Ip Project 1


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Nagindas Khandwala College of Commerce, Arts, &

Management Studies

Management in Films

Name: Aarti Chauhan

Course: T.Y.B.A

Professor in charge: Vinay Prabhu

Date of submission: 14-1-2012


Theme Page No













Job stress is very common and has become a lifestyle. Job stress arises when there is a discrepancy between the job demands and the skills, knowledge, resources, needs of the worker. Job stress not only affect physical health but psychological wellbeing, to an extent that workers consider quitting their jobs. Job stress also affects the performance of workers and as a whole the productivity of the organization goes down.

In this clip, the stock market crashes due to which the owner of Keller Zabel Investments has to sell his company to the federal reserve bank of NEW YORK or 15000 people will lose their jobs. He was so distraught with the stress of selling his company that he ended his life.

Film:WALL STREET (Money Never Sleeps)



Sexual harassment is teasing, bullying, and coercion of a sexual nature; however it can also include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. Both victim and the

harassed can be a woman or a man and the victim and the harasser can be of the same sex. The harasser can be

the victim’s client or customer.

In this movie Meredith Johnson (Demi Moore) is the boss of Tan Sanders (Micheal Douglas) who is the production head. The both of them go a long way back. Marideth set

up a meeting with Tom to talk business but eventually forced herself on him. In this case it was the man who was

sexually assaulted. Sexual harassment takes place quite often and victims can sue the company for not paying

heed to their complaints.


Theme: Sexual Harassment


Cross culture communication is also called as intercultural communication. It describes how people from different cultural background communicate in similar and different ways and how they endeavor to

communicate across cultures.

In this movie an American based company outsources to India one of their representatives was sent to India to

impart voice and accent training. The trainer had to get more acquainted with our Indian culture and people and

vice versa, the Indians had to learn more about the American culture and lifestyle to enable this cross skilling

to be effective.


Theme: Cultural Issues


Team building is the ability to identify and motivate individuals to form a team that stays together, works

together and achieves together. In any size organization, high performing teamsis especially critical. People learn

how to work together and get the job done effectively and also maintains a spirit of healthy competition within the


In this movie the role of the coach of the Indian women’s hockey team was played by (SRK). In this clip, we can

clearly see how SRK has taken members from different states of our country and made a team. He instilled

discipline in them, taught the team to trust each other not only on field but also off field.


Theme: Team Building


A leader is a person who influences a group of people to a specific result. Leadership can be defined as one’s ability to get the others to willingly follow. There are different

styles of leadership, democratic, autocratic, etc.

Leadership is very important in work environment, may it be an organization, institution, etc. Leadership can either

bring about success or failure. In this clip we see how Leadership takes a front stand, the leader is a coach of a

football team, being a self-aware man, he eradicates colour bar and leads his team of players to victory.


Theme: Leadership


Role conflict is when there is difference between the jobs demands and employee’s values and expectations.

Role conflict can be influenced by various factors, moral codes, finance, and difference in opinion.

In this movie the person who played the insider was working in a senior capacity in a tobacco company. After he got laid off, the company revoked all his benefits and

threatened him and his family if he broke their confidentiality contract. This put him in a state of conflict

as to part with the company secret or not. In this way many employees in a number of organizations do face

such situation wherein they have to make the right decision.


Theme: Role Conflict


An abusive boss is the one who ridicules or berates their subordinates in front of their co-workers or blames them for something they did not do. They also threaten to fine them, if

their work is not completed on schedule.

Dissatisfaction of abused workers reflects in low production levels.

In this clip we see how the boss degrades his assistant, verbally abuses him in front of all his colleagues. The boss even goes to

the extent of physically abusing his assistant when his assistant confronts him and says that he doesn’t like to be shouted at.


Theme: Abusive Boss


Workplace politics also known as office politics arises when employees tend to misuse their power to gain undue attention and popularity. The aim of the office politics can be for selfish

gain or for the benefit of the company.

Politics reduces the productivity and eventually the organization is at a loss. Office politics increases conflicts and tension at the work place. Employees do not enjoy their work and take it as a

burden in the same way due to politics interaction, team work, or is avoided.

This scene highlights how this hardworking employee who wants to make it big, at first is happy with her new boss and job as told

by her boss goes to her if she has any fresh ideas. Little did she know that her boss would steal her ideas for credit and money.


Theme: Work Politics


Training merely means an organized activity that aims to give information or instructions to improve performance

or to help him/her to detain the required level of knowledge or skill.

Training whether given on the actual job or before one can start working is essential. Training before actually

doing the work is more practical than on the job training because it helps the trainees get a heads up of what skill

and knowledge is needed for the jobs.

In this clip we see that a group of people are being trained to be excellent flight attendants. They have to go through rigorous training to be the best. Training is very



Theme: Training


Theme: Motivation


Motivation is a process used to encourage and inspire workers to perform their jobs thoroughly and well. The purpose of motivation is to boost employee’s morale by

influencing them in a positive way.

In the movie Nayak, Anil Kapoor was the CM for a day. Even though it was not his actual job he performed his

duties well and gained the public’s support. The present CM (Om Puri) was taken aback by the support Anil received in 1 day and tried to teach him a lesson by

taking away his home, job.etc. At that time elections were going to take place and Anil did not want to stand for the post of CM after losing everything but he was motivated

by the secretary that the people needed him and that they are all here to support you.


This project has given me a better vision and understanding of

Industrial Psychology.

I have learnt that training should be an integral part of the learning

process. Training should include emphasis on team bonding,

leadership qualities and motivating employees to set goals that are

achievable pitch new ideas and use their resources to perform


As there are two sides to a coin, it is the same for a job. Some jobs may

not be as flowery as they seem, one may get stuck with a boss who is a

pessimist or become a victim of sexual harassment. Employees must

learn to tackle job stress and work politics.

Most of all I have learnt that if the job demands are unethical one

must not fall prey to the wrong decision.

From this project I have learnt that movies are not only entertaining

but also give out meaningful lessons which we can implement in our

everyday lives.

This method of viewing clips that highlight topics relevant to Industrial Psychology is eye catching, innovative and a fun learning

process. Companies should use this method in their training program to help employees in different ways.
