If You Were Gay, Harry Potter Fan Fiction


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―Aah, an afternoon alone with my favorite book, ‗Muggle Hairstyles

of the 1980‘s.‘ Harry is not here to bother me. How can it get any

better than this?‖

―Hey Draco!‖ Harry shouted in his over-excited tone. Obviously

wanting to tell me something. Why does he always have to interfere

with my alone time?

―Hello Harry…‖ I say completely unimpressed with his existence at

the moment.

―Draco you will never believe who I ran into on the train this

morning. It was Cedric! And he was smiling at me and flirting with

me…‖ He said very proud of his story.

―Wow, interesting…‖ I said still unimpressed but waiting for him to


―Anyways he was being really friendly and I think he was hitting on

me! I think he thought I was gay!‖ Harry said with great surprise

even though it was me he was telling the story to and he already

knew what happened so his amusement was unnecessary.

―Why are you telling me this?! I don‘t care! I really don‘t! What did

you have for lunch today?‖ Why did he always have to tease me like

this? I really didn‘t care about the guys that flirted with him. I wasn‘t

jealous at all. Oh no this Malfoy is not a queer in the least bit.

―Oh I didn‘t expect you to get this defensive about it Drake, I mean

it was just some guy flirting with me on the train ride home from

work. Not a big deal, unless you‘re jealous.‖ He said with a smirk

obviously stolen from my lips. Not by physical contact of course.

―Ha! Malfoy‘s do not get defensive about anything. I‘m not getting

defensive about it. See I don‘t care? Why would I care? Why would

I care about that fruit Cedric flirting with you? I‘m trying to read!‖

―I‘m sorry Draco, I didn‘t mean anything by it. I just thought I could

talk to you about something like this but obviously you‘re more

fascinated by a Mohawk.‖ He said while glancing over my shoulder

at the page in my book.

―Harry… I don‘t want to talk about this anymore. This conversation

is over!‖

―Yeah but-― He had begun to say but I had to stop him before I

revealed my secret.

―IT‘S OVER!‖ I yelled at him and he started talking again!

―Well, okay, but just so you know — he started to sing if you were

gay, that‘d be okay. I mean ‗cause, hey! I‘d like you anyway.

Because you see, if it were me, I would feel free to say that I was

gay! But I‘m not gay.‖

―Harry I am trying to read- wait what?‖ What the hell is he doing?

He‘s breaking out into a song. Gosh that reminds me of that one

muggle musical about the high school kids and that musical… Oh

lord this is going to drive me insane.

―If you were queer…‖ He started again.

―Shut up right now Potter.‖ I really didn‘t want to hear this at the

moment, or ever for that matter.

―I‘d still be here…‖ Will he ever shut up?

―Harry I am really trying to read this book.‖ I really was. I wanted to

master making my hair stand up straight shaped like a box!

―Year after year!‖ I‘m about ready to leave…


―Because you‘re dear to me!‖ Aww that was sweet, wait, hey! Draco

Malfoy does not find things sweet unless it is candy and he is not


―Argh!‖ All right enough is enough!

―And I know that you.‖ His eyes met mine. Oh dear god they‘re


―What?‖ Why the hell does he keep pausing?

―Would except me too!‖ Yes I would but he can‘t know that.

―I would?‖ I ask with my eyebrow arched.

―If I told you today, hey! Guess what! I‘m gay! But I‘m not gay.‖ He

said the last line in almost a whisper.

―I‘m happy just being with you!‖ Wow he actually continued this


―Check out my new shoes from my pal Goyle.‖ I lifted up my foot to

show him, anything to get him to shut the hell up.

―So what should it matter to me what you do in bed with guys?‖

Holy shit! How did he know about that one night with Blaise and I?

I was drunk and… I don‘t even want to think about it.

―Harry that‘s absurd!‖ It really was for it to be coming out of his


―No it‘s not! If you were gay… I‘d shout HOORAY!‖ Does he have

feelings for me? Why do I care if he does or doesn‘t? I don‘t care.

―I‘m not listening!‖ I covered my ears and looked away from him.

This caused him to sing louder.


―LA LA LA LA LA!‖ I refused to listen to him. Thank god it was

only he and I in this room because this is embarrassing.

―BUT I WOULDN‘T GET IN YOUR WAY!‖ Like you are now?

Stupid arse.

―Aaah!‖ I flipped over the couch I was laying on and ducked behind

it and plugged my ears once again.




He was singing extremely loud now. Wait. Did he just imply that my

father was gay?


―I‘m just saying… If you were gay.‖

―Argh!‖ Was he finally done?

―All right I‘m finished.‖ He said and smiled like a stupid git. I just

stared at him like a fool, mouth agape head bent slightly and eyes

staring up at him.

―You okay Draco?‖

―Harry how about next time you warn me before you sing a song

accusing me of being gay!‖

―Draco I wasn‘t accusing you of being gay!‖

―It sure as hell sounded like you were!‖

―Well are you? You were getting awfully defensive, like you were

hiding something.‖ I tried to form worded but I only managed to

move my mouth like a goldfish with facial expressions/

―He gasped You are aren‘t you?‖ He said with a surprised knowing

look on his face.

―Uh well…‖

―Oh it‘s okay Draco, I‘m gay too!‖ I looked at him like a fool again.

―Didn‘t you just get done telling me that you weren‘t gay while

telling me it was okay to be gay?‖

―Hmm yes I guess so…‖

THWACK! I hit him in the back of the head with my book, and

continued doing so as I yelled at him.

―You –smack- stupid –smack- git! –smack- How –smack- could –

smack- you??‖ It wasn‘t hard enough to knock him out but he was

going to have one hell of a headache very soon.

―Draco! If you would have told me sooner I wouldn‘t have started


I stared at him in silence.

―Well if you would have told me first I would have told you because

I would have felt more comfortable.‖

The talking stopped abruptly when Harry kissed Draco on the lips.

―Harry just because I stop abusing you doesn‘t give you the right to

taint me with your lips!‖

Now it was Harry‘s turn to look at Malfoy like a fool.

―I‘m just kidding.‖ Draco said with a smile and kissed Harry back,

this time with passion.

Harry nibbled on Draco‘s bottom lip wanting to explore the warmth.

Draco obliged and the fierce battle for dominance began. Tongues

intertwined, teeth scraped, and lips were pinched and bruised. There

wasn‘t a winner because in war no one wins, but they were both

extremely satisfied.

Draco‘s fingers traced along Harry‘s jaw line, throat, collarbone,

chest, abdomen, and stomach. He tore away at the thin fabric

blocking him from his silky smooth destination. Lips parted and

fingers met his hair. He traced his way back up Harry‘s torso, this

time with his tongue. He dipped his tongue into his belly button and

slowly slid up to where neck met shoulder otherwise known as the

collarbone, purposely grazing over a nipple. Harry arched his back

and groaned at the contact. Draco groaned in response and sucked at

the salty-sweet skin, dragging his mouth along Harry‘s neck.

Harry ran his hands through Draco‘s blonde silk, down the sensitive

back of his neck, and he slid down his muscled back. He tugged at

the shirt and Draco removed himself from Harry‘s neck and quickly

complied. During their quick parting they managed to remove the

rest of each other‘s clothing.

Harry looked at Draco up and down and said boy caught his eyes.

―Aren‘t I sexy?‖

―Well duh, if you weren‘t I don‘t think I would allow you to be my

roommate.‖ He said with a cocky smirk.

―Stupid prick,‖ Draco said and tackled Harry to the floor.

―A little warning next time?‖

―Nope.‖ Draco straddled his hips and pinned his hands above his

head and kept them there with one hand. He fiercely kissed Harry‘s

tender lips and sucked on the top. Harry arched his back and moaned

into the kiss. His not-so-little little Harry brushed up against Draco‘s

purple helmeted warrior and there was no turning back. At the

contact Draco immediately wanted more. He plunged his hips into

Harry‘s and their little friend‘s met once again, less intimately but

more rewarding. Draco brought his free hand down to tease Harry‘s

roseate nipple, tweaking and rubbing it. Draco continued rubbing

himself against Harry until he felt Harry tense up and he came to an

abrupt stop.

―God Harry he breathed I didn‘t know you couldn‘t last inhale

longer than fifteen minutes.‖ He said and smirked. Harry just pulled

his hands out from Draco‘s now loosened grasp on him and rolled

them over so that Draco was now the uke. Harry smiled and started

rubbing his length against Draco who in turn started squirming and


―Who doesn‘t have self control now?‖ Harry said in a husky

dominant voice.

―Oh god Harry… Just… Oh please…‖

―Please what? Draco if you want something you have to beg better

than that.‖

―Ha-Har- HARRY FUCKING POTTER! You better finish what you


With hearing that Harry snickered and lifted Draco‘s legs over his

shoulders. He sucked on his index and middle fingers while Draco

just stared at him… imagining dirty things… Once he thought his

fingers were lubricated enough he slid one into Draco‘s tight pucker.

―Oh… fuck.‖ Was Draco‘s response to the intrusion.

When Draco wouldn‘t stop squirming he shoved another finger in.

―Damn it Harry hurry up!‖ Harry took his time slowly scissoring

around for a bit. Purposely trying not to find Draco‘s G-spot.

Without warning Harry pulled his finger out and slid Prince Harry

into Draco‘s sensitive crown as far as he could go.

Draco moaned quite loudly. Harry pulled out slowly and went back

in at the same speed.

―You stupid trick.‖ Harry pulled out slowly again.

―Ah ah ahhh.‖ Harry said in a motherly tone and shook his finger.

He thrust himself deeply into Draco and grabbing onto his hips just

in time so he didn‘t go sailing across the floor.

―Mmm oh gods… faster.‖ Draco moaned and arched his back. ‘Wow

he sure is beautiful’ Harry thought to himself.

Harry complied to Draco‘s command none the less, and when Draco

arched his back to a point to where it looked like it would break and

screamed Harry‘s name he knew he hit that spot.

―Gods Draco you‘re so tight.‖

Harry thrust himself in and out of Draco at animalistic speeds with

animalistic force. Oh yeah he definitely wouldn‘t be walking for a

few days.

―AH FUCK! HARRY RIGHT THERE!‖ He was close so Harry

reached down and started fisting his rigid cock. Moments later Draco

shot his seed all over the two horny young adults.

Feeling Draco tense up below him caused Harry to climax, he

managed to ride it out as best as he could, and when he was finished

he collapsed onto Draco creating a heap of sweat, semen, and

gorgeous young men.

―Harry?‖ Draco said in a lust filled voice.

―Hm?‖ Harry managed to get out while being half asleep.

―I‘m gay.‖
