-·i:: · 7. 'l'hc blank ammunition 1nay be expended durin~ tho drill:-in --ucli manner...


Citation preview


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DEPUTY AVJUTA:.T n.~\l:RAJ.'.- OntcE J

r I

\.J\<l To:->, :>lh Ju11e, 1877.

1. 'l'ho undermentioned corps in ).filitary Distri<'t No. 3, ha\·o heen clecwd for .Annual IJrill of 18'7'7-78 :-

:-1.G.O. Office re.

:frcl Regiment Cavalry . ..... . ......... . . ... . . 4th " " ...... ....... . ........ .

and \fen. Tota!. tlO HU ~IU 90

Kingston Field Battery . . . . . . .... .. . . . .. .. .. G J)urham Field Battery.............. . ..... . . . 6 N apanee Gnrrii;on Battery.. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 2 Trenton Garrison Batter.)·..... .... ........... 2 14! h Battalion.... ... .............. .. ........... lf)

74 80 74 0 42 4-1 ·12 •14

252 268 15th ct • • • • • • • • •• • • •• •• •• • • • •• • • •• • • • •• • • 14 ~:,~ 2tiG luth '' .. ... . . ..... .. ... .. ... .. .. . ...... 1 331) 354: 40th ·' .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. ..... ....... .. . . l(i 2!14 :-no 4Hth " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l ·! '.!5~ 266 47th " ..... .. . . .. ... . .. .. .. .. . ..... .. .. 10 Hi 178 5'7th " . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. 14 ~52 266

Total. ........... ........ .... . 2,306

2. The drills to be carried out in such manner as commanrling officers mav deom best in tho intor<~st of their respective coq1~, and in :weorclnncc with the (~eneral Order on the subject. The Deputy Adjutant General mu .... t be 11otifiec! of the dnte of commencement of the drill nncf the date on which tho corp-. will be ready for inspec­tion .

3. Tent:; nn<l blankets will be issued to any corps wi .... hing to perform the drill in camp, provided the officer in command is prepared t.-0 defray tho eo:-t of tran:-port, and to make good any los~ or damage.

4. Scn·icc rolls will bu forwarded to nil corp.- ordcrilel to drill, and officer.- in command nn• requested to !'CC that the names of nil men enrolled nro properly filled in and Higned by both officers and men. 'l'hc roll to Le producod when the ('orps is inspecte<l hy tho District Stntf Officer.

5 . Twenty rounos of ball and twenty rounds of l1lnnk ammunition per man will bo hisucd to ull corp:; ordered to drill. The ball ammunition to bo expended-ten round" ut 200 ynrds, t'tauding position, thl' rom:tindcr at ·WO and 500 ynrd:-; th-o rounctH•pel' ma11 aL ench range and in any po::;ition. 'l'argl't Practice Returns will ho for\vardc<l to nil corpR demanding ammunition, nnd it is pnrliculnrly roqucstod that commanding officcr ti will bo mo;;t careful to h:we the practice rarricd out in a proper manuor. 'l'ho return of tho 1fring correctly ma.do out and forwarded to tho Brigtulc Mnjor on the completion of the practice.

6. The ])l•pnty Adjutant Gonernl trusts that commanding oilker:; will not demand ball ammunition unlcs-. they hnYo n fair rnng-o in tho ,·icinity of thei1· hca<l­qunrtcr1<1 011nlil i ng- t lwi 1· llll'll to expend tho nrn n11111i t1on j 11 :1 Jll'OJICr mn1uwr.

7. 'l'hc blank ammunition 1nay be expended durin~ tho drill:- in --ucli manner ru comrnand111g ofliccr" may think host; tiYo rounds per man hein~ retained for the clay -Of inHpcc:tion.

S. All Ofliccr::- comm:rnding Co1·ps uro n•quc,tcd to i114ru<'t. tl1cir m n in movo­mont" ot' four" and skirmiRhin•• dl"ill; they will I.Jc t'allctl upon t) tell ofl a 1J p \"O

8 ~

th ir com1 ani , to put thc1 i through tho manual nnd firing o.xcrci!;o :md n fow COlDJ n.} Ill ll l!U\"J c . . . . .

9. \11 corps nrmcd with tho long ~1flo mu t bo rn .... trnctocl 1.11 t~o oxon·1 c. pro­cribcd for that nrm, with tho exception of JMlo Corp-. and t.arn,.(m l1atto1·ic,, of

Artillery. IO. It j ... rcquc ... tcd thnt officor .... in commaud of corps cutitlod to new clothing

will mnko their dt>m:rnd with a little cit lny ii... pos .... ihlc, and tho l>cpnty Adjutnnt Goncrnl hope ... to tin<l nil Volunteer .... i 11 hi-. ~ >i .... t.ric.:t prnpcrly clothed in. unili•rm, ns notl1ing giH,,. n body of men ... ul'h an nn,,old1crl1ko :.1ppcn.rn11co ~s a few 111 tho ru.r~ks imprupcr}y th·.~ ... ,.o I: Ho ~1-.o be~-. to call the attention o~ all ~lli~L'rs ~o. tho 11cc:oss1ty of oufOl'l'lllg clJ,..mphno wl11bt unilCr arm:-1. On tho Ol'tns1on ot J11s last mspcctwn ho l'i) •rotted to ou..,en ll rnauy COtn}HHliC" \'Cl'Y sJm·k in this res1wct, tho mon UOillg' allowed ~ ~ ~ ~

to l"loucb nbout an1t talk in tho ranks a,, much ns they pleased without rclmko from their officer-.. '!'he accoutrement:-. of ... omo comp:mic" wcro very badly put on, Hhcw­in<P n wnnt of cnro on tho p:irt of tho oflb.ir in commnrnl. Tho Deputy .Adjutant Gcfnornl hope,, to tincl n marked improvement thi,; year.

11. Tho in-.trnctiou.; coutnino I in tlio General Order rolatirn to the pny and allownnco nnd 1111rnbcr allowed to drill, rnti....t lie trictly adhered to by all concerned.

13. All officers nre rcfor1·ed t-0 pnr:v•rnph" lG!l and 170,.Rognlation:-; nucl Orders of Active Militia, relative to Drill and 'l'nrgot Prnctico.

B. YAK ,"f Pu\.UBE~'ZEE. J;icut .-Coloncl, Deputy .\.dj. Gcul., )I. l> . .Xo. 3.


Kx:HlSTOX. 10th November, 1877.

• m,-1 have tho honQr to iuform you thnt. in compliance with your in:-<trnction:;, Jin pc.etc I tl10 Durbnm Piold Battery on tho 2Uth f)f .Jnuc, in camp .• 1t Ptl t Hope, nccompanicd by tho 1 n:-pcctor of Art1llory, Lieut.-Coloncl Irwin. The :II rn , nceou­ticmen , hnrnc,.,, nrnl clothing wcro in goOil order, and fairly clean. Tho gun·, how­o·rn1, were not well hor ... cd, lrnvin~ <:cveral undor ... izod horse in the raut ..... a d I have r · n to believe tbnt Licul.-Ct•lonel Irwin i!> unable to report f.ffcrably of thi bnt c y. 1 honld sny tho di ... ciplinc was ... Jack and un ... ntisf:tetOI'.)'. I Jim o i1 c·o hwl o ·c. ion to in pcct the "turc, of thi battery. when I found many dcfi1·iencic:-; in clothing, principally great cont , showing that Ca1Jtnin Graham docs not p. y the attention to orders he hould do.

On the lOth June I in pcc~l Xo. 3 Company, 40th Battalion, Capt·1in Bonny-: le. \.rm acc011trerneut;; nnd clothing in goo,! order and vo1·y clcnn Tho

company drill "\•n., well po1·formod; skit·mbhin" fai1·; manual nn1l firing cxcrci:-;o fair. '.!'hey are n fine !.>oily of rnon, and arc a c·1~dit ti> the Force. 'rhcy '~c;·o nil pro ent nt mu er, and tho rncn were 011rolle1l und sworn in for tlm·c yom•r;. ~fy principal dutic,, thi, year having been the in'lpc"tion of nrm,;, accoutl'cmcnts and clothing i r. the Di trict: I havo the .... ati faction of reporting in most 1·:1-.;•-. an im­provement in care r,farm and store, l111t there i., still rnom for im111·ovc111ntl, :md I trust next year f rnay be able to report more favoraLly on thiR head.

I have tho lionor to be, Sir, Your obedient "ervant,

Tho Deputy .\.djutant-f:oncral, .Military Di trict ... "o. 3.

P. W. WOR'"LEY; Lieut.-Coloncl, Brigade Major M. D. No. 3.


~1ILITA RY l>f:-)THWI' • yo. 4.

DEPUTY AnJUTA:-; ·r GE:\F.RAr.' 0PFrci:, BnoCK\'11,I.F., :·frd Doccmbcr, r n.

Srn,-I haw tho honor to ,..ul;mit, for tho information of the <:cnoral Oiliccr com­manding, thi"' my annual roport on tho :-ii ate of the Acti\·e ~filitia in .Military Dh"ltrict No. 4 fu1· thu pn1Bc11L year, together with "A~>-trac·t In pee-Lion &port."

'l'he st 1·011i;th of tho forte ns organh~od, (th rco otlic-ers :md tifty-li\·e ~ on-eommis­sioncd oflic<•rs ancl rnou por compauy,) inclu<l111g tltc (;ornrnor <renc1 :1.',, Foot Guar <l<1, ia:-

OfliPe1·R and men, nll arms ........................................ ..... 3,142 l!or"l'~...... . . .. . . ..... ........ . ... .. ... . .. .. . . .. . ... .. .... .. .... .. .. . .. .. .. 247

Strength authorized to pcrfo1·111 the drill for:l877-7 , !l.o; per General OrJcrs 11th 1tfay, 1877 :-

Officer :111d men, all arms ... .. ........ . ............................ 1,500 llorse:;.................... . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . ... .. . .. . ... . . .. . . . . 126

Puri..uan t to tho a born G enernl Order:<, in pro ... enco of Licut.-C-01. Buell, comrnand­ing 42nd Battalion, tho companies tu perform tho drill wore selected lty ballot, which rosul tcd a':! fol low,,:-

The numlior shewn after each corp:s being the :strl'ngth of officc1s a111l men who actually performed tho drilJ:

s- 2a

Horses. P1·c. colt Tl'oop of Cavalry..... . ........ . ................ :i5 Othl\V:t ct ct • •• .. •• ... .. • •• • .... .. .. .. .. .. • 35 Otta\va I~,icld Battery·......... .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. •> Ga11ano<1ue Ji'icJ<l Bnttcry·...... . . . ........... ....... .... 2~

Ottawa Brigade of Garrison .Artillery.

No .... 1, 2, G nncl 7 Batto1ie~ ................ ............. .

Gartr11or General's Foot Guard~.

No,.., 1, 2, 3, 4, f> nnd ti Compnuic;-; ......... .. ......... .

l Slit Hat talion.

N o::i. I, 5 and G CompaniC8 ....... . ...................... .

4lst Battalion.

No~. 1, 2, 3 and ·! Companies ......... . ...... . ......... .

42ml Hattalio11.

Nos. 1, 3, 6 and "I Comp. nic,; .......... .. .. . .. .... ..... .


No3. :!, :i an(! 6 Oomp~mc..: ........................... . . ..


Officers and Men.

39 37 80 'iS


~,,.._ _,,





5'.lth Battalion.

"o . 2, 5, G nod j Compnni "······ ..................... . G ullmrn Jnfnntry 'om11m.y .................... ..... ..

Total. ....................................... . ..... 126

Pre::,cott r.J'roop of Caralry-Captnin John Raney.

178 4~


Thi ti oop 111:rformed tho d 1 i II in 1.'0n:-l'C'Uli,·e dnys at Prescott, tho troopcri; being tp1:u·t cH,d in J.'01 t ·w clli11gto111 pnn bion hn\ing been mnd,e by them!lclv.c!I, under tho tlircl'lion of the Captain, for rntion!I and forage. The officer t•ommarnlmg procured tho ~cITiC<> of J,icut.-Col. Lo,·elncc, ln,.,tructor of Cn.\'nlry, Montreal, to a~sii;t dul'ing tho ti •• i1 io"'. Tbe troop prc-cntcd a c1 odita ble appearance, php•iq uc good, hor:;eH fair, uppoi.ntm ~t clenn; drill,:" d.ctniled ir.1 Inspection Report, nil fair!): ~veil done; target pincttco \\U:; cornplctc<l; doth mg l·cqu1rc::i to be rc11cwed; troop cflic1cnt.

OttaU"a Troop of Cavalry-Captnin J. A. Slater.

Thi troop pcl'formod tho drill in camp with the Ottawa Field Battery, on the Slater }'tum, "hich Captain Slater kindly plnced at the dispo::nl of the two corps free of ehnrgo. Lt.-Col. Lovclnce, Instructor ot Ca>nlry, was also present with this corps. TLe tI oop prc,.,entcd a crcditnblc appl'aI':llH'e; phy:-.ique good, hor~e::-; fair, :ippointments clenn, clothing ~cr,·icenLle; <.!rill, as detnile~l in ln:;pcction Report, nll fairly well done, except p1.i uiug l rnct1ce, wliich was imlillerent; improvement_ very noticeable since ln .. t yenr; troop l flicient.

Ottawa Ji'ield Battery-Captain John Stewart.

Tbi coqJs pcilrirmed the drill in camp with the Ottawa Troop of Ca,nlry, and prc,.,entc<l it" u"md ::- •nart app~ll'anco; harne..,s and g1rns clean; clothing i;erviccablo; drill, n detailed in J ,1,.,poction Report, well done.

The 111,.,pector of .\,.rlillcry ::-;nl> cqneutly in:-;pected this corps nnd r-uperintendod the firin~. }'or nnm, ... of prizo winner'l, nnd other details, I _ beg to refer to his Report. There b an efficient han<l connectod with thio battery.

Gmia111.11Jue Ful<l Battery-Mujoi· Wm. McKenzie.

This corp-. pcrforrncd their drill in camp about two miles west of Gananoque. The In pc ·tor of Artillery accompanied me at this inspection, and superintended tho firing, For 11amco of prize win11c1·,.. arni other detail!;, I beg to refor to hi1-1 Hoport. Ilnrncs f:1irly clean, hut rc'lniro,, oiling; guns clean; men and horses gooci; drill, as detailoo in the fo,..pcc:tion Hcport, fairly well done.

)fojl)r McKenzie bad to hccomo personally rcf!ponsible for rent of camp ground. which cannot 110 procui·cd in that neighborhood without pay.

Uttau;u, Brigadt: f G'arrison Artillery-Lient.-Colonol Jas. Bgleson.

Ily special pc1'nli-•::iio11 So,. 11 21 1; and 7 Tiattories wore allowed to perform tho d~ill in camp on ... ~epenn 1'11int, convenient to the battery of mounted big gunA, in eight con ccuti\"e <lay~, tho men providing their own rations. Many men wero of poor phy iquc, appenrm1<·e ind1fferont, clothing all old and much worn, ex<'opt that or So. i Battery, which i ood. ,Marching past, and column movomo11l8 fairly dono; manual and firing oxcrc1 c not attempted.

A detachment from e. ·h battery worked and firod the hig guns smnl'tly and w II, ti prin ·ipal pm1 of tho ti mo having boon <lcV-Otcd to that part of tho in8trnction.


Tho Hamo difficulty dtill oxi:-.t.-. in tho corp~ a.i. report J last year with rcfcrcnco to tho officorr1 'l\Julifyi11g f~1· promotion. I.f arrangemonts wore mndo. liy ~hie~ tho;· could qualify and bo exurnancd ut Ottuwa, at woult1 bo a grMt boon, 1l Lc111g 1mpo!t· siblo for busine8s mon to atlond tho School of Gu1111ory ut Kin~ ton.

Thi!-1 corp8 has fired all the "alutes nt tho Capital during tho ycnr, nndltho band iis ofliciontly mninttti•iod.

Govenwr General's Poot Guards-IJiout .. C'..oloucl Ro:<".

(lloadqunrtor:< at Ottawa.)

Owing to i n~tructions recei ,·ed from lacadq u.u'ler .. , prl')\'bion wa" made for tho drill of tbu wholo :;ix com1n.rnies of' this corp,., which W:t"' inspected by tho Gonoral Officer commanding.

18th Battalion fl/ lnfantry-Lieut.-Colonol .A. Urquhart.

(Hendquarterti at Ifawkesbury )fill~.)

Nos. 1, 5 and G Companies performed the drill .in con"o~nti>o day:- a~ their local hoadquartol'l!. Owing to tho boat on tho Ottawa Raver hanng been deta1.ned Ly. fog, it was impos1:1ible for mo to make the int-tpection, cou,.,cqucntly I :~uthonz<:<-1 L1e~l.· Colonel Urquhart to inspect :So:;. 1 and 6 Companie ... for me, wluch ~1c kmdly did, and roports very favorably of the appearnnCl' of tho men ~ml of tbo dnll pe~formod.

Brigade·M:ajor Mattice inspected :N'o. 5 Company, which ho roporL.; a" bcmg w~ll orgamzcd nn<l composed of good men, but. 0wing to t~e lnr{{e ~um her of recruit.a (re-enrolment having just takon pince) nnd i;hort penod ?l dr~ll, the m?veme?ts wero indifferently perfo1·med. A band has uow bce11 orga111zed m connect1011 w1Lh this battalion .

41st Battalion of R1fle.-;-Lient.-Colonol W. II. Cole.

(Headquarter:; at Brocln-illc.)

Nol-i. 1, 2, 3 nnd 4 Companies performed the 1lrill in con-ecuti:·o tl:iy" a~ loc:il headqun.l'lea·s; all paraded clean and :-oidicrly. and pcrformc.l thc drill: :1" de~<lilcd Ill Inspection Report, in a very creditable manner, No-. 2 and 1 Companie~ l1orni; p:tr­ticul:u·ly crood .

LieutCol. Cole nccompanicd me al all of the comp:my in ... poction". The bat­talion band b eflkiontly maintained.

i2nd Battalio11 of I11jcrntry-Lic11t .. ('ol. .T. D. Buell.

(Ilcndqunrte1·8 aL Brockvillc.)

No ... 1, 3, ():ind 7 Companicoi perforn1ed tho drill in consocuti\'O chy~ at local headqmwto1·8, Nol'. 3 and 6 Companies woro 11ndc1· c•:m\·a-., the tent" hanng boou provided by thoir 1·e:-.pocti\"e commnnding otli .. cr .... Captain" Don~la.s and Gould. Gul\rd':l woro mounlod and tho u:m·\l detail of ('amp c:1rri0<l out. All par:vlod cle.an nnd porformOll tho drill u:-; detailed in lrbpcelion Rcp•)rt.. ~o". l an<l 6 Co.mpnnics fair, 3 nnd 7 good; tho ln.tt-Or two vory >1mart umi ... old1urhko. The hattahon band is efficiently maintainc1I.

Owing to inattention to B1·i"'ado OrdorH, :-;ix men performed the drill with • To. 7 Company (Pembroko), in exce:>~ of tho nnmbor l\uthorizod for th~ :whole battalion, consequently the pt\y for that numl.ior h1\d to bo withheld.

56th Battalion, '!'lie I.lisyar Rijles-1.ieut.-Co\. II. D. J e:;tiup.

(lleadqun1 ters at P1 oscott.)

... ~o. '.?, G mul j Companie- perform" l the drill in conse1:utiYc <lay~ nt local head­<1unrtor:-. Drill :L-. -.tated in Inspection Heport. :Xos. 2 and '1 Companies good. No. (j vory good. Thero i-. 110 u:u. C'Onncctod with this Battnliou.

I ri\·nto Samuel B.lltlwin, <·I' Xo. G Company, rofn,.ed to we:'lr the regulation forngo t·np on pnrndl'. an1l wa,. insolent l0 Cnpt:1i11 anti Bro~·ot-Mnjor Checklcy, who had him taken hofcirc tho Policu )fngbtmte at Bro •k\illo nnd ti.nod $10 anti costli. und four day,.' Jl:IY Wlb stoppu·I foi· ab-clH.'1.'.

5flth Battalion, St .rmo11t 1111 l r;/cngarry I4antry-I,ieut.-Col. D. Borgin,

( l!e1tdqun1·ter::.::it Cornwall.)

... To ... 2, 5, G and '1 Companie:-. performed the drill in consocuth·c dnys :it local hcadqunrter,.,. Drill ns detailed in Inspection Report. Xo:>. 2 and 5 Compnni<.s fair, No. r. good. No. 7 very good.

There is nn efficient bnrnl connected with thi:s corp:;.

G'oulbum I1~fantry Company-Captain Wm. Garvin.

(Ileadqunrters nt Munster.)

. Thb comp~ny wns oncnmpcd under canvas and performed the drill in consecu-tn·o ~lays. ~wing t1~ :l Ycry hea\·y rnin on day of ~nspection it "<Vaq impo~Riblc to see but l

11ttle 1lrill. Ph)·s111ue go~d, men clean and sold1orly. Company appeared efficient. The ~fctca]f~ Infantry Co1np11ny1 Captain Ira .Morgan, and the Vernon Infantry

Company, Captam Robt. ?lf?Grcg?r, wore not authorized to porform drill for tho 111·e nt yonr. Both compan1c .... dnllcd last year, at which time they were properly orgunizctl and fairly efficient.


Tohc comp:m~c" as a rulo have been kept full without any difficulty, more particu­larly m towns, >11ln~cs and country pnrL._, many more men offering than could be ncceptc.-<l. Tho phy-.11p10 ha.; a\-.o been fully up to, and in most ca ·c~ above, that of former year~.

Tho nnthoriz?<l tar?~t practice h~ hccn t.u·ded out daring tho training, but there seem to be a fallm~ oft rn local pr11<·t1co outside of tho cities.

The c:evera\ Riti~ .As-.ociation.; at Ottawa, aJ<io those respeclivoly atIIawke:ibury, Almonte and Brcx:knlle, h:we, a-. u uni, hold their annual competition and with the exception of.the lntter, have boon well patronized by momberl'! of tho force:

.A"- prono~sly repvr,tcd, on tho 2nd of ,\ ugust, No. '1 Compaoy, 42nd Battalion, (Porn broke), T11out. :~follat, was called out i11 aid of tho civil powu1· to repress i·iotoas raftsrnon, of whom five of tho lcade1'!-I wc1·e a:-ro-.tctl. Tho loctLf civil nuthoritioH think a ~criou-.. riot was averted hy the prompt re pon:-;c of the ~filitia, who remained on duty 1111ttl nbo11t ten o'clock on tho following morning.

'rhc prMent di~tribution to tho }~ield Batterie8 of' Artillery doe8 not appear to bo ru.lv:u1tagcflu . Owmg to the: men l~o111g. so la1·gcly in excess of the horAes, they are nble t? U<;C-Ompnny the batteriC! dtll'lng field mo\·ements, consequently a great portion of their hm~ is \\·:1:tetl .. A band hU< been Ol'ganized in connection with tho Ottawa Battery ~v.hich utihzc.s f1ftf."on of tho nn.mher. ~o~withstanding thi~, many idle men wcro notacoo a?out the camp. .rr eight add1tiona\ horses were authorized, per ~mtl('r\•, 0110 cai ... on eould l,o <let:.ulocl to each Divi~ion, which would bo a groat improvement.


'!'he i11·o~cut Hybtcm of i;hot and -holl practico seem . to Cl~n c tho. gunners who arc 1.01 bOlcctctl to competo for tho prize11 to take hut little 111:ero t rn that part of the t rai11ing. . ,

Y l'tll' by year it l.Jecomo~ lllOro difficult f:'> S<'<:lll'C qua!tfiod Ofi1c,cr: for all.l>r:uwhcs ot till ervic·o. A few youn.g men may qnahfy at tho ~chool ol (Tunner). b.u~ ~h(} porn1a11onL ro~idonts who oflicc~: tho force, upon. who!u dc\·oJ\'o,. the r~pon 1b1laty of prncul'i11~ tho men, c:unuot go :-o far. from th~1r .bu.:;1nc-.s to att;,11~ t~o~o ~r.Jiool.. Tborcforo the c:-tablit;hing of a echool 111 tho D1•tnct wh~ro hoth C.n:,tlry and lnfa!1· ti·} (a11 cL if not both, hy all meant; tho latter) c·ould lie rn::.tructc<l, would .r?8ult lll

gi·oal bcnolit. 'rho J:u·go drill 1-1hed either at P1:c•cott or 1'.erth coulcl be uttl1zo<l ~or tho purpose and if a t-chool were opened during tho w111tcr month~ aud 1:f10\ eJ annually to


clt1foront part.'i of the District, much military knowlc<l!.{o ccml<l hc <l1:- cn:­inntod with \mt little cxpen,;c, und tho oflke1'H of the Forro wou.ld doulJth:~ av:ul tbcrnsclves of the instruction which might tlrn~ be offor1.-<l, a11d if forage ~\·ere lH'O­vidcd, officers a111l trooper::. would bring their own hor:;Ol> free of char be while attend­ing tho Cavah·y School.

Jn May la~t, pursuant to Gcncml Or<lc1·-., the 11 ... ual hoard, c?mp~scd of ~he l>oput.y Adjutant General and Inspector of Artillery, in-.pcctcd thcnrticlc~ m th'-'.(,o,·ernnHmt. stores and magazine at Ottawa, which were folly rcpol'l~l upon at the llm~.

During the year a small sum bas been oxpentluJ Ill noc. '~ary repairs ou tho res ective drill sheds at Cornwall, Prescott and Perth, by :'·J11ch they ha\'O. hoen mu~h improved. The armories at Cornwall wore much. rcqmrc<l, aD<l th.c rc~mr:, at Prescott and Porth have secured the bheds at tho:;o :,tat101h from <lcteriorat1on for

the present. . · l I dc<l t' · On the whole considerincr the short period of <lnll, and . t ic ar~~ . uc 1011 10

the number authot'.izod to trai~, the condition of tho forcu 111 tho D1,..lncl may uc looked upon as satisfactory. Although m?vc.mcnl; on a lnrg~ :-cnlc <:°~l(! .n?t ~13 pracfo~od, an improvement in company dnll 1s no~1coablc, and ·.h th.c oig.~mzaL'.'~!11"' kept up: the w~olo Divbion could be lumod out rn a short time if then· soi\ ices

should bo rcqmrod. . . . .· . . . . l . . . _ Tho Statt', con<1i~ting of the B1·1gade }faJOr autl D1:.l11ct r.l.) lllU:.te1 IU\ 0 I on

dered the u~ual as:.it;tance.

I have the honor to be. Sit·, Your mo t obedient. servant,

'The Adjutant-General of Militia, Olt:nvn.

W. II. JACKSOX, Lieut.-Colouel , Deputy Adjutant-General ~Iili~1ryDi1>trict No. 4.

)tlLl'l'ARY l>ISl'HlC'r Xo. 5.


)loNTREAL, 5th December, 18~7.

dB -ln eompliantc with tho G<'ncrnl Order of t.he. llth ~fay, 1877, I hi~vo tl.1e bcuor LO forw:ml, lor your considcrntion nnd for snbn11::.- ion to the General Officer m commnnd. th" An ntrnl.Rcport of )1ili't:iry District :No. 51 under my command.

'l'he uomi rrnl c11 rolled st1 .:-1wth of tho force in tho District is as follows:-~

Officers. Cn,·nl ry (9 Troops)........ ... .................... .... .. 2'7 Field Batteries ( 3).. .......... ................... . . . . . . 18 Garrison Artillery (i Bntterie,,).. .. .... .. . . . . . . . ~9 En~inecr:- (~ Companie-.). .... . ... .... .... . .. . ...... 6 Will'' (~ Bnttnlion-.).. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5~ lnfantry ( 1~ Battnlions) ...... ... ......... ........... 335

·' Independent Companie:. (3)... .... . . ..... . 9

Total ....................................... .. 476

Total of all rnnb .......... .............. .

N.C.O. and Men.

315 225 385 110 660

4,510 165



Act·ording to Geuoral 01-<lcr,; of l llh May, 18i'7, 180 officers and men of corps who hn<l not drilled for 1 iG-ii, were allowed to drill for that year, proviou:; to the ::!0th Juno, 1 ... ;;. Four compunic:. of the 51st Battalion were --elected, and drilled 180 of nil rnnk,... arnl were in:.pcctcd previou.::1 to tho 30th June. The"c companie~ were rclic•l..'1.l from drill for 1 ii-78.

By the nbo•e Genernl Or<lcr n quota for the District, of 3,000 officers, non com­mi ,,foue<l oJ1icer:- anti 111cn1 wa~ allowed to drill for 1Si7-i8. In selecting the corps to fill up thb quota, tho corp-. tl1at did not drill in l i G-17, and were able und willing to drill thi" yom·, were first taken. Tho Field Batteries having been ordered to drill wcJC, of ~our"c, included in the number. The ~Iontreal corp~ having pa1·aded in Brigade to celehrntc Her )faje,,ty's Birthday, were allowed to count that day ns one • of the nounal drill, :md th('y thereby ac<it1ired the privilege of drilling for tho yrar. The 11u111Lcr of tro6p,; and companic-. to complete the quota were i-clec-tcd by lot in Jire encc of Lhe Deputy .Adjntmn C:c11cml and Brigade ~Iajors Liout.-Colonob Bacon and ~.rlmer. With a view to di;.ttibutc the drill a:; widely as po;.;.iblo through the frouller and rn1 al 1·or11. .. , an M·emgo of 30 pur troop of Cavalry aud 40 per company of 1nfl111try " a-. ~truck (that being the average of Ia. ... t year), and tho number of troops and compnnie" at tliat ;.lrength were balloted fo1'. All the corps allowed ha.ve performed their drill a11d haYc been in. peeled. They mu;.tercd so woll thiH year that tho avor­ugo i :31 pct· troop und 44 per company, of nil rankl'!, thus causing an exce:ii; over tho 'l uotn that could not well be u•oi<led.


The following corps ha,·o 1hille<l :-



Montreal Troop .... . .................•.... ......... ·············· ......... " ...... . Oooksbire do ............................ ··· ·· · ····•···· ····· ···· .. ····· ······ Sherbrooke do ............................... . · ···· ······ ·· · ······ ······ ······· Compton do ...................... .... ........ .. .... ········•········· ······•·• Stans tend do . .. . .. . .. . .................... · ········· ········ · ... ·· ···· ·· ·· Huntingdon Troop ....................... ... ········· ······ ........ ·· .. .... ....

1 Brome do ...... .............. ··············· ····················· ······

I Artilltry. I

Montreal Field Battery ............................ . ........ ········ ······ ······ Shelford do ............... ······ ···· ·· · ·· · ····· ·· ·· ······· ... · · ••·· ·· ·

I E11gi11ur1. I

No. l Company, Montreal. ............................................ ·· ····


3 2 l 2 3 2 2

6 G


~- c. o. aod Men.


26 33 34 32 35 32 35

70 75


Rijlea 1111 1 l11fi111lr!f· I 1st Battalion "Prince of Wulc3" Rifles, 6 Companie~ ....... ····· ~o ~~~ 3 d d " Victoria" do 6 do ············ -~ r o ·1 · 6 d ->2 243 5th do "Royal 11 Fusi 1crs, 0 ····· ······ · 1 - l'.!

do .Band .............. ········ ....... . , ........ ·····R·· 222 6th do Fusiliers, G Companies ...... ··· ··· ············ ···· ···· ~ 0 rn2

11th do Cnfantry, 5 do ········· ·········· ····· · · ····· 4

1:10 21st do do 2 do ······· ········ ..... ... .......... 1 13 ltlG 50th do do 4 do ········· · -···· ······ ·· ···· ......... 1

4 lGi

!list do do 4 do · ·· ·· ················ ······ ·········1 J6 !Gi 52nd do do 4 do ········· · ········· ······ ·· ·· ····· 11 168 53rd do do 4 dn .. · ·· · · ·· · ··· ···· · ···· ··· ......... , 6 tiO 54th do do 2 do · ···· ········ ................ I 3 09

GOth do do 3 do ······ ········ ········ ······ ········I ~~ 209



29 35 35 34 38 3-l 37

28 28

58th do do !i do ······· ·· ·· ···· ······ ······ ········· 1 ~23 I 79th do do 5 do ··· ······· ·················· ......... , 2 3S Eardley Independent Company ......................... ........ ... ·······•· I

11_ ----

. :---;;;:a i--3 0->2 zgg Total ............... .................... ············ ··· ·· ··i------1---' _-_ ------Totnl of all Ranks .. ......................... ········· ········· · ········ 1 3,,66


I 1 ·t · The nwn wero Tho Cnvali·y cll"illcd and were in::;pcctotl nt troop ~l':t1Jqn:11 .~1': ... 11 1

, . nll ll<'tivo an<l able bodied. Tho hor:;os aru well fitk'tl tor canllt) '' o1 k ' a t lc t1 ooptl pm-1f:ll'<l a tredilalilu iu~pection.


. Montreal 1"iel<l Battay.

Tho Montreal Ficht Bnttory, under tho commnud of I~i.cut..Col.oncl 1St·"'~c~-.~~· t · to camp in July for twelve day:::<. Tho camp 'vn." pitched 10 a rugu c , won ~~ 'VoHt. tho ::nm > dutic:- wero regularly porformod. The batter~· was :;~~~~ on tho' 30th July, ~y the In:-.poctor of Artillery and tho Duputy Adjutant-

-Gcnor.ll, th(' in..,pootion wn-. thorough :nut tifiti ... f1tl·to1T. 'fh • ,,1111 ll'Hclii•c w·i . forr?e<I nt the J,..Jand of Orlcnn-., under the ... upcriiitendone~ of'} the In. · ~ pot-~rhlll?r.r i excellent pr. ctit o 'rn" mndo, pl.1cin..!' the IJ.1tlc1·,· nt the hn·t·l o"'t.Pctcl· orl.otf ior t 11:. yoar. ~ · '"' 10 b

.-, , or i Field Buttery;

}Jndor the command of Liout.-Cvlonel .\rnyrnuld wont into <"tm 1 ·it t'ranb t~o -:6th .\ugu-..t, tho dutil•-. of the camp were cn1Ticd ont ctlh'i1'ntl,·.l ',ri ', 'i. t{ ~n ,\, rn:pc~to<_l Liy th_o Iu Jl':Cl<ll' ot' Artillery, and ,..uli-.cipwntly b,· tiw De 1

1~L ,>.t e~y tnut-ucnor nl' holh lll"'JlO ·twns ,..fiuwc I tlw i·orp ... to be cfli ·i 1 t. 'l'I I .} A<l:iu­]rn .. h~ld. u_~1.fur Lho i;upcr.intondenco ol' tho Jn,.,pcctor of..A1·t~l;~;'.}'. on 1\~e ~1:;~ ~rn~t1co J~;1~Lk~1\,1~~11~1~~~- hl•:inly ull day, but notwilh:stnnding thi'H drawback, or~~~

.'rho hor ... a.; of both battoric,.. W.!t'c ..;onnd nnd of tho rirrhL cln..;. r,01. Ai t'll .. crvrco. h ' " • 1 ery

_\ .Field Battery hns lntcly been Ji • l l mrdor tho comm·1nd of \fo 'or 11 orne' am gazett~ l , hendqnnrtors Riehmond, 01-dcr for next yo;r·i; drill: ·J on. · Aylmci-, whwh will ho in full working


tr a?J~~"~r~"0? /' ~i:le~y die! not pe1:furm the :rnunal drill thi,. year. The Mon­Frn~er. 9~m~ ~~-;th~t~l~l o e?n .~c-or~'.1111~ed., under. tho c:ommaml . of Licut.-Colonel who lin\·c tnlwn hold of th~1~~~rl~1~~i~l:otpt~ ~~~111 t~~n· /;lace;,. ha\·o been lilied by others, tQ th~r lull ;;tren,.th with., "O'Xl ch 0·"'1·111 • 101' :utcnes h:n·o been rec:rnito<i up

t. b . <l o • o • " men, am ur·e now dl'illin" wo +l tl mee 111 nga c one£' a week for h·1ttnlio11 drill Tl , L .·'" i I . I 9 c ~ Y. i _ ioy very .. hort time a :-tatc of cliiciouty ec1wtl to tl;n.t ot ~•ntal• e >ll" hu~· to attam ma

• an3 o icr coi·p::i m ~fontrca.I.

J:.'.'i!l IXEERS.

~o. 1 Uompany, fontrcal, under Ua ,w1in n. ·. · .· , wns m .. pccted in inf:mtn· drill b - ti ' I>• I t • . I IJ' <~1 died ,it hcadquarterll, and tormi iu foll stron•rth au~I prc-.cnie l 1·~ ofrn ~-1:~d~utant-<Tencl'al i the Comp~my mus­

Xo. '..? Compa~\-. under ~1. 'n. r· 1~ 1 1 .'~ .lppo·trant:e j company drill good. mul bid fair to attain it-. foi·i~~r 1..,t.;t~ 1~1~~Tttc'i~~c1;.tcly been recl'nite I, i" now drilling,


The ~fontreal Corp;:; drilled l1 . h t 1 .5th Bnttalion " Rovnl Fu-ilc('r" ,. 1~~~:~~ L~1 ~ 1-Ce st


1 er and fall, by battalions. Tho

period of twch·e d'~.}-:. 00 tlio , .. ,'m 1

110~1 · 0 one Crawfol'd, went into camp for a

k' dl fi ' · 1 "" P "l'flllll< .1fontt·o·ll '" t T t d I an .r urni .. hcd l.iy the Dopnrtrncnt but tb • . . ' . ~,., · 01~ " au Jlankets woro

c 11np nn I l.iattalion were in:-<pectcd 1;y tho G cot~..,! 10 °firdc~ then· own ration'!. The J\ugu t. He expre,.. .. 0<! hi111 .. clfwell 1)lca nrl cr.1_ot1lath t cer Ill command, on tho 24th

... ..,. w 1 i e corps and c·am p.

6th Batta.Lion " Fusiliers "-IJiout.-Col. Martin.

Thi .. battnlion wa~ inc;pcctod by the D • . , ~he l.iattalion rnu~tercd -.trong, awl looked ~J~1; 1t~ ,~<!Ju~~~-f~cnoml on tho 20th Sept. ; 711<1 ~ho parade mo•ornents well performed. th' t .o ~aichmg past wa;i vory good, and w good order. ' 0 at ms and nccoutl'cmcn Ls wore cloa.n

1st Battalion " PriMe of Wales,, Rijles-Lieut.-Col. Bond.

Thi battalion wa;; in poc:te I Ii th (' .. •o\'Cmucr. This old corps-tho old~t i~ thcnoral_ ~fficcr in command, on the 3rd of its efficiency; the ranks were full ti o Do_mrn1on-~howod thnt it hail lo;it nono

ients well e:x:ccuto<l · the march' ' ictmen active and intelligent, and all tho move-' mg pa wa.;; very good.



3rd Batt11liun " Victoria Rifles "-!Jicut.-Col. H:uuly iJo.

Thib hattnlion wrui in poc:t<.,><l liy tho ncnoral Offinor in commnud, on the ZHh No\·ombo1·. 'fhc battalion wa over the t-otl'cngth nllowcd for drill. 'fho men wcro tlmai·t, and i;oldiol'lilrn, arm au<l acc·outrurncnts in 1ino order, nnd, not with tnnrling tho Chnmp do .Murs was ankle <loop in mnrl, the marching pn l antl lJ:ttwlion movements worn well 1lono.

DltlClAIH: l'ARAl>ES

Tito )lontroul Brigad<> parn1led on tho 21th ~fay to rolebmtc Her Maje~Ly'14 Birthd:t}. '!'hero worn pn•-or. t on purade, of all rank;\ and :u·rn ... , 1,:~:W. After firing tho "Fw de juie" and '· cl11;c.:1·:;" WCl'll gi\'en, tho Bri~:uio marched pa!it in t•olumn and qual'il'I' t•olumn, aud were then put tl1l'011gh a 1111111IJl'r ot Lrigadc mo\'emont8, all of whith woro crc<litauly performed. ~lilita1-y Di1·.tric:t No. G was well roprenentod in tho Briga.do, by tho Staff of that Di:.trict and the 65th Battalion "Mount Royal Rifles." 'l'herc wo1 o over 20,000 ~po.:tat-0r!i on tho ground.

'l'hc Brigade was called out by the DepuLy A<ljutaut Gonol'al on the afternoon of the 12th July, to protoc:t tho armorie,, and to aid tho civil power if required. Tho calling out of the force was con~idered a ncce ..... ity from tho intcn ... e excitement that prevailed in tho city. Th(' order was giYon at 3 p.m., und in two l1ow·1> a force of 1,041 of all tanks was under arms fit for duty. The corp" wero kept under arms all night.

Tlw Brigade \Vas called out by reqnbition from :Magi!itrate:;, in aid of the civil power on tho 16th July, and wore retained 011 dnty until noon of the 17th. The strength of tho force, out on this occa..,ion, was 1,040. The dbpo,.,ition of the troops wns np111·oycci of by the authoritic:;, arnl tho behavior of tho mou under arms w3.'i all that conlcl be desired.

Tho want of a drill shod is more and more felt in )lontrcnl. Somo of the t•orps aro put to tho ncco.~.,ity of hiring tho Skatiug Hink for tho ::,ummer :m I autumn; somo drill in tho Oily IInll, and tho am1orie-. arc scatte1·od indifferent quarter ... away from the <lrilling places. Tho room:; hitherto occupied as armoric:> in tho Old Quebec Gato BntT:tcks, will hnvo to bo vacated in the "pring, tho c:ity haYing ... old the property.

Tho )luntrcal BL·igado has p1·ovud it:-- efficiency on moro than one occa.:;ion, and it> certainly deserving of more cncouragcme11t from tho city nnthoritie,.. than it baa lately rPcOi\'etL A proper drill shod, with urmol'iC';; attached, io an absolute nece:;sity to the maintenance nnd efllcicncy of tho Brigade.


11th Battalion "Argenti:uil Rmtgrrs ''-Lt.-Col. Hon .• T. C. Abbott.

No..;. 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 Companie.., drilled at l'Ompany headqunrtcrs, nnd were in..:poo­te<l by Lt.-Col. Btwon, Biigado ~la,iot" in Scptemul'r. The oompanics mu ·tcrod strong; tho men looked well, and the nnn" and accoutrement-, were clean.

21st Battalion, "Richelieu Liyht J11ja11try ''--IJieut.-Col. F. G. lforcharnl.

Two companies, 3 ancl •!, drilled, und wci·o in:--pected in OttohCJ.· hy Lieut.-Col. Aylmer, Ill'igudc Majol'; tho companic.."' wore full and showed n goo<l state of efficiency.

50th Battalion," ll1mti11gdo1i Bordcrers"-Licut.-Col. )foE:whorn, C. M. G.

Four 1•ompanio~ drilled, and '-"Oro in-..pcctod in July by the Deputy Adjutant. General; :Xo:-<. 2, ;3 and .i Companie,.. mustered for in .. pl•ction at Huntingdon, and, under tho 1·01111nanding uffh:e1·s, went t11rough l>attalion moYcmcnh very t•roditably. No. 7 Com pun,· wa.-; inspotte1l at. eompany hc1ul1p1:1rtN·,..; arm .. and uccoutromont.s wore clean; all tho companio,, were full.


5lst Battalion, "llemmingford Ranyers"-Liout.-Col. Rogers.

. }'our compnn!cs woro sol1 ct~l to drill for 18i6-i7 in June; thcso compnniet:i dr1llcd, nnd wo.ro m:-.pcctctl by L1out.-Col. Bacon, Brigade )fajor. Tho compnnieH wcro full, nnd m nn oxcollont stuto of officicm-y; accoutromonl~ clean and well put on. Tho o~hcr compnnie" drilled in July; So<i. :Z, 5 and 'i wore inspocto<l by the Deputy A<lJuhmt-Gonornl, and :Xo. 8 by th0 Brigade ~\fajor· tho rnnks woro full the men dean nn«l !;Oldiediko; drill fairly porformO\.l. · ' '

62nd BattaliM" Brome Liglit Infantry "-Liout.-Col. llnll.

l~ou:· co~p~nios dr_illo<l; Xos. 2, 5 nml "· muslored on tho 18th Soptcmbot· at Bolwu In,.~ tor 111spect1011 b) tho • cputy .\.d.1ut:111t.Gencral; i;omo of tho companies cat!lu H mile:-. for thi:-. pm~arlo ; tho ranks were fnll ; a tino bo«ly of mon; oO\'Orttl bat­tnhon movement::; were tnod and foidy dono, but the skirmishinrr with blank at the buf~lo call wuo done in good :->tylo. _To. 4 Company was in::;pcctecf at its ho~dqunrto1·a drilled well, aml is well up in :-kirmishing. '

53rd "SherbrookP" Battalion-Lieut.-Col. Ibbot 'OD.

Four companies drilled; three, Xo-.. 1, 3 and 6, mustered for inspection with b.'l~d nnd colors at Sherbrooke 011 tho 10th July, nod were inRpectod by tho Deputy Adju;:nt-~en~rn1.;. Tho ~om!!:mic" wcro full,, ndive and able-bodied men; marching r:i.-.t !:>ood l 1lr1ll t:nr, cons1clc1 mg tho compnn1cs had not been together for a year. ~o. :> Company wns m .... pcctcd nt lingo~ liy tho Brigade Major; reports a good company; arms nn<l nccoutremcub C'lcan; drill fair. '

5lth Battalion," Richmond" lnfantry-Liout.-Co1. Right Hon. T.Jord Aylmer.

D .·. ~r,~o ~1~111~m.1ic:-i only of this bn.ttnl,ion d1·illcd, 5 and 6, an1l wcro inRpccto<l by the 1,1'; uJc-)Ll.1u1 L1eut.-Col. .Aylmer, rn September; both companies aro in a state of


5 th Battalio11, " Comptun" lnfantry-Liout.-Col. Cook.

r Five compnnie• drilled, Yi7.. : 2, 3, :;, G nnd 'i Companie,;, and woro inspected in A 11o"u9t nlll! Septem~cr at compnuy lio:u.lqu.1rter-;, by the DepuLy .Acljutant-Genoral, an I_ the Brigade ~fn.111:. The .. e companies nre tilled with able 'bodied men; ranks full, company dull fatrly performed; some of the companie~ i;kirmish well.

GOth Battalion" . .lfiss"s111oi ., l1ifa11try-J.,ieut.-Col. Rowe.

Th~C:C companio ... c.lri_llnd;. two of them, Xo:-.. 1 and 2, porfoi·mod their drill to~et1101 HI .camp ~lt ..\lJ ...... 1 q1w1 H:iy. An empty granary wa::i sccurccl; the mon b~~?.ht their hcdd111g and bl~11ket ... with them, and provitlccl their own ration-;. Tho 0 !CCI" arnl men dc.,e1·ve cred1 t for the spirit :-.hew n in can·ying out thiH camp HO succcs-.fulh· · "nod ])l"O"'l'C ", ••• 1L· 1 I · I ··11 11 · · D . J.' o , n :>., • •" nw o Ill ' 11 . 1e companies woro 1111ipoctod hy the

0 put} Adjutant-froncral 011 _the :i h.t Augn"!t; the inspection was 11atisfactory. No. t Company_ drilled, awl wa~ inspected at c-ompany head11'1artors i11 October hy tho

d ~11 1111~.>: AdJntant-Goncral awl l:kigade Uajor f.Jicut.-Col. Aylmer. good CO~JlO.ny.

r1 1air. ' • 1

'i9th Battalion "S!i.efford" !11.;imtry or-' liighlantlers "-Lt.-Col. Miller.

to r~ve _compa~ie drillod at company hc:ul<jlllU"lcr,;. Two of them 1:mcl4 mttH­

r~h o; lllSI>CCtton hy tho Deputy AcljutantrGencral and Brigade )faj~n·, at <; 1~anbv, on ° t I • CJ>~Cmt~r. :!-'he Baud wa pro cnt. 'I'he parade WllH hoid on tho cam) grouuJ of tho Shelford hold Batt1:ry. 1 ho com panic:> looked woll, marched well an~


<lrille I fairly. Gompanio.~ 2,:; arul G w1•ro i11.,pe!"led i11 tl1e snme wcok by the •uno otikor . They were all i11 full ,.trcngth, good adivo mo11, awl in a go0tl t:llO of .efficiency.

"Eardley" ('ompany-Captain Lawlor.

'rhis company drilled in ca.mp ut Aylmer. Camp oquipngc W:t" Ruppliod from Ottawa. 'rho (•ompany furnii;hod its own ration~. Tho c·o111pa11y wa .. in"pcck<l on the :30th Scptl•mher by Lt.-Col. Ilac·on, Brign<lo .\Iajor. The camp pre"cnted a ncaL a1>pc.. rn11cc, the men C'ican and l'Oldiel'liko; C'Ompauy drill wnll pcrlbrtn~I.

'Plic d1·illing by compnnic::; at cornpa11y hcadquarterR doe not. afford "o good an oppol'f1111ity to offico1·:-i and m~·n to acq11i1·0 a knowleclgo of d1·ill nnd activo <lulic.'I. Camp with its routine of drill and dut.\·, would w gladly welcomed by c\·ery · Jl'!J" in tho Di,.,trict, C:-Jll'<'iully by the frontier men.


A II the compnnic" that bavo targcb and rangc:i anywhorc uonr their licrulq unr­ter" hiwo had practic1•. Somo companies l1nnJ uo targets or ~arc rnn;;e.--, ::mu are thel'cl01·0 reluctantly tompellod to forego pr:wtico. 'fho talmlnr return • :-how the £gurc of merit, fiO for a.-; roturng h:n·o been rcceiYe<l.


Thei-e a.re f]ftoon Rifle Associations in the Distl'ict,nll working efficiently, viz.:-

Province of Quebec Rifle Association. Frontier " " District of Bodford " " bho1·brooke " " \Vclli11~ton Cookshire, " " Richmond " " )iontreal Fiol1l Battery " " ~fontrcnl (;arl'ison Artillen· Hiflo ,\.,; ... ociation. ht Prince of Wales · " " 31·d Victoria Rifles " " nth Royal Fusiliers " " !ith Fusilier:-. " " l•~ngi neer-i " " .\l on treul " •: Point St. Chnrlo~ " "

Bxporicncc ha" :<hewn thnt these .A,,~ociations arc of' rent "erdcc in lunching tho v:iluo oft ho oxcollonL rillo in posse&1ion of tho force. All tho As,,oC'iationK bani hnd fill<'< 1~flfn l compotitionH during tho ycnr. It is anticipated that )lilifary lJist ricL No. ,, will again furniHh to.ix competitor,; for \\'imblodon al tlw corning matcho:s.


• ,\ ;,htc1l in la.st yon.•'$ report," un cxci.'llent -.pirit pro.wnib throu~houL the ])j .... "trid in fo\·or of tho .Actin• .?lfilitin," awl I cun -.tntc with <'Onfidonc !llHI from expcricnc\J that:\ truly loyal :ind willing "Pii-it o.·i-.t in tho force it-.olf. • ~ I beg to acknowledge with thunk:- the wry cord in I llJ p ll t .ml oflicient ni 1 in tlio work of tho Di trict, received from Licut .. t;olo:wls Bae 11 nm! .1.\) ltuer, Ht i0rndo

Mnjors1 nnd J,t. Col. Am) r:mld, District Paymn. .. tcr1 and nl o from ~fujo1· J>opc, Storo­kc per, in prompt ntto11tio11 to rcqui-.it101i-. for .... tore-.

I hfi\·e the honol' to be, Sir, Your ol c lior f "cn·nnt,

T ho .Adjut:ml General of ){iliti:t1


JOl L T FLETCIIl~H, lit.- "olonel, Deputy Adjutan General, )lilit:U')' Di:-tl'ict N0. 5.



)foNTRE.H,, 4th DcC'cmbcr, 1877.

Sm,-In conformity with you!' instruclion .. , I have the hono1· lo rcpol'l. for tho information of the General Ofliccr commanding the )!iii tin, that in :tccol'd:tncc to Genornl Order,, (11) of 11th Mny lu-.t, 135 men were selected to drill twelve days fo1· 1 iG-17; and, moroover, thut 1.300 men were :-elected bv lot in tho prc.;cncc of a J.'iclcl Officer of Militia, to be drillc l tho period of twel~e ·day:; fol' 1877-7 .

il.Jth Battalio11-Lt.-Col. P. A. Rodi er.

'!ho 135 men to b? drilled twch·c tfay::; for 187ti-77, wore composed of tho men form mg throe compante:- of thi:i RLLtalion.

~bc. .. c companies wcro in ... poctcd Ly mo a~ under:-i\o. •! Company, Capt. Boudreau, wns inspected by me at Ste. l[ u·line on the

8th June In.st. .Pre.,cnL on parado-2 officm arnl ·12 men.

. .After tho manual and firing the company went through a fow wheeling ... f1 rm­nlwn of fou1 , and -.ome company drill on tho move; this was done in :i. Cl'edituhlc manner; the men looked well n11<l hn<l a oldiorlike appearance; the arm :tnrl a(·eou­trcmcut.s were in goo<l order.

~11 nmo clay I in,.pccto<l, at North Georgetown, :No. 5 Company, C'apt. Tm·cot. J re;,ent ou paiado-3 otficors and 42 men. ~lib i a fine company, good, :-.trong, healthy looking mon; drill fair; anas,

clothrng aud accoutrements in goo<l or<lor. On the next day l!lth Juno) I in-.pectc<l, at Ste. Philomone No. 1 Com1iany Capt.

lJ'~\mour. ' 1

Pr·c.,ent on paradc--3 officers nrnl 42 men They.were pn~ through manual and firing; formation:; of four:;, wheeling;;, &c; all

was done m ~ crnd1tablo. manner. 'fho mou of this company arc not l:u·go, but they nrc part1culnrly active and Heern calculated to undergo any amou11t of cxcrlion; arm and nccoutrement.8 in good order.

80th Battalirm1 .l\icold-Licut.·Col. DeFoy.

'1;110 22nd June I ini.pecto<l Xo, 5 Company of thi:; bnttalion1

Ca pt. Pratt. J re cut on parado--1 officer and 12 men.

_ Ianuul und fil'ing good; formation of fours wheeling" mal'ching countcrmnrch-1ng, nil was well performed. '£ho .men of this c~rp nrc all

1 i;trong ho~lthy rnon,

Tho snme day I proceeded to 111 pcct tho • Ticolot Company, Capt. Giroux.

Prose11t on paratll1--:1 ofticors anrl 42 111un. )1a11ual a11d tiring, formation of f.,nro, wheoling, mMchi11g, <'.ountormnrching,

&c.1 good; armR and n1·(·outro111c11ts in good order. '!'ho ~:·hJ ,Juno J iui.JH chic! tlw Jkcanconr Co111pnny, C'npt. Lnndry. Pro .. eut 011 l'arnd<.,,'-:! ofliccrs and .J2 men. Drill fair. 'rho i;amo day I proceeded to in poet tho Gentilly Company, Cn11L G:mdct. l>robont on paradc-:J 01lir.01"!l an<l -1~ rnon. Manual nnd firing1 formation of four , wheoling .. 1 marching, countormarching

wcro woll po1fonncd; armi> and aecoutromout. in good order. Tho 24th June I ini;pccte<l tho Ste. (;c1tru<lc Comp:my, Capt . .Mou-."ettc. l'rcscnL on parade-:: officer:i a11d 40 men. Manunl and firing, formation of four"<, marching, countcrmarching, whcoliugR,

&c. wcll pcrformc<l. Thi is a good company under a good ('Uptain. ' On the 7th July l in. pccle<l the Yictoritl\•illc Company, Capt. Bc:mbien. l'ro~o11t on pamdo-1 ulliccr and:~:~ men. Manual and ihing, formation of fours, wheeling, marching, &c., fair.

G5t h Battali011-I.ieut.-Col. Labraneho.

On tho 2!Hh of ,Juno l inspoct..id thb tiuo h:1tlalion. Pre::;ont 011 pnrado-Stnff, 4; co111 p:uiy oiliccn;. 13; moll, 252. Ailor the manual u11<l firing, \\ hich wu-. well <lono, tho battalion '~out through

several movement..;, Loth :i.. a rcgimont in lino mul in column, &c.; dcploymcnt.s, advancing in ccholon, and finally charged in line in ... uch a mnnncr a:; to convince me that it understood its work thoroughly.

176th Battalion-Licut.-Col. Ro lier.

On tho 13th July tho Ste. Martin Company (No. 2)1 Capt. Durocher, wna im;pecled.

Prc::;ont on parade-~ ofli Ct'l> and 42 men. Manual and tiring, wheeling, formation of four~, murching1 countormarching, &o.,

were good· al'ln~ nn<l ncconfrcmcnb in goo I 01xler. On tl;c .. amc day the :-it. Uilxun Uomp:my (.1. ~o. 3), Capt. 0. Legault, WM

inspected. l)rc,..c11 t on p:u adc-3 ofllccr::. anll 42 men. . }lanual and firing, fol'lnation offom·,.., mllr('hing, oountcrmarchrng, < c., goo<l;

arm::; and ac('outrcrncnh in good mdcr. 'l'he :-.ame day tho Chntcnngnu~· Company, (.Xo. 6), Capt. Robert, was

intipt•ctcd. Pre::.ent on parade-~ oflicer;-; aJHl -1~ men. ~l:mual and tit·iug, foi mation of font~, wheeling::., llllll'Ching, oountcrrnnrchillg,

&c.1 well performed; arm" :111<l :tl'COt1t1·0mc11tis in good~ot'lh.n-.

64t!t Hattalio1,- Lic11t.-C 11. Prudhomme.

On tho ~ml .Inly l in"pcclod .Xo. 1 <..:omp:my, C.1pt. Doslnuric1'. Prm;cnt on parade '31:11'~ 1; company ofliccr'8, :l ;1;111011, 4~. Sarne day, No. ~ ('ompany. Capt. Baginct. PrcscnL on ~a1·ad~3 01liccr". n11d 42 n~on. Same day, .. o. :~Company, Lieu!. Cadtcnx. Prc:.cnt 011 para<lo-1 ollit:cr an•l '1~ rnel'. ~amo day, So. -1 Company, Capt. Prudhomme. I>rm;ent. on pnrnJ1,,'-~ otlicc1" and 4~ mon. On tho 3rd July l inspcctod tho St. 'I'himolhe ·Company (Xo. 5)] Cnpt.

L:i.ngo~iu .


J>rc.-out on pnrado-:~ ofii~rs nntl 42 men. On tho :-ame dny l inspootccl .Xo. G Cornp:my, Capt. D:wie$. Pre..><ont 011 paradc-2 otlicor"' :mcl 12 men. 'l'he mnnnal anti firing, formation of fom,., wheeling, man•hing nnd countcr­

mnrching wero gono through Ly each of tho six above named companies nt my fo poction.

Tho wholo wu .. ., fairly done Ly each of tbol'o companies. 'l'J1c n1·11Js 1md nccoutrcment::; wcro in good order.

Provisional Battalion, Joliette-Lieut.-Col. Rhoppnrd.

On thu 23rd July, No. 1 Company, Capt. Sheppard, was in~pocted. Present on parndo-St.iff, :~; company oftlcers, 2; men, 42. On the 25th Juno, Xo. ~Company, Capt. Granger, w:1::; inspecte1l. Prc-unL on par:l(le-2 ofticcrs and 42 men. On tho ·Hh June, No. 3 Company, Lieut. Guilbeault, was inspected. P1 c.-cut on p:uwlo-2 officers nml 42 men. On tho 14th July, No. 4 Company, Cnpt. Guilbeault, was inspected . Prc-ent on parado-2 officers and 42 mon. 011 the 24th June, Xo. 5, Compnny, Lie1 l. Blair wns inspected. rre-cmt on parnde-2 officers anil ·12 men. At thc-o clitf'crent inspection" of the several companie::: of thb battalion, manual

and firing, cornpnny drill, -.kirmi-.hing, wa,, gone through in a :-atisfactory manner. The ml·n of the batutlion aro i-trong and nctiYc; the arms and nccoutromonts are

in good <>rder.

On tlrn !1th October tho Imlopondent Company of Arthaba::;kaYille, Capt. Pacaud, was in,..pccted.

l'rc-cnt on pnrn<le-3 officer:- and 39 men. f:rnual and firing, formation of four:-, wheeling.-, marching, &c., was faidy per­


1 rcgret to hnve to t:.!ntc that thi-. company did not receive a t:u·got to practice upo11, nlthoug-h a,,ke1l by me lo11g before the time it wu:; \vanted. Consoq nently the men were unable to practice.

On tho 11th ~ovcrnbcr I in pect01l thu Laprm l'ie Independont Company, Capt. Bro -eau.

t'rc en ton pnrade--3 offic11r ... a11d ·1~ men. Manual and firing, foi-rnntiou of fours, whecli11g .... , marchiug and countom1arching,

all well done.

~'hi ... i a fiuc company, :111 good and well·drilk><l men; uniform:,i, arms and accoutronient.-. in g(>Od ortlet'.

On thu 29th .Xovernbor l in,.pocte<l the St. Joan Bapti:-tc Village lntlepcndont Company, Capt. Kirwan.

Pi·c-out on para<lo--1 oJli .. cr and 42 men. Tho lndcpendent Woltun Company, ballot04l to drill for 1877-78, did not drill,

but couiscnte<l to cede il'i l'ight to drill to the St. Jean Baptiste Uompany. 'l'hi ~t. Jean .Bapti le Company is a \'cry fine company, compo·e1l of rnon of a

splendid physique.

Tho 111anual aud firi11g-thc fit'iug c pecially-was vo1'Y g'.>od; formation of fours, wheeling allll marching, wen.: fairly pcrformc(l, con'.'litle1·ing that tho men had hail lint n few days drill when in pcctcd.


13 ides tho already long cxioting Hille . l ssociation for the 5th J~1·igado Divi of which Lt.·Col. l>'Orsormcns. IMgado _\lajor, is tho Prc~idont, I am ha[> PY to a po ition to ay that siuco "') l.l t 1 eport three new Rifle .As~ociations HlVc 13p up i11 tlto Di trict under my comm:wd :-

'l'ho ' l'J1reo Rive1'l3 Battnlio11 Hille.,\ i;ociation, )fajor Lamhu1·t, Pi·ci;itlont. '..l'ho Joliette Battalion Hiflu .\ ,01·1nti<m, Lt.-Col. l;ltoppard, J>rc:iitlent.

1 ho G!'>th Bnttnlion )fount H.oyal Hifle A ociation, Lt .. (;oJ. N. Lnbrnnch President. Tito In t 11n1111 .. -<l Hiflc .i.\s .. <>..:iatio1. hold it ·.rntcho at Point l. Chnrle 'on the 3rd

and Gth Oetobor la:;t. '

1•'ou1· Battulio1 . .Mutehe., took place, and a fifth oncopcn to all competitor,; belong­ing to tho Volunteer force.

. Ono hundred and ninety-two dollar!', in lllonoy or il.8 c<ptivalcnt, wcr·o gi,·on in prizes.

I sincerely trust th:it tho Govemment will 1lcern fit, in f'ut11re, to give some tangible cn<·ourngcmont in the way of p1·ize1'

1 to thc-o Hitto ,\ sociationi-.

CN Alll OF CIYIJ, l'OWElt.

On tho 12th aud 1Gth July lu:;t, tho fiatlt Mount-Hoyal (together with the mili­tary forco in )lilitary Di!:itrict No. 5), wore cnllcd out in aid of tho civil J><nvcr.

Tho wholo of' tho fi5th Battalion re:-pondod to the.: c:dl on ootL oc.:<·a~ions with tho utmo!-lt promptitude.

A lamentable occmTence took pia('e at the Qucbo<" Gato Barrack on the 11th July last, wherein an unfortunate man of the name of' ~Jc.Kco11, lo-t hi-. life at tho hands of P1frato 1''rancb Fitzpatri1,;k, So. ~ Corn1mny, G.;th Battalion.

A fow day~ provious ordet·s had como from hendquurtur orderin" the placing of gunrds over the difforont art-cnals in ~fontreal , in con:.equencc of i~mour:- of' au alarming nature that had been put iu circulation.

A guard had Leen placed 0>01· tho armory of tho IJ5th Battalion at the Qnehec Gato J3armcks.

On the 11th July Francis Fitzpatrick wa:- ~entry at po ... t No. 3. Quebec Gato Barrack:-;, when, at 2 o'clock, p.m., four or fh-c 1·owdie:- ("aid to hclong to the Black llorso gang hero), came up to him, attacked him, and attempted 1o wrench hi!S rifle from him. rho scnt.ry stepped back n. pace or two and lixo<l bayonet, when one of' thorn (~.kKeon) caught l10ld of the rifle, tho i-ontry held 011, and in the l'Cufile the man's breast was pierced Ly tho bayonet. Ilo died in a few minute\'.

Fitzpatrick was thrown in gaol for !'O,-ernl day,; by ordc1· of the Coroner. A jury wa.s i;truck and as!Sembled. Aftc1· a mo~t minute im·c..,ligation the jury

completely cxonorate<l Fitzpatrick, who w:L'> lyin~ in pri-.on all thb time. Although I deplore the sad end of this man .. \fcKeon, still I must .-ay that Fitz­

patl'ick did )1i~ dut.y like n mnn, and de,.er~es some kind of acknowledgment for tho foarless manner iu which he :;too<l his ground and kupt hb po,.,c. Fitzpatrick b quit<• a young man, i;mall and i;Jimly built.

.McKeon was n tnll and powed\11 young mun, tho terror of tho nei~h l>orhood.


Montreal, which aspire:; to be the greatest city of tho Domiuion, which "pend~ million~ of dollars on :-1pncious park~. i:<plondid new City Halb, embellishments and improvomont:-1 of all bOrt.s, i:;ecms to take a delight in heaping i1Mtlt nod mortification on tho really mngnificont Volunteer force sho po-.sc~,.c,.,, a force of which any city should be pt'oud, and thinks she i:; :-enfog tho l>c-.L interc:sb of the country by allow­ing tho onco i;o nnc "Champ do Mari->·· to bo converted into a dirty, muddy, rntt)­public tho1·oughfa1·0; and, moroovor, by positively iµ;noring tho ooli~ations incumbent upon tho city nuthoritios to furnii;h tho Yoluntocr,; with a suitable drill shod, togct11et' with proper and i-;afo nrmorio..:;.

Ifthoy go 011 a little longe1· in thi:s way, who can,, ,,u,· what will l1ccome of the Monti·eal Volunteer force.

I ha,·o tho l1onor to he, Sir, Yout':s truly,

" .A. C. DET,OTBIXIEHJ~.IJ .AH \YOO 0, Tiieut.-Colonel. Deputy .\djutant General,' ~Iilitnry Di~t1·ict No. ti.

The Adjutant General of Militia, Oltawa.



~ULI'l'.\.HY DI::l'I'HIC'r .Xo. 7.


Quebec, 1st l>ecem ht•r, 1 '77.

In complian<'c with tho General Order of the 11th Mny, 1877, l ho.Yo tho honor to lny bcforo you, for tho infonnation of the Lioutennnt-Gcncrnl comnurnuing, my ]{cport on tho :>talc of tho Militin in ~[ilitnry Di~trict Xo. 7 for 1877-78, together with nn Appendix mmcxed.

'Iho nominal !'trength, iis reduced in the G.enernl Or<lers nbovo q uotcd is 2,000 officer:-, 11011.commi -.ioned ofliccr::-> a111l mon. Tho total actual strength of the force which mu-.tercd at the ti mo of tho nnnunl drill, wa:; 77 officers and 1, 702 non­oommi-.-.ioued officer-. nnd men. 121 oflkcr:- and 1,344 non-commissioned officers and men were rolicn'<.I hy lut from performing their annual training.

Tho th Royal Ritfo .. , by :-pocial pormi~-.ion, have been nllowed to perform drill during the winter mouth!>, nnd will bring tho strength of the force, when their drill b complete-.!, to ll2 officer;, anti 1,91~ non·commi:-sioned officers and men, which hnV"e drilled for 1 77-78.

The .\..ctivc :Militia of the Di-.trict con .. i:,t .. of thc:following co1·p~, which, at the time of tho annual c.lrill, turn1...'(l ont as lollow:-;, "Viz:-

Corps. Officers.

Quebec Cnvnlry, two Troop.... . ....... . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . 5 Quebec Fichl Buttery. .. .. .. .......... . ....... ... .... .. 4 Ga,,pc Battery Gurrition Artillery.. ..... .. ... ... ... 1 G1 O:, .. c lslEJ Buttery do . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . 1 !lth Tiiflc,... 6 companie-. ..................... . ......... 18 17th Battalion Jnlnntry, 5 Companie~........... .. 6 ~3nl do 2 do . .. .. . . . .. .. . 3 55th do 3 110 • • ... • . • .. • • • 6 61-.t do 3 do . . . . . .. .. .. . . 4 iUth Jo :~ do . .. .. .. . . . . .. 5 Oounty Quebec Batt. Infantry 3 Companie,,. .. . . 6 J>ortncuf do :~ do . .. . . . 5 Knmow-a:.ku do 2 do 3 Dorchc,,tcr do 1 do 1 Hirnou ... ki do 2 do 4 Charlevoix do 2 do 4 Temboouatu do 1 do 1

77 Sth Battalion Hiflc:-, yet to d1·ill .. .. .. ......... . ... 15

Total ............................... n2


N.C O. and :\!en.

64 95 3G 23

252 19:{


121i 121) 121; 12G 118

4 11 4

81 12

1702 210


Tho two troop ofCa\·ulry drilled at headquarter~ at troop drill. These co1·ps }lllrndc<l full trength, aud pa cd credit.able inspection-.. :So. 2 Troop wa,; inspected by Lieut.-General Sir Euward Selby Smyth, K.CJ.~LG., and :No. 1 Troop by the Deputy Adjut.nnt-Generul of tho Di trict.

'fhc troops wore not ns a rul? well mounted, the hor!'e in great part bci11g bir1...'<l. I mu t say that unless commanrlmg officers of corp:> remedy this want by only culi ting trooper ... who own their horses, nnd ge;tting them regiRterocl, it will be

a:; = vo1y .difli<"ult to 01 ing Cu:~d~·y corps to nny dogrct· of rc:il cfllc:icmcr. 'J'hu want of trn1111ng. o~ ho1·1rn., at tho J,1clmg School ir> al1So greatly folt. Qnobcc p:> ,c,,-.c a tit- t­d'.l.'>1:! ?t11ld1ng fo1· that puqJ<l,,c, and i~ is dc~im.blo that C1l\".1lry <:ommunrJen; in thi J?11:!t1'1Ct. t>hould at'.orJ OVO~J: Opportun1ty t.o their men to OUlain tJio llCC:O:i an· it1-.'tl'!lll·

hon wl111.;t ther~ 11:! a qunhtied instructor in " B" Battery J who e Cl'\'ice ~cou ld be mn<lo nvudnblo fo1· that p~rpo:>c. lfan. extra n11mlic1· ofh()1 o.-. were nttndied to" B " .Battery,, and more vncu11c1es allowed, it would uc a great bcoeh . to t hi bi·auch { the SOl'VlC:e. O


A~·tillery corp,; were inspected by the fo.,pcctor of A1·ti' lcrr with the c~cept1011 of the na~pc Battery of Gard,.,011 Arti lle1'.}', which ,, 1 ... ir~~pccte<l b L10ut.-Coloncl La )fontugno, Brigade Major, in the absence of the In'l• :1.:torof Artillcr~ on othc1: duty. I beg to annex n. report of tho sai<l inspection (A).

Owm~ to tho s mall number of Artillery corp" i11 the Dbtrict, I would recommoud the formu.t10u of ti fow moro uatleries of Garri:-on Artillen· at <l11eb". and Point I.JCvis I have received two application:! for tho formation ~f Gnrri-.un batterie in Quebec, but, owing to the reduction of tho force, they hin-c not beon a"c:opt.-0<1. ~


The. !lth Battu!ion Rifle ·, un~er the comi:iand nf Lieut.-Col. Yoh I, wn,, inspected by tho General Officer. comn?aod1ng on tl~e 2.>th. of Octouer Ja-.t, on the .E,,,pJnnn•lo at ~uebee: T~o Inspect.mg officer was reee1..-ed with a general i-alutc. and, after clo-.clv 1~spectrng. lae m?1J,_tl.1e battalion marched pn::.t i~1 column of companies in quicl.: tni;ie, nnd 10 <1uni te1 column~ at the double, nnd aftcrwartl put thron!!h ..,0 ,eral bat­talion moYorncob. 1'he Sen10r Major was then calle<l to tho front for the perform­ance of the manual anti firing exercii:;es.

The General expressed himself highly satisfied with the way in whid1 the , 0rnml movomo.nki h.a<l been performed, and also nt tho plca .. -.urc he experienced in in:,.pecting for the firbt time a French Canadian battalion.


The compn11ie~ of.the clitfore~t Rural _Bntwlions drilled nt their rc-.pectirn head. quarters, and, .co11:-;1dc~·111g the period of dnll, tho re ... ult.i have proved snti-.faclory, but ~he syst?rn fn1ll:! to bring the corps to that efficiency which is acquired in camps of mstruction.

. The nb,;encc ?f .qnalifie<! officers to bolp the commanders of corp-., nnd al .. 0 of trained no11-comm1s~10ned of~1cors, adds greatly to the difficultie:-i alrc:irly expcricncod.

The want of drill sheds m rural part:; preYcnt commandinn- officer ... from britwincr togothcr for instruc~ion tho men de::.il'Ous of drilling <luring ,~intc1· month-.. ~n,g. quently, from one cll'lll to another the men fo1·get what they Jrn,,o lo:u·ut, and tbc :-amo tronblo hns lo bo gone through year aftl'r ycnr.

MILITARY ~cuoor,s .

I mm;.t again ui:~c in this Heport t~o pro:-i:-iin~ necessity of ro-opcning, i Quobcc and O~tnno, the ~11h~ury Schools, which h:wo hoon working for throe cotM~t·utfrc yen.r:; 10 Now Brunswick :~nl~ ~?va Scotia., ~t would thus gini tho otbor Province.::. th oil" tum, us woll us tho fac1h t10:> of q ualifyi n•r for p1·omotion tho great. number of officor1-1 now holding proviisionnl appointment-..

0 '

Officer,; already qualific<l hnvo renpcd g-ront benefits hy hoin~ allowed to cntor ".B" Batto1·y, School of Gunnery, and there acquire a kno\vltXl..,.o ofintcri 1r CC:Jnomy d i:-;ciplino, tactics. strategy and tiol<l fortitic:lt.ion.. ix' ides rec~h·irw lc-. ... 011 -. in 1 idiag' drill. ' :.


J .. t.-Col. ;:,trmwo hn.-. been unromitting in hb effort-:, nnd has ttsotl e\·ory moll.n!i in hi-. powor to mnko oflicer~ thoroughly clliciont. Tho results ha\•o been Yory &'lti-.fnotory, but tho number of \'ncnncic.-. at his dbpo,nl nre i;o ro:;tricto<i thnt few cnn bQ.ndmitted.

RIFI.l: As ·ocIATlONS.

The nirlc .A-.-..ocintions in tho District, to tho number of nine, h:wo gh·on fovor­nblc r ult-.. 0\·01· $1.300 hnvo beon oxpendod in prizes in tho i;o,·oral .A-<::1ocintjons.

I "'Onld -.trongly rccommond that a lnrger nllownnco of money bo granted to onch .A-.-.ocintion, and thb ncconling to tho amount of money expended. Isolated Com-11:my ,A ... ,..ocintio11:; :;houl1l nbo 110 onconn1ged, particularly whoro monns of johing othor A-.,oci:1tio11::. nro not available.

ARlh .\:-\ D . \ OCOUTREll:EXTS.

The whole of the nrm,, in tho Di-.trict, with the exception of tho~e of tho 8th and 9th Rifles, require immcdinte rop .. 'lir:-:. I hn,·o obtninod pormis=-ion from hen lqunrtors to bring thorn into tho Military Stora .. , lo I.Jo there repaired by tho armorer attached to " B" Batten·.

Tho nun ... , "nrms, :-addlory, ·c., l.iclonging to Carnlry and Field Battorie:-i, aro in T"orv good order.


ln concludiu~, I have much plca-,"t1rc in aeknowledrring tho cordial upport I have received from tbe ... tnfl' officer:-. iu my Di::.trict. 0

I hnvo the honor to be, Sir, Your mo:-t obe licnt servant,

T. J. DUCIIESXAY, Licut.-Coloncl, Deputy .Adjutant General Military Di:strict No. 7.

The Adjutant G,enernl of :Militia, Ottmrn.

[A .]



Qu:En:Ec, Isl Decomhe1·, 1877.

i Sm,-I have the hon"~· to report that, according to in~tructions reccivocl, I have n pocted (on tho 10th of ;:,cptcmhor Jru t) the Gaspe Battery, under ~fajor Slous' com­

mand, and found the l>att ry very well drilled both in artillery and infantry. Tho m~n mannod the guns (24-ponndcr ) and fired in changing rounds, overy­

ono appearmg to understa11d tho nature of tho different projectiles and how to mnko u o of .the~; they .went through t.'lrgot practice with tho 24-po~ndor smooth-bore, and w1l_l .this year, hko last, be cntitlod to tho Governor General's mcd:d otforod in. com~t1tion to tho Domi11i0n .Artillery armed with this heavy ordnance.

he batt-0n· aftcrwnrd" marched pa! t, wont thronO'h manual and firing exercise,

doompany and .kirrni bing ti rill, nlso tho Snider target practice which \\"lB all well on~ ' ·

T~1c efficiency of this b:ittery is <lue to tho Officer:. having ha<l an opportunity of attcndmg both Infantry and Artillery Schools of ln1:ttruction.

. Ila~·ing inf\pcctctl a n.u!nber of infantry companil' in .t!1c ycnr l"ii, I find tho 1m1truet1011 ge11orally deh<'1c11t for waut of lnlnntry \f1htnry School (clo cd in Q_u~·bcc:. four yuan; ago), .. orne com1ia11ic hnvi11g none but officc1 nppointod pro­v1:nu11al ly.

I hopo you will rceom111011d the ro-opc11ing of' I nl:rntry ! ili1:1 ) ·d1ools in Quebce.

I have the honol' to be, :Sir, Your obcdic11l H·rva11t,

K JJA..\fOXT,\<:N"E, J,icut.-Colnncl, Brigade )J:~or.

Tho DP.p11ty .Adj11ta11t-f:c11cral, Com111a11di11g .\filita1y J)j ... tJ'ict Xo. ,,



PRon:-;n. <n ~ ~EW Bnu:,· ... ,\ ICK,

Jl&.\DQU.\RTER ... ,

FnEDEllICTO~, 4th Dccembo1·, 1 i'i.

F:rn.-Tn cnmplinnce with tho in .. truction ... contaiJ1t!d in General 01.!e1 (ll):or tho 11th .\l:ly. 1877, I haYo tho honor to ... ubrnit thi-., my report. on the t!1te of ho .Militia of tho J>i ... tl'ict under my command. for thCI rnilitnry ycnr l"'i7-i .

The 11ominul i;trcn~tb of the fo1 co in tho Di t1 kt, a ... rcdul'cd in Gcncrnl 01-ders aboYc <1uotcd. i 154 oiticcr:., 2,lOi non·commis"io11od otficor~ um! men. The tot.al actual i; t1 cn~th of the force when 11111:-tcrcd at the time of the nnnual drill, wn.-. 103 officer ... , 1,351.: non-commi:;sioncd oflkcr~ mid men, includin<• I 0 oflicc1 , non-commie;. sionod oft1cc1 nrnl men allowed to perform twc]\'o dny ... drill for I i6-7i. ptior to 30th .T 11111', 1 77.

Si" 1 'N' · nnd 11 i non-com mi .... ioncd ofliecrE h::n·e yet to 1·ompletc the drill, :md abo ~·, 7 ofliccr~ and non-c·on11ni"'io11cd otlic•c1 :md men of the G~nd Jhttalion "ero ielicn!<I in con"o iucncc of their arm .... ac•c·outi crncnt... nnd clothing i""ucd to the corp haying bC'cn dC' ... tJ•)\·cd at the t. John tire of 1110 :!Oth .Tuno Ja ... t.

The i\cti\ o )lflitia of the Di ... trict cou"i"t" of the follm\111.~ 1·orp .... which at ti.Jo time ofiho :mnunl drill tul'llcd out a ... follow-.:-

Cori s. Officer·. ~.u.o. and Men.

Sth Hcgimcnt of Carnlry. T.Jicnt.-Col. aunclcrs (7 troop .. ; 2 troop« relic>c<l) ....... ....... .. 13 173

A c'\\ c:t::.llc Field Battery. BroYet )lnjo1· Call .. 4 71 W nod~tock J<'iclcl Balter.\. Capt. l>ibblco ......... i 'j 1 New Brnn~wick Brigade Gal'ri-.on .\.rtillcry,

Liout.-Col. Po~tc1· (a batteries; 1 hatter~· 15 l:?:J relieved) ..........................................

New Brnn wick Engineer <:o{fi"• Cupt. Porlcy ~ •>~ _, 1)7lh Jhtt:tlion, Licut.·Col. pton (10 com-

19 :?95 rllliC'lj :~Companie.; rcJic>cd) ........ . ..... 71 ~t lnttalion, Licut.-Col. :\Inr .... h (5 com panic. .. ) 17 2111 73rJ B:itt.ulion, Major • hcriff (5 compnnic ; 1

12 140 company relieved) ... . . . ......... ... .. . ..... .... 7 lth Ihttnlion. I~iout.-Col. Beer (o compani .. ;

15 ltl7 !! companies relieved) ................ . ........



Dnllvm-..io Infantry '0mpn11y, Capt. Barberie, (drill 11ot complotetl)

• t. Stephen I11fontry Company, Lieut. Stcwnrt, ((I rill not complott.>d in t•on~cquoncc of t110 non·i~~uc of clvthi ng nn<I arms) ........... ..

Total ... . ..... . ............. ............. .. .



N.o.o. l\od Men.


. 'fhc routine .of.duties i11 this District during the past yeat' hn8 been carried out 1~ •: ,.omc.wliat ~unilar 1~1:11rno1: to that of the .rrece<ling yenr, and undor somewhat ~11mlnr l'1 rcunbtn!1rc", ~·rz.: with reduce<! est.1mate:3 for Militia purposes, rende1·ed 11ecc ... -..1u-.r by co1i...1demhorh ot et'onomy; nnd, rn c:onsequence w1th reduced numericn.l 1>lre11gth of the forte fo1· drill nud truinin~. '

. \nthority! however, wns g-ranted for l'ecuring to the force an important improve. mcnt. The period oftrninin~ of Cavalry nnd Infonfry (as \Vell ns Artillery as here­tofore), hth been extended from eight days, a· provioU:>ly authorized, to twelve dnys.

I hn\"o acinin tho plensru·o of :eporting that, with few exceptions, drills h1we been c~refnlly performc<l, nnd good uso ha~ been made of field and garrison guns and nflc ....

.\.nd again. I must ob-.orve thnt every branch of the service eagerly looks for· wnrd to. the ~~e?<l.r r~turr:, when circumstances permit, to the established system ot allowrng 1mttic1ont time m camp to train the soldier in matters of discipline, drill and appcnrn~ce under arm0

, nll leading up to the last stage of the annual th-ill, viz. : Target practice.

.Tt i-.. ~ue to the force, however·, to state that owing chiefly to the untiring energy and rntcll1g~nce of captai~ of companies (officers upon whom the principal part of t!1e duty of imparting instruction in the knowledge and practice of drill and discip­lrnc clernkc-,) a ... well as the zeal of almo-,t e't"ery individual member of the force, a rcm:.trkahlo degree of efficiency hns been maintained in corps whose training has been carri~l out for the p_n t three year:i at company headquarters (not in camps), and even, rn other case-i, m corp relie>ed from drill last year.

_ I may here .mention that so de-iirous wore the officer,; of one rural battalion, (the G 1th Carleton L1g~t Infantry) to afford an opportunity to the corps to practically apply <:ompn.ny dnll to battalion excrc:i"e", many recruits not even having }H'e\"iously . oc~ ~ hnttalro11 on parade, a ,...mall battalion wa" a"scmbled at Hartland, at some ~nd1v1d1~al expe.u~e, .and '\"ith n? little pcr ... 011:11 sacrifice, and a most interesting and m .. tructn·e d~y ... dr!ll wa.., r.arr1e<:1 out, thcro being many spectator:; prc!'icnt, and much enthu-.1a.~m dt~playecl. V1r/r. l nspcction Report.

. I ~ay adcl that the local new,.;pnper, the Carleton Sentinel, referl'ing to this Jn pectron parade, ancl to the netc:-1>ity for r·orps of the Active ~Iilitia 1·ec:eiving the ~101~1 npport .of t~c people, state:. that: •· Happily such support is not withheld in

th1~ county. JH<lgmg by the largo number of spectators at this and all the Deputy 11 .\.dJntant-Gen<>rnl'l' inapectionH."

lt i no cloubt gratifying to both officers and men to know that their efforts havo been thus apprer.iated, and. moreover, that tho efficiency of the fol'co is now of more than loeal intere~t.

. Having qu.otcd f!·om a local newspaper on this subject, I may bo permitted l() g1\'"e ~he follon·in~ lmef extract from no lcs.':I authority on "Colonial Defonce" than the Haturiln.y J!erzew ~ft.ho 29th September Ja;;t. In adverting to the quel.ition na to whether <·olonral patriotrl'm cnn bo expect-Od to "make a c:ert.ain amount of provisioa " 1o1· its own defence," it is added, : "The Dominion of Canada has already by it' "pubhc 11pirited and efficient menaures practically returned a very t1utn1factory


" an WI)!' to thi':I ciuoslion." Ii is al:...o there stated " Can:1Clti ha a not inglorion hi • '' tor·y, und the moredit1tant British Colonies Wi•nld rather gain in dignity Ly following " ln11· lone.I."


T be~ to refo1· to my Roporl of 23rd June la::it, copy enc)o,ed (1narkod A,) 011 tho 1:m hjcct of the great fire at St. J ohn, 20th .T uno la ... t, nud to cl ire ct bpecial att<Jn ti on t.o

Lt. - Col. :Mac- tho service~ rendered by tho officer:.i .md non-commi:-.sionod oOicct'!'I Shnul·, TUI., Lt.- nu.med in that Report, and in the margin he roof, in their etfot·t .... w sa\o Col. Arbuthn~t nnd lH'Otect Government property; aud it afford:; a proof-if proof 13ln.1ne; On.ptn.m <led h h · " ru I · · Ililll ; Cnrctuker wore nee , t at wo ave 111 0111· 1orcc 0111cert1 nnc non·COtnt111!<! lOllCd Emmison, Nixon, offic:ors of whom any nrrny, at homo or abroad, may ju-,tly 110 proud, Lnmb & Mn.ishall. ns when an officer, non-commi,sionod officer <>r man len\'e' kith and kio, hou ... o and home, in dim un<:ertainty of their i-afcty, at ~uch a time a-; that of tho di . astmns fire at St. John, and plies all his i;kill and energy in obedience ot order", in hiR endeamr to protcc:t Govemment property, there is 110 question as to the loyally or amenability to discipline of ?'UCh officer, non-conuni:-:-ioncd officer, or ma11.

Be!-iidc.-; tho great fire at St. John, the year 1 77 will 1011;; lie remembered for the fire::. at Woodstock, Portland and, 'l. Stephen; only at St. John and St., tephen, however, were arms, ac:coulrcments and clothing Lurnt. At Portland, owing to the -0xortions of the member:; of :No. 3 Battery of Artillery (Captain Ewing. ha\"·ng pre­viously himself nearly lost his life by au exploding 1;hell in the 1·uins of the 't. John fire), tho Government property in pObSe!'ision of this corps wns i;aved.


Tho practical utility of the force of thiR Dist1·i ct has ngnin been te ... tcd in aiding the civil power (after the disastrous fire at St. John), und, as on formcroccasion-i, the force ha.s been found "ready" for the emergency, and "willing" to perform such duties as were ruquirod of it by the local ci\'il authoritie~.

The repor·t. of Lieut.Colonel Foste1· on thiti subject is herewith (marked B). I may :,late, that whilo the available armed force on the spot, at St. John,

at the time its i.ervices were required, wm; small, owing to the great do:...truc­tion of nr·m:-, &c., in the Go\ernment t>tores and in the al'mories of the tlitforcnt corps at St. John (the equipment of two Batte1·ics of .\.rtillery at Portland and Carleton St. John nlont1 excepted), I bad not le:-s than 900 officers and men in rl'wlinc.·.-•, ~hen performing their annual drill in King", \)cslmorlnnd, York and Carleton, Countio.-;, as " willing" a.s they were " ready " to reinforce tho corp,.. at St. John nt sho1·t notice, and with easy mean· of trnn ... port at their di~po~al, the lntercoloninl Railway in tho ca~e of the former corps, tho E. & S . • \. we ... tcrn exten ... ion) Rnilwny in that of tho latter·, nnd I may here ob,en·e that the 'aperintenclent of the l:i"t named Rnilway (U. D. MdJeod, E.:;q.,) made tht1 liberal ott'cr of fn'e transport to co1·p,... JH'OCCl'<l· ing to aid the civil authorities at St. John from tl1040 Countic-., and nlthou~h the"c circum~tancos were reported to the civil autho1·itieo1 of SL John, through Hi" Wo~hip tho Mayor, hy tho Brigade ~fajol' ancl myt>elf, they deemed it neccs.-ary to 'ccuro tho services of a detnchment of H. M. !l7th Regiment. from Halifax, probably not. do. ir­ing, on cc:onomical grounds, to w1thdrn\\ mol'e of the Acth·e )filiti:1 than were then fil)(l thoro as!'icmblod f1·om their industrial pursuits.

The Deputy Adjutant General of No,·a St·otia (Colonel I,aurie) ubo kin<lly offered the i;ervices of corps at Ifalifo.x to reinforce tho corps nt 't. John if necc ... s:iry.

I m.ay a<ld that Lieut.-Col. Saunders, on behnlf of tho 8th Hegiment of Ca,·:1h·y (so,·en 'l'roop ), and Brevet Major Yince, on bohnlf of two e.ompnnie!'i of the Hith Bat,. U:tlion, wore amongst tho fir t officers in this Di!'llrict to olfor the son·ices of their 2·ospoctive corps. Tbe B1·i~ado Major ot:ttG.'I, in this oonnoction, that "il is need­let-.::1 to i<ay tlrnt if the !l0rv1<·cs of the o officers, corps, or either of them, bad Leen accepted, the neceMmry authority for their employment could ha.vo been ea:,ily obtained, and the detachment of the Imperial force rcnderod wholly unnocc ,...tlry."


I:cut. Colonel Fo,tcr Jan,. info1 med me thnt while the pn'. onco of' a considumLlo nrmc I force m1 nl olutcly nccc""'nry in prc .. crYin~ law anti order at sut•h a Lime a~ thi , v;hcn thou"nrnJ,. of nblc bodied 111cn wcl'C thro;.;n out of cmploymo11t :111d ll'ft without hou-.e or home, nil. or nenrly nll, of !ho nrduoth duties of ~uard~ and picquct.tl dcvohcd upon the fo1eo of J\cti\"o ~lilitin of "l. John. then u1alen1rm , thoindi\ 1du:1l mcml crs of which wero, in mnny in. bncc-., thcm-.elvc~ left without hou~o or home; nnd most < reditnblc, I eon-.iclur, to them, to the oflkor in comm:1111l (I,icut.-Uolo111ll Fo-.te1), uml to their oHicors :111d 1111.11 !!;Ollcmlly, wns tho diH•iplino maintained m1 wcll n the rn:u111or iu "hich dutk-. "on' performed. '

I '' tl" neC'c-...nrily nlM~nt from St. John un mm c than one <H:casion durirw this tryil g pt.·1 1od, ~mploycd 011 iu:-pection duty in rountry <lislricb; rorp~ wc1·~ thl'n comp ctrng thou· nr~mrnl ,drill~ But durin~ my 11.uny >isits to tho ('amp of lho dctnl·hment under L1cnt .. ( ol. l·o,..ter' ... command, 1 found both otticen< nnd mun r.calou~ in tl.c r·c:I :11 •c of rnilital'y duty, and for thci1· :>CJ'\'ice::. thL'Y :mL:-cquently rccciYol! tJ1c thnnk-. of the .\lnyor of the city of St. John.

. 'l'ho Bt ignd('-Mnjor (Lt .. Col. ~ln('Sii:me) ... ubmih the following recommendation, :~l.uch I .~e~ to ondo1-.o: " •• ~n ~ill ·t:il .fo_rm ofroqui:-ition. under !::>cc.~;, 'Act respect­

ing ~hlitrn n1 I I> fence. u1 :11CI of ttnl power. ,..hon Id Le published and distriuuted "to tart om •. ,. for u 0 in cn .. e of eme1·bellcy. The required requisition i" too

. • t mo properly i11 an cmcr~1.111cy, and, if 11ot framed pro-" J cily, it t to Le p1csnmod :111 action under it would lie un1'uppo1·tod."

~UOGESTED TRIF.:\:\I \L "YSTF.)I 01'' TR.\I:il:\G.

<'.n ()('Cn~ion ... 'll<'.h a,., the ~no nl>0•c referred to, \\hon e\"'cn a :-mall portion of tl10 fo1·co 1-. roqmrcd l 1 au! the cl\"il p l\\'Or--it ha... aln:a ly bC'cn more than Oll('tJ ~o 1 0<I'~irod iu ~l.1i; I>i ... tril:L-publiu attention j .. rnlle l to. tl .c ab:ioluto nocc,,;:;ity for h 1•m~ au r;!fl. 1ent fore,., prcp:u·e l for nny ('mer~ent.v, :tt .my Limo aJHl al any place.

1l ~p11e11r-.. howuvcr, l<1 be not go11crally u111lcl',..tood that, to arrive at; i;ue;h a tnte ot ]~repari:d11 ss1 much 111·e,·i~11,, t111ini11~ 011 the pal't of the existing fo1·cc of tliu

country"' uece-.-.:iry (the lrnperml lroo1 cnnuut be expected to be within reach of' a ·cone ~·f n lo?al rio~, or di tnr.ba~1ce, O\·en if it won· cunstit1dio11at to employ them t<ir llu-. -.e1:nce) dn!l and dbct pl1110 Jun c to go on -.itlc l1y :;idc, not the training of one nrm of the •crv1C'c alou;, nor tho c:u-ryin~ out of one pe<:n lia1· :-y-..tcm of' tl'ninin~ alone, uc~ ~ .. company dnll at local hcndr1uarter for ... ln·eral year ... ('o11,,;ecutivoly

1 4ut th? tranung of~lie t~1cc arms (G.walry, .\rtillery and Iufantry) arnl according, 1 con 1dcr, t? the tr1en111al Y"~cm l'<'COmruen<lcd iu my Hepo1't for l ~lti-77.

o convmccd :~m I of tl10 11nportancc of that -.y tom, a11<l ha\·ing ob-.cn·c<l with pl7nsnrc thnt the f:ieh.e1:nl O~ficor c•om 1:rnnd ing attachc ... great i m purl a n('e to tho form­n~on of Intantry ~r:unrng !Schoo! ... •. with L!•c Yiow of l'C11do1 ing c.1mplcto Bnjwh ! /ii)()/.$ of lnstructwn (of cour o ~1nng ere ltt for the gooJ re ult... obtaino<l from tho rnfimtr~: choob of the ol~ ;pitorn), I de m it clc'<irablc here to advert to my rccom­mcudnt.ron, nnd c<!nclude rn the followiu~ tc1 m,, :-

It' , I conc1:1n.', \"cry e"_<~nt.ial thnt it ho r:rado known, in a :-imil:u· way n-i tho cnrolmeut of the He-.cn:c-'I1li_tJa 1 m:ule known, year~ before it take, place, in gcnoml tunn a totho mannor 111 wl11ch tho :u11111nl drill of tho Active Militia i;i to be per­forrnef.1, U[Jf) f re-.pcdfully t·cc<11nn1e1ul that haltalion camp'i lie authol'i;r,od fo1· tho year followrn_g the dn 11 at company he:ulc1uartcr~, and that, uftcrwarcl ... , for tho year !l11cccc~111g tliat yc:ir? th~ f~>ITll lie a ... crnblc<l in bri~a<lo or <li,•i ional c:amp~. ;rhis three) mu:., COUl"t;C of train mg lo he 1·epcatod eontinuou,.,ly.

Amon~ tho ati\'unta~c to be rlcri\ed from tbi,, :-,y:;tem Ul'O the following:-1: ,A .lar~er pro~rtio.n than. h.erotoli11·0 of' the be~t cla ... ~ of young mon in tho

co~nt1) wouldi I nm con\"rncccl, J0111 the rnnk ... for ttw1 throo year:'!, :-crvico, and on rct1remc11t their plncos would bo tilled by others.

~· :r:h.e upe; tructuro of the f~rrc being rc.ndered complete hy tho c tablii-;hmont ofthe_.M1hu1~y College, tho 1u•e<J8 ion ot -.tcp, trom "A" nn<l '' B" Batteries and tho fore-0 m Mnmtoha to the Inst class of tho RebOrvo Militia, would ll'ionnially bocomo

more nnd morn .-flicic11t; the Re. c1·vc .Militin, in its different cln , \rnuld ho largely 1·c1J1 o 011 t-Od Ly tl11 oo yem'8, pai:;t 1<ervico mo11, 1 cndy mu! willing to up port the Activo .Militia iu tho lt1n11· of need, and tho acti,·o fo1·cc would in tum on<l Its m o t intelli­gent mcrnbc1'11 from time to time to tho 'chool of C.unncry,or to the lMgnde School lrnill n11 that, cfli1·ie11t ba:,i~, io lxnet11r11e<l to their corp re pectively, nflcr n thoroutih co111·,..e of in~tnwtion, to :-c1·,·o a. modob to their hrcthrc11.

By mean Emch a~ thc:-c, without 11111ch incrcn cd oxponcliLurc, without :my chang.i of l'.}"btc1n1 without having to rc~ort i11 a huny, pcl'l1np too late, w tho mi­gr·atory cla~:; fot· aid in tho hou1· of d:u1/!0I', with•rnt having t.o keep up 3n cxpcn i\·o 1>tttn<li11g arn1y, !he main:;tay of the mi Ii tar'}' Atl'llcln1·0-tho .\cti\·c )filitia fori·c­wonld, I conceive, ('Ontinuc to :;tancl 011 the urc t foundation, and to be worth)· of tho contid<·nC'c <1f tho pooplo of Uanada : and i t i :\ lo on that e\·cry nution tlint l.ts hnilt up ih fore<• to any extent on the Pl'll sia11 model, excellent thongh it un1111cs­tionably he, shonld bear in mind that ''imitation of Pru -.iu nro apt to be \cry dcccpl i\·o ; t hry nre 1:iure tr> gi\·c n largo 11n111in:1I for<'C, but it i only when the yntom has been porfoclc<l li.Y long :111d laboriou cllort thut it c cnpc from the two dcfccta that m:u·k it· infmw~· -tho want of ti rill :tlJ(I di<:ciplino in the men, uncl the wunt of expcrie11<·cd leader:<, nncl c,,,pccially of no11-00mmi ,.ionod ofti0 ·01 ."

I1ient.-Goloncl CJ. 13. Brackonlmr:>. R A., ha'3 recently brou~ht the ubje ·t (as to tho nH•ano; of' conYeyi11g a tcchnicul knowlcd~c of' milit.'lr.}' duty to c\"cr.r memher of the force) bofol'e the people of England, in 11 lcC'turc 1lelh·orc I in the H. U. S. [n-;ti· tution. 1 cannot do bcttc1· than make the followi11~ cxtrncb, in tho hope thnt they mny }ll'O\'C applic·alilo to the fo1·cc <Jf G:rna Jn, nn I unqu~ tionably they may be npplie l to our forec, if we havo :it the dispo-.al of all o!l1C'er"l anti llOll·COllltlli -.i inc I om :('It> by the cstablishmunL of Brigade Schoob, a mean" of :-o leand11y tho tlicor.\· :ml pr·a ti ·o of drill and discipli nc that thoy may teal'/i other-<. Lieut.-G ,Jone I Hrn('kcobur), him­self a "O<> I anthorit yon the \·aluo of a well t1·11i11e I :mny, b >th at Ii 11 .c an I ab 1u I, in spcitking- of the system:ttic instrnction of all r.mb or tho army. dh·ide the ubje t into thc~c three qnc--tioll ... :-

(1.) What is to he 1:tn'..,'.ht? (~.) llow is it to be taught? (a.) Who is lo teach it? (1.) 'ro the tir.;t <p1c-.tion th<' an--wer j.., in hriof. . 'L'he young officer i-. to be trai ncd to cornmond w1-.cJy, lo ha~ ~ lc\"C

rccniiL has lo l<':tl'll (1) comm:rnil o~or hi-. own limb,., wo.1pon ... :111:! p1r1t, an ly, the po\\'l'I' of acting indi\"idmtlly according to ceru1in dctimtc .nn ·' wcll 1111 lcr~t l'lllt•,- , All, whl!t her ofliccr,.. or reC'ruit-., hn,·o to lent 11 u11quo·-t1 0111e:- obe I 011 to ordc1·-... Eac·h otticor, 11()(1 commi-. ... ioned ntl1cer :ml! pri\ n c, sh >1111 be taught ox, ·tly whnt he, in hi ... nwn sphere, will be c:illc I up<m 1<1 pc1 fi.11·m in \\".\I'. :ind tho fh mu1't lie t:rng"ht tho work of the grade supcnor to tliom.

(2.) How is it to be tunght? . . . Exiwth· tis e\"l'tT other subject of human knowlodgo i-.. tnu~ht. Yrz .. b.r n comh1-

nution Of tl;COI'}' :llllj prncticc beiri11nin•r with l':l'\' :llHi -.itnJllO l"lllc:. au<l eXlllllJll "'1 , b t"'I -

and ri~ing hy dcgrce-1 to more complkalud problem,... (H.) Who i" to teach it? Tho Cnptnin of tho C'omp:rn~·· . 'l'ho now 1"1·01wh rcg"nlationi:; i-ay on this ,..uhject :- ·' Tho <'apt mu dircot tl~c

in:-;trnction of his company within th'3 limit of the order" cf the d1 f de corps.: he 1-1

rospon-1iltle for it; he varies the ohjcct of the l'XCI'l'i-.c.-. in orde~ to make ~hem wt re.s.t­ing. Ifo doe~ everything- that is pos,..il.>lo to ins.tr11t•t o:ll'h fract1on, 1:on:,t1l1~t~d L~; J11,.. chief, and oxorci 08 a pe1':'onnl nnd const:rnt actwn O\"Or all p H'b ot tho tr:unmg-.


I ro~pectfully diroct nttention to the report.-. on this :.nhjoct. (3)* :-ubmitt,.._1 hy

--. T-he Brigade Major's Report, lOib July, 1877; Capt. Perley'• Report, :?3rd Jnly, 1877; and Pl na of Buildings.

i er in 1 t. J hn n 6 agu t

m l I n ·u 1 n a ~ 1· t ndl.!r f. r r •bnild-w rnd ~en an ·n ·ured by the ti ·e, nnd tho erection of

th• ( vernmcn port n of th' f.•ne '. \. tender bein_· nf erw:ird nppro\"ed, the worl~ tB now n n uui fa t ry tnt f ndvancement, nnd the buildin~ will, I nm urc, be :tdmirnhlj ndnptcd for the pnrpo"e intended.

Tho rebuilding of tho armories till romnin. to be done; m~l it i.., needle ri to point out thnt tho cxi tence of the Acti\"'e 'Militia force of St. John almost depends upon the .. p cdy erection of the .. o buil<lin!!s, the different corps having been loft 'vithont urzn,, or clothing, nml without any pince in which to :-.tore them when i .. ued. I hnve f1·cquently cnlled nttentiort to the fact that there is no <lrill shed at St. John.

The clotbinir recently nuthorizetl to be i ... sued to the 62nd '·. 't. John " Battalion, hn<l necc .... arily tO be sent to the t11reho1N~ at Fredericton for snfo keeping, ponding the rebuilding of the nrmoric,, nt St. John-a work I cannot over-estimate the importnne-0 o"t:

I beg to report thnt the city nuthoritie,, ha""o a-; yet taken no i;teps to erect their portion of the fence encJo .. ing the barrack gl'ounds.


I hnrn much plea-.uro in reporting a mal'ke<l imprornment gencrnlly in tho mann~r ofkeepin~ :11'~,.. and othcl' GoYernment p1·operty in charge of otlicert:i com­mnndrng corps, re 11lt1111-{ from the adoption of a l:ly8tcm basod upon General Ordel'S of tbe 14th August, 1 71, and 30th .\.pri l, 1375, requil'ing all arm~, &c., to bo kept in their re'lpectivo urrnoric". which system the Brigade .Major, Lieut.-Col. .i\facshane, with hi:- n:-:unl zeal nml ener~t·, for which I berr hel'e to thank him takes pride in • ....,J 0 , hnvmg c.:nrriod out.

Some captair1" of cornp:lllie .. hu\-l' lately built new al'rnol'io:;; others have re­mOrlolcd their old urmoric", and, I regret to acld, there b still room fo1· improvement in thi ... pa1ticular :-01 \'ice. 'fhc Brigade-)fajor and my:-elf have uccc:-;.,arily to with­liold 0111· recommendation,, for payment of tho money "l'ant fol'" earn of arms" until the i11-.truction-._ on ~hb i~J><>.rtaut !->Ubject be folly complied with. 1

Tho following. 1ll br1et, b the :.y,,tcm adopted in this Dbtl'ict :-1. Tho rifle., mu .. t be kept in r:u.:k-.. accoutrements complete hunir on perr:; over

their rc ... pecti\·e rifle~, liclb pipc-clnycd, and pouche" blackonc<l. b Tho ~~ddlery -0f Oiwnlr.r and Field Battcric" ot ~\..rtillcry "hould be arrancrc<l in sets and properly -Oiled. b '

~. The clothing h1wing been thoroughly cleaned ~hould be carefully folded in ots and placed on hel\-e .. , c:ich ct lnbclled \vith the nnmo of tho man to whom

i uod, the great coat at tbo bottom of tho --et, tunic next, then tho tMw-..ers, an<l tho -cnp on the top.

Tho .Brigade ~fajor _submits ~he follo,~in~ sugge,,tion, which I ondor"e: "A clnu~e f.ibonld ,be, ho co~ 11Jers, m ... ertccl rn tho ~frlitia anti Defence Act, placing band in:stru­m~nto m l?O"··scs.1·1?0 of corp ?n the ame footing a.~ arm· and accoutrement", not­w1t~ .. tandmg their J?Urchasc m p~rt from tbc Government grant of money in aid of

-cffic1e!1t b~od .. , and in part .b:r pn~·ato ub eription-., and authorizing tho officer com­mandmJ the corps for tbe time being to ue for their reco\"cry."


~~he time ms to ha\"'e nrri':oo ~hen the important que,..tion of n .. uitAblo "head· .dr can be settled by the adoption in our Active )!iJitia of a "imilnr "helmet" to that


nuthorit.cd to he j,, uo I to tho Impe1fal army. Tho now holrnet appear to bo light nnd adnptc•l for thi .. <'limato in ... ummcr, and \':ould, I think, if i ucd to th.o force, givu general ·ati,.faction and prove :~ contra".t rn t.lrnt ro,,pcct to tho present mfRntry forage eup, which j-., !b I h:we prc\·1011-.ly aid, ue1thor u eful or ornnment.11.


In view of tho de~iciency of storel> in charge of tho Storekeeper of thi"l Di--tririt, ~' discovered on exai11i11ation by the Board of Survey thnt a.-.~cmbled at St. John m June last I mulit hero advert to tho follo\ving- recommendation by that Boanl, nil of which I bcrr to support: "That, although it is m11lc1·-<tood that bon1b for $1,000 have been ~cc1uiro<l from Di,.;Ll'ict, ~totokcope_r.,_ to p1·~,·ent lo ..... of t~oner or Jll"?pe;_ty_ in their charge, a.uothm· check, 111 the op11110n of the Bo:utl! 1 .. nc~c~ ... _ar5,. \ 1z. that thc1·e boa i-;cmi-unnual inspection of !ltoro" in the chu1:go of the D1 ... tr17t Store.­keeper ini;tead of an annual inf'-pection, and that a d?tn1lod statement. ot ull the rcccipl'i and it;sucs L>y the District Storekeeper, as i;uhm1ttod monthly b.f him, to hcad.­{]_uarters, be Rent to tho Bonrd for ill; gu!danco in examining tho l>torc:. m cl~a:·go."

I may a<ld that r conside1· that no 1si;ue ,,hould be mndo from the :.to.1 e" of ono District to those of another, although authorized f1'?m hondquartol's, without tho knowledge of the Deputy Adjutant General comman<l1ng.

I 1ieut.-Col. Cunard, a very efficient officer, has been appointed Storekeeper for this District on the removal of Lieut.-Col Evan. ... MOUNTING O; FIVE 64-POUNDER RIFLED OUNS AT NEORO POINT BATTERY, ST. J~llN.

These guns arrived from Woolwich early in Septembe1· last, .and th.e Ge~ernl Olli~er in command having, dur·ing hi::; visit to St. John, arranged for lheu· berng sp~o<ii!y and satisfactorily mounted, tho Bl"igadc :Major and CaJ?t. Pe~ley 1:1parcd no pams m facilitating tho work, during my ab3ence on lonvo, for which I beg to thank the.'lo

officers. t d b M ffll nrd k Carriages on traversing platforms are being construe c Y essrs. 1 Y· Co., shipbuilders. 11.T·

The battery has been placed in charge of Caretaker_ ... ~ 1xon. I bog to rofor to the Brigade )fajor'li recommondat.1ons of th? 13th Reptembor

last, which I considered of great importance, to place this battery m complete order, viz.:-

( l.) To repair thd fencing round the battery. • (2.) To provide a re.sidcnce within the enclosure of tho)altcry fur the Caretaker


Tho <:om·so of instruction for· the half year cndc1l 3bt Mn~. last, wn..; con~uctoo by tho bamc sutff as heretofore om ployed, with like ~ood r~ ul l". hfty-tbr~~ cn~!f.~~~ obtained :;cconJ.clnss <'crtificatcs, of whom sc,·on arc officer:; of .th~ A~·~~· '. 1 111J tho roHt of tho pa.st candidate..,, for tho mo--t pnrt, arc n~n-co~ 1m .. ~1on o cc~ .. an men of the force. All ha,·e giyen i:;atist'nctory proofs of tho.tr nb1hty to C?'.nmnm~ .t ?om­pany at bnttalion drill, to drill a company nt compn11): dnll, and of lhe~i u:-q 1:~rnt.rnoo with tho intorn:tl economy of a company amt the duties of a com pan) office · ,

'!'ho weekly ndmi:-;sion of candidates h:wing been found. to rct::rd the progrei; of cndol1-1, antllllrity hn:1 bl•en grnnt-0<! to admit enn~lidutc-; fo1·tn1ghtly 1n.~tend h~f, \~eckly, an improvement_ in the efficiency of the school will, I am ~uro, re ult ft om t ii;c nngo.

:\[(LlT.\lW COT,L"EOE-.\D'1JSSI0:\ OP C.\I>ETS.

Tho un<lernamod !(Cntlomon of this Disll"ict h:wing r3"sodbcthci~ c~~m\na~ion1eit~ .July Inst, nnd been ccr~tifi:<~ by the Board of Examiner:;, uwe cn·n nu tot a en to tho Military College, h.ing:-ton :- Mllrks.

II. }f. Cnm-pbell ...... .. .... .. ...... .. ·· · · ... ··· · ·· · · · · · ·· · · · · ·· ·· ·· · · ·· .. 9,209 A. "\V. Dnn1el. ........ ... · ................ ···-····· · ······ · ···· ... . .. . i·.~~* E. II. Drury ..... · - · · · · ............................................ .

It i , I think, crcditnhlo to lr. CampL 11. and it mu~t be gratifying to thoso who tako tm inlonJ-..t in tho c<lucntionnl. yi:-tcm of Suw B1·un8wick (including his teacher J. Pl'lrkin-.., E-..q .. Principl'll of tho 'ollcgintc choob at Pro loricton), that in a com po~ titi\'c e.xl'lmi11ntion "nch a that :lhon: l'Oforrcd to, a ~on tie man eclu<:aletl en ti r cly in thi-.. Pro\'inco "houlcl li:n c ntu1incd tho highe t po,..ition on tho list or :-.11cc0:,-.f'ul c:uuli­dntc-.. of the Dominion, for ndmis-.ion to tho College.

Thero nro nt prc~ent -..ix e:ulot .... from :Xcw B1·mi,..wick in tho .Milita1•y College nt lGng::.t-On.

Jtn I.E .\!'SOCI.\l'JO~~.

Fo1 t!rn fir:.t time -..incc tho IC.mnntion of tho Provincial lWfo .\s~ocia! ion in lSGO, I wn .. , ow11g to my ab-..cnco on h~:wo, unnhlo to Le pr·o:sonl at tho :111111tnl mat<.:hos of thi-.. \-.-.ocintion, l am glad to h:wo to report, howo\'CI', that, :dthot1gh tho n11111lio1· of <'(HllJ otitor:- wn-. lo-.. nt the meeting i11 Au~u"t Ia ... t, than at thaL of tho pre\·iot1s year viz ..•. .4 u ... comp:nod \dth 101, there wa=- much excellent ~hooting. '

Tho reduced nnml>or •>f l'Ornpotitor;; may. [ think, pal'tly ho ncco11ntl'cl for· hj' mnny bn ino ... mon being omployocl at tho time of tho nrntchc,; rclmillling houses and. store,, dc ... troyod hy the Into fires nt St. John and other places in thi:> dbtl'ict.

Tho Bri~ade )lnjor Wfh pre-.onttlurin~ tho whole oft he matches, :rnd :-.a\\· thu.t tho compotition Jor the :-ell' ·lion of the Wimbledon Team wa,., carried out aceordirw to tho pre-.cribocl rule~ for hi:, guidance. ~

I make the following cxt1·nct from tho report of the Council of the Provincial l{itlc .\ ...... ociation :-

,, Each County in the Proviuec on~ht to hn'o its Association, fo1· they (County 11. ...... 0 i:niou ... ) nrc the nur.:oric,., in which marksmen arc bred, and from which they ~·omo to swell the numLcrs at our anaunl competitions.

'' Owing- to chun,;e-. mn<lc thi-.. year by tho ~ational Rifle .A.!-i!-iO<:iation, it hccamo ncce ...... ary to alt r tho fargeb or the As~ociation; thb was done under tho i;nporin­tondence of liieut.-Ooloncl Beer, tho irffentor aud patentee, and they worked well and ga'e grc:1t -.ati..,foction. 'l'ho '' pool ta1·1rct" was one of Lioul.-Oolond Beel'':; "ri-<ill<l' t:lr::!el ." working inn 11it, and thu,; ::;h~wing clear of all :-.hatk. 0

"fJ.'lie ~ro-..~ amount of ca,.h otlcnxl wa ... Sl,005.00. diYided into 201 individual, and 1hrc tearn priim,., which )n-..t wcro uhdivideH into ~J prize.., making- a tol:tl or 225 prize 'rbi ... .rcnr tho ol le tabli:-;hed cup ... wcrc agnin cornpclt.><l for, :ui(l tho D<>nwillo und El.Jui t· 1p ... <'am~ up for their econd year. His Exc:ellonl.!.r the Governor Gonor·al',, modal were place l rn tho fourth match, nll(I the gift of Licnt.-Col . . \f:rnw<ell, lL\..G., 'v , a Ja ... t .roar, nude a "ntll'~ery prize." 'rho -..rnn.11-bore match in,..titntod la~t ):ca , ~vn ... c 111tinuod lhi year with ue<:o .... Fur· the tirst time for years-if not t!i.e frr-..t tun ·-a "~rand aggr·cgato " wn-. c-..tabli .. hc I, atHl it i,., belie\'(' I that much of tho excellent -.hootuw mndo was due to a '10-..ircon the part 111' tho-.e competirw to obtain u pine~ ~n the Ji .. t tif winners This yo~u· the tnodal of the D 11ni11io11 of ('~~rn<la lWlo .A ocrnt10n, o~forod for the tir .... t time, wa .... pluccd with the :-.ocond prize in tho g1·an<l aggregate, wl11l-..t that of the N:ition:ll Ritlc ,,.\;;,sociation was placucl i 11 Lho po:;L of honor with the fir L prize.

"Thi ... \·cnr .\fo."sr. Hartt, Hunter and Sliivo,, rc1)rescntcd ~cw BnlllNWi<'k at \\r- 11~..J • I ~

rf!l l i;uon .. and rn·tiutained our character· satbfactorily and well, Ensi,1.pr Shivcl.i i1anug obtarnt.-<I a place on the "Queen's Sixty." :N"ow Bt·nnHwic·k ha-i the honor of having liad moro of' it.., mal'ksrnen (:3) in tho "Queen',., Sixty" than tho l'c!-it of tho Domi11io11."

'l'he following Co11nty Jbsociation liol1l competition-; this year· r·oturn,; of' whiC'll will be duly 1mbrnitte1l :- '

1. Chal'lotto County Rifle A".!,..ociation. 2. St. John " '' " 3. Carleton " " " ·1. York " " " 5. XorthumlJcrlnnd County Rifio A ociation. 6. King' " " "

th J:t•'}iment of eaculry-Licnt..()<>l'lncl nunder .

Tho Hr·igarlo Major irispct·tcd the followi11g 'I'r·0<1p:> <m tl10 date m11ncd :-Captain Pcar•son, Eu~lrsh Settlement, 17th July.

" Lang ... troth, II:111nno11cl Hiver, 17th July. " Fm1hay, .Apoha11ui, 11th July. " Fowler·, Upham, 18th .July. " SC'ovil, Shcdiac, tl~t July.

'l'hc Brigade .\1ajor reports most fa\'Orahly l'O><pectini.r th1• ettic-ienr.y of the ti-oops. 11 o was ag1·ecably bUt·pr·i!'lc<l at tho 1rn.ti1>factory Jll'Ogrc"' in drill made by them at their re,..1wcti\·o lrcadquai·ter:-, and he <·on iclPr::1 thnt this fa<:t fully jn tities tho carryi11g out, of' my recommendation J'Chpecting ll'icnuial y tern of trniniug alrcacly rcfol'l'cd to. . . .

})rill ut local headqnarter.':I prepares fol' that rn battnlton camp, while tho tniin­ing in battalion camp iu turn prepare:; for that in brigade c·:trnp.

.J.Ye1rcastle Field Battery oj Artillery-Brovct-.Mnjor Call.

1'hc Ju..,pt•clor· of .\rtillcrT in ... pccted thi:; battery iu drill nncl prnctico at nn early part of'· trnining. l aftenvanb :-aw it previous to the brcnking up of the camp near :\ln t:l><tlc 011 the 28th July last. Lieut.-Gol. Str11ngo hnvin!! reported motst fa\'ombly re:-.pectm~ the ctficiency of thb battery last year, it afford,., me much plcasuro lo cxpl'o:<s tho opinion that ::.till further progr~ ... hn,, !teer; mode during tho trnini11g thi,., year. 'rhe sito of the camp wa,., all that <"Ould he clo.<;rrc<l; the conduct of the men was exemplary, while tho enthu,.,ia,.,m of tho people of tho county never appear;, to flag.

TVoodst<>ck Field Eattery-Cnptain DibLleo.

T in!-i{)l'ded this battc1·y at its camp near \Voo<btock on the 17th .Tuly Ja.:.t. Tho ~icl1l Battery at ::N" ewca!-itle (organized for a longer 11e1·iocl than thi>< hnttcry)

bas frecl ucn Ur been c01_n~1cndcd by? inspecting ?fficer-.. and, after wi tne -..ing the manner m which the trmmng of the\\ OO(btock F1elcl battery ha-. bocn conducted, by its zealous an~l ctticicnt cnrt~in for the ptu·t thrc~ rcnr::. i1:1 ~uc~c-..-.ion, I ham no he,..itation in !'<tatrng my connctron tha~ as regards cl.rill and d1~c1phne, tho. cl:1s~ n!1d character of ilh men arnl tho "tamp of its ho1·-.e,.., th1" battery 1-.. not a whn interior to its friendly rival ;tt • Tewc:a!'tle. I ~hould, however-, like to !:;ee ho th hattcrio .. in tho same brigade camp, where their relative states of efficiency could !Jc tc.-:.te.l mo~·o thoronghly than it ha.-; yet been pO!-i,..iblo to lest tbem. All Govornmcut property m charge of thi:< battery i"' in excellent conditi~~· . . ~ . .

Both in tho _:rowcu><tlc and \Yoo<lstock J.11eld Battorrcs the Hille of nfie gun,. m oxchange for tho hca\'y ninc·pounder smooth-bore guns now in char~e, is much needl'd. I fllrongly recommend tho i"sue.

.J.'i"i.w Brunsu:icl• Brigade of Garrison Artillcry- T..ieut.-Col. Fo..;ter.

'rIH' General OOlcer in comm:tnd im•pccted a. portion of tho four b:ittcric!'l of this brigade :.L St. John on tho 14th Augu~t l:i~t. . _ .

Jfrevct Ueut.-Col. Cunard, Captam Rrng, Captnm h:me, C:1ptnm Ar~1i...lrong: It wa:-i only pos,.,iblo to a,,som?le a portion .of thc.:se b:i~tcrre,, on tlu," OCC'!1-..1~n.

owirw to the almost total de,..tr11ct1on ol the arms and clothm~ of two oi thc."'o bat­tcricf al the liro of St. John. A den"o fog prc,·ail~l nt tho tame of i11-..po,ctio11, :md p1·0\·c11 tc1 l !<hot and shell practic~ bei 11g carried out. . U ndcr 110 n~ore m~lavourablo circnm tanceH could thc,..c• hat tone ... , heretofore do ... er\'lng grcnt prai..o, be rn .... pectcd.

Be i<lc~ tho prcsc•rn·e of tho Li1•11t-(',<1lond a~cl hi-.~11lieer-. (who ;1r~ C\"Ur r~ntly to rc,..porul to tho l'all of 1l11t):) arnl tho eomparat1Ycl~- fow 11on-comin~ ...... 1on01l ollicc1-s ~ntl gurme1·:-;: pre~ent (n. fan· ~amplo of tho rcnuuncier of tho br1gmle, mon not.

i;Jow in obeying tho orders of their otliccr") there wa ... , l rugrct, but lilllo opportunity to tc t tho cfticrcncy of tlib force of ban j,on .Artilh.!1-y.

'.!he Liout..C;oloncl ha .. hope. ... of enrolling two battcrie ... to rcplaco tho-.0 at St. Goorgo and St. :'tcphon hecomo uon-cflc<·ti\'c.

. New Bnmswic/, E11gi11eers-Cnptain II. Perley.

.AcC'ompnniod by the Hrigadc-~fojor I inspected this corps on tho 19th Juno ]fi$t (tho dny prc,·ious to 1 ho great fit«' at • 't. J ohu, at whieh tire nil t he nrm~ and clothin,; of tho COl'lh wcro burnt in tho nrmory) . 0

.IL b only ncco:-::-m·~· tot-late that I found tho corps in its wmnl crc<l itnblo state of efficiency.

The authoritie:-i at hcnd1pmrtor:-. aro wull nwarc of the valuable :;ervicc rendered h~· the ot.n?~r in commnud or t}1b :~rp,.., ~1·~m timo _to time, in plncing at tho dispo::;nl oJ the .Milrtin, tLo rc-.ulb of :-c11mt1fic tnunmg, wluch i:.tand Captain Perley in irood btcnd in tho Ci,il ScrYico of t11e Dominion . 0

Tho men of thi., COl"Jh aro for tho mo::.t part skilled mechanic,, and as such arc n\·ailnblo a,, military cu~inocr:-, whilo in rifle practice mnn.r arc !<U~c·c:-sful mark.,mcn.

!t !" en.rne::.tly ho.l'cd thu.t Captain Perlcy's oxcollent ::.uggestions and plans for r0Lu1ldmg the armoune:- at :St. John may bo :-peciully acted upon.

ti1th Battalion ·•Carleton Light 111.falltry ''- Lieut-Colonel Upton.

.Accompnnit..>d b)~ the. Li:ut.-Col~ncl, and in :;overal instances by Licut.-Colonel R aymond and other ::Statl Officer:-, I rnspectou the following companies on tho dates named:-

W ooc6tock, Captain Bourne, !.Ith July. Richmond, Captain Hoyt, !Ith July. Hartland, Brevet lfn:ior Vince, )

" C:aptnin Boyor, 10th July. " " Ilartloy,

Ceutrovillc, ·' Adam~, 11th uly. Lake>illc, " Cai veil, "

In .m.r Jn .. ~ R.cport, ha~·ing referred to <lifforent degree.-, of efficiency among:-it compnmc ... of thr. fiuc lmt_tahon! tho effect produced seemed to be that officors in com­man~ the more catierlr ned with each other this year in deservfog credit for effici­ency,. nnd w.hcre all did well beyond my mo,,t sanguine oxpoctatious, I am at. a loss to dc~1~0 which of t!10. ::-cYen a1>?vo-namcd companie:> deserves mo:;t Jraisc. , h\ en the com pan res uot dr1llcd la~t year (Brevet )fajor Vinco, 6aptain~ Adams,

Carvell an_d lloy_t), by :itrc~mou~ ~:xort10ns on the part of all concerned, 1>to0<l tho test of compan ... on with others 10 eflicwncy. Tho battalion ch·ill at Hartland referred to already, wa::. mo:-i_t :-ati,..fucwrily carried out. T he arms and c-Jothing \Jero in ood order. ~-\ fretih l:>!lUO of g•:eat ~oat~ il:i re<J.uired.) I observed, with pleasure, in o~ory COmpanJ that c_omplote u11iform1ty of dress (except in two individual Cal:ieR) provuiled tho men wcro, 1;11 con_ ... 0<p1encc, :-.oldicrliko in appearance. ' .. _13~·ornt ~faJor Yrncc, a mo ... t zealous and efficient officer, obtaiuod a Jit·bt-cluss

cc1 t1ficatc, with excellent papc1.~, at tho Quebec School of Gunnery, (Long Counio.)

71st Battalfon--Licut.-Colonel Marsh.

A The General Officer in command wa: received on arrival at Fredericton on tho C~l:,~LSt ,Ins~. by 11

• gnu~ of. honor, composc<l of Brevet Major Staples a1;d Ca >t. I oy comf pnnrcR. Tho C.oucral oxprc "cd himself pleased with tho !:iOldicrliko

app<:>arance o the men: a well as their teudincss under arms.


Accornpaniu I by tho Liout.-Coloncl I in pcct0<l tho ditfo1cnl companio of tLia battalion 011 tho following dates:-

Ko:-wick, Cu.pt. Chrbty, 22nd J unc. SL )fory's, Bro\·ot )fajor Staple!'{, 2Gth June. Stanley, Brovot ,\fojor Wilkinson, 14th July . FrcJcrictou, Captain Cropley, :nst .T uly.

" .Tunc:tion, Brevet )fajor Alexander, 13th July .

It i,., only nccoi:; ... m·y to :-.late ho1·e that _I cousidor no~o of t~10 four abo,·o fir:.t­namc<l companies have lost any of tho efficiency, respecting wl11ch I reported >cry favorably Ju,.,t yc~u·. . .

131-cvct .Mujor Alexander's company (not <lrawn for <lnll last. year), with many recruits in it::i r:.rnlrn whon in ... pccto<l iil;.Augu ... t ln ... t, afforded good proof of car_cful attention to drill :mil t.:u·get practice on the part ?f. c·ompany officor-3, well qualified to impart iu:-truclion, as well ai:. that of non-comm1:-i,.,10ucd officers and men.

ln fact it is evident that all compnnic:> stri>o t.o uphold tho good character of tho corp~ fo1· efficiency. .

Two officer:-, late of the Imperial army, Captnms J?owy:> and Lloyd, were pro,.,cnt at tho inspections at Kc:-.wick an<l Stauloy, (J. Prckanl, E-.q., M.P., was al~ present at tho latter place,) and exprc::.sc<l thcmselvc::. plea ed at tho <lcgrco of effici­ency attained.

73rcl Battalion-)fajor <)horroff.

I inspected tho undernamcd companies of thil:i battalion at Black Ilivcr, on tho 29th June, Yiz. :-

Captniu Cameron's Company. '' McXaugbton':,; "

And Captain IIutchison's company at. Bu~touche on the 1st July. A smnll battalion wa.s formo<l at Blnck Rn·cr ou the ah?v~ named date~ an~_botb

the captains, who are efficient pa~t candidates of tho_ Frcdonct1on_ Schcx;>l of ~1lrtary I nstructiou, proved their ability to handle a bnttahon ~t but.talion ~ir!ll, wlnlo both office1·s and men (as to their general intelligence and aptitude m acqui;rng knowledge of drill), proYcu that they arc good and true representatives of ~ orthumbcrland

County. . . , . I l<l ,· b Ilolh Captain IIutchi~on's company 1s not _m ns efficient a btate as cou w~s . . the Hl'igndo M:~jor and m:pelf regret hanng to report unfovorahly rcspcctrng it.

'74.th Battalion-Licut.-Co\onel E. Boer.

I in~pcctcd the urnlcn :u o•l companies on tho dntc:> oppo!)ite their name.s :-Captain E. Arnold, Su,,,..ex. 27th June.

•· Wotmoro, Clil'tou, Hlth .l nly. '· )furray, ~hcmoguc, 21st ,July. •' lforpol', Bay V cl'lc, 20lh .T uly.

J fonntl the three fir,,t nnmod compnnic~. as I cxp1..-cteJ, in n. satbfactory stat-0 of effkicncy. It is truo there wore many rccruih in tlw rank~? but the~ n1·0 of a g~l cla"'~, were ~oldicrlikc in appcnr:rncc, an!l tho arm~ :tnd clotlun~ were m. ~~ cond1-t.ion. r l'C"Tei thnt I (':mnot rcpm·t $0 l:n-orably Ill the (.':l'<O oi the Bn).' 01 to .com­pany, hnt fittlo progre:-.., had been made in cll'ill. aml tho arms woro not Ill n ::;at1sfac­tor.'· cvnditiou.

I ha Ye the honor to b ', Sir, Your mo:,t 11bcdicnt scr,·ant,

GEO. J. ~L\.USSl·.IiL, Liout.-Co~onol. Deputy .Adjntant General C unmnnuing Dititrict No. 8.

The Acljnt:rnt Goncrnl of )liliti:1, Ottawn,



DtPUTY AllJUT \:'\T G.ENEI! \I, 's 0~·1•rcE, Fm:n•:arc1•ox. N.B., :!:lr1l .June, 187'1.

Sm-With rcforcnco to my telcgmm of tho 20th instnnt, to tho offoct that tho bnr1-nck; nnd store-. at t. John wo1·c dostroyed hy tire on tho :?0th i11,.t., and thnt tbo mngnzino nnd nnnuunition were .. nfo, I h:n-o the honor to report, for tho info1·mntion oft11e nuthoritic., :it headquarters (hn\·ing since tho '.?0th instant been ronstnntly omploycd 011 duty), n::- to the i:;tops taken hy tho Brigade Major n11d myRolf, with tho fov. moml>crs of tho force at 0111• tli,..posal (tho majority of tho nwn of the "ili Ii tia being employed nt the time in trying to sll>c their own personal propel"!y), lo p1·0\'0nt tho do .. trul'tion of GoYommcut property, efforts which unhappily producod but littlo result ....


About hnlfpn-.t 2 o'clock p.m. on the 20th inst., when the Brigade .Major nnd myself wc1·0 employed on tlntfo,., connccto<l with tho Boa: d of :Survey nt St. John, a. tire occurred nt York Point, nntl n. ..,trong- win<l-almo;.;t n Lurricanc-comin~ from tlr:it qunrter directly townrd-. tho bnrrnck,,, a di tanco of o\·cr a mile, sc,·01 al building,; in tho inter­vening parts of the city woro::-pcodily on tire. The Il11gndc-)fajontnd myself nt once vrocoodcd to tho barrack:-. nn1l. cnt for Licnt.-Col. Blaine) commn11ding G~nd battalion, with such men of hb corp,, a ... ho conltl :-ecnrc (the Qunrtcrnrnste1" .\f 1·. IInll, and fi-vo or -.ix men). On nrrivnl at the barrncks wo fonnd that one of the slorohou:-es lately handed m·cr to tho city nuthorilie-., Wth in flnmcs, am! thnt the tire wn ... spreading townrds tho ordnance yard. Wo thoreforo 11irccted ou1· ctforh towai els ~a,·ing- tho guns nod cnrringc .. thoroiu ; nnd thb done we hnd all tho fence::. in tho vicinity of tho store-house cut down to }H"e\·cnt, tho fire spreading, should the gun shed be con ... umcd, :l!i it quickly prm·od to be. Wo then tlh·ided the party, ~fo,..,..r:<. Emiison and Nixon (Caretakers) 1·c11inined nt tho :-torohou~o (stone building); )fr. Lamb, with four men of tho G2nd Battnlion, was stationed on tho roof of the ~old=er,, ba1Tac·k!i (m·monric:-i), wooden building, with hnckob of wnter kept bii,.,y extingui,,hing embe1 ..... from tho city, now in flnma,.. While the Qunrtermn..,tor wn ... not idle in hi ... ctforb to i,a\·o the Government JlrOpcJ"ty in cha1go of tho 6~nd Battnlioo, Lieut-Colonels ~f:w,.,finne and Blaine and myself. with Oarctnkcr lfor..,hal 1, wcro ncti\·cly cm plC1ycd in i;:n-it:" the ,.,ix-pounder guns nnd cnrringc in the gun :-hcd, ncnr the .\.rtillc1·y B:irmck:-. xi sooner wns Olli' wo1·k of :wing tbe ... c gnns accompJi,.,hc<l, thnn the roof of the ~\.rtillery Barracks cnught fire in -.ovcral pince-.. IJi~ut.-C:~I. Blaine nnd my,clf on tho root; kept supplied with buckets ofwnter Liy Licut..Col. )fncShano :md )for:-hall. provcn tod thb fire from taking effect for some ti mu; but nlLimntel.r tho effort.. of' all con1.;erned wore of no avnil, tho tire spread i.n !')'ito of all our energy. nntil evc1-y wooden building in tho barrack grounds was m flame,,; we thou exerted oursclvc... in il'yirw to Hllvo tho ofilcers' quarters ( tono) and the storchou-.o, awl although the heat fro~n SL )fork's Church nnd the building:- on Shoti1eld Street, now Lein" clostroycd liy fi1·e was intense, w~ w_cre enabl~ ~o~· ~Omo ,time to pz·event; the woo<len ° porches on tho 'h:wk of tbe !Ju1ldmg f1om 1gn1tmg. 'Il10 flnrnes, howc\·cr, of the building:-; above roforre<l to soon icnched tho upper windows of tho baITack<.i, and the 1-mshes thereof could not withstand the fire, and oven in this orvico our cffo1·ts wore usefc,.s; tho stone bur rnf'.ks, too, were ~oon a ruin.

~he storchou .. e (,.,to11c) alone cont:1i11ing much Government property hnd until ~ o'clo~k p.m., wi.th~t.ood tho efTecl of the destroying fire, but on Xixon t:nd 1~y~olf in pcctiug the building aL that hou1·, we di co-verod that a spark had c•atwht in one of the upper 'vindow , and it wn .rnp1rlly p1·cadi11g its tire in the su h; w~ mado t\VC1 or three attempts to ronch tho \VU1dow, both from inl'ido anrl 0111 irlc lmt without

Uc<'c . It only rcmaine<I a quCJ tion a to whether the window i::a~h woulcl fall insido 01·. outsictc the build in;;; if the !111 tor, wo. hould s:wc tho building, but if tho former, 1t would soon be <lo troyc<.I. Unhappily there was nothing to prevent tho



or i·onti 11 ,011c • and tlte :-to1·elwu~c a111! store.: woro quickly in flame-.. .:\fr. N;tn ut. l.!;l'~'tL 11~k of his lifo ~ec·urcd the rocord hook 01 tor and :~low tents. I "'


L;,.;, h ;, ; "" nc r,.,. lhu """ :;dc .. al;un or tloo )I njo•-G cncm I t'Om mnnd• !•g. . , . l 1;u,, · Ht• Hirt would J tOn,.,ider ho 1,y 1111 rnc.111 ... c11mplcto wcro I to ormt to 1.1 co~v

th J;:~~blcl ,._,;,tn nee' which I ,.C:,.; vcd f•'Om J,;~u !.· Uol?ncl JI nc. 'lonu. ~ •~ul .lllnJ '',~ I~ ff~ tl'l.tow1vc<i ovemmcnt 111·upcl'ly, onm whtlr>t llll'tr 0\\11 pr~pctl.) "·ii. >!!1mg

e r , '1.11 ·od Ii . tin• before their eye.~. I Htbrnit their nnmcs ior t.ho cc111·•, ur­'°ttally "1?~\,. J ,11,q,;;,r; eucml. Gn>·ctak<'•·; Hm J,on und f ,,,.., b, to<o, w~rn rn~cfal<g•~/)0 !' I~~ .


. m l"ts ( mu,.,L add that the (~nnrtCl'IOUhtOl' o( the (i~11rl Battalion, (Capt. 11u. ' m 011 ~ > • t l. d' 1>0 al dii;playc<l great c:ourn<ro ancl energy cmlc:wouring anu tho .cw 111en a t 1118'0 JICl'l't ~' dnd nltho1wh both rifles an<l clothing of Artillery to savo Govel'llmcn JI I ), ' ' 0 I f 1 (t ·n tic bar Enginco1·1"1 and Infa11try corps were removed to a 1' a('e o ;11p1r'c nu )~ti J ~. od rack field at l'iomo <li,,tanco from the l.iuil<ling, they wore or tie most pa1 c e• 10y

by fia[° ·11 at un col'ly dute fo•·wn'd a H,t of m'licle' (•to"°') Mtvcd from the ~··•· ~ W•.' .1 · 1 bubn~it. tho dosirablone-.,, of at once calling for tom.l'r;i or

rebufi~ i n~;":f ,::;~:'.~ h'. '~'• ••<I. •·cpla~i ';,1; 'Ji,/:"•~ •;:~~~ \~~ t'.~::;';::.J" )f,'.~~~~i,' ::, ,"~h~ junction ,withktho cn·t1l ncuotlhlco<~;1tn1lc•ls .. a1·t1·;,le·,., of store a;1<l 11I:ice them in the only pla.co ~ f g ~t<Jrc coper o • • "' ~ · · .. • fc H I ' t 1. t • ·it'l·'oi·t llowe and macrazinc, beiug empty of nrnmuu1t1011. o pre-en .. a c ,} • , o

I hn\·e tho honor to be, Sir, Your mo:-t ot.odicnt -.en·nnt.

(Signed) GEO. J . .\L\.TXSEJ;L, ~icu~.-Col. Deputy Adjutnut-Genernl ~li lit.ary D1strwt No. 8.

The A<ljutant-Gcnernl, lioml <~uat·teri:;, Ottawa.


.SAINT Jomi, NEw llRusswrcK, 7th l>cccml>cr, 1 ii.

Sm -1 ha\'e the honor to make the following l>ril·f roport for the infol'lnatil)n of ' r

the General comman1 ~~·t{·I <l· • f June la,;t I reccin~d n requi,..ition --i~ucd by Ilis On or about .the ..... m ,q o - .. fl d 'Ju,tito 'William Elder copy enclo-ed

Wor:-.hip tho )l:i?~r, Aldt•n~:m Ji.el ffi~:i. to ( ·\ll out n portion of ti10 ~\.ctiYo Militia (marked G) i·pq 111 nng m(', ns 1;,011101 o , '

in aid of tho Gi~·il P<)\l~C'l'. to tl1"t i·cq11i,..ition hy ;,.. ... 1linu nn order for the 1 . . 11 11nm()( rnto re~pomse " · ' . ,. 1

·r <l Ii porot1.1';;~~ I i't1u• A 'iW l•>T j'\".' r2~1d t /3:~~~0j\~:~ ,~::: ':~ i:, ;-~:~·~~:~•h';~• :.~:t~ott;.'. duty, a11d ma h'\~' i,our, J~:lt n R u11rr for tho nct·ommodation of oitkcri- aud men,

Tcn(>l \\'l'l't' p1t<'.101 o11 \ 111g: q t '"t. ·111 I on•1· the \'!lull-; ot' the so\"eral Bnnks ancl H<'lil1·i\•s po~h·~I lll all. p:11Jts oi. ttl~t:t~1 } ~t , i1;·011ort ,. and tho pnJ-.ernllion ut pcnoo and l'ublic Build 111gs, for t 10 p1 o cc 1ou J

and good order. . f ti t . lftb <hy in <"1mp I l'l'C<'i\'cd :1 uote from tho Mayor, 011 tho mo1·111.t1.t{ o 10 \\C I' '1· . :t ·o;ulitio11 of tho 'ity, the ,.L'l'Vicc:-; of to the cfl'cd that 111 to11:-cq11cnc·c o t Hl qu~c l:

tho .Militia ,;n rlnty wonld :1c:i7 l~nju;~r :·~·:r.:::·~~:~l·rto ,.tiif,

0 tent~ :111cl clcnrup cump,

AL 5 0'1·111 ·k p.m. ~m t i:i < :t) ·. 1""'

1 • :

1 th·it h Olll' Jli,. w

01 hip cumo 011 tho

prt'}>al':ltory to nt:uTh111g olnlt at "11p.m. 'to.1 ll10 'otlic••rs'urnl mw1 thankin~ tht>m. in I I m·1<ll' ·111 exec cnt :I< 1 I~'" ' r · . 1 tll · groUllC , Hill • • .• r h . '•lien lll!llll)el' in ",\ hich they hnd }'Ol'10l'C.~\l t:lr boh:llf of tl1t• ~·ommun11.r io1· t c l'X<.:<.: u •



duty to their follow citizen-., in tho pro.;orvntion of tho Ponce, nn<l tho protection of proi> rty w·hich hnd been :-:wed from lho tiro of lho !?0th of Juno.

Re:;poctfully 1:>ubmittod,

Tho Deputy Adjutant Gonoral, District ~o. 8.

S. K. FOSTlm, f;iont.-Colo11ol , Commanding Camp.

(Copy C.)

SAINT Jorr::i, N.B., 22nd Juno, 1 77. 1'o thEl S ·nior Commanding Officer.

City of St. John.

You are required to call oat for act~ve service, with their .a.rf!ls and. ammu­nition in aid of the Civil Power, such port10n of the Volunteer M1litia

1 n::i, m yoa1·

opinion, mny be ncce:-:-ary to t;t_Ippre-.s any ri?t, distur~a~ce of the l?e~co, or o.t~cr emeruency requiring 1:>nch service, and now, in the opinion of the c1v1l authorr~1~s anticipated likely to occur, and now considered to be beyond the power of the cinl authoritic." to -.uppre .. s or deal with.

(Signed,) S. "1. EARL, Mayor. JOU .... "\ KERR Aldormnn for

Dulce Ward. W:u. ELDER, J.P.


li\LIFA':t, KnvA ScoTIA, 4th December, 187'1.

Srn,-1 have the honor to infot·m you that the 11uota req_nirod to be fnrnisho<l from the Di,trict under my commnnd, wa,.. ori{!inally fixed at 4,284. .

The actual en rolled "trength <1f C< 1 p~ which have hcon accepted an1l gazetted, i~ 4,4 G; under the rcgnlationR for unnmtl training for 1877-78, the number of men to be called out wa~ limited to 2,000, and the 't1·ength of eomya11ioo wus not. to exceed 39 non commi·~ioned officers and men, exelu ive of hand anr staff.

I wa:. alRo authorized w traiu, p1for to 30th June, 180 mon of i-uc:h torps a~ wero exclullCl'l from lat;t "ea'-on'i; training.

Fimlirw on the part. of all th1· corp:. the same de. iro t-0 attend ti-aining as ovinccd io previous years, und finclirig alllo that tbe bj"Stem of maintai11ing tho radrc of c:~ch battalion etfoctive harl worko<l a i f11<·torily, I ngai11 follow<·ti the plan of H<:lott1on thnt Wa'! pnnmod last year.

I append copy (marked A) oftl1u JJiEtiict 01'dcrand the nb:.oq11cntactio1111ndcr which tho choice of corps for drill wa murle.

'l'be nctunl trcn~th of effective~ in 1pcctcd or ab cnt on acCQHnt. c1f' sickno,;; or cau beyond control, wu 2,21 1 being :JS more than \Voro pormittc.-<i lo rc1·oivc pay.

Tabulnr inspection reports nrc forwarded horowith, nl~ particulm"t; of tho iuspcc­tion of each corp •


lfa/if(l:r C'ity.

Tho annual flhot and r;holl practice of the llnlifax Light Illlttory, was eornlneteri on 5lh September at Point Pica ant. Through '!Omo rnito11mrlenilanding tlw practice took Jilll('O without my knowlc<lue, but Liout.-Oolonel .\J ilt.om, who WtliJ pre•cnt, rcportH it ns good.

Tho 1Ht and 2nd Brigades Halifax Garriflon Artillery, consi!;ting of "even hatt-0r­i06 were inspected by mo on the 20th and 24th September, at grcuL gun pn1ctice :it Point Plcusnnt; tho practice mado by these batteries with tho smooth-bore 32-poundorH nnd Palli:-;er H for rifle guns was vory c1·e11itablc.

Tho 63rd ancl GGth Battalions paraded on tho 12th 0 ·t-0ber for brigade tield day anc.l inspection. l1ut owing t-0 the unusually violonL rain-1<torm the in,,pection waa conducted nnd1>r c·over.

No. 2 C.:0111pa11y. G3rd Battalion, drilled without pay, anrl a~ u uni with thi1 company, with full rapks.

On tho JOth Augu;;t. the whole City Brigade paraded for in.,pection and liel<l day exerci1-;e und or Lieut.· General Sir Edward Sell1y Smyth, Commanding tho ~f ilitia. Tho Ta1·ious corps had ju ... t commenced their annual training, and the day wn \·ery wet, but tb(General expressed bi~ l'atisfaction at tho perform1mcc.

78fh Battalion .

NOil. 6 and 8 Companiefl of thb battalion wore inspected Ly me at West Ri\·cr on 28th June men wore steady and attenti'"e anri movement.a were fairly pcrformoii.

No. l 1Cornpany was inspected at Tmro on 29tb October; men, a.s usual, attontive imd steady and company drill and skirmishing fairly performed.

No. 5 'company was inspect~ at Windsor on the ~nd Nove.mbcr. Capt. Burgo:-~ and bis men alike deserve crocht for the very neat and crorl1t:1ble turn-out of the company, which would not h~ve di<1credito<l regular troop.... The compuny dri ll, akirmisbing and bayonet exercise were woll cxecutoo.

Cumberland Provisional Battalion.

Nos. I nn<l a Gompani&1 were inspected by mo at Ambel'!it on 17th Octohe1·, and No. !") Compuny, at Oxford. on 18th October. Tho rlrill of thii- hattnlion, although generally fair, was not ad good as ll"ual.

P frtou Battery.

The Pil'tou Battery 'iarril'IOn .Artillery paradec.l a a gll'n'll of honor for the reception of' tho <:oncral Officl.'r Commanding, on hiq arrintl in Nova Scotia on tho th Augui;t and oliritod his commendation for their :-;oldiorliko appearanro :ind for thcil' porfor~ancc both a.t infantry nnd gun drill. ~hi~ battery clril!od without :in.r expectation of rcreivmg.p:ly; but a8 tho mei;nlxm~ ~n S<.'Vl'ral corps .loll ~h~r& ow1~~· to mon boing ab:iont wtthout h•ave from rn"poct1on, ancl not bcm~ .. ;ih,.fnctor1I~ accounted for, r was enabled Lo place Capt. Gordon'-. rno11 on the Ji;:;t for pny.

~SD BRHH.DF. DIVl:'llO:"i.

Tho King'fl Uounty Troop .of <;avalr.r p11rndod for in J>O?lion !\t Kent ville <"1 the l'.!th Scptomoer. ThiR corp>1 :-1k1rm1 ... hod bo~h mounl-Oll ancl d1..,m()unte<l

1 uud per/orm1 d

v:1riou8 evolution~ in cl<'"O order >Ory crod1 tably. The T;uncnhur~ rmd l1nhone Bny Battet icM <~arfi,on .Artillel'y w re in pectoil

Ly Lient.·Goloncl .\libom 011 tho 24th Octob"r. •Being roport4ld by t~mirc •mm. ndi~~ oflh-crf! fl!i nb..,ont.during the whole of the 11 011 favorable for cnmpmg ouL n1 d art1l·


lcry prncticc, thoy nro only trninod to infantry drill, and, at i11.-ipcclion, drilled with tho 7fith Rottnlion.

'Jbc l i •l1y n. tt(lry Gnrri on Artillery were in,..poctod by IJicut.-Culuncl llihiom -011 the ~~nl'.Junc. lli l't'j ort (murh'<l B) j., 1111·,,·unk·d.

'!'ho hendqunrtor com panic of tho 6 th Bnttnlion wero in~peclcd at Kont,·ille on the l~th sc1•tcrnb~·r. Battulion drill nnd ~kirmit.hing woro gono through, but the aromub \\cl~ too limitc l fm· lotting tho drill lh• ..,con to ndnmlnµ;c. ~ .

.No.~ Uo111p:u1y w:h i1.,..pcclcd by mo at Aylc:-fonl on tho l~th 8eplembor. This Company <lc--on·c crodit fot· their nppc.ir:rnco and mnrkod progress in drill.

:\o. j Cornpnny wa-, i.bo ordered for inspection ut Aylc::.fonl samo dnte, but tbrou~h dome tic nfllil'lion the Captain':; attention was ab::iorl>cd nnd the men were not \\:.U'nctl. Liout.-(j\1l Mil~om int1pccte<l ti.ii~ Company u.l a lntor <luto and hi11 rcpol't (rn.11·krnl B.) i-. t•nclo,.cd.

'l'he Hoacl (iunrtor Uompnnics 6~th Bnttnlion were inspected by mo at Paradise on the l:llh soptcmbcr. Lit•ut..-Col. ~:htrratt as nsnnl tm·ne<l out with full ranks and

tout al1le men and tho drill was cro.litably pcriunnod. 'l'he tlctncho<l Companies at Bear lfo·cr were in,..1>ectod by JJicul.-Col. Mih;om on

Hth :r11tcmller, roporlod on in documenb (mnrked B) cnclu:'od. ' l'11e Head Qunrto1 s :tllll 4 Companie" j~111l Battalion woro inspected by me on

tho i:ah. opternbor. A \"lll') marko.1 imp1·oyement wns to be seen tn this corps, the men looked "mart and i;ol!lier-liko and ha\'C !!reatly impro\·c<l in drill.

.._ ?o. l Company ;~ml drillod in ,1 unc arnl wen' i1.,..pcl'tcd by 1110 on 20th. Captain Jacque, :.twa)" ha : goot.l Coml'any and tho turn out w:1" :,oldiorly and t<nth;factory a.., u-.unl.

'l'hu Hearl llmu·ter,.. and 2 Companies 15th Battalion were inspected by Lieut.­Col. 11lil,ot11 on tho :!lith Octohcr ul Lunenburg. an<l ::So. 5 Uompuuy ut. .Mahone Bay liy that ottil'c1· 011 -.nruo date. Heport (marked B) attaehed.

.Xo lit 'om11:llly tra iuc<l in June untl was in,..pected by me at Now Ross on the 2bt. 'I'hi-. i:. in 11ppearn11co a i;plen<lid Company, two th1rdb of tho men in tho rank!! ,.too<l O\·er ,.jx: !cot, and -.tout iu pl'Oportion-und, tlcsc~endant:; of i:;uh.iier.; <lit:ibanclcd um.I .-.onlod i11 tlii-. lJi-.tricl, they inherit the lat.le and aptitude for boldiot·'s work.

3rJ BRIGADE Drvrsro~.

Being nnable on account of pre-.-. of other engagements to vi~it Cape Breton, I left. the i11:1J10l·tiou ortho Yirtoria Provh-ional Baltalion to Lieut.-Col. Ren<l, Brigade linJOr, who ropo t-. very fin·ourably of the corp::- ut hi::> inspcctirm in .J ulv. lli1:1 report (murkeJ U) i~ auachoo. •


J feel it my daty again to bring to notice (although T b:wo already reported it tluoo year "ucoossh cly) the stuto of the arm:s in thb Di~tricl and tho uccos~it.y that u:bts for their bcil1g intpcctcd by a competent armorer and put in proper ordel'.


. Yenr lty year. I nm more, ar~rl more convinced of the neces~ity fu1· preliminii1·y tram111g ot tliu (Jfh~cri; aiul ~ .( . Officers, a~ uu<lcr tho pro.-.cnl arrangomc11t tho mcu Jc~ 11ot cco~\ c the It ·nefit from drill th:.1t is po~..,ible if the in~tntctor,. were in practice. 11 the t1a11l!1tK ut l~{-.tl lfca~ (.luartol' '"to be ('Ontiuucd far more i;ati ... facto1·y r c:;u.lt• \\OUl1l Io_ ol1tn 11 d 1ftho t1a1r1111g wero ~prcad over tho year in..,lca<l of' being burned :thro 1 'h 111 .1 low tla) nrul ti.en uhando11cd for twolvo month~ a.ncl with thir; u.rrange­~uc~1L. tho p.iymcut of the _capitation gmnt to the fuuds of th~ corp-., and not to encb 111.1nilual \\Ould tcu l to give a bcttc1· tone tu the :,crvice.

J , WDU3UH.N LAURlM, Co:onol, Commanding Military District No. 9.



(1Ji..,t1·ict Order.) ll.ALIJ'AX, 15th Mny, 1 77.

In accordance with instructions contained in Gonoml Order • To. 11, of ~ 1th May 1877, rolativo to t~nnuul train~n~ of .\Iilitin, the following ~viii. bo_t~o det:ul of corps nuthorizcxl to tram to keep Wlthm tho quota allowed to th1.; Dht11ct .

No. I. Head Quartr-ra detail. Di3Lricl detail. Digliy Battery Garrison Artillery................. .. 40 40 75th Battalion..... ... ... . ....... .. ...... ............. .. . 3a 35 78th do . . . .. . . . . .... .. .... .. .. . . . . ... .. . . .. .. .... . 70 70 72nd do ...... . ................................ ·. · ·· :~5 35

180 180

The above nnmc<l corps not having trained dnr_ing lhcyast ~ca .. on nre authorized to train forthwith; training to be completed and in:-pecl1on hol? and !·eturns to l:.e made up and forwa.i·Jc<l 1:10 as to be received at Ilead Qunrtc~,, prior to 30th Juno.

No. 2. Kings County Troop ........... ....... ·· ... ··· Hult fax Field Battery ......... .. .. . ......... . 3 Bttttcrie:; bt Ilalifax Brigade G. A ... . 4 do 2nd do do 2 do do

16 Companies Infantry .... . .. ..... ....... . ... . 8 do do . . ............. .. .. .. .. .

11 do do . . .. .. ... .. .. . ......... .

Head Quarters detail. 35 80

·U each 132 4i " 168 41 II 82 44 " 711 4.2 Cl 336 41 " 456


District detail. 35 80

132 168

82 704-336 451

1,9 8

No. 3. Jn Ilrigmlc" of Artillery and Battalions of Infantry, half.the na~talion or coq1s will fir,..t, ho Aclccte<i to drill. care being taken l>y Co.mmandmg Otticei·~ that the Companil'S fir~t named urc those wh.ich did not train durmg the pa-..t 'cn .. on.

Xo. 4.-2 ~3attcrie~ofGnrrisonArt11leryof41 ea~h, 11 c_;omp?nic .... of Jnfan.try

Of 11 each will thon bo fiolcctcd by lot from tho remmndor ot tho force, the drnwmg , c . boing made Ii\' ~cparatc Batteries or ompame'-'. . .11 \..-

Tho nnn\hcl' of Srntt' Officer!! permitted to train with tho several f'Orp" WI ''° named by the Dt•imty .A.djuUlnt. General, according to the i;trcngth oi cud1 corps and the total munbo1· permitted to tl'uiu undor General <?rdor (11). . .· Boru-d

Lots will bo drawn at 1 p.m. on the 17th )lny,_ Ill prc .... ~nco of n D1~t1 act . , composed of tho Doputy Adjutant Genernl us Prct.tdont, Lieut. C-0b. Commnndrng Bat.tu lions and tho ])i::;trict Staff at Hend QunrterR ns momberB.

J. WD1BUR~ LAURIE, Colo?el .. Commanding :Milittlry D1st1·1ct No. 9 .

1IALH'.\:'t1 17th May 1877.

We C<lrtify that tho 11oloction by lots of the corps for traininrr the ensuing sea w~ rnado in our pro.::.ence, nntl that tho undornamed corps woro

0tio selected . '(ou

bt llnlifax Brigade Garri1>on Artillery 3 Butteries. ·

2nd do do lifohono Bny Battery do Lunenburg do do 6.:ird Battalion Rifles 66th do Infantry 68th do do 69th do do 72nd do do 75th do do "i8tb do do Cumberland Prov. Battalion Victoria do do

do do <lo

4 <lo 1 do 1 do 4 Companies 6 do 5 do 4 do 4 do 3 do 2 do 3 do 4 do

J. WIMBUR..~ L.A. URIE, Colonel Commanding Military Disti~ict No. 9

Lt. Col. T. MILSO~, B. M. " D. MoPHERSON, Comdg. 2nd G. A. " W. H. P ALLISTER, Comdg. 63rd Bati. " 0. J. MA.cDONALD, Staff.

Capt. L. J. BL.A..!~, 1st G. A.

True Copy. J. W . • LAURI.B1


Return shewing corp~ officers · · Militia in Military Distric't' No 9 'wnhoonca-commtrns1donedGoffi.cers and men of the Active lfA l8 · ' nno un er eneral Orders (11) f llt.la

Y 77, draw pay for training for the year 1877-78. ' 0

lat Halifax Brigade 2nd do D.igby .Battery, Picton do

Garrison do do do

Infantry. 63rd Battalion Ri6es 66th do Infantry 68th do do 69th do do 72nd do do '15th do do 'i8th do • do Cumberland Prov. Battalion Victoria do do

Artillery do do do

3 Batteries. 2 do 1 do 1 do

2 Companies 2 do 4 do

J. WIMBURN LAURIE, Colonel Commanding Military Di1;t1:ict No. 9.


(B.] (l:!ilit.'lry Oii;tl'ict No. 9.J

11Ar,1FAX, 27th November, 1877.

Srn,-1 have tho honor to report thu.t in compliance with your in truction. I inspected tho following corps of Active )1ilitiu. in this Di trict.

Digby .Battery Garrii:;on Artillery on tho 22nd June; 2 otnccrl'I, 38 men, undor tho ('Omrnand of Captain J. Daly. Mannual and Firing Bxcrcbc nml Company drill fairly performed.

Noa. 7 and 8 Companies, 69lh Battery at Bear River on the 13th Septomh<:r; 4 -0fficer1:11 '18 mon Pracli~cd ~fanual and Firing Exorcit-o C<.1mpany Drill and Firing in extended order, mon steady and attentive.

No. 7 Company, 68th Batta.lion-14th September; 2 officers, 42 men, under the Command of Captain T. IIarris, at Aylesford; drilled by tho Captain at )lanunl and Firing Exorcise and in exl'6nded order; officer~ and men drilled well.

Lunenburg Battery Garrii,;on Artillery-No;i. 2 and 3 Companio.'i, 75th Battalion, paraded together on tho 24th of October at Lunenburg; ii officer!'\ and 117 men, and were practised in Battalion drill, and the Attack and Defonce ofpohitions.

Mahone Bay Battery Garrison Artillery and No. 5 Company 75th Battalion, were in!ipoctod at Mahone Bay on the 24th October; 4 officcr!i and 'i8 men.

Marched Past, Battalion Drill and Firing in extended ordor. I may also add that l was present at the 11bot and shell practice of the Halifax

Field Battery under the Command <if .Major Graham at Point Pleasant on the fifth of September.

The practice was excellent. The several corps inspected by me were composed of a better class of men than

I had seen for some years and paraded clean and soldiorlike.

I ha.ve the honor to be, Your obedient servant,

The Deputy .A.djudant GeneL·al, No. 9 District,


No. 218. [C.]

T. MILSO::ll, Lt.-Col, Brigade :Major.

SYDNEY, 19th July, 1871.

Sm,-1 have tho honour to report that in obedience to your orders, I inspected. {)n the 16th instant at Battalion Head Quarters, Badrlcck, four companie-., ~OP.. 1 2 3 and 4) named in the margin, of tho Victorin. Provisional Battalion, u~d~r command of Lieutenant-Colonel Bingham, on completion of annual drill.

Copy of Parade State herewith submitted. ThoHo companies pre~ented a very good appearance on parade, the ranks being

nlled with full grown stalwart men, and I found tho nrm!<, uniforms, and accoutre­ments well kept, and in serviceable condition ; tho usunl battalion and i:;kirmi-.biog movomonLs were very fairly performed, and reflected crodit on both the officer:; ana men.

I beg leave to report that the authorized i~suo of ball cartridge was not expondod, in consequence of no ranges being amilable for this drill 'vi thin a convenient <listanoo oftho local bead quarters of Companies. Stops however will be t..'lkcn to :-;ecure suitable ranges, should tho annual drills be continued in future at the bend quarters -0f Companies.

I hnvo tho honour :wnin to ro )() ·t ti . t ti ffi en lied ont nn for tho .\ct .Militin n!111 t 1»t1 io ~ c.~·s I nud .n~cn oft hi~ Battnlion

.Min~'·1 in Jluly 1 76, h:n·o not us ;.l't rccoi\~O~n~~~·mor:~' fo~· 1~h~t,;·~loJ~.~~~c.1· at Sydnoy >Og O:l\'O mo,..t rospoctfnl!y lO bri1w to no . ti } d '. "·.

c~-.o, tho i11jnrions offcl'l il mnst h:wo on th . ~.ico 10 uu· ~h~p o~ th1~ piu·ticular art!>C, :-houltl tho ~Iilith Ix> •1irnin roqui ., l to Son1ce, nnl\ tho d1lhcult1c:; which might

T It wo~1ld nppcnr f1~m (1~ opinion ~~\·o~ ~1~c;l~n·o O~'t or an.d prolt•,t·t. p~·opor~y. ~oYn l"cotm (n cop\· of which hns boonotmn "t o sub.1oct b.} tho Ul11cf Jnst1ce of addition to, or nlto1:nt,ion in tho local ·t t "f11 ted to lleutl 9uartcrs) that a certain ab~olutoly noce:-..i·1r.}· '·cfo1·0 tl11· cl1" s a bu 01' of tho Provmco of No\'ll. Scotia is

• u s .11n can e reco,orod.

I have tho honour to be Sir '{T I I

.l ou1· obedient Servant I

C. CREW.E-RE.\.D, Liout.-Colonol

Tho Doput~- .Arljud:mt Gcnornl, !:c .. &c. Brigade Mnjor, 3rd Div1

ision. .ll1htary Di;,trict :Xo. !J, Hniifox, ~. S.



WINNIPEG, :Xov. 22n, 1877. Sm,-In accordance with orders ·r h h h

ot the ;-1..'l.te of )lilitia in lhit:1 Distri~t~ nvo t o onor to forwar<l my annual report

Dominion Force~ on Service in. Manitoba.

• ~ Thi:; force, which in greater or less t. rr h h . . 1 ,o, wa ... on tho thil't.I of \.u~u t f ti . s rnn,.,t ' ad bceri marntainc<l here since-frorn time to time been ii·adu~ll.}? rc.1~1t'~~on·~tear, finally .?b:ibantle<~; afte1· havin~ embraced only a total of iifty.fou1· olficor" ·~n;l t1 .at the po11od of d1,.,b:mdment tt non-commi-. .. ioncd otfi"ct· "ud ru 1. · .:.1 men' of the:-e, one officer anrl twcntv-five

. " ".. en ormoo a. detach t f ·11 J were infantry. men o a.rl1 01·y, tho remainder

It j,. not, I fool ure, speakin" too hi 11. f h men to report that in UJ>pea1·nr1ce~<l' . l~ i y o t e non-commb;,ioncd officers and . . 1-.c1p me and gene nl ffi . h . rc..-.pect rnfer1or to Her 'l11J·e~tv' '1> I '·' r.. c c1ency, t oy woro m no

\ d - ·' J " l••gn ar r 01·ce.s "' etachment from this -.rn·tll for. . :

eornmi-.,.ionod officer,, anti n1c.n • f'c.:c, co1h1.stmg of one subaltern and ton non-G . · ' wa" 11·;,t at the ro t f II' lI . O\er11or of .ll'anlloba tin·1 ~u'· ' 1 iue;, o 1::. onor tho J;1oulonant.-

. ' u" u.,or1ucnt yon rcqu· "f b . o.vcr ::.Lx montb~ iu maint:iining tb .. .1l:l

1 i~n Y ~ag1strates, employed for Government of .\fauitoba, between tha~ p;.~~1.' 11'.tmo I eg11la.t1o~s cstabli:;hod by the on the -.hores of Lake Winnipe, the e )id !nee and the D1stnct of Keowatin, whore COn:,cquonc:e either of cr1'rn1'11"l g, 1· I em1c of small pox bad broken out and in t •· neir 1gouco or the , · '

0 ~prcnd both in the Icclan<lic colon ' on th gt ~ssest1gnorance, had bcon allowed ln~ian bun<l':I, to an alarming cxtc1yt botl ~ we,.,t s1<le of the lake, nntl among the ass1st:rnce, or to circumscribo tho lim~LJ. ·t~'.e tsthps wore taken tn olitnin medical felt. .wi in w tch th~ ravagct1 ofthodi,.,catso wore

It i-. probable that no more <li n"reeabl d t rcasou over fell to tho duty of a~ ~ ll <l u 0

1 u y, or one mo1·0 ~overo frorn climatic

qunrrmlinc party during tho win~a fo '~ 1mont than to.those who composed the boyon!l all prai. e, and not onl as fat: ao thlS.16-77: but theu· ze~1l and conduct WM

to th01! -.tati.on arc conccrnccl;but f~om all 0~I'~au;~anl'l of tho nc1ghbourin~ localities

by their duties, they were awarded tl e} . h t \V. om they woro brought. m contact 1 11g e::it pr:uso.


• Th~ dnti of the dot:1d1mcnt la~tod fro~ tho 27th of • "'o\•crnbor 1 7ti to July 2bt 18.17, \•'h?n .tho ,\fa111toba govcrnrncntru1so<l the quurn11ti11e.

It.'" ~rat1fyrn~ to add that an order of the Prcn·incial Council noted to the office~· in cha1·go of thii.. party, En,..ign G. W. Stroot (lnt.Q Captain 16th Ho ,imcnt) th.o lugh. app1·1!rnl ~f 111,.; J~onor an~ tho Pl'ovincial Minist ry, of tho t!lct ~nd zeal with wl11ch till:- officer cnrr1ed ont bis <lutic ...

A"" I have prcviou,.,ly reported on the details of tho dbhnndment of the force on Rervic:o, there i;i, I p1·esumo, no nccc:;:;ity that I :-lhould rccapituhltc in thb ro-.poct.


. A~ midi.lion to the M.ilitia force of the Provin~o ha'I this year boon made by the fo1·mat1011 of two companies of Infantry, one at Winnipeg and tho othor at Emorson the rom11inin£! corps being, the "'Vinni peg .Field Battery" and the 11 Kildonan 11 and "South St. .Andrew's 11 companies. '

Of thi.>se, all but tho 11 South St. Andrew's Company" have poi·formed tho pre· Rcribcd annual <lt·ill in accordance with general orJcr::i; the Field Battery in camp, at St. Jame,.,', al ont five miles from the City of 'Winnipeg, and tho other corp,. at their Company Hen l Quartor:;.

The Winnipeg Flrul Brdtery.

Thi..i Battery now armed with four lL L. R. fl pr. gun", performed the pre.sc1·ibod annual cour.-,e of drill, at camp, at a point. ah<mt .. ix mile.-, wo t ot thi-. City. the ground was well cho~on for sheltc1·, but was rathe1· too circum-.criooil in limiL-., by fl grove of trees, water for the troops was close at hand, and tho ho1·,.e-. hnd a goo<l and 1-iafo waterin~ plttce at the Assiniboine river, whi..; h is within a. 1->horL Ji,,t:luco of the l{ito of the «amp.

Tho Batto1·y wont into camp on the 26th of Augnst, completing the (h·ill on the '7th of Scptembcl', on which <lay they marched back to their hen-i-qua1·t..cr..;.

My annual inspection of this corp" was matlo on tho 6th of. 'optornbcr. I found a. markc1l impro,·ement from the pn-.t )"C:lr: tho guns were better ho1·-.od and the driv­ing w:i.. greatly improved; the comlition :1111l fittin~ of the harnc ... ,., wa .. bettor than previou:-ly, though in thc,.,c respects there i~ still much room for impro,·emcnt.

The movement.-; were freer, anil more decided than on pa-.t occa-.iou-. when I have in"'Jll'l'led it; and tho drill fairly pcrformo<l. It j,.., however, u-.oJ • ...... ,I ro-.poct­fully 1-inhmit, to hope that men can be thoroughly trained a,., :ll'tille1y men in the .,hort i-;pn1:0 of twch·c day,., a year, for three year,., enli,.,tmcnt ; mnny chnngc-. tnkc place in the per--onuol of n Battery during that. ne1·iod; nm! each year, vnl·nnc.:il• .. hnvin!.! to bd tilled up with rnw bnmls. tho efficiency of tho corp., i" found con-.tantly imp:lirod at the C'Ommenecmcnt of each nnnnal training.

The :-ame obscrvt\tion nl.so bolds good:- a-. rc~anb the hor-.c-. . ..:\.1T:u1gemcut-., how­eYor, nrc, 1 n11dt•rstand being made by which :h 11c:1rly a~ prnctirnuto tho -.:lmo hors& will be arnilahlc annually by the Fiold llnttery.

Tho gcnornl npponronco of this B:ttlcr)· b '\'er.r good, but mnrro.I. a-. in the cases of the m:~j01·ity of co1·ps, by n. want of uniformity in U•lots; until, howl0 \·c1-, arrang&­mcnts for-. and stringent regulations on thb point arc mndc, and in1>i ... tcd on. in-.pccting oillcer:-1 can hardly hope for nny \Ory great impro,·cmcnt in tho dli<·icncy nnd ttppcaranl'c of C'Orps in thib mobt importanl rc-.pcct.

Fo1· tho ... tn•n11;th &c. of this corp,.., as well :ts ol' othc1-:- 1 re pectfully refer to _the " Fonn of' In,.ipection Repol't., horeto nppcndccl.

'l'hc 11 K.ildonnn 11 Infantr,y Comp·my gazoltoJ on tho 11th of Au~u" of la-.t yoar, perf'o1·111l.'il during the \Vinto1· o. con,.,idorablo amount ofYolunlnry drill, in a 1 lition to the uuthori;r.ed period, nnd considering il-, recent formation wns Yery fairly proficient.

This ti no com puny who,..o ranks :1ro foll, j,.. mainly if not ontirely t•ompo-.cd of fm·ml'l"s aml fa1·mcr8' ::ion:1, old seltlor..; in the country; mon of tlM ph,pique, intelli­gent and oducntcd.

Thi-. is a corps thnt I am snlisticd will provo a valunblo contingent to tho dofonsh·• force of the l'roviucc.

H'bm "peg Infantry Company Ko. 1.

Thi" cornpnny, having complctod it· drill, was inspected by mo on tho seventh of September.

Tho very recent fo1·mntion of this corp~. nnd difficnltie~ which oflon nrise in new orgnuization-., precluded oitho1· n full mn'!ter or any great proficiency in tho movo­monts ordered at tho inspoc iO!l; but the general appearance of tho company was mo t crodit:1blo, clothing well fitted, belts nnd appointments Acrupulon'lly clean ; tho co1mntu1ding otlicor it; energetic, and I have every confidence in his opinion that the company~ ill be full at tho next annual in:;poction.

" Emer;;on" Compm2y.

The hcnd-qunrtors of this Company are immediately on the frontier lino on the Red Hi''l'r, nt tho newly formed but tlombhing town of Emorwn; my first inspection of thi:- company, owing to its distance from the 1:>tation, and its recent formation was made on the occa,..ion of tho annual inspection.

. I hnd preYiously, been informed thut this was a. very fine company, but I was quite unprepared to find that the :;hort penod (but four or fivo mouths) wbich had elap~od :>ince their formation into a company, had allowed opportunitie'! to show a body of men so '-oldierliko looking, and steady in the ranks, as those which I inspected.

The mo>ements and drill, from re<'ent formation, were of course imperfect, bu~ the gone~! appearance and promii:;e o~ the Company is most Batisfactory, nnd .reflects groa~ credit not only .o~ the command mg and otber officers, but on tho inha.bitAnts of thtS young nnd thrivrng town, who have afforded all encouragement to their local oompany, of which they may justly be proud.

11 &uth St. Alldrew's" Rifle Campany.

Thi.:; C!<>mpany ~a.-. not bec_n this year included in tho e which have performed annual drill; tho. t11~0 of ~nh~tment. of the ~en has considerably elapsed, and a thoro~gh reorganization will be reqmrcd. This, however, the commanding officer, Ca_P~rn the Honor~ble J. Schultz, purposes at once effecting. It is advi"ablo that tbJ.., I? common with o~her Com~anies in this Province, should be an Infantry and not Rifle cor,b-the uniforms having bceu over five yearo in wear no difficulty in the Change !ihould OXibt in this respect. 1


At this station~ e~pecially, tl1e want of a drill shed is f;Cvorely felt, tho greatly enhanced co~t ?f bu1ldinJ.{ as compared with the older Provinces 1·onder!l it unlikely, that ~o~ F<Ome time to come, .the Munici.JHl!ity or other sourc<.'s will be in a position to futn1Rh funds for tho el'ect1on of a buildrng on the terms atithorizod by Govern­ment. In tho meantime oflkel'ti commanding corps here have to make tho best temporary arrangemonU; they can.

In t~1e ell.Res of corp8 outs~d~ the City of Winnipeg, the 11 Kildonnn " Company, by the k_rndne."" of the authorit1e8 of tho Pro8bytorian College there,i8 afforded a commQfhOa'! armory.

I~ "South ~t. Andrews" a good building, privately arranged for by the com­mand mg officer 1s occupied .

. At " Emerson" tl1e Captain of tho company affords an armory at his own rcSJdence.


Although I have cause to feel safo,fied with tho progre: s in cfficiuncy mad.o. by tho newly raised local corp,, in my dbtriot, I fir.id no reason to change _tho opinion induced by a considerable number of years oxpor1ence, that de u~tory or 1~d~11enden&. drill involves a C08t, which is in a groat meU<lllrO a Waste or ~ubhc fundq; It 19 true a certain amount of knowledge of drill may be more or le:-~ atlorded to ~ho men or tho various cor_ps, according to tho capability of the re8pec.t1ve com!m~u<l_ing office~ •. or their drill mstructo11i; but the far more important pomt.s of d1sc1phnc an<l dut1C!i, cannot be taught in this manner. . . district at all event, to assemble tho corps, as may bo f~und most com·en~cnt, 111. cnmr.

1 earnestly trust that in the [forth coming year, it may bo permitted u. th111 for the annual training.


Tho artillery target practice was, in aocordanc~ wit~ reW;1lation.;, performed at a range not far from tho trainmg camp. In oonnection.\~1th th1 ! I bog to exprc.-.s ~y thanks to Lieut. & Bt. Captain Cotton, late of tho Dom1n1on Artille~y hore, who wais

ood enough at my request to act 118 umpire, Lieut. Young ~!Ilg range officer ~uring tho course of target practice. Synopses of Target pructi~e returns for Ibo Infantry corps are also forwarded herewith, on the form of Inspection Heport.


I regretted that the disbandment of the force on i:orvice h~re, just pro\"iously to the arrival of His Excellency the Governor General in thi!-1 provu;ice, precluded 1~0 .from the ratification it would have been to me, to show to ho'Y' high a b~te of e c1enc~ Can~dian troops placed on actual Rervioe, can in a comparatively Bhort time bo bro~h!; but it is satisfactory to be enabled to report, that llib Excollencr wa pl~as . command me to express to the various local co1:p::1 who took pnrt 1.n the ce1cmomos attendant on this visit, hi8 satisfaction with their conduct, and bearmg.


Tho only buildings now bolonaing to, or occupied by tho Militia, nrc at Fort Osborne here · where the whole of the military reserve Ht.ores n;e. held. . . th ~

A~ ;ecent 'reports ha>e been made in this respect, I presume it is unnecc-.-.ai Y a I should recapitulate on these points. Offi Co nmandin

Reque11ting your submission of this report to tho General oor 1 • g.

I ha.>e tho honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant,

W. OSBORNE S~UTII, Licut.-Col?ne~, .,. Deputy Adjutant General, Military D1:.l1·1ct ~o. 10.

To the Adjutant-General, licnd Quarters, Ottawa.


.MUATAHY DI ''rHICT ~o. 12.


OnARLOTTETOWN, 20th No,·embor, 187'7.

Srn-I h:wc the honor to tr:rn~mit, for the information of 'tho gonoral officer c·omnuu:ding, the accompanying Inspection Heport of tho Activo )lilitia in this District under mv command.

Ou the l:ith ·Juno hl~t, in l'oujnnclion with Lieut.-Colonol Beer, tho senior Field Officer in tho District I dctniled the followincr Companie~ to perform tho twolvo days

' t"> h.M . :mnunl drill nuthorizcd in tho Gcncrnl Order of tho llt ny, \'IZ:

'l'he Summor..,ido Battery Gnrri-.on Artillery. No ... 1 ( ~ Compunio-. of the King's County :Battalion. No::-. ·.l. 5 , · u " " Queens " " No-.. l & 3 '· " Prince " "

t·ompri-..in~ n -.tron~th of twenty otficors and :three !hundred and twenty-two non­commi.,.,io11ed otliccr nnd mcu.

On tht 13th July it beiu~ apprehended that there would be a seriou,.; dbturb~~ce of the pence in thi"' city at 11ii:d1t, I received a reqni,,ition from tho civil authonttes to fbrui-..h an nrmcd pa1'ly of till' Acti\•e .\Ii Ii tin for the purpose of maintaining order.

I imme iiatcly i-..~uod orders for the ~fos. 1 & 2 Batteries of tho Oha1 lottotown <.arri!>on Artillery. to~dhor with No. 6 Company of the Queen's County Battalion under the command of ~fajor )forris to a...;sem ltle in the drill shed at 1:mnsot. Tho 8CVeral companic~ paraded in goo<l strength aml remained under armt:1 through the night.

Hi" Wo~hip the ~fayor of the City escorted by these Companies patrolled the .. trecb at a latu hour, and there j ... every rea.->on to believe that i::;olely owing to the appcnrnncc of -..o nnmcrou~ a hody of armd men in support of the civil power, the anticipated riot w:i.. pren'nte<l.

I wn.., well ,..ati-..hed with the prompt attendance of both officer!'! anJ men, and with their "Leady conduct while they were employed.

On the 16th July, I proceodc<l to AILcrton and inspected Xo. i:Company of t~e Prince Uonnty Ila tnlion, and found it in a hi~h ~tale of di:;ciplino am! ctliciency! lll a ~rent mca.:::urc owin~ to the con .... tant :>uperintem.lence of the Otlfre1· c·omrnandmg the Bnttalion, Licutcnant.-Colonel IIunter-Duvar, who is ever cun-..picuous in l\.-..-..iduou-. attention to tbb Company, near the Head Quarters of whic·h lie hru:i bis residence.

On tl1e following day I in-..pcctc<l No. ~Company at Tryon. C:i· mm Ive., wn., unable to para.do hi, company in itl:! full ~tre11;,;th owing to

eomo of hi- men hewing been ,.,e\·eroly injured by the fall of a i;caffol<l; hut otherwise it Wn5 in fnir order, -..howi11g hoW<ffer the result of not having Leon dl'illcd the pr1::ccding year.

On the 2 th July 1 in-pected tho Summorl>ide Battery of Garri~on Artillery and notod a very marlrn<l impro\·oment over former inspections. Captain Price is a. ,·aluahle energetic offfrcr and ha been very fa\·ornbly mentioned by tho Commandant uf tho r.unncr.r School at. <lucbcc, where during the pm;t winter he underwent a cou.1 e of.in tru<'tion; thiR Jfattcry ha.; been supplied with two twonly-fonr pounders which will euablc both officers and mon to acquire the requidito knowledge of gun drill.

On tl o 1 t. Augn t, I in pcctoo No. I Company of the King'd C{rnnty B~lttalion At Iontngne; 1t tu med out. .. trong, arm cloth in•,. and accoutrements well c11:ed for for; the Captnin i very attentive and in all rc;,ects the typo of a good volunteer officer.

On the 25th _Septemt;>er, I im1pcctcd. No. 2 Company at Souri-i. Thi:; compa~y is not as ad\ ancod m its drill a I could w1:;h, the Captain bu" but. lately l.ieen appointed


and the sul•alt<•rrtR although very anxiou-.. yet ]rn,·c 11ot h:i I •ip1>0rtunitic-< utlicic_nt lo atro1 cl n knowledge of the olement!lry drill; Captain )laelorm uppc:u .''cry du .. u'Qu to <lo hit1 ulrno,,t t.ow:mJ1i rcmc<lyiug t~1i , au<l :h assnrcd ~nc Jiu \\Ill, rnlrn ste~ during tho on uing wi11ter to huvo tho olhC'cn; uml rnc!• better 111-tructcd .. rhc 111un r1-<:al sti·cugth at inspection was :;mall, twolvo men ltavmg go110 LO i;ca fi-..111 ng, so sonn a1:1 tho un n uni d ri II wa,; com ploto<l. .

On tho :3rd in tant Lieutenant-Colonel Beer u-.. ... crnhlu<l tho thrco fi~o cornpn111cll of biR R:illalion fi11· my inspcetion in tho City: 'I'lioy 111ailu a n ry ;r11d1tril1le ,''l'l1~a­, nee .1, rn~ c·lothi1w an<l accoutrements m oxccllPnt or<lel'. .::-\o 1 or Captain 1a , • ·, ~ Doghort 1 'H t:ompany r;urpaHsing the othcrli. . .

C'l l 11· 11 I oncr\vorth <·ornmamlilw ~<>. 0 C'ompany ha'i been eal'llc~t m promoting 'p . ' "' ,..., 1 ·1· I. • I . t I tho oftfricncy of his c·ompa11y as mark-.m.en, bj~ e::tn 11s1111g p1wnto i; 10 !t1~g m:i ch~

and till' OU tlay of t:<Jll1>itiorabJc :.um .. 111 pr1:r.e :lll<i tho pur1·(1t1~c ol. ( rO\",Cl'll ffiO!lt ·t· 1 J tr 11 ... t. the vet''' commcn<lal.ile oxe111plc i.hewn l1y tlw; ofhccr \V1ll

.ammum ior . J t' l I . . t li I II' of slimulato tho other Captain!'> iu -.irnilar etfort~ to pct· cc l 101r men m u 1am mg

their WN1po11s. . · 11 • Ii ti On the 2~ncl Augu:;t, tho Provincial Rifle ...:~1.,~1<!~'.111tf~on he

1<_ I.! 1111cctm~ or 1tt~

Annual Cornpetitio11. A majority of the Active~\ I 1tia 1'011\ t 11 ... ( '(11111 y wcro rr -en d ln<lC bettCI' pr:tCliCC thUll heretofore. f am UllUUie t(I l't.lpOl't :\good :itlCll lllll00

;1~mneithcr of tho other countie:::, tho offic·er~ inform m.c that 1111rnhcr-. wo111d N JIDC to th c ,r 11., were it not for tho cxpen"e, the fare liy ra1lw11y a ldod t •the c -..t ofoorml

he.Im· e 101'='.1 ·lot tot own entail in" an expcditure of from fom· to fiyo dollar-. per ma~.

w 1 e 1u l. 1

o · I · · I !so l ' l • ti •1r Tho allcrrc that while tho men arc willing to !{1\·u .t ~cir ll!llc au a . o )'~.) ie y . I o

0 tl·l. vet n•hen it is considered that IH'OtiC1cncy Ill the u-c ol their arm Persona u ·}, J ,. 1 · · · ti II I f

is in the interosls of the public to further, t icy arc ol opmwn 10 :mn lO m o tramiport by the rnilwa:r owucd by the Govern_n~cnt, -.hould not be I ctu.-.cd the mon when dc:;i1·ouH of aLtenclmcr the annual compet1t10n. .

In tho month of .\fay Jm;t, an A:;socialion for !~uc~n':- County w:i-.. or.!{~t11z~d ~~n?e~ 'r · . p !Jn ·d '\II officer who has aJ...o i-.hewn a pra1-.cworthy cx:un plu 111 1" m 1dm~ ..u.aJOl o .. 1 • • · B Tl · · r I 1 ·1 tir t rivate mate hes and prizeR for the men of lus attci·y. us a ...... •)Cta ion 10 1 1 ... • ...

p t' ti 1 t October il was wcil altende<l, :rn1l I nm glad to olt-orvc :i growm~ mee mg on 1e ~ • . . . d' . · interebt on tho part of the community m this ucctwn.

I have the honor to I » 11·.

Your mu~t obedient humble -.c1·v:mt,

JOHN D..AM.ILTOX GRAY, Liout. Colonel,

Deputy .\.djutant-Csc11cml. llilitnry Di,.;trict No. I~.

To the AdjutanfrGcneral,

Dead Quarter~: Ottawa.


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