I THE TROW Q - Cotswold Canals Trustcotswoldcanals.com/wp-content/uploads/Trow_archive/1970 -...


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I THE TROW Q The Official Magazine for members of the Canal Trust

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- %trotidwater, Thames & Severn Canal Trust Limited

Nu. 14 June 1976

Editorial F1 This issue sees the inclusion of the annual accouuts of the Trust, and other matters re la t ing thereto. I n consequence, some of our regular items have been "crowded out" or curtai led, and perhaps I may touch b r i e f ly on these here. The inclusion of photographs was a great success, but i n view of the cost we ~ a n n c t repeat this in every issue. I hope, however, tha t our new cover design wi l l appeal to readers. It i s hoped also tha t our Canal Histom Booklet w i I l be ready bv the t i m e we despitch t h i s issue! and 1-


acknowledge receipt here of rermttances received from nnmerous members and others.

I f your cop7 i s not enclosed 4 t h t h i s issue, i t w i l l be forwarded as soon as possible. W e st i l l have some Paddle Steamer Pr in ts foz sale, de ta i l s a s i n our March issue, a t bOp each, with a special reduced price of 652.75'for the complete s e t of five. The Trow Group continues t o receive encouraging l e t t e r s of support, but to ,da te no large donations have been forthcoming! I gather there 1s still a poss ib i l i ty of acquiring a vessel, but I can give no more de ta i l s for the present. In the meantime, my thanks t o a l l who have written with photographs, de ta i l s and offers of f inancial and practical help. I have not been able t o answer all l e t t e r s , but trust you w i l l accept this as a collect ive acknowledgment. We nre inveetiRating ways and means of despatching the magazine by hand i n certain areas, i n order t o save exorbitant postage costs. I f your cops is delivered b~ carr ier pigeon, husky dog, Wells Fargo or even dropped by Concord, please bear with us - so f a r we have had few complaints of non-deliveq, and t r u s t we s h a l l keep up our good record.

mow Editor: R.O.Nott, w i e l d , Frome Park Road, Stroud, Glos.

Thxngs are r ea l lg heginning t o move a t last ' on the Trust. F i r s t ly , we hope t o s t a r t work a t Coates, rebuilding the whole of the Georgian tunnel portal back t o i t s original condition. This means employing professional masons t o carefully remove the majority of the stonework and s t ab i l i se the ground behind the blocks, which a t the moment is on the verge of collapse. Then t o carefully and patiently rebuild Rach stone back t o i t s "as new" Condition. To help offset the cost we have received penerous donations from the Langtree Trust and the Pilgrim T r u s t , although we are still open t o receive donations t o guarantee completion of the work.

Secondly, we have been successful i n an application under the Government Job Creation Scheme to eroploy 20 persons (note sex equality!) full-time for 26 weeks. I n the main these wil l be school leavers who are s t i l l looking f o r work, and our job w i l l be t o give them creative work and prepare them for a career i n the outside world bg the end of the period. It is hoped the

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mmect . a& aithomh w e ~ w o u l d ~ ~ r e f e r such an immvemeiit G kmpicyment as not t o require such schemes, the wbrk wi l l contri- bute t o the nation as a whole by providing the return of t h ~ s canal. It i s a l i t t l e unfair, writing this on the summit of the Oxford Canal, t o emphasise the need f o r more water in Britain, but eaah year the s i tua t ion gets worse as we consume more and more water, yet apparently do l i t t l e t o make up the deffcit. Nationally. I fee l there 1s a l o t t o be said for the Grand Contour Canal, but the experts say simply "Can't be done." Fine, but a l l the clever chaps who s q t h i s never e v e an alternative. Locally, I am still firmly behind uslnf the Thames and S c v ~ r n and Stroud- water a s a reservoir t o serve local I-.P*~s. Thi~tv-f ive miles of wateP the width of the county would meet the demands of a g r i d t u r e and canalside industry i f 3othing else.

In recent weeks we have been studying the Green Paper on water resources i n England and Wales and some o f i t s features are very good. It has long been thought tha t canal ownerahip i n Britain w a s a mess, and although some canals have been brought &er public ownership, mang are s t i l l psivittely owned, meanins differing standards in maintenance, from excellence to dereliction. What I fee l we must ensure i-S tha t the Waterway movement, which has spearheaded restorat ion and extension of navigations in Britain, should maintain its posit lnn rather than allow the waternays te a l l oome under a vast Gcvernment Departm~nt which has no means of the public approaching it whatsoever. With about 14 different navigation author i t ies a t the moment and some several hundred owners something has t o be done by Central Government. I f rk are to have a sensible waterway system in Britain then planning has to take place, and soon.

This quarter w i l l see the Annual General Meeting of the Trust, when a11 of the Committee w i l l be elected, hopefully evening-up the balance between east and west, so please do not hide your ta lents wder a bushel or anythizq else - we desperately need more people t o help expand our activit ies. Basically, people are required who are able t o think for themselves, make sensible decisions and delegate responsibility t o those who only come to work.

The Sponsored Walk was once again a success, although next year we hope to change the route to stimulate in teres t i n anothe~, section of canal alonr r'hich e nublic footaath exists .

~ -~~~ - - - ~ < -. . - . . - - . - . ~ n f o r t u n o t e l y i t is-no longer possible t, walk from Pramilode t o Lechlade as previous generations did. However, our grateful thanks t o all who did so much t o ensure the Walk's success and t o - those who walked and who 6enerously paid up t h e i r sponsor money.

Finally, we entec the s i l l y season fo r working par t ies , with people turning up fo r many pleasant evenings' work yet f a i l ing

; on a Sunday, and t h i s year, with the Working Party Organiser's post vacnnt. please ensure you tmou what is being done on s i t e , and that you continue the work if worldng alone.

Regrettably, our Landowner Liaison Officer, Neil RacDonald, has been forced to r e t i r e under increased pressure of work. Heil finds the demands of the Trust are too much t o achieve the resul ts he hoped for. H i s job was t r u l y d i f f i cu l t a t best i n diplomatic- a l l y approaching a l l the owners of the canal and asking for the i r co-operation with our scheme. His success was considerable, and i f anyone would l ike to take on this work please contact pa a t once. Thank you, Ifeil!

This year's Gummer Barbecw, always a very pleasant evening, w i l l be held a t "Acre Mead", Ryalls Lane, Cambriege. Please t r y and come - de ta i l s elsewhere i n this issue.

Ue are delighted to hear the t the firm of Compeir Ltd have even - Watenrs;. Recovery Group a new air compressor. Apparently the conversation went something l ike this:- "Good afternoon, Mr- Palmer. How would you l i k e a new air compressor?" G.K.P:- "Thanlr you, S i r CEe c a l l s people he l ikes 'Sir '), i f you look out of your window you w i l l see a red Pranait Van backing in to your 3SI-d".

B.G.N.F~? The Automobile Association report tha t people are n o w dumping old cookers, bedsteads and other rubbish on Uotonsys. T h i s must mean that the BirmiBghaa C a n a l Nevigations are fu l l t o capacity.

S-. The Trust Sales Section hope to s e l l s e t s of s l ides m e Canal. and we are holding a competition for b of the best 35mm.slides depicting various aspects of t h ~ wate-9. Entries t o Riveraide by i s t September. The winner w i l l receive a copy of David Viner's Zhames &Severn book.

FOB SALE. Selva 9.9 outboard motor ana two Volvo Penta 50a 5hp out oards. Contact John M i l l & Sons, Canal Cottage, Bathampkn. Bath. (K.& A.)

SALE. 7 f t Marineply Pram Dinghy, complete with oars, rowlocks and bottom-boards. ZOO. Contact Trow Editpr.

WATEFMAYS BOOKSHOP. Trust members Mike & Judy Handford have established s company called Waterways Bookshop Ltd and Canals Bookshop Ltd t o establish the world's f i r s t specia l i s t canal W bookshop. After several years detailed ~ l a n n i n g and raising finance, a long lease has been seeured on the former Bri t ish Waterways workshops a t Claydon Top Lock on the south Oxford Canal, and negotiations are proceeding for 8 other s i t e s including London, the Birmingham arpa, on the Shropshire Union, the upper Trent area near Long Eaton, and a t a well-known Midland canal s i t e .

Several other canal-based companies and individuals have expressed i n t n r ~ s t i n joining %he group, which w i l l be run on broadly co-operative l ines , inc lud~ng exist ing canal booksellers, printers, p a i n t ~ r s and authors. So f a r 7 subsidimry companies, Traditional Canal Ware Ltd and the Wat~ways Gallery L t d have

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a wide range of connected s e m c e s t o the canal-conscious public. The award-winnina architect Remo Granelli has been retained

by the group on the-recommendation of the Victorian Society and S i r Nicolas Pevsner. AnTone interested m further de ta i l s should contact Michael Handford, The Waterways Bookshop Ltd, 52 Park Street , Bristol BSI 5JK, indicating specif ic areas of - activity.

Incidentally, H%ke Haadford wxll sign copies o f h i s ner. book (see enclosed l ea f l e t ) during the Cirencester Section sponsored walk in September. He wil l charge 25p a time, a l l of which . w i l l be donated to our Trust Funds.

Nicp a r t i c l e by Phil ip Daniel1 i n the Nay "Waterways News" i n which he s t a t e s tha t Upper Pramilode i s his "fevourite place", and go,>s on t o describe tk-e dd~liahts of the area for saonl-

A s promised in the l a s t issue, here are the deta i l s of the coach and boat t r i p t o the Kennet & Avon Canal. This prootises t o be a rea l ly memorable day, giving a look back t o the hey-day of the canal system, inoluding a horse-drawn boat t r i p and a chanoe t o see the oldest beam engine working.

The promamme is as follows:- 12.00 Coach leaves from London Road Car Park, Stroud. 12.30 Coach s t o w a t Police Station, Forum C a r Park, -

Cirencester. 12.50 Coaoh stops a t Poultry Farm, Hyde Road, Upper

Stratton, Swindon ( jus t South of junction of A.419 a d A.545)

1-30 Arrive a t Crofton. 3.30 Coach leaves Crofton fo r Kintbury. 4.00 t o 5.30 Boat tr ip. 6.00 Coaoh leaves Kintbnrv for Swindon. Cirencester & .


A t Crofton there i s a very pleasant spot t o picnic beside the canal. Admission t o the pumps, which w i l l be working, is not included i n the cost but w i l l be a t the group rate.

The boat t r i p wi l l be on the 'Kennet Valley', a converted working boat which is hauled by the mares Primrose and Prinoess. The route w i l l be eastwards from Kintbury Lock through Drewetts Lock and return.

The cost of the coach and boat t r i p is El.lOp f o r adults and 95p fo r children under 14. Please book as soon a s ~ o s s i b l e as there are only 53 seats and the l a s t boat t r i p proved very popular.

Send cheques (made payable t o the Stroudwater, Thames and Severn Canal Trust Ltd) with your booking t o Tony Bradford (address inside front cover), ar Eelen Andrews, 8 Shrivenham Road, Highworth, W i l t s . , Tel-Highworth 762328. Don't forget t o include your name and address and telephone number and s t a t e whether you wish t o board the coach a t Stroud, Cirencester or Upper Stratton. Please also enclose a stamped, addressed envelope if you wmt a receipt.


'Lxtrqct fMm "Engliah Cheasee of the South & W e s t " by John Arlott, publiehed bp Harrap. kscribing Gloucester Cheaees, the autkar say. . . . . l "rxa,iitionalLy it ras me- coloured a~tifidell~: the Ilouble nu of the colom. of Gnemssynilk, the Single slightly li-. It oeppa that the k-kels). ebeue-nalrsa h the or (. W- to w l n ~ thdr m-ty sor the Lm&n -. brrt Ule). - did m fw 1 0 4 oonr-op. A t - ~ m i a d , too, thw d b I t e d I precociou. =-S of pnbliciff fn daubing nd Pafnt 0x1 the mt~ide of t h e e grsot, grim%tem-.hrpd b a m n diea~tcbing them W hawe Iachlmd. dom +he - t. Landmu


Working par t ies have been very suoeessful in the complete clearance of Griffins M i l l Lock, where the rebuilding of the f a r side wall i s almost complete. Work fo r the coming quarter w i l l be t o repair the bad brickwork i n Bowbridge Lock, where vandals have loosened bricks already i n a poor condition. Work w i l l then turn t o clearing of the Ham M i l l Pound, while tipping rights for the spoil are available a t R.A.Listerls new s i t e , so - mang volunteers, please - every Sunday and Thursday evenings as well.

Vandalism has been particulaply heavy on s i t e recently, with daffo&ils being deliberately thrown in the cut, p l d removed from the footbridge over the River Frome, and gates smashed or unhinged. It is extremely well-organised a s it never happens w h i l s t we are there, and it is obvious the person or persons know our movements well, but the Trust w i l l prosecute anyone causing wilful damage.

Thursday night working part ies w i l l talre place between W

Bowbridge and Ham fill f o r the remainder of the summer, so please malce every effor t t o assist .

Painters are required fo r Jubilee Bridge, please. A simple task t o keep this at t ract ive bridge up together. Victorian engineering a t i t s best - each r ivet formed into flower petals.

Working par t ies everg Wednesday a t the Piggery processing' Waste Paper - t h i s means nubneeded finance fo r the Trust. B o r further details contact Howard Rogesson a t Amberley 2412.

It is Trust policy not t o name individual members for work done on the waterway (e.g. dumper heroics, bionic legs, eta) - So.....dear Membership Secretary and helpers - thanks for doing a superb Sob ..... Treas.

GMUCES!CER ROWlTG CLUB (Contributed by Robin Mounteney, Fub-lic Relations Officer, G.R.C., - who w i l l be pleased t o supply further deta i ls i f contacted on Stroud 6956).

It i s 9.00 a.m. on a spring Sunday morning. The air i s fresh, *

with no wind and the surface of the canal is as s t i l l and clear as glass. The t rees and bushes are turning a fresh green and are glistening with the morning dew, and a l l i s quiet except for the peal of church bel ls and the early morning song of the birds as they go about the i r daily chores.

Suddenly the boathouse on the bank bursts in to l i f e . The large sliding door i s pushed aaide and the high-pitched voice of a young cox shouts "Hands on: Are yob ready? Lift!" and 60ft of sleek racing craf t is carried bodily out and carefully placed on the water. Eight f i t and well-built young men, dedicated t o t h e i r arduous sport, fasten thei r blades, climb ineo the boat and s e t off on the i r Sun- morning training session of some two hours duration. Later, joined by &her oarsmen in fours, pai rs and single scul ls , thay embark m a hard and often painful t r a in ins pmgramme as Gloucester Rowing Ckuh prepares for the Regatta season wMch is about t o start.

B e t ; u r n , s 4 . 4

The T w t muat point out to members, and the public as well, that it does not own either the Stroudpter or the manes and Severn Canals, a n m a t a l l of the sectime worked upon are subje& t o leaaes or licences throi@ the good offices of the w r s , either the County Oo~nqil or private landowners. The T r u s t O r

i t s agents o r members do not work on sections of the c d which are not regally under their. control. Any private arrengemente ma$e between members and pnvate landowners are not p@ of any

(I contract with the Truat. To straighten the record, the hyst acts as a cons8mati011/

restoration company t o hopefully ensure that future generations reap the benefits of one of Britaip's more famous watemw. Without such action we believe l a w sections of the canal would be lost to the nation very rapidly.

) The Stroudwatar C a n a l i s in tbe Qain part owned by the CompW of b p r i e t o r s of the Stmudwater Xavigatlon, except for small sections acquired by the British Waterways Boal'd, the Gloncester- shire County Council and other private landowners.

The Thames & Severn Canal was owned in its entirety by Gloucestershire County Council, wha sold as much of the canal as possible to seleoted landowners, mually adjacent (we say selected heauee by no meam a l l applicants were sucoessful). The Trust has found extreme difficulty i n clsarly identifying the boundaries and ~ e c n ~ d n nP sale. desoite extensive s e e h i m of records. The - . . . - - - - - - . - - true ownership of &me sictions of the canal its environs still today remain doubtful, both t o ud m, we belreve , t o the CounCg Uouncil. The Trust has endeavoured to oontaot a l l landowners larown t o them and have atmointed one &er of the Commr'Ftee to l ia ise vlah the private o k r s As a full-time job.

Xot all the owners nee the c& i n the tight of e wonderful cross-country waterway and we respect that vxew, but at a time when Central Government are exploring the possibility of tald "B a l l waterways under one roof we recommend the strongest poesib e liaison between a l l factions of the canal. Unity is strength.

Founded i;t i ~ 6 , Gloucester Boring Club is the fourth oldest rowing club a the country. Originally called the C m e t Bowing Club, changed t o Gloucester LeandeP, and now competing under its preeent t i t l e , the club is based a t Hemtead, Gloucester, on the G l a u c e s t e r ~ e a s cenal. The boathouse rea ~ebr~ilt: i n 1457 rrna - -- . - - - - -- - - Z.6 -- the Premtises a% now m by a co-operative of the Gloucester Bowiag Club, Kinn's School. Gloucester. F& the local education autho~itx. . - - - -. -. - - - The shariiig of expenses md t h e ' p d r r i m of a boat 'Pool' means that this verg expensive apo1.t is now w i t h i n reach of the local Gloucester sobools, who would find it diff icul t to laaintain their school rowing clubs %I ob-ged to provide premises and e@pinent o t their own.

Canals a m considered to be w e l l e n t trainiag water for oarsam as ell international regattas are now held on still water, c 4 8 t8p8clr)g t o ovide very long etretthea of hazard-free water. 9he Glouoester-&ess canBl does in faot allow a men some fii'tetaaa miles of ueinCerrnpted progress sad many local olnbs, themsel9ea limited to onlr two to five ailerr of water, axe envions of the amount of mileage available to the @loucester clubs.

( Council Members Report U U

The Council submit t h e i r f i r s t annual report t o the members of the Stroudwater, Thames & Severn Canal Trust Ltd.

Throughout the year the principal ac t iv i ty of the T r u s t has been the res tora t ion of sections of the Thames-Severn waterway l i nk fo r the use of the public. Restoration has continued a t Bowbridge on the Thames & Severn Canal r e su l t i ng in a navigable section of canal together with Gr i f f in ' s Mill Look nearing completion and ready f o r re-gating; the T r u s t l eases t h i s section of waterway and towpath from the Gloucestershire County Council.

On the summit level , the King's Reach a t Coates has been pa r t ly cleared, and a separate fund s e t up t o r e s to re the tunnel portal. Work on t h i s sect ion is by permission of the Ea r l Batburst.

No shares were issued by the l'rust, and no councll members w c n i o ~ d anv remuneration. nor had anv f inancial i n t e r e s t i n the - -. . .~ - - ~-

T r u s t . Council members ;If-the i r u z f o r ~ t h e yeear--have been:-

etary, and the registered

A%-the f i r s t annual general meeting a l l the c o u n ~ i l members r e t i r e and are e l ig ib l e fo r re-election, however Beryl Ayland, Bobert Paget and Nigel Roe do not seek re-election but w i l l carry on with t h e i r dut ies as long as the counoil requires.

Nominations should be recelved a t the registered off ice not l e s s than 48 hours before the A.G.M. On e lec t ion the council w i l l allocate t h e i r respective ro l e s , including a general secretary, and wi l l form the sub-committees and branches a t t h e i r discretion.

By order of the Trust Council,

ANNJAL GENERAL MXE"ING Notice i s hereby given of the R n s t Annual General Meetlng of

the Stroudwater, Thames & Severn Canal l'rust Ltd t o be held a t 7.30 p m . on Saturday, 3'lst July, 1976, a t the S k i t t l e Alley, Tunnel House, Coates, Glos.


1. Auditor's Report. 2. Appointment of Auditor. . g. Elect ion of Council Members.

A member en t i t l ed t o vote may appoxnt a proxy who need not also be a member.

B-AYLAND, Secretary. 1st June 1976

* A f i l d s l i d e show on Waterways w i l l follow the A.G.N.

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lacmm and &wenditam Acoovd for the lleriod i6th 4pi1 1975 to 31st 1976

nmd A s l l d . (m- l ) UadIirIery Md equipment - cost during year 502 Lasm ~ e o i a t i o n - 502 - Cmamat Aaaets C u h a t m - G-ent Acme-ts a01 - Deposit Accormt 1791 - -sit CDates Portal h d 2005

M-SaberI6hip Suhsmiptions W4 Donations 23 ;l0 Ies8 Appeal Expenditme -%!I 1792 S m i f i e Donations t o Coates Runs1 Portal 2005 Roe-& of f w m ~ raising Interest rsoeived 80

- 1n-hand l 0 Sunday W t o r n and pamnta in advan- 4U) stoclYI a t mlit * 4860 h a s s C l a a n t Liabil i t isa Sundrr Creditors -4 NBTA.%Sms it-E'3T - Rap%m~~ted by: a n e r al Rmd h d of Asaeta taken over irom Stroudrnter ClMl Sooiety on into-ation 1357 A d d Ereass o r In-s over axpenditwe 234 ..

"Trox* r n a g ~ i ~ ~ r i n t i n g and distributimg 339 Pestagea and stetienery 433 RMtn md i ~ t ~ . a n o e a 35 Notor lorry expanses 173 Meteri- for WO* on ~ m a l 21.30 Profeanional S u r v q of 'llranea-Swam ( N ~ l e 2) loo0 Depreciation of f i rad asseta 502 Formation szperues 3 29 ETceee of income ww e q e a d i t a e

(Anoromiatad t e O n r e a l M) 234

Coat- Rune1 Portsil Rmd - balm-

1.FUIED ASSETS. Bqui-t purEh.sed during the oonsiated of mcond-hand mwhinery and it 1. the Co1~u:il'e policy t0 w i t e off eueh itam ful ly i n the y a u of PUrChMe.

2.PROPeSSIOW SURVEY. Ih. oharge in the in- md ac-$ repromant. u, in ter im paynent and r When EMDO has bean con+aoted for WO not provided f w i n them aocount.9.

3.The l i ab i l i t y OP -b- %S 1 M t s d h? gIUT&W - *.Oh am -I ba reaufrsd not &m E l W rnrber.


W e have d e d t h e s b o ~ B a l m Sheat and smmxed 11- Md Exwnditwa Acoouat and report ths t i n oa oginioll they g i w a true and fair v i a of the d a t e of the h t ' s a f f d r a at 3lSt Wuch 1976 a d of the emss of in-e orer emexaditme for the mmriod ended on %hat daba and c@y with the CDmpvlias AOfm

5a Iandon Road, Slroud. 19th May 1976.

A.G.SL1NOSBY k Co. Chartered llcoountnnt..

More canals have been rebuflt over bar counters than any*rhere else ia the cormtry, end with Tunnel House serping a ' s , bigger slld better canals can be bu i l t even faater. Take t h i s old Stroud-

%&g a port oft the S ness ie6a1 but r ighi next t o the ~otoi'way and now it has a rail % t o Gtslldish itr. bound t o Bucceed".

"Just as k a S l i n e q s new marina a t Stonehouse is. You can cruise past on Jones' Stonehouse Packet and see the boats, row -er row, nicely landscaped by the trees dongside. Pfust admit, though, that Waterway Recovery Grow office block a t the top of Dudbridge Hill i s .a b i t obvious - they've come on well since Wentworth Court, though. Bed paint gets you noticed, I alwaya SW". "Sharp con- trast t o the old Stmndwater of;ices a t Wallbridge, though, but I ' m glad the Company got them back.

"Well, i t ' s t radi t ion, i s n ' t it, l ike se l l ing coal over Br ims- . $ode w-i again." "Surprised me that Benson's have started shipping again - cheapest way, they to ld me, won 'em stacka of orders and withbarges alongside they can load them inside the works." 'Is that r ight B i l l Joy wored ip the i r despatch section one night when it was reining and almost got a load for I t a l y on his Noddy Boat?"

"Glad they didn't muck the CWford Valley about, but it stinks of garl ic since we've been in the Common Market." "They say on a quiet night you can hear the water rushing uphil l above Whitehall Bridge." " W e l l , a million gallbns and more of water going into the Thames from the Severn's bound t o complain a b i t but the old I & S was the ahortzst lowest route, because its downbill a l l the way 1 from Daneway. 'With all that water going east it makes legging thromh the Tunnel a pleasure om way, but they puff a b i t coming . - baok,-especially the iiI's."

"There's a new firm oalled Cirenceater Cruises now." "Yeah; that ' s r ight , operates new hire boats down the CirencesOer Arm. Qever thought I ' d see the day." "They don't half get mixed up with the working boat, though." "Yea, tba t ' s right, cement a l l tae w q fm Cernev Wick-" "Well. thev had the eravel and the m t e r s o onlv l -- ---- " needed a few boatload8-of ie ient t o m& up anything concrete.

" l 'Gets the cement off the Oxford up the Thames and into the water # l paTlr - got the i r own wharves now. In faet , the old 9! & S is gett isg wrked fuLL time everywhere now. " "So l e t ' s have another pint, 6% and we'll etart on the Wilts & Berks!"

11 Membership 11 Some of you may have noticed that your Trow envelope is

no longer addressed by hand. This is because we now have an Addresserette which saves me from the laborious task of writing over 800 envelopes by hand for eaoh edition of the Trow. Every member will now have his name and address on a stencrl which 089 be used for all future envelopes. l'he typing of tlte stencils is a very time-consuming job and has been undertaken by Hrs. Enid Garrod. I would like to thank her, on behalf of us all, for the tremendous effort she is making to help me with our ever- increasing Membership work.

On March 30th last, John and I spent a most enjoyable evening with Nr & Mrs Owen Bryoe on board their narmwboat "Bix" , nkioh was then moored on the Gloucester & Shamness Canal bv Llanthonv - - -

Bridge. Owen Bryoe is a well-Imown jaziksician, &ter and - music lecturer, and his wife Iris is a writer and broadcaster. Thev sold their house and farm in Kent and chose to live on "Bix", and- are now cruising somewhere between Gloucester and Chester. During the summer months they are taking paying guests (2 at a time) cruising with them, and anyone interested can have details from me. I can guarantee any guest a most entertaining holiday with such an interesting couple as Mr & Mrs Bryoe. In the Autumn, when "Bix" returns to Gloucester, Mr.Bryce has offered to present a 50-minute film show on the building of the boat, from a flat sheet of steel to what she is today - 65ft of luxury boat including hi-fi, 8000 tape recordlugs and a full-sized piano on board! Details of this will be given in the September 'Prow.


- Cirencester Group News 1 . : 1


WORgING PARTIES. An extension of our licence from Lord Bathurst has t o plan an exciting summer work schedule. Work can now continue up t o the stop grooves by the Coates Roundhouse. Do come along and see progress on the Tunnel Portal as well a s the canal i t s e l f - volunteers are required for a l l duties including lightres work, such as dry-stone walling and pointing! (b) Cirencester-Cricklade. Gordon King has taken on the task of clearing a vast lefigth of towpath on the Cirenceater,' Cricklade section. However, more workers, organisers, etc., are still urgently required. VISITOPS. We would l ike to take t h i s opportunity of thanking a l l our v is i t ing workers - W.R.G., Aigh Wycombe Scoutn, Toc H and the Ramblere, to mention only the organised visits! i

SOCIAL. A return s k i t t l e s match was held - Cirencester won again:! m n , Stroud, challenge us again! C-TER NOGGIN & WM"M'R EVENDGS. Please note the following .

sates:- Tuesdey 15th June a t The Vale, Cricklade. Tuesday 20th July a t The Greyhound, Siddington Tuesday 17th August a t The Crown, Cerney Wick. Tuesday 21st September a t The Vale, Cricklade. Tuesday 19th October a t The Greyhound, Siddington.

A l l B t &.00 p-m.

-!? - Do t r y t o come along t o one of these evenings soon - a l l are ' .h,-c welcome to these three lovely pubs. Beer drinkers please note t,,. tha t a l l three o f fe r Real Ale!

SALES & PLlBLICIl'Y. Fi rs t ly , a big thankyou t o a l l who made the purchase and renovation of the caravan possible. For the painting, the le t ter ing , the cleaning, the repairs - THANK YOU. -

Amberle~/Marlboro Horse Show. The caravan made i t s debut a t this show on the 25th, 26th and'27th March. Although this event was not the f inancial success we had hoped f o r , i t was successful in that considerable in teres t was shown - i f t he weather had not Iorced a l l v i s i to r s t o dress l ike polar bears, the ext ra v is i tors to the Show would have made our stand a far @eater success.

Easter Wee?-end. The Bank Holiday week-end was very successful indeed. A great deal of in teres t was shown by casual v is i tors to the Tunnel House Inn, several people joined on the spot - and promptly s e t t o work on the towpath (we firmly deny the foul rumours that whips were used:) Sales went efiremely well and donations and a small r a f f l e raised a good sum f o r the Tunuel Por ta l Restoration Fund as well a s general funds. The r a f f l e vlnners were:-

1s t Prize (Doll Rr.Charalanbous, Coates. 2nd Prize Lam Rrs.Clifford, Minchinhampton.

4th Priae Record) ilr.Voaper, Minchinhampton. Danewa Inn. The caravan made its seoond t r i p away from "home"

f o r d r e d Walk on the 2nd May. Publici ty for Trust ac t iv i t i e s reached a wil l ing aucZlence ia the car park of the Danewa.9 Iqn and sa les also went well. The afternoon was high- lighted by members of the sa les team cavorting Ohrough thO net t les and into the bed of the oanal i n hot pursuit of booklets blown away by a most malicious wind!

Futwe Event . Unfortunately, the Rally of Boats a t Banbwr on June has been cancelled due t o lack of water. Sowever, the caravan w i l l be v is i t ing other Fete's, r a l l i e s , etc., both hose and awqT, and w i l l be a t ! C u m l House inn over Bank Holidays and week-ends when not away. Our grateful thaaks t o Sir1 nnd Pat a t !hnnel Rouse, without whom none of t h i s would be possible. SApI.%liTC?N TLWZZ POWAL RESTOlUlTOiT RIND. A s you w i l l remember Tram T r o ~ NO-'l3 l a s t March, and doubtless see mentioned on other pages of t h i s edition, Coates Portal i s bein6 reQaired. Bmce Russell, s specia l is t in natural stone masonry, is using Mi- t iona l materials and techniques t o restore the Pnrtal t o i ts original condition. We would l ike t o appeal t o all members t o donate t o the UPortal Restoration Echemen i n any way possxble -

QSIT the s i t e , then t e l l gour friends and colleagues

SEWD a donation t o Bob Paget about it BUT from the Sales Section SUPPORT the Sales Caravan Baffles.

Incidentally, have you seen the new Tee-Shirts, two designs, each with a different Tunnel Motif? Come and buy one - only S1 -00.

G R E Y SIiIELD STAEIPS. Our thanks to a l l those members who have sent in stamps, of whatever origins. Play we ask a l l members t o make n snecial effort i n the neat few months - j u s t think how mam - - - -- wtams c b u ~ be coliecterl i f &em- member out ai ide ~ u s t f ive stambs per week and brought (or sirnt with a friend) ;hem t o t h e i r next 'Toggin & Natter" evening, where some-6ne w i l l collect them. Alternatively, send them to Jacquie Anfireus at address below.

WOOL. May we ask a l l merobers for the i r support - what for? Wool m t i q e please. Two.ladies are prepared t o larit us a patchwork blanket t o be raffled m aid of funds, a l l we have t o do i s provide the wool! Therefcre, ang odd ounces, even half-ounces, e i ther t o Jacquie Andrews or t o E n d Warner. Thank you.

A l l offers of help, etc., i n cormection with the above to:- 6 The Masons, -ton, Swindon, W i l t s . Tel: Purton 770091


Xach year members of W.R.G. spend their summer hol idws hetping with the res tmat ion of Britain 's watemaga, and this year the= Summer Camp w i l l be held on the Thames & Severn f m the fifst time, from 18th July t o 7th Angmt.

Thi4 w i l l mean three weeks of continubtls work on tke King's EehCh, Coates. the towpath i n the Cirenceder/Cricklade area axsd from Bowhridge t o Eam M i l l .


Thanks t o George Smith's Canal Boats Acts of. 1877 and 18&, and to the Public Health Act of 1936, there today exis ts in the possession of several Local Authorities an unique record of hundreds of both narrow and wide beam 0-1 boats tha t goes m nearly a century. Tbis has come about becauee under these Acts, every canal boat tha t i s med a s a dwelling and f o r cargo carrging has t o be registered with and inspected by a Local Authori tyto ensure thgt i t s l iv ing accommodation conforms t o cer ta in standards that are la id down in the Acta. Many detRils of these boats are then l i s t e d in a Register of Canal Boats tha t is kept by the Local Authority. These de ta i l s are now of greet in teres t to tke historian and to the enthusiast,. Did three people rea l ly l ive in boat cabin only 5 f t high, b f t long and 6ft.7i.n wide7 The Regrsters say that they could have done, and go on t o record that cabin s ize on narrow boats altered l i t t l e over the years, the l a s t new narrow boat t o be registered i n Gloucester having a cabin only 5ft.lOin high, 7 f t long and 6ft.2in wide.

Reports were sent t o the Ministry of Health from time t o time by LDcal Authorities responsible for canal boat registering, and some of these r e w r t s have been oreserved enclosed with the ~-


~ ~- - ~ - ~ - - . ~ ~

Gloucester Registers. These rejlorti prove t h a t the narrow boat Deovle were healthy and clean and the boat cabins were keDt well- ienti lated and paihted, - and cLeun. There were few &fringe- ments of %he Canal Boats Aots, a d a high standard of hygiene wzs maintained.

Although it was not spccif lcal ly r~corded, tbe history of a boat can occafilonslly be traced throUKh the Re(risters,'where a few extra d e t a l s have been given. Yards mentioned i n the Registers tha t bu i l t locally-used narrow boats were -ices, a t Yestgate Bridge, Gloucester; G-Farrin at Stoke Prior on the Worcester and Birmingham Canal; Beard's Yard a t Hempstead Bridge, Gloucester; Bowaters of Birmingham; Springfield Dock (T-Rig&, Wolverhampton; and the 4nderton Company of Stoke-on-Trent. The e v e n t d fat? of several boats is recorded i n the Gloucester Registers as well. Nost boats were broken up af ter being withdraw fmm trading, bat others rere used as coal hulks a t Sha~pnrss, o r as protection for the r iver bank by being beachet. One boat, the EDITE of Glouces- t e r , was accidentally destroyed, burned t o the waterline a t Worcester on bth September 1903.

Of the boatpeople the Registers themselves say l i t t l e . Until the 1 8 8 0 ' ~ +bp Severn and Canal C a r r m g Company preferred t o move the i r s t ea r r r s t o a different boat every 8 months o r so, the new steerers names being l i s t ed i n the Registers; but the general practice was tha t a s teerer stayed v i t h one boat, even i f that boat changed owners.

'1'119 usual cargo of each boat was l i s t e d in the Registers. T h i s was usually :isted as "general merchandize", but specif ic oargoes that were recorded a t Gloucester irlcluded hay, coal, s a l t (from the Stoke Prior Sa l t Works,) timber, grain, bricks, t i l e s , tar, creosote and ammon5acal liquor. Nany h a t s were registered as carry% only tbese commodities.

The mode of propulsion of each boat i s recorded in the R e ~ i s t e r s . Boats were towed on the Severn by steam tugs, a& horses, donkeys and mules were used for towage on the narrow canals. Several steam barges were registered, but the local narrow boats remined mpowered uut i l the first motor boats began ta amaar i n the '7970's. The firs6 motoi. narrow boats t o be ~ ~ z x .- -- .... .-. .. ~- - - - ~~ ~ ~~

rkpis*red a t Gloucester were owned bv the S e ~ e r n and Canal cakying Coqan7, and theg were initiillg converted wowered Bsats. A nunbe$ of motor narrow boats we2e bu i l t fo r the B.& C.C.Co by the Anderton Company's ard a t Stoke-on-Trent. After nationalisation seveTal of the 9. i C.C.Cols boats were transferred to the ownership of the Docks & Inland IJaterweys Executive, who were the predecessors of the Brit ish Waterwags Iiaard.

The names of the boats are of interest. G i r l ' s nanes were always (and s t i l l =Q) the most popular. O c c a a i ~ y 8em grq~a expressed pleasant sentiments, f o r example the PEACE or the I 'LL TRY, o r even the EEVY W?, obviously a v e q f ine boat. ?he 8.& C.C.Go preferred the names of towns, r ivers and t rees, o r even Just nueibers.

The whole decline of canal oarr*ng can be traced by the fewer new boats that Were reaistered each year. The l a s t new boat that appeared i n the Gloucester Regiirters was a nmow boat re is tered in ?938, and %ha last ra-registration of an old boat a t ~Toxtcester r i ~ s in 1952. None of the boats that ac9ear in the Gloucester Registers is MW trading.

The "Trow" has reeeiverl a press cutting from ITr.M.Hai@, of kh imon, reporting that the Gravesham Council (Kent) PI- Committee have decided that future proposals aimed a t f i l l i n g in sectloos of th@ d i s u s ~ d Thaws & Kedwss Cenal wi l l be turned down. An investigation has also been ol-dered in to the cost of restoring those stretches which s t i l l hole water. The Chief Planning O f f l e ~ r points out that i f reetoration is Secid~d upoh, voluntary help c m be courttea on from several loeal organiaatians, including the Thanes & Redway C a m 1 Association.

This canal was Originally opened i n 1824 as a she* cut between Gravesend and Claatham. Like our own canal, it has a m e 1 - once the second longest in the coountry - but s k 1845 t h i s has been used as a railway tunnel by London - Kent Coest trains, and the ehwces of its re-opening t o o a y l t r a f f i c are ni l . A t l eas t Sagperpon has been spared that fate.

S ~ O r ? lmmEL

This i s the second extract from a paper read a t the meeting ~f the Cotteswold ciub on ?&h Xay 1870, et the Royal A c u l t w l Collew, Cirenoester, by John A.Tawton ~ e m . ~ n s % . ~ . p The f i r s t extract appeared in our ilwch 3976 issue.

It i s interesting and s ignf iean t t o note how the develop- ment of the steam engine, a s perfected by James Watt, was coincident with the intmduotion of the means of sup Lying that engine with fuel , a t a reasonable cost, by the estabfishment of the Canal syatem throughout the cow1try. without which the development of steam pomr aust have been postponed.

James Watt's petent fo r his improvements in the steam &gins was f i m t granted f o r a term of 14 p a r s , i n 1769, and in 1775 ' he obtained an Act of Parliament extending h i s patent ri&t to t

: ' 1800. About 1790 therefore, he was in f u l l enjoyment of the exercise of his licences for the use of his inventions, which had become very valuable. It may be interesting t o the Club t o see one of these licences dated 'lst Januaq 1791, granted t o the Proprietors of the Thames and Severn navigation, for the i r

. engine at Thames head, which was constructed by Boulton and Watk ,,., aboet that time. The document is executed by Watt and by h i s - partner Boulton. This Engine was taken down end replaced bg E? ardinary Cornish Pumping Engine, i n 18%. Before Watt's w i n e the springs were l i f t e d in to tbe Canal b7 a Wind Engine.

But t o turn Irom this digressidn t o Bobert Wtworth , who ' I was an able pupil o f , and swcessor t o James Brindley. In his

, report t o the Fromoters of the Thames and Severn Canal, he &es . elaborate estimates, which Gon4ain the following item:

To Tum,elling from SapBerton t o Eayley Wood. This is an uncertain piece o f bueiness in point of expense, upon account of the different s t ra ta of matter through which it mst be made, yet that it i s p r ~ c t i c a b l e Rt this day w i l l not be doubted. thowh it is much longep, a%ad ta a d m i t 12ft.boats. must-be wider than anJ. that has get been done. Phis m e 1 I have supposed t o comence where the

und becomes 24ft above the surface of the water wbch w + l l be Wft: from the bottom), according t o F=. -

which the lenpth will be 1850 vards a s annears bv .- - - - the annexed nrofile. I 6aie likewise G e x e d a" section o f the form lnd Oimensiohs, that I judge, too. will be Dmmr t o mke the Brickwork t o admit boats of 12ft-wise, so that they may bave a sufficient waterway a t the different heights of * the water i n the s u d t level; and W the ground i s from 24ft t o 203ft high, the deep part will be more ezpensive t h m tha other, on account of s i nkb~ skafts , and r'rarring up % earth, and l e t t ing dovn the materials, tflerefore I wi l l suppose

' II one half of the Zength t o cost EIQ, and the Other S9 per yard, runnine a t which ra te , 3850 yards

, . .c comes t o 56575 0 0 . To 97680 cubic gards of e%%ra eutting t o the mouth

, of the 'runnel, at m per ~ a r 8 2 4 4 2 0 0

itilc, e5go-v o o

(To be continued.>

m MS a SLVSRM MWAL bg ~ u n p h ~ y w ~ e h o i d . ................ U. 50 SW R I M By dohn Pale ....................................... E3. W fWWS0AT YERTUIIZ by dohn Baole.. ............................. El. 00 PILR C M POPULRTION by Wrge gcith. .......................... f3. 00

6HnT!3HRRrS OlWRMElYTAL IRDlDMBK by lbima Chatwin .............. 11. 50

A $bRT HUTMrr QF TM WAWOAT by Tssl chwl in. .............. 40. 66 W\IIAL BAROES ANO WARUDW5OATS by ?.L. %Rh. .................... $0. 45 T@ M E S 6 =RI( eWlRL by h v l d Vimr (photographs] ......... fl. 20 OI$COYCRIffi CANALS by Leon Mekalfe B John Vince ............... SO. 40

0ESfXiQEIU)II LQST CAKE&% by Ronald Russel l A.. .... , .............. CO. 40 m T S a BERW by Oalby ................................... £1. 05

wmr Saloa It4nS &lies T a n W s 1 p in t capacity iri clew glass. engraved with the Trust m l e m o f ttle'h-w. P2.U)each. ?h- A Seven C a m 1 : These awe very useful mps giving details ot' ktcr levels, locks% mutes. copied frm an OI idna l Survcy W- Excellent for d k p l w mwnfing. 60p. eaeh. HetR;liS: Pottery ewes i n a varlety of colours of the O r i g i M l klvns m M 1795. Cdnplete with lsafher neck bend. 35p. eaeh. O f B e t i R CbXvls I n sets of eight pictures i n thi form o f f o l W cards 7SFii&& y or Christms greetings. 25p per set. CqrYnitim Weam Guides: A l ea f le t giving a br ier gui* t o the canal mmd C7rcnce'ster, producmd by Dpvid Vimr. lop. sacA.

?#in% P m : Uerhd ILlnk ~ h m / < v c r n Canalq . Bp. each

Cw WtndoW Wlans: The Trust EWlm ~wduced i n blua and Whi6e. QHdia.

Toi let @p: B.W.B. t o i l e t keys fov use on Mateway Sanitary wns. Fos saTe tocur rent lieerne holders only. =p. each.

La$el Battge3: 7p. esch, plus s.a.e. 6$p. mr Mlekers: 15p. each plus s.a.e. $?p.

bems. Ties: bvy h l w , w i t h T r a n o t l f . 11. 90.

-: i 3 . 99 each. Tmt Ealendarr for These fine culendars are produced A.4 r i l e in blue a d b l u k depicting twelve Viws of rpstoratibn work on the Eanal sfnce 1972. 0. ea&

PI*%* add wege a t PO@ gsr order fnr mny valw weter 25. drCrrs Bver 25 post fme. Please ds P.O./Chequa payable to:

'Stmdws-r, Thaws Severn Canal Trust Ltd: W ywr orders ta:- F(R G. Pegler. Fwme Nurseries,

ChvFchi l1 Assd. Brimeashe, Stmd, 610s. Tel. grinscantre 2397.

Sapperton - Tunnel ?Portal 9Qestofition Scheme. 1

Many of you will know that a report on the state of the two canals will soon be produced by a leading Civil Engineering Coapany. gome of you will also b o w that the Trust has a licence with the Lord Bathurst to carry out repair work on the Coates Portal of the . Famous Sapperton Tumel. To earry out this graad - task will require considerable sums oi money. To this end we are setting up a special scheme which we I

shall call the "Portal Restoration Scheae". We lnvite members and the public to wake donations to this scheme. Donations should be sent to our Treasurer, W . R. Paget, 2 Kantara, Bridge Street, Cainscmss, Stroud, Gloucestershire. (With s.a.e. for ieceipt if required)


Length 3817 ya rds . Width a t water l e v e l 15'0" Water l e v e l t o roof 12 '0" . Depth of water 4 '6" Level of water at t h e sumrrmit 362'6" a . s . 1 . Construction of t h e Tunnel began i n October 1783 Campletion of t h e Tunnel w a s J u l y 1789 Las t boat passed through t h e Tunnel May l911 Western P o r t a l at Sagperton is i n t h e Gothic

S t y l e E a s t e r n P o r t a l a t Coates is i n t h e C l a s s i c a l - 2

S t y l e *****+*** Fram the Sapperton end the line of the Tunnel passes

through 580 yards of fullers earth and is lined with ' brick and stone. Tha next 930 yards are left in bare rock of the inferior oolite. A geological fault lies below Aailey Wood and Cassey Well, where the Tumel again passes into fullers earth. Here it is again

. brick lined and is known as "The Long Arching", being 1,190 yards. The remaining 1,130 yards passes th~ough the Greater oolite and eaezges at the COateS Portal.

+ 8-

