Inflammation. Inflammation definition Inflammation – what for?


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Inflammation – what for?

Regeneration, scarring

The inflammatory response consists of two main components:

- vascular reaction

- cellular reaction

Cells included in inflammatory reaction




Plasma cells


Inflammation –nomenclature

Inflammation is divided into:

-acute inflammation

-chronic inflammation

Acute inflammation

Acute inflammationMajor components:

Acute inflammationCauses

Acute inflammation-vascular changes

Acute inflammation

A hallmark of acute inflammation is increased vascular permeability leading to the escape of protein-rich fluid (exudate)

into the extravascular tissue. A marked outflow of fluid and its accumulation in the

interstitial tissue results in edema (inflammatory edema).

Acute inflammation – cellular reaction

Acute inflammation

Acute inflammation – phagocytosis

Acute inflammationRemember!

During phagocytosis leukocytes release microbicidal and other products

(lysosomal enzymes,prostaglandins and others) into the extracelular space. These

products are capable of causing endothelial injury and tissue damage and may thus amplify the effects of the initial

injurious agent. Thus, if persistent and unchecked, the leukocyte infiltrate itself

becomes the offender. Leukocyte-dependent tissue injury underlies many

acute and chronic human diseases.

Acute inflammation – outcomes


Acute inflammation – outcomes


Acute inflammation – outcomes


Acute inflammation – outcomes


Morphologic patterns of inflammation.

Morphologic patterns of inflammation.

1. Exudative inflammation2. Destructive inflammation3. Proliferative inflammation

Exudative inflammation

Exudative inflammationsubtypes

Serous inflammation

Serous inflammation

When serous inflammation affects mucinous membrane, the exudate is

a mixture of fluid and mucus. It is sometimes called catharrh (from

Latin word catarrhus).Example: rhinitis („running nose”).

Fibrinous inflammation


Purulent inflammation

Purulent inflammation –circumscribed.

Purulent inflammation – diffused

Pyorrhea – purulent superficial inflammation of mucous or serous


Phlegmon – deep inflammation of soft tissue (eg. subcutaneous tissue).

Purulent inflammation – gangrene.

Hemorhagic inflammation

Destructive inflammation

Proliferative inflammation

Chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation – causes

Chronic inflammation – characteristic features

Acute versus chronic inflammation

Acute versus chronic inflammation

Granulomatous inflammation 1

Granulomatous inflammation 2

Granulomatous inflammation 3

Granulomatous inflammation 4

Granulomatous inflammation 5

Granulomatous inflammationEpithelioid cell

Granulomatous inflammationLanghans-type giant cell

Granulomatous inflammationGranulomas
