Il Programma di Lavoro CIP ICT 2011: anticipazioni Roma, 01/12/2010 Loris Di Pietrantonio European...


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Il Programma di Lavoro CIP ICT 2011: anticipazioni

Roma, 01/12/2010

Loris Di PietrantonioEuropean Commission

ICT addressing societal challenges


Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme


Information Communication Technologies Policy support

Programme (ICT PSP)

Intelligent Energy Europe(IEE)

• Better access to finance for SMEs through venture capital investment & loan guarantee instruments • Europe Enterprise Network• Support for eco-innovation •…

• Fostering energy efficiency & the rational use of energy sources • Promoting new & renewable energy sources & energy diversification • Promoting EE & new energy sources in transport

~2,170 M€

~730 M€

~730 M€

Information Society Policy instruments at EU level

• Financial support: Two main distinct and complementary financial instruments(2007-2013)– ICT in FP7: To strengthen Europe’s leadership role in

mastering and shaping the technological developmentof ICTs – this is about research

– ICT PSP in CIP: To drive forward innovation throughthe best use and wider adoption of ICTs





In € million, not including contribution from associated states

ICT PSP general objectives

• To accelerate the development of a competitive, innovative and inclusive Information Society

• Support ICT policy priorities (Digital Agenda for Europe)

• Community funding aims specifically at: – Stimulating the wider deployment and best use of innovative

ICT-based solutions

– Facilitating the coordination and implementation of actionsfor developing the information society across the Member States

ICT-PSP: What does it support?

• Support goes mainly to:– Pilot actions (A + B) for wide scale testing of interoperable or

innovative services with a pan-European dimension

– Best Practice Networks for Europeana/Digital libraries

– Thematic networks for policy coordination and consensus building, preparing for future actions

– Studies and events including policy analysis, benchmarking, and promotion activities

• Focus is on areas of public interest: – Where ICT-based solutions can bring substantial improvements to

quality and efficiency of services

– To open up and facilitate the development of EU-wide markets for innovative ICT

ICT PSP: Who participates?

• National authorities– Ministries, local and regional authorities– Public organisations e.g. hospitals, schools, libraries,..– Drivers in Pilot A, key users in pilot B and TN

• Private companies including SMEs– As suppliers of innovations– Mainly in Pilot B and TN as main actors

• Academia and public research– As experts and possible suppliers of innovations

• From EU27 Member States and other participating countries : Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Croatia, Turkey, Serbia…

••• 7

ICT PSP: 4 main calls up to now 128 actions for 308 M€: including

• ICT for innovative public services– 73 M€ for 16 pilot and 5 TN + 10 M€ for 5 pilots, 1 TN for PSI

• ICT for health, ageing well and inclusion – 70 M€ for 18 pilots and 8 TN

• Digital Libraries : support to Europeana– 56 M€ for 17 pilots or BPN, and 2 TN

• ICT for a low carbon economy and smart mobility– 40 M€ for 16 pilots and 6 TN

• Multilingual services– 30 M€ for 16 pilots and 1 TN

• Open innovation for internet enabled services– 27 M€ for 11 pilots and 4 TN

> 80% in pilot and best practices


ICT PSP: where do we stand?

4 main calls up to now

<10% in Networking actions

~10 % in Call for tenders studies, survey, conf…

Based on WP2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 (for >340 M€)

ICT PSP WP2011: under elaboration guiding


• Aligning with policy priorities of the Digital Agenda for Europe– Strengthening/refining the themes and objectives– New objectives

• Focus on areas of clear EU added value – For a budget increase of 8%, possible move from 6 to 5

themes, around 15 objectives for ~120 M€ (+ 9 M€ other measures)

• Ensure critical mass – through continued support to objectives

• Insist on proper dissemination of results• Formal Adoption in early 2011 – Call5 February-June

2011 (tbc)

ICT PSP: some supported actions

PilotB: eg on e-Accessibility and Ageing Pilots, including more than 40 regions…

Pilot A

••• 11

Example: ICT for ageing well

ICT Policy Support ProgrammeLarge deployment initiatives

• Building on Regional activities(3-5~regions in each project)

• High visibility, market driven • Overcoming fragmentation• Enable scaling up, investment• Value chain cooperation

11 pilots (Call 1-3),

15 M€ in 200710 M€ in 20088 M€ in 2009

••• 12


• Call for proposals (115.5 M€)• 5 Themes

– ICT for a low carbon economy and smart mobility– Digital content– ICT for health, ageing well and inclusion– ICT for innovative government and public services– Open innovation for Internet-based services

• Other measures incl. Call for tender (9.5 M€)

• Theme 1: ICT for energy efficiency and smart mobility – three objectives

– 1.1. Innovative lighting systems based on Solid State Lighting (SSL): two to three pilots B - 10M€

– 1.2. ICT Energy and Water Efficiency in Public Buildings: several pilots B - 7 M€

– 1.3. Smart Connected Electro-Mobility: up to 3 pilots - 7 M€

Theme 1 (24 M€) : DRAFT

• Theme2 : Digital content - four objectives

– 2.1. Aggregating content in Europeana – several BPNs

– 2.2. Digitising content for Europeana – several pilots B

– 2.3. Raising awareness of Europeana and promoting its use -

several BPNs

– 2.4. eLearning – one or more pilots B for 8 M€

Theme 2 (38 M€) : DRAFT

• Theme 3: ICT for health, ageing well and inclusion - four objectives

– 3.1. ICT Solutions for fall prevention and ICT and Ageing network : several pilots B and one TN - 9 M€

– 3.2. Digital competences and social inclusion: one pilot B - 2M€

– 3.3. e-accessibility: one pilot B - 3 M€

– 3.4. Empowering patients and supporting widespread

deployment of telemedicine services: one pilot B and one TN - 4


Theme 3 (18 M€) : DRAFT

• Theme 4: Innovative government and public services - three objectives

– 5.1. Towards a cloud of public services: several pilots B – 10 M€

– 5.2. Towards a single European electronic Identification and authentication area: one pilot A – 8.5 M€

– 5.3. Piloting IPv6 upgrade for eGovernment services in Europe: one pilot B – 3 M€

Theme 4 (21.5 M€) : DRAFT

• Theme 5: Open innovation for future internet-enabled services - one objective

– 4.1. Open innovation for internet-enabled services in "smart" cities: several pilots B -14 M€

Theme 5 (14 M€) : DRAFT

• Calls for tender or grants without call for proposals – Benchmarking the information society (~4.1 M€)

– Including: Household and Enterprise surveys, broadband coverage, internet access costs, bechnmarking eGov, ICT in hospitals

– Studies and other measures (~2.8 M€)– Studies including : Design of an evaluation framework for

the implementation of the DAE, Preparing consultation and stakeholder management for the DAE, EU on line trustmarks, Investments needed in broadband, Economic and social potential of PSI re-use, Preparing a new eGov Action Plan

–, support to ePractice

– Conferences and events (up to 2.6 M€)– Annual Digital Assembly (2 M€) – EU presidency conference on eHealth (0.2 M€)– EU presidency conference on eGov (0.4 M€)

Calls for tender (9.5 M€)

Practical information on calls

Work programme

Guides for applicants

Running projects


Pre-commercial Procurement

• Networking and coordination

– Networking and cooperation of public bodies in Europe– Establishment and coordination of mid-to-long term procurement strategies– Development of new ICT solutions to better address public sector needs through

Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP)• Implementation of joint PCP calls for tenders

– Encourage stronger coordination of non-Community R&D procurement programmes – Support public bodies to establish joint PCP calls for tenders on topics of common

European interest• Complementary to PCP in ICT for health, ageing and photonics

– 3M€ earmarked in three areas– PCP for photonics: call 8– PCP for ICT for health & ageing: call 7

5 M€

Deadline: 18/1/11

Deadline: 17/1/12

pre-Commercial Procurement

• Specific approach for public sector to procure R&D services, enabling

– Price/quality products that better fit public sector needs

– Earlier customer feedback for companies developing solutions

– Better take-up/Wider commercialisation of R&D results













Supplier B

Supplier C

Supplier D

Supplier A,B,C,D

or X

Phase 1 Solution design

Phase 2 Prototype


Phase 3 Pre-commercial

small scaleproduct/service

development- Field Test

Pre-commercial Tender (WTO GPA & Procurement

Directives not applicable)

Supplier A

Supplier B

Supplier C

Supplier D

Supplier B

Phase 0 ExploratoryResearch

Pre-commercial Procurement

Phase 4 Commercialisation

Diffusionof product/service

Tender for commercial deployment(WTO GPA & Procurement Directives


Supplier D

Commercial Procurement
