I wonder how this ship


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I wonder how this ship works...what is it called...where is it going...

I wonder how this ship...The three questions answered about this boat: 1) How this ship works - well, the light bulb gives light so the passengers on the ship can see better. The propeller is connected to a bike so whenever you bike on it the propeller moves you through the water. The smoke is the fire inside. 2) What is it called - it is called the Light Sub. 3) Where is is going - it is going to China to eat french fries.

ch ~ age 11

I wonder how this ship...Once upon a time there was a ship. There was a good side and a bad side. The good side said their side was better. The bad side said their side was better. "Our side is better," they would say all day; except on Tuesdays because that's when they ate french fries. So some people from the bad side would come to the good side but some people from the good side would go to the bad side so each side always had about the same amount. And then everyone died. The End

bh ~ age 9

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