IT export promotion strategy



Presentation held by Mr. Predrag Radojcic as a part of the ICT - the enabler for business development in the region Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010

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  • 1. Export Promotion Strategy for the Macedonian Software and IT Services Industry - the role of MASIT in itsimplementationPredrag RadojiiMASIT, SW&IT Services Committee Chairman8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010,

2. Brief description of history of the project (1/2) -Started second half 2008 as idea from MASIT and supported byGTZ -Successfully lobbying to government/educational institution to takepart in working group: Ministry od Economy Ministry of Information sociaty Ministry of transport and telecomunication Ministry of education and science Agency for Promotion of Entrepreneurship of Macedonia Agency for Foreign Investments of Macedonia Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, University "St. Ciryl and Methodius" Skopje Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, University "St. Cyril and Methodius" - Skopje Institute of Economy, University "St. Ciryl and Methodius" Skopje8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 3. Brief description of history of the project (2/2)-Other stakeholder which take part in working group: Member of MASIT USAID SIPPO MBPR (Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion)Starting /launching project in march 2009 with first workshop -Held five more workshops till end of the year when first draft of theStrategy was presented in front of the working group -Finalizing strategy in January 2010 (with operational plan) -Starting to promote the strategy in front of all stakeholders 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 4. Curent situation Strategy was distributed and presented to all major stakeholders fromgovernment bodies: Ministry od Economy Cabinet of Vice Priminister for economic issues Ministry of Information sociaty Ministry of transport and telecomunication Ministry of education and science Ministry of foreign affairs Ministry of finance . WAITING FOR ADOPTION AS GOVERNMENT STRATEGY 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 5. MEANWHILE, .WHAT WE DONE Strategy was adopted by MASITManagement board Proceed successfully cooperation withGTZ now in implementation of the strategyitself (budget is allocated) GTZ organize workshop presenting thenext steps and dedication of implementingpart of the operational plan for 2010 - 2012 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 6. Project Management & OrganizationSuccess factors for implementing a collaborative strategy:Close coordination Regular communication Exchange of information Clearly defined responsibilities Clearly defined processes Accurate reporting and documentation Learning consistently Cross-functional teams8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 6 7. Key Instrument for Strategy Implementation:Operational PlanMeasureActivity Task 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 7 8. Key Instrument for Strategy Implementation:Operational Plan Operational Plan: Task Description Task Expected results Result indicators Timing Responsibilities Budget Activities Deliverables Timetable (Gantt chart) Milestones Timeline: 3 years8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 8 9. Organizational StructureAssembly Advisory Board BoardofDirectorsTasks SteeringCommittee- implementation Managing Office - coordination Export Promotion Strategy- monitoring & evaluation Committee for Software&IT domestic ITServices ICT Expertsbusiness Committee Council Task Force:Task Force:Task Force: Task Force:Task Force:Task Force: Branding &Cluster &Investment Export Policy Export Capabilities Excallence & Quality Positioning CollaborationPromotion 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohridwww.seeita.org9 10. 10 Organizational StructureNo. Unit StaffingTasks1 Board of Directors MASIT representatives Approval of the organizational structure2 Steering Selected members of the Coordination Committee Export working group Approval of tasksPromotion Board members of Reporting & comunication Strategy MASIT Control Monitoring & evaluation 3Task Forces Task force manager (SC) Implementation of (1-6) Members of the working measures andgroupcorresponding tasks Stakeholder reps. Reporting to Steering MASIT member Committee (SC)companies Consultants (GTZ)8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 11. Implementation Process Proposed Process:1. Formation of Steering Committee 2. Steering Committee establishes Task Forces (1-6) and appoints Task Force Managers 3. Steering Committee approves tasks and corresponding budgets (based on Operational Plan) 4. Task Forces start implementation of tasks according to prioritization (1-3) and timetable 5. Task forces conduct internal team-meetings on a monthly basis (self-managing teams) 6. Steering Committee conducts coordination meeting with task force managers every two months (reporting & task implementation review based on deliverables and indicators) 7. Steering Committee and Task Forces review and update OP (every 6 months) 8. Steering Committee defines completion of measures and activities based on deliverables and indicators 9. Completion of implementation 10. Monitoring & evaluation 11. Restart strategy development cycle8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohridwww.seeita.org11 12. Information & Knowledge Management Goals of our Export Knowledge Management System(SharePoint) Providing companies and stakeholders with export-relevantinformation (market surveys, training materials, business leads, etc.) Creating a collaborative learning system (organizational learning) Organizational knowledge: transfer of individual stakeholdersknowledge to collective knowledge Supporting communication, information and cooperation among thesteering committee, members of the task forces and companies Adaptation and continuous improvement of the export strategy Creating a basis for new, innovative strategic measures 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 12 13. MEANWHILE, .WHAT WE DONE 2 SW&IT Servicies committee apointedresponsible person from the members foreach Task force (for each strategicmeasures) work on refining activity plan in line withinterest of members 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 14. Task forces strategic measures 1. Export promotion policy Predrag Radojii SIMT2. Int. Branding&Positioning Vladimir Matevski-SEAVUS3. Claster collaboration Nadezda Dimitrovska and Toni Petreski INET4. Export capability&knowladge Slavo Bujarovski SIGMA SB and Behar Hadzihamza - EUDSOFT5. Quality&company excelence Jasmina Trajkovski expert council6. Export oriented investment Petar Indovski - GORD8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 15. WHAT WAS DONE BY GTZ MASIT Training Academy start working first trainingwas performed for Performance and HR Management Preparation of questionary for Industry barometar are infinal phase Colaboration platform was promoted and traning for theexecutive office was held Preparing two additional training are in finall phase PMP training Training for European tenders 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 16. IMPELEMENTATION CRITICAL FACTORS Critical factor for to succesfully implementation of the strategy are: - Serious involment of government bodies with concrete budget for part of the activity plan - serius involment of all other donor comunity again with dedicated budget for activity which is in line with SW /export strategy acivity plan, - serious involvement of financial institution , banks, venture capital, supporting financially export activity of ours company8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, 17. Thank you for your attentionContact information: Predrag Radojii E-mail:, Executive Office Tel. + 389 2 32 38 601 E-mail: 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010,
