IOMIXMU - NYS Historic...


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TOday, Deombex 11.1942 OATfwnrJ. Mommas nam Pagft Fhre

Dies After Fall on Gun WhOe Hunting

Mrs. Martin G. Cantwell and Mrs. Howard Lawrence attended the fim«Td Saturday of their brother-in-law, Robert .W. X>al^, at Syracuse. Mr. Daley, who was only 44. met a tragic death Wednesday evening when he acci-dentally fell on his gun while hunting. He was found about six o'clock that evening after lying for some time in the snow and was weak from loss of blood. He was removed to a hosiatal in Syracuse where he lived for two ^urs, being amsdous until ^ death and able to tell how, ^ accident occurred. He, was Aot in the abdomen and it was less to save him. '

Bdr. Daley niarried Mary E. Bellows of Roxbury Dec. 24, 1922. His wife and daughter, Betty, 15,

survive, have the sympathy of all ^ o know them in their tragic loss. He had been in the real estate business in Syracuse tdr more than twenty years. He was a man of fine character who had many friends.

He is also survived by two brothers. Dr. Louis Daley of New Britain, Conn., and Dr. Mark I ^ e y of Y(»)kers, and four sis-ters, one who is superintendent of the Buffalo hospital, and the others who reside in YMikers, New York and WashingtCKi, D. C. Mrs. Daley, ^ o has been a teadier in Syracuse for more than 20 years, was ill with a severe cold at the time of his death.—^Roxbury Cor.

] i With the Churches

Sacred Heart CSuovli and IOMIXMU Sunday. Dec. 13, Mass at Ark-

ville, 9; Fleisdunanns, 10:30.

Pine Hill PresbyteiiaD tSmrch Sunday, Dec. 13: 2:30 p. m.,

worship service. Sermon topic, "The Ix>nging for a Good King."

Marble-Aldrich Miss Ella Marguerite Aldrich,

daughter of Mrs. Augusta Aldrich of Grand Goi^e, became the bride of Staff Sgt. Gordon H. Maihle, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Marble of Sdienevus at the home oi the bride in Grand Gorge the after-nocm of Dec. 3. Rev. Charles P. Harder of the Greenville Metho-dist ^urch, former Grand Gorge pastor, perfonned. the ceremony before the immediate family and a few friend.

The bride wore a light blue .satin dress with a corsage (rf pink carnations and work pink and white sweetpeas in her hair. She wore the gold bracelet set whidi her .great-aunt, Ella Scudder MontgOTnery, of Roidjurx, wore at her wedding 67 years ago..

Present at the ceremony be-sides the two families were Mr. and Mrs. Burton Jordan of Rox-bury, Grover duiss of Middle-bury and John Mawn of Boston. The date was also the 30th wed-ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Chriss, though Mrs. Chriss was unable to he present because of illness. ^

•nie ceremony was f oUo i^ by a buffet luncheon at the home. "Hie tables were decorated with duyswthemuhis and flags, and a patriotic red, white and blue color sdieme was used. After the lundieon the coiqde left on a short honeymoon trip. Hie bride was lovely in a blade traveling suit.

Mr. Marble will return to Camp Stuttgart, Azk. A graduate at S^enevus high sdiool and Albany business coU^, he was formerly «tq)k>yed as a boc^eeper at the Hariey stores in Ckand Gorge. The bride graduated in 1938 from G^nnd Gorge hig^ sdiool, attended Hartwidc college and later grad-uated from Albany business col-lege. She is now employed in the Co^rativ^ Insurance com-pany in Green^e, and plans to continue her work. She is a mem-bM* Delaware Valley grange in Roxbury. The young couple have many friends who widi than mudi hi ipiness.—Roodmiy Oor.

Give Dessert-Bridge Mrs. Perry L. White and Miss

Kay Shajdor gave a dessert bridge at Mr. White's home Saturday afternoon. Ten taWes were played. Score prizes were ^MI by Mrs. A. E. Jcmes, Mrs. A. K. Endeiiin and Mrs. Lavonne Shay-lor. and travding prizes by Mrs. Arthur LeFebvre and Mrs. Dana J. liacafee.—Roxbury Cor.

First Presbyterijui Churdi Shavertown

PasttMr: Alexander A. Balden Sunday school: 1 p. m./ Worship service, 2 p. m.

StoTO School 'Chapel Dunraven

Sunday, Dec. 13: There will be Sunday sdhool at 2 and church service at 2:30. CoiQe amd bring your families.

<^nited Presbyterian Church New Kingston

Pastor: Alexander A. Balden Bible sdiool, 10:30 a. m. M o m ^ worship, 11:30. Sub-

ject: "The Badcgroxmd of the Bible." Scripture: Psalto 119:9-24.

Pioneers: Tuesday and Thurs-day at 7:45 p. m.

First Presbyterian Church Margaretville

Rev. Charles'Theal, Minister Satiu^ay, 2 p. m., bake and gift

sale at the lobby of the theatre by the Junior Aid sodety.

Sunday, Dec. 13: 10, church sdiool. 11, worship service with a sermon on "The Longing for a Good King."

Andes Methodist Church William Fox, Pastor

Morning worshit), 10:45. Church school, 11:45 a. m. Youth Fellowship, 7 p. HL Evening worship, 8. Mid-week meditaticm, Thursday,

7:30 p. m. Choir rehearsal, 8:30.

Halcott Center Metiiodist Church Donald H. Finley, Minister

Sunday, Dec. 13 Evening worship at 8. Theme

of the pastor's sermon: "God's Faith in Man." Spedal music. Informal hynm-sing preceding the worship service. Changes have been recently made to hei^ten the worshipful atmosphere of our sanctuary. An increased fellow-ship can far surpass' these im-provements. Everyone Welcome.

Margaretville Methodi»t Church Sunday, Dec. 13: 10, d?urch

sdiool; Mrs. Haggerty, superin-tendent Classes for all. 11, morning worsliip; sermcm, "Daiic Paths." 7:30, evening service; an informal worship service with familiar hymns, q>edal music and a short sermon by the pastor.

Tuesday, Dec. 15: 7:30, Junior dioir rdiearsal at the

Wednesday, Dec. 16: 2, ary group mee t^ with Mrs. Swart. 7:30, midweek service. 8:15, choir rehearsaL

Fletoehmanns Melliodist Church Donald H. Finley, Minister

Sunday, Dec. 13 Sunday school, 10 a jn. Classes

for all ages. Mrs. Flora Barber, superintendent. Please keep in mmd the date of our annual Christhias service — Wednesday evening ,Dec. 23.

Morning wor^p, 11. Theme of the pastor's sermon: "God's Faith in Man."

Youth Fellowship, 6:45 p. m. Theme for our discussion: "Christ-mas Can Be Beautiful." / . •

Prayer meeting Thursday eve-ning, 8 o'dodk.

Choir rdiearsal Thursday eve-nil^, 8:45.

Proinoted to Swgeant Th€i graduation and inromotion

to sergeant oi Murray Sdirier, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sdirier of this village, has been anqounced at AAF Flexible Gun-nery Sdiool, F t Myers, Fla., by Col. Delmar T. Spivey, command-ing officer. ^

S ^ Sdirier has just aanpleted an intensive five-week ccnirse of instructicn in the oi)eration of the large guns that arm American planes against enemy attack.

In Memory oi Mother Just a year ago you left us. But ph. how kmg it seems. V In loving memt^ of our Mother, But you are always in our dreams.

Corpi Willtam Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Roiand Middaugh Ifn. 6. S. Palmer • dllp

LIEtTT. FRANK LOOWIN enlist-ed in September, 1938, went to office!^' training school for three months last summer, is now al lieutenant stationed at Ft. Custer, Mich.

Fleischmanns Men Join, Up ' Mrs. Edna Newcomb spent a few days the past week with her son, George, at Middlebury college, Middlebury, Vt. George has re-cently enlisted in U. S. naval avia-tion.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Joyce visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Joyce, last week. Mr. Joyce h£is enlisted in the Signal corps and left for Fort Monmouth, N. J., Sunday. — Fleischmanijs Cor..

GalS-CurciTheatre MABOABETVIIXE, N. T.

Z Shovta DaUy, 7-9; Mat. Sat, 2:80

nnmtday « December 10 /T M-C-M'S ^ BIG




Friday-Sat Dec. 11-12


StOL-MML-Tnee. Dec. lS-14-15

Deeembw 16




JUNIOR DANCE! Margaretville Central Sdiool Gym

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 After Fleischmanns Game Tin One o'ClpcJc


ADMISSION 40e Inclndtaig Tax

DANCING Halcott Center Grange Hall

FRIDAY, DECEASSER 18 Benefit of BOY SCOUT I^IOOP 79 Melody Boys Orchestra

Last Dance of the Season! Refreshments

§ n t i « m i i i m i i i i i i n * < < n » i • • • I f f • • • i i i n t i


Charles $tudio Opp. Stamford Bank STAMFORD i:

Phone 2151 for Appointment ;;

AUCTION! D.& N.Right of Way and Buildings

Saturday, Dec. 19 The Delaware & Northern Railway Co. will

offer for sale at public auction at the Margaretville, N. Y., station at 10 o'clock A. M. on Saturday, December 19,1942, all the right of way it owns, to wit: Right of way parcels from the north abutment of the bridge at East Branch, N. Y., to the north end of the Warren farm at Downsville, N. Y., and right of way parcek from the Fairbaim farm below Mar-garetville, N. Y., to the north abutment of the rail-road bridge at Arkville, N. Y.

The property is comprised of the foUowii^ parcels: Parcel No. 1, No. 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, ^ 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 97, 98, 108. More definite information may be secured r^arding these parcels by reference to a map in the office of the Delaware Si Northern Rail-way Co. at Marg^etville, N. Y. Prospective pur-chasers are incited to consult said map.

All buildings will be sold, including stations at Harvard, Downsville, Pepacttm, Shavertown, Union Grove, Arena, Dunraven, MargaretviDe, also die shop at Margaretville. The above property wiD be sold eidier in parcels (ht as a unit, at the option ^ the owner. The parcels mentipoed wiD be scM with the buildings therecm.

The sdler reserves the r%ht to remove and dis-mantle all rails, bridges, ties, etc., cm dK property and the usual right to reject any or all l^s.

Terms of sale are cash.

Dela^vare & Northern Railway Co. MaigaretviDe, N. Y..

tskimLfxUi^^s, "«ii ifcii'-i riffiiih'iri'air'ii'fji mm
