Institutional Curriculum Requests - · 2019-07-08 · CJUS 502 Social Deviance -- -- CJUS...


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Institutional Curriculum Requests

Institution: Northern State University Date: 4/1/2019 (Revised 6/27/19)

Institutional representatives should provide direct links to PDF documents for each of the curriculum requests represented below. All requests should be posted on the campus Curriculum and Instruction website one week prior to the Academic Affairs Council meeting where the curriculum request is being considered.

New Course Prefix & Number Course Title Approval



CGPS 502 Social Deviance -- -- CGPS/CJUS 552 Prisons and Penology -- -- CGPS/CJUS 555 Juvenile Delinquency -- -- CGPS 556 Community Corrections -- -- CJUS 468 Criminology for Human Services/Counseling Practice 7/2/19 JP CGPS/CJUS 568 Criminology for Human Services/Counseling Practice -- -- CGPS 570 Child Abuse and Neglect -- -- SOC 487 Victim Advocacy 7/2/19 JP CGPS/SOC 587 Victim Advocacy -- -- CGPS/CJUS 588 Introduction to Forensic Counseling -- -- GER 540 Germans From Russia History 7/8/19 JP GER 550 Germans From Russia Documents 7/8/19 JP GER 560 Germans From Russia Research 7/8/19 JP MUS 102 Introduction to Music Education 4/30/19 JP

Authority to Offer Prefix & Number Course Title Approval CJUS 502 Social Deviance -- -- CJUS 556 Community Corrections -- -- MATH 216 Discrete Structures 4/30/19 JP MATH 281 Introduction to Statistics 4/30/19 JP

Proposals (struck out) removed after discussion with Trudy Zalud 6/27/19. Courses referenced above for approval have been reviewed by the Academic Affairs Council and the System Vice President for Academic Affairs and may be advanced forward for entry in Colleague. For those courses listed above that did not receive approval, additional clarification or justification will be necessary and should be re-routed through the curriculum review process on a separate “Institutional Curriculum Requests” form once all issues have been resolved.


Signature: System Vice President for Academic Affairs Date

Curriculum Forms, New Course Request (Last Revised 01/2017)

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New Course Request

Use this form to request a new common or unique course. Consult the system database through Colleague or the Course

Inventory Report for information about existing courses before submitting this form.


Psychology/Counselor Education – School of Education &

History/Social Sciences – College of Arts & Sciences

Institution Division/Department 3/25/2019

Institutional Approval Signature Date

Section 1. Course Title and Description If the course contains a lecture and laboratory component, identify both the lecture and laboratory

numbers (xxx and xxxL) and credit hours associated with each. Provide the complete description as

you wish it to appear in the system database in Colleague and the Course Inventory Report including

pre-requisites, co-requisites, and registration restrictions.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

CJUS 468 Criminology for Human Service/Counseling Practice 3 NOTE: The Enrollment Services Center assigns the short, abbreviated course title that appears on transcripts. The short

title is limited to 30 characters (including spaces); meaningful but concise titles are encouraged due to space limitations

in Colleague.

Course Description

This course provides an advanced survey of the causes of crime and victimization from an

interdisciplinary perspective, with the goal of preparing students who plan to work with

offenders and victims. The central focus will be the major theories of crime causation that

have developed over the past two hundred years, with an emphasis on policies as they relate to

rehabilitating offenders and aiding victims of crime.

NOTE: Course descriptions are short, concise summaries that typically do not exceed 75 words. DO: Address the

content of the course and write descriptions using active verbs (e.g., explore, learn, develop, etc.). DO NOT: Repeat

the title of the course, layout the syllabus, use pronouns such as “we” and “you,” or rely on specialized jargon, vague

phrases, or clichés.

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites (add lines as needed)

Prefix & No. Course Title Pre-Req/Co-Req?

Registration Restrictions

Must be enrolled as part of the Criminal Justice degree program, a criminal justice minor,

sociology, or psychology major, or other related undergraduate degree program, seeking the

Curriculum Forms, New Course Request (Last Revised 01/2017)

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undergraduate Behavioral Forensic Sciences Certificate, or must be a graduate student admitted

to the Master’s of Clinical Mental Health Counseling Degree seeking the Forensic Counseling

Specialization, or have a Bachelor’s/Master’s degree and seeking the Behavioral Forensic Studies

Graduate Certificate. Recommended that they have at least one course in criminal justice or

relevant training prior to enrollment in this course.

Section 2. Review of Course

2.1. Was the course first offered as an experimental course (place an “X” in the appropriate


☐ Yes (if yes, provide the course information below) ☒ No

2.2. Will this be a unique or common course (place an “X” in the appropriate box)? If the request is for a unique course, verify that you have reviewed the common course catalog

via Colleague and the system Course Inventory Report to determine if a comparable common

course already exists. List the two closest course matches in the common course catalog and

provide a brief narrative explaining why the proposed course differs from those listed. If a

search of the common course catalog determines an existing common course exists, complete

the Authority to Offer an Existing Course Form.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

SOC 460 Advanced Criminology 3

CJUS 433 Criminal Procedure 3

Provide explanation of differences between proposed course and existing system catalog courses


The other two courses are for those pursuing a criminal justice or sociology major/graduate

degree. The new course will be taught for those in the mental health world who need to know

how to interface with the criminal justice system but who are not directly involved in the criminal

justice world. This course will focus more on an interdisciplinary view of criminology with a

focus on policies related to offending and victimology.

☐ Common Course Indicate universities that are proposing this common course:


Section 3. Other Course Information

3.1. Are there instructional staffing impacts? No

☐ No. Replacement of

(course prefix, course number, name of course, credits)

*Attach course deletion form

Effective date of deletion: Click here to enter a date.

☒ No. Course rotation

☒ Unique Course

Curriculum Forms, New Course Request (Last Revised 01/2017)

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☐ Yes.

3.2. Existing program(s) in which course will be offered: Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice,

Sociology, or Psychology, other related undergraduate degree programs, and the Master’s of

Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

3.3. Proposed instructional method by university: Lecture

3.4. Proposed delivery method by university: Face-to-face.

3.5. Term change will be effective: May 27, 2019.

3.6. Can students repeat the course for additional credit?

☐ Yes, total credit limit: ☒ No

3.7. Will grade for this course be limited to S/U (pass/fail)?

☐ Yes ☒ No

3.8. Will section enrollment be capped?

☐ Yes, max per section: ☒ No

3.9. Will this course equate (i.e., be considered the same course for degree completion) with

any other unique or common courses in the common course system database in Colleague

and the Course Inventory Report?

☐ Yes ☒ No

If yes, indicate the course(s) to which the course will equate (add lines as needed):

Prefix & No. Course Title

3.10. Is this prefix approved for your university?

☒ Yes ☐ No

If no, provide a brief justification below:

Section 4. Department and Course Codes (Completed by University Academic


4.1. University Department Code: NPSOC

4.2. Proposed CIP Code: 45.1101 (CJUS)

Is this a new CIP code for the university? ☐ Yes ☒ No

Curriculum Forms, New Course Request (Last Revised 01/2017)

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New Course Request

Use this form to request a new common or unique course. Consult the system database through Colleague or the Course

Inventory Report for information about existing courses before submitting this form.


History/Social Sciences – College of Arts & Sciences &

Psychology/Counselor Education – School of Education

Institution Division/Department 3/25/2019

Institutional Approval Signature Date

Section 1. Course Title and Description If the course contains a lecture and laboratory component, identify both the lecture and laboratory

numbers (xxx and xxxL) and credit hours associated with each. Provide the complete description as

you wish it to appear in the system database in Colleague and the Course Inventory Report including

pre-requisites, co-requisites, and registration restrictions.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

SOC 487 Victim Advocacy 3 NOTE: The Enrollment Services Center assigns the short, abbreviated course title that appears on transcripts. The short

title is limited to 30 characters (including spaces); meaningful but concise titles are encouraged due to space limitations

in Colleague.

Course Description

Victim advocacy is committed to providing comprehensive services and support that address

the physical, emotional, and financial needs of individuals and communities that result from

victimization. In addition to providing support to victims immediately after an event,

advocates assess the need for follow-up with victims on a continuous basis. A victim advocate

has the unique ability of being able to devote attention to the various needs of the victim while

at the same time acting as a liaison with criminal justice system officials to keep the victim and

their support network informed of the progress of the criminal case. Law enforcement

agencies, shelters, and court services are some of the system components that utilize victim

advocates. NOTE: Course descriptions are short, concise summaries that typically do not exceed 75 words. DO: Address the

content of the course and write descriptions using active verbs (e.g., explore, learn, develop, etc.). DO NOT: Repeat

the title of the course, layout the syllabus, use pronouns such as “we” and “you,” or rely on specialized jargon, vague

phrases, or clichés.

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites (add lines as needed)

Prefix & No. Course Title Pre-Req/Co-Req?

Curriculum Forms, New Course Request (Last Revised 01/2017)

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Registration Restrictions

Must be enrolled as part of the Associates of Arts Criminal Justice degree program, a criminal

justice, sociology, or psychology major, or other related undergraduate degree program, or must

be a graduate student in Counseling or a related field.

Section 2. Review of Course

2.1. Was the course first offered as an experimental course (place an “X” in the appropriate


☐ Yes (if yes, provide the course information below) ☒ No

2.2. Will this be a unique or common course (place an “X” in the appropriate box)? If the request is for a unique course, verify that you have reviewed the common course catalog

via Colleague and the system Course Inventory Report to determine if a comparable common

course already exists. List the two closest course matches in the common course catalog and

provide a brief narrative explaining why the proposed course differs from those listed. If a

search of the common course catalog determines an existing common course exists, complete

the Authority to Offer an Existing Course Form.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

SOC 354 Victimology 3

SOC 325 Domestic and Intimate Violence 3

Provide explanation of differences between proposed course and existing system catalog courses


While both of the above courses do deal with victims, they are theoretical in nature, focusing on

what drives abuse and victimology. The new course will be an applied course, teaching students

how to actually work with victims from various settings and teaching students how to advocate

for the victim in a variety of settings within the court system.

☐ Common Course Indicate universities that are proposing this common course:


Section 3. Other Course Information

3.1. Are there instructional staffing impacts?

☐ No. Replacement of

(course prefix, course number, name of course, credits)

*Attach course deletion form

Effective date of deletion: Click here to enter a date.

☒ No. Course rotation

☒ Unique Course

Curriculum Forms, New Course Request (Last Revised 01/2017)

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☐ Yes.

3.2. Existing program(s) in which course will be offered: Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice,

Sociology, or Psychology, other related undergraduate degree programs, and the Master’s of

Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

3.3. Proposed instructional method by university: Lecture

3.4. Proposed delivery method by university: Face-to-face.

3.5. Term change will be effective: May 27, 2019.

3.6. Can students repeat the course for additional credit?

☐ Yes, total credit limit: ☒ No

3.7. Will grade for this course be limited to S/U (pass/fail)?

☐ Yes ☒ No

3.8. Will section enrollment be capped?

☐ Yes, max per section: ☒ No

3.9. Will this course equate (i.e., be considered the same course for degree completion) with

any other unique or common courses in the common course system database in Colleague

and the Course Inventory Report?

☐ Yes ☒ No

If yes, indicate the course(s) to which the course will equate (add lines as needed):

Prefix & No. Course Title

3.10. Is this prefix approved for your university?

☒ Yes ☐ No

If no, provide a brief justification below:

Section 4. Department and Course Codes (Completed by University Academic


4.1. University Department Code: NPSOC

4.2. Proposed CIP Code: 451101 (SOC)

Is this a new CIP code for the university? ☐ Yes ☒ No

AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

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New Course Request

Use this form to request a new common or unique course. Consult the system database through Colleague or the Course

Inventory Report for information about existing courses before submitting this form.

NSU Languages, Literature, and Communication Studies

Institution Division/Department 3/25/2019

Institutional Approval Signature Date

Section 1. Course Title and Description If the course contains a lecture and laboratory component, identify both the lecture and laboratory

numbers (xxx and xxxL) and credit hours associated with each. Provide the complete description as

you wish it to appear in the system database in Colleague and the Course Inventory Report including

pre-requisites, co-requisites, and registration restrictions.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

GER 540 Germans-from-Russia History 3 NOTE: The Enrollment Services Center assigns the short, abbreviated course title that appears on transcripts. The short

title is limited to 30 characters (including spaces); meaningful but concise titles are encouraged due to space limitations

in Colleague.

Course Description

Students will explore the various colonies founded by the Germans in Russia; the factors that

contributed to their migration; their culture, society, and language; what became of these colonies

after the privileges granted to the Germans-from-Russia were revoked; the history and significance

of Germans-from-Russia settlement in North America; and the heritage informing Germans-from-

Russia populations in the United States today. NOTE: Course descriptions are short, concise summaries that typically do not exceed 75 words. DO: Address the

content of the course and write descriptions using active verbs (e.g., explore, learn, develop, etc.). DO NOT: Repeat

the title of the course, layout the syllabus, use pronouns such as “we” and “you,” or rely on specialized jargon, vague

phrases, or clichés.

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites (add lines as needed)

Prefix & No. Course Title Pre-Req/Co-Req?

Registration Restrictions

Grad course level check.

AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

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Section 2. Review of Course

2.1. Was the course first offered as an experimental course (place an “X” in the appropriate


☐ Yes (if yes, provide the course information below) ☒ No

2.2. Will this be a unique or common course (place an “X” in the appropriate box)? If the request is for a unique course, verify that you have reviewed the common course catalog

via Colleague and the system Course Inventory Report to determine if a comparable common

course already exists. List the two closest course matches in the common course catalog and

provide a brief narrative explaining why the proposed course differs from those listed. If a

search of the common course catalog determines an existing common course exists, complete

the Authority to Offer an Existing Course Form.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

GER 434 German Civilization II 3

HIST 543 History of Russia Under Tsars 3

Provide explanation of differences between proposed course and existing system catalog courses


GER 434 is concerned with modern history in Germany proper, it is not concerned with the

German diaspora. HIST 543 is concerned with the history of Russia as the dominant socio-

political entity. It is not focused on the culture and history of minority populations within Russia.

☐ Common Course Indicate universities that are proposing this common course:


Section 3. Other Course Information

3.1. Are there instructional staffing impacts?

☐ No. Replacement of

(course prefix, course number, name of course, credits)

*Attach course deletion form

Effective date of deletion: Click here to enter a date.

☒ No. Schedule Management, explain below:

GER 540 will be offered online during the summer.

☐ Yes. Specify below:

3.2. Existing program(s) in which course will be offered: none. GER 540 is one of the three

courses making up the proposed Graduate Certificate program in German: Germans-from-

Russia Studies. It is intended to serve as the foundation course in the program.

☒ Unique Course

AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

Page 3 of 3

3.3. Proposed instructional method by university: seminar (E)

3.4. Proposed delivery method by university: online/Internet asynchronous (015)

3.5. Term change will be effective: Summer 2020

3.6. Can students repeat the course for additional credit?

☐ Yes, total credit limit: ☒ No

3.7. Will grade for this course be limited to S/U (pass/fail)?

☐ Yes ☒ No

3.8. Will section enrollment be capped?

☒ Yes, max per section: 20 ☐ No

3.9. Will this course equate (i.e., be considered the same course for degree completion) with

any other unique or common courses in the common course system database in Colleague

and the Course Inventory Report?

☐ Yes ☒ No

If yes, indicate the course(s) to which the course will equate (add lines as needed):

Prefix & No. Course Title

3.10. Is this prefix approved for your university?

☒ Yes ☐ No

If no, provide a brief justification below:

Section 4. Department and Course Codes (Completed by University Academic


4.1. University Department Code: NLNCO

4.2. Proposed CIP Code: 160501

Is this a new CIP code for the university? ☐ Yes ☒ No

AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

Page 1 of 3



New Course Request

Use this form to request a new common or unique course. Consult the system database through Colleague or the Course

Inventory Report for information about existing courses before submitting this form.

NSU Languages, Literature, and Communication Studies

Institution Division/Department 3/25/2019

Institutional Approval Signature Date

Section 1. Course Title and Description If the course contains a lecture and laboratory component, identify both the lecture and laboratory

numbers (xxx and xxxL) and credit hours associated with each. Provide the complete description as

you wish it to appear in the system database in Colleague and the Course Inventory Report including

pre-requisites, co-requisites, and registration restrictions.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

GER 550 Germans-from-Russia Documents 3 NOTE: The Enrollment Services Center assigns the short, abbreviated course title that appears on transcripts. The short

title is limited to 30 characters (including spaces); meaningful but concise titles are encouraged due to space limitations

in Colleague.

Course Description

Students will explore the various German-language materials and documents available for the

study of Germans-from-Russia history and culture, and learn and implement methods for

deciphering, transcribing, and translating authentic documents for eventual incorporation into

research projects. NOTE: Course descriptions are short, concise summaries that typically do not exceed 75 words. DO: Address the

content of the course and write descriptions using active verbs (e.g., explore, learn, develop, etc.). DO NOT: Repeat

the title of the course, layout the syllabus, use pronouns such as “we” and “you,” or rely on specialized jargon, vague

phrases, or clichés.

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites (add lines as needed)

Prefix & No. Course Title Pre-Req/Co-Req?

Registration Restrictions

Grad course level check.

AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

Page 2 of 3

Section 2. Review of Course

2.1. Was the course first offered as an experimental course (place an “X” in the appropriate


☐ Yes (if yes, provide the course information below) ☒ No

2.2. Will this be a unique or common course (place an “X” in the appropriate box)? If the request is for a unique course, verify that you have reviewed the common course catalog

via Colleague and the system Course Inventory Report to determine if a comparable common

course already exists. List the two closest course matches in the common course catalog and

provide a brief narrative explaining why the proposed course differs from those listed. If a

search of the common course catalog determines an existing common course exists, complete

the Authority to Offer an Existing Course Form.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

GER 302 Translating German 3

SPAN 455 Applied Translation in Spanish 3

Provide explanation of differences between proposed course and existing system catalog courses


GER 302 is an introductory undergraduate German translation course that covers a broad range

of translation types at the undergraduate level – it addresses historical document translation only

briefly. SPAN 455 involves the application of translation skills to “a community context” in

Spanish at the undergraduate level.

☐ Common Course Indicate universities that are proposing this common course:


Section 3. Other Course Information

3.1. Are there instructional staffing impacts?

☐ No. Replacement of

(course prefix, course number, name of course, credits)

*Attach course deletion form

Effective date of deletion: Click here to enter a date.

☒ No. Schedule Management, explain below:

GER 550 will be offered online during the summer.

☐ Yes. Specify below:

3.2. Existing program(s) in which course will be offered: none. GER 550 is one of the three

courses making up the proposed Graduate Certificate program in German: Germans-from-

Russia Studies. It is intended to provide students in the program with the applied skills

☒ Unique Course

AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

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necessary to successfully complete the research-focused course GER 560: Germans-from-

Russia Research.

3.3. Proposed instructional method by university: seminar (E)

3.4. Proposed delivery method by university: online/Internet asynchronous (015)

3.5. Term change will be effective: Summer 2020

3.6. Can students repeat the course for additional credit?

☐ Yes, total credit limit: ☒ No

3.7. Will grade for this course be limited to S/U (pass/fail)?

☐ Yes ☒ No

3.8. Will section enrollment be capped?

☒ Yes, max per section: 20 ☐ No

3.9. Will this course equate (i.e., be considered the same course for degree completion) with

any other unique or common courses in the common course system database in Colleague

and the Course Inventory Report?

☐ Yes ☒ No

If yes, indicate the course(s) to which the course will equate (add lines as needed):

Prefix & No. Course Title

3.10. Is this prefix approved for your university?

☒ Yes ☐ No

If no, provide a brief justification below:

Section 4. Department and Course Codes (Completed by University Academic


4.1. University Department Code: NLNCO

4.2. Proposed CIP Code: 160501

Is this a new CIP code for the university? ☐ Yes ☒ No

AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

Page 1 of 3



New Course Request

Use this form to request a new common or unique course. Consult the system database through Colleague or the Course

Inventory Report for information about existing courses before submitting this form.

NSU Languages, Literature, and Communication Studies

Institution Division/Department 3/25/2019

Institutional Approval Signature Date

Section 1. Course Title and Description If the course contains a lecture and laboratory component, identify both the lecture and laboratory

numbers (xxx and xxxL) and credit hours associated with each. Provide the complete description as

you wish it to appear in the system database in Colleague and the Course Inventory Report including

pre-requisites, co-requisites, and registration restrictions.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

GER 560 Germans-from-Russia Research 3 NOTE: The Enrollment Services Center assigns the short, abbreviated course title that appears on transcripts. The short

title is limited to 30 characters (including spaces); meaningful but concise titles are encouraged due to space limitations

in Colleague.

Course Description

Students will undertake and execute a research project in the area of Germans-from-Russia studies

that makes effective scholarly use of German-language primary documents ranging from letters

and diaries to historical records, newspapers, and/or cultural materials. NOTE: Course descriptions are short, concise summaries that typically do not exceed 75 words. DO: Address the

content of the course and write descriptions using active verbs (e.g., explore, learn, develop, etc.). DO NOT: Repeat

the title of the course, layout the syllabus, use pronouns such as “we” and “you,” or rely on specialized jargon, vague

phrases, or clichés.

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites (add lines as needed)

Prefix & No. Course Title Pre-Req/Co-Req?

GER 540 Germans-from-Russia History Pre-requisite

GER 550 Germans-from-Russia Documents Pre-requisite

Registration Restrictions

Grad course level check.

AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

Page 2 of 3

Section 2. Review of Course

2.1. Was the course first offered as an experimental course (place an “X” in the appropriate


☐ Yes (if yes, provide the course information below) ☒ No

2.2. Will this be a unique or common course (place an “X” in the appropriate box)? If the request is for a unique course, verify that you have reviewed the common course catalog

via Colleague and the system Course Inventory Report to determine if a comparable common

course already exists. List the two closest course matches in the common course catalog and

provide a brief narrative explaining why the proposed course differs from those listed. If a

search of the common course catalog determines an existing common course exists, complete

the Authority to Offer an Existing Course Form.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

HIST 498 Undergrad Research/Scholarship 1-12

HIST 782 Research Seminar 3

Provide explanation of differences between proposed course and existing system catalog courses


HIST 498 does not specify any topic area and is an undergraduate-level research course that

does not require a knowledge of German. HIST 782 likewise does not specify a topic area, does

not require a knowledge of German, and is a doctoral-level seminar. Neither course is focused

on the culture and history of the Germans-from-Russia.

☐ Common Course Indicate universities that are proposing this common course:


Section 3. Other Course Information

3.1. Are there instructional staffing impacts?

☐ No. Replacement of

(course prefix, course number, name of course, credits)

*Attach course deletion form

Effective date of deletion: Click here to enter a date.

☒ No. Schedule Management, explain below:

GER 560 will be offered online during the summer.

☐ Yes. Specify below:

3.2. Existing program(s) in which course will be offered: none. GER 560 is one of the three

courses making up the proposed Graduate Certificate program in German: Germans-from-

Russia Studies. It is intended to serve as the culminating course in the program.

☒ Unique Course

AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

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3.3. Proposed instructional method by university: seminar (E)

3.4. Proposed delivery method by university: online/Internet asynchronous (015)

3.5. Term change will be effective: Summer 2020

3.6. Can students repeat the course for additional credit?

☐ Yes, total credit limit: ☒ No

3.7. Will grade for this course be limited to S/U (pass/fail)?

☐ Yes ☒ No

3.8. Will section enrollment be capped?

☒ Yes, max per section: 20 ☐ No

3.9. Will this course equate (i.e., be considered the same course for degree completion) with

any other unique or common courses in the common course system database in Colleague

and the Course Inventory Report?

☐ Yes ☒ No

If yes, indicate the course(s) to which the course will equate (add lines as needed):

Prefix & No. Course Title

3.10. Is this prefix approved for your university?

☒ Yes ☐ No

If no, provide a brief justification below:

Section 4. Department and Course Codes (Completed by University Academic


4.1. University Department Code: NLNCO

4.2. Proposed CIP Code: 160501

Is this a new CIP code for the university? ☐ Yes ☒ No

AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

Page 1 of 3



New Course Request

Use this form to request a new common or unique course. Consult the system database through Colleague or the Course

Inventory Report for information about existing courses before submitting this form.

NSU Department of Music (SoFA)

Institution Division/Department 3/25/2019

Institutional Approval Signature Date

Section 1. Course Title and Description If the course contains a lecture and laboratory component, identify both the lecture and laboratory

numbers (xxx and xxxL) and credit hours associated with each. Provide the complete description as

you wish it to appear in the system database in Colleague and the Course Inventory Report including

pre-requisites, co-requisites, and registration restrictions.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

MUS 102 Introduction to Music Education 3 NOTE: The Enrollment Services Center assigns the short, abbreviated course title that appears on transcripts. The short

title is limited to 30 characters (including spaces); meaningful but concise titles are encouraged due to space limitations

in Colleague.

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Northern State University’s Bachelor of

Music Education Program and the Millicent Atkins School of Education. Students will

become familiar with NSU’s Common Lesson Plan, admission requirements, disposition

expectations, and participate in their first k-12 field experience. In addition, cumulative

program assessment requirements will be presented. Students will explore education and

music education from the founding of common schools in the nineteenth century to current

pedagogical theories of 21st century. Teaching and learning with a focus on constructing

diverse perspectives on and approaches to examining educational issues will be explored.

NOTE: Course descriptions are short, concise summaries that typically do not exceed 75 words. DO: Address the

content of the course and write descriptions using active verbs (e.g., explore, learn, develop, etc.). DO NOT: Repeat

the title of the course, layout the syllabus, use pronouns such as “we” and “you,” or rely on specialized jargon, vague

phrases, or clichés.

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites (add lines as needed)

Prefix & No. Course Title Pre-Req/Co-Req?


AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

Page 2 of 3

Registration Restrictions


Section 2. Review of Course

2.1. Was the course first offered as an experimental course (place an “X” in the appropriate


☐ Yes (if yes, provide the course information below) ☒ No

2.2. Will this be a unique or common course (place an “X” in the appropriate box)? If the request is for a unique course, verify that you have reviewed the common course catalog

via Colleague and the system Course Inventory Report to determine if a comparable common

course already exists. List the two closest course matches in the common course catalog and

provide a brief narrative explaining why the proposed course differs from those listed. If a

search of the common course catalog determines an existing common course exists, complete

the Authority to Offer an Existing Course Form.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

EDFN 102 Introduction to Education 3

Provide explanation of differences between proposed course and existing system catalog courses


This course is specially focused on Music Education.

☐ Common Course Indicate universities that are proposing this common course:


Section 3. Other Course Information

3.1. Are there instructional staffing impacts?

☐ No. Replacement of

(course prefix, course number, name of course, credits)

*Attach course deletion form

Effective date of deletion: Click here to enter a date.

☒ No. Schedule Management, explain below: Course rotation

☐ Yes. Specify below:

☒ Unique Course

AAC Form 1.5 – New Course Request (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

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3.2. Existing program(s) in which course will be offered: BME Plans I, II, III

3.3. Proposed instructional method by university: Lecture

3.4. Proposed delivery method by university: Face to Face/ on campus

3.5. Term change will be effective: Fall 2019

3.6. Can students repeat the course for additional credit?

☐ Yes, total credit limit: ☒ No

3.7. Will grade for this course be limited to S/U (pass/fail)?

☐ Yes ☒ No

3.8. Will section enrollment be capped?

☒ Yes, max per section: 20 ☐ No

3.9. Will this course equate (i.e., be considered the same course for degree completion) with

any other unique or common courses in the common course system database in Colleague

and the Course Inventory Report?

☐ Yes ☒ No

If yes, indicate the course(s) to which the course will equate (add lines as needed):

Prefix & No. Course Title

3.10. Is this prefix approved for your university?

☒ Yes ☐ No

If no, provide a brief justification below:

Section 4. Department and Course Codes (Completed by University Academic


4.1. University Department Code: NMUTH

4.2. Proposed CIP Code: 131312

Is this a new CIP code for the university? ☐ Yes ☒ No

AAC Form 1.2 – Authority to Offer an Existing Course (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

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Authority to Offer an Existing Course

NSU History & Social Sciences – College of Arts & Sciences

Institution Division/Department


Institutional Approval Signature Date

1. Is this a request to offer an existing common course or an existing unique course (approval

will change course status from unique to common)?

Common Course ☒

Unique Course ☐

2. Provide the complete description as it appears in the system database including pre-

requisites and co-requisites.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

CJUS 502 Social Deviance 3

Course Description

This course examines the nature of negatively evaluated behaviors and the process by

which customs, rules and normative structure of society are constructed.

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites (add lines as needed, make sure to copy boxes in Pre-req

and Co-req cells)

Prefix & No. Course Title Pre-req


Choose an

item. Choose

an item.

3. Universities currently offering this course (place an “X” in the appropriate boxes):


4. Does Offering the Course Create FTE Implications? No

If no, Replacement of (deletion form attached)

(prefix, number, name of course, credits)

Effective Date of Deletion: Click here to enter a date.

AAC Form 1.2 – Authority to Offer an Existing Course (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

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5. Does Offering the Course Create Schedule Management Implications? No

Explain: Course rotation

6. Existing program(s) in which course will be offered: Criminal Justice, Sociology,

Counselor Education

7. CIP Code for the course: 45.1101

8. Proposed instructional method by this university: Lecture

9. Proposed delivery method by this university: Face-to-face

10. University Dept. Code: NPSOC

11. Authority to offer effective beginning in what term? Summer 2019

12. Section Restriction: None

AAC Form 1.2 – Authority to Offer an Existing Course (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

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Authority to Offer an Existing Course

NSU History & Social Sciences – College of Arts & Sciences

Institution Division/Department


Institutional Approval Signature Date

1. Is this a request to offer an existing common course or an existing unique course (approval

will change course status from unique to common)?

Common Course ☐

Unique Course ☒

2. Provide the complete description as it appears in the system database including pre-

requisites and co-requisites.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

CJUS 556 Community Corrections 3

Course Description

An examination of the history of adult and juvenile treatment and punishment. Emphasis is

upon contemporary community based treatment as well as traditional prison-based

incarceration. The process of sentencing, particularly the role of the pre-sentence

investigation (PSI) is covered. Special attention is devoted to internship and career

possibilities in the corrections arena.

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites (add lines as needed, make sure to copy boxes in Pre-req

and Co-req cells)

Prefix & No. Course Title Pre-req


Choose an

item. Choose

an item.

3. Universities currently offering this course (place an “X” in the appropriate boxes):


4. Does Offering the Course Create FTE Implications? No

AAC Form 1.2 – Authority to Offer an Existing Course (Last Revised 10/2018 – Clerical )

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If no, Replacement of (deletion form attached)

(prefix, number, name of course, credits)

Effective Date of Deletion: Click here to enter a date.

5. Does Offering the Course Create Schedule Management Implications? No

Explain: Course rotation

6. Existing program(s) in which course will be offered: Criminal Justice; Counseling;


7. CIP Code for the course: 430102 (CJUS) / 450401 (SOC)

8. Proposed instructional method by this university: Lecture

9. Proposed delivery method by this university: Face-to-face

10. University Dept. Code: NPSOC

11. Authority to offer effective beginning in what term? Summer 2019

12. Section Restriction: None

Curriculum Forms, Authority to Offer an Existing Course (last revised 08/2016)

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Authority to Offer an Existing Course

NSU College of Arts and Sciences / Department of Science and


Institution Division/Department


Institutional Approval Signature Date

1. Is this a request to offer an existing common course or an existing unique course (approval

will change course status from unique to common)?

Common Course ☒

Unique Course ☐

2. Provide the complete description as it appears in the system database including pre-

requisites and co-requisites.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

MATH 216 Discrete Structures 3

Course Description

Elementary logic, sets, relations and functions, recursion, mathematical induction, an

introduction to graph theory, combinatorics and algebraic structures.

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites (add lines as needed, make sure to copy boxes in Pre-req

and Co-req cells)

Prefix & No. Course Title Pre-req


MATH 102 College Algebra Yes

3. Universities currently offering this course (place an “X” in the appropriate boxes):


From: Van Peursem, Dan [] Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 3:53 PM To: Kiesow, Alyssa Cc: Lien, Joelle L; Hagen, Joshua S; Hackemer, Kurt; Card, Michael; Freeburg, Beth M

Curriculum Forms, Authority to Offer an Existing Course (last revised 08/2016)

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Subject: RE: Math 216

I am fine with Northern offering Math 216. Thanks. Dan From: Kiesow, Alyssa <> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 2:48 PM To: Van Peursem, Dan <> Cc: Lien, Joelle L <>; Hagen, Joshua S <>; Hackemer, Kurt <>; Card, Michael <>; Freeburg, Beth M <> Subject: Math 216 Hi Dr. Van Peursem, To introduce myself, I am the Chair of the Science and Math Department at Northern State University. Our department would like to offer Math 216 Discrete Structures starting Fall 2019, as part of an effort to create specific course work tailored to job market needs in Math and Math Education. We have several junior faculty in the department that recognize the need to create programs to allow for career readiness. We are submitting an authority to offer form to begin offering this course next fall. We noticed your institution currently offers this course, and are interested in your supportive feedback with our endeavors. If you would like additional details regarding the course, please let me know. I appreciate your time, and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Alyssa Kiesow

4. Does Offering the Course Create FTE Implications? No

If no, Schedule Management (deletion form attached)

(prefix, number, name of course, credits)

Effective Date of


5. Does Offering the Course Create Schedule Management Implications? No

Explain: Course rotation

6. Existing program(s) in which course will be offered:

Math Major, Math Education Major,

Math Minor

7. CIP Code for the course: 27.0101

8. Proposed instructional method by this university: Lecture

9. Proposed delivery method by this university: Face to Face

10. University Dept. Code: NMATH

11. Authority to offer effective beginning in what term? Fall 2019

12. Section Restriction: Maximum Occupancy = 24

Curriculum Forms, Authority to Offer an Existing Course (last revised 08/2016)

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Authority to Offer an Existing Course

NSU College of Arts and Sciences / Department of Science and


Institution Division/Department


Institutional Approval Signature Date

1. Is this a request to offer an existing common course or an existing unique course (approval

will change course status from unique to common)?

Common Course ☒

Unique Course ☐

2. Provide the complete description as it appears in the system database including pre-

requisites and co-requisites.

Prefix & No. Course Title Credits

MATH 281 Introduction to Statistics 3

Course Description

A study of descriptive statistics including graphs, measures of central tendency and

variability and an introduction to probability theory, sampling and techniques of statistical

inference with an emphasis on statistical applications.

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites (add lines as needed, make sure to copy boxes in Pre-req

and Co-req cells)

Prefix & No. Course Title* Pre-req


MATH 102 College Algebra Yes

MATH 104 Finite Mathematics Yes

MATH 115 Pre-Calculus Yes

MATH 120 Trigonometry Yes

MATH 121 Survey of Calculus Yes

MATH 123 Calculus 1 Yes

*Note: One of the following will serve as the pre-requisite.

Curriculum Forms, Authority to Offer an Existing Course (last revised 08/2016)

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3. Universities currently offering this course (place an “X” in the appropriate boxes):


Avery, Rich Sent:Thursday, February 14, 2019 1:33 PM

To: Trentham, Stacy M; Siewert, Daluss; Kowalski, R. T.

Cc: Kiesow, Alyssa; Palmer, Jeff

DSU has no objections to NSU offering Math 281. Rich >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Richard I. Avery, Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics Dakota State University

Kowalski, R. T. [] Sent:Thursday, February 14, 2019 9:44 AM

To: Trentham, Stacy M; Siewert, Daluss; Avery, Rich

Cc: Kiesow, Alyssa

Stacy, SD Mines is okay with this. (In fact, we haven’t taught 281 in ages!) --Travis Travis Kowalski Interim Head of the Department of Mathematics South Dakota School of Mines and Technology 605-394-6146

Siewert, Daluss [] Sent:Thursday, February 14, 2019 9:42 AM

To: Trentham, Stacy M; Avery, Rich; Kowalski, R. T.

Cc: Kiesow, Alyssa

BHSU does not have a problem with NSU offering MATH 281. Daluss J. Siewert, Ph.D. Chair, School of Mathema_cs & Social Sciences Professor of Mathema_cs Black Hills State University 1200 University Street, Unit 9003 Spearfish, SD 57799-9003 Phone: 605-642-6209

From: Trentham, Stacy M <> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 7:19 PM To: Siewert, Daluss <>; Avery, Rich <>; Kowalski, R. T. <> Cc: Kiesow, Alyssa <> Subject: [EXT] Math 281 Hello Daluss, Rich, and Travis, Starting in AY 2019-2020, our department would like to offer Math 281 which is currently taught at BHSU, DSU, and SDSMT. This is part of an effort to create specific course work tailored to job market needs in Math and Math Education. We have several faculty in the department that recognize the need to create programs to allow for career readiness. We will be submitting an authority to offer form to begin offering this course next academic year. If you have supportive feedback, please let me know. Thank you and have a wonderful evening! Stacy Stacy Trentham, PhD

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Northern State University MJ 216

Curriculum Forms, Authority to Offer an Existing Course (last revised 08/2016)

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4. Does Offering the Course Create FTE Implications? No

If no, Schedule Management (deletion form attached)

(prefix, number, name of course, credits)

Effective Date of


5. Does Offering the Course Create Schedule Management Implications? No

Explain: Course rotation

6. Existing program(s) in which course will be offered:

Math Major, Math Education Major,

Math Minor

7. CIP Code for the course: 27.0501

8. Proposed instructional method by this university: Lecture

9. Proposed delivery method by this university: Face to Face

10. University Dept. Code: NMATH

11. Authority to offer effective beginning in what term? Fall 2019

12. Section Restriction: Maximum Occupancy = 24
