Inauguration Program



The Inauguration of Dr. Steven R. DiSalvo The tenth president of Saint Anselm College

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Faith in the Future

The Inauguration ofDr. Steven R. DiSalvo

The tenth president ofSaint Anselm College

October 18, 2013

Faith in the Future

Faith in the Future

Steven R. DiSalvo, Ph.D., became the tenth president of Saint Anselm College on July 15, 2013. +H�LV�WKH�ßUVW�OD\�SUHVLGHQW�RI�6DLQW�$QVHOP�LQ�WKH�&ROOHJHÖV�����\HDU�KLVWRU\�

Dr. DiSalvo has extensive leadership experience in Catholic higher education and national phil�anthropic fundraising. He came to Saint Anselm from Marian University in Wisconsin, where he VWUHQJWKHQHG�WKH�XQLYHUVLW\ÖV�HQGRZPHQW��WUDQVIRUPHG�WKH�FDPSXV�LQIUDVWUXFWXUH�DQG�ODQGVFDSH� architecture, and added both undergraduate and graduate programs that focused on academic quality and service.

Prior to joining Marian in 2010, he served as president and founder of The Hopewell Group Inc., which assists in transfers of wealth for individuals, family foundations and corporations. He was executive director of the Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation, which works to end domestic violence through education and other interventions. He also led Junior Achievement of New York Inc., an RUJDQL]DWLRQ�WKDW�LQVSLUHV�.����VWXGHQWV�WR�EH�VXFFHVVIXO�E\�SURYLGLQJ�EXVLQHVV�HGXFDWLRQ�WKURXJK� volunteer role models.


Dr. DiSalvo has a special concern for access and diversity in higher education, topics he has written about for national audiences. He is a passionate advocate of a Catholic, liberal arts education in a UHVLGHQWLDO�VHWWLQJ��ZKLFK�KH�VD\V�LV�YDOXDEOH�ERWK�IRU�VWXGHQWV�DQG�IRU�VRFLHW\��Ø<RXQJ�SHRSOH�EHQHßW�from intellectual growth in the classroom, and from social and spiritual development in a caring community. Society gains thoughtful citizens and leaders,” he says.

“Walk around our campus, you can feel the transformation taking place. Students are developing WKHLU�PRUDO�FRPSDVV��7KH\�DUH�EHFRPLQJ�HWKLFDO�OHDGHUV�WKURXJK�WKHLU�VWXGLHV�DQG�FR�FXUULFXODU�LQ�volvements.”

Dr. DiSalvo completed a Ph.D. in educational leadership at Fordham University, where he also earned an M.B.A. in marketing and B.S. in psychology.

Ø,�DP�KRQRUHG�WR�EH�FKRVHQ�DV�WKH�ßUVW�OD\�SUHVLGHQW�LQ�WKH�QHDUO\�����\HDU�KLVWRU\�RI�6DLQW�$QVHOP�College,” Dr. DiSalvo said. “I have great admiration for the mission of the Benedictines, their outstanding work in Catholic higher education and their commitment to excellence. I share the values set forth by Saint Anselm and look forward to engaging the entire community in living the mission. I am proud to call myself an Anselmian!”

'U��'L6DOYR�DQG�KLV�ZLIH��(LOHHQ��ZKR�LV�DOVR�DQ�HGXFDWRU�ZLWK�D�PDVWHUÖV�LQ�HGXFDWLRQ��KDYH�WKUHH�VRQV��Tom is a junior in college, and Andrew is a senior and Connor a sophomore in high school.

Faith in the Future Two

Dr. Steven R. DiSalvo

Three Faith in the Future

The Order of the Procession

Grand Marshal Gary M. Bouchard, Ph.D., Professor of English

Color Guard

National 9/11 Flag

Delegates from other colleges and universities

and learned societies

Saint Anselm College Faculty

Saint Anselm College Deans

Monks of Saint Anselm Abbey

Platform Party Members

President’s Cabinet

Faith in the Future Four

Faith in the Future

Trustees of Saint Anselm College

MacebearerHugh Dubrulle, Ph.D., Faculty Senate President

The Reverend Jonathan P. De Felice, O.S.B. President Emeritus

Mr. Charles M. Pollard Chair of the Board of Trustees

The Right Reverend Mark A. Cooper, O.S.B.Chancellor of the College

The Most Reverend Joseph J. Gerry, O.S.B.Bishop Emeritus of Portland

The Most Reverend Peter A. LibasciBishop of Manchester

Dr. Steven R. DiSalvo

Five Faith in the Future

The Inaugural Ceremony

Processional Sonata, David Speer - Norumbega Ensemble

InvocationMs. Susan Gabert, Director of Campus Ministry

Presentation of the 9/11 Flag Saint Anselm College Students and Alumni

Remarks Mr. Jeff Parness, Chair, New York Says Thank You Foundation

National Anthem Mr. William Endicott, Class of 2016

Trustee AddressMr. Charles M. Pollard

Greetings from the DioceseBishop Peter Libasci, Bishop of Manchester

Greetings from Elected Officials

The Saint Anselm College Anthem Saint Anselm College Choir

Directed by the Reverend Bede Camera, O.S.B.

Faith in the Future Six

Faith in the Future

Greetings from the Academic Community Mr. Kevin Fitzgerald, President, Saint Anselm College Alumni Association

Ms. Lyndsay Robinson, President, Student Government AssociationMs. Lisa Gowern, Chair, Staff Council

Mr. Hugh Dubrulle, President, Ph.D., Faculty SenateMr. Tom Horgan, President, New Hampshire College and University Council

Br. Norman Hipps, President, Saint Vincent College Investiture

The Right Reverend Mark Cooper, O.S.B.Chancellor of the College

Mr. Charles M. PollardChairman of the Board of Trustees

The Reverend Jonathan DeFelice, O.S.B.President Emeritus

Inaugural Address Dr. Steven R. DiSalvo


Presidential Fanfare Ø9(56�/Ö$9(1,5Ù��7RZDUGV�WKH�)XWXUH�

Composed for the inauguration of the tenth president of Saint Anselm College

By Dr. Francis Kayali, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts

Benediction The Most Reverend Joseph Gerry, O.S.B.

Bishop Emeritus of Portland


Sigfrid Karg-Elert, Norumbega Ensemble

Seven Faith in the Future

History of Saint Anselm College

Saint Anselm College was founded in 1889, when the Order of Saint Benedict of New Hampshire ZDV�LQFRUSRUDWHG�E\�WKH�VWDWH�OHJLVODWXUH��$W�WKH�UHTXHVW�RI�'HQLV�0��%UDGOH\��WKH�ßUVW�ELVKRS�RI�0DQFKHVWHU��WKH�%HQHGLFWLQH�PRQNV�RI�6W��0DU\ÖV�$EEH\�RI�1HZDUN��1HZ�-HUVH\��HVWDEOLVKHG�D�college to educate a new generation of Americans, regardless of their religious denomination, status, or ethnicity.


7KH�JDV�OLW�EULFN�EXLOGLQJ�FDOOHG�$GPLQLVWUDWLYH�+DOO�VHUYHG�PDQ\�IXQFWLRQV��LQFOXGLQJ�DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ��housing, recreation, worship and study. The earliest students ate, slept, did their laundry, even did SXOO�XSV�DQG�ERZOHG�WHQSLQV�ZLWKLQ�LWV�ZDOOV��

In 1910, Abbot Ernest Helmstetter, O.S.B., succeeded Abbot Hilary and embarked upon expanding the college. Under the leadership of eight more presidents until the present day, the college has continued in its mission to provide a strong education in the liberal arts, grounded in the Benedictine intellectual tradition. Its approach to education has ever been guided by the spirit of its patron saint, Saint Anselm of Canterbury, who was a scholar and teacher. Anselm believed in the importance of educating the young for life, and not to master a particular subject area.

Throughout its nearly 125 years, the college has built upon the work of its founders, overcoming many challenges including the lean years of the Great Depression and WWII. Its Benedictine SUHVLGHQWV�PDLQWDLQHG�WKH�FROOHJHÖV�WUDGLWLRQV�DQG�JRDOV�ZKLOH�DGDSWLQJ�WR�FKDQJHV�LQ�WKH�ZRUOG�and in higher education, all the while meeting the needs of its students.

0DMRU�IDFLOLWLHV�ZHUH�DGGHG�LQ�WKH�����V��LQFOXGLQJ�UHVLGHQFHV��D�FRPSXWHU�FHQWHU��GLQLQJ�KDOO��athletic facilities, and activities center. A nursing program was established in 1952 and gained a regional reputation. The faculty and administration developed a formal humanities program, called Portraits of Human Greatness, which gained national acclaim. In 1973, Fr. Brendan Paul Donnelly, 2�6�%���WKH�FROOHJHÖV�VHYHQWK�SUHVLGHQW��RYHUVDZ�WKH�WUDQVLWLRQ�WR�D�FR�HGXFDWLRQDO�FROOHJH��DQG�WKH�ßUVW�ZRPHQ�ZHUH�DGPLWWHG�WR�WKH�OLEHUDO�DUWV�SURJUDP�

Over the course of its history, more than 30,000 men and women have graduated from Saint $QVHOP�&ROOHJH��,W�KDV�EHHQ�YLVLWHG�E\�SUHVLGHQWV�DQG�KDV�VHUYHG�DV�WKH�QDWLRQÖV�FODVVURRP�GXULQJ�SUHVLGHQWLDO�HOHFWLRQ�F\FOHV��,W�KDV�SURGXFHG�JUDGXDWHV�ZKR�JXDUG�WKH�QDWLRQÖV�VHFXULW\��FDUH�IRU�LWV�homeless, conduct business, search for cures, and lead parishes. Many of its graduates have returned to Saint Anselm as professors teaching the next generation of Anselmians. They continue the work of the academics and administrators who have preceded them, ever in the spirit of the pursuit of truth and maintaining the harmony between the knowledge of faith and the knowledge of reason.

Faith in the Future Eight

Past Presidents

1893–1909Abbot Hilary Pfraengle, O.S.B. At the request of the Right. Rev. Denis M. Bradley, Bishop of Manchester, Abbot Hilary HVWDEOLVKHG�6W��5DSKDHOÖV�3DULVK�LQ�0DQFKHVWHU��He incorporated the Order of St. Benedict in New Hampshire and purchased land for the college in 1889.

1910–1927Abbot Ernest Helmstetter, O.S.B. 8QGHU�KLV�SUHVLGHQF\��WKH�FROOHJHÖV�J\PQDVLXP�ZLQJ��PRQDVWHU\�EXLOGLQJ��QRZ�-RVHSK�+DOO���and chapel wing were completed. He agreed to 6DLQW�$QVHOPÖV�3ULRU\�EHFRPLQJ�DQ�DEEH\�DQG�presided over the election of Abbot Bertrand Dolan, O.S.B.

1927–1956Abbot Bertrand Dolan, O.S.B. 7KH�ßUVW�DEERW�RI�6DLQW�$QVHOP�$EEH\��KH�VHQW�monks to graduate studies, reinstituted football in the 1930s, and led the abbey and the College through the lean Great Depression years. During World War II, he allowed Army Air Corps to FRQGXFW�D�SUH�àLJKW�FDGHW�SURJUDP�RQ�FDPSXV�

1956–1960Rev. Gerald McCarthy, O.S.B., ’36+H�RYHUVDZ�WKH�IRUPDWLRQ�RI�WKH�FROOHJHÖV�ßUVW�DGYLVRU\�ERDUG�RI�WUXVWHHV�DQG�LWV�ßUVW�FDSLWDO�fund campaign. Student enrollment doubled ZLWK�WKH�DGGLWLRQ�RI�VL[�EXLOGLQJV�LQ�������$V�WKH�VHFRQG�DEERW�LQ�������KH�RYHUVDZ�the construction and consecration of the Abbey Church.

1960–1964Rev. Bernard Holmes, O.S.B., ’36As vice president for development, he directly supervised the construction and IXQGUDLVLQJ�LQ�����Ó������'XULQJ�KLV�presidency, the nursing department was established.

1964–1972Rev. Placidus Riley, O.S.B., ’42He led the College during a turbulent time on campuses in the United States, and launched the nationally recognized “Portraits of Human Greatness” program.

1972–1979Rev. Brendan Donnelly, O.S.B., ’43Under his presidency the college became coed LQ�������,Q�WKH�IDOO�RI�������WKH�VHFRQG�SKDVH�of the Humanities “Portraits of Human Greatness” to include sophomores was implemented.

1979–1990Br. Joachim Froehlich, O.S.B., ’66 Becoming president at age 35, he led a campus expansion that included the Poisson Computer Center, Carr Activities Center, Davison Dining Hall, and student apartments.

(1990–2013) Rev. Jonathan DeFelice, O.S.B.,’69 (acting president 1989-1990)+H�OHG�WKH�&ROOHJHÖV�����PLOOLRQ��IXQGUDLVLQJ�campaign, expanded the Library and created the Goulet Science Center, added housing so all students could live on campus, and led the transition to a new governance model and creation of a new curriculum.

Nine Faith in the Future

Saint Anselm is a Catholic, Benedictine College providing all its students a distinctive liberal arts education that incorporates opportunities for professional and career preparation. It does so in a learning community that encourages the lifelong pursuit of the truth and fosters intellectual, moral DQG�VSLULWXDO�JURZWK�WR�VXVWDLQ�DQG�HQULFK�LWV�JUDGXDWHV�SHUVRQDO�OLYHV��ZRUN��DQG�HQJDJHPHQW�ZLWKLQ�local, national, and global communities.

Saint Anselm College Mission


Presidential Regalia

7KH�&KDLQ�RI�2IßFH�RI�WKH�3UHVLGHQW�RI�6DLQW�$QVHOP�&ROOHJH�LV�FRPSRVHG�RI�D�VHULHV�RI�OLQNV�ZKLFK�LQFOXGH�WKH�QDPHV�RI�WKH�SUHYLRXV�SUHVLGHQWV�RI�WKH�FROOHJH�DQG�WKHLU�GDWHV�RI�RIßFH��,QFOXGHG�LQ�WKH�chain are four àHXUV�GH�OLV as a tribute to the Sisters of Saint Joan of Arc who lived, prayed and worked on this campus for eighty years. Hanging from the chain is the Seal of Saint Anselm College in the form of a medallion. The seal is composed of a shield on which appears a black cross with three drops of blood in each quarter formed by the cross. These are the arms attributed to Saint Anselm, $UFKELVKRS�RI�&DQWHUEXU\�DQG�SDWURQ�VDLQW�RI�WKH�&ROOHJH�DQG�$EEH\��$�VKHDI�RI�ßYH�VLOYHU�DUURZV�VXSHULPSRVHG�RQ�WKH�VKDIW�RI�WKH�FURVV��UHSUHVHQWLQJ�WKH�RULJLQDO�ßYH�FRXQWLHV�RI�1HZ�+DPSVKLUH��is taken from the seal of the Colony of New Hampshire, upon which it was the central ornament. Encircling the shield is the legend Sigillum Collegii Sancti Anselmi �6HDO�RI�WKH�&ROOHJH�RI�6DLQW�$QVHOP���and at the bottom of the circle is the founding date of the College —1889. Attaching the medallion to the chain is a single link with the letters U.I.O.G.D. for the Latin Ø8W�LQ�RPQLEXV�JORULßFHWXU�GHXVÙ from WKH�ßIW\�VHYHQWK�FKDSWHU�RI�WKH�5XOH�RI�6DLQW�%HQHGLFW�Ø7KDW�LQ�DOO�WKLQJV�*RG�PD\�EH�JORULßHG�Ù

The Presidential Chain of Office

Faith in the Future Ten

7KH�1DWLRQDO������)ODJ��ZKLFK�àHZ�above the wreckage at Ground Zero, is a symbol of the resilience and compassion of the American people LQ�WKH�IDFH�RI�GLVDVWHU��7KH�àDJÖV�presence today, at the presidential installation of Dr. Steven DiSalvo, is a recognition of his part in helping the nation heal in the years following that tragic day.

Both native New Yorkers, Dr. DiSalvo and his wife, Eileen, suffered the loss of IULHQGV�RQ��������$OVR�����\RXQJ�DOXPQL�RI�)DLUßHOG�8QLYHUVLW\��ZKHUH�'U��'L6DOYR�ZRUNHG�DW�WKH�WLPH��died that day in the World Trade Center.

Some time later, Dr. DiSalvo had the opportunity to help arrange a major, anonymous donation for the New York Says Thank You Foundation, which sends volunteers to disaster sites across the country on the anniversary of 9/11.

It was a chance for Dr. DiSalvo to support and celebrate the vivid spirit of solidarity and volunteerism that he recognized in New Yorkers in the aftermath of the tragedy.

New York Says Thank You became the custodian of the National 9/11 Flag, which was among the ODUJHVW�àDJV�WR�à\�DERYH�*URXQG�=HUR��%DGO\�WDWWHUHG��WKH�àDJ�KDV�EHHQ�VWLWFKHG�WRJHWKHU�E\�WRUQDGR�survivors, veterans and average Americans in its travels through the 50 states. Dr. DiSalvo himself KDV�SODFHG�D�VWLWFK�LQ�WKH�àDJ�


Dr. DiSalvo is a member of the board of the New York Says Thank You Foundation. At Saint Anselm, he is glad to see that students sponsor an annual 9/11 Day of Service. It is an initiative he would like to see replicated in every college and university across the country.


The National 9/11 Flag

Eleven Faith in the Future

Delegates from Academia

1636Harvard UniversityPhilip HaugheyDelegate

1701Yale UniversitySusan LennonDelegate

1818Saint Louis University6U��6KHLOD�2Ö1HLOO��$�6�&�-�Delegate

1831New York UniversityFrank Novak, Lt. Colonel U.S. Air Force RetiredDelegate

1837Colby-Sawyer CollegeAaron SnayDelegate

1839Loras CollegeDr. James FreiburgerDelegate

1841Fordham UniversityRoger A. Milici, Jr.Delegate

1843College of the Holy CrossDr. Anne E. HarringtonDelegate

1846Saint Vincent CollegeBrother Norman W. Hipps, O.S.B., Ph.D.President

1858Benedictine CollegeDr. Gary M. BouchardDelegate

1863Boston CollegeMichael J. BurnsReverend Mark Massa, S.J.Delegates

1866University of New Hampshire'U��$OL�5DßH\PHKUDelegate

Faith in the Future Twelve

Faith in the Future

1871Plymouth State UniversityGene P. MartinDelegate

1889Saint Leo UniversityThomas AdamczykDelegate

1904Assumption CollegeChristian McCarthyDelegate

1904Saint Michael’s CollegeJerry E. FlanaganDelegate

1907St. John’s Preparatory SchoolDr. Edward HardimanHeadmaster

1912Saint Joseph’s CollegeJon BlanchardDelegate

1912The College of St. ScholasticaBarbara RichardsDelegate

1919Emmanuel CollegeSister Janet Eisner, SND, Ph.D.President

1927Regis CollegeMary Roche Sullivan, H.D.Delegate

1928College of Our Lady of the ElmsChristopher LockwoodDelegate

1932Southern New Hampshire UniversityDr. Patricia LynottDelegate

1933Rivier UniversitySister Paula Marie Buley, I.H.M., Ph.D.President

Thirteen Faith in the Future

Delegates from Academia

1942)DLUßHOG�8QLYHUVLW\Reverend Jeffrey P. von Arx, S.J., Ph.D.President

1946$QQD�0DULD�&ROOHJHJean Gabaree-Lawler, J.D.Delegate

19470HUULPDFN�&ROOHJH�Dr. Josephine Modica-NapolitanoDelegate

19486WRQHKLOO�&ROOHJHReverend John F. Denning, C.S.C.President

1950%HOODUPLQH�8QLYHUVLW\Dr. Sean J. RyanDelegate

19598QLYHUVLW\�RI�0DU\Roberta MacBrideDelegate

19621HZEXU\�&ROOHJHDr. Hannah M. McCarthyPresident

19638QLYHUVLW\�6\VWHP�RI�1HZ�+DPSVKLUH�Dr. Todd LeachChancellor


19671DVKXD�&RPPXQLW\�&ROOHJHLucille JordanPresident

1997&DPSXV�&RPSDFW�IRU�1HZ�+DPSVKLUHDr. Deborah ScireExecutive Director

2011'RGJH�$GYLVRU\�*URXSDr. Kathryn G. DodgePresident

Faith in the Future Fourteen

Greetings and Congratulations

University of Saint Joseph, Connecticut

Alverno College

Congressman Thomas E. Petri

New Hampshire Department of Education

New Hampshire College and University Council

Urbana University

St. Catherine University

Senator Kelly Ayotte

Governor Stephen Merrill

Most Reverend Peter A. Libasci

Bryant University

Southern New Hampshire University

National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities

University of New England

St. Gregory’s University

Saint John’s University


University of Mary

Providence College

Rivier University

Drexel University

College of Saint Benedict

College of Our Lady of the Elms

Saint Louis University

Caldwell College

Alverno College

Muhlenberg College

Saint Leo University

Rockhurst University

Loras College

Saint Michael’s College

Fordham University

Benedictine College

Cardinal Stritch University

Regis College

Plymouth State University

Edgewood College

Fifteen Faith in the Future

Faith in the Future Sixteen

Reverend Peter J. Guerin, O.S.B.

James L. Hauser, Esq.

Edward A. Hjerpe III, Ph.D.

Roger L. Jean

Elizabeth J. Kelly

Richard J. Meelia

Thomas A. Melucci, Sr.

Brother Isaac S. Murphy, O.S.B.

Dorothy Otis Musho

Lawrence J. Pascal, Esq.

Joseph Pepe, M.D.

Frank P. Pfeffer

Joanne Pietrini Smith

Charles W. Pollard, Esq.

Barry F. X. Smith

Reverend William J. Sullivan, O.S.B.

Joseph E. Sweeney

Brother Andrew L. Thornton, O.S.B.

Board of Trustees

Denise T. Askin, Ph.D.

Timothy R. Austin, Ph.D.

Richard L. Bready

Ann M. Catino, Esq.


Robert P. Connor

Abbot Mark A. Cooper, O.S.B.

Charles A. Crowley

Reverend Jerome J. Day, O.S.B.

Geraldine Healy DeLuca

Steven R. DiSalvo, Ph.D.

Christine D. Douville

Stephen J. Ellis

Monsignor William P. Fay, Ph.D.

Daniel T. Flatley

Reverend John R. Fortin, O.S.B.

Kenneth J. Goodchild

Kevin J. Gould

Seventeen Faith in the Future

The Saint Anselm College Anthem

2. [choir only] Your sons and daughters gather now and raise their voices strong,

And sing the praises of that place to which our hearts belong.

As days go by and years are lost, our fondness shall not die for that fair place which

steadfast stands upon the hill so high.


Who calls us all to seek the truth and orders all our days.

O hear our prayer, most gracious Lord and mighty God of love,

And gather us to praise your name with all the saints above.

� ���� �O,

� G� � �hail to thee, our

� � � �praise re - ceive, Saint

� ���� � � � � �An - selm hail to

Ç �thee! For

� G� � �in our youth we

� ���� � � � �came to you and

� � � � �you our minds set

Ç �free. The

� ���� � G� � �place that sits up -

� � � �on the hill, no

� � � � �moun-tainmore com-

� ���� Ç � �mand - ing, where

� G� � �souls seek God and

� ���� � � � �minds seek light and

� � � � �faith seeks un - der -

Ç �stand-ing.

The Saint Anselm College Anthem in memory of Fr. Anthony Cacciola, OSB

Words by Fr. Augustine Kelly, OSB Music by Fr. Bede Camera, OSB

The Recessional Hymn

2. [choir only] Your sons and daughters gather now and raise their voices strong, And sing the praises of that place to which our hearts belong. As days go by and years are lost, our fondness shall not die for that fair place which steadfast stands upon the hill so high.

3. [ALL] Saint Anselm, be our patron true and guide us in God’s ways,Who calls us all to seek the truthand orders all our days. O hear our prayer, most gracious Lord and mighty God of love, And gather us to praise your name with all the saints above.

in memory of Fr. Anthony Cacciola, OSBWords by Fr. Augustine Kelly, OSB Music by Fr. Bede Camera, OSB

Faith in the Future Eighteen

HARRY E. DUMAY, Ph.D.Vice President for Finance/Treasurer

JAMES F. FLANAGANVice President, College Advancement

JOSEPH M. HORTON, Ed.D.Vice President, Student Affairs

REVEREND AUGUSTINE G. KELLY, O.S.B.Vice President, Academic AffairsDean of the College

NEIL LEVESQUEExecutive Director, New Hampshire Institute of PoliticsAssistant to the President for Public Affairs

BRADLEY F. POZNANSKIVice President, Enrollment Management

PATRICIA R. SHUSTERVice President, Human Resources and Administration

President’s Cabinet

Faith in the Future

Inauguration Steering Committee

Jean CoutureMark CroninDonald DavidsonJames FlanaganSusan GabertLisa GowernPatricia GuanciChristine GustafsonDavid HjelmReverend Augustine Kelly, O.S.B., ChairBarbara LeBlanc

Melinda LottDonald MoreauJack MorrisLaurie MorrisseyReverend Benet Phillips, O.S.B. Janet PoirierLyndsay RobinsonKimberlee RoundGuy SergiRosemary Stackpole

Student Government Association

Lyndsay Robinson, PresidentStephen Bowen, Vice PresidentKatelin BrouilletteZachary Camenker Katlyn DelaneyChristina Dooley Mackenzie Douglas Karen EjioforJorge Gonzalez Jenna Levesque Brooke Judd Alex OdegaardRichard Serino

Class Presidents

2014Guy Sergi2015David McKillop2016Nolan Varee2017Robert Merritt

Dear Friends,

oday marks an historic moment for Saint Anselm College. The surrounding community has seen a modest college on the hilltop EORVVRP�LQWR�RQH�RI�WKH�ßQHVW�OLEHUDO�DUWV�FROOHJHV�LQ�WKH�FRXQWU\���:H�IHHO�blessed to have become part of the Benedictine life, culture and devotion that has guided the college from its founding, and we look forward to KHOSLQJ�WR�OLJKW�D�SDWK�WRZDUGV�D�IDLWK�ßOOHG�IXWXUH�

The wonderful celebrations that have taken place this past week were the fruit of much hard work and dedication on the part of many people. Our thanks go to all the faculty, staff and students involved in making these inaugural festivities a wonderful celebration of what it means to be an Anselmian. I give special thanks to the inauguration steering committee led by chair, Fr. Augustine Kelly, O.S.B. The individual names of all those who assisted him are too numerous to mention here, but be assured that their vision, attention to detail, and relentless energy KDYH�UHVXOWHG�LQ�D�FHOHEUDWLRQ�����\HDUV�LQ�WKH�PDNLQJ���

Special thanks to each and every member of the Saint Anselm Community for your well wishes and, most of all, your prayers. We celebrate with you today knowing that we walk together into tomorrow, holding true the blessings of Saint Anselm.

May God continue to bless each of you and our new home, Saint Anselm College.

In deep appreciation,

Eileen & Steven DiSalvo