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Tibor Menyhart has been a Chairman of the Antimonopoly Office of the

Slovak Republic since November 2011. Prior to joining the Office, he worked

for the company Transpetrol, a. s. as a Director of Legal Department and

Control, later also as a Director for Transit and Commerce. At the same time

he was a member of the Supervisory Board at Transpetrol. He graduated

from the Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava (2000, Master's

degree, 2002, JUDr.). His professional experience includes working as an

attorney at the Central Securities Depository of the Slovak Republic (2002 –

2003) and at the Agency for Support of Regional Development by the

Ministry of Construction and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic

(2000 – 2002).


Tibor Menyhart, Chairman of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic

Mária Kolíková has been a State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice of the

Slovak Republic since March 2016. She held this position also between the

years 2010 and 2012. She worked as a lawyer, an external adviser to the

Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic in the field of reform in the judiciary

and as a lecturer at the Department of Constitutional law at the Law Faculty

of Trnava University, where she founded a school subject the Legal Clinic for

the community. Abroad she attended several internships and seminars on

legal issues.


Mária Kolíková, State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic

Margrethe Vestager, age 48, is EU Commissioner for Competition.

She previously served as Minister for Economic Affairs and the Interior

(2011-14) and Minister for Education (1998-2001) of Denmark, and as

President of the ECOFIN Council (2012). She was Political leader of

the Danish Social Liberal Party (2007-14), and has worked for the

Danish Ministry of Finance (1993-95). Ms. Vestager holds an MSc in

Economics (University of Copenhagen).


Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition

Antonio Capobianco is a Senior Competition Expert with the OECD Competition Division. In this position he is

responsible for the proceedings of the OECD Competition Committee. At the Competition Division, Mr

Capobianco has coordinated a series of OECD projects and work streams, including the development of the

2009 Guidelines for Fighting Bid Rigging in Public Procurement and the related OECD Council

Recommendation of 2012, the work on transparency and procedural fairness, on SOEs and competitive

neutrality, and most recently he has been leading the work on international enforcement co-operation. He has

authored numerous Background Notes of the Secretariat on a variety of competition law enforcement and

policy topics.

Prior to joining the OECD in 2007, Mr Capobianco was a Counsel in the Competition Department of

WilmerHale LLP, based in Brussels. He also spent three years with the Italian Competition Authority. Mr

Capobianco authored several articles on antitrust issues published on major international law journals

specialized in competition law and he co-authored textbooks on Italian and European competition law and

economics. He regularly speaks at international conferences on antitrust and regulation issues. Mr.

Capobianco graduated in law at the L.U.I.S.S. - Guido Carli in Rome and holds LL.M. degrees from the Law

School of the New York University and from the Institute of European Studies of the Université Libre de


Antonio Capobianco, Senior Competition Expert, Competition Division, OECD


Andreas Mundt has been President of the Bundeskartellamt since 2009. He joined

the German competition authority in 2000 and held the positions of the Head of Unit

International Competition Matter and Director of the General Policy Division.

Andreas Mundt is also active in international organizations, he is a member of the

Bureau of the OECD Competition Committee and acts as Steering Group Chair of

the International Competition Network (ICN). Andreas Mundt studied law at

universities in Bonn (Germany) and in Lausanne (Switzerland).

Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt, Germany


Guillaume Loriot, Director, Directorate C – Information, Communication and Media, European Commission

Guillaume Loriot was appointed as Director responsible for Directorate C - Information,

Communication and Media – at the Directorate General for Competition of the European

Commission on 1st November 2014.

Prior to that Guillaume Loriot was the Deputy Head of Cabinet of Vice President Joaquin Almunia,

EU Commissioner for Competition Policy, between 2010 and 2014, and was specifically

responsible for Antitrust and Merger control, as well as for EU Legislation on Antitrust Damages

Actions. He was previously Head of Unit 02 - Antitrust and Merger Coordination – at DG


Before joining the European Commission in 2002, Guillaume Loriot qualified as an advocat (Paris

Bar) and worked with a Brussels' Law firm specialized in EC competition law until 1997. He then

completed five years of service as a referendaire with the EU General Court.

Guillaume Loriot obtained his law degree at the University of Paris II (1990). He is also a

graduate of University College London (LLM, 1991) and of the College of Europe (Bruges, 1992).


Julia Holtz is Director, Competition at Google, based in London. She leads a team of lawyers in

London and Brussels who counsel on all competition law aspects of Google’s activities in EMEA.

Major projects involved the acquisition of DoubleClick, Google’s involvement in the European

Commission’ browser case against Microsoft, the merger approval of Motorola, and Google’s

antitrust cases before the European Commission.

Before joining Google, Julia practiced competition law in Brussels at Clifford Chance,

predominantly merger control and abuse of dominance cases.

She is a non-governmental advisor to the ICN for the United Kingdom, and holds classes at the

College of Europe in Bruges. She is a member of the steering committee of the European Forum

on Competition Litigation. Global Competition Review named her corporate counsel of the year


Julia holds a law degree from Passau University, Germany, and a degree in law and cultural

studies from the University of Aix-Marseile, France.

Julia Holtz, Director of Competition, Google


Michaela Nosa graduated from the Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava where she

specialized on the issue of the protection of competition.

She has worked for the Slovak Competition Authority since the year 2004. Currently she holds a position of

a director of the Legal, Legislative and International Relations Division within which she is mainly in charge

of representing the Authority in the court proceedings and related legal matters. She also represents the

Authority at the meetings of the European Competition Network (ECN) and other international events. In

the area of European legislation she represented Authority at the meetings of the WP of the Council of the

EU on the European Commission´s draft of the Directive on certain rules governing actions for damages

under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the

European Union (2014/104/EU of 26 November 2014). In the area of national legislation she was a head of

the team responsible for the drafting of the last and so far the most extensive amendment to the Slovak Act

on Protection of Competition.

She is an author of several professional articles on competition law and she regularly contributes within

international seminars and conferences.

Michaela Nosa, Head of the Legislative, Legal and International Relations Division, Antimonopoly Office of the SR


Sir Peter Roth is a judge of the Chancery Division of the High Court of England and

Wales, and since November 2013 the President of the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal.

He was called to the Bar in 1977 and became a QC in 1997. He was appointed a High

Court Judge in 2009. Sir Peter was for many years a leading practitioner in competition

law and, as a judge, has heard many competition cases brought in the High Court. From

2003 to 2009 he was Chairman of the Competition Law Association. He has held a

visiting professorship at King’s College, London, teaching competition law on the LLM

course, and was the general editor of the 5th and 6th editions of Bellamy & Child on

European Union Law of Competition. He is active in the Association of European

Competition Law Judges, of which he is currently the treasurer.

Sir Peter Roth, President, Competition Appeal Tribunal, United Kingdom


Filip Kubík, Policy Analyst - DG Competition, ECN and Private Enforcement Unit. Since 2008

involved in the European Commission's policy initiative on strengthening private enforcement

of EU antitrust rules, co-author of the Antitrust Damages Directive. Between 2005 and 2008,

he was a case handler in DG Competition's Antitrust Telecoms Unit. Prior to joining the

Commission, he was attorney in the Prague office of the Kocián Šolc Balaštík law firm,

focusing on competition law, litigation and arbitration. He studied law at the University of

Passau (Germany) and the Charles University of Prague (Czech Republic), graduating from

the latter in 1996. He obtained postgraduate degree in European law (LL.M.Eur. summa cum

laude) from the University of Hamburg (Germany) in 1999 and postgraduate degree in

international relations from the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) in 2000.

Filip Kubík, Policy analyst, ECN & Private Enforcement Unit, European Commission


Carsten Krüger is partner and head of litigation at CDC Consulting SCRL. In this role he provides advice and

support to the CDC Cartel Damage Claims group which is based in Brussels and active in the field of

economic assessment, case management and enforcement of claims for damages inflicted by cartels on

companies all over Europe. Carsten especially deals with questions regarding legal enforcement of these

claims in court, and supports the external lawyers consulted by CDC in this respect. He has worked on some

of the largest private damages actions for national and transnational infringements of competition law in

Europe, such as Hydrogen Peroxide, Cement, Sodium Chlorate and Paraffin Wax.

Carsten also speaks at numerous conferences and has published several articles on various questions and

general development of private enforcement of competition law. He completed studies in law and economics

at the universities of Bayreuth and Münster (Germany), obtained a LLM in International Competition Law and

Policy from the University of East Anglia in Norwich (UK), and published a doctoral thesis on contribution

among jointly and severally liable antitrust defendants. Carsten was admitted to the German Bar in 2003, and

worked as a competition lawyer before joining CDC.

Carsten Krüger, Head of litigation, Cartel damage Claims, Belgium


Benoît Durand is Partner at RBB Economics, which he joined in 2008. He has over 20 years of experience in

competition economics, particularly in applying quantitative techniques in the context of competition law

investigations. Prior to joining RBB, he was Director of Economic Analysis at the UK’s Competition

Commission, and a member of the Chief Economist Office at the Directorate General for Competition at the

European Commission. He was previously based in Washington DC, USA, where he worked in private

practice. Benoît received his Ph.D. in economics from Boston College, USA.

Benoît has worked on a vast range of competition cases, including numerous merger reviews, abuse of

dominant position, horizontal and vertical agreement investigations, market inquiries and state aid

investigations. While at RBB he has advised among others Nespresso, Google, Honeywell, British Airways,

Reckitt Benckiser, Orange, Zimmer, Halliburton, TeliaSonera, Univar etc.

Benoît has provided evidence before the European Commission, and national authorities, notably in France,

the UK, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Latvia, Albania and Singapore.

He speaks regularly at competition policy conferences and has published numerous articles on competition

economics issues. He teaches competition economics at the Brussels School of Competition and at the

Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, as well as a course on quantitative techniques.

Benoît Durand, Partner, RBB Economics, Belgium


Dr. Botta is Visiting Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in

Munich (Germany). Secondly, he is Lecturer at the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna

(Austria), where he previously worked as Assistant Professor during the past five years. In

addition, he is Research Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence (Italy) in

the contest of ENTraNCE programme, project focussed on research, training and policy debate

on competition law and economics. Finally, Dr. Botta regularly cooperates as external legal

consultant for the legal database Caselex as well as for Spark Legal Network.

In March 2010, Dr. Botta defended his doctoral thesis in the Law Department of the EUI, which

was later published as monograph by Kluwer Law International. In addition, Dr. Botta holds a

bachelor degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences from the University of Turin (Italy) and

LL.M. in European Business Law from the Law Faculty of Leiden University (the Netherlands).

Dr. Botta is author of several publications in peer-reviewed legal journals. His research focusses

on EU competition and State aid law.

Marco Botta, visiting researcher, Max Planck Institute for Competition and Innovation, Germany


Zuzana Šabová works for the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic as Director of

Second Instance Proceedings Division. The agenda of this department consists, in

particular, in organisation of appellate proceedings, drafting of second-instance decisions

and related work for the Council of the Antimonopoly Office. She is also involved in the

international relations agenda. She started to work for the Office as a lawyer in 2000 and

was appointed as Director of Division in 2003. Before she has worked also as Director of

Legal and International Relations Division.

She graduated from the Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava.

In the academic sphere, she is a PhD. student at Comenius University in Bratislava where

she also works as a lecturer of competition law. She regularly publishes articles on

competition law and policy and gives presentations at Slovak and international conferences.

Zuzana Šabová, Head of the Second Instance Proceedings Division, Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic


Gianluca Sepe joined the Italian Competition Authority in 1998, after completing his studies

in Rome, London and Florence. He currently holds a position as Head of Sector in the

Directorate for European and International Affairs, where he is responsible for EU law.

Gianluca Sepe has extensive international experience in the field of competition and

consumer policy, and represented the Italian Competition Authority in several international

fora, including the International Competition Network, the OECD and the ECA. He was also

seconded as a national expert to the European Commission’s Directorate General for

Consumer Protection for 18 months.

Gianluca Sepe has been directly involved in the implementation of numerous projects of

international co-operation and technical assistance between the Italian authority and

competition agencies of other jurisdictions (including Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech

Republic, Algeria, Malta and Albania). In particular, from July 2010 to March 2012 he served

as Resident Twinning Advisor at the Croatian Competition Agency (AZTN) in the context of

the EU Twinning project “Implementing Croatian competition and state aid policies”.

Gianluca Sepe, Head of Sector – EU legislation, Italian Competition Authority


Andrea Oršulová read law in Bratislava. From 1999 to 2003 she worked at the

Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic, also in the position of director of

division of second instance proceedings. From 2003 until 2006, Ms. Oršulová

worked for telecommunication companies as a legal specialist for competition

law and regulatory matters. She has been operating in private practice as

consultant and an attorney since the year 2006. She is specialized in

competition law, regulatory matters and public law.

Ms. Oršulová is author and co-author of a number of articles on competition law

and co-author of the publications Cartel Agreements (C.H. Beck, 2009),

Competition Law in the Slovak Republic (Kluwer Law International, 2011) and

Commentary on Act on the Protection of Economic Competition (Wolters Kluwer,


Andrea Oršulová, attorney at law, managing partner, Nedelka Kubáč advokáti, the SR



Boris Gregor has been a Deputy Chairman of the Antimonopoly Office of the

Slovak Republic since April 2016. Boris Gregor graduated from Faculty of

Business Management at University of Economics in Bratislava. He joins the

Office from the company Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a. s., where he

worked as Sales Director and he also held the position of Board Deputy

Chairman (2011 - 2015). His previous post was the company BELIMEX a. s.

(2000 - 2011), where he has been holding both the position of Board Chairman

and director of the company since 2008.

Boris Gregor, Vice-chairman of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic
