Institution Building and Quality Education:  Master ProgrammeDevelopment for ...



Institution Building and Quality Education:  Master ProgrammeDevelopment for  School Leaders. Professor Gyöngyvér Hervainé Szabó PhD dr. habil. Head of Department of Applied Social Studies Vice-Rector for Development and Quality Management. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Institution building and quality education

Institution Building and Quality Education: 

Master ProgrammeDevelopment for School Leaders

Professor Gyöngyvér Hervainé Szabó PhD dr. habil.Head of Department of Applied Social Studies

Vice-Rector for Development and Quality Management

Common value development through education by service science

Institution building and quality education

StudentsSocial resources: statusFamily relationshipEducational relationshipsGroupes reltionship by programmesRelationship with professional institutions,

Allocation and

authority ability

Students needs

Allocation and

authority ability

TeachersSocial resources: social networks, professional, economic status, level of education and professionalism, professional relationships, Family resources

Cultural resources: basic knowledge, learning abilities, thinking, Prospects for future, peer models, personal life history, family expectations, spatial resources for learning

Cultural resources: specialised knowledge, didactic ability and culture, library, departmental culture, physical resources for teaching

Students operational resources

Teachers operational resources

Goals, Life rolesLife projects, Life narrratives Physical resources:

emotional intelligence, voice, energie, emotions, communication ability

Physical resources: senso motoric abilities, emotions, energies, communication abilities.

Results of education

KJU education service coproduction model : value and quality

Institution building and quality education

Main question: How we can develop schools into high performance organisations , comparable to excellent business organisations?

KJUAS pedagogical model: profession centric teacher educationThe concept of MA teacher in quality development, or MA teacher in institution development had a more complex task. The core concept of the programme have to be around teacher as professional personality for school development. 

Institution building and quality education

29th October 2012. Aarau

Dublin descriptors vocabulary

The word ‘professional’ is used in the descriptors in its broadest sense, relating to those attributes relevant to undertaking work or a vocation and that involves the application of some aspects of advanced learning.

The word ‘competence’ is used in the descriptors in its broadest sense, allowing for gradation of abilities or skills. It is not used in the narrower sense identified solely on the basis of a ‘yes/no’ assessment.

The word ‘research’ is used to cover a wide variety of activities, with the context often related to a field of study; the term is used here to represent a careful study or investigation based on a systematic understanding and critical awareness of knowledge. The word is used in an inclusive way to accommodate the range of activities that support original and innovative work in the whole range of academic, professional and technological fields, including the humanities, and traditional, performing, and other creative arts. It is not used in any limited or restricted sense, or relating solely to a traditional 'scientific method'.

Institution building and quality education

Comparing competencies and capabilities

Institution building and quality education

Theme Competencies Capabilities ( abilities, competencies and knowledge)

Disciplines Work sociologyManagement

Economics, social justice and quality theories

Focused Autonomy for doing job Personal development through different development cycles, work sycles, freedom for decisions, capability for participation

Context NarrowGoals and tasks are focused for one organisation, where the individual is employed

Large, embedded into context by timely and spatially organised personal and professional life of individual

Definition Individual abilities for using possibilities and resources to gain goals developed by organisations and leaders

Capability factors: freedoms for individual decisions, personal performance, capability for realisation goals for pupils, capability for relaxed, open and emotionally right oppinion giving

Main challenges in programme development1. We had an official competency description system – it is similar to ISO quality

system management course, and EFQM self-evaluation programme. The model was a mix of ISO 9001 and EFQM model, and elements of so called Comenius 2000 model, a TQM based model for schools – like a postgraduate programme, practice oriented

2. European Qualifications Framework for Life Long learning, and Dublin descriptors:highly specialised knowledge, some of which is at the forefront of knowledgein a field of work or study, as the basis for original thinkingand/or research, critical awareness of knowledge issues in a field and at the interface between different fields, specialised problem-solving skillsrequired in research and/or innovation in order to develop new knowledge and procedures and to integrate knowledge from different fieldsmanage and transform work or study contexts that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches take responsibility for contributingto professional knowledge and practice and/or for reviewing the strategic performance of teams

Institution building and quality education

Competencies in Ma in quality development teachers- specialised leadersip capabilities

Understanding Quality matters in EU; quality philosophies, quality management systems, models (TQM, minőségfilozófiák, minőségirányítási rendszerek, modellek (ISO, TQM, EFQM, ), special educational system models developed in Hungary and other countries

Institutional evaluation, self evaluations in European countries and Hungary

Human factors in case of quality development capabilities: role of changes in human life and life of organisations Quality development tools and techniques, data collecting and analysing, development measurement tools, databases…

Quality development as part of strategic development: institutional quality programmes, development programmes, edcational programmes projects in educational organisations. Partnership analyses, needs and satisfaction analyses, using theirs results in quality development, organisational processes.

Special features of quality management in different type of elementary, grammar and vocational institutions, institutions for special purposes.

Special competencies concerning practices : cooperation, team work, goal setting, planning, program and project management.

Quality education didactic in schools: understanding international trends in educational quality management, challanges in case of public education.

Institution building and quality education

Dublin Descriptors for Master Level – a more capabilty oriented approach

Knowledge and understanding: a systematic understanding of their field of study concerning leadership and quality management and mastery of the methods of research* associated with quality.

Applying knowledge and understanding: problem solving abilities [applied] in schools or other education service environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) social and local contexts ..

Making judgements: capable of critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas concerning school development

Communication: master level in case of school leadership to specialist and non-specialist audiences, teachers, students, parents.

Learning skills : study in a new manner that largely self-directed and autonomous..

Institution building and quality education

Structure MA Programme Teacher in Quality Development

Institution building and quality education

Ist modul: Knowledge Society and Strategy

1. Basic Contact 5Strategic planning and leadership in 21st centuryQuality strategy


exam 5Strategic planning project seminar


Strategic Planning in school seminar


Institution building and quality education

2nd modul: Approaches to Quality2. Subject Quality development Contact 5Introduction to theory of Social Quality

24Exam 5

Quality development:excellence models


3. Subject Bábosik 5Comparative approaches to educational quality


exam 5

Project seminarQuality models in European Public Policy and Public administration


Quality systems for public education, vocational education and adult education in Europe


Quality in higher education 5

Urban and rural inequalities and quality education


Institution building and quality education

3rd modul: Quality literacy ,knowledge, expert learning, innovation and analyse4. Subject Contacts Practice 5

Quality methods, tecniques, models 24

practice 5Using quality techniques in education 6Quantitative and qualitative methods 5Action research in education 6

5. Subject 5

Quality education didactics: social life competencies and quality



Professional quality development teacher


Motivation and learning: classroom management a quality approach


Helping student learning 56. Subject Szabó Péter 5Organisational culture and Innovation 20

Practice 5Quality development and supervision 10

7. Subject Hercz Mária 5Performance management in Schools 24

Practice 5Schools and competitiveness 6Higher education competitiveness 6

Institution building and quality education

4th modul: participative processes of quality development: internship modul

9. Subject Contacts 5

Self-evaluation : applying for quality awards


5Quality results evaluations: evaluation of institutional quality culture


Group practice 60

Gyakorlati jegy 5Prepearing for group practice 10

Individual Practice: student portfolioThesises

Response to didactic principles – development of cognitive resources for students

1. Introductory courseAppreciative inquiry

2. Master in teacher for quality developmentPersonal Balanced Score Card

3. For teachers of Applied Studies DepartmentPersonal Balanced Score Card

5. Department Management PhilosophyBusiness Score Card and service science approach

Institution building and quality education

Using Appreciative Inquiry in MA teacher in Quality Management

Principle 1. The words can develop worlds – self- fullfilement strategiesStratégy 1.Opening positive roots from student personality, strengths

individually, groups, for developmentPrinciple 2. Positive self image can develop positive activity, moving to

positive strengths, empowerment of studentsStratégy 2. 1. We have to think the future of students, what He or She

wants to gain individually or in groupsPrinciple 3. Quality of relationships is key to success, effective teamwork,

real and open communication creativity and innovation, leadership tasks for students

Stratégy 3. Sharing experiences, stories for developing quality based relationships, empathy, mutuality, honour, originality and secure athmosphere

Principle 4. Opening deep and closed possibilities in persons, new perspectives and alternatives for them

Stratégy 4. Deepening relationship among actors of education: understanding theirs perspectives on the basis of diversity and common goals

Institution building and quality education

Appreciative Inquiry as a coaching technique in forming students learning

Institution building and quality education

5 D model using appreciative inquiry

Institution building and quality education

Financial Perspective

Organisational financesCash flow managementFinancial perspectivesof stakeholdersProgramme and cashflow finances

Customer Perspective

Clients need analysesQuality of interactionsand interventionsQuality of interventionsSatisfaction withservices

Learning & GrowthPerspective


Business ProcessPerspective

Front stage processesBack stage processesSocial work specialservices for differentclients


Adapted from the Balanced Scorecard by Robert S. Kaplan and Dave P. Norton. Harvard Business School Press. 1996.

Business Score Card

Institution building and quality education

Using Personal Business Core Card for development capability of students for leadership roles

Institution building and quality education

Personal BSC Organisational BSC

Personal Mission, Organisational Mission

Personal Vision Organisational Vision

Personal Roles Organisational Values

Personal Critical Success Factors Organisational Critical Success Factors

Personal Goals and Tasks Organisational Goals and Tasks

Personal Performance Measurements and Indicators

Organisational performance Measures and Indicators

Personal Development Actions Organisational Developments Actions

PBSC for capability of students for leadership roles

Institution building and quality education

Motivation, selfmanagement, pleasure, added value, win-win position, inner engagement, ethical behavior, less stress and work out sindrome

Coproduction value development : Personal Business Score Card for teachers

Institution building and quality education

Summary: development competency and capabilities of students and university teachers using business and quality methods

1. Student in MA education: Appreciative inquiry2. Understanding school development: Balance

Score Card 3. Ma in quality development teacher: Personal Balanced Score Card 4. Training for teachers: AI as training for coaching

Personal Balanced Score Card for teachers, to fulfill roles

5. Department management:BSC and Service Science approach in co-production of values in education

Institution building and quality education

Main expectations from the programmesStudents: mostly 35 – 57 years olds people

motivation personal aims: to get or fulfill leadeship roles, new leaders, to influence others without formal powerpersonal carrier aims: to get a new degree, to get a new salarypersonal development aims: new capabilities, new communication style, business style document developmentpersonal development aims.: new research capability developmentCollective aims: how to help theirs school from closing, or get for it new role

University teachers: to rise knowledge level in quality literacyhelp to understand expectation of founders, local authorities, quest for qualitydrive to develop teachers capabilities as „social engineers” for a better society and better school, to understand a new role of teachers in society

Institution building and quality education

Problems and conflicts in approaches

Students: were waiting education for practice knowledgeTeachers: were waiting people with good communication capabilities

First shocks: public school teachers were weak in academic writings, one third of them was very weak in computer literacy

Methods: sound coaching in academic writing – an essay was given back 3-4 times to rewrite

Teachers were very creative in using school document, it was difficult to make a decision whose job the document was

Teachers were good in team tasks, and this helped them to fulfill students role in situation

Institution building and quality education

Results: close to 100 students were awarded with diploma MA teacher in Quality Development in 5 year

Students:20 % of students was declaring high satisfaction with programme75 % of students was very satisfied5 % of students was mostly satisfied.Former students became regularly attenders at quality conferencesWe could develop experts and regular conference speakersThey became active persons in education policy formation

Teachers:The programme made university teachers very enthusiasticIt was a new model for renewing hgigher education didacticsThey could get a national fame together with other 2 programmesIt was influenced for other departments culture, too.

Institution building and quality education

Thank You for Your attention!

Institution building and quality education
