to each color channel even in every color mode, HyperLens enables you to clearly view the hidden graphic/video details that are very hard to be seen, such as those of underexposed pictures and video monitoring in night light. In addition, you can also clarify the blurred details with the sharpening filters.

While presenting some highly detailed presentations like technical drawings and designs, especially to a large number of audiences, with HyperLens you can simply use Ctrl + Mouse Wheel to zoom, or at the same time, along with the Shift key to rotate any portion or the full of your presentations, thus effectively present every detail from any angle of your presentations to all of your audiences! For an interactive demonstration, you can also apply the eye-catching click highlighting effects to visualize your operations intuitively.

HyperLens is a powerful screen magnifier for those with visual impairments, with many advanced features such as smooth screen magnification in both Shaped Lens/Full-screen modes, effective sharpening enhancements, full color adjustments, smooth mouse cursor tracking and text caret tracking, full mouse cursor enhancements and realistic click highlighting effects, etc. By magnifying and enhancing every detail of the screen display, HyperLens makes it much easier to see and use your computer!

Getting Started... Starting HyperLens

User Interface Layout

Program Shortcuts

Exiting HyperLens

HyperLens Features

Real-time enhancements and adjustments of screen display

Real-time zooming, rotating, sharpening and filtering effects in both Shaped Lens/Full-screen modes

Zoom level from 1x to 32x of screen magnification

4 color modes (True Color, Grayscale, Invert and Sepia)

Color level adjustments of all or separate color channels in all the 4 color modes

Color channel splitting (Red, Green and Blue)

Full color adjustments (Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Hue) in both lens modes (Normal and Enhanced)

Highly optimized magnifying filters for smooth screen magnification and rotation

Highly optimized sharpening filters (Sharpen and Edge Enhance)

Built-in 12 anti-glare texture filters

Smooth mouse cursor tracking and text caret tracking

Full mouse cursor enhancements (Size, Color and Opacity)

Realistic click highlighting effects (Size, Color and Intensity)

Fully adjustable lens shapes (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle and Circle)

Capabilities to view layered or transparent windows and objects

Working with lens presets and presets editor

Capabilities to preview and autosave screen capture

Adjustable lens positioning (Fixed, Floating and Center Offsetting)

Starting HyperLens

After installing HyperLens on your computer, the application icon is placed on the desktop and in the Start menu.

To start HyperLens, do one of the following:

Double-click the HyperLens application icon on the desktop.

Click Start, and select Programs | HyperLens | HyperLens.

To automatically run HyperLens when Windows starts, on the Options page in the HyperLens main window, check the Run HyperLens on System Startup checkbox in the Auto-Startup group.

You have the options to show or not to show the lens, show or minimize the main window when HyperLens is started.

To show the lens when HyperLens is started, on the Options page in the HyperLens main window, check the Show Lens checkbox in the When HyperLens Started group.

To show the main window when HyperLens is started, select the Show Main Window option in the When HyperLens Started group. Or you can select the Minimize Main Window option to minimize the main window to Tray or to Taskbar when HyperLens is started.

User Interface Layout

HyperLens user interface consists of the Tray Icon and its Popup Menu, the Main Window and the Lens itself. In the Main Window you can access all application settings. In the Popup Menu of the Tray Icon, you can access some application settings, some program shortcuts, the commands to show/hide the Main Window and to exit the application.

You can simply click the Tray Icon to show/hide the Lens, or double-click it to show/hide the Main Window. To open the Popup Menu of the Tray Icon, just righ-click on it.

Program Shortcuts

While using HyperLens, you can use the default shortcuts to perform the following operations.

To change the hotkey settings, see Setting the Hotkeys and Increments.

Click the Tray IconShow/Hide the lens

Ctrl + Shift + V

Ctrl + Shift + F Toggle Full Screen/Shaped Lens mode

Ctrl + Shift + L Lock/Unlock the lens

Ctrl + Shift + C Capture the lens view to file

Ctrl + Mouse Wheel upZoom in the lens view

Ctrl + Shift + <Up arrow>

Ctrl + Mouse Wheel downZoom out the lens view

Ctrl + Shift + <Down arrow>

Ctrl + Shift + Mouse Wheel upRotate the lens view clockwise

Ctrl + Shift + <Right arrow>

Ctrl + Shift + Mouse Wheel downRotate the lens view counter-clockwise

Ctrl + Shift + <Left arrow>

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse Wheel upIncrease the color level of lens view

Ctrl + Shift + B

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse Wheel downDecrease the color level of lens view

Ctrl + Shift + D

Ctrl + Shift + R Reset the color level of lens view

Double-click the Tray Icon Minimize/Restore the main window

Right-click the Tray Icon Open the popup menu

Exiting HyperLens

While HyperLens is running, to exit the application, right-click on the lens icon in the system tray, and select Exit from the popup menu.

To hide or disable the lens, see Showing/Hiding the Lens.

Showing/Hiding Lens

To show or hide the lens, do one of the following:

Click the lens icon in the system tray.

Press the Show/Hide hotkey, the default is <Ctrl + Shift + V>.

Right-click on the lens icon in the system tray, and select Show (or Hide) from the popup menu.

Click the Show (or Hide) button on the toolbar in the HyperLens main window.

To change the hotkey setting, see Setting the Hotkeys and Increments.

Locking/Unlocking Lens

If you want the lens to stay fixed in a specified position, you can first move the mouse to locate it, then press the Lock/Unlock hotkey (the default is <Ctrl + Shift + L>) to lock it on the screen.

To unlock the locked lens, just press the Lock/Unlock hotkey again.

To change the hotkey setting, see Setting the Hotkeys and Increments.

Viewing in Full-Screen Mode

To view the screen display with HyperLens in full-screen mode, do one of the following:

Press the hotkey (the default is <Ctrl + Shift + F>) to toggle Full Screen/Shaped Lens mode.

Click the Full Screen (Shaped Lens) button on the toolbar in the HyperLens main window.

Right-click on the lens icon in the system tray, and select Full Screen (Shaped Lens) from the popup menu.

Zooming Lens View

To zoom the lens view, do one of the following:

Press and hold the Ctrl key and roll the Mouse Wheel upward/downward to zoom in/out the lens view.

Press the Zoom In hotkey, the default is <Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow>, the Zoom Level of screen magnification will be increased by the Magnification Increment value.

Press the Zoom Out hotkey, the default is <Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow>, the Zoom Level of screen magnification will be decreased by the Magnification Increment value.

On the Lens Settings page in the HyperLens main window, enter the new Zoom Level value in the Screen Magnification group.

By default the smoothing effect of screen magnification is enabled. To enable/disable the smoothing effect, just check/uncheck the Smoothing checkbox in the Screen Magnification group.

To change the hotkeys and Magnification Increment settings, see Setting the Hotkeys and Increments.

Rotating Lens View

To rotate the lens view, do one of the following:

Press and hold the Ctrl + Shift keys and roll the Mouse Wheel upward/downward to rotate the lens view clockwise/counter-clockwise.

Press the Rotate CW hotkey, the default is <Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow >, the lens view will be rotated clockwise by the Angle Increment degrees.

Press the Rotate CCW hotkey, the default is <Ctrl + Shift + Left arrow >, the lens view will be rotated counter-clockwise by the Angle Increment degrees.

Note: After the lens view has been rotated, you can hold the Ctrl key to keep the the rotation of lens view. Once the Ctrl key is released and the mouse cursor or text caret is moved, the rotation of the lens view will be reset to 0.

To change the hotkeys and Angle Increment settings, see Setting the Hotkeys and Increments.

Capturing Lens View to File

You can press the Capture hotkey (the default is <Ctrl + Shift + C>) to capture the snapshot of lens view to image files.

By default the snapshot of lens view will be sent to the HyperLens Capture Preview dialog.

Follow the next steps to save the snapshot of lens view to file:

Click the Save button, the Save Capture As dialog will display.

Click the Save in drop-down list to select a folder in which to save your file.

Enter a file name in the File name field.

Click the Save as type drop-down list to select an image file format.

Click the Advanced... button (if available) to open the Parameters Preview dialog, choose the desired settings, and click OK to return to the Save Capture As dialog.

Click Save to close the dialog and save the file.

To cancel the capture and close the HyperLens Capture Preview dialog, click the Cancel button.

When the Capture hotkey is pressed, HyperLens can also autosave the capture to file without preview. To do so, on the Options page in the HyperLens main window, select the Autosave Capture to File option in the Capture Output Options group.

In the Autosave Capture to File group, you can also click the Image Format drop-down list to select the desired one for capture output.

To change the Output Folder to autosave the capture, click the Select button, a folder browser dialog will display, choose a folder to save the capture, and click OK.

If you want to open the Output Folder and browse the autosaved captures, just click the Open button.

To change the Capture hotkey setting, see Setting the Hotkeys and Increments.

Changing Lens Settings

On the Lens Settings page in the HyperLens main window, you can change lens settings of Lens Mode, Lens Shape, Lens Size, Lens Border and Texture Filter.

There are two lens modes of HyperLens, Normal Mode and Enhanced Mode.

In Enhanced Mode, HyperLens uses hardware overlay surface to display the lens, and is capable of viewing layered or transparent windows and objects, such as some desktop enhancements and widgets, balloon hints, etc.

To use HyperLens in Enhanced Mode, select the Enhanced Mode option in the Lens Mode group, and click the Apply button at the right side.

(Note: If your video card does not support hardware overlay, the Normal Mode will be used instead.)

To change the lens shape, select a new one of the shape styles (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle or Circle) from the Lens Shape group.

In the Lens Size group, you can enter new Width and Height values to change the lens size. If Rounded Rectangle lens shape is selected, you can enter new Corner Radius value to change the size of lens corner. Or enter new Border Width value to change the width of lens border.

In the Lens Border group, you can also change the color and opacity of lens border. To change the color of lens border, just click the Color box, a Color Selector dialog will open, select a new color, and click OK. To change the opacity of lens border, enter a new value in the Opacity edit field.

To change the texture filter of lens view, click the Texture Filter drop-down list and select the desired one, select None to remove the texture filtering effect applied to the lens view.

Finally, to apply and save the lens settings, just click the Apply button at the right side.

Working with Presets

While working with HyperLens, you can create, edit and apply the presets of lens settings.

To create a new preset of lens settings, first change and apply the desired lens settings with HyperLens, then click the Presets button on the Lens Settings page, and select Add to Presets... from the popup menu, the New Preset dialog will open.

Enter the name of the new preset in the Preset Name input field, and click OK.

You can edit the existed presets with Presets Editor, to do that, click the Presets button on the Lens Settings page, and select Presets Editor... from the popup menu, the Presets Editor dialog will open.

In the Presets Editor dialog, you can remove, rename, move up and move down the presets. To remove a preset, first select it in the Presets list, and click the Remove button. To rename a preset, first select it in the Presets list, and click the Rename button, the Rename Preset dialog will open, enter a new name in the Preset Name input field, and click OK. To change the position of a preset in the presets list, first select it in the Presets list, and click the Move Up or Move Down button. To apply and save the changes to the presets, click the OK button.

To apply a preset, click the Presets button on the Lens Settings page, and select the preset item from the popup menu, or right-click on the lens icon in the system tray, and select the preset item from the Presets menu.

Resetting Lens to Default

The more effects you applied to HyperLens, the larger lens size or higher refresh rate you set, the more time it would take to refresh the lens view, you can quickly remove the unnecessary effects applied to HyperLens by resetting the lens settings.

To reset the lens settings to default, do one of the following:

Click the Reset Lens button on the toolbar in the HyperLens main window.

Right-click on the lens icon in the system tray, and select Reset Lens to Default from the popup menu.

To change the lens settings, see Changing Lens Settings.

Setting Lens Refresh Rate

HyperLens will automatically track the movements of mouse cursor or text caret, and refresh the lens view. When there are no movements of mouse cursor or text caret, HyperLens refreshes the lens view on the frequency of the Lens Refresh Rate value.

To set the Lens Refresh Rate, in the Lens Refresh Rate group on the Lens Settings page, enter the new refresh rate value in the edit field.

Changing Color Mode

With HyperLens you view the screen display in 4 color modes (True Color, Grayscale, Invert and Sepia).

To change the color mode, on the Lens Settings page in the HyperLens main window, select the desired mode in the Color Mode group.

Note: To reset the color mode to default, select True Color in the Color Mode group.

Adjusting Color Levels

In every color mode of HyperLens, you can adjust the color levels of all or specified separate color channels, or view the screen display through split color channels (one or more of Red, Green, and Blue channels).

To enable/disable a specified color channel of the lens view, in the Color Levels group on the Lens Settings page, simply click the check box at the left side of the color channel to select/deselect it.

To adjust the color level of lens view (concerning all channels), drag the slider at the right side of the All label, you can drag the slider to the right to increase the color level or drag to the left to decrease it. To reset the color level of lens view, click the Reset button at the right side of the All label. Or you can do one of the following to adjust the color level of lens view:

Press and hold the Ctrl + Alt keys and roll the Mouse Wheel upward/downward to increase/decrease the color level of lens view.

Press the Increase Color Level hotkey, the default is <Ctrl + Shift + I>, the color level of lens view will be increased by the Color Level Increment value, the lens view will become brighter.

Press the Decrease Color Level hotkey, the default is <Ctrl + Shift + D>, the color level of lens view will be decreased by the Color Level Increment value, the lens view will become dimmer.

Press the Reset Color Level hotkey, the default is <Ctrl + Shift + R>, the color level of lens view will be reset to default.

To adjust the color level of a specified color channel, first select it, then drag the slider at the right side of it to adjust its color level. To reset its color level, just click the Reset button at the right side of it.

Note: In HyperLens, at least one color channel should be selected, you can not deselect all of them.

To change the hotkeys and Color Level Increment settings, see Setting the Hotkeys and Increments.

Sharpening Lens View

With HyperLens you can sharpen the blurred display contents to improve the visibility and clarity of any dim screen display.

To sharpen the lens view, on the Lens Settings page, select one of the sharpening filters (Sharpen and Edge Enhance) in the Sharpening Filter group.

Note: To remove the sharpening effect of lens view, select None in the Sharpening Filter group.

Applying Color Adjustments

In addition to color level adjustments, you can also adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation and hue of lens view.

In the Color Adjustments group on the Lens Settings page, there are brightness, contrast, saturation and hue sliders. To adjust the brightness of lens view, just drag the Brightness slider, to the right to increase the brightness, or to the left to decrease it. To reset the brightness of lens view, just click the Reset button at the right side of it. In the same way you can also adjust the contrast, saturation and hue of lens view.

For example, for the outdoor use of laptop in the sunshine, you can increase the contrast or brightness of lens view to improve the visibility of any dim screen display.

Customizing Mouse Cursors

In HyperLens, you can customize the appearances of mouse cursors, including the size, opacity and color, to improve the visibility and suitability of them.

To customize system cursors with HyperLens, in the Cursor Settings group on the Cursor Effects page, check the Customize System Cursors checkbox, and you can also select the desired standard arrow cursor in the System Standard Arrow group.

Besides customizations of system cursors, HyperLens can show cursor locator for the other application-defined cursors. To do so, check the Show Cursor Locator checkbox in the Other Application-defined Cursors group, and select the desired cursor locator.

To change the size of system cursors and cursor locator, just drag the Size slider in the Cursor Settings group, to the right to increase the size, or to the left to decrease it. To adjust the opacity of system cursors and cursor locator, just drag the Opacity slider to change its value. To change the color of system cursors and cursor locator, just click the Color box to choose the desired color.

Finally, to apply and save the cursor settings, click the Apply button in the Cursor Settings group. If you want to reset the cursor settings to default, just click the Reset to Default button.

Setting Click Highlighting Effects

HyperLens can generate click highlighting effects when you click the mouse, for example, to visualize the clicking operations during a projected representing.

To enable the click highlighting effects, check the Click Highlighting checkbox on the Cursor Effects page, and you can select the desired light style in the Light Style group.

To change the size of click highlighting effects, just drag the Size slider in the Click Highlighting group, to the right to increase the size, or to the left to decrease it. To adjust the intensity of click highlighting effects, just drag the Intensity slider to change its value. To change the color of click highlighting effects, just click the Color box to choose the desired light color.

Finally, to apply and save the click highlighting settings, click the Apply button in the Click Highlighting group. If you want to reset the click highlighting settings to default, just click the Reset to Default button.

Setting Hotkeys and Increments

While using HyperLens, you can press the hotkeys to show/hide the lens, toggle Full Screen/Shaped Lens mode, lock/unlock the lens, capture the lens view to file, adjust the color level of lens view, zoom and rotate the lens view.

On the Shortcuts page in the HyperLens main window, you can set the hotkeys and the incremental values for the operations, as described below.

Show/Hide Lens: the hotkey to show/hide the lens, the alternative shortcut is to click the tray icon.

Full Screen/Shaped Lens: the hotkey to toggle Full Screen/Shaped Lens mode.

Lock/Unlock Lens: the hotkey to lock/unlock the lens.

Capture to File: the hotkey to capture the lens view to file.


Zoom In: the hotkey to zoom in the lens view (the alternative shortcut is Ctrl + Mouse Wheel up).

Zoom Out: the hotkey to zoom out the lens view (the alternative shortcut is Ctrl + Mouse Wheel up).

Magnification Increment: the incremental value of zoom level for zooming operations. To change the default setting, enter a new value in the edit field.


Rotate CW: the hotkey to rotate the lens view clockwise (the alternative shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + Mouse Wheel up). Rotate CCW: the hotkey to rotate the lens view counter-clockwise (the alternative shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + Mouse Wheel

up). Angle Increment: the incremental value of angle for rotating operations. To change the default setting, enter a new value

in the edit field.

Color Level Adjustments:

Increase Color Level: the hotkey to increase the color level of lens view (the alternative shortcut is Ctrl + Alt + Mouse Wheel up), this operation will make the lens view brighter.

Decrease Color Level: the hotkey to decrease the color level of lens view (the alternative shortcut is Ctrl + Alt + Mouse Wheel up), this operation will make the lens view dimmer.

Reset Color Level: the hotkey to reset the color level of lens view to default. Color Level Increment: the incremental value of color level for the adjusting operations. To change the default setting,

enter a new value in the edit field.

To change a hotkey setting, click the Edit button at the right side of it to open the Hotkey Editor dialog.

Select the preferred key combination, and then click OK.

Setting Lens Positioning Options

In the Lens Positioning Options group on the Options page, you can set the offsets from mouse cursor to the lens center, caret tracking, and the offsets from text caret to the lens center.

In HyperLens, the lens will always track the movement of mouse cursor, by default the lens will center at the mouse cursor, if you want the lens to offset from the mouse cursor, select the Offset from Mouse Cursor option in the Mouse Cursor Tracking group. To change the Horizontal Offset and Vertical Offset values, just enter the new values in the edit fields.

Besides mouse cursor tracking, HyperLens can track the movement of text caret, for example, while typing texts or editing documents. To enable the lens to track text caret, just check the Text Caret Tracking checkbox in the Lens Positioning Options group. By default the lens will center at the text caret while tracking it, if you want the lens to offset from the text caret, select the Offset from Text Caret option in the Text Caret Tracking group. To change the Horizontal Offset and Vertical Offset values, just enter the new values in the edit fields.

To reset the lens positioning settings to default, click the Reset to Default button in the Lens Positioning Options group.

Licensing and Ordering Information

The trial version of HyperLens is limited to 30 days usage, also displays a TRIAL mark in the lens view.

You may use the trial version for evaluation purpose. After the 30-day trial period you need to purchase a license to continue to use the software.

There are 4 license types of HyperLens:

Single-User License, which allows the installation and use of HyperLens on a single computer.

Multi-User License, which allows the installation and use of HyperLens on multiple computers within the same company, as long as the number of computers using the software does not exceed the size of the Multi-User License.

Corporation License, which allows the installation and use of HyperLens on unlimited computers within the same corporation.

Education License, which allows the installation and use of HyperLens on unlimited computers within the same educational organization, such as a school, a college or an university.

To purchase HyperLens online, please visit the order page:http://www.visionsuit.com/order.html

After purchasing HyperLens you will receive a license key to unlock the trial version and convert it into a full licensed version. See Importing License Key.

If you have any questions about ordering HyperLens or about licensing options, please contact us at sales@visionsuit.com.

Importing License Key

After purchasing a license of HyperLens, you will receive a license key file (key.txt, attached to the e-mail you received) to unlock the trial version.

To import your license key, first you need to save the license key file in a folder where you want to store it.

Click the Unlock button in the HyperLens main window, or right-click on the lens icon in the system tray, and select Import License Key... from the popup menu, the Import License Key dialog box will display.

Use the Look in drop-down list to navigate to the folder where you stored the key.txt file, and then click Open.

After importing the license key the software will be unlocked and converted into a full licensed version.


Technical Support

For technical support, please contact us at support@visionsuit.com.

Many of the answers to user questions can be found at:http://www.visionsuit.com/support.html

Sales Support

If you have any questions about ordering HyperLens or about licensing options, please contact us at sales@visionsuit.com.

Product Updates

For the latest version and product information, please visit our website at:http://www.visionsuit.com
